. THE FAT.NINT. HERATA KLAMATH TAUK OREGON Thursday. August 4, 1927, BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH VMIi'l l.'Hnl r,lnl , llur. and Mrs. C. II. Marrlann f 1'vriland. In company wlih J(rv.' nnd Mm. F. It. Morrow of forrallls vera fcuents In the city nu Wednesday and Tlalied at the home of Iter. Kflson F. Colo, junior of (be Community Conftre rational cburcb. Hov. ilirrlson h Kuporlntendont of the Congre gational churches throughout Orotron and Idaho. A dinner at the (treco lantern wax slven In honor of the rltiltors. Covers Wrre laid for fourteen. The par ty left today for Ashland and mill then Journey on north. Her ' Morrow la pastor of the Congre gational church of Corrallla. ! The Teatuer. Cars Rt-rltrr A. J. Mathirn, Loa Angelea; rharlre G. Inman, New York City; Harrison ralrlck. Chlco; Hester (irtmm, Chlco; W. K. V V TV MM N 1 i "I T KUNUTH NEWS TEMS I (SMtkil Tu The tlii-nlil) I XHT KLAMATH. Auk. 4 Mlas Ceoi.i- Larry, who ! hM-n atwiiJinc tha nasi L..ik. .ith her cousin. Mr., on Wednesday nvi. ivi ift Suadiv fori Mr. and Mm. ' hup hum 111 o.klnnd. Calif. U-n.lfd the tw i Fort Klamath Ball team play-! Sunday ed the Algoma U-arn at Algoma motored to chilnqntn Monday. of the wrta fit Uaellier trery Frank llrody of t'hiloquln anil nicely and ery cloaely. frtiula wore here vlxlilng Huu- If the surface of m.ot of tlieae day. y parts, audi aa cylinder walla. Mrs. Ullle dray and (I mm 111 or, platoua. aud beariuaa aro eianiln-, MJin Allio Dray, enierlaluod at ed under a powerful glaaa, thry a Nrthdny dlnnor Monday eve- will be aeon to ronalat of a aerlea . lil . . ... . . ... .....I t 1 .... ' i i .u Ml niug m nunttr in . mm ui uurra. I i " w.-hmh huw Hert limy and children, lKuald of theae particular bnrra which and llarliara. . lukea place during the runulug-ln Mm. I'aul Wamplur and aou. period, llecauae the flta are h i. Jamra Kdaard and Mlaa Ida llrla- much cloaer at thta lime than locoe were shopping iu Chiloquln later on, operating temperature av aeiicr4ti ( v a' .M w tinvi . C.ua A. Tune at- i ally for additional luhrlratlon la II game at Algouia ' always preM-ut. To provide till additional liibrltatlftu many ser-j vice muuagere nuke a practice of having an over-aupply of lubrl- rating oil lu the crunkraae and Sunday, and a large crowd from Expert Advice Oil oere auruueu. , . . , . , , - - . , . . Mra. Kldon Brvtnn and Mm.. MOUNT UU It VAlVen , "" a.pronmaIeiy i quur oi. 'Mllea Mulkey were lu Klamath I r , ol ,'h Hna of gaao- , Falla Tueaday and Wmlneaday! Moat car ownera reallie that e ; lln ' tank.' They llkewiae chopping and vlaltlng with new car needa aome aort mf ex- next grade lighter In the frienda. tra enre. but the euulucera . of r fr llral 1.000 or i Mr n.t Mm I.. C. KWrninre : ilm Tl.le Water Oil I'omnnnv. r- ."' Iiillea than the grade re- and Mr. aud Mrs. Jjnioa I'ellon . motored to I'nlon creek Sunday ' and enjoyed a picnic lunch . C. V. Ixtoaley, a prominent I and of what that care, ahould 'rancher and Wm. A. Page of thelconalat. ' ' Rainbow gange motored to Med-1 The whole thing, they aaid, be- flnem of Veedol Motor Oil aud , -oniuien.le.l lor u.o in tue aami; t'.reaoea recently exula llutl lllt jia. 'ir,..ni. , ru ui.rij why new cam need better rare r,.r ford and back Sunday on busl- glna way lck In the automobile neaa trip. I ) factory. Itefore an euglne l Mr. and Mra. Wade Crawford . placed In a new automobile at period Vf breaking 111. the ubc of a heat-leated oil I auch aa Vcoiljil la rernmmenilrd. ! ThU oil realata heal and friction and prolongs a uiolor'a life. I Roaae. Mt. Shaeta City; Fred 'Mlaa Alma Link baa been Toted of chlloquiu. wero rlaltora here! the factory It la given varying Wrong. Norwalk. Ctl: Al Levey. )tht moat popular teacher In the Ug, rrk dena of lu.pe.tlon and opera- Miami, Flo.; 8. Strong. Norwalk. public achoole of Kenoaha. Wi. . JfJi:. "'J 1",VA"',.u:,k."k ."rV.T Th. 'hl'Jren were down Monday from Cal., and Charlea S. Heacox of j ehool yxara end. Newman, Cal., were among the ' - - out of alate touriste registered at the Triple A booth of the chamber of commerce today. Parley on Navy Arms is Halted FOREST FIRES STI Mr. and Mrs. Kapaitabllea audition, and wheu It la'delirered to Ihe new owner. In aptte of Ihe Huckleberry mountain and re- fart that It la a new car, the ported that the huckleberries , engine of a number of automo- would anon be ripe. ' . (Continued From Tag One) powcra involved In the hope that the governments 'would be able bile has operated the equivalent t reach an early solution. Miss Tn.iK TarUr ami tl.'nf l urtn nr t hah iiiiiaa ThU ' . In this Joint declaration, tho i (Norma C.orden enjoyed a trip to I operation, however, haa been for conference also registered Ita con Crater Lake Saturday. .the most part InMho factory on rlctlon th.nt the ohsiarlea en Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Page mo-i what 1 kuown as a block. A countered at Ucneva should not torrd to Crater Inn Saturday on slight amount of operation la us- be accepted as terminating rf a business trip. 'ually given to the car after II forts to bring about future llinl- Wm. A. Parent of Sand Creek has been completely assembled, . tatlon of naval armaments, was here Monday. but as a rule this simply con-) A last moment attempt was ' Mrs. Ray Taylor of the Fort slats of driving It around small made by Great Britain today to Klamith hotel. Mm. Thelma Hal- track or loading platform In or- j rescue something from the wreck lock and son Darrell, and Mrs. ider to make certain that after ' ago of tho conference when Wm. A. Page motored to Chllo-'the complete assembling has been i Hridgeman proposed an agree- I made, that all of the units tunc ment restricted to deatroyera and i throughout Washington the last Harlnr Is In full awlnr in the lion nrnneriv ' . nihm.r r.. Iwaeral Today four days. Reports to district na- Wood River Valley and the I During the block test, the per-: Gibson declined to entertain ' The last rites for the late . tlonal headquarters here from the farmers are all quite busy. I pose Is generally to ease or free this suggestion which was pro- Ceorge Cain, formerly of thia city ; Columbia forest. Just north of J Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Orth I the various parts of the engine. ' sented at a secret session of Ihe were held In San Francisco to- the Columbia river said more and children. Admin and Jlmmie When assemhiv u rnl ..u. .11 ninin..i..nti.ri... held at mld-dsv ' 'on the ground that the I'nlted j !(,,, connliler the limitation of ! cruisers, destroyers and subma rines as one Inadvisable whole. Returned Front Halrtn Mrs. William Barnes, with her daughter. Mra. Wilbur Kennettt and grandson, Jimmy Barnes, re-' turned yesterday from Salem. . where they have been the house! PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 4. (A. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cook. P.) More than 300 forest fires formerly of this city. have been aet by electric storms qUln Wednesday. more and children. Adralu and Jlmmie. day, according to word received than 100 tires were burning ! here by friends from members j there today. Eighty men were j of his family. Cain passed away ! despatched there today from . . . Portland and Vancouver, Wash. Rainier forest, to the north of ' the Columbia forest, has about ' lOf fires, all fairly well con-i trolled; Wenatchee Si: the Che-j lan about 30 and the Olympic : ; about six. ; Yesterday's thunderstorm 1 aa the result of Injuries sustain ed In an automobile accident In the southern city last week. , Crcgo Injured Hand j Ralph E. Crego of The Pacific Telephone company, anatained a broken right hand while on hla vacation at Crescent City last the Colombia country brought a week. He la forced to carry his heavy rain but the territory cov-' hand in a cost. At Winter Home -. . . The M iasea Benlab French tnd Ruth Mulligan of Prlneville. Ore gon, are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Winters.-The tut -itors are nieces of Mrs. Winters. a narrow atrip and . blated np on both ' Picnic Knjojed The annual picnic of the Jolly Neighbors was held on "W'ednes . day evening at the home of Mr. and Mra. Cleve Wlngered of Sum- 1400 acres in the Sulphur creek mert Lane. More than fifty t,nrn j Mount . Baker forest, j guests were present including the j Washington and 40.000 acres In families of the club members. - Wildcat. ' ered was more fires sides. j So far Oregon has ' neaped j most of the lightning carnage. : About 40 acres burned yesterday I on , Grizzlly mountain In south central Oregon. The Maze was ; reported under control. A few j small lightning fires In .Mount ! Hood forest have been stopped. ' Closing of two largo areas to , smoking was announced today ! Formerly Of Thta City Friends of Mrs. A. C. Wiley A.nee Ethel Winters of this city, "who now roikea her borne in . Sparks. Nevada, will be Interest ed to learn Bhe la here for a visit with her parents. Markets 1: Left for Portland " Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bradley of the Bungalow Bakery left today PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 4. OP) Demand for green apples con tinues active. A small lot of 20 ounce pippins sold easily at six , cents per pound wholesale. Pack-1 ed California gravensteins bring j 3.25 to 3.S0. I Peach receipts have become heavier with a car of Tuscan - 3 out GLASSES Eye t ximincd. Fined and the Glt tirwjud in nut own fjtt.Ky to tail fomr -'rwJntjMji ntfttimtH. " Broken Lcnset Replaced DR. COBLE'S 70 MAIN Tttr Rii'i Qkiti Strtitt A Bargain in Garden Hose 50 ft. of 5-8 inch Non-Kinkable .Moulded Hose, coupled $6.50 The Very Best Grade of Garden Hose at a Price You Can Afford To Pay Try C0 first "Headquarter for Garden Hose" 123 NO. 6TH PHONE 371 for Portland, where they will be , Clings In open lug boxes selling Joined by their two daughters. Barbara and Margaret. Returned Home . - Mrs. Jennie McCourt of San Francisco, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Lamm of Modoc Point, has returned to her home In the southern city.. Irfurint; for Xniili Miss Katelle McClelland plans to leave Saturday for Portland and. other points of Interest, where she. will visit for two weeks on her vacation. Mail In Fum Fort KUmath , J F. Martin of Fort Klamath IrJDfacled business In the city for several hours on Wednesday. He was a guest at the Hotel Hall while here. VWllug From Yi ' 'Edson L. Fourke and Edson L. ' Foucke, Jr.. both of Vrcka, 'Calif., are guests at the Hotel Hall today. They are hero on a brief business and pleasure trip. r. Party This Evening Mrs. Martin McAndrewa is en tertaining with bridge at her ' home this evening. From Kiigcnc , J. F. Mullenberg of Eugene Is here on business today. He la lopping at the W 11 lard. for 75 to 00 cents. Other prices were 1.05 to 1.26 for Elbertaa of varioua grades and 1.75 for a few J. H. Hales. , . Fancy local potatoes bring 2.75 per cwt.. on a firm market and retail prices are holding at 25c for" 10- pounds for ' choice large sizes. ; Butter shows very firm on the dairy exchange with standard cubes up a cent today to 40Vic and prime tints up a bilf cent to 39c. storage withdrawals amounted to 18,430 pounds yes terday. Eggs are generally ateady but mediums, ' today aro quoted a cent lower at 23c. Country dressed meats and lire poultry were mostly steady. Hogs were easy at 15 y, to If for choice light offerings; real steady at 18 to 19c. Lambs 18 to 20c; light hens firm and sell-: lng mostly at 12 and 13c with 1 several dealers willing to pay as i much as 14 cents, lleary hens ' brought 22 to 23c. . CHILDISH 'H DESSERTS j Sherbets from ; fru'.t Juices, I such as lemon, orange, raspberry, grape or cherry, are eader , to I make than Ice cream and better ! for children. There's a' lot of difference be-: tween being one of a million and one In a million. I To Sanitary Ruths For hot and cold showers. LATEST I X1HE8 Nightie, step-in and bandeau ( of a smart new lingerie aet aro ' fashioned In black point d'osprlt, ' with black satin banding the aralloped edge. Too Late to Classify l. o. 0. m. , Initiation at Moose Hull Tlinraday, Auifc 4, at 7:30 P. M. Moor) and V lotting Moose urged to CO mo. of 4 Pacific Coast Ford Dealers use and recommend Veedol Forzol EVERY Ford dealer knows what every Ford owner ought to know the Ford requires a different kind of oil, designed exclusively for Ford use. That is why 75 of all Ford dealers on the Coast use Veedol Forzol and recommend it to their cus-. toracrs. Veedol Forzol is the high quality Eastern oil compounded specifically to meet the dual problem of Ford lubrication. By correctly lubricating both the motor and the transmission, it gives these eight definite operating economics. Veedol Forzol: 1. Eliminates chatter azvef band 2. Gives 10 to 25 saving in gasoline 3. Gives 10 to 2)?! saving in oil 4. Reduces carbon 10 to 2V,t $. Reduces repair bills . 6. Resists fuel dilution 7. Increases ability to coast - 8. Resists destructive heat and friction Try this oil that 3 out of 4 coast Ford dealers use and recommend. Stop today at any orange and black Veedol Forzol sign. Ask for-VccdoLn Forzol by name. ' , .;. Tide Water Oil Sales Corporation, San Fran- cisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle. , . DEALERS : Bulk delivtt j uf Vttdol products it now ataihibli to ovtr ijoo individual cilia and touw on iht Pacific Coast. r as La quartj WANTE11--.4 or 6-room unfur- -alahed bonne to' rent "for one year: must he good location. T 11. ,M., care llernld. 1 -r I 1Hb isE0L FORZOI raANLYBrai V . , , Urn POIITI.AfwU. (tltlCMON inrkfrt, mall rlaaara, Mrrfnl rvUlaa, alrfrt tjl elpllar. aarlai rfviaaia mmm aaral tralalas. Cat wmmnwuy mmmt mm tmmmmu i he Lastern Usl for cords l a I a a j " ft coit fet$ I 'uim t rent a quart ta hip Vtetol mud VetM F 1 . v I 1 iltPifitCvii, Whwn yn buy Vredol ytuffa? for quality t ft tbltf, f im.-is iif Week End Specials! ' A value convincing group of bargains to again dem strate the Oregon Woolen Stores' policy-The ut most in quality for the least money." $1.00 Values Work Shirt 59c $1.50 Values Heavy Bib Overalls 95c 25c Values Men's Sox 2 for 25c $1.00 Values . Athletic Union Suits 79c $1.50 Values Fancy Athletic Union Suits 95c '$1.75 Values Union Suits 1.19 Cliiilini-r nnd Oilier $1.00 Values Dress Sox . 49c $3.00 Values Dress Shirts 1.69 $5.00 Values Sweaters 2.95 . $6.00 Values Men's Oxfords 3.95 $5.00 Values Men's Work Shoes 3.95 $3.00 Values Men's Caps 1.95' $4.00 Values Moleekin Pants 2.95 All Work Clothing Greatly Reduced $250 Values Khaki Pants 1.95 ALWAYS f ITT . O . 55 Uregon YVoolen torc WE BEST 8TH & MAIN SELL LESS 1 Locke Motor Co. CHEVROLET ! SALES & SERVICE USED CAR . SPECfAL 1925 Chevrolet Roadster Very jfood nhnpo. vl 365 1926 Chevrolet Touring A rvul good buy! 385' 1926 Ford Coupe Jut like new. 295 1926 Ford Steel Delivery. See thin. 300 1926 Chevrolet Coach Fine nhupe. 485 1924 Star Roadster Runs fine. 230 1924 Chevrolet Sedan Fine car. : 175 1923 Ford Coupe Dine whcclH. 140 v ; 1923 Ford Coupe She run. 110 1924 Chevrolet Touring New paint. : 1 185 J