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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1927)
F May, August ti, 1927. THE EVENlNO IIET.AT.D, KLAMATH FALLS. OftFfiON Page Seven r. ?. i Ji Mi) Korer's Chances For Post Talked I I I RAI.KM, Or, Aug. B. (AIM r. I). Itorer of h biwn I-iiuic by Ih. elate ba m k Iiik board relative to ths appoint innai of auccessnr to Frank ('. Itrninwell atut tuprrliiU'iidmit of bank, member, of tbe board mU today, but ilil that Rorer would lint bo eligible tor llm ap pointment unlM bo dUixwixl of hi stork In lha bank; with which ho U connected. The law Inblblli Ilia appoint ment of any peraon Jioldlii-alork In a hanking Initltutlnn. It wa uilil (hat llorer ha not appllrd lor Ilia poalllon. II la possible that before the reilrcmeul of liratnwell on Hp IcuuVr 1, s hi'arlnf may be Klven llm di'imailor of. Out le (unit Tillamook '.county, bank. WATCH REPAIRING 'nKiti " ". . 1 fur guarantee to all work CEO. METZ JKWKLKB 11 Mala STAGES TO ALL POINTS 326 New Phone Number New Reduced Rate New Location 8th & Klamath 'Ave. u V "The Huaalilna lUiute" Reed & Reynolds Real Estate . Fire Insurance .i We specialize in ir- rigated farms , and stock ranches. it- 1036 Main St. ; Klamath Fall, Or. Sacred Heart ' Acadeiny. Klamath Fall, Ore. a iclert bonrdlns and ' day aclimil for KlrU und boy un der fourliu'ii yeara of .. axe, conducted by tho BUtont of Bt, Krnucla. Clrnden 'follow Ihe. name course a the atntn. IIIrIi ai'bool alnndurdlr.ed. Mil lie aud uri deparlmonla In churgo ,ot .cxpurloaucd .toai li. ora. Jlutca rcaaonabju. A nit Hludlo and now (iradii (Muhm lliioina tor Ihn coming yeur will add to the conveni ence of InrKor claamm. .More tvachori will lo employed . In tho Mualc and Ail Deparl monla . . ... . Kor Information addroaa Hint or of HI. Kraiu'la or call kt thq Academy. MOM'N POP HAVEN'T SEEN AMVTHlNft OP . WONDEB IF SHE'S haaavi.ii.i' rsA f.i....nV. OM H6r HOSBflMO ' arn ' lava'.w 'v V OH H6R HOtBflMO Z&J.$ V.IF6 EWERV WKSHT AND HE SO PROFICIENT woil HAVE ANV MOP. J ; j rZ t i1 W ' i-Z- . -P1FM- HeeNTCTH;jOrINTHrTeeMIMUS.- ;. wliu hure roiuplnluitd at tin bank uiiorlulaiiilaut'a uiansgoinciit of Ilia bank' affair. Ilraiuwoll ro q licit oil thu board tbut such, a bearing, should It be saked for, b bold while bn la In office. , M.U'Olt OK IIKTIIOlr VISITH HIAIIIAN VII.L.tOK IIKItl.lN, Aug. 1. (lOTlio III tin Hueblan town ot Tultllngen. In Wurtteiiiberg, la greatly I'lti'il over the uiieauvitrd recent visit of Miiyur John HnillU of Do trull. Aluyor Smith, wbua mother wm burn at Tutlllngrn. i ami' unaunounri'd and naked whether hla uncle, ti year -vld. and hit aunt. 73, were atlll allr. They warn. Villager showed him whera they lived. Tb aatonleh mi'ni of tlm old people al Ilia meeting with "llannea from Am en" wa sn ot. TI10-. nnwa spread rapidly and I ho whole village waa aoon In an uproar over lb vlall of "bty'--'wiio Irad " honored thu hla mother' birthplace by becoming "burgotnaeU'r" of an Amorlran city. ltH KIlHi: OltDI IU luatetd of tupping- a brown aatln allp. a aandnl-wood lucoi Kotte frmk takoa an overaklrt, fitted airdlo and dwp cuff of brown aatlu. A Bargain "V, , - "rt ''1 " ' ' -- y ! -in Garden Hose 50 ft of 5-S inch I hf Moulded Hose, coupled S6.5a The Very Best Grade, of. Garden Hose at a Price You Can . Afford To Pay - - "Headquarter 123 NO. 6TH TlLt. ; i.eniAi. ti ' v i '.'. T"i v...-. 131 ... . HAVtNO rl CtftCOS VTH MCMRY -1 (?erl , - CHM KfeBP POLLIWQ Z--'Z--- V SOUND LIKE . W AMAftTtCLR IM ThC PAPR TbMIGHT AROUT T ucuV "tWrVT SJCHCM6 OM ' 7 1. ' eeK X YOU WILL ' " I ' . TTvl...'iy TiaTV4 aw. M,a I T ueav uaBBuiA aOAtn1 ir Th linuoii' Til I I ' I ... . I "' . . r7 I H il . w u I . I . AC a a l i r v iv nc cur YUmr. MiMcn a -" i i - v.' 'J3 Jrw?&. avrv. A t , - - i ,.. v mi. ......w .... j i i s .. - ! 'aw i i - Tke-i " ir i NMIW MOtlKM I UXIIILK ' IN'' HKTTI.IVO lK IHIONH NEW VOItK, AUK. J. (AIM Two recent ' Incident In apart fcsve proved tlm v.n the mo tion picture rami -a la fallible aa a court of incl from clalona. When "low "'"" movlea" wrrn dovlurd Hi apurt world en llclpated a vlnual record af cl iw rara flnNlii'aniid qunullouad fid lit blowa whli b wi uld fntabllab Oo ilnliina beyond doubt, . Wlun llowmau and Ilurali raird allooat a dnad li't III Ibo lvuVard dh at tlio national A. A. L'. iJiamiilonahlpa kt Lincoln. Ni'li., Judsra Kara flrat place lo llornb. linn to llowman and . i . a wall ml the film lecture of tllo flnlah to aarrrtuln which won. AVIion the film arrcenrd, it did tin aliuw lluwnian at all. Wlun Khurkor ilaliriivl tbal hla kniM'kout by Damiiaoy ro-1 aullrd from foul blowa, ciM-rta florkfit to klliw . hill! nt IIiaI lauded too low Acaln the nlr-. lurea fnlli'd to entile It. Thev in. i 'eiiKhl thu nitlon from auib an anKle that rath pTt writer fouiid confirmation of hla own opinion. i . . , . Hcapalr la Ilia bllxhled fruit' of ho. Non-Kinkable " a- t . t for Garden Hose" . . PhrONE 371 , Pop Knows By Taylor HE-HF.F.-i-u Mre. r.iuul- jin KkZk. JLlST THINK -LF I HO - IT DOESN'T IMTME KiraiENOISlRY.NiiTO 'v' . KN VLS . V . I HjgWw j 1 1 . Prevent Waste In Shark s Carcass BVIJNKV, Auatrallj, Auk. S. (I' I') Jlka Ihe C'blraao tueat paiklna" faciorlea which ua part of the pic but the. lauui'al. a ahark fartorv oorallliK at Carnarvon IWwii'in Auair- IB I uilllrpa all poriloua ot auaiaa nsirpt thi-lr-ability lo lilln. " From the liver la extravlxd an oil, claimed to be mora of lira -cloua Ibun rod-lover 611. The klna are atrlpped and u"d forj loathiT. lalrr to adorn nillady'a' allkea-hoaed fimt or lo provide' her with kaUfJIava. Thu f lph ' la rillntod. tailed and aun-drlcd: for export lo t'hlnu, to be thej favored delicacy of a war-lonl'a! dinner table. And lo provide the aid war loaila with an appetizer. Ihe fina of the tea oionati'r are preserved and canned, to be cou vitI'h) Into aoup. Khnrk abound off moat of tbv jAuatrallan - roaat nt different """" onr. ann promo:era " ,n" iiinnairy, wnicn naa only """"I ,in;,i, iiniin lout IU) will make eurMiathlng afT and their own fortune. , , KltA.NO: IS H.IVINU. I'AIIIH. Auir. D. Thu Ihrlfly Kronrh, dnapite tho hl;b taxe and blah roat of living, atlll am Huvlnic money. It u eatlnintcd Hint every other neraon In tho country baa a aavliiKa a'Touul lk irrnulluic fivu franca. Tlm .mI value of the money, however. Is only about three-flf lha of what It waa III 131 . BALLOONS Balloons For Everybody at the Ballloon Dance TOMORROW NIGHT f $ 50 In Prizes You can't miss this Event Hal Blackburn ' and his band ' ALT A MO NT "It's tha Music" Why Howard Transporta tion Company STAGES ' Servo you better and save you money. The' only .stages that give all day ; service to Ashland and .Medford. The only stages that sell through tickets to all points on the Pacific Coast. ' Lv. Klamath Falls 7:30 A. M.v; 10 A. M.; 1 r. M.; " " 4:40 P. M. Tenninal Stage Depot 615 Main SC .' 1 Phone 999 Apprentice Host ,11. V Onu way to rn In cater to e touring Americas 1 to serve Ihe as steward on a trana-AtlantIc liner. That a what Roirr liol- lard la diiinn. He the-son of I he proprietor of tbe famous Ho - If I Anglo-American at Bt. I- sure. Prance, wblih be prob- my win manager u i is 5iu some day. l-XlltMKH K.MSKH I HKS OLD LMI-KKI AL WAH-titY W) The ex- IIKItl.lN. Aug. 5 Kaiser loncludcd consraiuia lory dinpauh ti a reunion of vet- ; rrnna of the Infantry regiment Koenlg Wllbelra II. in - Swine- muende. with tbe old imperial war-cry. "With Cod tor- King ; and Pntherland." ! The exiled monarch also ad- Inicalabcd thia Ti-mnant of his former tro.ips "to keep all re tbe ' mngnifirent Pomeranian spirit which ten;year ago In heated battle broke up the massed at tack of tho Russians at. Smorgon Krowo." f - a- -.-..J , . r 5! C t- T"F'B "HIS:. tr -y-rm.- Si I JIGHLY ENDORSED METHODS "PHE Chas. J. Dean non-surgi- i x cal method of treating Piles land other Rectal and Colon disorders, used exclusively by the Dean clinic hi Partian. Sua FrancMC and Seattle, hi ico . ate4 llmMKhnwt the West Urn aaoptirily aeraicalloeaaa witoOilyoliaialt PatiwiU Maaaa aval arenllroniBUnrWtant dates. Thccoa bknee evidence by a VV KI1TEN ASSI K- 1 A.NCE TO SUCl.tSSFtJU.V TREAT ANY CASE OF PILtS li based en 13 years of seecuote nractke. la whka lha aieet cilreme case kava been penaaaenlly relieved. One eiaTn.S every urfterer. Send lo. a iocUt. NtaxiaN optl Ki oraxBUM. Stk NAiai PeAorrfsatttaTeTd San rraecitcet fir.:-t'vii a aaa are?. ll-S.O i NEWS NOTES OF LONE PINE I -ONE PINE, Aug. S. (Special to The Herald I Mre. Clyde llnrka and Mr. M. A. Bowman of Merrill vlalted it the" Steven Griffith home In Klamath Pall laet wei.'k. I'earl, Kuxene and I'lnky Kea ly attended Ihe parly of the Mer rill Junior Kndcavor at the Mer rill park Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Pink Dark left Thursday morning for Medford, where be will attend several week taking medical treatment. Mrs. R. P. Beasly and Mr J. Iloider were visitor In Klam ath Pall Wednesday. Mr. If. J. Ueardsley visited with Mm. John Craven and chil dren Sunday afternoon. .Mrs. li. Anderson ' and Mia Helen Anderson of Merrill railed at tbe 1U P. Beaaly home Tuea- . day. 1 Mr. R. P. leasly and children. ; Thelmi and Arline Lewl and Maxlne Bark attended church al i Morrill Runday. .. - . - .' 1 ' Mr. Kveretta of Klamath Palls called on Mr.. Clyde Bark one da'e limt nk . Mr J. Y. C'otman and MIimi Mary Cot man ylsi'.ed at tbe Cat arnirju homo lust Prlday. Mr.-and Mrs. Clint Parker and Mrs. It.' P. Beasly attended the meeting of the Merrill Rebekah Aoita Monday night. - Mr. and Mr. C. W. Bowman , ond daughter. Marjorle. are mak- I' Ing an extended visit with rela tive In Washington." " ; TKACHKK IIOMR MAKING TO AVOID DIVORCES BATON ItOCC.E. La.; Aug. 5. BATON ROUGE, La.. Aag. 4. ( Pi T.nn in una hiut a np form o ..diTorre iamrty ..... Approximately 10.000 "Jill." potential life-mate of a many tlon of permanent home-making omice. They put their theories into ac tual practice in 81 model . cot tage, which are part of the state high school eyxleni. The girl work out all the problems of 'home economics, ranging from irooklng and sewing to house Ibeautificallon and landscape gar .dvning. "The jatx reign ha not hurt our work. mis Moniey says. "Our modern girl are a Interest ed in their work as any reason able grandmother would wish. See them at work and you have the best possible answer to the moans of those who bewail the fall of youthful ideal." " STYLISH CONTRAST The device of turning back ths Jrdges of . black satm-tunlc give 'a fix Inch dull border for front and bottom that Is smart. NEW TODAY POR SALE 160 acres-good meadow land. B-room house. ham. and other buildings. In quire at Herald Office. 5- WANTED A-l solicitor, neat ' appearance. Clood money - to right person. Write Herald. ' Box 699... - 6 Must sell. 5-6 FOR RENT Kirst class furnish ed apartments. Steam heated. McCarthy Apt.. 630 Pine. Phone 800. A5-S5 DRINK lt.HHVM. WATER Ha cured thousand. Whjr not you? Radium ore for sale by N. A. IIRIOUS, (Special Representative) I'houe 860-W J16-AX6 NEW TODAY WANTED ficnlle pony for chil dren. ' lul be reasonable. Call 8.' 5--7 POit 8AI.B heap. it Uken al nca, Howard pimo. Just like new. Walnut flnlah. 1542 Oregon Ave. - LOST Black flpaniel pup. He ward. Klamath Sporting Good Store. - ,.,.. 6- WAXTKD Shipping grader. In-I ouire WheWcr-Olmstead Yarda or call 1194-K evening. &- POIt 8AI.K Al a aacriflce. din ing table, buffet. dining cbalr with leather seat. 43S N. 2nd St. ,T - POR KALE Beautiful Persian kittens, tine pedigree. Also 2 valuable asolhere. Will breed free. Reason, haven't room. Dr. Norvall, Bonans. -4t ATTP.XTION TO HOME BUYERS. ', i 5-ItOOM ' fur'nlsbeil honso on pavement. Basement, furnace, lawn and shade trees: sewer. ' sidewalks and . pavement all paid. A real good buy on a choice street.. .. Price . I580U. tssv.uo terms. down. balance' . Ma) J i THIS WILL SUIT YOU -ROOM house with fireplace. lawn, shade tre and garage; . close In. eaperle'ly aullable-for buainee. of a-!-rud man. Very reasopablo t 1 17 ill. . Term on part.- . ' A DAXDT ROOM home for lern than you ran build It for Pomace, fire price, hardwood floor. Price 17300. 1 20 "down, i balance monthly. . TWIKS TWO cozy homes, each ha fire place, hardwood floors and ga . rage;' corner location. Will sell one or both, f & down. ' balance easy terms. This la a profitable investment. . . " LOOK AT THIS 4-ROOM . house .on corner lot: I tiarHWAAH flrutra Isr.a .lun. j oe porch, basement, on paved Addn. Prlpe 400j Only 500 ' v , down, balance monlily.. , . , rJ. W :;M. MONTftLltS, . Call any boor yon wish from ' ' '" . T A. M. to 1 P. SI. - TRI-STATE3 REALTT V- " ', 'L.L1. '' " hune 1050 Office 1111 Main " ' "OK RENT 1 MlrPI I AVmifS .FOR RKNT Kour room furnlsh. EXCELLENT TABLE BOARD FOR RENT Furnished 2-rom 11.00 per -day. Room if de- houe, $l.0(r month. 42 I aired. 60S Plum St. - plnm. Phom, S44. A44 WINDOW .CLEANING Floor FOR RE.fl-l-room partly fuTv- waxing, house cleaning and Jan- alshed apt. Call Pete CergecT itor service. References. - A. Phone 233-J 4-6- . 11. Rhoads. Phone 10M-W. 1 l7-a-tf IFOR RENT Modem four roes -i-mn.-M - - - -r . -- j-- house on paving, one block: LOST AND FOUND from achooL $10 month. Phono 1-W.- -.-j ... 4--- LOST Between Dairy and . Sprague River, practically newiFOR RENT Furnished apart- 10x314 Oversize WearwellCord nnts. Reduced raton. Coey . cssing with spare rack.. Tail Apta.. 68 Main 8t. 1011 light and license plate. Re- ,,. . . . .rt;e. . . water. Phono 821-R.- 3- WANTED FOR RENT Almost new pisnos. i t.00 per month. Rent to sp- WANTED Lawn work. - Refer- ply on the purchase price. ence- Phone jf47-Jj ...1-6 Winters. . Upstairs. 718. Main. WANTED TO RENT Room and SV : '' v ' ' " '" ' i bath.' Phone 1016. - . l-g FOR RENT Modern furnished . , apartment: also outside sleep. WANTED To trade saddle or Ing room. Hteam haled. Wln- I TalJ f?r c"r- Inuiro tors Illdg. Phone 149-W. I 1420 Crescent Ave. .. .. 4-6 . i Ucii x B-vf.i.v, l . 7TT F0R RKNT House next to bsth W LL EXCHANGE two good lot house. See Connolly Bro.. 812 In Berkeley for house and lot Main 4KB in Klamath Falls. Address Box 6.14. Herald. . . FOR RENT i 3-rooin modern wa- TwnT "I I T. no"'", furnished. Full base. t , :?TTo "dnpl a bn?L m miat' "raK: " Also V ?a v. ,Jyi'"r- AMnZ TOOB"- Jnou're 1150 Pine. 3-6 -ox oaf llorald. -4 ' FOR RENT 3-room fumished WANT TO BL Y-Two used heavy , ,pnrtmp,. Adult. 430 Wash" 1 or 4-inch tire wagon; one ingion St. Phone 283-W 3-5 d tire (blinking . machine. i ' empbell-Towle Lumber Co.. '"OR RENT Nicely furnished , oprague River. Ore.- - 30-&a 3-room , strictly modern house WANTED-Experienced restau- SwTiit. 35- t'll rant cook. Must be nnlncum- ncrcd and neat In appearance. "OR RENT Apartment. Two JS5 a month. Apply at Her- . rooma and bath. 137 High 8t old Office. 4-loa Phono 22F3. a. av..iviia,a.t . FOR SALE" KENT Pdrnlshed two-room ' houses. $lg. 1'honn 644-J. 2tf KOR BALK Bnhy grand piano, roomr im . ,.., ... : Brunswick phonograph and L. KS?"V "T?.BjP!?:' C. Smith typewriter. Addrese ' ' J87-A27 Hox 685. The Herald. 3-5 FOR RENT Furnished ourt . , ., . . "PL. rooms and bath. Sec-. vSii i , 0iVK7Hk0W- tr' ranW- not water. Oarage. 0R SALE Breeding rabbits. 704-W. . , ' Al.Rie Phone 64-J. 2-6t FOR 8AL1 Summer home st FOR RENT Compietely furnish. ! Port 'Klamath-. 'Address Post- apts-r garage, new building, offico 646 Chiloquln, Oregon. iut off Main on Broad. Rea 30-6 Arnrn. phono UU. J20-A20 rOR SALE Poultry ranch.- Ad- 1 - ': - . dress Poatofflco 646, Chiloquln. Oreg.'n. 30-5 . . FOR SALE - A fewHolu" bl, SMheTrcaHoT.V cow. fresh and dry. T. B. furnlsnei 11 tested. Owner. Enterprise pl.t.iy. electric range. lfn.T Ranch. A. M.nera. a-g. -lihwf' ..d'tXb t?t FOR SALE Well selected mil- fT. wllh "Iv.ts baths st llnery stock and novelties. cut ""f permanent , Oood location, good clientele. suests. Arcade. -J reasonable rent. Owner mnst - ! leave. 'Write Box 1ST Herald. '. . For Sale Real EstaU POIl 8AI.K Income properly. Owner leaving city. Two new . modern houaes. One 4 rooma and bith. furnlahod. ' One - , large rooma and bath, aook, built-in featnrea. Double - ga rage, etc.. StO.VO per taonllt , Income. Payment ISO. Includ ing Int. Phone M47-W. 3tf POR BALK CIom In lo on Crescent. All filled In and e ment foundation. . Ready 'to build on. Cheap. Terma. Will finance a houae to right partv S People Wu. 1'boae 7U4. . . POR HALE In Langell mlley. on easy terms lo acre of fine level land, all under Irri gation ditch with small hmuw and barn. Well of water. Will sell very cheap If uld befnr Sept. lat. P. R. . Hall,: 133 South Riverside. !K POR SALE OR TKADK -ronii modern hollow-tile houne. mod ern, hardwood floor. ahoWBT'i, hath, fine lawn, heanllfnl flcne- era, 1'ijJS garage, ip Yakima. A Wash. Will el or trade lot property In Klamath , Kallsl also 4-p'issengcr Rulck coupe to trade for city property. See ..j ! W. R. Locke, 512 So. tlb St.vt' , . J-3t POR SALK t)ll TRADH 23-acre home la It. R. Valley. 7-roora , plastered house ready fo live In. part of crop harveatM. . Rest ready to be. Trice right, terms right. Will take house and lot la K. P. part pay. t People Whs.- I'houe 704. ' ' ' : . -r: . s - FOR SALE OCR OWN PROPERTY LOTS I.V TERRACE ADIttf, LoU 1300 30 cash. I12.2S mo. Lots U60 135 cash, til l! ano. Lot 1400 140 cash. 120.00 mo. , THESE ARB CHOICE . FARMS Improved aftd unim proved. ' Good small : acreage tract.' - ; . If yon are looking for a place to rent ' or- lease. eoms - In. I wilt - I'll 'A .11 i ' . ' . .. .1. . . ..,i - - ' . . ... '..-- . , . . '