THE EVEXINf! HEKAT.n. KLAMATH FALLS. OIJEOON I-Vldiiv. Amrust 12, H27. f444tM4-4 ttt I THESE PICTURES tELL STORY OF CASE THAT HAS STIRRED NATIONS L-ll-J A VA A VA A AXA A A AST ttt4-t4-4-4-t4-4-4t4 ! win ... J. . I ' UCT.'x-. JtVIV -r. ri ISM I '-'' - UnvfllU Pnpe Ten 1 . V ti;--r' TVS VANZET'TJ flew ' t April 15, 1920 -Bandiis murder paymaster s-ixl guard Bfrl ( X, T ; ..APiii 9 192? Judge 'Jr UfTV ) L 1111'" sen-knees PJ4'?T i P f9 tll.xiwnio death. waKV . ni Lift. n Gov.lullcp relives clemency SACCO BOMB WRECK i Sacco Continues Long Fast; j B. Vnnzetti Decides to Eati N VICTORY Move Actuated as Protest Against Execution of Two Radicals SOFIA, nulcaria. Aur. 12. i,V . A bomb vas exploded laie laxt night In Ibo sarden of iho Ampr- lean consulate here. No one tu ( Injured and there was little dam-. ana. The autliorities. after a hasty Investigation, expressed the belief that the bomb was thrown as a protest in the Saeco-Vanieltl case but without the intention oft causing material daniaKe. Stren-J uouii efforts to capture the bomb throwers are being made by the , police. The American local ion and consulate are under heavy guard, both uniform police and secret agents being on duty. NOTHING TO t'KNSOIt. ATLANTIC CITY. X. J., Aug." 12. (AP) Disregarding publicity axioms, boardwaik censors have ' reported to the mayor that their jobs are! sinecures and should be ' abolished. There's nothing to censor, said one, however, "when folks all are happy and cun-j tented." ... i Fort Worth Record-Telegram: Blessed is the boob. What a lot he has ahead of him before he becomes sopblbticaled. Too Late to Classify j SPCDS 114 acre 4n spuds has 4-room liouse. city water and ' lights, large chicken house, ga- ' rage, telephone in house. Price $24UU. with 5')'J down, balance easy, or will trade for . acreage around Med ford. i BOSTOX. Aug. 12. (API Warden William Hendry of the state prison took occasion today to' eay emphatically that Nicola Sacco, who started the 27lh day of bis hunger strike by refusing his breakfast, was not in a state of collapse. It was explained at the prison that so long as Sacco was able to walk the prison Ir. Josi-ph McLaugh lin, would not consider attempt ing forcible ending. Bartolomeo Vamettl, who with Sacco is awaiting the outcome of the last legal moves by their counsel to prevent their execu tion, now set for the early morn ing of August 23. broke his in termittent fast after he received word of his latent respite. Under the physician's advice he Is grad ually working back toward a normal diet and this morning be had some beef tea and bread with his coffee. Srtrro tot Near C'ollanM. "Sueco is not In a state of collapse." said Warden Hendry. "He did not collapse yesterday at auy time. He walked alone from the death house to the prison-proper and up the stairs to the second tier of cells In the Cherry Hill section. When he arrived he sat down on his cot. "Later he walked from the cell to the barber shop where he had a conference with one of his counsel. He walked back to the cell unassisted by any officii! and he did not collapse after wards." Dr. McLaughlin on his morn ing visit found Vamettl asleep and Sacco writing. Sacco rose and came to the door of the cell where he remained in conversa tion with the physician for five minutes. He paid Strco stood without apparent effort. To Hear .trzuuirnts. The full bench of the supreme I court, or as much of It as avail able, has been summoned to meet next Tuesday morning to hear arguments by defense coun sel on the last two lines of legal recourse left open to them In the slate courts. The way to both of these was pived yesterday when Judge Webster Thayer, superior court Judge who presided at the orig inal trial, and Justice George A. Sanderson of the supreme court, consented to allow uppeiils from previous adverse rulings. I PI Sacco, V a n z e 1 1 i Score Again in Court of Judge Sanderson HOSTON. Aug. 12. (API Judge Sanderson of the Alussa cbusetts supreme court today an nounced that ho would allow ex ception to go before the full bench on his deulul of a writ of error In the case of Satco and Vnnsettl. The announcement came after a conference of more than two hours lu chambers with Arthur I). Hill, defense counsel, and At torney lluucral Arthur K. Head ing. A bill of exceptions was flually a IiOfrnl Notices NOIII K TO TttllH. Notice Is hereby given that aled bids will be received by it.,..I uuon and after this ("", I'll l"ark Itourd up to l:;i( has been formally worked up , and approved. Judge Sanderson indicated that he would allow It. It was tuJd that the four Jus tires of too tupreuia court who will bear the exceptions were all within 24 hours Journey of the courthouse and had already bceu notified to hold themselves In readiness for Hie session which will bo probably on Tuesday morning. Portsmouth Star: The crop forecast Is excellent. apple Muyt' thu doctors hnd better put their vacations until winter. I. ni. on liioduy. the 2ilrd day of August. Is?;, for the Crudmg. draining and con struction of one double ten nis court on the Park site betweeu Stnkel and Martin Streets und Home Avenue. Plans and speelflcHtlniii. pro posal tonus, ami Instructions to bidders may he had at the office of the City Kngineer. The City Park Hoard reserves the rlulit lo reject anv or all bids. WILL W. UALfWIS. Secretary. City Park Hoard. 12- M4-rr44-t444-44 rH4rHHfrrrtfH4 WHITE PELICAN CLUB Carnival Dance AT KENO SATURbAY NIGHT BALLOONS HATS SERPENTINE t 4-H-t'44-4-4"r--4-H-4-t4-tt4- t-l 144 r4 M I -H-l M 1 1 .- .a, Ai,.iiL,ltii JnraV- 1 til- lut--t- sVJJ TTTTTtTT TTTTTTTTT fTTT I I I I 1 I I TT1 ' T Savannah Morning News: The golf championship has been Bob bed again. It's the style. Wall Street Journal: Only thing a woman will not shorten Is her conversation. Honest Meats at Honest Prices "We Know How" Phone 154 New City Laundry E. J. KOLB, Maltmter - Wall Street Journal: At (ieu eva they at least understand that they misunderstand each other. ,,,,,, .ml , WK HANDLE EXCHANGES ! Trade what yon have for what you want. List your property for exchange with us. I Full Line of DRESSES None over 2.98 Picnic Hams, lb 22c Whole or Half Hams, lb...v 2$c Light Hens, lb 28c Light Springers lb 28c Shoulder of Lamb, lb 25c Veal Shoulder Roast, lb 20c Shoulder Beef Roast, lb 15c Lard, lb 15c We Deliver PR0NAC0 MALT (100 Per Cent Pure Malt Sugar) Our customer say:: "Pronaro Mall Is Hie very best Malt have ver used." We urn exclusive aiiciit lu Klutuath County. A (rial will coufUc nuloJy. Pelican City Bakery & Grocery Delicious Bakery Products AmtTK'iin and Italian Imported Spt'cinltlos ...... PHONIC 551-W ATTENTION TO FARM Bt'Y EHS We have several good farms nnd stock ranches, well improved and unimproved small . acreages at tall prices. Small down payments and easy terms on balance. Call Any Time Ta.ui. lo 7 p. ni. TKI-STATES KKALTY CO. Realtors Phone 1050 Office 1134 Main 11-13 A.Y.D. (At Your Door) Industrial Supplies. PHONE 871 NORTHERN FUR SHOP 810 MAIN t t PHONE 374-J ! 2 HWHtW Miller's Market 818 Main Phone 750 mi Falls Grocery and Bakery Phone 83 6TH & MAIN Tomatoes, box $1.15 Peaches, box $1.20 Grapes, 2 lbs. for 25c; basket 60c Stfingbeans, 4 lbs. for 25c All bunch Vegetables, each 05c V i Canteloupes, Melons, Green Apples, Nectarines. Chess Cups Variety of Cookies Dark Cakes White Cakes "Health Bread" 'M"M I U-l'4-M-t "jor goodness sake eat better bread" We have a variety of cakes, cook ies, breads, etc, to satisfy the appe tite for warm weather Sixth Street 0 Pay Day Specials Look Over These Bargains Make Your Money Do Double Duty. ONE-THIRD OFF ON EVERY SUIT IN HOUSE 45.00 Suits now 30.00 40.00 Suits now 26.65 35.00 Suits now 23.35 30.00 Suits now 20.00 25.00 Suits now 16.65 Boys' Suits, now is the time to prepare for school. ONE-HALF PRICE ONE DOLLAR OFF ON EVElfr PAIR SHOES Buy your clothing, shoes and furnishings at the biggest t little clothing store in the state, you will save money. 0 517 Main 517 Main SAFEGUARD YOUR EYESIGHT Do Not Let Fear interfere With Good VUion DR. H. W. BARR Kye Sight Specialist GUSDUNN JKWKI.KIt AXI OPTICIAN Bakery KLAMATH FALLS-WOODBURN,ORK, 126 So. 6th Phone 621-W SI ' 003 Mulu aim l z-..,. --y.