The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 08, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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Eugene, Orepon
.... 1
City Edition
Clar with 'continued wsriti
weather.' No relief from heat I
In sight, decile vur'able wludi
The Old Home Paper
Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Servil e Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade
Price Five Cent
Number 6098.
M Ml
inn i nmr
Executive of Lumber
Co. Visits Klamath
Falls .Yesterday
Klumnlh'a dream of a
mammoth Weyerhaeuser
lumber miii and extensive
logging operations lit ncui
This wan indicated lus'.
night by George S. Long,
general manager of the
Weyerhaeuser Timber com
pany in a brief but care
fully worded statement to
the pros. Accompanied by
high officials of'hls.coni
any, Mr. Long arrived in
Klamath Falla - Saturday
night, drove to Crater Lake
Sunday, returned to thin
city Sunday night and took
the northbound Went Const
Limited to Portland.
"Count run Ion of I lie mill In
assured." Mr. Long admitted.
"How soon? At lhl time I do
not wish to be committed to
any statement of I line. I do not
desire to my tomorrow or
month from now, or vet a defin
ite dale.
"What you may quote ma a
saying to that the mill will I
constructed In tlio ncir future.
I think that statement will be
all right.
"In about two. weeks, 1 pliin to
, (Continued on pme sovun)
Klamath Trapper Kills 25
Predatory. Animals
In July
Deep Inroad Into the predatory
animal population of Klamath
woa effected during the month of
July by llarlnn Gubaer, fulled
Htntea lllologlcal Survey trupprr
assigned to Klamalh.
Guhscr leada V. 8. U. 8. trir-
pcr or uregon (or tlio mnntn or
July with 2:1 coyote pclta and two
boh rat polla to testify lo Ii!h
activity. The anlmala wore
caught In the long trap line G Ho
nor recently laid which extended
north from Bonanza Into the
central part of the Indian reser
vation. . .
Twenly-six huntera worked all
or part time In the atato - nnd
turned In tho skin or senilis of
210. coyote, HO bob eat, two
hear, or a lolnl of SIS preda
tory animal. In addition, 1S9
badgers, ISA porcuplnea-and 23
skunks wero taken but no part
suvod. An average of 10 preda
tory anlmala per man per thir
ty days were taken.
'''! " "Wild Mnn" Jnlliil.
NKW YOIIK, Aug. 8. (!)-
Coney Inland! "wild man from
llornoo" wna locked tip for a
loo fulthftil portrayal of the role.
Ineanaed at a apnctaloi, the negro
filling the llma-honored midway
attraction, dropped hla rhalna,
forsook the bonea ha waa stippoa
i'd to gnaw and took after real
raw meat. Hla prey escaped with
minor lacerations, :.
PORTLAND, Aua. . ip)
iH-aib of thiusanda of (lull In
I. lik Kwauna we declared to
have been Tamed by irwiic from
en Tallied by irwiic from 1 1 L
Falla. In a report iub-
lodisy to tlio Mute gamo TP III
"" II LI I v
roinmlitalon Instructed! I P"l I X
Clifford. stale same war-! I I I I a
lake up the matter of I V
com mis
den, to
ii'Oin dlaponal with the city of
Klamath Fella, with view of
remedying the altualion.
The report followed an Invrs,
ligation which was ordered hv
he cnnimlioilon on learning ,lia:
( had levn living In large num
bers In the lake.
It waa drilared In the report
(hat the deal tin were cauaed by a
hortagn of luaolved oxygen lo I
the water, a condition alleged '
to be rausod hy from lb'
city. '
Today's Iteeulta.
National: New York at Pllts
buiah. poatponed. rain: HoMu.l
at HI. I.ouls, postponed, rain.
American: Chicago-New York,
postponed, wet grounds; St. Luu
laM'hlladelphla game poatponed;
Packers and growers Pre
paring for 400,000,000
Pound Yield
HAN JOSH. Aug. 8. (API
With the largest harvest of
nrnn,. In th hlaltirv of the ln-
iIiihWt leaa than two weeka away.
packera and growers are prepar
ing to market the eaiiinuteu tour
hiimlretl Iltltintl crOO OO B
rompellllve l.aiiU fullowlng the
failure of mo campaign 10 en
roll SO percent of the Independ
ent acreage Into a cooperative
glower-packer merger.
Although Ihe campaign does
nit officially cloae until Monday
nildnlKht und olflrea throughout
tho atnte wIlP remain open to
day to reeelvo voluntary ron
liaeti. field workrra have lieen
called In and no elfort to solicit
contracts for the 15.0UU acres
outstanding will be made.
Headquarters of the prune pro
ducer' aa-nof lullon,' the attempt
ed growers' cooperative, will
compllo the total acreage aud
cliyin Ha doors.
The California I'rutie and Ap
ricot tirowera' annurlatlon will
Inaugurate a pollry if ronipell-
HVA Mollltiv ft.,. Ihft lfl!7 jrmt
and la reported to be preparing
11 aenvuiiiv 01 price quotations
lo be releused lute In the week.
Increasing Humidity and
Low Hanging Clouda
Help Rangers .
PORTLAND, Aug. 8. (A" Low
hangljig fog and Increased hum
idity along the Columbia river to
day aided crow flghilng fires on
the Washington and Oregon aides
of tha stream. (
Von advanced up the Columbia j
nearly to tho Herman creek fire
on the Oregon aldo which started
Saturday night from spark thitt .
Jumped Ihe river. Atmospheric j
rondlllon helped 75 men control
this fire. Fifteen more men were
sent out today to help stamp out!
the hlnie. !
Ono new flro was reported to- j
day from tlio Columbia national
forest In south eantrnl Washing-1
. (.Continued On I'ngo Eight)
Reconaiscances and
Surveys Made
By Engineer
Itefonalt-aanccs and survey
preparatory to sinning work on
six county road projects author
ised under the tSUO.OOO mad
bond Issue are being made under
the dlreatlon of County Itosd Kn-
glneer tiene Henry and work
may be under way early thlaj
The six roads Include grading
of aeven miles of the Hildt-brind-1
Prague Hirer road: gradlugl
and surfacing of the Silver laki";
road In Kprague Hirer valley;
grading and. surfacing of the
Campbell road In Kprague river
valley: surfacing of the Mid
land I'ntor faction of tha Klam
alh Palls-Weed highway: surfac
ing of Ihe Hock Creek t Fremont I
road from Fremont bridge aev
en mllea west to the west boun
dary of Wocus valley: gradlug
of roada In Langrll valley.
"Two crew are now In the
field running Ilnea and checking
up on Ihe physical features of
the proposed projects," County
lioad Kngineer Henry said this
morning. "As soon as the neces
sary data la compiled we will go
right ahead with the work.
"Wherever possible grading
will be done force account with
county equipment. All surfacing
will be dono by contract."
Grading of the Shasta Way
road, whlrh Is routed from the
south city limits through Fair
Acres and Joins The Dallra-Call-fornla
highway a short dIMance
south of Altamont Is nearly com
pleted.' tiradlng of the Chlloiiuln-flray-m
111 road, six miles up' Spngue
Hirer lo the Spragno lliver Lum
ber company. Is about hulf com
pleted, tho county road engineer
reported. Contract Is held by G.
I. Stehhlii.
Surfacing of the five sections
of the Spring Lake section of
tho Midland .Market road system,
is also about 60 per cent com
pleted. I,. F. Irelon, Chlloquln,
holds the contract.
Board to Decide
On Tennis Courts
To determine where tennis
court will be built and how
many will bo constructed, the
city park board will meet tomor
row evening at the city couuclrj
cnamoers oi ine cuy nan, u was
unnounred today by Mayor T. II.
Report of a tennis playors'
cnmmltteo Is expected to be
It Is N understood that the
board will authorize construction
of from two to four courts.
46 Bottles of Beer
Are Confiscated
. -
In a swift raid staged Saturday
nlchl. police arrested Swan John
sou. 1632 Johnson street, and
confiscated 48 bottles of beer
sulci to have been found In John
son's home,
Johnson was released on 9100
hull and had not appeared In
court this morning. '
LKW1STON. Ida.. Aug. . (A.
P.) The new tlve-bnnd sawmill
of the Cleurwiitor Timber eom
pnny hero made Its Initial riln
today, with some 300 men em
ployed. It hus been linder con
struction for more than n year.
NewGraiseRevealsKAN QES
Large Pine Increase , n, . n n r
Annual Taxation Income of County In
creased $26,790; Expect Gain to Total Bil
lion Feet; Report Submitted by Firm
Figuring $1 50 assessed vatua-
tlon per thousand board feet the present year an increase of '
and twenty mill taxation,' 3$ million feet has been found!
Klamntb county's annual Income ( on 132.000 acres; that in 192. j FlTSt Fatality Report'
from taxation has Increased J3.- an increase In 41a million feet) - , , . n
790 as a result of ths new coun-lwaa found on IST.iOO acres; andj ed 1 Ouay in K a in
ly Xlmber cruise, according lo a that In 1S25. an Increase of 1701 ' F,,,. " "
report filed by the firm of Ediar jnillltcn feet was found on 100.000 1 er T OerSI
a Cullison. Portland. which acres. , 1
urday afternoon wnn lue county
la handling the cruise.
The report waa filed late Sat
court and aummarlzed the results
of cruising 419. 500 acres of prlv-lpast
ately owned timber land from the
summer of 1921 to date. J
A total Increase of 893.000,000
feet of merchantable pine timber ,
has been found on the acreage a I-
ready cruised, the report states,
Assessed valuation of the timber
Increase computed at 11.(9 aa
acre totals $1,339 SOO. Annual
taxation at 20 mills would b
126.790. J
County Agents1 Hold Clover
Would Bring Large Return
Red clover Is one of thebesj
bets for KUmath agriculture.
This was the unanimous opin
ion of centrul and southern Ore
gon county scents who convened
here Saturday and with the Klnm
ntn county agent a an escort,
inspected Klarmath agricultural
lands. Klamath land and climate
are peculiarly adaptable to the
growing of red clover seed was
Ihe opiulon of tha agricultural
Tho market la practically
limited for red clover aded."
County Agent C. A. Henderson
said today. "Return from a field
of red clover should be from
MOO to 1150 and cost of ship-jed
menl la small .because the pro -
duct la not as bulky us other
agricultural products.
"In addition, red clover "fields
,...n.,r.. ri.t.ta rni nniiiinea Wa
ting in hava a much red clover
arreago as potatoes. Naturally it
Pass Through Klamath
Falls Saturday Night
On Way North
S On their return trip lo Port
land, L. C. Oilman, Seattle, vice
president of the Great Northern
railroad, A. J. Wltchell, chief en
gineer of tho S. P. ft 8. rail
road and Judge Charles II. Carey.
Portland, attorney for tho North
ern Lines system, stopped over
In Klamuth Falls Saturday night
long enough to attend to busi
ness matters.
They were guests Saturday
night for dinner at tho homo of
J. F. Kimball.
No particular slgnlfli jnce was
attached to the visit of the rail
road men. They had been In
California, It was understood.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 8. (A.
P.'l With a wound through his
abdomon, Arthur Rogers. 21. of
Cleveland. Ohio. Is In a very
serious condition tuduy. as u
sequel to an attempt to hold
lilt I. f Mi'dunke and r,h. .the
filling station at Twenty-Second I
and Washington utreets last night.
The report states, that during,
If the present rate of Increase
shows up on tho remainder of'
timber to be cruised this year,
the accrecate increase for the
three seasona wUI total ap-
proximately one . billion feet of
Timber wealth of the county
has been assessed on the basia of
a county timber cruise made over
ten years ago: cruise which the
past county administration held
was aholete. The increase noted
br the Portland cruising firm are
gain over the original county
cruise. j
will be a long time before we
attain that goil. but that Is what
we are aiming at."
- The county agents expressed
surprise at the phenomenal grain
crop which Is nearlng harvest pe
riod. Several .stated it was the
latest grain crop per acre t iey
hid ever viewed.
Potato fielda came in for their , experienced ranger and an excel
share of Inspection as well as ! lent-woodsman. Tracks of Eaton
Zawadke grasa near llevna. re found yesterday but these
Success of marsh land reclama- could not be followed. y
I tlon waa shown in Wocus valley.
un-.The county agents were Impress-j
ed with the present tsatus of the 01 me urea who me ex-Geary-brothers'
ranch, which aeer-:ion of two were reported un
few years ago was under water. ; der control.
Visiting county agents Inrlud-j
F. L. Ballard, stare leader of
1 county agents, Corvallia: W. T.
j McDonald, Redmond. Deschutes
county agent: Rick Richards.
! Canyon City. Grant county; W.
11 Tiirhor. Prineville. Crook coun
I tv. and P. T. Fortner. I.akeview, '
Like county agent.
... . '
tanrUrrl Cleaners & Dv-
dtanaara Cleaners uy
ers Company Robbed
Early Today
Breaking through the front
display window with a piece of
wood, thieve early today looted
the Standard Cleaners and Dyers
establishment at 1409 Esplanade
street. ' '
Six suits were reported stolen.
No trace of the robbers had been
uncovered by police up to ! p.
in. today.
Tho robbery occurred about
1:10 p. m. Noise ot falling glass
awakened a neighbor. Dressing,
the man hurried to inveotlgnte,
but arlred too late to prevent the
The robbery is the second in
the past . three weeks of the
cleaning establishment.
ITICA. N. Y.. Ang. 8. (API
Two unoccupied dwellings within
half a mile of each other In tho
Italian section wore wrecked by
mysterious blasts early today.
One ot the explosions damaged
aevrral homes und bus'noss
J block.
TACOMA. Wash.. Aug. S.
The battle that is .-aging in
the Rainier national forest to
evfinetilah fires miv have elaim-
H lit llf nt mi man I
Clyde Eaton, of Eatonville. the
man for whose aafety It la fear
ed, and Frank Greer, both of the
Carbon river ranger station,
started out yesterday ffter a
telephone conversation to meet
at a new fire which had been re
ported by lookouts and patrol-
Greer went to the point ' at
which the fire was reported but
1 could riot find the fire, 'ft-5 U
1 believed that the flra burned
' rapidly, causing a great deal of
! smoke.1 then burned Itself - out.
' Search rs could not find Katon.
Returning to the ranger - sta
tion. Cr-er anread the rennr: I
that Eaion had not turned up
and others fighting the many
fire took up search.
The missing m.m did not re
turn yesterday and an organiz
ed searching party was sent out.
An all day hunt failed to find
Eaton and the search was betas I
continued today. Eaton is an !
Te ure situation In the for-
I 111
' today was reported to be bet
Portland Ctrl is
Drowned in Surf
SKAVIEW. Wish., Aug. 8. (A)
-Miss Agnes Hamlin of Port
land. Was drowt ed In the surf at
finfivlnw Cnnitn. Bf,avnnAn l,tl..
bathing with a party Including
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Stev-
;enson and .Miss Catherine Sbuler.
'also ot Portland. Miss Hamlin.
who was unable to swim, ventur
ed too far nut The rest of the
party saw her plight when she
! stepped In a crab bole and start
ed after her. Stevenson attcmpt-
I vu iu unug uer turougn me sun
i but she struggled so hard that be
w" unole do anything and
i h8 f011(.nt him olt She went
under and they saw no- more of
her until her body wos seen drift-
ing by tho
hours later.
fishing rocks two
Blaze Destroys
Two-Story House
Fire which broke out at 6:30
p. m. on Montellus street. Just
outside tho city limits, complete
ly destroyed n two-story frame
house occupied by Norman Gage.
The dwelling was too far away
from a hydrunt to rqcclve fire
protection. Tho tire department
without water, was unable to
stop tho blaze. . Lou had not
been estimated by this afternoon.
Klamath Falls Will
Be Convention City
. PORTLAND. Ore. Aug.'S. (P)
Klnmuih Fulls will be host to
the anuiiul encampment of Vet
emus ot Foreign Wars next year,
July 16 to 81. It uus announced
by Captain Patrick W. Kelly,
state commander. Pluus Include
a trip to Crater Lake and an
cliiburute program.
ft ft Mft'i fti
Playing errorless ball and bit
ling the "apple" constantly
throughout. Ashland IIOA3 scut
tled the Klamath Falls Pelicans
at Ashland yesterday before a
fair sized crowd. 9 to 4.
Absence of Ileolon. Klamath's
alar pitcher was keenly felt. Gil
lick, a young California twirler.
pitched five Inning, and was
knocked out of the box. 11 was
relieved by Sandy Bandera who in
turn gave way to Means la the
eighth. - Ilenion waa bitten by a
mad dog In Yreka Thursday.
Klamath made six hitx, three of
which were home runs. Pour
tier, the new catcher, knocked
out two four base hits and Heath
a homer through the fence la the
Ashland started out with one
rnn In the first, followed op with
three, two and one in the third
fourth and fifth respectively, and
closed their scoring with two
more In tbe sixth.
Klamath scored one In the sec
ond on Pourtler s first homer, an
other le the second on Heath'a
four-ply lacer and two more In
(Continued On Page Eight)
Fifteen Die in Automobile
.Crashes and Crown
ing, On Coast '
SAX FRAXC1SCO. Aug. 8. (1?)
Fifteen persona were dead to
Cry snd many mro were In hos
pitals -" reault of a series of
week-end autoii'.oliile arcldenta.
drownings an one fire ou the
Pacific coast. v
Seattle topped .the list with
three dead In that Immediate vi
cinity, while San Francisco, Ber
keley, Fresno and Spokane and1
Longrtew listed two each.
All the Seattle dead were vic
tims ot Tnotor vehicle. They
were: Mrs. Florence Irving,
young bride ot John H. Irving
Jr. of Seattle: Albert Engseth.
23. of Arlington. Wash., and
Peter Maragopoulos, 11, a Spo
kane boy.
In Berkeley a man and a wo
man partially Identified as Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Smith ot Seattle
were killed when their automo
bile was struck by a Southern
Pncific train.
In San Francisco Wat. Mcllaln.
Jr., six years old. was killed, and
his small sister and bis father
and mother Injured when their
automobile was struck by an al
leged hit-and-run driver. The
(Continued On Page Eight)
Let s Than a Month More
. Remains of Summer
Less than a month of the sum
mer vacation remains before the
opening of the city and county
school of Klamath with tho
announcement that Wednesday
morning. September seventh,
starts another term ot school.
This announcement was made
this afternoon by Professor Paul
Jackson of the Klamath county
high school, who Is anticipating
the largest enrollment In tho
history of the local high school.
"The'enrollment will reach far
beyond the 400 mark and tho
frctthman class will run close to
140," Pprofessor Jackson stated.
Close to 150 tcuehcrs will at
tend the institute here on Sep
tember fifth and sixth, the two
day proceeding the opening of
jnhools, ,
Albert Johnson, Con
. gressman, Issues "
HOQClAM. Wash., Aug.
8, (AP) Warning to citi
zens and all aliens who de
sire to remain domiciled in
the United States,. not to let
iheir " sympathies , or wrong
information sway them as
the day for the execution of
Sacco and Venzetti ap
proaches, was issued here
today by 'Congressman 'Al-
ibe'rt Johnson, chairman of
the immigration and natur
alization committee of the
1,ous of representatives
"Aliens domiciled In this coun
try ahould remember," said
Johnson, "that If they partake In
antt-government demonstration
here they end their chances of
citizenship, which, now that It
la harder to get, Is that much
more desired.
"Beside, they will be liable to
deportation under the 1919 act.'
Kncmjrs of I. S.
Referring to Sacco and Van
xettl as "bandits and murderers"
Johnson's statement said: "They
are also anarchists and enemies
to this government, that fact had
nothing to do' with their convic
tion nor with their Approaching
execution. They. Bh'oVld never
have been admitted V lthe Uni
ted States and under tfiej new Im-
(Continued, on Pgd keren) .
Frost in Canada Causes
Big Damage; Highest
Level Reached
CHIACGO, Aug. 8. P) All
grain prices went soaring today
largely on account of report ; of
serious crop damage by frost In
Canada. Approaching the, io
ot business for tbe day wheat
quotations were up 6c a bushel
and corn more than 4a with nil
deliveries of corn touching the
highest level ret thl season. 4
Waves ot buying order began
to hoist grain values almost from'
the outset, but confirmation of
damage to crop by frost wiui
not readily available. Lutor,
however, advices were received
purporting to show that ' frost
damage waa serlou In the dis
tricts of Assinlhol, Gravelburg,
Rosetown and Southwest and Ke
glna and Southeast. .
According to best authorlllet
here, tha low temperature offi
cially reported today from Cana
dian poluta with readings at
freezing point or lower eonie at
a time when the great bulk of
the wheat crop (n that terrllwrr
Is la bloom or In the milk stage.
I'nder these conditions, an ex
perience ot even two or three de
gree of frost I a very serious
mailer, ,