1 t L I t ; -1 hi i: .13- ;5 i, r" iw : I i 'I I' i CLUE FOUND TD TAX DEMURRER BBI OUTRASE Philadelphia Detectives Working on "Red Hot" Tip Today ". PHILADELPHIA. Auk. .' fA. a i!"o which they sa'd may load In the solution of tl bombing nf the Fmanuct Presbyterian church lout Friday tolsht. They doellna to reveal Ihe nature of the duo hut Mid It was "red hot." Lieutenant Jacob Gomborrow, bond ot the detective "radical squad," expressed the belief that the thrcitenlng letter received by the Kev. J)r. F.dwards Bow man, pastor of Kmanuel church, wan the work of a religious fan atte and not of the bombers. Comborrow said he was confident that tho bomb had been hurled by- sympathisers of Sacco a&d Vanti'lli. Pol loo guard were still main t. lined today at public buildings, . homes ot officials, subway and trolley stations, banks and in dustrial and commercial estab lishments. An extra guard has been placed on the new Delaware river bridge between Philadelphia and Camden.- N. J. NEW YORK, Auf. 9. (JP ! Search for the perpetrators of the j bombings which wrecked two j subway stations In the Mcdisan Square disaster ' late Friday night, haa centered In Boston, it j was icarnru umj urn iwutu i headquarters announced that a j detective had left for Masaachn-', federation. ' setts to trail a man seen fleeing ! " i from the accne of one ot tho ex- ROME. Aug. . () Answer- j plosions. " ' Ing a plea from Michelo Saccn j It was said at police head-1 for his personal Intervention to quarters that the man was seen j prevent the execution ot Mich-1 driving away from ono ot the , ele's son. Nicola. In Masaarhu-' wrecked subways in a sedan bear- setts. Premier Mufolinl has tele-i Ing a Massachnsetts license, tho 1 graphed him: number of which la In posses-j "I desire to communicate to: slon of the police. ' yon that for a long time and The license number, the police i assiduously I have occupied my raid, was noted by pedestrians im- I self with the Sacco-Vaniettr- case, mediately after the explosions at j and I have done everything pos tbe 28th street ststlon of the I. i sible eompnlbte with internatlon R. T. subway. j al rules to ave them from execu- : tion." Wales Dedicates ! CRICAG0. Aog. 9 dy. ' fflCgata Bridge namlte bomb with an electrical i timing device set to canse an ex : plosion at 11 o'clock , tonight BCFFALO. N. T.. Aug. 9. (A. wai tonni today in a dilapidated P.) A span of stone and building adjoining tho sub-post across the Niagara river stood, offtce at 1;ol West Madion today ofticially dedicated to tho ,treet. The infernRi machine more than a century ot peaceful waa found by a hobo who beard , relnlion between the United I the clK.k ticking, he Informed States and Great RrUnin. ' I the police. ' Dedication ceremonies, attend-1 , , ed by the Prince of Wales, bia j BOSTON. Aug. 9. (JP) Thirty younger brother. Prince. George; picket with placards sympathetic Vice President Charles G. Dawes, j lo saceo and Vametti appeared the prime ministers of Great outside the atate house at 1 Britain. Canada and the province f o'clock this afternoon. of Ontario: Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg. Governor Al fred E. Smith and other officials, brought to a successful culmina tion 17 years of effort to have the Niagara crossed at Buffalo by a vehlculir bridge. v The common key note of the speeches at the exercises took the form of a mutual British and American pledge of friendship, despite the outward clash of in terests at tho recent Geneva mecllnc over tho cruiser prob lem. The official spokesmen the two governments. Premier Bald- win and Secretary Kellogg, touch- , ed very lightly on the Geneva ' failure, but Vice President Char- lea O. r.uwes, who today with j the guests of the dominion ot i Canada In Toronto, selied the opportunity to declare that the! instinct of self preservation .ho Pn.llah .neaklnr Deo- plo together in a bond that "will ; never break." Addressing himself directly to. MEDFORD. Ore.. Aug. 9. (A. the Geneva : failure. Dawes de- p.) The first carload of Rogue dared ll was "unthinkable" that Rfrer valley Bartlett pears for !it Britain and the United, thi season will be shipped from States solemnly pledged to the the orchard of H. Van Hoeven Iirinclpie or naval equality would . burg, at Gold 11:11 tonight. They enter on competitive building are consigned to New York and programs "because their experts are cltra fancy, ttmporarlly disagree.- j Portland Woman Called by Death i PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 9. Ut) .Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey Reming ton, 88. died hero yesterday at .the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Carver, .tr., after a short Illness reeulting from ceberal hemmorhacc. Mrs. Remington was the widow of the late Jos. Price IlemiiiKlon, dean of the Philadelphia College of Phar macy, scientist and author. She wits tho mother of Dr.- Wm. P. Remington, Kplscopat bishop of eastern Oregon. Mrs. Remlnton bad been a Portland resident for three years. The funeral services were set for this afternoon at the Carver resi dence. Bishop Remington offi cio i Inc. - MAMK OLD III. A II! NEW YORK. Aug. 9. (AP) The trend of the cotnln theatri cal scatioii may bo Indicated by announcement of Imminent pre mieres for tho following production-!: "What the doctor ordered," "Rabies A la carle," "Kurh Is lite," "Dautint -dollars," "lllood money." , , . ' -IS OVERRULED Sheriff Hurlburt May Col lect $675000, Judge Rulct PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 9. (A. P.) Demurrer to a suit brought by seven Portland national banks against T. M. Hurlburt, sheriff, to restrain him from collecting capital tax oif" tho banks' assets was overruled today In a derision landed down by Federal Judse Robert S. Reau. T!i case Involves the collec tion of approximately ISSJ.oOd in taxes. It was the contention ot the seven hanks th.it competing fin ancial houses were not compelled to pay the tax against the capital stock ' ot their concerns as was the rase with tho national banks. The suit was originally filed by all local members of tho na tional banking association. Gecrge Mowry. deputy district attorney for Multnomah county, ia handling the rase for Sheriff Hurlburt, and was allowed until the first week In September to file answer to the original suit, following overruling of the de murrer. Fight for Two Radicals is Losing (Continued From Pac One) ! behalf of Ihe millions ot men , and Women" affiliated with th. Almost simultaneously a wag on load of police oificera arriv ed and the squad took stations along the sidewalks. No effort was made to arrest the pickets' who kept moving in the vicinity, j 33 Chinese Killed j As Shelter Breaks LONDON. Aug. 9. (API-Thlr- i ty-lhree Chinese were kill-Mi and , ISO injured today In the collapse of an onen shelter 4 50 feet lone savs a Reuters dlsnateh from shanghai. Tho building bad a heavy tilted roof, but had no adequate foundation, The structure was actuated In the . Chinese city on the border 0f the French concession and vas oselj a a public market, , p- f r f D---.- ' "SC OT reOTS Will be Shipped REALTORS CONVENE IN NATIONAL MEET PORTLAND Ore., Aug. 9. (A. P.) Hundreds of realtors from California and from eastern states, enronte to Seattle for the i annual convention of the nation- al association of real estate boards, were guests of Portland ! today. Hundreds mora were due ; tomorrow. Automobile trips over the C'olumbU River highway. ; luncheons and a rose for every ! visitor were provided by the ; Portland realty board. Obituary KRISTIUAX TOBKRGfiKX. Friends are respectfully In jvlted to attend the funeral aerv : Icea for the late Krltbjan Toberg 1 sen to be held on Wednesday afternoon at five o'clock from the Earl Whitlouk Funeral Home, 1 D'.ne Avenue at tilxlh. with Rev. 0. W. Hoffman, pastor of the Lutheran church officiating, in terment will be made In ; Llnk ville cemetery. ; . No Rod America's SS.OUA.ooo pupils can . .'.. . . . . much. The new teacher 7s Mls.ll"" tattlcmen throughout Cornelia S. Adelr of Richmond, t the state. Va.. recemly elected president of the National Flucailonal associa-! Hon. he is lb? tint "classroom teacher" to win the honor. Kl.KillT TO START. PARIS. Aug. 9. (API Chnr- l A. Levlne and ,tlje .French ,lllcUllll AmlrnB owd ,,. aviator. Maurice Drouhln. 'today : mgsunder strict guard to pre s,gncd .'new contract. As, soon j xent Sacco-Va:ue,tl d.'monstra as Lctino deposits 300,000 franca !uons . v : the start of their Paris-to-Ncw ! Vrtl-W f 1 1 r. 1. , -..111 I . I " r. .. " ... . u uui nil Ibe weather conditions. He: "They nave excellent acoustics In this theatre. . She: "Yes. and they polite, too." OUR Our steaks are broiled ' over a Charcoal fire And We Don't Mean Maybe. The Hotel Willard Coffee Shop See WE FAILED To come to an satisfactory agreement with our land lord regarding proper terms for a new lease ' ' 1 ' so we are CLOSING OUT ' entire stock of shoes and furnishings Store Closed Wednesday and Thursday to remark prices and arrange stock. ,' . ,; ' Sale Opens Friday The Toggery CUR F.YFNINU III KAHV KLAMATH FALLS. onKCON ninrmnn .U.U.I UKtl - t - mi ii BE APPOINTED Seek to Prevent Conge-' tion of Livestock at Stockyard POKTUAXD. Ore.. Aug. D. t.P) i In an effort to device some llilail fr rolicf of eonKention of livestock t the ruion stockyard due to discontinuance on July , nient conference, will be held i.h t i.. i . he t by Win. Stewart of linker, prusl- 'dent I of the Orvon'ratil. .d - (horse breeders' association: It ' ! II. Klpp. manager of the market-1 . Im .l.n.rlmHl n 1 t ). .. k-k. ). . ' - . 1- in Mmmmt 11 j Araiir s,w.. retsry of the Northwest Adviiory Hoard of the American Hallway ' Association and shippers lerly ninrkcilng "director ckyards has bi-en maln - The orde I lhA i,.!..,! Kv ... c,i. Those who c..nlrlhi,l..,l t service refused to meat the cost any longer, saying those who did not contribute reaped benefits. following tue Portland eon- ' f.rxnA IhnM will L, M.ut PltKI'AltK mil Tltttritl.E ! II A V A N A. Cola. Ang. 9 Zayas rtaian, aecretnry ot Gob .ernacion. has rrderedvall police chiefs on the Island of Cuba to tllnce nil Afnnrtitti nmnuwi. 11 tnssar. Hat hots ob mlae am rue fastest boss In de world! He , cud, ran a mile a minute If It; warn t f J one thing." 'i "W'hjt'a dat. brndder?" ' 3 "Tho distance am too long for j de shortness ob dn lime." . CHEF SAYS "Only the Best Served" U ML IIIKLI II mi . ii in i mi n i iiiii iJ I fillUflllU-HILL TAKE PATENTS Agreement Worked Out Today With German Dye Trust in Deal NBW YORK, Aug. lentalive iiitreemonl 8 (Jjf), has b-cn made by Walter (TTenglis prosl- PTHMnnnn dent of the VithiUlnr Oil rompnny .lot New Jcfxey. and the German uy" " v..i.y will tuko over Ilia Amutlca.i ' r11" on ,h "",lM patents fr10 understood them, us he won ?",aw '' bituminous ruaU Details as 10 terms, which have not yet reached the New ork office, ns 'rtiihtfx-t n cnnflrmullnn by tne - - ,lrf',,r, The arrangement with the German dye trust Is regarded as ! lm,,',,"v m,,vo on n"r l""' Nr" J""'y 'nay In lhr. .event of a shortage of cmdo oil "J t"-- lion of synthetic gasollno Is ba lleved likely. Partly because of I tho present hversupnly of crime petroleum and the fart that the synthetic product raunot be ". ' ,.0!10,',", I wl,,h n from oil. , Keprcsnntallvea of the German I1"""'"" nuT "a'meu tne roai I process would permit production of gas at 10c a gallon. H.TS HAYK tiAII AtiK.H koii iixnv C.ti'.iti ;i:s London, Aug. . (aim Laliy-carrUige garage- are part of ihe attractions of SI new " flats Just erected by Finsbury, a London suburb, at a cost ot H:5.0rtn. Seventy sheds havo been built i wherein occupants of the flats I may park their "perambulators." m balr.--carrlage are called In iKniilund 3S l Shop Moros Mourning Passing,o( Wood KAMIIOANOA. V. 1, Aug. . The sudden death Hatur Governor lleneinl Leon ard Wood has thrown, Ihs entire Philippine population lata a alate t mourning. Halt million u- hamuieiVins, American subjects. were grlef-strlcken at the news, declaring1 "We've lost our father I our best friend. There Is no hT fr IsIum." nic nioros are prrMr ng to ft. A HI..,.., n,.. L. ot inlinsivo mourning say dlspauhos from cntnbnln. Ianan, Hutu, upon hear- ,ug ot lri, neatn ot wood, wnom ,h,, r..arded as the one man their confidence after conquering iiirni i mi uiiHMiy imiiiiq in Hud Dahu. ll was learned that since that general had been privately .up - porting two Mora children found thers Immediately after the n counter and picked up - hy Amorl. ,n lr..p. T for dead They Inter recovered and Wood then took them tinder lila rare. Vice Governor Kugone A. GllJ mor(lf ho rft ,, .0k on a trip to the southern part of the ArchipellKO, notified by radio ot Governor General Wood's death following statement: "I nm dMp,y Wnri ,t ,h unex- pted news. Only last week jnvernor General Wood cabled Die that he expected to start hark to the Philippines In Beptcmbrr., We have worked together wort thin five years and I hkv for him the groalest respect and ad miration." ! . ' Kntlllo Agulnaldo, former filial leader. Issued Ihe follow ng statement: "With the death of Governor General Wood America has lost Its best administrator ' In tho Philippine a governor general who sought la Improve In notable way the uitm nlstra- .. itioii of public affairs. During his admln'stratlon he rehabilitated our Hustlers which were on Ihe verge of a precipice. Without violating the principle ot separ- UPHOLSTERING KF.F. I'M IlKKOIIK OltDKItINC KlJKWIIKItK for we will guarantee to re npbolster yur furnltura in your satlafactlon. No one can dispute Ihe fact after seeing nine of our work, that make old furniture look like new. No trouble to tlesne you with the varied assortment of designs we carry In Tapestries. Velours, Mohair. Leaihvrs. etc. II. II. HI ATT ?t Mnln ' i, K. SUGARMAN "I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY" " ut ton nr powers In dcmociiillc , giiverniui'iil, he restored public , coittldeiuta In tit ndtiilulsiivllon of Justice." ' ' v - UOMr-.S lll'V MIWT . OK KNGI.IMH KXIKK LONDON. Aug. . AP.-m- ly-flve per ceul of Hie snuff, sold III Kugland Is purchased bv ; wnnivn, i Aliliough Ihe habit of snutf inking has c. nslilerubly declined, i mumen snuff-lakers are to he found in every rdn of socleiy. There nre said I'l l lhunds In Iho Lanmihlre cotton llls. Cotton workers (hid '" I able meuns of i lusting tho. a" I passages i f snuff. i i Knurr Is nianiilarliireii ncre iy a complex process. Waste and scraps tf tobacco are largely used and ara moistened with a solution of coiiiiiiiin suit and left In heaps to ferment. The sola- l'1"" ' "avored with IM'rle.. tonka leahs and oilier luwredl cuts. The process of drying. grinding and second fcrtiienu- li n follow." WOltKMKN I M'AHTII OLD HUMAN IIOAII PAIUrt, Aug. H. (41 Kngl neers are lost In admiration be fore a portion ot old Unman road brought to light by work men laying wator pipes at Dieppe In Norniand. Tha road, paved wilh large stones. Is In as perfect oll tion aa when II was laid a thou- r You Can Lose if the Title is Defective Protect yourself against POsslM lltlgalloo. Inwira yourself agsiasl pohw Ion arUing from soma uclect Ul tiiU lo yout prof" through " TITLE Insurance POLICIES IiiurJ ihrouxK u by the Title and Trust Company Of POUTt-AND In eachange fcw a slnule small premium this institution guarantees t delend your illle In court at its own espense, and In cas o( loss to reimburse you for your loss. ThaCO.STi NOMINAL WILSON XN Sll MAIN Florsheim Combinations Special lasts with combination measure ments ' insure snug i fit at the heel and around the ankle. No slipping or gapping. ' A perfect fit for every foot in FLOR SHEIM SHOES. Most Styles $10 ... . , X FLORSHEIM For the Man Who Cares ; l ii.'M.lay. AuftiiHt . 15)17. rand cuis ago. Ill" owl u( sin ll a roadway wotilil bn pin. hlliltlve iiowadiivs. The roud ion netted DlriMM). IUcr n small Ijwnslilp. with Aniiies, thn ail. 'ttHiilslrnllve renter ot Ihe dlstrlci. bv yur M - Rea, Pb jna 1143 Klninatb Falls p 'bon 11H3 Mcliias lllila. SAFEGUARD YOUR EYESIGHT , Do Not Ut Fear Interfere With Good Vision DR. H. W. BARR F.y Bight Hperbillsl GUS DUNN JKWKI.KIl AMI OITK'I N 00.1 Mil In Hirret X Your Property ABSTRACT CO. - . . ! ' CTr i'I" u v:n'.