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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1927)
Paw Six ron coolidgk n ;j i - wi . .. . liaaiucm uui TTorrying : , About Jr uture hollow , ing Statement , SAPID riTV a r im a . . ih i : wwlllng for . Prasldont Coolldge. what kind of job It la. and ha i len't worrying: hlmaelf mutl' about it. a... .h. a.. ...... ..,.a ... .K'"namen: because he believe he , ' president that If hla recent vtalo Bunt declaring he did not, choose to run for reelection In 127 really meant hla retirement front Tpo wUl like I LOS ANGELES I Better If You. Stop at j. LPrAo TsA.4vrl K T . f, SIXTH and WRING STREETS Naw MllUon Dolls 1A0 par day mp wttkout bath IJLSO par daw up srlth bath . maostAL gravies r Prtcad CorTea SKofi adOtB "W4)l Check Your Car at the " f Door." .Tumi inn "4WIeJIsMf4M ' ' f .AgasiiagBSc . ' f The Dahlman P0TAX0.PICKER andSACKER 1 , ...Does .the Work, of Seven Men . V SAVES Time,. Labor and Money ' - jL'.- The Dahlman Potato Picke can bo attach ed to any standard digger and w ill pick up the 'I potatoes and put -them in the sack ready for 'hauling.' i, r . 4 Watch fpr Demonstration. Announcement 'r V- I . J. W. 1203 South If . II i r I - ' ; - v MS HopkaBldg. Phone 836 it)or'"tl0D- aK V,,lV'ctor ' l?RECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ;::: StiU They Come By.Blosser 'f ( jfife'TJUSU. SO ) WIS "S 7H& LAST ( WRPV OP, ) AM 007" 50 ! f 7U&Ot,AJ0VJWJ6'B& ) &s . ( P" ' MSTAIOW VMITU )BWWCA OP L6T7&CS-- QBS ' VCtJ CAAJr FAST you ; ALU 0006 AM)W 1'AA-V- " , ,SJh' i" 1 -' MOAA ' AWD VMB'LL. r-ir PASTAS I C-EAD ) IT CADPOUuyr A DlC OTUBJrAa . a&S ' ."' rl BE7WODU6A . WEM!! - -irk TZ' O ' ?Zf-' I ' ; , - Wt'h vV Qsm iffrv v':. a u . i ' ls -u-ti ri? A ihjfck hVUits House he would uee-l looking around fur somo- to do after March 4. US. and Mr. Coolldce empuaalred trjot this was correct. Ktucita Work. But he hai let It be 'known (that work never hai found any air difficulty in coming hit war and j.f bene,., u i;kdy It will con- find him easily after he i leaves the White House. I Thua the president has .tivxn ronce 10 me country mm ne nas no Intention of running for an- other term. For further ninha lata It hai been aaid at tho suni- "VT w,h,Ue "ouf ll"'!lr Conl- ' " ""'" ' .cure on the limitation of naval ' would be out of office before ....... 1 .i u Mich a meeting could bo conven ed, deliberate, and any. treaty coming out of it would be abated upon by the senate. (Many Kurcresors. O. H. P. Shelley, former nu ll lonel committee man for Mon- tana, professes to hare xdditionAl I evidence that the preaideut bo ! llerea he will hare aerred tana jrnouaa oy .Marcn, iss. ne aaia ' foolWe ld him there . wm ' 9,rn,y of rood men In the Vm- j. - j to take nlar. i ms is Bui m oflvmia conu- try." Shelley quoted the Presi-, aent. fnera are plenty otjto rood men In the Inlted States. I ,h Ten years is a mighty long time iur una uuiu iu cM-'s a 13 ii vol- dent." A woman alwaya has a tender feeling for man who paya her a compliment. Rea. Phono 1143 Klamath Falla Off tee rtuwe 1183 Melhaa Bids. kerns Sixth St. Qjr Save A i3rV ym Ml Advance Guard If James F. Dartnr, uacjna: ad- nt fit. Imarinn I ....(.til ld Mru B.ron arrWe ln ,.arig milke arri,n(;ementa for - hi t.,.i,.ntion a nri aQiua ,bera Sf pu,,aber, California Fire Chief is Chosen Association Head POHTLAND. Ore. Aug. 8. (A. P.) Marls, E. ityan. Kedwood City, Calif., fire chief, waa unani mously selected president of tbe Pacific coast association of tire chiefs at the closing aession of the convention today. , Ryan waa advanced from tho first vlca-prealdency- Chief Tom GrshJjn. Corvallia. Ore., last year's second vice-president, auto matically became first vice-president. Ernest F. Coop, Pasadena. Calif., chief, was elected second vice-president to succeed Gra ham. Sacramento waa selected as the next convention city. A close friend la all right nntil he declines to lend you money. The easiest road to wealth is to have a rich relative die and leave you a fortune. rv -A Stages Daily to Ashland and Medf ord Leave Klamath Falls: 7:30 A. M.; 10 A. M.; 1 P. M. 4:40 P. M. . Ashland, $2.55 Med ford, $3.10 Two through trips daily to Portland, $10.05 . Howard Traspgrtation Co. Tennlnal Stage Depot 615 MAIN ST. -:. PHONE 999 " r ' Correct Dental Work When you. come to me for. your dental work you; will be assured of, proper workmanship at a just and reasonable price. My list of satisfied patients, is growing daily. You, too, will be pleased with my service. Free Examinations Given DR. R. D. COE THE EVENING HERALD, E PAY OF- ALL ENGINEERS State Highway Employe' Salaries Increased By , Hiway Commission SALEM. Ore Auk. a.'WjO ' SUary Incrvatt-a aggregating H175 a month or 113.835 a year were granted englui-er ot uie mate uiKimey iicparimcni. it w as ascertained today at a meet- I I ma oi iio siaie. nigawar com-' lu uitiu in luriiHiiu uu jbbq s Tbe commission at that time was William Duby of linker, Henry II. Van Duacr ot Portland and C. E. dates of Mcdforit. Since that time Puby has been IS succeeded by Itobert V. Sawyer i John U. Hemint at nx to Sld of Bend. It Is said that the ac-ln.r iralrie and wf: Part Lota . v. . .n .. ..... ... - ition of the commission. was unan - imous. I Josephine Hamlin et vlr to Hoy A. Klein, state highway ! Fremont t.ind Co.; RKkNKH engineer, and secretary of tho.Sec. 3-2T-IO: NKVkSKVi Sec. t commission was granted nn in-.aud NWU Sec. 13-27-11.' crease from 1500 to 100 a Dvttlna A. Anderson et vlr, to month. The latter figure la the 'same figure that was being paid . Herbert Nunn. Kleins Dredecea- sor when he retired from the of flee four years ago. .. ' Kngiurt-r (m-c lUib-e. Five division engineers. Market Koad Knglneor J. II. Scott. Eanloment Rnrineer L. P. L'amn- bell. and Office Enclneer S. 1!.' Probert were each 4ncruiaed from 1350 to 140 a month. In ' 1922 seven division engineers were employed at 332G a month.. An Increase from 1425 to $475 I was accorded C. II. MrCullough. ! bridge engineer for the depart meat and It. H. Baldock, main-! teuance engineer waa raised from i 1400 to 142S. N. M. Finkblner. materlats engineer, was Increased from 3275 to 1300. Twenty-five resident engineers who are employed for the de- nartmi-at In vurlnn. narts of tha stato were voted lncreaaea of s mnnth teh or from 1J:S ! to 3250 lieloar California Scale. In defense of the action of the commission in Increasing the sal aries Roy A. Klein, state high way engineer. aaiW today that the new schedule Is atlll below the California silary scale, and that in recent yeays tbe department! has been losing its englneora. be KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON cause tlioV wsrl niile 40 sot high er pay eluewhcrA In tho last year, he "eald.' three resident eu ginoore hare quit lha depart ment, one of l In iu going to Men- tiiua at I30U a month. In the) ' laat tour ycJrs two division cngl--. mwrt have U'lt the Oreiiou de partment and.. connected with the California highway department at higher aalurtee. The salaries are paid from the state highway fuud. ,7 Deed Filed United mates to (llvnu C. I-orens; 1'ateut; 8WVNWi iY?fV 8KVSVV Bee. 4- The'K. p.' Co., to Henrietta x( AckeruAu Lot 14 lllk 11 j0, (iprlugs. I Henrietta M. . Ackerman to , Samuel II. Ackermait; same pro- pony. I The Horsefly IrrK. Dial, to A. Itsy Kslng and Mary Kwln$; NvXKk Sec. 3 1 -38-1 1. nry .4 - 5 - s 111k 11, Plxon Addn. Buslo A. Crowley; Part ?f V 8WU Bee. 32-T 3-. William II. McPberron lo Clara A. McPherrcn; Lul 9 Illk 300 llsrrow Addn. .Lamm Lumber Co. to Central Pacific Flwy, Cu.; 1.033 sc. In oee. m aioaoc roini. . i ma r.. ii. I.O., io.. ii nro- therton: Lot 34 111k 10 Indus- r'"l Addn. K. F. Helen Wagner et vlr to J. mess, ri us; 1.01 s uta E. M. Chllcote . 1 id I). M.I cm, p n v..l .. .. i I C07-5AS ID Blk-a03 Mills Addn. K. F. . Weat Coaat Oil A Gas Aasn. lo Thomas P. Mlcbaer et ux: R 8WV,; WHSEK Sec. 7-JS-ll (Quit-Claim.) Burt E. Iliwklns. slirrllf, to Frank C. nramwell. Snp't. ot Hanks; NEHNEH Sec. 7 NWIi NW4 Sec. S: SHSWVi See. S l'h exceptions) Town 38-10 tinder execution.! ' I W. Harria et nx to Frank""."" .. . ,7......" C. nramwell. Bupt. Ilanka: 8H SWij (less ar) Sec. t-3-10 and part Sec. 8-38-10. j Walter Eric Dykoman et ux to William H. Giles: SHN'WH. NB'iSWU. NWI4SE4 Soc. S3- 27-10: NSF.Vi and SEVkSEVl Sec. 15. NEI4NEH Sec 23-JS-11. (ieorgo M. ilarth and David It. I Vandcnberg: (Contract covering ! mutual e.-tsemcnt) In Lot 6 lllk 7 wanna Heights. Kugcna. H Ulflord. et ax. . to Msrtiu .McAndroaw: 8Ei.NE. !,W4 8EU. ESEfc Sec. 2 . 40-12. The K. U. Co.. to Herman 'Smith; Lots 1-3-3-4 and 7 lllk ! $2 Ilueoa Vista Add. Ida Ii. Moniyer to Ceorge O. ;Shumway: Lot t lllk 108 Buena Vbta Addn. ' It. H. Kills et ux to Sanford Emlson; Tract 17 Resub dvn Trricta 28-33 Altamont ranch, i Itlhlsf-Vay ami Kostenu-als ) Itobert C. Cowley et ux to ! United States: across 8E.iNEl iSec. 10-40-13 lying E of Lost ' Itlver. etc. I II. J. Ticknor et al, to the United States; across NE8E4 .See. 4-40-13. Geo. W. Tramel to United , Slates; across NW8E'i Sec. ::-39-i2. H. N. Whlti-llnn ct ux to 'Northwestern Utilities Co.; K-ot-' W and casement arrnss grantors llands In Sec. 5-8-17-18 T 399, !otc. II. N. Whitellne et ux. to Northwestern Utilities Co; Lands in. Bees. 68-17-18 Town 39-9; tl04.S6C.79 la full. . Katherlne Kandra et vlr, John to r.'hoa. I). Withers: Lota 3-4-6-6 Blk 38, Malin, Ore. I Wood Brothers Thresher Co., to K. G. Frederick et al; Chat tels released. . Inclusion of Lands. Langell Valley Irrigation ' Dis trict orders Inclusion ot lands of It. C. Groosbeck and wire (In Sees. 11 and 14 Town 40-13) In cluded In. said district. 2410-Bq: Carrie II. McKeeley vs. Clarenco C. McNecley; di vorce, division of property, etc. Ils 13 In Blk 3 Industrlril Ad dn. and LoU 7-8-9 Block 3 Mills ' -y Markets - ' PORTLAND. Aug, (API lluttur steady. Wholesale prices: Kxtra. cults city 41; standards 44: prime firsts 3D; firsts It's. Creamery prices: Prints 4c above culie siouduid; buiteilnl lit f o I-. Portland, Milk steady. Ilids to fsrmvr: Hsw ml! K. 4 percent, 2. St rwl t.ol), PirlKand: butterfat 40 4 C.o.h. Portland. KRg steady; run-ant receipts , 23c: fresh ' mediums 21; fresh rlaudard firsts la; ditto extius 1 Poultry steady. Leas t. Lr- cent commission, henry bens 21 Ui'22; light IS 14 : springs 18; broilers. 1S4I19; pekln while dueka IS; colored numlnal. Onions ateudy; local H.liif 2,00 Potatoes steady. IS.60 fT 3.S&. PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. I. (P) j Iluller: firsts up ltd extra cubes, city, 41c lb; standards 40 Vi: prima firsts, 39; firsts j 37. Creamery prices: Prints. 3c1 above cube standards; butterfat. i 40 H fob Portland. j Eggs: Mediums up lc: current receipts 23c doien: fresh medi ums. 3.1r; fresh atuudard firsts.! 3e; fresh standard extras. 17c. Milk, raw milk steady; 1 4 1 percent ), $3.25 ewt fob Port-1 loud. tlittterfal 40 He fob Portland. Poultry: ateady lless ft percent commission) Heavy hvus 3 IK Sic; light 13fM4c: springs 13; broilers. II If 19c: Pekln white ducks. He; colored, nominal: ir'u. ouve. nominal. ).,n. ,. tt 7K.n,, r -- .-v-' Potu(oes. $2.50 (I 3,00 sack. WW I.OVKHH olt(l.lI7.K Hllt VOll MONtillKLS . PAHIS. Aug. S.-A Dcg lov era of Cachen. a suburb , of Paris, have organised a show for orlnsry mongrels. No dog who haa any clear idea of his anrwitrv will hn sitmlllixl. l-n. ............. n , .. II.. r i - .... .,..fc. .., . ...... asset, not tiisiJiiitj, RsrVirvuiiriw valuable prltea will bo given and the shew will be an annual af fair, with acme of the most fam ous dog fanciers of Franco as Judges. Legal Notices NOTICE tF FINAL ACCUt.NT. In tha County Court of the State of Oregon. In and for Klam-l alh County, ...-: . , In tbe Matter of the Estste of Edwin C. Welkins. Deceased. Notice la hereby given, that the undersigned, as administra trix of tho cstute of Edwin C. Walklns. deceased, haa filed her final account, In tbe County Court. In and for Klamath Coun ty. State ot Oregon: and that the 2nd day of September. A. I). 127, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock. In tbe afternoon of said day and the Court Room ot aald Court has been appointed as the. time Klamath Fall Business Directory LOIMJK, t-lt.tTKIt.VAU NOTICE If II. I'. . Kl.Kt Mrt Thursday evening.' Visiting me.nbers wel come. ELKS TEMPLE. 3rd and Main OLIVER SPIKER, Kill led Ruler F. D. McMlLLAN, Secretary Fraternal Order l Kaglca f Of-' Meet Every Frl- jy' dny' 7:30 ai Se&i&aJ . Moose HalL C. D. LONG, Kr.ury Aerie 2090. I'hone (74 Labor Temple LOYAL OltDKIt OF MOOHR Mcot every Thurv day, 7:30 L. O. O. M. 1 Moose Hall, Klsm- 'ath ' Avej GEO. OGLB, Die. Klamath Lodge No. 77 A. F. and A. M. Btnted Communication! Becond rfind Fourth Mondays Visiting Brothers Welcome LOO.MIH IIUILD1.NO i. EDI Legal Notiof-s und pluce for the hearing of b. jmlloiia therolo. and the autlle- ttiriit lliereiit. Llntud lhs I !ud day of July, 'A. I, 17 WIMFItien LKPI'ltBK, Adinlnlstrntrlx of the Kxtule ot Kdwln C Walklns, Itoceased. Aug. l-S-ia-2-lll MTK K. To prospective muiuhiira of the Tower Klnimith Ijiks (Irai'uu At i Million, we havu uow iliu ttr l fli-nte uf Ittcoruomtlnn. Yuu are noillled and ursed lo auuly fur ini-Bibersiila on H.iiuidsy. July 3,' 1H2T, at I 3U o'clock p. ui,. nl Hie I. U. O. K. hull In Mm rill, Oregon, At I lie siime time and placa, thu) permanent ill rue lore will lio elected, . The must bo readopt ed. Tbe liicorpnialors ot the Low er Klauisth. Ijike tlruslng Asau- Klamath Falls Business Di recto jy ArroitM.vs (', I'. IIIIOWKII Allorney-al-liw Stain and Federal Courts Abitraets Kaaiulned 30 Wllllls lllilK. I'll. me ll heal Estate lw a SlMielaliy K. I.. KI I.IOTT Attorney-al-I.w tulte 12 New Melhsoe llldg. I'hone 624-J Oflieo l-houe 11S4 Across si reel from Cnurt House M. O. WILKINS Lawyer - lot Wt'.llams Building Klamaib Km lis. Ore-inn I'hone 1 48 Day cr N'glit At TOMOIIIS.K DKAI.rlllH Repnr Work, Battery. Karvlce. Tlri-s Nssh. Onklnnd, Fontlsr. Packard H. II. It. (iAIIAtiF. ' A .sit Klamath Next lo rtnf(!ee I'hone tit v (icodyt-nr Tires Fireproof Storage At TOMOIlll.K lllll Ji Ilrlns In yuur worn tli aouo mlli-s more nt M umuiI rst At K TIKE hllOl Guarantued vulcanising IIS So. lllli St. I'lione 843-J re-treads Al'TO ItEPAIIt Sitillliy-s Itepair Shop Guaranteed Auto Rnpalrlug Cars called far and dolivi-rd South lh St. 1'lyna 303-W II.ITTKHY SERVICE Battery Service. Magneto, Starter and Generator""'" Renalrmg FI)VI IIKMIIOT CO. 234 Main HI. Phone 337-W listtsry. Magneto. Genoraior and Complete Eloctrlcal - Service , W. P. Johnson's At TO KLECTIIIU . KKKVICS at Klamath Phuna(349 Phllco Uemy Delco ' Bosch Autollte GENHIt , KKI'Allt HCIK Itr ltT M (JEVEtlAL IIEPAIH HEIIVK K . Carl Hellllhrf . . Ji. flepalra Cash Reglators. Type writers. Ad.llig Machines, mg lkhks and U-jns, V 6S0 Klamath Ave. (Between Mh and 6tb) HE.ITY I'AUMHW bxpert Operators, Individual Dooms, violet ray. marcell ing, hair tinting RONTON IIEAI TV SHOP fllorenna Warren winters Bldg. Phono 311 oi.-r. rrenrn Paper Curl racial and Scalp Treatment IIIILDINU .MATERIA M HWAS JiAKJC MOll.DI.VG CO. wuauiy iiiiiimng Material Boutin Ctb 8(. , Phone 7CD WANTED Carpenter work by contract or aoinoi work and fixtures built. . HOI Division HI. I'lione I4(J3 CHURCHES ' rlACIIEIl HEART r-lii ,,.. - Eighth and High St.., Itev. ... . . .miiKc, hot. u, ii. Kelge, Dunuay mossos at :30, 8-00 '?d .i.30'. Evnnin dovotlons i. o. ens-nay mass al 7 a. m. Merrills, 1st and 3rd i- iii;.iu.. All ara cordially Welcome nt our aorv- i IVIL K.VOINEEI1H . f- f'LEfJHOny tivn Engineer and Surveyor iiigu street C. C. KELL! LEY . t Knglncifr vonsuning Ulvll Kng Underwood Bldg. Phone 1078 DENTI8T8 DR. II. tl. YVIMEfARVEIl , ., DR. .11, (Ml'Elt - Kegtlstry X-UAY Lahoralory tlnderwnod ntilft. Phono 04 S Monday, ' August Sjjjgt , Lfgul Notlffa Blt"'"R' . ,,!,,,,,.; ', aKIHIIKN "X AlCLof U AMSi;i,;;;i;,;;i e. Jil Ml , MITH'K. in tiiio cot'NTV coiniT nr. THsl HTATK ' lIIW" KOU THK COHNTV OF KLAMATH. IN THK MATTKK OF Ihe or ganlimtlnn of lk Bliore Unrdoui Dillnsge hlstrlct, NO'IU'K la hrrebv gln by litilillrutUn In Hie Klumnlh Fall Herald of Klamath Falls. Ore gin. on th!s 2'.lh iY J"1' 11127, that meeilug of iho ou ers o( ItinJ sllOsled In the I.nke hhiire Uurdelis llnilnu'! Dl'lrlcl tor. the purpose of electing lUinrd of three Uupervlsors. will lie held at Ihv I'ounlv Court llonie at Klsniath Falls, Oia gon. an ilio till day o( August, IU27 at 3:00 P. M. C. It. IK-LAP. Comity ("ierk. Klamallt Coiinlr, Klamath Fulls, Oregon. HENTIMTH tivuernl. I'rnetli-e of l-nilslyjr Ml. l-llll.ll' IDLE r,IH Mnln Over Moe's Hlore Phone Sll Upon Evenings by Appointment Kar, Eye and Noae Doctor Dr. J. J. EmmenSt Me.lCoril. Ore. Practice limited to eye, eaa, iiv and Ihrnul. I'hene H7 tHIItOI'ltAlTOIIfi Dlt. lil.K.V MIMIIIK ' Palmer Graduate ClirjnUr aud Nervous DUoaa New .Melhsoe niock, 328 Mala l-houe 1313 pMaio Court House " t ONVAI.KHCKNT IIOMH t I.K( KNT HOME I .iJt (iranlle Ml.. Alilnnd. Ore. Where (be sick and aged, ar a n-d for ln pleasant home sur roundings. J6-A6 Splendid csre at reasonable) " . , prices. Maternity raes a specialty. THE PRIVATE HANATAIHUM ' I'luine 7IH-W l.TOt Wordeo end lltb His. Jt-SI. KMPIXJVMKNT AGENCY KL.s.LtTII KM-U)V.IE.T ' OFKIIK Employment for workers la every trade mills, railway and farms. Jnmes Itiaii. Prop. nih ami Main. 1ST I.IVEMT4MK Fresh rows on band at all times from one to carload KLAMATH DAIRY W CO. I'koaoa: Ranch 43F3;Resv 418 E. .Mochcitax. Jr. Texuiii Station OHTEOPATHH - Dlt- F. II. (JOIHlUtlf I.I O. O. F. TEMPLIS Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon l Office and itr.ldonce ' Phono 331 . PAINTS, WALL 1'APKIl Wall Paper. Paint". Enamels. Ilruslm ( K. It. OI.DH . x , Across from Pualo'fic Phono 43 Everything a Paint Store Koepa Paints, Oils, Varnlnhea, Dead--enlng Fell, Dlass, Roofing, Wall-Pa per I'ATTI HHOVf PAINT :,itlRH 038 Bo 8th St. Phono 683-J KTKMMiltAPII Y . - MRS. L. II. H.(iCE Public Stenographer n . Notary Puhlie buvings and Loans ' ' ' Real Estabi ' ' Insurance 210 Wllllls Rl.lK. Plmnn SW7 All kinds of legal form TIMBER CRIINERH Timber Cruising. Iteconnala-' anfo ami Appralsul II. Hi OtJLK ' 1 400 Main HI. . I-Iioiio 205-W Working from , ... M. L. Johnaoh's office I li.XCA VATINO v HLAHTIXfJ Sewer ond Cesspool Work I'lmno 42-J Coll nt HO-J K, M St. FRANK MARTIN - Try Evening Herald Fixed Space; Ads inn nnewsstsssssa