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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1927)
THft'KVKNfNr, HKlUlUj la.'A.MATH KA1.LS, OREGON 'IVxday, August 9, 1027. Pg Tr.rrl BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH 1 Items of Interest Concerning' RemilenU of the tfreat Klamath Basin. If You Have News for This Department, Your Courtesy in Calling 88 WTll Be Appreciated l'u Joyed Trl Mr. and Mr. I. W. Horn Mid family, with Mr. Kra' parenu. Mr. snd Mr. W. (ul or Mln nrMim,' who ar spending th mimmiT ninth her, anoint in Ird by Mr. and Mr. (J. I. H I an1 family enjoyed k-nd trp In I'rcnunl unit ! I Ink. Till w III flr.t irlp to, Win 'lull for Mr. nl Mr. . qul mid they r very much Im pressed wlih lh tM-miit Wl coun try. ' ltrrn Mlnr MimiIiik - Mmhr of Aloha 'lniilr ftl Ilia r'.Mtern Hur liul In an In formal Manner I III" afternoon l Mn.onlr I la 1 1 wher they enjoy mI ihnlr enil-moiithly itoilirlrm. feature of th summer month shlch l'Uklli til pine or lb regular lodge mtlnK, held iwlra each mnnlli. 1'mll Hi i innnl I. Vnlll Hi r m ill rnntlau. and ; II u d lux of Mi affal vlltlng members In in my r niuat cordially Invited iu mend. Ik-nnL iatlng it s .. I ... n .. 1 h .-tin hna . i"" ' - ' " spent the nt rta" on uttNin&wi, pmii. io itium . hi homo In rortland tomorrow going via Maker and a number i of older rltle where ho will 1 I- M'1.11. tl..M trip with a party of frlvnda Crater l-k. Mr. Itonnta niaklas- lb irlp via anoipr. , lo , J.. " .M , 'T. ' 1 V I "lu hour. rttnMnlo Klamath. , Take llb..ral qu.ntltle. of ,un-. Italton will U pleawd lo larn " t f Ta v,, h,,, . ,d freab air. .werten wllh ",'",,!" reClMr'.l'?."fmd h.rllrlenred urh . roush trip over! Ml.. Klv.r. Kltmlm. of tho lUa , , blrd. ,d the per f llln... whl. ha. nflnd ' r J Vop,r -rido Ih.y ar very n.u. h I1"' department f,lme of flowera. mix w.U by to her ai-rtmeni for .everal Klamath coun- of Moe'a. pl.n. lo have the flrat ,hklnii with th exerri,. of . day. She hope lo b abl lo , v . (of Ihe work for San Franrlaro I brbik walk, flavor wllh the hanty reauin lier pnaitiun wun in DrlM-oll Inauranre rompsny the laat of thl week. IIHuniluK Haliinbiy Klaler Ibmiiaa nf Karre.1 llart .... i i... .k. i. ...... I. u..lna It. . i . . 1 - innk llual p.-eparallon for !' iMH-nin of ih tall tern at Pool on Sep'.rmlier evo ifi. KTom M1fir.l (1. Q. IVAIhln! of Medford of . ,U. U.ulcK-U AIUInl Pul'U.- rnuntnnl firm I her for n xrlrf limn on hnalnea Mr, ' .topping al lb botl Arcndi. K'ltjwylnc Trip Mr. and Mr. K. A. Rtonrhllt of Han Jon arc her for a abort time" vUlllns snd enjoying Kla math' beautiful arenery. Tim aoulhern vlaltora ar at the Ho ti l Arcade. Hllaht CtiiiRi Hllght. If any. rhang of im provement la anted In the condi tion of Mrs. (1. Warren of Ihe rioalna neanty Shop. vsHo ha been artonly 111 at br apart ment In th Winters for the paat fortnight. ' ,,' From I lock y oui- Mr. snd Mr. Arthur lyravllt of Itorky Point wers Included In the out of town vlaltor her yaatsrday on a combined buslnes and plesaur trip. They report many tonrlat at ths reanrt and flahlng Ideul. Hlrnngrra Are Alnar Wrlroino at tho Hot Spring Nat., Hprlng and Kaplanade. -Adv. Hetarneil Home - Ml Bather Veatrb ha return-, rd hoinn from an enjoyable vla lt at Knaehurg and other point wllh friend. In' From Merrill ' , Mr. Knhert Ohoyne and dnughler nf Merrill, spent Mon day her .hopping and vlaltlng briefly with friend. New ! of Vollo Kiaao All lie and colors. Price 11.96. Oray'S Garment Shop. VlaHeit Pnrentx . 0 Mr. Floyd Duncan McMillan hs ri'turned froln a vlalt wllh her parent, Mr. and Mr. Frank Stewart of Spring Lake. .4 . - lllll For Flowor and Floral dolgpa. sdv. Phone lilt. From Coo liny ' ' ' ' ! Robert Wilkinson of Marali ' fluid 1s Included In the business vlhltor here today. Ftir In.iirnnre Soe Js. II. DrlncoIL nidg. Adv. William Vlaltlng From Houtli ' Mr. and Mr. It. F. Wilson snd'sorvlre phone 1477-W son of Ihinsraulr. - are vlltlng : D. Mrllrlde. Adv. here for t few days. ' Mr. W1I-. mm li in engineer wllh the Houthern Psolflc railway. Kunert Prescrlptkinbits Forbot Pure Drugs. adv. Ileal fleglai ration Hnturduy anil Monday rcglstrs-I t lcii at Hi Trlil A booth of' I ho thnmher of rommrrr brought a total o( 76 froui nil Mellon. of III coiyilry. unirtllug lu Ilia report, roinp.lud hy Mr. Vlr K, hui.ool. Im luilMl In Iha I i i ...,r. r,.ol.,r,l K,.i,i.-,l,.y ! worn: John Hwli, fulif ; c. Mi ulty. I'allf. j II. II. Donnolly, ' Calif.: J. ('. Mil", rut.: John (1. lluolrr. I'aiif.j Rdward K.. HlroiiK. Jr., Cullf.iaJohn Hmlth.' t'ulll.: Hurry Honkil. Calif.: (lo. T. Willlafn. Calif,; J. II. Ilrown.' Cullf.; A. M. Cnnn. Will.; Mra. 'lir I'Ipor.. III.; Tim K. .VI-, Okla : II. K. . f hurrlilll, Calif.; Stnnloy d Onlmrnr, Maw.i J. K. M.'nlfl.Od. Calif.: Karl l.n Miintn. Calif.; Mra. I,. C. Morxnn, Calif ; II. K. Hnrpor, ( l f ; A. (I. Hnyr. N. V.: K. K. Thorp. I'allf : Waitrr I.' Kotr. '': , . : . caiir.; rranii in l)ii rand. U'la Aiim XI . Knur. I'allf.:. O. M. I'Btlverow. Calif.; II. M. ' J.i.r.oa. Calif.; . Otrlih. ' oi a oaoy oaunnwr. norn Calir : Lloyd T. Hinltb. Calif.: un Monday ul th I'rlvato 8anl C. Malhar. Calif.; K. C. Tripp, mrliim. Mr. Airim will I re- falll . f M' wlalld Wyo, -. Xi-WMUiiNr Man lli-rt i i . V. II. lUvi-rion of lh m An- .w TIuim of Ijii Ana., ra. t all- fnrnla. with Mr. Bllvi-rlon. ar- . lirinf wlall wllh Mra. ftllver. I ton'a futher. H. K. C raven or ih Twultelh feiitury Ororrr aicnia oi inir irip waa i ruier and atood. unarrald. tarlna lo alor. Knroui lo Klanmih Fall? ' --' Ibey 0lu-d yeater-Jward tho royal toayh. i . . a Amv Thm Muliirnnr- p.m Vtl-! . ' I Offlrt'iU l-aliiK- Mr. and Mr. Leater Offlel-I plan 'to leovo on Kattirday fori sao -ranrluo and other bar Frsurlwa and 1 irienn Mr. and Mr. Wal ter Kelley of 8an KranrUro. who fM U.lln k . . . wl 1 1 nriara -- -. .'aouin at in. .am urn aiier two week' vlalt her. Mr. Of (lilil and Mra. Klley am slater. Kaalera Parlr H Dr. W. P. Manning, accom panied by tier' ltr, Mr. Dan jydljluklnuer and rhtldren of Hirhill- ion, unio. nro .enjoying a viau In this seellnn while on a lunr of 1h northweat. Today th vll- tur moloreil lo Cru.r hike. They ar hotel gueata at th Arcads while her. Lutheran Ladle Meeting The Ladle Aid c the Luther an church are Invited to meet with Mra. II. F. Itolhe at her horn In Ihe Kaplanade Court on Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 Thl mark the regular monthly meeting and vlaltlng ladle In th rlty ar attended a cordlnl invitation to attend. Meeting Tomorrow ! . Th Mltpah da, of th Meth- odlat lllbl ho,d will hold a K.ialnia mnA enj-l! ttiMtl I ft w mt I fh hnme nf Mn llarrw Pell. I - on Wednesday afternoon t two o'clock.. All ladle who ar In atudy and all 1 tegrated' In nible teacher In tho lllbl arhool are cordially Invited to attend. Mr. J. Oysbers will ait Mr.' Pelts. I ' Condition linproveil .-' t . While Hill confined to her home auffering from an Infec- Hon yia Urar K. Conbny of Th Evening Herald wa. some what Improved today. Ml Con boy wa taken suddenly 111 on Saturday ovsnlng. ' ItrturiMMl From Ik-nil A. 1.. (Jerking ha roturned homo from Ileud and Odell lake. where ho spent aoveril duy on bulne. At Odell Ink Mr. Ger- king v'alted with hi fullior. Klnmntli Flower Shop For flower. Floral design. .W -....I til ...In q.iuiiiy wii.i o . ... . u street. Phone 689. sdv. Kclurneil South ' O. Ilnllentln. of Dun.mulr. has roturned homo after spending tho past two week Jn Klum ith FnllRi," un buslnes. Mr. iiniient ne was a guest at the Hotel Lake whllo here. At Pelt Hmni . The Mltpah ('Ins nf tho First Mot hod 1st rhnrch will meet nt tho homo of Mr, 11. E. Pelts on Wednesday afternoon. All mem ber nre urged to attend the moating. L I Fuller nruthe For Immediate George S-6 licavlng Tomorrow ' Mr. and. Mr. Klmor Applegate plan to leave tomorrow tor" Cres cent City where they will spend 1 several day on aa outing. I llinwa llri timing Tonight W. K. Ilrown of Hun Pram-Leo. on of the owner -ot th Fort Klamuih .Ve1 company, who ha i-fit III" pant several luya I her anil In Ilia Klumaih rouniry "" after hi Interest, I""'1" " return aniilli th.U eve ning. Mr. Krown report the! Klamuih rouniry more prospermia Hi in It hna been In muny year. . Ila la lupliiK at lip Hold Hall Hemming Kiilurriny Mr. and Mr. Waller Kiillny of inn rranriaro wni Duvo Im-mi cn joylnx tha pual twj waitka' Ihtb with ndnllvw and frdniU. orn upwllim lo return aouth on Hal-1 unlay. lira, Kolli y dim Mumln tiiaconilnl I tho iliiuwhlor of Mr. M. Iliaromlnl of Morrill and a lir of Mm. lxti-r Offleld of thl rlty. Adam rc '""n rnuitraliilaiod upon ih or-; inin nrMi an viimi mumin iiarrm. aiointr auu nw ouua ir arc ""'n noin: mrwy. '"" ..-. Mr. and Mr. . II. Holly uud son of Summit, New Jurary. aro enjoylna a tour of lh northweat. nn..i.a ....., w-u.-u and ofher aoulhern eltlea. where ' wl" Joy.a two w.k' va - ration. HHurnln KalunUy trr. J. II. Hamilton or Mo1! alor I exrw'ted bom thl week- (API A ab'nlnr' metal lunrh end with Mr. llant lton from an : box, ..t on atrps of the ictendixl motor trip Ihronth Can- j mnynr' home, rnuaed 'i nelrb sda. Mra. Ilamlltoii plana lo re- borhood bomb avare until ll wax aunie her dm lea on Monday aa head of th iidle' ready-to-wear department at Moe'n. HetBnMil To Volley I Mr. and Mrs. Url McDonald have returned to Ihelr ranch home la lh l-aimell valley coun try after spending everul day her. Mr. McDonald uffered ll aun.trok and ha been receiving ; medical attention ber for the past MVcral day. ', California Ylelloro Mr. and Mr. K.Ward S. Stout of aoulhern California bavo been visiting for Ihe paat week al the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. (i. ' Wortley and have now left for their home. Mn Wortley and Mr. Stout aro slater. Mhw Won ley Ifl I Ml Marian Wortley of the I California Oregon Power Corn- "n ,ef on B'nd,"r ,'or rV '" ' W8f" ' - Crater Lake - . I Mr. and Mr. C. A. Shaw, Mrs. 1 H. O. Wortley, Ml Dorothea Wor,,,,y V?. W""D r"e"t Monday at Crater Lake. ItUMlne VUtlor rlc ' Harry K. Hrown of San Fran lis Included In Iha bu.lue.4 visitor from tho south .topplujt' ar lbs IJotel Hall today. i ' . i Tile Klito Shop De.lgnlng and dresamsklng. t 127 N. Stb. Phone 360. l-6Adv. . From Aalilnml . I Walter K. Jordan of Anhland I spending th dny here on bu.lnoiia. Mr. Jordan 1 a hotel guoat at the Hotel Hall. The Mineral Wati at tho Hot Spring Nat purlflv your blood. Try It. Adv. I . ,. 1 lion i Forel The mineral wilier. Puro and clean, at the Hot Spring Nat. i BLACKBERRIES $1.25 CRATE Public "WE DELIVER". Phone 169 Coal i Tl.mndfd. fur Maaufavlaiur." 1 Furrier MRH. Wlf.MAM IIKHHLKK 4t Klamntb Arraw, Iitara fourth and rifth. Klamath Fall - Or. . .trrlviiiK K Cflllfnriilu Mr. and Mn. V. Ilrewbnkor and hlldnn. Kathr!n and HotxTt. or rxiMTird hr thl I""" Palo Alio. I'allf to ttr. i h homo auvit of Mr. Kiln lir.MII- lunr tho mother of r. Mp, llrow- IIuukIHit Improirm Word from VrK. Fruvt X't tilla of thn lmp."aved rendition nf lur daiiKhti-r Vurirri't, who ha -n riitli'ally In at ln-r home In Uinx llcm li. I'allf. Mr. Vpp wa called aonth on Friday uihiu ruclpt of a ti-lnranr' tvll.nK of h,.r fluiixhti-r' avrlou lllii'. l'M-rt lrriH-rlpl(ijnlila Kornca I'uro Hruiia. sdr. 1 atylv, no d-iibt; bin wlit-n nbe not ' TUO MOWItl llH BTAItK. ;Jn, tu.t way In. lii wa more CHAI'I.KAir. Out.. A uir.' 9. lA.ithuo half way inc.." I'. Two. munan b alooki'd ci'li other over on a Woodland ti'iln 1 her. Aa the Prime of Wall' ' (ralu pukln d un It wcatward hcurney. a full rrown bull mooae aiaiaea out mio iu Tiain-u---y nf a rh.rf,il dunoaiilnn. and !)0u will have a aprinKlime rwk- I Itoll that can't be beat. j j IIOMII HIMKK. FrniNCFIEI.I). Uuu., Auk. 9. retrieved by the laborer-owner. "Did you put out a vegetable garden this year?" "No, my nelnhlior "old their chicken and llie.-e'd been no port In It." 431 Main St. CLEANING PRESSING Work called for and delivered. Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works rtien 40. SUMMER ' PRICES ON WOOD Buy your winter's supply of block-wood and green-lab at once, while tbe prices are at the bottom. FARMERS Also stork np for the year, at the bin or delivered. We deliver anywhere In the valley IVk cord Jumbo loads. Peyton 607 Main Pbona b.1tt p li! Market ...-.Hi 6th at Walnut l'1 'Be Lowbrow SVsiWjV:'.. , l-OKTI.A.VI.Or... A. .. IA. ..,;,,... u r - ; ,.'.-r; " vn" "rr: "iKumam ran . f ,'..V -'--?J'Jt 1 ','."k: ivhm- "". knr.,h fl. llmra. It Bot It, ' f I I f rti litn ...itfhf iHuw hw ( mar ;f you'.V m-rd aa. a danri-r, M a .whrow. a'lvlawa i!ur;:arTt llnr- ) try nt K. f.t. Loula. HI., darri; a- I trui-ior arid iiv-inhi-r of the Na-1 :lonal Initl.'ulf of facial tanrla-. iilirlihrow ;onvrAi:ilon !OTe t dania parlutrt, the t-y. ll.Ti-'a obb by au Ori-Kon P'M;t; "Mary had a llllle hklrt. Ii.ln.t If you're a Realtor carry Photofrraphs of the homes you list. Photographs show people what they're getting; f0r their money. . MAY KING Stinson Studio RAISED LETTER PRINTING KLAMATH PRINTING , COMPANY 522 Klamath Phone 1282 r rT&, " , Enriched In beauty and duccil in price, today s I Ik 177. iool V - : tiac Six is the market's value sensation. New Dueo color comhirv. at ions modish greens, blue;, hroH-ns, beigesantl maroons the smoothness and snap of the Iaryest six-cylinder eu-. gine used in a six priced up to $1 ,000 and the ad vantapesof Ftshcrdesipn in body styling, comfort and convenience! Noothersixatornear$?45 " best buy among the low gjve you this combination priced sixes! R. Phone 212 Storm King Fire Still Dangerous' liKiiiliiuart.-ra hrre of lh fnroat anrvli-. Thl fir waa exptlfd 'lo I.h i-ontrolli-d tonlaiit. i Two new fire war rfporli'd j today on I he 5klkninln and lb Hania Hjifoa rtvorn. j . Everything is Set For Return Flight PAUIft, An:. . (API Tho 'ruolin tank of I ho monopluiin ' Col mn lila. wl: h alrrnidy haa ra-jii-ived (he diatln'iloa of flyinc jfriira New York to fifirmany, wer ;t:ld lo th" limit lodny and th jlilr van ! pt to start m a t return flfht to Xw York whrn- r ifie wffaijicr man M-y n. Xvpryllilnjt ' In rt irty pxrpt I rb( kn, a few Mindvli'hfa. liliu-k cufffo and a hot tin of f .mii ,m. W I irr.ffn AtorriA from dlntrlri i mm jur" 1 md ' ' r AT- - . .... . THE PINE TREE Tuesday and Wednesday ST ACE I'lve Ait Tar Krt lli-nre Ai-rordlonist and IXincinx A Into of Ttare Artlal in Clasnli sad Ballad A Studio Iurldent edy a Com- A Kot1 Bong Feaal Specialty with Hoo? and Diabolos R-E-M-EM-B-E-R NEXT FRIDAY When "(Tuimf Iodh tit Klamath t-'alU" aill be B'.-Iif Inl in the CliarfealoD Coulewll 7-awa---jMywJiaa-w-- it Moved to 1134 Main Street -Intermountain Bldg. & Loan Assn. F. O. AHLSTROM, Associate ; . ; ; -T: J: WEBB, Dist. Manager r , Loans, Fire, Life Insurance, Savings Phone 1050 ' Ea' J- ra. re-11 of features jiutasroneothcr on - Rives you the lor life and hich speed endurance of an oiling system which forces 250 gallons of oil an hour through the engine at 35 m. p. h. the driving conven!-; ence of f;xWcontrolIed tilting-1 beam headlights and the precision construction and advanced design responsible -for Pontiac's high resale value. ' Come in ee the world's R. R. Garage brnnily for emrpnry." aald MaurtrA Dr.iuhln Cn.nrh avlatnr mhn P1,o, ,n '"! tho nvrvou "Whn you I I you knonk ! The Liberty Tueiday and Wednesday JACKIE COOCAN in bis latest and best "Johnny Get Your Hair Cur KTOKY OK A 1IOV WHO W.tNTKI) TO UK A IlK.Wi ilK'KKYt SCREEN RAYMOKD GRIFFITH who digg deep into the bottomless bag of tricks and 'comes up with "YOU'D BE SUR PRISED" It's Laughing Lifrht- ning ! . New lower prices on alt passenger car body types . (-irecd'u July IS) Coup - - - 74S Sport Roadster Sport Cabriolet ' m Landau Sedan - '845 Da Luxft Ljindau Sadnn 925 tm $770. Thm Nm OmklmnJ Ait 4mrVnW Sim, $t4S tm$tMt AU r'tivm m t or j Dtifrd priewt ncluda minimum handiimg ftri. Km t pmv ft thm (!n mrmJ Mmtmrm Timm tmjmmmt timm ' . 820 Klamath Ave. ' AT - I ncm iiANuma FAINTINU TITIU SMITH BROS. M.UO I'rr Hoos If . I'bau 4UI The Cascade Hotel HTRItTI.Y MODKHX Weekly Rate 0O and r Mmwer awt Tub Hatha Fre Pta nM Wala. PIhmm Ml-W Klamath Call, Or. t'la-at Miami Wato In the World MOT tPMUH XATATOHll M now oprw from v-aa a i t-k . - . mi- Tutj Hatha-. -Swimming Tank Hot and Cold Khowers for Prlvat Parti . PUon 10M.W Rprlng ami plaaad FOB TITE BEST Auk for th anion rant V. K. Old. J. if. Flkes, K. ta i Graen, L. II. Bhehorn, C. H. " Kinx. Mr. Carpenter Employ members of L. U. 1179 Slartmc Jaly it Red Ball Stage Line Two Dally ataar Between KUmath Kali, awl IkTtew. l-ari.K H:!M noralni Lea vlntf 2rOO F. M. Leaves KECKAROtt Aato B(a(e Office Phone 77 or GOO HIURT TAXI "KRVlrK I'ndet New Maaaawmect Fboua HI l'rouipt Hervlt-e J1U-JY1S HOWARD Transportation Co. STAGES leaving Klamath Fall. 7:10 A. f, tO:UO A. M I P. Ml, 4:40 P. ' Sl- making coxaer. Ifcin to Portland and Way point, aante dny. Connection nl AlilaiiiJ lth Pickwick Hlairr f im PAllfnrsI nnlnt. , 7:SU A. M. and 1:00 P. M. i ma.e oirect larongn mnneenons' to Portland and Seattle. 10 A. M. '- and 4:40 I'. M. Ctagea make, direct con nection, to 8an Francisco and Ijoa Angeles. . Loral Offlre fllS Mala M. Phone soa j Coal & Transfer Company ' Dlamond Brtqaeta) FboM lOVt First Methodist Church Tenth and High Bt. FRANK I WEMSTT, afinister Realdenee, 10O5 Itlgfa BC "We Specialise la Helpfulness" Sunday Serrlces: 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m. Chiloquin Stages ' teave Klamath Fa Ila Daily (or Cbiloqnla and fatenaedlata points as follow 1 t:00 a. m. 11:30 noon 3:30 p. a. 7:J p. m. Take t a. m. bus to eocoeet for camps beyond Chlloqula C. 8. KINO, , Ovner KLAMATH-WEEO STAQB WEED and Intermediate points. L. K. F. 7:30; Ar. Weed It Lv. Weed 1:30! Ar, K. r. 1:00 Htages Leaving Singe Terminal Depot . it Main rU. TV Herald Fixed ' Space Ads ' 4