1 ! - I if M Z'.i'j' i ii .'aire EijrM , 1 " ' "! feoCIEIY NE; "CDCT, after ill, the 'very Ubft in ins 1 rood talk and tha thing which helps It moil la friendship. How It dissolves tba barriers that divide' us. and loosens all con tralut aud diffuse Imelf llko some line old cordial through all pa veins of life thla feel Inn that wa understand and trust rai-h other, and wish eiuh other htarltlr well.v--Henry Van Dyke. fOU guv ine once a flftv V A Klft of Joy. Of lore, of power, of peace, of - ' purity. And I. oh. wastrel that I was 1 left It on the sands And the a rent sea Swept lu and bore my gift In passionate derision Far from me. TIE ts floppiest T power rhov Jiath i pt$Ciat)ar wkdoml' from every flower. Aud wake his heart In every hour To pleasant gratitude. - William Wordsworth yS people throw '"to be Joyous themselves spirit of aummer, motoring becomes more essential to their pleasure. The g Sunday all day trip with a lus rious, dainty luncheon, prepared to aatlsfy ravenous appetites In jured by Oregon'a wonderful r.-.ounialn air have become a part of the family regime, and Just as soon as the laiy Sunday breakfast is over, a devout word or two offered in the family pew. and. . the . Indispensable . Sunday piper perused, there is an eager dash for the motor and a spin to one of the nnmerons beautiful Tota about our little city. -. '' Oregon Is rich in gorgeous acenery and it Is to be wondered at that her own people enjoy it so calmly when tourists by ' the hundreds from all parts of the country, come here to get-: a fleeting glimpse ot the beauties of this "land of the mountain. ji isn i exactly tnai appreciation is lacking, out ine Oregon people are so accustomed tp'aeeing their grandeur that the first flush of enthusiasm Is tak en oft by constant association. Mr. and Mrs. Glover Entertained Monday TN courtesy to Mrs. Robert W. A Harwood. formerly of this city, who spent the past fortnight here with friends, Mr. and Mra. John M. Glover entertained at dinner on Monday evening. Covers were laid for: Mrs. Robert W. Harwood, Mrs. Madgs Dixon Dnlton, Mr. Robert Ben son KuykeRdall, Mr. Linn .W. Nesmltb,Tr. C. C. Cooper and tho bost and. hostess. Mrs. Harwood left on Tuesday ' for Portland, Seattle and other northern points. . , ..; Informal Dinner H., At Nelson Home TlK.-ond-Mrs -Jack Nelson pro sided ovor a prettily appoint ed dinner last Saturday evening ut their apartment in the Ar ! cade. The table was centered Willi n lo'.v gold bowl of mid summer flowers. I Covers were laid for Miss Lois ! Weedon. Mr. L. H. Derby. Mr. J. L. Wcbh. Mr. Hal Blackburn, and Die host and hostess, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Jack Nelson. ! Informal Dinner At Green Lantern JJ0N0RING Rev. and Mrs. :C. II. Harrison of Portland and , Her. nnd Mrs. F. B. Morrow of . Corrallis, who spent Wednesday here visiting, Rev. and Mrs. Nel son F. Cole entertained on 'Wed nesday evening with an informal 'dinner at the Crecn Lantern. Cov ers were laid for fourteen. ' ; iter. Harrison Is superintend; enl of the Congregational church, es In Oregon and Idaho. The party left on Thursday morning enrouto north. . . . 'Short Sleeves ' A Worth gown ot smoke-gray crepe haa an oriental swathing girdle, looped-tip hemline to Its skirt and short sleeves that reach almost to the elbow. Skirt Jabot A Vlminet ehiffod . evening j in k of "dawn gink f eatarea ::t.-ir. i ippling ,iaboLjlnwn. the left sltM 1.1-ilM friiltt panel, I Helene Breitenstein, Society Editor. Phone 83 Bridge Evening At Au Revoir Courtesy Skillington Home For Miss Alexis Lyle HO.VOIlXa Mr. D. HI. hard. o( ft J ourtey to . . , l Mis Alexia Lylo. who left Canyon City. Oraon. who la!(hl of o tho summer house uest of her,,,, , mouth lit San Kraneuw. slater, Mrs. Karl Templar, Mrs. Victor . Palmer and Mrs. ' T. It. Sklllinatof were Joint hostesses on Wednesday evening at the Skillington home on High. Bridge . was the diversion of the evening and five tables were In play. ! Mrs. Allen Sloan held high .score at the close of the play and Mra. F. R. Olds received the ' consolation. Painty refreshments j were served at the prettily ap ; pointed Individual tables. I Summer flowers In graceful colorful arrangement decorated ' the rooms of the Skillington i home. . I Those wh were present to 'honor Mra. Richards were: Mes ; dames E. M. Dnbb, Earl Temp 1 lar, Guy Satterlee. Roy Oram. Allan Sloan. Ray Telford, Joseph Avery. Frank Mills. F. R. Olds. J. E..Hoskings. E. H. Lawrence. D. N", jTktnensi Percy Evans. Lbula Bradford. W. D. Miller. I Kenneth Pmith. Will Wood. J. 1. Beard. J. H. Carnahan, Guy Man ning, Roderick Smith. R. Sloin. Misa Margaret Magulre. Miss Dorothy Skillington and the hostesses. Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. sklllinEton. Eastern Visitors Honored Wednesday MR. and Mrs. H. A. Runde were a host and hostess of shower complimenting Mrs. Laur Wednesday evening entertaining j ence Birk at the Lewis home on at a handsomely appointed din- 'be Merrill road. ' K' ner In courtesy to Mr. and Mrs. The apicious liring rooms were if. j. Knnae ot iew iora i ny, , me si. wr. nunue, uu , have 6pent the aummer months J ID ninmm ruis-. v- i oaraen Diooms loaneo ,neir i....... in A rn t n . v. . M..ii 1 " appointed dinner table. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Runde of New York, Mr. and Mrs. John SlMmens. Jr.. shlnlng!MBi an(J aira,-C. d. Low and the hoat hostess Farewell Dinner For Mrs. J. Moert -A FAREWELL. courtesy non voting Mrs. J. P. Moert. of. Louisville. Kentucky, waa that1 of Sunday evening when Mr. and airs. E. W. Renick presided over a prettily appointed dinner at their home on High. Covers were laid for: Mra. J. P. Moert. Misa Rhita Moert. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. toughlln and family, Mr. C. A. Marino. Father A. F. Looser, Father F. Giea. Father C. B. Felge and the host and hostess and their family. San Francisco Girl J ItXlSii Lilly Glonnon of , San A Francisco, one of . the sum mer's Interesting visitors, who is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Linman, was the honor guest at an informal evening on Thursday, when Mrs. Linman in vited a few guests to her home. The hours were from nine until midnight and at the close ft the evening the hostess served light refreshments. The guests Included: Miss Glonnon, Mrs. M. Davenport, Miss Katharine McAndrews, Miss Ali cia Marie Davenport. Miss Veron ica McAndrews, Miss Delia Mc Grain, Mr. and Mrs. j. P. Lin man. , Messrs. Martin McGrath, Leo Hopkins, John McAndrews and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Linman. . Misa Glennon will return . to her home In San Francisco on Sunday evening. Coats Remodeled. . . Fur Manufacturer. 'fa its.irniZ y. Furrier MIW. wnxiAM IIE8SLKB - 421 Klamath Avenue, Between Fourth and Fifth. Klamath Falls - Ore. Miaa Veronica McAndreiyi enter tained, with .a delightful ereutng ot dancing al her home on High on Monday evening. The home was attractively dec orated with a profusion of gladio las, carnations and sweet peas. carried out In the raiutiow color j note. Clever favors were pre sented the guests. At the conclusion of dancing at miduiglit, the guests enjoyed a buffet nipper. Misa Lydia Von Berthelsdorf and Misa Norma Uoege rendered a number ot de. liglitful musical selections whlih were enjoyed by the guests. The invited guests were: Miss es Joy Evan. Norma .Doese, Lu cile ' Coan, Virginia Peyton. Charlotte Wright. Delia . Mr Grain. Marjorle Peyton. Lydia Vou Ilerthelpdorf. Marie Daven port and the honor guest, Misa Lyle: " Messrs. Ernest Nlellson. How ard Ralph. Joe Evans. Walter llaunon. Howard Doege, Kenton llamaker. H. Whettley.. ( Boyd Yaden. Jllll Ousley. L. Cochran and Harry Bolvln. " Mrs. Birk Honored Thursday Afternoon CHARMING hospitality was dis pensed on Thursday after noon when Mm. William Cun ningham and Mrs. Leonard Lewis entertained with a miscellaneous "-m.i.m.ij unviaini ia ioe rain-1 .,. nuu,.u-, I Al" 'be close of the social hours j 1 . j -r dames R C Khnrt K P I pnln. . - i (Otto Wabbles, j. E. Storm. R. E. i Bradbury. C. M. Haley. Robert Fryrcar. D. It. Mnrphy. D. Kills Young. Hurry UootTf. ,W. ,F. HII- 'or, Gladys Latla. Dorothy 8horU C, -W. Latta, A. R. Campbell O.' M. Haley. - Misses Bonnie Short. Mary Short. Faye Drew. Elisabeth Tay lor. Gladys Latta. Dorothy Shorty. Aubra Bradbury. Alma McClay and Gladys Sexton. Fur Bandings Lelong uses beaver for deep flaring cuffs for the collar and for a triangular front panel for an autumn coat of pale gray ve lours lead. Jeweled Shoulder-Pin Jewelled sprays of flowers, how-knots and other designs of pins are usurping the popular flower's place for left shoulder wear. I Here Comes the Bride 0 - ' " ' - 7 - ' '-'' ...... x IUMI IN lit Ml Mrs. mtlliiuui iio.l .Mri. Wilson b.nlod tlielr miliiHN.li U ili..i I mil . iMMn . any nt llm...trdliO! .ci'reinony. Il"rrlliey are luind in liniid, Jiiines t."MttrrinMii l THE KVENMNC. HERALD, KLAMATH FAM.S. OKEfjON Mrs. Kchoe Honored With Bridee Affair JN courtesy to Mrs. A. Kt;hoe f Seattle, one of the HURimer'vUt Itors in Klamath couuty, ' Mrtk, Dan Crump of Modoc Point iu- teriained with two tallies ' off bridge on Wednesday - atnun.wui, at her home. -The rliwo. of the play found Mrs. N. Y. Stoddard ! Iiouling high score. Dainty re freshments were served nt tho ) conclusion of the olay. Tho guests liuludeti: Moraines A. I.. Richmond. M. E. KnaussJ F. E. McGee. Ross llallantyne. 8. W. Kgeline. N. Y. Short. C. Plwr son. M E. McMillan. , Y. "Stod dard and A. Kchoe. of Scuttle, the honor guest. . Luncheon Honors Mrs. J. McCourt MRS. W. E. I-amnTof Modoc PMnf -nri.l,lu.t tiA.t.J, i over m noon luncheon on, Wed nesday In courtesy tu her. moth er, Mrs. Jennie McCourt of San Francisco. The luncheon was given at Linkhaven. Covers arero; laid for: Mra. Jennie McCourt. Mrs. W. H. Rob ertson. Mrs. G. A. Krause and the hostess. Mrs. David Shirk Honored On Fridav ' ' ONORING the birthday of H Shirk. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hec- tor were host and hostess with an Informal cvenlug ot card on Friday; at their home. ' The-eve- ning hours were plesrintly spent with bridge and at the close of ., e piny the hostess Ted da!nty ' refrpshmunla. swcet p,,, In graceful . ar- nDteIle were used . In, deco-i .u pr6,t!lv. I luncheon tali a. which was cen- tered with a- blrtbu(ry cakfe' and lighted tapers. . - The guests numbered sixteen. Complete Ensemble The well-dressed woman when traveling now adds to her en semble a handbag fashioned from lizard, pigskin, or whatever the style is that fashions her shoes, purse and belt. Bloused Bodice Yoked skirts and swathed hip- lines have established as smart the bodice that has a alight blouse above Its belt. D.'lt Ca llOUOn streamers With the big gardeu party hats of mid-summer, the old-fashion oil ilbhon stroauiors That ham; I unwn one'a back aro coming bark into style. if" n ine ten, . Via' L , iTr ?J S vfcf . .iaw Marie Claudcl's 'Trouser Skirt' : I i V f I ;;"!: : I I: ! S ' . V. II I - I ' W7 .-!" 1 I 1 1 ' i V I .1 I 1 V? wx - s v - -. I i -7:-: ;V The former Ml:e C:.lel. re cently married daughter of the French ambassador to the t'nliej Stales, rnonsois the "trouser ! for teveuing wear. . Here ,abe la In aurh a Worth creation - I ot wh"B ch,rTo- tth ' l"" swathed lilp-llne. A corsage ot chiffon rosea with hand-palutid cinler- oniy trimming. ' t-m ' r ' jMlSS Cllamae KOWC Bride of Mr. Dow PRETTY lote July wedding was solemnited ou Saturday evening. Jiuy a"iu, wnen . j Ellamuo Rowc, became the brldo i of. Mr.. George A. Dow. liuv. V. K, Allison performed tho cere- mony at the First Clirlslfanf ehr. h In II.. nresnne- of a few' 1 .. . , . relatives ana tniimnie trienos. The bride was very charming In a gown of yllw cnjia K6- roalne with bands of taffetta. Sit carried ilkhowert.bXxinst of Ophelia rohvs and lllly ot the valley. Mrs. H. V. Dow. matron of honor, wore a frock of roso col- ored georgette and carried a cor - i sage of Russell rose buds. ' Mr. H. V. Dow attended the ; groom. Following tho ceremony a wed ding supper was served at the homo of Ihe groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Dow. which was beautifully decorated luand mid-summer blossoms. .(Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dow wjll be at home to their friends in Ship-1 and Mrs.- Frell Drewelow. Mr. plngton, and in early September ' and Mrs Fred Peterson, Mr. and are planning on an extensive trip! Mra. Charles Axel, Mr. and Mra. through tho south. j. J. Winters. Mrs. A. C. Wiley Covers were laid for Mr. and lot Sparks, Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gcorg;A. Dow, Mr. and I Roy lluinblctt, Miaa Miry 'Me Mrs. H. V. Dow. Mr. and Mrs..! Comb. Miss I. Peuney, Mr. D. A. Will Worden, Mrs. Mav Rows and Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Dow.j w.j Wanted A Name ' ' FREE ' 1 Dozen 8x10 portraits made in your own home, if. located in Klamath Falls,- if you will name my new studio. i)lake as many, suggestions as you like. V s -.i v- 'ri'-"'' 1 " ;'' 't? r:'ir-: -f . ....Cut thfa out and leave it at 323 jlugcHtctl 'amo .; ' . By i : Contest closes August 15th, 6:00 P, M. R. E. STINSON Photographer 323 Main St. Kodak Finishing and Home Portrait Work a Specialty ; , ' ; Informal Dancing IQNOKINO a coierie of the younger set, Mrs. I.ee Hrown of Merrill vutartartued with a "stag party" at her home on Thursduy vvuuiiig. Tho hours were spent wlih limit ing and mu sic. A buffet supper waa served al mldulghl. Among those attending were: Misses Ellen McVeigh. " l-olllne Dalton. Wllma and Ora Offluld, Edna Merrill. Esther Mniue, Mil dred Hill. Mary and Arllno Tay lor, May and (lortrude Tolly and Fay Jlunette. Mesdanies llsiel Dalton. Alma Merrill, Alia Cheynn and the hostess chaperoned the young women.' . Bridge Evening At Runde Residence nJs evening or bridge ou Thursday ot the home of Mr. aud Mra. II. A. Runde ou McKluley proved on ot the en joyable Informal affaire of the week, when they complimented Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Runde of New York City. Three tablea were In play during the evening and with the close of lUv pluy Mrs. Dan Crump of Modoe Point held blgb score. Mra. N. Y. Stod dard nt -Modoe Point received the- consolation. . , . . At midnight Mra.' Uuudo-uuvo4 a five course supper. The guesla Included Mr. and Mra. II. J. Runde. the honor guests: Mr. and Mrs. Claude J.. air. an airs, Crump. Mr. and Mra. N. Y. I idard and Mr. and Mra. G ! Price. , .Houghton, Mr. and Mra. Dm II. Hlod George Judge Childs Host . At Informal Dinner V 1NKHAVEN was the setting fur a prettily appointed din ner on 'Tueadav evenlua. when j Judge Clillds of Crescent City. i aiuornia, coinunmenicu a num ber of his close friends The table wis prettily decor ated with summer blossoms, ar tistically arranged. Covers were laid for: Mr. and Mrs. George Walton, Mli Kalh erino Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Duncan, George Dunran, William Green llrooktr and the host. . ak j Annual" Picnic At". the Wingered Home crtii. nrvoiy . no pie pr fj! Stid Mrt.'ricre Wlngured Of Rum- " V UB p.nee lor the Jolly Neighbors and their families on Wednesday when they gathered tor the annual P"c- nic. More than fifty were prea- enl and the hours were spent with gamea. The picnic supper!. was held on the beautiful iiati' i after which old fashioned' i danrea were enjoyed. I Among thou who enjoyed Ihe 1 affair were Mr. aod Mrs. C. D. IChorpening. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- i Ham Newman, Mr. and Mra. W W. Southwell, Mr. and Mrs. C V TflKnunil Mr. It V tlnllln. Mr. and Mrs. Titus. Mr. and Mra. Harry Bright. Misa Marjorie Tate. Mr. and Mrs. R. X. Kendill, Mr. Mrs. Amul Paul, Mr. aud C. W. Miller, Thora and i Lea I ha Miller, JuckiMlllur, Mr. J McComb. and. the children of tlie various memoers. ( Main St' Street ' "To &n4 Humanity Better" aMMVNaijasakNaaaaaj V Serve unci thou nhalt be nerved. If you love unci servo men, you cannot by uny hiding or stratagem eseupe the remuneration. v EMERSON Haid it ' We believe it. ItJ Vcnr of Kutlf)lim Hi-ilie FUNERAL TlLBKOMI AO Miss Donna Mack ' Hostess of Week mIKr1 Duuna Mark ot Spring ' ' IOfe proved hersi'lf a most grarltiUa hostess on last fialur'. day evening when she rompll meuted a number of summer vis itors with dinner al her home The evening was spent with mu sic and games at the conclusion of dinner. . Covers were laid for: Mr. and Mra. It.. A. Long ot Fresno. Cali fornia: Miss Panal Anuurmatt and Misa Florence Horn of Han Francisco: Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Jones. Misa Eda Jones. Miss llou lah May, Ralph Anderson, Ralph Jones, Charles Mark, Jr., Charles Mark, lna. Hntelle. Fay. Vera. Jessie, Hetty and Hubert l-ong of Frrsno. (nllfornli. and the host ess, allsa Dunua S)nrk. ' ' . :' Butterfly Trimming An old-faaltlnned banana col ored "Tusrsn picture hat eleits ilellcuap beige lait btttter'nies to alight oiTlts brim and cruwn t-jf trimming. Velvet Ribbon A rid blue flowered ohlffnu tin mil friitlt nutl.l. v.tlk'Mf rllklu. i j.bk.. K... k.i,j ... l.h. J BnU inilc0 tu waistline, i r 9 Fcod SpccrciicU " And That's the f. Reason : t -. i. f Why So Many I , People Eat J'V i.- ;"r At the i ' BRICK CAFE 111 No. OPEN ALL 7th NIGHT If Realtor you re a carry PJiofoirrhphs pf the homes; you list. ; . Pholotrfaphs show pcpple what they're ('getting: for their money. ;; MAY KING Stinson Studio Meet me at the , , Swan Soda and Candy Shoppe Opposite Court House Hot Weather Food and Icy Cold Drinks. Cu ' Saturday. AugiiHt , 1S27 Lady Atleiiiliihls HOME. Pun Ave at 6t Animating Jabots. A green georgette drvns 1 . rlth a Irlple-tlerV.."! fashioned skirt no' a dtfublo Jabm flows from earn shoulder' "ntHi. the lop skirt tier. . - ' j Slipper Strips "Snaps" Fleilbla, acta, bsble sllpiwr straps are appearing In J. ulnl design and a routblna Hon ot leather and Jewels. Sacred Heart r Academy Klcmath Fall, Ore. a select boarding' and day school for girls and boys un der fourteen years of age, conducted by Ihe Hlslnrs ot St. Francis. Gradna follow Ihe same course as the state. High school slasdardlied. Mu sic end art departments In charge of esperlriired loach, era. Ralea reasonable. A new Studio and naw tirade, Class Rooms for Ihe coming year will edit to Ihe conveni ence ot larger classes. More teacher! will be employed In the Music and Art Depart ments. For Information address Sisters of 8t. Fraucla or rail at the Academy. "We Know How" Phone 154 ' y New City, ' Laundry ' K. J. KDI.II, Moagrr WATCH REPAIRING nEiut ' 1 year guarantaa on all . , . "or . . CEO.METZ , JEWELtll . II Main Standard Dyer t and Gleaners s Odorleu Cleaning " One-Day Service ; Expert Dyeing ' j 1409 Esplanade SU Thone825 ! ' I I'vi-i)' 7.UI i.yrV" "nt;i':i;i V-