T MM h'TJA M.'J.'A J,h MondJv AtlgllHt, , 1927. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FAJXS. OREGON Page Seven , t IV IT1 TP TTJ) JL IT, , . ..... - : in H, A CT 01 4 Metropolises of World Guard Against More Bomb Outrages lly Asam Ut-T Pi-ma) TliroiiKhoiit Ihe world exlra- ' 'Military precaution r' being urn wnernver pour tmnn it vnkml and policemen ordnrrd In ; necessary In avoid repetition of li-i,p n ,.ola ,t .imion. instead! ub Incidents aa Iho bombing of.of going imius whea'utf duty.' ; supposedly by - Baeco-Vanuitil sympathisers', New York H.OOtf polka, Imvo bn put on 14-hour shifts.' all vaiallona revoked and day off. raiin-lled. and heavy guard put I ion duly at aubway, railroad. ' vlt valeil alalluna, prominent bulld ln and atrateflu polnta. ' t'loaa arruiloy of storage plaoes of esploalvee ordered, a lib dally cback of all - with- drawn' undr pormll.' Prompt - rrport orucrou o. .u, ..,.....; taMtlnKa of Bacco-Vamottl aym I'lrrumalancca In connnrtlon ,lh ( p,thli..r fir.. ,.poclally If tb.m la any Muffalo-Ordr l.aui(d for In-auat-ailnr . of aiploa v. orlcln. I ap.rtlun of nil p.lilrtana on IIOHTOS-yatlonal fiuard.rali, ,n,.rn.,(,Bu brM9 ,rtrr , A STAGES TO ALL POINTS i 326 Nv Phon Number New Reduced Rate New Location 6th & Klamath Ave. Tbe Huaahla iloiiU" Kl I aaaaaaaaa. All kinds of GLASS Sath and Door Screens Window Frames' Come and see us GLASS -HOUSE - 215 No. 11th Phonff477-W aVMMNrVMMMMMMMMMV)f Good Poultry Feed The success or v failure of your flock de penda largely upon the way you feed them. Good feed means' better production. MARTIN BROTHERS MILL Is producing a grade of poultry feed that will insure the success of your flock. Your poultry will thrive on-Martin Brothers' feed. Martin Brother Mills "The Home of Crater Lake and Anchor Flour" h ' !MOM'N POP COMB MAN wo I, HI flrlrnt ID UvN4 "V ' X''mCPARTVWKO. A I VII aw-sk. a iv. . av 1.. ,t, 1 KCGARDN6 THAT POLAR Iv CvOrrwIiAil. W 4 -V bfw-Ul IWK V limtn.l federal ljulldlug, public I. llmlii-d lo use or on dour only 'nf pnnioffko. noli vacation. . I'opiu i ity, H. II. rrasldesr , vsusoiii syinpatuiser. v (vIIImo lunrd liurrs.ml vlgll- Lowell, lus Bpc-chil police sni-e, hut la not reinforced; mill- dninlla put on full tlino dity larv auard 'ln.rttnil ffiim nnn'iruunil court biilldlna and nc-r- t0 tMri mn, Waahlnalon fl unnl. mi uuhll.- building ord. ri d lo look out for , uilrloi. rharai'tora; Justice and alata lparlment given extra' trotiH!tlun. Watchmen assigned asalgnvd-to watch executive man tqjtome of officials. '. I .Ion. , . (., . Halllmore Ousrd ordored to urronnrl publir bdlldlna: addl- ,MMl M)r uM , ,wo Hunday and havy - tuard ar-j ranacd to prolcrt Prlnca of! today th Orvaon itatl editorial Wali-a, I'rrmlar llatdwln, Vim' aaaotlallon rlattad . Hobrrl W. I'rt-alint Dawia and fWn-tary ' Kawyrr, aa pri..i(i-nt editor of Knllona durlnf dedication cera-Jtn Rnd nullatln and member ifloula. lot tb atale highway comnriwlon. ', Cblraao Twenly-lhre federal. atenl begin nlabt and day watch of federal bulldlnga and are or dered to .hoot f Iret and aak queailoua aflerwaril In emergency. ! Claveland Marine and d lleciJVaa ordeied to guard federal blilldlllg. - nao r ranciaco -iionian aino lie rburrh of Balnt Peter and i Paul, previously bombed, placed under guard. I Pari Paradn . of Sacco-Van-In-ttl aympathUrr baomd, U. 8. I enibaiey ..and - consulate under guard. I Ixindon B;eclal Hcollaad Yard rum- FIRE INSURANCE W aferlatlie In Irrigated fhrma" and .to. k ranch. 1 Kar'--exniirlerita lit conntj-.- .' REED & REYNOLDS tomi Main HI. l-lxmc 1093 UPToW ROOaA - ANOThlMK I GIVE VOO THfS DETAILS IM A NOT- , THftT WILL SHELU T AM A OF FfSW WOR03 TO DO ea VIILL Be EV6NT many dceds AT OOR YIU. DARinS furt reaponlll fur safiity of ombsssles and legstlons U rein forced. Berlin Di-pututlcns of com niunlst and eoclatlsts refused admittance 10 tha V. H. (nbuiy; Ami-rlran building guarded. Stockholm Covernmsnt for- bliU demonstration In front of U. 8. embassy. Hummis Air llunln. bouse close la avoid dumag by Burco- ,0IUI guard assigned to Judge, Albany, N. V. Loltarlna- for- bidden nnr .lata and city build- Ing. Annapolis, lid. I'ollco detail SAWYER ELECTED' TO HEAD1 SCRIBES! IIAKDON. Or..1 A41K. . (t'r) At tha final araalon of th ron million whlrb txian at Kom- burn yMinrday and rndd hara If il K. Hoaa. aermtary to Govern-, or Patleraon, waa ro-elected ace relary-treaaurer. i- llandon n In gala attire to welcome (he Oregon aedbea, near ly loo of whom drove over the mountains from the heal of the Interior to conclude their work and play In 1 lie coot atmoapber of tbo coaat. PATTERSON GETS CLEMENCY NOTES 8ALKM. Ang. . (I'PI Oov- ernor Patleraon revealed ' today j that he had boon beelgd with! a large number of letter from! i all over th alate aeeking tb pardon of Vlur Harrlt Weather aoD caahlcr of tha defunct Flor- I enrv. urriu. uobk. nv 1 . - Ing a u-aar aenlence tor forg- ory in tha Oregon penitentiary. The governor did not Indicate that ho will take action. The girl has not eerved her minimum eiitenca and la therefor not aub- ject lo parole. ' " ' - ' ( M4 . , - Fur-, m - Trt" SAME. PiltMef? IN A rr-' MAGAZINE TR'T HE'S STuOtW SPARE. -TTME. A1ILL NOTKE. HlM AmO vArt'lM AHEAD. EE-HE.E -Trt BOUl WE.VJER SEE'S ANVlMlNGr LIKE HE ALWAVS IM HtS SPARE. TIME ni l eT. orr. Where Do I Sign? OF "mii FAMS AND kK.UN6." PWAlT OS UPON OUR fetTUWM PROM TMB VOUTM PDL& - TIIE WOt-D HONORS MEN WHO HfiuB THE COOCQE TMINOS - OOR tvPLOlT A HlWtoRV MAKING WATIONS VILL BOW FEET THE woRlO SWNO flQMAST AT OOP ITvtPORIT-CAPr. ER1CSOM -THIS IS ANOPrXJRRJNITV I CANT PASS OP1 IL - -r : r-KJ- ,rv n Nick's ,Iri KnickerS1 ,sawapswv; it n;;r , Srt (2) Like 'ot:ir- ;:itlclati who: have traded tbolr toga for ol' I clothe and are puraulng the. finny tribe in the Woodland slreama, la Nick Lougworlh. speaker of the house. Nick. In his knickers, is shown here after luring a couple of iron out of 1 lake In Glacier National park. Unlike President Coolldg. who uaea worma, erman. Nick. Is. a fly flab- llUU-KKMNU STOVK. Before polishing your stove, xo over It all with vinegar. It will rentova all grease and make ex cellent base for polish. " There I one thins? aboat dying! yownever bare to So ft again. ' Out Our Way a j jib mmTinrii 1 gr ! ioioTPiaT Once' SPENT FOUR MONTfts X DID. TRMIN' to attract IW M Hl ATTENTiOM AN" NNHErJ HE OlO SEE ME HE SE-Z "SA--- -DOM'T VOO CxX y ENOU&vA OF THAT SO Iff 8oSb N EIGHT HOOR&f AT COZ -tHATfe aw TAKES A NAP A FAlLORE HOPE. iT'S 1UC WAV To IrUK-Vob'RE THE KiNO O" ACXMPANI0N I WANT OMB VIHC rs WILLING Xo A4ARCH INTO THE JAWS CF 6TARVAT10N IWHUNCZS AVO KOVSIOLY DcATM t -I.L ....... .1 . . "1 1 Kfr- . Weyerhaeuser to . Build in Future (Continued From P On) return to Klamath Fall and at ithat time will lu a format atalmnl making public our plan In a much detail aa we can afford. But thla trip, ba , yond wring that tha plant will j b const rurted In Ihe atsr fu ture, I would rather not makj jany further atatemeol to the ! newspaper." "Our plans have not changed." be commented at ona point In the Interview. Fly that statement. It la taken that th . Weyerhaeuser Timber company will stand behind ths statement ot Ha m anger Mr. Long on the witness stand at tha Interstate commerce commla- lon bearing ot the Klamatb ' railroad case. Mr. . Long's statement, an epochal one fof the Klamatb Ba al n. was approximately as fol lows: That" the Weyerhaeuser Tlm- ; bar company would not manu ' fart u re 1U timber In Klamath unlesa competitive railroad service waa offered. And that th Weyerhaeuser Timber com pany would construct a largo plant concurrently with tbo building of the Oregon Trunk railroad extension from Bend aoutb to connect with tha' Southern Pacific main Una at Chemaull. A usual, Mr. Lo'ig was affable and easily appro lied but for .the first time during th. past not few years, he obviously did .want to be interviewed. . i "Aa a matter of fact." Mr. tang commented, "my Itinerary . did not include Klamath Falls when I started out. I waa called to San Francisco to attend a lumber convention, and from there Journeyed to Susanvllle, Oallf. Being mora or lesa in thla part of tbo country. I came north through Klamath Fall..". Included in Mr. Lon'a party wore F. R. Tltcomb. assistant general manager, and A. Onstead. will .'q.lgner employed by the f6mo. . t VNE'S.Th, TO SLEt BOLL GtJEN SLEEP JUST IS4 tiME 10 MIS5 HVM 0ON ifOM HlSr OVJKl TTmE. ANtjr WAVttS UP JOST IMTTME-Tb SEE HE OOWV OO. IT OM fh' COMP'aNS. im . "TlKAfe. Vf.r rrnft jSA f vT''?N'''UiM5. Otan av ax some. - BlXT MO t?6D BLoooeo HE MAN WOULD STOP at wrr he presscs OM-TOMIM IT'S eiTweR GtORVOR -OiC END GONN.VOURE A MAM IM A MILLION WITH SUCH NfcKVe .. f X0LC-AH- ( . (X. always -w,. i :v x LIKE . THAT HUT. AN- VVMLL.aH.l . v 1 1 r .1. vajAC i tivitr 11 r Deporting to Follow Uprising: ' (Continued krom Face One) migration act could not bar been admitted. ' "I know Governor Fuller of Maaachuetta and know several of the' board of cltlxena who -sl.tod him In final examination of murder charges and evidence. They are convinced that Saoco and Vanxettl artf guilty and these men In my opinion are aa guilty aa wer tba Mc.Vamara brothers, who blew up tha Los . Angeles Times building, killing twenty or more, and who confessed their crime after a great defense fund bad been raised by sympathetic working men. daity: "They are aa guilty as those who conkpired to and did mur der . .Governor Stunenberg, of Idaho! ,They are as guilty as those who assassinated th world war veterans at Centra Ma, Wash., on the first Armlstlc day. .They are as guilty as Derkman who I tried to kill rick In Pittsburgh I land dodged deportation for a dotrn years after serving - his prison term. Sacco . and Van xettl are aliens.' That' makes no difference. Had they been foully murdered by Americans,' this government would' have hltd to apologize to Italy and pay great soma la damages. , "Demonstrations may go ' on In other lands. That Is the af- jfair of other governments. For eign' demonstrations can neither affect nor frighten" tba United Stales government nor any sov ereign state thereof. These dem onstrations began originally In ; order to create a "situation for ' tha benefit of the communists of th world without any real knowledge as to tbo guilt or In nocence of the murderers. Don't be fooled In that kind ot propa 'ganda. Union labor men and j women should resd ths recent j statement of Mathew Wold, vice president of the American Fed ; eration of Labor, that there la I ' real danger from violent soviet communistic activities which I rage everywhere without check oryentraint." VouIil fheck Radlrallsm. Johnson added: "We hope soon to put through congress a law by which naturalised cltliens, who. after awearing allegiance to the United States wear black shirts and swear undying allegi ance to Mussolini' or any other dictator, or who support any other government, shall be de prived of their - naturalisation. Citltxenship Is the greatest gift the United States has to bestow. It has been gladly received by millions. "The time baa come when such acquired citizenship shall not be used by radicals to the, danger of this great jovernment." FRENCH TtlVlKRA TO ' . HAVE AIR SERVICE ' f-ARIs; Aug. 8, (JPtk dally air ' service from Marseilles . to Nice will shortly connect the French rlTlera with the Capitols ot Europe. Because of the lack ot a suit able landing field the flicnt from Marseilles will be made with hy droplanes which will use Vllle francha bay, two miles from Nice, as a base. 1 The contour of the rlrlera is such that It will be necessary for engineers practically to build the mile-square landing field nee essary for large passenger planes. It Is expected that the work ot levelling aucb a field will be started next year. The hydro plane service will start In the near future. DRINK RADIUM WATER Has cured thousands. Why not' ycra? Radium ore for sale by N. A. RRIGGg, . (Special Representative) Phone 860-W -Jlt-Aie By Taylor HUE! it Will be NECESSARY TO Si6fi AMV AerJEeWENT COVERIKO THIS EVPeCHTlOW-Tfte T apcss will SB Ready , FOR VODR SIGNATURE, TOMORROW NEW TODAY WANTED Floor finisher to aand floor. Bee E. W. Lewis. 1 Martin HI. WANTED Good experienced cook. Addreaa Bog IS... H'-r-ald. Stf FOR RENT Housekeeping room close in. 'Adults. Phon i-R. Itil Pin. - - - FOR BALK Lot, on pavement. Reasonable. By owner. Inquire at Herald office". . 1-13 FOR KKNT Modern I -room lur n Is hod house on pavement. In Hot Springs Addn. Inquire ' 717 Alameda BU . . (-10 FOR BALK Two i-room, ona 3 -room honsrs. All priced rea sonable. ' Will take good ' ear or lot aa' payment. Phone -W. - ' LOST Ling cuff button. Small diimond In center on ona tin k and small sapphire In center of other. Return to Herald office and receive reward. Itt FOR KBNT Bmall partly fur nished . honae, . 17S6 Oregon AT. - FOR BALE Highway rooms. If rooms, fully equipped. Good location, doing good baatnesa. Price llOSOv bslf cash. Ad dress P. O. Box Its. Coqullle. Oregon. FOR RENT t 1-noa furnished apt: on pavement. Porch. Light and Water. furnished. Use of baeh,"pbooc and tubs. 11& mo. 901 Ahmed. Phone 129-J. . . . 4 3-1 FOR RENT New 6 -room brick bouse. - Bath,', garden roof, baaemenf and ' garage. Aply box 12 Herald: - 8-1 1 FOR SALE OR LEASE Apart ment bonse. centrally located. Doing good business. Inquire at Herald office. . . FOR SALE 160 acres of good meadow land, by owner. Five ' room bonse and other. blC jit Inquire at Herald oftice. 3-13 WANTED Experienced man wanta job on ranch. Can take charge of ranch and bandlo stock. Reliable. Any proposi tion considered. Call or wr'te :The Herald. Box 14. S-13 r OK, SALE A-l paying business. '-'Owing to other tie-ups.". A ; money getter. New and used 'goods. To right man soap. C. Dicks. 210 Msin St. 8-13 WANTED To adopt a baby girl not over one rear. Address) Box 13, Herald. 8-11 FOR SALE California aveine. Exceptionally fine lot close In on upper aide of California arenas. Terms. California ave- . nuc district la taat becoming one , of the finest residential districts ot Klamath Falls. This lot caa be had at a reasonable ' figure at this time. Inquire Fred D. Fletcher, 16 Loomta Rldg.. Phone 44. - LOST AND FOUND LOST Black Spaniel pup. Re- ward. Klamatb Sporting Goods .Btore. . 8-8 For Sale Automobiles 2 !' GUARANTEED - BUICK ,- SEDAN'S and COACHES i J900 to 11375 .These cars bare been rebuilt and Inspected by Bntck mas ter mechanics, which will in sure yon unlimited service under our guarantee. BUICK" GARAOE Phone 42 1330 M.a FOR SALE One 1928 Olda coach. Thla car is sure some buy. Equipped, nnly ... a...... 3376 Due 1928 Essex coach, all new rubber, runs flue.............H26 One 192S Olds Sport Roadster. Completely overhauled, new rubber. This la s real bny. Only , 2500 We havo many more to U ' ' , aelect from. . . , Liberal Terms. ROY CALL'8 USED CARS Bee Walt Abbey . 8th and Pino Phone 334 FOR SALE HUPP Roadster Runs like new. Good paint, 6 balloons, bump ers and all, 3050. FORD Ton Truck Thla is a real buy you .have been looking for. 395. CHANDLER This csr la in tip top condition, 3560, BUICK tourings Wondoiful val ues In unlimited service for 3400 to 3475. Late Ford Coupe Durant Roadster Dodge Roadster Dodge Truck .'...... Reo truck 8TUDEBAKER, late -'23 ..(300 .1275 ,3360 ,.3275 .1175 This MISCELLANEOUS 1 EXCELLENT TAflLt! HO A mi ll. 00 per day. Hooma It riV sired. 6v Plum U . . 3 -I WINDOW CLE AMNli Floor - -waxing, bonis cleaning and Jurt- ' Itor service. Rafrenea. - A" -M. Rhoad. Phon 10M-W. . . l7-ls-tf WANTED WANTED TO RENT Room and bath. Phone 103. .3-1 I WILL EXCHANGE two good IoUI in uerxeier or nousa ana ids -Is Klamatb Falls. Address Bo HI. Herald. . ' , . :!- WANTED Shipping- grader. In quire Wheeler-Olmstaad Yards' or call 1196-R evealnga. . t-f ' WANTED Experienced rata rant' cook.-- Must unlnjjuinv brd and neat In apsaraa. . fs a months Apply at H Id Offic. .- . .!- FOR SALE FOR SALE Breeding rabslu. L.. , Phon S-J ' i v, '. ,ant.' FOR BALE Machine, lamps,;! fernery, etc Cheap. Apt 31. -v Evas , Apt. , M., FOR SALE -A girl' blrrcl. 111. Com try U.- Call 3J-H. -' FOR SALE-Lota In Malln. , For --'particulars write' Annie M. Worlow, Malln, Oregon. ' - FOR SALE Cheap. It Uken at . once, Howard piano. Just Ilka new. Walnut finish.. Hit Oregon Ave. . . FOR SALE Beaatlfnl Persian kittens, fine pedigrees.- Auto 3 valuable mothers. Will breed free. Reason, hsvsa't room.t Dr. Norvall. Bonaoaa. . i-4t FOR SALE A few Hoist el n cows, fresh - and dry. T. B. tea led. Owner. Enterprise Ranch. A. Manera. - 3-1 For Sale Real Estate ' . . ATTENTION ; ,. '. .. TO HOME BUYERS - (-ROOM furnished . house . on ; pavement. Basement, (uroaea, - lawn and, shad tree; ,awer, sidewalks and pavement all "7patd. "A TVal gftod buy on a" choice street. Prlco 25350. 1900.00 dowit,' balance easy -. terma. "'. '. . '; . . , --v ' ''. ' '-' ' THIS WILL SUIT TOO" :. 5-ROOM - house with tlreplae, . lawn, shade trees and garage; dose in, especially aullable for - business or railroad man. Very reasonable at 33750.. Terms 'on part, ; . A DANDT 7-ROOM boms for leas thsn yon can build it for. Furnace, fire place, hardwood, floor. Price) .27500. 21200 down, balance ' monthly. . TWINS ' ' TWO coxy homes, each baa firs place, hardwood floors and ga rage: corner location. Will - sell one or both, 3500 down, balance easy terma. Thla la a profitable investment . . .. : ' ' . " . LOOK AT THIS ' 4-ROOM bouse on corner lot; hardwood floors, large sleep ing porch, basement, on paved street and close In Hot Springs Addn. Price 34000. Only G00 down, balance monthly. ' ' ' Call any boor yon wish from' 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. , - TRI-STATES REALTY Phone 1050 Office 1134 Main FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished 2-rooro bouses, 318.00 month. 423 Plum. Phone 144-J. A4-S4 FOR RENT" Furnished apart uiouia. nwiucwi ' raum. ' ozy Apta., 58 MaJa St. 30-13 FOR RBNT-Flrst clsss furnish ed apartments. Steam heated. McCarthy Apts., . 630 Pine. Phone 800. ' A6-S8 FOR RENT 2-roora apartment: also sleeping room at 812 Oabr"? Ave. Inquire 806 Oak. 6-12 ROOMS 920 Lincoln. PbOM 597-W. J37-AJ7 FOR RENT Furnished orl 1 apt., 2 rooms and batb, lee. trie range, bot water. Garsge.' $35. 1615 Esplanade. Phone 794-W. Al-BIT' FOR RENT Completely furnish ed apta., garage, new building. Just off Main on Broad. Res Arms. Phone 1116. J20-A20 FOR RENT We can save yntj Dig money at tbe Arcade Hotel Apartments, . furnished com pletely, electric rangea, line, (Jlshes and telephone. OV room with private bathe at real cut rates to permanent guests. Arcade. M9-J j til '4 i l-.IU 0 tea '. 1 l! !! i 4 I I car I in A-l condition, 3800, Your Satisfaction Is Our Success. BUICK OAIt AOE - Phone 4 1130 Main - 1