Eugene, Oreron V City Edition The Old Home Paper WKATIII.IL . OREGON: Fair lonlih' and Saturday. Continued warm. Hu Bildlly below normal. Mud-r- la northwest wind aluiii the coast. Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Trice Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1927. Number 609G. rn M AIR RECORD BROKEN BY 2 GERMANS Airplane in Air for 52 Hours and 23 Minutes DESSAU, G.rmuny, Aug. 5, (AP) Cornelius Edzard find Johunn flintier, brought their Junker M-U3 plane to earth at 10:13 o'clock thin morning after having cntub hVhctl a new world endur ance flight record of 02 hours and 23 minuted. The former record, 51 hour. 11 minutes 25 seconds, was held by Clurence Chamber lin and Bert Acostu. Kdiard and Itlallrt began the grind at 8: to o'clock Wednraday uiornliiK and apent their Ion houra In the air "ahuttllng" be tween Keaaau and llpalr. The. unrhlnt road perfect landing. Holb Mara were cheer ed wildly by a crowd whirl) hod awum-d ' Inuncax -.. iMrunortlotu nfler lha new spread through lieasau that lha airmen had brok mi lha record by tha Amcrl rana. The record waa shattered ol 9:0! o'clock I III! morning when I he Junker plan had kern In Ilia air U hour II minute the amrt having been made at 5:00 Wednesday sno-nlng. Ktprrt Atlantic Hop. Now that the plane and the motor have survived the arid test, it I expectod tha first of tha German transatlantic hoi. will bt undertaken early ueitt tot. OTIilala ol III' Junker air plane work flayed up all nltlr. 1 1 ivatco the cloalng hour of tlio (Continued On Pago Eight) E 1132 Foreign Cars Pass Through Klamath Fall Since July 1 j From prnctleully every itlale In Hie luliin and point In Catuidi 1132 rare have reglalervd at tht Triple A. booth of the rlnnib-r of ennunerce with Mr. Virginia Hrhitipel alnce I ho flrat day of July. Till' wn rcvralod loilay when a check of the weekly report which Mr. He Imp po I mnlla to A. A. A. headquarters at Portland wu niado. An average ot from SS to E0 cor Imvo ri'glaturcd each day at the booth ami at Icaat two t hi nil of thl number entered the Cru ter hake Nutlnnal Park through the Klamath entrance. With allowance of two or more pciiplo to each ear, connlderufl a ronaarvntive estimate tills would moan that no las than 3:196 pnojilo have vlalled 'thl city via motor during the paat it duya. Up until thl morning Jual 103 (Continued On Pago Right) TIIIIITKKN 1,1'CKV , Number thirteen I a lucky numlM-r, nl leant In Hie opinion of William H un- 4 tlrlex (hi need of a pair 4 of lire alloc, Wanilrh'X, hUiihIIhk alx fii-t eleven In- 4 die lull, and one of the well known , young men of this city, clinucctl to hin by 4 lleck' i Mnn' Hlurn w here at special made) pair of uliooa, also Number lit were vn ll- play. "I'll tiike those, tlicy rc Just my (," lie smilingly rcmiirknl, n lie ' milled while the clerk wrapped the 4 4 alloc up. ' I TOURISTS REGISTER EDITORS COME TO ROSEBURG BY AIR ROUTE IWHKIIl 110, Ore.. Aug. t. (A. P.I Flying (ruin Portland in on hour and llilrly-two minute Pacific roaal iranaport cabin plane arrived III Koachurg ahort ly after o'clock ihla morning with Mn. Lola 1. Meyer of the I'orilind Telegram. Itay Conway of the Oregon Dintorlat. George A. I'rltrhard or the Portland Oregnnlun and Itoy Nurr of the Oregon Journal a iaicnger. The occupant of the ahlp caine to llil city to allcnd the Urcgun alale editorial convention whjn opened here Ihla morning with a record attendance. The plane made perfect landing while motion pli lure were nude of the arrlral and the reception given by the large group of edi tor who assembled at the field to welcome (he filer. The hlp .forerlng a total of U0(l acre. " I'Holed by Vernon Hook- ybrrr . ,,,, ,ou mr , ,hl, waiter. On the return trip to V-ctlon. ,nJ ,t noBed , orll Portland, which wa. started at u,u.r ronlri ,h(, ,,,. :.0 a. m.. the cabin was occu-l v1v. ,h,..rt .,,.....,. ,. pled by Mr. and Mr. Marshal' Dal) l, of orr. Portland, and ""'I MAODQX nrT nniiTn inTi:!,u r" n""' b"n "w"," by Lr I I Hiii I H ft I I iflr"- An i'"ou 101,0 acres UL I IS! Ilia 1 iilll I lof timber flared up yealerday In We.,1 UUII I IIIIU 1 l,w Orleana and llanpy Camp Work Will Start Immcd ictcly; $13,419 it Suc cessful Offer J. A. Maddox and J. E. Diyn were low bidder for the clearing and grading of the Hand Creek road from The Pallet-California highway to the Sand Creek en trance, a distance of four mile. 'The contract call for the work to be completed In 100 day, but It I the Intention of (he contractor to hive tho work completed within (! day, ac; cording lo Mr. Madilox. "Work will be commenced im mediately and we plan to employ at leaat twenty-five men. With now uauolly on h ground In Ihla aectlon by middle October we are anxlou to complete the work within tho coming two mon'aa." he further remarked. No detoura will bo neceaaary during the construction work. ,POUTLANI. Ore.. Aug. S. (A. P.) Thu national forestry aerv Ice office here ha recommended for award the bid of J. A. Mid dux and J. K. llayan, Klamalh Kulls, of $13,419 on tho Hand creek-Crater lako entrance rond. Oilier hid were: (1. it. Stehblu. Kiamuth Kail, lit. 671: llonder hellen and Pearaon. Medford, lit. 056: Karl M. McNutt. Ku- Itcue. 118. HJ. 50: Dunn and llak- cr. Klumnth Kalla, $18. 445, nnd ('. V. Ithodca. (Irani Paa. 120. 43. , 1 Board to Decide On Tennis Courts How many tenuis court will he constructed and how soon work will begin on tho courts, will be decided by tho city park liourd lit a meeting lo he held early nnxt week probably Tiioa day night it was announced to day by Mayor T. 11. Witters. "There will be some tennis courts constructed, but how ninny I cannot say." thu mayor said. "Tho board will decide that at their meeting." The rourta will be erected on the new city park properly do nated hy tho Moore Interest. Mayor Wattor and Itufit Moore j Inspected progress of Improve ment of the park thl afternoon. Taxi Driver Fined i $200 by Magistrate ' Ultimate coat to AI Suye, White star Taxi driver, for hav ing sold liquor, proved to .be $200 when ho was fined that amount by Justice of tho Pence W. II. llarne. With four othors, Saye was ar rested early thl week In liquor in Id singed by slute and feder al officer. Pleas from the rest of the four defendants were expected this afternoon, SISKIYOU rnnroT o I UMLU I U HARD HIT 13,000 Acres of Tim berland Afire in California ; VIIKKA. Calif., Aug. 5. Around 11.00(1 acre of limber are afire. In the Happy Camp ItHatrlrt Inn, them tm i fire. ,,. ,, , ..... ,.r. leans district, with a force of CO J men fighting the flamea. Theae fire atartvd a week ago by j lightning, and the foreat men I have been on the job ever alnce. I In the Elk creek diatrlct, known a the "Frying I'ill." district. Fire burned during '. the week In the (loose Nest area, but are now under control. There la one on the novih aide of Hum bug, but Is In the brush ' and grass and not looking dangerous. FVw I'mler Control. One fire In the Orleans dis trict haa been brought under con trol. Thla leaves one big fire and several small one In the section, while In the Happy Camp district there are two big and three small fires still burning. Twenty-eight men were sent out from Yrrka lo augment the forces already on the fire lines. Cloudy weather is reported In the Orleana district, and It is thought this will aid greatly In fighting the fire. Fire on Clear creek la still going strong, and a bad fire exists two miles north (Continued On Page Five) CLOSE ELEVEN Federal Padlock Placed On Houses in North ern California City VltKKA, Aug. 6 While Weed I not absolutely "dry," It a whole lot nearer prohibltlun perfection than it was two weeks, for 11 places of business have been pad locked under the Volstead law and they must remain closed for a whole year under orders from the I'nltj'd States court. Deputy United States Marxhul Fred S. Field cams up from San franclsco Saturday and padlock ed four plaits of business. These were: Corner suloon by V. O. Alfler; Optima cigar store, Antonio Sburburo, and the Chick en Coop, by Mrs. Nellie Muy .Me Kinley. The sanio officer was In Weed twp weeks ago and palocked seven "soft drink parlor." United Artisans Meet in Seattle 8KATTLK. Aug. S. (AP) Twenty-five hundred member of thu United Artisans from Cali fornia, Oregon and Washington who last night opened their 15th annual convention here, spent to day touring Seattle and vicinity. The convention continues until Sunday nlglil. One of the largest delegations arrived In 100 auto mobiles luU night. Tho caravan started from Los Angeles and gathered numbers In Mudford, Sulem, Portland and Cent rail j, Wash. . KK.AI. "(It)I.K CLI H." MOUNTAIN IKON, Minn., Ang. 5. A golf course established -a half mile west of Mountain Iron had been named the Mlr-Iron public golf course DIVES T WEED Lone W.olf Reported on Klamath Marsh Running Mate of 111 Fated White Sycan' Marauder Evades Man; Carcasses, , Tracks Tell Story of Presence Another killer Wolf the run ning male of the famou While Wolf of the Kycan I reported lo be preying upon llveatock and heep in the 'Klamath mint. The predatory marauder al raoat a counterpart of lifci U! fated white furred rompaulon. haa been een by only a few, bul race of hi raid In the form of ripped and torn carcaase and track, till the tale of hi pres ence. That the wolf I playing lone game la apparent. In fart, trap per firmly believe he I the only one of hi -liuS InJbU see-: lion of the northwest. Oiieraiing at night, the big gray slayer with high shoulders. likened somewhat to a hyena j displays uncanny emu at evaa-: ing hi greatest enemy, man A herd of cattle la atalked un til the right moment arrives: then the big gray beaat rochea and another bead of livestock is dragged to ground and death. It Is understood that every at tempt will be made by the Col- ted Stales Biological Survey de-1 parlmenl of Oregon to trap the 1 marauder of Klamath. . For several years, the Survey I 14-Year Old Girl Returned Home; Located Near Malin Wauderlngs of Clytie Vernice Cottrell. daughter of C. H. Cot trell. Lagoona street, came to an end last night when the young girl 14 years old, but giving every appearance of being over 20 waa relumed -to her home by Sheriff Burt Hawkins. The young girl, accompanied bv an older girl friend named O'Day and the girl's brother, Joe O'Day, aged IS, set out to see the world In an automobile early this week. First they drove to Alturas. (he sheriff said. Then, swinging back uorth. Ihey drove to Lake- Klamath Rancher ' Is Charged With j Moving Building, Charged with tearing down and moving their building, and refusing thereafter to replace the structure, 1). K. Alexander, wci! known Klamalh llvestockmnn. 'Was made defendant, In a suit brought late yesterday In circuit court by the Nassau comiWny. Damage sustained by removing the uild!ng was claimed to lc $1'!'I0 .The act wu alleged n rave Irm'.i committal July t, 19 2". The plaintiff Is represented by the firm of Manning, McCo'.lnch and Drlscoll. Circuit Court Now Adjourning Not until next month except In case of emergency will cir cuit court of Klamath convene' to i hear any action. It was announ ced today from the circuit court clerk's office. In accordance with the annual custom of all Oregon conrls. tha Klamath circuit court is now In adjournment which will last through tho month of August. ' Vacation plans of Circuit' Judge A. L. Leavllt are Indefin ite, he naltl yesterday. Alleged Forger - my D j J I O Be Ket Umea - 1 S.M.EM. Ore.. Aug. 5. (API Governor Patterson yesterday . granted a requisition from Call., fornla for tho extradition of Mr. James L. Hill, alia Mem Pet - era, who Is wanted at Riverside on a forgery charge. She Is an - dor arrest lu Porthiud, trapper carried on a quiet tarn- nalrn asalnal the White Wolf 1 of id Hycan. The atrange beatMain Office tO be Re- hi fur wa of anrn a itgnt grey that he wa called white weighed to pound, waa five feet long and atood three feet at nta aboulder. ' Leaving behind him a trail of death, the Sycan wolf etruck time and time again in cattle herd and iheep flock of north ern Klamath and Lake countle. A reward waa placed on his bead. Kvery Ingenious method known to man wa tried to ralrb him, but alway he evaded (tne traps ana ponton set toiing me election oi wni-mm ; bring about hi end. board announced that the main Finally. Klmer Williams, Bio-, logical Survey trapper, after a careiui siuuj oi in oeaai a nao- It, laid a trap line in northwest- ern I-ake county in the Sycan I country. For once and that ! once was one too many the 1 While raider relaxed . his vigil jance. 1 The aleel jawa anapped to gether on the foreleg of the anl- ma! and a short time later the murderous forays of the beast were ended forever by a bullet from Williams' gun. view and from that point jour neyed northwest to Crescent. "At the latter point." the sheriff explained, "it appears that the girls were 'ditched. They 'got a lift to Klamath Jails and bad made their way south aa far as Mslln when we located them." , Immediately after the girl's departure, the sheriff's office-was requested by Mr. Cottrell to instigate a search for the mlss inr sirl. The O'Day girl was also taken ' in custody but the sheriffs of-1 flee does not know what to do with her. Extend Invitations To Witness Hanging Of Willos, Kelley SALEM. Ore.. Ai Invitations to the ig. 5. (API execution ot Jantea Willos and Kllsworth Kel y who are to be hanged at the stale penitentiary Friday, August IS. at 8:30 a. m.. have been sent out by Henry WT"Mycrs. super intendent of the prison. The two men were Involved In the prison break ot August 12. 1923, which restilted In tho killing of two guard. Medford Baby is Killed in rat, I - . . . MEDFORD, Ore.. Aug. B ( A. P. Viola Cnrollno Merrill, 19-montbs-otd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Merrill, was Instantly killed late yesterday when she felt from the fire escape ot a local apartment house. Medford last year was one of J The tot In play ran on the the "hottest" towns In the lea- "It's a boy." first escape from a hallway I gue with tl:s Pear Pickers on top This was the statement made before the mother conld rjscue'Of ha ladder. Interest waned ' many times throughout the day her. she ' slipped throtiKli the ihls year when they dropped to- I by K. M. Igl of Lorenx and Corn guards and toppled three stories I ward the cellar, and fouud the go-.'r)r he passed the cigars and to her death. The father is said to be employed In a lumber ramp near Keedsport, Ore. . THK WKATHF.U The Cyclo-Stormagraph at Vn' iler wood's Pharmacy show a slightly higher barometric pres - l,re toosy nut as yev hu inwn- tlon of any marked change In weather conditions. Forecast for next 24 Fair and warm, The- Tyco recording , uometer registered maximum and : minimum temperatures today , follows: .. ! High-St, low (1: relative hu . uiidlty 11. SCHRAMM STATED BANK HEAD moved from Port land to Salem SALEM, Ore.. Aug. 5. P A. A, Schramm of Corvalli waa to day unanimously elected by the state banking board aa atate sup erintendent of bank to an. reed Frank C. Bramwell. office September 1. He will take! Simultaneously with announc-iBot office of the banking department will be removed from Portland to Salem Schramm was formerly with the Ladd and Bash bank in Sal em for a number of years. Next he served several years aa a atate bank examiner under former Superintendent S. G. Sargent. Since retiring from the latter po sition be haa been cashier of the Corvallis State Bank. ' When Hramwell resigned Wed nesday of this week he offered the board his services If at any I time aflrk .6r . intormatlon is; needed from him alter bis retire-. ment. He recommended that the board elect his successor as soon as possible, explaining that delay would work against the banking Interest i of the state. It is understood thafa new policy will be adopted by the banking department in that the members of the board, who are the governor, the secretary of state and the itnte treasurer, will keep In close touch at all times with the official a-ts of the superintendent and nis pol icies will he subject to the ap proval of the board. . Heretofore it has been the policy of the: board to allow the superintendent i practically full authority. LEAGUE NOT TO IE D j, , jo D 'ne '-,al aeeident which ended rviedrora ana Urants rass ,he i1Ie of Robert Shaw, crescent Decide to Remain in : City youth, on the Ashland-Klam-I , iath Falls highway on hair pin o The Southern Oregon baseball league will finish out the season! in spite of the announced desire I of the Medford and Gants Pass teams to disband for the year. This was assured last night when I President A. C. Nlninger of Ash- land telenhoned officials of thel'onal quietude in crime. District Pelican club that all matters had , been straightened out. Medford and Crants Pass wanted to call It quits, apparent ly because their clubs bad been . .. . .. ... . . ... iiiriiiir mi m i v 11 inn . nr .an. land and Klamath. But the other directors refused to permit ! the other two clubs to draw down their forfeit money, so rather than lose this amount th club . have decided to continue In the . race and make an effort to ! strengthen their clubs. Ing too rougfi. Van Duser Will Head Commission SALEM, Ore.. Aug. S. (AP) C. E. Gates of Medford and Rob jert W. Sawyer of Bend, members ui in, Binte uiKiiwny commission, have agreed to elect Henry B. I Van Duser of Portland, tho third hours: ' and senior mombcr ot tho com ( mlsslun. oh chairman. Thu dec t her-1 tlon will tnke pliee at the next J meeting of the commission which will ne held in Portland August 30. The agreement on Van Duser was announced by the stato high way department today. AGRICULTURAL I RELIEF WILL BE J GREAT ISSUE SIOUX CITY, Aug. 5. (AP) hdrawal of President Cool- from the 128 presidential race will not miterlally affect the campaign plans of the demo- tcratlc party, Charles W. Bryan, former governor of . Nebraska, and one time candidate for the vice presidency on the democratic ticket, ' believe. "The campaign In 1921 will be agalnat the republican party as a whole for Ita failure to .pro vide adequate relief for the agri cultural west, rather than against any individual.'. Mr. Bryan aald. Mr. Bryan expressed the opin ion that the campaign would be j along economic lines. "It will i be the east against the west." I he aaid. "Any candidate, la order to be elected, must be from the middle VMt. 'Th farmer are WB,t he iCOInei from. ; 10- IBEOBW 10-Year-Old Youth Land. Big Trout in 10 . , Minutes Catching a 10-pound trout, at the age of 10 years, in'ten nrln- utea time Is the record made ! yesterday by Home Knight. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Knight, Sr.. of this city. The trout, which measured IS H Inches, and a 15-inch girth measurement, waa landed with a Wilson Wabbler In the middle of the' Williamson river by the lit tle fellow who spent the day on an outing with his father. After Homer landed the trout, he was forced' to rest on the bank, completely tired out from his experience, but thrilled be yond words. p r C.,,,0,, to Sentenced Tomorrow Sentence of F. C. Sweeney, Olene merchant, convicted late j yesterday on the charge ot reck ' less driving, will be pronounced i tomorrow afternoon by Justice of the Peace W. B. Barnes. ! Sweeney waa convicted of reck I less driving In connection with , curve. 2S ,'ath Falls. miles west ot Klam- m.r.TT. Yf llltam Duncan T L- I akeS Vacation Taking advantage of the sea- I Attorney William Duncan, accom panied by bis wire ana sinau boy. left this morning for a brief vacation In California,. Mr. Dun can is expected back at his desk I In rln l-a Business ot the dis- 'l lrlct attorney's office will be I conducted by Deputy District At- , torney Bolvln. v. s. riaueniyne nd Wilson S. Wiley. I I Son Born to Mr. And Mrs. E. M. Igl candy The new son wa horn to Mr. and Mr. Igl last evening at the Klamath Valley Hospital and weighed 7 3-4 pound. This Is their second child, both boys. Vanguard of Wild Ducks is Arriving Vanguard of the annual inva sion of wild ducks from the northland has arrived. District Game Warden Marlon J. Barnes. "The gsme birds mostly pin tails are being seen la con-, stantly Increasing number on the lake ana marshes," the game warden commented, i L IGH7NING CAUSE OF 206 FIRES Hundreds of Fire Fighters Wage Bat tle Against Odds PORTLAND. Ore., Aug? 5, (AP) Hundreds of fire fighters today were waging a grim battle against forest fires in national forest pre jerves of the northwest.' ' Most of the fires were started by electrical storms' during the past w'cek, un accompanied by rain. Latest reports available at the federal district forest office here showed that about one hundred fires were burning In the Col umbia 'national -forest,', southern. Washington and 10S fire on th adjacent Rainier forest. One fire., covering 100 acres, waa burning uncontrolled - on. Railroad creek In the Chelan for est. Wash. - Sixty-four fires have, bu re ported In the Wenatuhee na tional forest In the -past, five days. , ' ' The largest" fires !n tne Col umbia ' reserve are In what Is known a, the Yacolt burn, an area ot 300.000 acres burned over In 1902. The old fire left thousand of anag standing, trees killed, but only .slightly burned. . Foreat official keep a constant, guard over the area, tearing the day when a blaze would get started In the tinder like timber. At present there are four large fires sweeping over . the old burn. All e.'forts ere being directed toward surround ing the tour. fire, with no at tempt being made to save tha (Continued On Page Eight) r REV. Will Former Pastor of Catholic . Church Renews Old j - Acquaintances ' Rev. William McMillan. S. jr.. who wa pastor of the Catl"?llc church In this city from irt to 1915, paid his frlenda in this city a surprise visit when he, ar rived here this, morning on the Cascade limited. For the pait nine years Father McMillan has been located In Alaska, where he looks after the spiritual "uf falra ot the Catholics ot Cor dova. Valdex and La Toucke are also Included In his territory.' This Is the first visit of Father McMillan since leaving hera In 1915. . The changes that have taken place since then are so pronounced that the city seems like a strange place to him. . r Groat tlmnge. "Klamath Falls has changed (Continued On Page Eight) IMSAPPOlJSTKD ' TRBKA, Calif.. A -. .1. 4 (ieorgti Leslie Ritlitian, 4 23, caine to Yrrka from Narnpa. Idnlio, hoping to be 4 niarrieil lnt Sat art lay to Miss Kmlly Ksther Ijimb, 1ft, of Klamalh Kail, but wa halted under the pmvU alons of the new niaTtaa) law, which requlr- a three day' notice before a license 4 may lie obtained.' "Ah. can't vow ' date' It. back, nr something?" plead. txt Kidman, when County Clerk W. t. Mellon rrfswetl 4 to issue the license, t "No air," re)Hindel the authority, "It ran'l he do. 4 Come In next Werlnemlay nr any tlmn after that date." I