PAfilSFOlJR. THE F.VKNIXO HI?K'Af.f'JKUVMAf ft ORF.r.ON PiittirtlnV. AuniHt l, V.VdT T. U. M AL.ARKKV.. W. H. I' ...... V. U. KNtiUSH . ..KJItor ..Advertising Manacvr Uuaihess Mnuafter "HURCHES Kntrrod as saronri rl.ia mattur t the vostortlca at Klamath Falls, Dragon, on August "0, 1906. under act oC Congrrss March 3. 1ST j IH-llvrrvd by Carrirr tty Mall On Ywir ft. 50 One Month Fit Mom m Thrtii Month! Una Mnait 1 S 'V-I 'i?iuiiiliiv atrtrtr.ift. '&Vll tha iitot-i Inas ot Utttl are tailing. lie nit: lit slravl nitK'tliiR coniltit'trj by tli young .'uil. Sunday uuirii lug at :4S o'i'Iui-k you ar cor dially lltvllrd to vl nil our Sun day at'hixil. I.lva growing rluwK' (or all av with big wit-ulna to till. SiwWal missionary iro giani liy Mr. OoVrU. At uYIOfk illvlmt or- ahlm You rannol atford to nilaa 'V t'oliiMlunily Couirn'Kntionnl t'lmrrh JUS VoHlland Ave. Her. N'flaon K. t'ol. pastor. You are cordially Invited to this aervl- of antH-Ul MvMing ................... J 50 Th Months I .75 our hom. Uke church achool at ( omuiunlon aervlce. followed lw , Da .. i.s& mx aiontlia s.7 a-j& m . .... . n.. ..... I .- - i IS Uue Year 5 U0 a. m. oieaiuige. ''tiolng IhrouKhl -..H.rt..t.7h..l " Th. lea. her. meet liur.- W ,h If you de.lre to llv -.1 i: j s Associated Press Leased Wire"' 4" j Member of Audit Bureau of Circuation day arteruoou. . vlnorloua Christian tlfu. come Iter. J. V. lryaiil will urearh io this ervU-. . At ;Ui oolm-k ' . ! at Olene. The Olone Suu- n the evening young pooiilo' tiny achool la at 3 p. in. N.U UK1I IIK.UtT III Itt II Klglith and High Siri4 Itev. A. r. Lorser.. . Her. V. B. Fclge acrvl.iN followed by a alnml nieellug at Seventh and Mntu. At t:ii o'clock Im'kIiis Ilia eviui ning tratigelivtir aong and irwt-k lug aervke Ynu will euiuy the aporial muaical half hour lint or ot it'iubllcatlou yf Hev'tul dispatches herein are also reaerved Saturday, August 6, 1927 '. . - .. - iUmlicr of tha Vaaoriated I'reaa 1 Tha Associated Vreri u e.vcluaivcly eutltled to tua or rei'ubllca- ll.. o all new. ltMKhra vrlile4 a oothoi W.4tUd ,., san.lay maaae at :S0. Sreii the meaaJge from Mi word. ".T , " . 1 , , . I 1 " ' ait el 10:30. Kvenlng dorotlati at Subject. "The Wella. of SuUa- tli." followed by a dlvino ueal- Veek-lay maaa at 7:tU a. nt. log service. JJrtng the sick and Merrill, first and third Sundara aufferlng. and 'prove Jwua to be at 1 ii : 30. All are cordially wel- the very same yesterday, today come at our aervlce. ami forever. Cod la saying to all the world "Come." A real IniuianucP lU'MlM Oiurvli revival of old time rvllglun la 11th aud li!gh need of Klamath Kalis. ....... . ltnll'h R. Mulholland. pastor. Tuesday evening nana practice. Now IS the time to show your loyalty to the entire "ioea God Send Evil?" Is the Mr. lVllet In charge. Wediwa- copnty by giving ydur support to the fair. The board of "N"" of ,0 '"ning wrru-. day evening great "'''' f! The morning theme Is "An Apoa- cannot afford to mlsa directors are Working overtime to give to the Community ,ie Who Could Hare Wished Thursday evening choir prac tice. Mr. Uevrlea lu charge. Friday evening message 'The lle llever'a Comforter." followed by l Supporting the Fair a show worth while. Each member has his heart" in the HimM" Accursed." - - .. Bible Shool :45. ' : work and he is working from every angle to get exhibits. Young Peoples' meeting at We heard a conversation the other day wjjen. fair " . '", ' i t . director spilidjng and Jbegging; for a 'livestoi'li"'" ex hibit, r t! - i .. i.V . prayer service. You ar cordially Invited to each of these services. Ouy DeVrlea. pastor. , Kaaidenca Hi Itogera street. Whune 1078 M. Study phone S73-W. TIIK SAI.VATUIN i.4ltIY (IS Walnut Street Everyone ought to Ensign and Mrs. Briegs. of ft- cers In chtrge. . The reason tne average man Saturday evenlug. Free and an t tell a. woman nytning la to lirimr in the livestock and nrodure without Dleadintr. Easy -Meetln. 1 n: at. r - . because she would rather talk have interest in the county .fair sufficient to be anxious t , ... . . . -t . . ; Suaday morning Hollnlaa meet- "an usieo. j A new pavilion is being- erected on the grounds and ,n ,. ' . . i; , the fair grounds plant is to be one of the best in the . company meeting for children. wist.' NoITiinir is beinir snared to make this a Derman-; !:, - ra- i. , . iw t i-r Young People's l.egior. t:3l) ent feature of Klamath Basin life. . p m 'But, you can erect all the buildings you can think salvation meeting.' 8 p. m . nf. vnn ran hnv tha hpst trnrk in th Pari fir North- subject. "Judus and Jesus." .... j .u. . . : -t .u. - ood musle. A Obituary w&t and if the local spirit is not strong in support of the ieieonie. fafT it will i cool place. All parish. h There will be sufficient who are interested to have a good fair, but why not have one hundred per cent " interest in this undertaking. It is one of the very best things that the county can have. ,. TINY' KKKI SHAW. Friends are respectfully In !vlted to attend the funeral aerr-It-ea of the late Tiny Fred Shaw to be held this afternoon at five o'clock at the Earl Whtllock Fa neral Home. Pine Avenue at Sixth. The' remains will lie fur- ChriMtan Sctt-nce Society. Tenth at Washington Sunday school, :4S a. m. Snndav aervlce. ll:UO a. m "t Wednesday avenjng meeliug ut warded to ,Ii AngeU-a on this j.0. evening's train where services cki - ... . u . . 1. - Mrfll Vnlidurted and will then a DUVJl .... IUT IHVI E'U( - j Automobile accidents on' the' highways continue to jee. Angus 7. 'Spirit." ' be forwirded to Springfield. Mia- J-ease. Up will go the rate of insurahe , one of li Free reading room and free onri. where vault entombment fhe days, and it seem, to be high enough right now. ATTb." ?! : r-r- -..' . day and Saturday. The public js K.MM.V.IKI.IXK IMKHJfJ. ,0n your Sunday drives gO'tO. Tole lake and see the cordially Invited to attend the Frtnn.l.i are r'r"lflly,lnvUed grJineld It will be an inspiration to you, " - llVlXl wnmllllla lilUIWUf JW'WWII'fMW to be fffl HunUay-'afft-mn;.l I : - . . ZIOX LlTHEKAXlHlltCH- 4 o'clock iSf m-Tarl WIitlo ; Arrange to entertain tha fire chiefs on their way home.- ZL,V lT. from the Portland convention. They are a good bunch i0:JO , m . morning aervlce. pastor f tV Frist chriaitan Of 'fellows and Klamath Falls is their kind Of a town. Topic of the mmoi will be "Jus- church OfUelntini;. ' Interment . j , tlficatlon By Faith." (will be made fn Ltnkrllle ceyne- . I ' , -. -j,- x . -a-r . -T- --J JVp..mjarvic.ln (.erman tery. ,Dont slump, down because it is August. September rm . on, -Tbe biiu." German . will soon be here and August is the month to iart jthe pa?Ticea..iii "probabjr- be held . one a moatir in tnc aiiernoon. "All morning services and other i - " services will be In English as liGet the stock ready for the county fair. It "is the heretofore. show window and the county has the good stuff to show. .X'e, 'j1' ,'. : ; the Y. P. 8. will meet in the j How's your potatoes looking? isa favorite greeting chnrch for Us first -meeting, these davs t ' '" " "You are invited to attend our mese aays. 1 ,errlct mito ,he Bible claw on Jtonaay evening. fall business. j;Not long until school opens. Every boy n tovn can tell you exactly the date. """' ' " " f -T THE SWAN SHOP j "Opposite Court House" at If it's dOLD i roii want we serve it COLD! 'if it's HOT you want we seive it ,H.0T!f Eat and Drink here once you'll come here !: ALWAYS! 4 i'.l. oiages JLauy 10 Ashland and Medf ord Leave Klamath Falls: 7:30 A. M.;.10iA:',M:; 1 P.1 M-.' 4:40 -P.' M.'. Arhland, $2.25 Medford, $3.10 Two through trips daily to Portland, $10.05 Howard Trasportation Co. Terminal Stage Depot - ; 615N MAIN ST. "PHONE 999 - FIRST CHRISTIAN' 1'Hl'IM'H ., V. K. Allison, pastor. The Automobile Servire club or the First Christian church Is doing great service In keeping up the attendance at Bible achool. If yon want to ron U church and Rtble school and' have no way to go. cjII phone 1102 from $ to 12 anr morning and, you vill- it told liow'you can get there. I Sunday achool next Lord'a day at :45 a. m;-" Lecture to men'a class: 'The Mission of the Holy Spirit." Sermoff at 11:15 a. m., "The Kingdom of Christ." Christian Kndeavor at 7 p. a. Sermon at 8 p. nt.. "The Four Square Church." Special music and Inspirational song service by all. SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Buy your wlnter'a supply ol block-wood and greon-slab al once, whilo luo prices are al tint bottom. FARMERS Also atock np for the year, at the bin or delivered. We deliver anywhere 1.1 the valley t cord Jumbo loada. ;;)! n reyion (07 Main Phone K3 . FIRST IF.THOIIST CHI HCH " Frank I.. Wemett, minister. , Meeting in the City Library building. An attractive program of exer cises feature tilt" opening ot the Hlhle achool at ,: 45.. .Competent tea. hers are prbrfded for classes of, both young and old. If not inroled.' .flaewhere visit our school tomorrow. The pastor speaks at 11:00 o'clock on the subject. "Tile Tyr anny of the Present. " Mlsa Wln nogent I'eiiney. who sails next . Weak ! for bts nilmlon station in South America, will deliver a farewell message to the congregation. A convocation of young people will gather in the evening to listen to reports from the delega tion which ' returned recently from I lie Kp worth league Insti tute ut Sullies Lake. The hour and place will be announced at the morning services. . KLAMATH TF.MI'LK Corner Klghlh and Oak 81s. tiny DeVrles, paslor Full gospel, undenominational. A big welcome awaits all who come. Tha revival spirit contin ue In apite of the hot weather, ,nd Jiuudrtds pre attendlug the 431 Main St. CLEANING PRESSING Work called for and 1 delivered. "' . ' ' Klamath Cleaning, & Dye Works Plione 40H. i! f i v,.- J i - 1 1 1 ii - n SAFEGUARD YOUR EYESIGHT Do Not Let Fear Interfere With Good Vision ' DJ. H. W. BARR Kye Hlglrl Hprclullst : GUS DUNN ;! HSyKLF.R AND JIH'TU'IAX j i 0.1 Miiln' Ktm-t ' I W, 't.WV.'.i LAST DAY TO GET 90,000 EXTRA VOTES Bis Double Offer in News'-HeraltiV $6,000 Prize Campaign Will Soon be Over. 90,000 Extra Votes Closes at. 9 Tonightr$200 Extra. Gold I'rizes Closes in One Week. Race for 4 Atit omobilcs and Other Prizes has Less Than Month To Go! j't I -v 1)1.1 vi"; .it . i .. k ... T I' Today is the last day of the largest remaining extra vote offer. in The Klam ath News ar(d Evening Herald's $6,000 prize campaign.. One tnort, week, to win $200 in Extra Gold Prizes. ,"iJ,fl'vil. i "i- :..rJ' New subscriptions' to apply on this d ouble offer must be turned in or mailed by 9 o'clock tonight. Outof-town candidates have 'the privelege of mailing their subscriptions, which will give the m just as much time to get new subscrip tions as city candidates will have. All r cmittances post-marked not later than 9 o'clock tonight will apply on the double offer. 90,000 extra votes tonight and $200 in gold one week from tonight For every $20 club of new subscriptions turned in today a special ballot will be given good for 90,000 extra vot es. No future offer will yield this num ber of Votes, not even during the final w eek of the. campaign. Only two extra vote offers are yet to come before the c ampaign closes August 27th, and both of them are less votes than can be had n ow. n a To the candidate;who turns in the higest amount of new "subscription pay ments during this last 90,000 extra vote, period and .including the week ending August 13th, an extra prize of $100 wil l be given; second highest will receive1 $60 and third highest'($40. This is, in Hd, dition (to extra .votes ,gjven on( $20 clubs .v'.'of new subscriptions. ,-.... 'It v - Never again will; there be ah, opportunity to get so many' votes with which to 7 win .an "automobile or one of the other a wards"-" The News' and" Herald's" great " prize event is fast drawing to a close less than a month to go. So do your best TODAY. -f; v - - -vW lt- .'tV" 4 MOTOR GARS GIEN! ( Here They Are: $1,515 Buick Sedan $1,005 Chrysler Sedan Two $300 Stromberg-Carlson Radios ' ' ' : Two $150 Stewart-Warner Radios 1 4t ,". Two $75 Cash Awards ."l';;:: c:,)' a( "," , Two $50 Cash Awards , 10 per cent Cash Commissions " -i .;,.. j TO ENTER-USE BLSK:yBEL0 $965 Essex Sedan $819 Chevrolet Sedan ' 1 i U.tiii tr's i NOMINATION BLANK Good for 2,000 Votes rirnsc! rnii-r: y N'ninn Aa m Cnuiliiliiip In Tim Kljiiuiith l,anlU imtm iiimI llfrnttt y f Aviuiunlillu "ml ri' Viii"ilK" , ' ' ' f i . ' . ' ..... nml. .,u : , . ;.,rb.wi.J, H , ' :t V .i ""' '-') ' , ildst No f. i i ''rt'-;-'';.f I Tiit ir I Hlitnr.1 Aililrrs ...'....:.i... tlnly onn noniliMliiin lilnnk rrcdtliMl in rnrh iimilliliilr. Vim rim VHii-r iMiirwir r limnliiMtr nny utlii'r H-ron.' ...-w -. )., v I' Z. ..'V-' ,JL' .IV.J r Campaign Department The Klamath News The Evening Herald-"- (Campaign Office Located 119 No. Eighth St.) ' . in i,n ii I . i .V itj t'i V