!l 1 1 ;i Pag Two TWO STRAIGHT 15-UNIMPEDED THE EVENTNO HEftAi".!")', KLAM ATI! FALLS'.' OREGON Monday, -Awgiirt-ft, 1927. Hal Hoss Winner Of Golph Trophy; Editors at Beach Callahan Will Meet Webster; Gird on 16th Testing is Probed To Help Pay for Aug. .- KAl.I'M. Or., Ail. 8. (API- Several cow th it hav been un-i der tuberculosis tests In eual PORTLAND, Or., Portland for some time are to Wm. Btewart, be killed by th auto livestock I the Oregon Cattle and llorao Two clover artUts of Ih gen- nliary board when It meet In llrecders' association and li. II. II' art of nook and be socked, i urtlaitd today. Not with- KI1H1. nuinuxcr of the marketing Oakland Wins Eleventh In Row; Seala Take Another (By the Associated rrma) ' Phil Mulcahy and Hank Hul Vey held Portland under perfect control and Hollywood took both conteata from the northerners, S-l and S-S. Mulcahy limited the Beavers to three hits, while Hulrey aet them down with six In the second clash. Batteries: Couch and Yelle: Mulcahy and Anne. Second gamp: Hughes. ad and noSKHltU), Or.. Ad. 1. (A. I. ) Hal Hoss, secretary of the Oregon atate editorial asportation and secretary to Governor Fat- terson, naa won the trophy cup will meet In the ma In event of .... 1 1. .......ii. ih ,i hiu l..i,urim..i,i ih. inm .1. .. ... given the cattle It la aald' they ,ber of couiinirce, wilt conduct a atlll teat. The board will hold meet Inn at the Imperial hiAel. Kinney. French.- Yerkes Yelle,. ghandling; 'Hulrey Murphy. :... .' . I The geals continued on their I merry way by trimming the'' Mission twice, 7-3 and 1-0. But-) terles: Malta. Geary and II ego; Ludolph, Bryan and Whitney. I Wales.- Second game: Mitchell ! and McCrea; Christian,. Eckert, and' Walters, Whitney.- , The QaVs hunt up their' eleventh- straight win' by twice" tak ing: the sunken Seraphs into camp, 4-5- and 2-1.- -Batteries: Cunningham, Gardner and Sand berg; Boehler and Bool. Second' ame: Wright, Gardner and Han nah;' Delaney and Bool! Seattle got a draw and a vic tory out of the day's .double header wfth." Sacramento.' playing to a 6-8 tie In the morning and winning the afternoon fray 6-4. Batteries: Brandt, Graham and Jenkins. Schmidt; Singleton, Ra chac, VI net and SevereJd. Sec ond game: House, Edwards and Schmidt; Keating, Keefe and Sev ereid. . . ' . Koiaelcm World. CHICAGO. Aug. 8. W) A noiseless world can be forecast If the assertion" of Professor D. A Laird of Colgate University is confirmed. Ha says science has perfected a certain remedy and Indicated the commercial value by estimating London pays 15,- 000,000 annually for '."unneeea- eary noises. League Lecders Take An other; Yanks Defeat White Sox, 4-3 (By the Associated Press) The Chicago Cubs were , three and one half games ahead of Pittsburgh today for leadership of the natloual league. While the Pirates were idle the Cuba wou another of their usuul vic tories over the Hrooklyu Dodg ers yesterday but the- windy city team had to struggle 11 Innings to taker the long end of a 6-5 score. . ''. : Wattle Holm's homer In the eighth with one man 00 Mae, en abled the St. Louis Cardinals to beat the Boston Braves, 0-4, Two brilliant pitching perform ances gave the Cincinnati Red a double' header from' Philadel phia. Jakie May fanned 11 bat ters' In "the opener and won 6-1. Bed Lucas let the Phillies down with six hits In the second game for a 2-1 victory. The Yankees ripped the White So Tor a 4-3 victory at New York. , Irving Hadly held Cleveland sare while Washington was pounding Hudlin and Crnnt for a 11-3 win. Other American league teams did not play. Michigan Golfer Swings Into Lead TORONTO, Aug. S (Scor ing a brilliant TO for the third round. At Watrous. Grand Rap Ids, Mich., professional and for mer Canadian open champion, today took the lead at the end of 54 holes of play in the Can adian open golf championship. Watrbus total of 215 strokes, with one round to go this after noon, put bim a single shot ahead of Walter Hagen, former American and Blrtlsh open title holder, who shot a 72 for the third round to bring his tatal up to 216. ; , given by the chamber of com- boxing card to b held Aug- metre In th annual Oregon dl- ut 16 at th American Legion tors' golf tournament. Mr. Honk Memorial hall. -was playing a re it rolf with Th., n. Tim Ciillnlmn. sorrel Ralph Cmtiise of Albany close on looped welterweight of Klamath 1 his heels. The presentation of Kalis, and "the picturesque and KOTTIII'S IIOOSTMIN t'KK tne cup was m ini, hatiirduy at hard hitting colored boy. ' Pup the llandon banquet for the edi- Webster, late of Taeonm. tors. I Announcement of the main me cuitors ten nere at uoon event was made this morning by nui wn,., attained world fame for the beach where they will (lien I llaron. Klumath Fall OTlP ,.n, through the forced eujoy two days of entertaiuinent. matchmaker. Other features of landing of Clarence D. Chamber- They were loud In their praise the card will be announced uin Blu diaries A. Lcvliie, Is of the program provided for them ! later, (determined to ai.iy on the may. in llofeburg and declare that the 1 Culltihan has appeared In lt )ms adopted American boosting hospitality of the Umpu.ua valley 1 Klamath rings on a number of methods rr this uurnaa cannui oe surpamcu. occasion. Ills principal claim react to the tuberculosis .series of conferences during the 11KRI.1X. Aug. S. (API Kott- t s. AIHMK'XM I'UTCIIKS illreclor at tbu I'nlon stock yards here. The orderly marketing depart ment at the stock yards was dis continued on July t with foault hat cattlemen received no knowl edge of conditions there. A (tut In Hut markdt . followed with a have liati thttuiutttdi 8 lnluix marki'd retluctloit In prices. lit 1 siiiil tlio; eosl "Sf alBUI ll.ftiw Tu Coiiirlliiiie. I lug Din director will n veil 1 t.tr.,lrtf itM III., nnliirlu Htitr.'t7oii Mitotih and urobablv will LirCCrOr Oartryvli"Hng director was inuliilnliie.l he' muili liiw'cr', ill lliu siuck yams 10 seep ih". men apprised of prlrea. supply liresUleut of "'" " ""' inputs ,u 11 u hmii mini u ti,.,,,e. Th expenses were met by a vol untary assessment against the sales. A number of atuckmun refused to conlrlliut to III nmln tenanve of lite illreelor with the result that the- others declared 1 hey would not pay all Mini, tout and nernlltrthosu' who qutS not vontrlbuto 10 flwro In tliw bullu- fits. - r Price ituiitped a rent a jmuud with the result that ratllciueu coining week In the entile pro ducing . counties of th stale In au effort to get cattlvuieu 10 I maintain an orderly murketlng Seeking Office occasion. 111s priiicuiai ennui Everv letter that learea any to fame Is victories over Kid denariment of thn city aovern- ment in nut now be sent 1n en velopes on the fuce aide of which are the portraits of Chamberlln Stnrkey. the first decision being u hair lino, but the second deci- I slve. rt 1 naa improvca wnn eu. n B11(i u-vlne. with Quotations on Uf congressman go, an Instead of the cautions hM, ,hlllK of ,he (... Tho left jabbr of ono year ago. he dal. nf ,h iHndln of "Miss ro- tA. Is a frw hitting mtlllng fighter, lumlila" l ulsn slven On the flap Is deplrted un air PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 8. iP.) Jacob Kunxcler. former I Webster is an old timer, and 1 judge of the court of domestic; has fought the best in tbe north- j relations, has signified his in-west. Including Leo l.omskl. . tentlon of becoming a candidate 1 The boys are- working out each i ii iT-iirroeuiauvv ivr llie luiru j niKUl SI III .ul'muriHI UBII. i-concresstonal district. : Fourth sml KlAmnth avenue, at Kanseler's entry brines the 6 o'clock. ' field up to five. Others who t av declared their candidacies ! lnicric' Prtcinct& are Isaac E. StaDles. Lem A.! 0 Dcver, Elton Watkins and Frank Shult. All are republicans ex cept Watkins. plane flying from New York to llerlln via Kotlbus. ew York is characterised by sky scrapers, Ileriln by the Hrsmleuburf Oate. A man may be able to trad bis reputation for money, but he can't trade back Are Reduced (a 53 ROSEBCRG, Ore., Aug. 8." (A. j P.) Elimination of nine' elec-i Toronto Athlete i,,on Precllu'ls through consollda-. OetS NeW KeCOrd : ordered by the county court at! ' Ills August meeting. Jut con-1 DETROIT. Aug. S. OP) Joe i eluded. The consolidations were Wright, Arganot Rowing Club. ' authorized as an economy meas Toronto, set a new world's roc-'urc and it Is expected tint the ord in winning the senior ouar-; action will save the county au- jter mile dash In the single sculls ' proximately f 1. 000 at each elec- 5! precincts Instead of (1 a formerly. event of the national amateur rowing association championship regatta here Saturday. ' Wright beat out W. E. Car et! Gilmore. of the . Bachelors' Barge club. Philadelphia, to fin ish In 1:12 2-5. two and three fifths seconds under the mark set by Waller Hoover last year. Lies Change Styles. ' . BRIDGEND, Eng., Aug. 8. (it A plague of horse flies has changed styles here. Dresses are longer, include wide sleeves and high necks as a' result of fero cious onslaughts of Insects. Wool etrT"VcklngsXtoo, arc popular temporarily. - , eat where it's cool SPECIAL DINNER Every Evening $1.00 75c 50c Try them they're appetiilng! Club Cafe CHtr Voroaloa hr ' Alas ajwvft t ey f kjrilcUot I sit ananassjial. Hh Blood Ft Asld CaadltUist Kldacy, Uwj 4 Blsdd.t Traakla la1ltlla Caaillpailca Star Drug Co. GLASSES I'yn BsamliwA UlifJ sod ih iiiuH's (iiouml in our un tditoiy la imt your Broken Lanscl Replactd , JOt Ml 1Kf ,' AONTHLY PAINS 9 lty yr. mile Anil-rain Piili, In !ijccsful use fbrf over' v thirty ycari.v? y, For Headache, Mbnthly Pain. Neuralgia,- Toothache, Backache,' and pain caused Rheumatism and Neuritis. W will beglatlty send you samples for 2 In stamp. Sr. Miles Medical C. fclrt, lad. J 1 S1 -a S 1 W - snw a ins. v ' WATCH REPAIRING HERB t year goarante ' oa alt work GEO. METZ JEWELER (22 Mala X A. Y.D. (At Your Door) . Industrial Supplies. i v rnoNB sti Sunny, pleasant rooms. Dcpentlable nursing1 care. A goo4 place to convalesce in illness and after surgical operations, KLAMATH VALLEY HOSPITAL PIXK AT POCnTII 8TKKKT, KIMATH F.tLLH, ORKUOJI Corner Fourth and Pine Telephone 4 9? THE S UN ER SETS r 0 C HE ST E RF I ELD'S PO PU1ARITY Popular in all 4-corners of the 'Earth... where fine tobattto' is a jr of fine living ) 'TVER since Sir Walter Raleigh' brought the1 first v . E tobacco home from America, the Londoner has made fine tobacco a part of fine living. ' So it is only natural thet he should be ukk to appre ciate the pure natural tobneco taste and fragrance of Chesterfield; ' , ' By his preference, Londcm'' takes its place among the world capitals of 0C4tcrCeld's popularity.' . ..i'' '; : v:.? 'r ' . u - Licoftt & MvEks Tobacco Cq. . , - 'if T " ! i I i i "' 1 di stick pohutarihj . must be deserved'