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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1927)
Friday, August ft, 1027. THE EVKNINfi' URRA1 1J, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON u -ji m ; 'ami . BRIEF NEWS . OF KLAMATH At Tito Warreu Hume Mm. Churles Culllur of Chleo, with bur lirothvr, Edwin ljugla j Obituary Markets TIN IIII.U MIMW. '; Tiny Krl Hliuw (mused away lu tula city ut iilne a'rlot'k llil morning, following mi 1 1) urn of . . .,,., i.,,... Kggs: Mediums 2a lower; cur-' I'UIITLANl). Ore., Aug. 6. ITi 4-Uultr, sleedy; esira lubes,1 dlly, 41c Hi: standard. 40c; prims first. SUc; f IrttM. 3S? Croamorv urlcos: Print. 3c above tube etandards; buttorfat, 41 Me mure lliiu auren weeks duration W'arreu. arrived bra,i. 81 oar of age aud OB- for an tituudud al the lionie '"rrl"u- Kor tml 'T month' of Inolr lumber, Mr. CV W. War- '"u resident of Ibis ren al IJ5 Cedar alrl.' Mr. vUy ui " 'f lode Culllor will bi r"iui-niurrd here ' fx-ndriica. Missouri. A sister, Mrs. by acirr of friend' and hr tn.!NM"1" " nmrf u' Bprlngtleld. MlMourl. and a brother ar lit survlring relative. , friend are respectfully Ijivlled to attend the funer tl services , to Im held on Hunday afternoon , at fire o'tlork at the Karl Wbll- ' I'lna Avenue I tereatlug article ou an vttended tour which ah uiade last winter will be remembered by' many, whi n lby appeared In Tha Her. aid entitled "Xo N'ui Ku. route." Mr. Warren plan to ro-1 ....I.. t. . . inuulhs. before relurel... . .,.r,.lluck rctul lloiu land, where lia la attending The!' Hu,h- " b coudu.ted by the rorllaud Medical college. l Is I ,UKm' ' " The re- a member of I'bl Delta Tbola and I u"1'" ,b" b" rr rded to Alpha Kabha Kaum. a uiedlial ! Angelea, California, where (ratnrnltr. At the orea..nt t I rv(ce will I., bold under the be I president of the I'pallpu chapter. Ilka Uulat Huntlt A. I.. Illce, local building In spector, will leave on Hunday night with the rnuilna of Tiny rrd Khaw. who paaard away In III la city ihl morning. He will lake the remain to Los Angelea, where he will be met by II. P. ftliaut. , another liitlnial friend, where aervlres will be conducted aud (hit remain will then be for ward ml to Mprlngflnld, Mo., tor vault entombment'.' I auspice of the Iaw Augclea ' Painter I'n'ou on Tuesday, fol lowing which the body will be forwarded to Hnrlngfleld. Mia sourl. where, the final servient i lid vault eiitoinbtncnt will he made In the family plot. A. U. Klie, local bulldlug In spector, waa a rloae Mind of the deceaaed and will accompany th remain to to Angelea. where he will h met by II. I', Khans, another clou friend .of the deceaaed, f .lTIIKItlNK f.M.DW Kl.l, ' Th funeral corteae uf the lata Inauoulug; Ituuka Catherine Caldwell will leave the . Mix Uavla, county librarian tor , mortuary at Klghlh and I'lue Malheur cauaty: la tpendlug a j atreeta, Hatnrday morning at I :&l monlb In Klamath county, cla-al-1 o'clock and proceed to Hacred tying aud cataloguing tounty high ' Heart charck where a requiem achol hooka. I bleb maa will b auug at :00 ' -. '. , j o'clock for the repoae of her frwn lkevtew - , jaoul. by Kalher f'harle Felge. Mr. and Mr. Kidney.. Kller uf.rrlenda may rail al the mortnarv nut receipt 23c doien: freah medium, tie; freah alandard flral. 2c; freah atandard extra. 17e. f'oultry: Steady: (lee ( per cent commlMlonl heavy ban 21 CIJc; light 1JC 14c; aprlnga II: broiler. II Cl. Pckln white duck. II: color d, nominal: turkey, alive, nom inal. Milk. Heady raw (4 per cent) 2. IS fwt fob rnrtland. Butter fat. 40V4o fab rortland. Vegelablcai, ataady. Onion, lo cal 1 1.75 0 S U. Poialoc. 2.S04j3.2S ack. - WIKi: JKTH KKVKNKK. NKW YOIIK. Aug. i. (API Archibald C. iWeck. eanltatlon export, waa cat off In tha will of lila wife becauae he fulled to keep bl promlae to remove a pile of rlblilah from their bick yard. Siikiyou Forest if, ; Hit by Blazes AMKItHMX WOMAN ilKH i:lt( ll.tltl TO VKTKIUXH l'AIIIH, Aug 6. (AP)-Krench Veteran whoae fafea were mull Uld during the war are to he made Into expert onhurdleu by muana vt a echeme aided by Ym. (Continued Prom Pan II of Cupto In, the Dry Lake moun tain area. - Air Patrol fiowl. ' " The foreat aervlce ha brought Henry Alva Hlroug of Kucheiter lu Ibe uae of an airplane. Ob- ' . ' rrver are placed In tha ma- Mr- Htrong gave approalmato chlnnd th Yreka awtloo tov- tJi.DVV to th purcha and ared each hour and a half whee, d-ivelopmcnt of an orrhard-aha- reoorta ara necaaaarr. Tha air- " lA M'uaey-le-Vleux, 20 plana makea the round by way till""' from . thief inake Pari. She la the patriae of the project to Public Market is , Held Model Store Hulfauien for the Dayton Dl pley fixture company will oae the I'uLIk- Market of this elty ai a model In ahowlng proapeetlve buyer a how a modern up-to-date grocery ahould look like. Thla word waa contained In a te'ter received till week by K. L. Cramblltt, owner of tha Pub lic Market. In which be waa ad vlned that all aaleainea for the above concern will carry photo- I graph of the local atore to rbere. In moving to hi preaent loca-jof the rac S5 of Coo a Neat, the Oregon' line Dry lake, Hcolt river. Into the " veioren unanciaiiy in- ,how wh ,he eompany believe Klamatlr dlatrlct and back to ''Pcndrut through fanning. Tjere to b 0D(f of moKt muan Yreka. Tha air patrol la effl- 'rr careiunj eieci- rrocery itorea to b found any clent. for It enable OMervcr to n " puniea on me aee where lookout miy not on r"'"' account of the amoke and haia .1 "r, donation wa made, ah now rapidly filling (he atrno- "lll: a thank offering that phere. When a flro 4 apvlted, a ,',or ' own on returned to her mciwige I written,' placed la a '-lely. from the war. email lidded can with a Dreamer ' to it, and dropped either In h men have their country Yreka or to a lookout.- Ho effl- Plae. but poor men mint be clent I Ihl work thai a me, aallaflod with fjrnta. igo dropped Turaday wa pick ed up and men put on tbe fire line before tbe airplane, landed. Hound after round I the way the puglllat aacend the ladder of fame. A New Line of Popular Sheet Music 3 for $1.00 Our He pair Department is alwayx busy. Briny; your old Phonograph and have it fixed so you will get a, kick out of it. Fhla 1 camping weattior and bofure you go Ilka eilbar a Portable or a Ukulele. Yon will enjoy your vacation all tha more. W atlll give free icaaona ou tbe oka. WIRTZ MUSIC STORE : lkevlew are (pending the day here on a brief bualneaa vlalt. Puller Itruaho Por fmmedUl krre phone 1 477-W. U. McUrida. Adv. prevtou to that time and pay their reapevta. Tbe roaary will be recited Ih'.a evening al 1:20. Interment will be mad In Mt. Everything in Music 122 So, 6th St. Juat off Ma mi. . v Ueorge Calvary cemetery under the dl. 1 VI (Irectton of I. A. Towey. . , m m-xintAti-in a i ,aa The Polly Shoppe I 133 South Ninth St. Opposite Post Office Wonder fuU Assortment ' f- Voile Dresses for $2.35 I Flowers i l:v " Baby Novelties.;; j Silk Underwear if.. if al 'f oil goodness sake eat better bread" I v CM) One at night Next day bright 1, We have a variety of cakes, cook ies, breads, etc., to satisfy the appe-. tite for warm weather shop " Early fimgP Shop Early Sixth Street Bakery . ( H'r-lr'r'W- High Time For . Blackberry Canning : ,i A- f "... Next Monday we are going to deliver to our trade their supply of Back Be;--ries for. canning and jelly making. We . are going to furnish the best on the mar ket at the lowest possible price, day of delivery. ; " . Give us your orders today without fail. We have already .booked a large sup ply, but are able to take care of many more. Don't delay call 200 and we . will do the rest. We deliver and guar antee, our goods and service. We"uolicit any new accounts who would like' to give i.i a trial, Guaranteed "Satisfaction or Money Back" The Sunset Grocery If I 1t 126 So. 6th Phone 621-W ! "i it It 4 . Rexall ORDERLIES . are. an easy -relief for constipation. A never falling laxative. Gentle In action and au aolutely aura. Never neceaaary to In crease tbe dose. Tbey work naturally and form no babit. Safe for children as wall a adults. 25c : aj " STAR DRUG. STORE rut oaUL sty Klamath Falls, Ore. tlon etphth and Walnut Mr. Cramblnl ! installed the Peyton Display future, hi being the only tor between Portland and Ban Prauclaco to carry these fig ure. .,, t 4 VVXVV AT IMK1 RACK IXJNDON. Aug. t. (API-t-Urey-bound racing after electrically driven haree received royal ap proval when the Prince of Wale visited the White City Stadium with hi brother, Prlnc George. . Like King Alfonso, both the prince were keenly Interested. Tbey jumped to their feet when the bell rang for tbe bare to start and leaned over the front of the box to got a better view "Quality" Our Motto Vegetables Fresh on Our Delivery Green Corn Oregon Celery Green Peppers ' ' Swiss Chard Green Beans Cucumbers Green Peas 4 . ,',.,.;. Bunch Turnips, CarroU, Beets, Head Lettuce, Green Onions, Radishes, Firm New Cabbage, Summer Squash, -'Tomatoes' - ; RAISED , LETTER PRINTING KLAMATH PRINTING COMPANY C22 Klamath Phon 1282 14 af travel to L3 . Departures daily Fruits til .(..'!.. Plums Peaches Strawberries Pears Grapes Raspberries" Melons Honey Dews, Casabas',' ' Watermelons, r Cantaloupes " ''" : J Phone 576 ' . flurry ij,ash Ajrocery Between 5th and 6th on Main II III II 1 1 44 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14444 Ht4 I MIHIHIIIIMUmHH i. . ;: c J ai ' Onljr i stralgbt-lhr- .n9U. roach aervlce to Portland, California' cities ',i; great Bonlhwest. witft 11 , daily- acb dales. Serves all Intermedi ate - 'points stop-overt K de sired.! Great- reapoalbls( yt tern protects you cares for. baggage. - PlnenC ' glaa-en cloeed car, reclining; chairs,, heaters. Leave for TREKA. DUSHMCIB REUDINO MS FRAJf CISCO VOS A.NGKLK3 SAX DIEGO, rHOEMX, KL PASO MED FORD, ROSEBURd . ' PORTUAN'D . .. 8KATTLE, VAXCOIVKB . -. 7:13 a. isu, JOiJO a. 1:00 p. m., 4:00 f. xaw 1J It i.lJ it; TeiTfnal- Stage Depot : Phoue "999 ' .. v It ELBERTA For Canning PEACHES Arriving Today r JIB 200 CRATES $1.15 Come While They Last NEW NETTED GEM SPUDS, $3.25 per hundred Drive out and get them. ' BRATTON'S 11 iul GrcatTrains :li ' I" I.ll 4 arcat routes achoicc matched ' r 1 ' I., j i -only Sfmthern Pacific ofiers thi command ing transcontinental travel service. t I 201 E. MAIN PHONE 942 OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS s i I t I ..j. iul, .m.,1 ,t,,iil,il,,l uV Ail. A ill J Tt TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTT tttttt by no other Cranscuntincntal rail road. Switc, deluxe trains direct to Chicago, Kansas Cir. New Or lcandwirKPiiUrnantthtuwithouf tj' r ;t Minneapolis, Omah. , MfMiiphis, acktbnviltc ' - " mediates. Thm tourat .. 1,,, ds Ansclcs to Washinr . Phone 750 ; A SATURDAY SPECIALS i. Small Spring Chickens, lb. . ,28c Whole or half hams, lb. . . . . .28c Veal Roast, lb......:.'.. ...20c Babbits, lb.. ..;..35c0 Lard, lb........ ......15c Miller's Market 818 MAIN X We Deliver All Orders Amounting ;to Over $1.00 Y X xirui i. r ni i- tmahn' V; other, 'uji ) are in if. Without Extra Charge BLACKBERRIES ! . - : "ii crt. $1.35 y r ? X T AyString Beans, lb 15c yl;,4 Kellogg' s Bran Flakes.45c !:!-; Pi6kling Cukes, 3 lb 25c a 'Tomatoes, per Klamath Red Friers, lb.. 35c A'; Fancy Fresh T'm't's, lb.. 10c t ? it it x Fresh in Saturday Morning, $1.25 SMALL STRAWBERRIES 0 RASPBERRIES Crate $1.00 . I Crate $2.00 Bantam Corn, doz.. 35 c 4 Post Bran Flakes 45c Crab Apples, 4 lbs....:...:.25c Klamath Cabbage, lb......4c Chinchilla Rabbits, lb.... 40c Elberta Peaches, bas....50c PARKING SPACE FOR EVERY.CAR PUBLIC MARKET Phone 169 ' "PAY CASH IT PAYS" Sixth at Walnut Klamath's Most Modern Grocery Store vC j one way, return anb Summer excursion fares s efftsf; tat namnle vi ill can on I., Chicago via direct route return ,1. j via New Orleans oe vice versa . at n adued tase.' Slightly adrfl- VU tional for one way through th aJJ Pacific Notthwejt. -i l ' Ttavefers' everywhere Itaosr i these routvnclrrlns. ' ,"IU . OVERMM ROtTTB, Lmkmvktt Tahoc Line Sen Francisco to ' . Chicago. San Froncijco OvtrUmtC'" Limited, transcontinental aristo 0 f crat. QoU Couit Limiinl; Pacific , Limited. Pullman to Chicago via "'' Denver and Koyal Oorge. SUNSET ROUTE Sen Fran cisco to New York via New Or leans. SunictLimited, famed' round the world. The Argonaut, from Los Angelet. By rail or ship 1 New Orleans to New York. GOLDEN STATE ROUTE to Chicago. Extra-fare, 63-hour Qolden Suite Limited, none fatter nor finer. The Afach and th Caiiomion. land and Seattle and east over northern lines. The extra-fare Cascade. Shasta and Oregonfan from San Francisco. The new West Coast from Los Angelea via Sacramento. ' Ask today for new illustrated brochure about these new routes; also booklet, "Lew Fares for am. ivr rrifw." 1 :t:iCoeti:o2-:: X', ? 'Vvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvw . r. j I w ''