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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1927)
THE F.VENINO HRAT..K' KLAMATH FAIJiS. onrttoN Tu'rt.1nv,' August it, 1027. ftf. Vre c 0i ' c lie" RED SOX II y '.Bottonians Continue Ef fort to Climb Out of ' Cellar ',i .'u (lly The AstfM-iaied lmui) ihI'I' Tlia fast traveling Rod Sox have run their winning streak to Ix games. The rejuvenated I)os- J-''1onlan gained another victory In ,., their drlvo to rlltnh out of the American league cellar by jolting m. the Detroit Tigers yesterday, S-S. c-i- Bhaute arattered the aeven hlta he allowed - Washington and Cleveland won easily 6-1. No other games were played In I lellhor the American or National league. ' Rain and wet ground forced the postponement ot five contests. - Nationalists are t Oa -J D o;, oioppeu ui rengpw -! ' I SHANGHAI. Aug. 9. (A5) Re- I i porta from reliable sources Indl- rate that Cneral Chiang Kal - Shek. bead of the Nanking na tionalists, has suffered a severe check at the hands of the north ern troops in the neighborhood of Pengpu. Anhwel province. Seven thousand casualties were 'suffered among his t roups, the reports say, and one thousand wounded have already arrived at Pukow, across the Yangtse elver from Nanking. Alvin Ulbrickson , New Husky Coach SEATTLE. Aug. 9. (AP) Al vin Ulbrickson. assistant to Rus sell S. Callow- as crew coach at the University of Washington, to day was advanced to fill the va cancy caused by Callow's recent resignation. Callow has signed a long term, contract with the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. Pendleton Wheat Farmers Selling M PENDLETON, Ore.,"jVug. 9 (JP) The flurry on the wheat mark et yesterday caused farmers and dealers , in this section: to talk shop and some 100.000 bushels of wheat changed hands at a .price quoted at fl.19 on the "as is" basis. i np By the middle of next week '"' the wheat harvest in the county willbe 7S to 80 per cent flnlsb . ed. " The light lands have been yielding exceptionally heavy, while the, heavier lands bave i.Bot exceeded a normal yield. .XKV TRAIX CAliLKD it'. I SHAKKSPKARK EXPRESS LONDOV, Aug. 9, (AP) The Shakespeare Express is one of a number of fast trains on the Great Western railway for the summer holiday service to west . -coast bathing resorts. KJC This train passes through Strat in -iord-oa-Avon on- its way to the pr,.. roast Distinctive titles ot vari ,..ous distVicts have also been giV- ,en to other expresses, bnt this , is the first one to be named for the famous bard. Puns Across the Heav. i Do the English still enjoy pons! , Let these extracts answer: Pig-breeding a sen occupation - is becoming quite sty-llsh. One ot the most pathetic ob jects is a rolling-pin. 'Tis a sad relic of pie-gone days. "5 " -How the Coal Goes" was the headline In a Rundav naner. Rut Xwe hardly, needed anyone to re - . mind ns how fast It acuities ,ri away. . i i - First Boy "My dad is a great man he'a a trustee at a univer- slty." . . Second Boy "Shucks! My dad Is a trusty at the state peniten- tiary." , ; Guaranteed Dentistry We can give you the best of service in every branch of dental work. Whether it be a decayed or aching tooth, crown or bridge work or complete plates, we will give you the best. You will be pleased with our moderate prices. - N ' . "; ' ' i ... ,"- ' , " Portland Painless Dentists DR. HAV ENS, Mjr. 11th and Main ' Phone 94 'Pep" Webster Looks Good in Fight Training With a long record of victor ies Itehind him "Pep"' Vfcbsler. genial colored tullt-tliuicer, bids I fnlr to administer to Tim falls-' han the first derisive heating he has ever received In a KVimuth ring. W'etwtcr' workouts eac night at o'clock at legion Memorial , hall have raised h'm in the esti mation of Klamath right fans. He Is a product of the old school, and boxes similar to the great ; master. Joe (ians. Whether his -opponent elects to fight or box. ' Webster am keep even with bira at bis own game. Webster, a welterweight, has fought the following well known ' fighters: , llobhy Rridgcs. Mike O'Leary, Joe Roche. Chuck Roach. Gene Cllue. Young Carpentier. ' Joe Slmonirh. Bobby Harper. Billy Rolfe. George .VcCormack, Ed dle Brock. Young Carmen. Jim my Kelly. Jimmy llar.tlett. Ma son Griffen, Bud Fisher, Al Cor bett. Al Andrews. K. G. Weeks. Travis Davis. Leo Lotnski. Jack Griffin. Al Walker. Billy Gar deau and George Spidy. FRENCH ARTISTS BAR SCAXOAL IX MOYIK CARKKRS PARIS. Ang. . (Society scandal Is no longer to be re garded as a sure path to.' the screen by French film perform ers. A licensing system control led by the In Ion of Artists alms ' at barring the road to movie laini; to inose woo iry to capt-. talfte scandal. t In other ways the mciie ao tors seek to clean up the pro- ression and crowd out foreign- BOSTON".' Aug. . Richard era. Only French. French- Holton James, wealthy radical, to speaking Swiss and Relgians and day was sentenced to 94 days those who served In the French in pall on charges of Inciting to army are eligible to a license, riot and assaulting a policeman A regular catalogue or licensed during a Sarco-Vantettl demon screen actors, with their ex per- stration on Boston common yes lenre and an Indication ot their terday. James took tbe prison ability, is to be kept for pro- sentence rather than pay flnis ducers. totalling 175. j When arraigned before Judge FKKXCH CRITIC PROPOSES Dowd In district Court. Jamea de ACADK.MY OF SMOKERS clared be refused to recognise the , court's Jurisdiction. He refused PARIS. Aug. 9. (j The acad- to rise for the reading of the com-' emy of Smokers may' take Its plant against him. saying he- place, along ,side, . the o French would not stand upT','before mnr- academy If the plan of Charles derers, whether they are Judges, Clerc, critic, works out. Clerc police officers or governors." says an academy . of smokers After reading of the complaints ' would of necessity be an acad-. he declined to plead, emy of philosophers. Rene Dou- James, who Is a nephew of the; mic, wirter and himself a mem- late professor William James, j ber of the French academy, en- widely known psychologist, and dorses the proposal on the t Henry James, novelist, has come ground that it would result In int0 prominence through his rad- better cigars. Charles Le Gof- flc, a member of the Goncourt academy of fetters believes the new group would "stimulate" the artistic side of smoking." FRENCH OVERXMK.Vr OROF.HS AIR MOTORS nihuses bave been lumbering past . PARIS. Aug. 9. Spy Euro-1 Buckingham palace, the King's peans reading about the flights Lon(0n residence, dally this sum of Lindbergh. Chamberlln .and m tor ,he first time in history. Byrd. have decided America has Piccadilly Is being repaved. something to teach them in thelThe ioh -ii, rMalre thre or way of airplane engines. The French government has ordered 25 Wright Whirlwind air cooled motors, with which the three transatlantic planes were driven. Two of the motors were ordered by Germany as soori as Chamberlln landed, and have al ready been delivered. - FRENCH PHYSICIANS - REPORT NEW DISEASE PARIS. Aug.; ; (JP) Engi disease has been Introduced to the notice of the French academy oT medicine my Dr. Leon Bernard. It is highly infectious and in some respects resembles typhus fever. Dr. Olmer of Marseille. to whorA Is due the credit" for, discovering it, says that It does luot appear lo fit into any of the (Classifications ot known dis- jevc. i - . I Many a man gets a reputation for. being good natured because he is' too timid to stand up for 'his rights. Cost 25.000 r. . , ... t- 171 .-, V,.t,'t 'i. '. BILL WA1.KKI5 . i So Impressive was Hill Walk er's pitching that seouts of the New York Gtun'.s recommended his Immediate purchase - and John McGraw bought him. Walk er's sule netted the. Denver own ers 25.000. He will report to the Giants at the end of the Western Association season. L GETS90 DAYS T-.. a- Stand Up to Receive Sentence . from Court iral views at various times since his graduation from Harvard in ' 189S. III'SES NOW tut PAST ItlCKIXtHAM PALACE LONDON, Aug: . AP) Om- frur months. While the street is lorn np omnibuses and other traflc are being diverted along the Mali. Since the Mall is a private thoroughfare, forming part of - the royM' parks. It was necessary to gain the king's con nt hrfare the alternative, route was agreed upon. Piccadilly has not been "up" altigeiher for repairs for near ly Mxteen years.' . COPS are ni SY PENDLETON. Ore., Aug. 8. (AP) The first week In August, was a lively one for the Pendle-? ton police, according to the desk : blotter. Thirty-one arrests, not j inrllldine truffle vlnlatlnm, .n mflrte durlnK ,he ' ,,rac. tlcally all of the arrests were for liquor law violations. 1 Markets PORTLAND, Aug. 9, p)Bt- ' ter: Extras and standards and butterfat up Extra cubes; city 4H4e; standards 41; prime firsts 39; firsts ' S7. Creamery1 prices; Prints five cents above cube standards; buterfut 42 f.o.h. Portland. - , Milk e higher.' Bids to far mer: Raw milk 4 per rent, 2.25 cwt f.o.b; Portland; butterfat' 4 2c f.o.b. Portland. Eggs steady; i current receipts 23c: fresh med iums 2.1; frcxh stundurd firsts 26; ' ditto extras 27. " , ' Pon I try Poultry steady. Less G per I cent commission: Heavy hens 21 , ft 23; light 12fi II; springers IS; broilers 1 8 1 9 ;' Pckln white ducks 18; colored nominal; tur keys alive, nominal. ! Onions steady; Ijcif JV7.rfi ' 2.00. " . i 1 C5:vf.ri'-.f:l TUT TiVi The manager of a nujor lea- gue ball rlnh in quest of a p.-n- nant, always tries to f'Kiire out some way In wnien lie cun win so bill games. It Is a big league trsdlilon that auy club able lo put over that many curded as victories must, he re a serious pennant con Msh lender. 1 ' In the Amertcau league Inst season, me new ""' ....uiplete the IM lump schedule, wllh 1 victories, CI defeats and l)ritl,r , w si gam, which a poVieutage uf .591, (inlahvd iu a wd enough to win the peu- rrnl naut last year. New York needs The St. Louis Cnrd' w!tl.!, "ul- :'- wto!, '""' 3 8: wins and 5 reverses. Showed "" the way In the National League. I "flggera" make li look The Card, wht rinlshed the sou- " " llk" ' son with a mark of onlv ,&T8, . Vankeea. If a club able to travel were good enough to ln the at a better tljm .Ton pln.e In the world series iUr s;' '" "'t Play .SOU Thns precedent ran true In ball during the remainder of the form in the majors last season. . rl- " nilly doesn't deserve to since the Yanks won the pennant ! ,n wllh one victory over the ' j . mark while the Canltuita were! The Yankee are a minh bel one game away. ' ter hull i liih this year than lust, s . (and It would be no surprise It Conditions in the majors thU Hoggin and Co. reached the 100 year are much the same as last, n.trk lu g.'tn s won. The Yankees an- making a run- i away race in the AmerU'iic-whlle "T X THAT is the quality that so many of those Y " whose voices are precious have found that makes LUCKY STRIKE cigarettes de lightful and of . no possible injury to those voices? . '',' For the answer, a number of physicians, many of them leading physicians, in various parts of the United States were recently asked these two questions: , Q 1 In your judgment is the heat treatment or toasting process applied to tobac cos previously aged and cured, likely to free the cigarette from irritation to the throat? 9651 doctors answered this question "YES". 'Q 2 Do you think from your e x p e ri e n c e w it h LUCKY. STRIKE cig arettes that they are less irritating to sensitive or tenderthroats than other cigarettes,, what ever the reason ? 11,105 doctors answered this question "YES". Consider what these; figures; mean; consider that they represent the opinion and experi ence of doctors, those to know. ' , . ' ' ItV toasteci No Throat Irritation -16 Cough. ; fli ift a four. , y tine nei'dt mil) to ,d.'lv,. very llglitly Inio III staining of the rliilis to aiire,lnie what a wlile ! , o'n r;ue the Yanks have made oi the Ainerli'iin Leaaue tlei-bv. I Wllh S timea of the arhed- .i.., ..i v..u- v...w i... ,,,,.,, M ',', ,, ,,,. vamiuUbiil only 3b times, glv ug the V.mks Hie hlsli lm wr- " ...i,.r u. . . . All ol whUli means I lie inn ......1.1 ... i.,.. , 1. 1 .lllnll lihl, llllK. lrl(1 slump, t'luy only u thn . ball during the n'tnuln der of the s'au, and still fln- ith guod mark at In Hit garnet out of I ho & more contests t ' Kic.ll'illK. Of course a lot of thing can Jthe Xatlennt' Is ' ( rtiitictvd utljlr. Smoking and Throat As viewed whose .business it is ' ifil;t'u. Thiii linn, IuhI (ii ili dull was fur out In front, yet "" " inrvo-ianie luiirum at llnli'i. ' However, New York liu fur better reenu sli' than In lilril and the iitiurles lilreailv aufferwl by a number f aluis , have til no muv stunned I be I j, hib', winning ways. , j I'm New York bnch wlill Ibei oilier mii.hiI tonieiiders lu tli Aiticiliau League, and n race, the equal of the National, would now ! In progress. Kor several. weeks, a flve-gaino iiui'tin or lr4 has been the di viding I tie between the second and fifth pluia , Inlis. , refusal binii hi baseball. Nolhltig Is (on Vw pan of Hie Yankees lo let the oilier clubs get within BtrlUlim distance, robbed the .Vine: ii an League i :n e of mm h ill inlercst. ' The New Yir!c Yul.i.cet luivv proved the rlnb.U ,o more flush lu sevenlh place nl the finish In I''.''!, it surprised the baseball GLASSES TfVt rjnnntxl, Fuml ami ilu CjUVv (rukl in 'Ui v ri (urtoiy tu i tit ,ir Broken I.cnnc Kcpltced DR. COBLE'S 70 MAIN TRflT by 9651 ii miiiw j nwi in i hipi in mill f a J-Vt v; H Joseph Caillaux, - ' Noted . French Orator, writes ; t. "I havo found 'your. Lucky Strike Cigarettes very nKrec nblu. They do not hurt my throut in the leust and are very . soothing to tyy voice." ' WE HtrirZY CERTIFY thr.t we Puea'mn. One and Twotndlhnt fire ere 9.651 AffirmaHvn mnwnrm taQue. linn On 11,105 sfllrmtitv an Surra fo QvtnHnn Two. LYKKAMI.ftOSS IIFOS ftMONIOOMKUY Ai rnunluiil. uU AuUllort Nw York, lair 21, 1W7. world by la liou to unliitf lt enr imlMlies if the bride In i.itty lllnll ell nil Ibe " l li'M I . - - iv; ' ;l.iM!ii IIKVIVI'k A i ' HI. II KllliINU i lMi mi: I.IINIHIN, Aiiif,, I AIM -An old (u.ioiu was revived here when n primilneut ssslely om an ranted a bouquet at the wed ding of her sou. .iiatiy years aso It wu the mv lotu of UKilhera and nenr rla- WATCH REPAIRING , , ilium .l,'--. . . 1 ar iiia-ante on til wurk GEO. METZ JIUCILU ' 6IJ 'Main A.Y.D. (At Your Dour) Industrial Supplies. I'lioNU an Doctors f' r i hi lass 1 1 wm issi w i mn iiw i iw mi buuqiieta at smart weddings lu , Li.idiin. . THe riisliim la atlll fol ios,". I lit inuiiv louiiiry ill.lrlil.. but l.ijxtil. s'i fur as, London tiiii. ei'lieil, ukiiiit twenty years ngo. , f Hie qiie-llou now lat "llii ; litond iiefer "Jelll lellien?" eat , .where it's ,cool SPECIAL DJNNER.j m lively livening- $1.00 75c 50c Try llivtu IliVyVe nlietllng! Club Cafe Veronica Routing WeljKi Ala sscfbe4l b fkysU'laa Is) sae ) sreuasMsil Hlh Plooa) Acid Caa4lia Kldnevs Lives sw1 DIJds Treablss I a) a.1 a Callrll Star Drug Co. i V'M mm m ' m 1 w , w Spuria Tolatoos steady, f2.00Q3.2S.