Thurwliiy, Aturimt 11, 1!27. THE F.VENIN'fl I1ERA1 P. KLAMATH FALLS. OREflON rnpfl Flv ALLEGED FI FIENQCAUBHT Believe Man Responsible for Forest Blaze Caught HOHKIll'Hfl. Ore AttS II. (P) A carefully plnnnr.l an-l w.ll fwlltl iuiiM ayatrm mull'd yMtnnlay In Ilia rrnt of I). I.. NVIcl.inlii.lwr, lilMiclula mill orV r. on rhiirgA (if aettliiK fumil fire. N'ultlimli.ilaiir I aci-ud of turtlii( a airing: of furi-it 'Ann on Hloul ciwk lt Huiuliy. Arrnnllns' lo II. Q. Ilrown. mi rrlln vanlnn of thn iKiunla fir imlrol, Ilia man lia hi-vn i,lwii'd of (! Ins flivi fur .rnl yoara, but II baa Iwnii iui p.lbli In nlilaln vvliloniK inlnitl III m. Ilo had avriirfd ft ri.ntrm't In buy Mo of land ni'ar I'vrdun on Hlmin riri'K i.d lli afflrvr IixIIkvo iha'. ho (tralrvd In burn off llm aurrjntid lr( stn'n and (nvrrnninnt li-nd Mi that tin rUulflrallon loulil rbanaoil from llmlxr to nnr. cultural, IhniwInK II otx-n to , lii.muiliiad entry. Jli hnldt a unia briili'' (".mill and It' a brail nreparliiR to ralao dur commnrrlally. MEBIl HOTEL' . roilTLANI), 0r., Aui 11. (A. P.) A ift It Ion kkln tor lb rmnuvul of l.loyd Hmlih r rtlv.r for til Noribwanifrn Truat company w filed In rlrrult rnurt today by Hawlxll, WltlilnK Ion and rouipanr. Thn romiiany la cradlior of ilia truat ronvnn llon coiirnrnlna- a rharai. Unit Kmllh aouxlit lo bava Ilia iwli of lb rontKrn t'onllnund In r ri'lvi'rxlilp In nrdrr that ha and Ihoaa awim latvd will) III in "wight rontlnua to taka fx anil for nn Mlmr purnoan," wua Inrludi'd lo llm rmnpliilnt. ..... ......... 0H.n4 today. proroaoma yw.oroay oy mu , nr- j ,,., noma iikui ami i-uwit cumitmuy OPHED TODAY $400,000 Project Com pleted; Financed By Subscription Al.AMKDA, Calif., An. II. UP, A a atrlkln: fiiimpln of what may be artoinplli.h.rt by rlvlr ro o.ratlon, the now Hoo.oug llu I tad Alameda, a toinmuiilly projui l i apunanrod by the Alami-dii (.'bam I l r of CimiinTi, waa formully Flvrtriciiv Aid ' f'dlKorHrrd" by r.lorla Hwanaon. Keen Interval l bln ahownjwho have been before your no-; jll 1.. . '" hm h"r leading man nmoni theae dancera and from all lice, ai to whom la the Charles- ! in r.himnractnr i. ",, " ...... .i ... ... k. ........... ... . ........ r,u.. ! ( Adaplid from Edf!nlon' K(U)a m, anapy C barlnumlna. ' n'rht and the andlence, by tbelr M)H ANdEl'KB, Au. 11. (I'Pl'alory, the plrture deala w:tb a Theae danr.ra bae been rhoaen applauae. will decide the laaoe. l'ae of electricity In treating modern aorlety matron who la frun, the thine prevloua ronteata Tholr phofoirupha and a aynopala lllnena haa been Improred a areat the victim of the wt'ith of an kri( tra d,e choice ateppera of of their rootrornray can be aeea deal lately, II. II. Jtueaa declared j Inaanely Jcal'ina buaband. Klam .ih Kalla. Their namee can In ' the window of the Ooldes at the annual convention of the Mlae Crlffliha work lo Ibla be avn In the Pine Trea adver-.Kul atore. It'a all oln to be I'rocreealve Chiropractic aaaocla-! picture la the area teat dramatic tM.m(.m. of tbla laaue, and no an Intereatlnj attraction, ao come Hon here. performance that aba ha eter doubt many are known to yon. ! early to Inaure youraelf baring a "Tonnlla can he removed. In- ylvi.n the acreen, calling Inr Jintally, the two young mm Kit aomnla etadi.ntnd and tlininir t iloa for portrayal of t no dlaeaaea alleviated by an elocirlc moot tenae typo of emotlonallam. ; " ray," bo doclarud, I In I he Charleatna ennteet tot morrow night, Krlday. Anguat 12, the chaioplona of Klunaiu Kail will be (boaen from the ten dam- era thul have competed tbua far. 1 ! At the Pine Tree i STOCK PRICES ARE SHOWING RECOVERY NEW VOI1K, Aug. II Ml rllork price matin flintier recov ery In today' innrkcl, with the The new three atory hotel la : modeled after Kpanlah archller tu re. It baa IS apartment and ' 40 tranalent room wlib a cofre .hop, ballroom and apucloua company In aev. n m.inih of hi ' rerelvorHhlp. Trans-Atlantic i. Tulle taking a ninro prnmlneiil part In the advance. Iluylng of ' the Induatrlal embraced a wide Hat, but the motor, mercantile, public utility, ateel and farm Im plement alure i.avo the beat e h I til t Ion of group atrength. Ilethlehi'in ateel croaaed 2 to the hlgheat prlco In four yeara. General railway eland ran up over t poltita. and Oil elevator Hi li early trading. Other la auoa lo climb Into new bigh ground were American Eprea. Caao threahlng. Canada Dry. Commonwealth power, American Hooch magneto, Amerlnn lin aed. White aewlng machine. n which It via charged that i Mmlth, alao receiver tor that firm, had "wrongfully and waaie- I' ......e ...en t . ; ,b,py 0 (Ue ,,)Wr ,, 000 of II7,U00 collected for lhe .... .,,.. ... ....... ed by public eubarrlptlon and the irop'rty J me If I being managed by a civic corporation, beaded by Cieorge II. Noble, city councilman. 1 Tl.,. Il.,..lfl,.. I.....I. . .... hmttm Hop Postponed '"l the new hoatelry and ( rl Koller. prominent hotel man, PAIII.1. Aug. 1 1 . C4 With I'"" "r1""' weather rundlilona ever the At-, Agrlrulturlat note: "It I euay lanllc allll uncenaln, It waa aald enough to grow a crop of wblak at I Hourgct field Ihla morning era. The, trouble aeema to bo thai there wna Utile chanm of, there la ao much competition any or the trnna-AHnnilr flight . that there I no market for them." coiitendxr hopping rf within Hi.. I 1 next 4 hour. ! Idy "Why aren't you a auc- I-eon lilvon took hla Illue lllrd p c af i(l bualnea man?" up for a trial flight and aald he. Tramp "Wull, yoa aee lady, I waa ao aallafled with It perform-, waatrd my time In echool Inatead mice that be would take off at the 'of aelllng nowipapera." i arllet poaalble momeiil wllhyit ' - the all night loaf pr .Houoly plan- pi V TfS! Corrlue flrlffllh al her bent, In n emotional dramatic rote of the type that haa made her fa moua, will be the ecreen feature at the I'lne Tree Tburaday and Krlrtiy. ' Hupportlng hnr In her newest picture, "Threo Hour," la a raat of prominent ecreert flayer. In cluding John Ili.wera, llobarl lloawortb. Ilowera, wbo play oppoalte the atar. waa recently oo aa m m i aaiaaaiiii iMiiaaMiiii iiaaaiaaaiiiat iiaMataaf Miiai laiiaiMi t TjptjMiriMi : i i He. ItMina IMS Klamath Fall, j Office I'boDfl I IK3 Melbaao HWg Step an Tink et Over V r.l.n aeifA nnW Vll I . ft ft O VI Hit (.Alii ready tu took pleasure trip. How about house erwurance Got enuff? How about Oatmobile ensurance full kovcrage? How about an accident policy tu help pay doctor and hospital bill? . An How about dat encrease yui vas gone tu make of Life Ensurance? Before yu stap on starter let us took kare of yur needs. tied. Another plane tried out' morning wa I'aul Tnraacon'a Tan-: go lllrd, which attained great peed during g abort flight, I A widow ordered a lombatonel for her lain buaband, and ro-1 queated that It bear tbe following! line: "ltol In Peace." Hhe ln-lm 4, Vonr IKiK-tor Will Conflnn Till I The fly' mouth and tongue are covered with fine hulra. Con- I aequently aume of thn filth In I which they mea cling to them. And the micro, ope dlarloee Iheee tiny drop of nnapeakahle unclennllnea alllve with bacter- SAFECUARD YOUR EYESIGHT 1 Do Not Let Fear Interfere I With Good VUion I DR. H. W. BARR Kye Right Keclallat GUS DUNN JinVKI.KIt AND OITICLIX 003 Main Street "We Know How" Phone 154 'New City Laundry E. I, KOLt), Mmaaxer aeann gorma. formed the monument-maker that he waa about lo go 13 her law yer to have her Inaurance ad Juntod. The next day ah re-vlKlted the monument man and told him that all of the Inaurance li ft by the lnaecla. Klv-Toi 1. h.rml.o. 1,. I lleynold tobacco H and Yellow j Inle dereaa.1 wa Invalid, and , human but aure death to file.' truck. requested him lo add the Jn-' moaqultoea tnd almllnr diaeaae A fly may anything It tnucbea. Milk, food, baby a eye, open wound, are (avorlta aour-l cca of Infection. . Hut with Kly-Tox a houae can be kept free of file and almllarl to The clnalng waa firm, llrook- sirlptlon: "Dnlll We Meet Again. "i tarrying Inaectn, lyn union gaa went up nearly 11 point, and Tlmken roller bearing, nrooklyn Kdlaon and , Canada dry glngeralea were quot .ed aeven pnlnla or an h'ghir. Home evidence of ronlltlng were present In tolled Hlntca atcl. Huthl.'hem, l!enerl Motor, Mark Iruck nd lluklwln. " Total' awlc , approximate.! 1,000.000 har. . Southern Oregon To be Benefited ! WASIIIN0TON. tl. C Aug. It j (VP) Knuth cenirnl Oregon will be given atrong nd effoctlvi 1 railroad aervlce and an outlet for Ita product to the north through ' the Orel Northern' plan to op eraln over other llnee or build a new linn from Hend 10 KUmnth I Fall, the llrent Northern rati- ! road company declared today, a i- , awerlng a questionnaire from the Interatate commerce commlaalnn regarding Ita propoaal. Standard Dyers and Cleaner ' Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 A. Y. D. (At Tonr Door) Sir M() 00 A - Surprise in Battery ; VALUE Now you can have a ' genuine WillarJ 13 t Plate Battery at a worthwhile saving. ' , x More miles of un interrupted battery service per dollar of ijost every time. ' FLOYD , HENRIOT i Batteiymcn BERRE S IRE: "RIPE Camping suggestions for berry patches: You can pick now at lake o' the Woods. TheTl be ripe at the big patch on Huckleberry Moutain between Aug. 15th and 20th. Make a memorandum of all necessary camp outfits. lal II JOHN HOUSTON J I j j ! 1 NEXf HALL HOTEL - i I pafrw-FW. liM i mm i Mnwiri numntifTr nnrm i r - .xaMtl I it -xK'd : v f ...J::r-l-:r;:-'--:' ! ' SiA.v f it 1 1 vAlSr . hi i 'rmw.A i,. II mm k my?. - 1 ii! Industrial Supplies Mosquito tents Gold Medal cots Cot comforters and quilts Hammocks Gas lanterns Folding chairs Mosquito head nets Kittle beds Miller Beds Sun beds Flashlights Aluminum Combination Cooking Sets Lunch pails Hiking shoes Army shoes . Trench shoes VACATION Whore you arc going isn't a bit more important than how you arc outfitted. ' GUN STORE (Barney Chambers) Wherever a Western highway roams you'll always find a Veedol dealer DRIVE where the open road beckons from Vancouver to Tia Juana you can always get Veedol. 6,000 Independent Veedol dealers are ready to refill your crankcase, or give your car Complete Veedol Lubrication while you wait. . . There's no need to gamble with inferior oils. ' Stop at any dealer's displaying the orange and black Veedol sign. Ask for Veedol by name. Then you'll get the oil made from the pick of the Eastern crudes, by a refiner with half a cen- , tury of experience. The oil that gives the famous "film of protection", which safeguards your motor from repairs. For, at the great Tide Water Refinery at Bayonne, N. J., every drop of Veedol is tested to withstand heat 100 degrees hotter than the hottest friction spot in your motor. Wherever you tour, look for the orange and black Veedol sign when you need oil. If you drive a Ford, use Veedol Forzol. Tide Water Oil Sales Corporation. San Fran cisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle. DEALERS: Bulk dilivrry ofVirJol products is now ttffilublt to oixr ijoo individual cities and towns on the Pacific Coast. Electric Motors are like livestock IITERAIXY ao! Cer-. ' tain feeds develop .. muscle. Change the proportions and bone is developed. Change . ' them again and build jt. It'a all a matter of decijing what you with to accompluh ' and then balancing ration to that end. . Building a motor is like feeding livestock " in that certain dec- : trical and mechanical . qualities must be bal- T, anced. You can vary the proportions any way you vih, and get a different result. But there's one right com bination for every job. - Finding; it is matter - of the skill, equip ment, resources, and experience of the mo- . tor manufacturer. Weadnchoue has U lhee especially expe rience. The life and aer vice which you get from' any motor depend oo the skill and undemanding with which theae thirteen qualities have been bal anced by the manufacturer? 2. Tqaj X ESclMkcr ' I, Power Factor (in aWraaKuaf. J. Speed Cforacter birics S LMiUiloa 7. CttmoiaMMtoa - (in JtrMfr cwrreni Mam) & A.r Gmp ! Shaft II. Siwl IX. Ajamhlr li. Riwaring r 35' i La quartJ hi Eastern Oils and Greases . ... ... .m . . , . tl mH !fM than I trnt a quart to ship Vtttlol Pacific 1 I CM. Wbt)H iuj Vttthi on fajftr tfalit, rifc ' Put one rtnpttnsibiliiy )nuk of the entire motor application hy wting ttre ittfKutue control appara tu$, as uv1 u Wrsting hH.te motor t. - WESTINCHOl'K ELECTRIC i VOI-Z- Porter HfulJina, IWtUnJ, lrTia Get Westingho'dse Motors they re balanced .it rt!r( (it id lift Vlt i ah :0I4 I 10 JV'I .'..'ii !0 . .'til. I 3C 1