o Friday, 'Anoint ft, 1 027. THE EVENING HERALD, KI.AMATH FAM. OflnOOV .'.1 BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Items of Interest Concerning KesidenU of the Great Klamath Jtasin. If You Have News for Thin Department, Yoiir Courtesy in Culling. 88 Will Be Appreciated lluoaiiait Nn uninwiiilif .1 A.' II. Iluaaman, popularly known a "INd," baa bn elatl ad la aerv as commander of tiro 1 local Legion piml. Ill Hri t ho unexpired term of flnorg Jtarih, who lcav. hare within III" com In week fur Mlntmapoll where he" will perhaps real da. Mm. Ilnrlh will . accompany her boa hand (nil I hay plan in mulct III trip by motor. K-nliHt fi((it Harry llnlvln. with Ih 01 Irlrl Attorney', ofllca nf thi rlly, will uun an office at Dvr rl. California, where ha will spend Several daya each week, Ilia remainder of tho time In ha event with hi" uoalilon here. Arrived Today , Ai Jil.ey Home (lcor lli'innanourc. mm .rer , Ml. Piclia Tl.iin.;...n i,t North of llm Oregnu Motor Aorlut.n. J p.nd, Wa hlnitlnn. la IT... lion. , arrival. In lb. tlly today to vl.lt ' , , fc , M, ,., tho Triple A booth al the chum- , ... . . , . . hr of rummer.-, and b-.mn A,,,,,,r nA lan ri-tntia h-r mote familiar with roniliriou of , over thn ik rnd. Ml Thorn, run ii. und hlghwaya In thl c- , aim will return home at ttia rlo! ""n- ' . I of her vlalt her and. prrpara In enter tha niilveraiiy of Oreg-tn r.t. r'emod..!ed. 11 r Maixifu' lurrr. Furrier Mll. ll l.lt H lit IK . 42t Klamath Avenue, .. Hetweu Jromlh and Fifth. Klaumta Full. - - Ore. lfl on Trip 1 Mr. and Mr. M. M. DolltiMon and ron, 1 1 it llt-i. k, liava left for a thrn w.ck' n"nl'in which I hoy plan to apand In Yellow tinie National park. through ' naillun pulnia and along thn roast. Tho Klllo MlMippo lk..anln( and drumnkliig. Ii: N "ill, Phone rtflo. S-CAdv. lleiulrTM.n ia Home A. Ilenderenn. county agrl rulturul agent, ha. returned from nwevk'e lll In euuthern Idilm pnlnta oa hualnea. While away Mr, ll"ti.leron Inspected potato 1 growing and aeeurvd um vn in ul'li) Information. II1I1 full. Hha haa vlalted hcr on nri'Vloua orrnlon and Tiai trnry frli'iiiln ntrinne tli ytiniiKir ! I'OMiplimrtttrd lr. MimtIw Aa a farrl! . oori-.v t" r 1. V. Moart of Loill villa. ln lu'ky. who aput tha pit two mnntha hi-rc, Mr and Mra E W Itunlrk antnrtalnad at dlnnor on Kunduy avonlnn. Mra. Mit ar.d daughter. MU. Fthltn, laft th arlv part of I he wk for Ihofr Honihorn bonia. . Al lar llomr - -L . . . " i, Auna.it ul Miiiittniw.il mid Ji.hn 1'li.tuli ' of Milwiil'faf' irn llm Imihmi. Kui-t'a of Air. Hri.l Mm Urn 11 I., nr -. r . 11 1- 1.1 ('.ill f.nli:;i. 'I'ht-y iirc jimtnr.tiK nv-r iIm ii'iniiiy und nr. njto'i";' ihcir fir,, I ti..n l,.Tu. Tli) plan 10 rtn.jiu m ibu tlty for lo wtoki nd a tMiirilii r uf outiiir. jtrc iii .n.' i l 11 n. 'l fi-r Mn-m. Krnm 1ilro I ' ' UK. bM Mi?t , 1. ,A. Crano . of . ( 111. 0. (;lll..inl 1. ur.i linm l.vT u 1 KUnialli Muwrr Hhip-, fttw (Uya vl.lnua, Thxv or Vor flnwara. Floral ilr.lana, anion tha itunjl.'at llm liot. l , quality with wrvlra Main Ari-llta 1 I . 'wiwl fhmi' ft. a 51?.-- Mm (b AT THE . PINE TREE LAST SHOWING TONIGHT OF . SYD CHAPLIN In thn Moat Uproaroua Comedy of the War THE BETTER OLE" SPECIAIr-Amateur Nitc 8 Prntti'ona 3 Surpriee Act ' Noveltiea, Scnga, Dancn and Specialtic . Klamath Fatl' Younj Artiats Will Guaranty ' Vou An Evening of 'Erntertaiamcnt , Hill. Vnr Plmi !- un.l Flor.il (!...u.i.i. a.lv. I'l.i.n.' I) IS. Ix-ff for Valley Mr. Iluliy Bplil.T of li-tMnn. nion. -io. "iint flu puir fi-w .Ittvit tH'n t.tiiiK. Icit thi. morn Itii; for .M'-illord wht-ri. hf- I1.1. u.-i'pfiil n 110.11 inn H111UI1 In. 111 Sjhhkhi .- .Mr. ti. Mia. Kluier Kin lib uf Hpr.'iRa ll.rt-r iri H'iii1inic th d:iy buru rhopiiitiK ufi. I tran.jtt- ItiK l.ii.ini'it Mr. Smith lit iru-in-mtti t of tho Caiii,li"tl-Towlo I.:iin bor rriniuiriy ut pnipup Klt'-r and waa J'lt ritntly oliul by hiH wlff art il il-'iuifli't r. from lit', eaat. l-'niltl M.itloc I'olltl . Mr. iiti'1 Mrv Inn Crumn. Mr. unil Mn X. V. Xx.ddard and Mr. anil Mr. cluii'l llnuvhton apnt Tliurliy pynliiK in th city. vl.itlnir t.t fh I,..mw. of Mr and lul.p and thre rhll-, ., A Ulin. T llomi I hoii itllrv Mr. ( dun r- hutna Iron Atlilaiid. whri tliy .M-nl aoTtitt tun at tli h'iniit of Mrs. Iift-ap'. moth lir. r J II. Griffith, wlio I j m p-Hir lifaHh, I w H uf Volpt Dr... rn j All alz'i und rolorii. Price (Mill. (;ray' fiarmrn: rbop. 'l-4tM IIith Vr.lt'rla -. H-r: ' tiny I.. Drill, ..ilor of th.. F;r (lirt.tiun ilmrih at reiitllf ton nod Ili-Y. JkmM I'olnt r, tvitn;lt.-t tif I'ortlntttl apopt fl 1 Tbumilny Iii.ro with frlrnda m.d B t ron.ii tllit bua'nraa. . 1 In Ni'w Home r'rlnnila nf Mr. mid Mra. .Paul Ki'ller. n -a Kmn -In Iluinpliry. will b l:i!. r". r. rt in Ifarn th.'V an. now toi-m..d -In Alwir , nw ; honto 01 . Hit . WMInr avi'inif. I Portland. Their waildlni (m jercnl of early July In thla ritj-. I'-lll .tti'iy T"II"IIT'IW l.rin hafilii. In vin.;iiiy with Mrt, sciiin. plan, to livva to morrow on a two aoi-k.' v.n-ttion f i dry hi. IhiIiH'm iluilr. h w r.--li;iv i.f tlt lori rliiiml.i'r of rom- ' lnTr. tin will flr foot Morn. 0i''.-. to flfli a Mb i.-r anil will ineii .pi-nil .nina t'ma vl.ltlnr fttlni. r,f Irti'-rcn thrnnahout h r'a'e TirWr horra 'hay !!! vl-!t nf Cnn'a P with Mr. Pnliln'n pnri-niH ' llnljjo rimti ffrre Jhi!l-i- jhiI Mr.. Wtlli.iin Tinrli v. l'h tl.ilr mo d.-nirhteM ar. ' tt oviiik 3 tlinii v:-i'. in 1 ."V111. ili Full. ftom 8a' ta. in-lit. JikIkc Kimli, 11 piMi.lu.-hi riK-in -!i'i- of flu; api.i-llaie court of 1.1 Tanc hiy, pUifis r.i.li tcur to vi. il (lr. r;. in i-u hi. r.i.iiiiriJ var.i ll.ti Willi );U fimiilv lo virjK.l .it rial, r I.iik" on Thirj.!;iy nrol . wilt l an- mm , now f..r k);I,-i:,. I'iivIiik Hmiii .After an enpiyable nminer hn 111" h.-iix.. kiici Ik ! ihi.ir on aiid ii irlin i In law. Vr. and Mm II. A I! 11 nil". Mr. :ir,.J Mra. II J. it initio j.f .V. w Vol k (i'y plan lo Ic.-.tii within. a f.iri nii.lil for tlidr cavicrn l.ow... Kni'iiuii! Ih.y will joiirtiy tlirotii'li '.'ini'ilri wlicrr- they will vl'il ai a I'ltRihr of intirnxlitiic jnit. Tiny will aivo vt.it In Hum.'. Moiioihi. hi roii t.. north l:'to Caiia ta over l.'i. I :ir j I an Pa. UI- . VMllnp; ,r ll.il.lt, i , Mr. and Mru. Harry TU n.on of lnll"loii. Ore. are tho bouae au.-ata of Mr. and Mm. Will Hultlwtn. Mi H...ori js th aon of 11, lute Ju.lKt II. L. Henmn. and formerly. r-aided la Klnraath Fall. . He I. nl.n a cnui-ln of W. It. I'crkina, advi'rtllr. manager tot The Evi-nlnir lli-rs'd arid i ;, ''arpy of The Now afaff. ;i.i nx 7rvV7ei" tliirk Vililii Xortli ' T i:i.joy Vaiatlon Mr. nml Mr. Wynn Clark are j Ed Olimn of Tho (lol.len Pu'c enJoylnK a ten dty' visit ln;ilnn:i to leavo th) fir.u of the. S11I.M11 and other northern point, iweck for Lake o' the Wood. In Salem they an- vliltlng with , where he will enjoy n wek' ra thiir parentM.' Mr. Clark la con- .cation. Mitt Maxlne Olfon -will nerted with the ftuater Itrown n.-coiup.iny Jitc la'her oa the aboe tor of thl city. 'outiua:. Sahtford & Go. 426 Main Strait Va3r! Cheap Fruit iii Cans Our large buying power has enabled u to purchase some of the best fruits packed in California at. exceptionally Iow prices. We are passing; this low price on to you. Prices quoted below are good any day in the week while our, pre sent stock lasts. ' Gal. Size Del Monte Apricots . . . . . .. ... .85 1 " 1 ' " "" Gal. Size Fancy Standard Apricots ........ .60 Gal. Size Fancy Italian Prunes ........ .... 45 Gal. Size Fancy E Plums 45: Gal. Size Fancy Rogue River Peaches ..... JJQ Gal. Size Fancy Loganberries ; . .'. . . ... . . . GaL Size Fancy Sliced Pineapple ......... .80 Gal. Size Fancy Crushed Pineapple . ... ... 3- , alb-d Ity Ih-atlt JX ( liai.ge In ( omlillon Walt.-r K. Wleaendaner of the ' N0 favorable rfaanae is ntted Sttnaet armrery r.-celed the tal in . Ihe . condition of '.Mrs. Vary j nw of tha death of hi mother j ijar. iho axed laoth.r of ' II. L , In Portland, and left thl morn- l-ar. Kr., of thi city, who in- ins n. mniun tor me nunii- rn . jtiroil per hip aomo time nco tnil 1T 1 CUV. .J ..r.rinA.1 fA tltn fn.lt t....n.. 73 I M'ltinc t-nan mwili ;xo Di.ininuil laik. ! Mr and Mr. William M. Finch, , vr. and Mrs. II. A. P.unia and lh Mf.en K.thel ar.d Mur-with their hnuao fu.nta, Mr. and ; gnret Flnb-nf Sacramento ore :Mr H j nUU(iu of New York i affi' for it' l.rll'f vblt,. The Tin- ScHyrtrr; -jr nlS -y,trp. j--hw ! iior nre plonnini; trip to Cratej,,,,,! jr 0d Mr8. John Pie'iiiana" '-Itvkar while . .. Iplnn to 1-Mre tomorrow for Dla- - -v . -t ; jmnnd lake, whera they will apt-mi j For loaaranc e.-k-nd oa an ontfUK-' I So Ja. 11. Drlacoll. ' Wllllama. . Ahmys.a Popular Favorite Vest Pocket Model Kodak; B stakes sharp, clear lliix2,,i pictures that yield splendid enlargement"? easy to carry and operate. Price $5 Let Us Show You This Camera Since its introduction this model has been a favorite justly so because it offers both small-camera conven ience and typical Kodak dependability at a price within everyone's reach. See it here today.1 ' Kodak Accessories i . ... ...i Here you'll find a full line of Eastman made Kodak accessories. Stock includes carrying cases, slf-timcrs, albums, Kodapods, paste, print trimmers, tripods-in fact, anything anyone needs to obtain full enjoyment from picture-taking. ' ' , ; ;v Kodaks $5 up; Brownies $2 up I KLAMATH FALLS. 0REG0H trhr " 1 J0L l eurSif v l WHERE PAHTICULArT KOPLK BUY TH"" DRUGS BldR. Adv., ! Wliimier 1-ff Kor Jhiim 1 : V.r. and -Mru Leon Wlmmer iard non of TA'Mte Tall, Mor.tiinn. i'who bitva b.ten the house aeui t Mr. and Mm. Carl wimmi-r. V. L Will Work lr)grreVrn Work on th n'w Hotfl ChriFfy iir nrotrii'liiii runldlv. tht' bridk r - ... - ..j tallU -f. V i .1 --. ( - work being practlrally completed. -,ef, Thursday for their borne:, tt 'U exitecled thn buildiliff wilt' v. .11 1 ii - '- ana will yiail 1U itriiu'i.uw r rj conapieteu witiuu tne early ran. 1 ( all lOO-W " 'In From Blj- tail !- -' - 1, c. Olvan i"d W. F. Morris arrange for that awlmmlnri .,. ,. . .,.!, . ... . . o 1 x . of Hlv are, hero today on a brief Mr v nt the Hot Bprlnc Nat. j. '- ,. ' , . . 'bualueas trip. Thn well known " 'atockmen ar stoppinit at thn H-J- At Templar Homo-. ' ' -" V - : Mr. B. Rlrhardi of Canyon ' " 4-M- Orcron fa the hnnie ruAKt I 1 mm Mill Vallev . of! her hI.-ict. Mrs. Earl Templar, j Frank rtivrncu nf . Mill Val- Jfi Ai niiiuber of .informal affalnt lev r..eltereif ".t the hotel IlalV'' have b'ti siven in her htmor ' on Thursday, hum on brief But teiGlieap Klamath Brand Butter is made from the best cream ob tainable in Klamath County. Price quoted below is our regular every day price. We guarantee every pound to please you, or you can return it to us and receive the price you paid. . ...... ; -. ;. . . ' Klamath Brand Fancv Creamer' Butter, k J2t I Del Monte Catsup Catsup we are offering you below is the best catsup packed under the Del Monte label." Oar price is exceptionally low for a full pint bottle. , Full Pint Bottle Del Monte Catsup .. . . . . . . .20 CORN tltn-lnii her viMit here.' t business visit. Tho ;itjii. Wonder ot tho world, the mineral water ) at. the Hot, SprlnK Nat.. Spring nntl Kspliuiade.--Ailv. lleiutnetl I'Yom Vat at Ion Mr. Edith Amberg ot the. California Oregon Power com pany ha reiumed her position following a two ek' vacation apent tn Seattle and other nirth- Lern point of Intereat. F.pert PresrrlptlonNta Forhe Pure Dross. adv. Prices quoted below are the best values in corn we have ' been able to offer you since we have been in Klamath Falls. Buy what you want now while our present stock lasts. From Astoria- Mr. and Mra. Frank " Spittle of S Lttnria are enjoyine; a visit hre f! with friends. They ar. stnppms ul hl hutel WUIard. . " Extra Standard Iowa Sweet Corn, can .10 iJMllee Notice tho. 'clearnesa of your jakln after BWlmmltig at the Hot spring Mv.-r-aT. At Diamond 1 ake ' Mr. C. H. Iandl and ion. Lambert, of the -Sixth Street Bakery, and Miaa Katharine Mar tin of Portland are enjoying a few daya at Diamond, lake. , Frpert rretwriptlonlt j'.trhes Pure Druir.- -adv. Del Monte Minnesota Crosby Corn, can . . . .15 -' Let the Hot 8pHn-s Xat reduce your fat r and develop vonr muscles. Adv. a ,Swinmliu- . T ,-. iv I a wonderrul a-tercue. Try it at the Hot Springs Nat., Spring and Esplanade. Adv. Syrup- Glieap i ... .. , .:t,,, ..... s;, Nat develop , j Let the Hot Rprinrra reduce your fat and four muaclm.-Adv.j. Mra. Mills North u Mrs. Emma Lea Mills Is en joying a fortnights visit In Port land with friends. , ( Tho Hot Sprlrurs Nat . .- i is open from 7 p. m. till mld i night. Adv., . ,( . t v ' ' - j From I.akevlow ' Honry C. i.Dwl. vroll kuown lumber man ot liakevh. here on bnalneas lodny. lie, la stop ping nt tho Hotel .Wlllard. . Visiting VVotu llnk "Mr. aud, Mr. Joseph Tlogers of Hiker are guest In Klamath Falls' today.-,-.'. ' . i, '..ii i. ' ,, . NOTICK. '- '. ' . The, Tentral Community Club wilt hold a meeting on Saturday owning. July 30ut S.W o'olock. Important. , . ' - ftniit;. 1 , (alcnerll tt. H. UF.RDER. ' AT ; : j THE LIBERTY Jjist Showing Today of The Interf erin; Gent" r " ' Starring rttrrji n rii t V ' as a hard ridin Cowpuncher t SATURDAY ONLY MIX and TONY - ' in - ; ' nl3r0wnParv We guarantee every can of syrup listed below to be exact ly as represented and to please you in every respect, or you can return it to us and receive the price you paid. , . Quart Tea Garden Syrup v. .45 1-2 Gal. Tea Garden Syrup . : ?' -70 ' Full Gal Tea Garden Syrup . ., $1.20 .2 1-2 lbs. Pure Cane and Maple Syrup . . . . . .50 f l ' ' 1 1 , . . i ' 5 lbs. Pure Cane and Maple Syrup . . . . . . ,30 ' 10 lbs. Pure Cane and Maple Syrup . . . v ; . $ 1.35 " ' 'am ii ai a1 tr t"- lr hi I . iJ ff'l i, ,ti .ii- : I MM I lll lull- 111 mi i i j i ' iwa,mi4aBW