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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1927)
-H i - PflCT Six THE EVENINO IIRRAI.O. KLAMATHi FALLS. OREfiON IH-r 'I.. I.-;.. 1 on. M V, 4 ?! . If it r m 1 1 .&' hue RAISERS rJOT ORGANIZED ' SALEM, Ore, Aug. 3. (,Pt , That UlLlo or no hope of effect- Ive organisation to handle thia year's prune crop remains, bur Llbtt action nail be taken at - . ohm to- Insure organisation In 1 tb future was the v unanimous " ''opinion reached here yesterday " at meeting held In the office of ': Oeymuur Jones, atale murket .agent, and called by Paul V. Marls, director of the O. A. C. x I tension service. V. ' Leaders among public and " ' semi-public agencies concerned with orgsnlxstion of the north , Mt dried prune Indulnry. the Portland chamber of commerce marketing dnpsrtment. The jv. committee of nine named at the v CorraJlt convention and the - (rawer themselves, were prea " ent. Blame for the present condi tion, from the growers' stand- ." point was laid at the feet of the ai,. packers through their failure to f. complete their part of the outlia- . BERLIN'. Aug. S. (API The ! longest "hello" in history. A t ,' radio phone call bas been suc - . eessTully made .between Berlin .-,- aid Bnenoa Aires. TSOO miles. Veronica JW Reducing TOeighl Ala arsscrttsd k-l fkildat ska RlgfaBload P.... Acid Coadttteat Kldaey, Urn sad Bladd Ttmblss ladiaHa casiia.ia Star Drug Co. SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Bny your- winter's supply 01 UMlMnHd and gree-elb at ones, while the prices arc at the bottom. FARMERS Also stock up for the year at th bin or delivered. We deliver anywhere hi the Tall) m 'eord Jumbo loads. ' on 107 Mala Phons is Peyt WALL PAPER All New Stock Acme Quality Paints F.R.OLDS Acrotu from Postoffice Phone 43 RICHARDSON SPRINGS On Highway Near Chico The most talked of the state. There v must be a reason! vVhy not come , and see for yourself? .... LEE RICHARDSON, Mgr. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS U..S SMOOUS wAir Il&AS PCS AIM AX)' A& 6V ON M.S POWK J AS y-rd i rT-i 7 A;i fYil AMour& ooyJ. S fi v ' ! ' h ed grower-park? Hilan presented at the Corvalll. convention by the committee of five and adopt ed with some modification. How their disagreement was ltsell brought about through prrmMure irtion ill price' quoting by one California packer ma reviewed. "Smoke out the packers," was the nubbin of the plan for the future advocated ' by' those In t conference and with this In mind : It was unanimously agreed to J ask Iho committee t nine to proceed at once to formulate ; contracts needed to put the con vention pltu Into effect for ucxt year and stibn : the packer' contracts to the concerns operst-j ing Oregon for their signaturea. j such contracts to be placed in I escrow after being signed and to I become effective only ufter a' snccee tul campaign to sign apt 94 per cent of the prune acreage I has been carried out. I Unless the packers ncrre and ! actually sign the contracts on or I before October 1. leaving plenty of time to stage the grower cam paign by January 1. It was agreed that the only thing left Is for all elements concerned to t throw themselves into a cam paign to organic the growers Into a complete organization to control cooperatively the entire Industry without regard to the present private packers. TAXIDERMISTS SKK LU K OF lUU CAME ItlXTKRS LONDON. Aug. J. (API Big gahe hunting has largely died out, in the opinion of J. B. Hur lace. taxidermist, who presides over the "Jungle" at Kowland Ward's where the spoils of fa mous snimal hunters are mount ed. - ; "It is Urge to the men who went into the wilderness ers and adventurers spread of our Empire said, "but the raco of big game hunters seems to be dying out nowadays." a i.. .,hi, r tii. vi- I a large proponioo 01 me saius brought !n to the "Jungle" for mounting are of animals shot by M.,nn- ih. .mfferf horfle. nf ! hi, -, 1. ennsldered sue-1 ! cialist s Job. The . art is often tl0":" 'handed down from father to son.T noticeable feMure of I the exterior of this old building ICE CREAM DEALERS I ta tt4 figure of a "Blue- I i.uav miii ki vsiiivk coat Boy." which, stands In a LONDON Aug 3 (API Solmln 'ntranee. Below the niche I ' dispiriting has been the weather Inscribed "This Blcwcot school t ,h.. l.,n. 1.. cream " "' V9." At the back ! manufacturers and vendors here gathered at a special high mass in the Italian church on Clerken-1 lU,; V U the 7.Mo to!j '...sen. f London at the pe- "v T"Trt-tavi fiwr irniit !rdv and vines. a , ... Standard Dyer and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 '. mm Ftj-L.r fxo'M i ca) ride - ) ciODap ' , . 1 'A Living i .vl is.-'t "it 2j . A visit to the "Kternal Llsht." Now oYrk's Klfth Avenue memorial to World War dead, was the last formal event or t'nn.mander KU-hard K. Brd's hrme-comlng. Here are Itvrd. Hert Ai.osta snd Clarence. Chsmbcriin standing at salut it the Light as The Star Spangled Hannrr is played. - - BLl KCOAT I'I PILS j WEAK OLD tXSTl MK LONDON. Aug. S. (API -Pti- i ntl nf th nM III mviu t '-hrMit" iiess as hunt- Bot onlT elr ,he o'd-" rbhe would b Ineligible as a let- r. that thelo' " "J" nr. which tur carrier in Englund. He would , s Is due." he,con?lst of ,ong bIue.cott -nd'not be till enough. r i.i. .. I yellow stocking, but also. win-J Koculntlous require that post-i ,re -nd summer, go without a j bead covering. Th original school, rounacu in iifi, a 1 1 1 1 i.huus iu vmu street. Westminster. A British Commission of Historical Monu- ments has recently singled it out "specially worthy of preserva- semi-circular niche above the of 106 ' ecrior wall painting of another "Blue-, c0t BoT " Th tad' dre,s ' faithful copy of the costume of , i111" waeo an scflooi .a rouui. j ooQ nor r rencn wouiu nsv.; 'Th. ordinary .tare of apprentice,! been .Me to qualify for a pos(- rvio men was then a Ion. 'n..'. lot. and serving men was (hen a Ion. , blue coat and' breeches, with which yellow stockings were gen- orally worn. EYE TORTR-UTS RECALL Dill TIMK I1TKKTS OLU TIM K MKhKW . ! LONDON, Aug. 3. (AP) The ! days when eye portrait, were In I rogue were recalled when two pictures from Lord Ormnth-jlar hats for their bread and but- complaint to-wit: for a decree of waite' art collection were offer- ter. (divorce agiinst yon. on the ed at auction here. I !a Prance the summer straw 1 Kround of CIU.01 ""I ,n'lumn p mkv ,, wr. .,.,..1. . rrBnce ,ne ,r, .treatment, and tor such other re- Ppets may stut write verses tint is known as a "boater. In nf . ,h. fM rfm on Udies- eyes, but painter, have j the esrly dB. the you blood. 1 iq.'u.ble ceased to paint them. At one put them on when they went tori Yon are hereby notified lhat time, however. It wa. quite the j ror, a sport once highly noDu-lthl. summons I. served uoon vim ' tblog for a gentleman to carry in a locket around bis neck a dainty picture of the eyo of his lady-love. After a man get. married ha. less to say about what he can or cannot afford. All kinds of GLASS Sash and Doors Screens Window Frames Come and see us GLASS HOUSE 215 No. 11th Phone 477-W Hero Pays Tribute to ' XygfitlA' t J- -i Sk '' 1 : - ' .. . ..... " , , BANTAMS" IIAKRKD AS HltlTISH l-OSTMKN! LONDON." Aug. 3. (AP) If V-l.xn . ... a in ..rth ln.ld men here be at least five fit four inches (all. and on this the postmaster general refuses to i...... i uuuse. I The question of "bantams" In! the pot service came up in the ; Houso or Commons. Duff Coop-1 er. husband of Idy Dlanna Man-' Prefect of police, declare that ners snd Conservative member at present the noise makes con ror Oldham, thought It very odd ! vernation almost Impossible on Indeed that a man of Napoleon s ' Pr" boulevards. height con Id be a postman. Hlr Mitchell Thompson, postmaster 'general, refuses to waive the regulations that permanent post- men must bo of the specified height. It was brought out also that for the same reanon Wellington M -t rel as a let- ter carrier, and that neither i c.csa,. Nelson. Roberts. Evelyn. man's Job. EEWEIt STRAW HAT (IN PARIS STREETS 1 entitled cause and Court wltnin PAfllS. An.. 4. anStraw',.our we'.k. ,rom U ot ,hB i. . . . ... ha to be going out In CHn 1 1 n.. - vl.l k. ..... ply hero is in the stores, bus. (be store-keepers,-somewhat dlsconr- aged, are turning bark to regu- lar nere. "iioaters. ' say some oy puonc.iion nreni in I nv sartorial philosophers, are queer. ' Eveiilng Herald, a dally news usly. uncomfortalilo things, dirty ,u"' ot "neral circulation, in a short lime and ont of fasb-t Pr".t" snd published at Klam- 1 - !, ..h ..t th. ... Therefore counting comfor.; looks and, nbovo all. cost, why bother with the things A" hick turn .i one In ahlrh that the date of the flrnt public. there Is no ".Main Street." no tto, of ,hl .umroon. I. July "Star . Bakery" no "Parlor Mar ket." no "Central ' Pi esbytorf.-.u Church." - ' f ... , t . 1 A. Y.D. . (At Tour Door) Industrial Supplies. PHONE 371 . Undepenidable 7!JO AoUftS pass by the Dead ' I l il fte iMONklNM TAXI HtHtNK l .VDtlt IX VKTlliATIlN . PAitlS. Aug. 4. The bed- lain nf hnilkine hnrni on IbvIsI and motor vehicles, the visitor , first Impression of 1'srls. Is to b diminished. Pari Is to tool In one tone and toot les often , If the Investigation of the French ' board of Inquiry Into truffle , prooiems comes 10 anyintug. l;..iauu it you tall so to n- sn ki-rf. .1 ..'.r rr ihi-r th. nlotn. . w, to "1 examined. One will bo rhosen ror all public Vehicles. M. Chiapplo. newly appointed ' Legal Notice M'.MMONH. Equ'ly No. Ulivi In t h llrt-ull t'ntirt of tha State of Oregon for the County lot Klamath. rgllt. Alice Morgan. Plaintiff, v. C V r. . J C- : Ue' eB,ta"1 above named. In Iho name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com ptilnt herein filed In tho above "rt putiitcailon hi tni. sum- OBU "0.wll: July !!$. 137. and . . ' ii you rail so to appear ana an swer said complaint, plalniitr will apply to the above named Court for the relief prayed for n ssld rails, uregon, pei.uant 10 TX. made on th 24th diy of Julyi 1927 And you aro further notified 38th. 1917. and (ho last publica tion thereof will lie August 26th. 127. 1 D. K. FLETCHER, , IIS-South Clh Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Attorney for Plaintiff. JJS-A4-11-18-S5 5UTICK TO CREDITORS, . Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned bas been duly ap pointed by tho County Court of Klnmith County, Oregon, admin istratrix of the estate of Amelia James, deceased; and all person having claims against said estate are notified to present such claims with proper vouchers, duly verified by affidavit, to said ad minlstratr x st her plure or busi ness at Lorella, pregon, within . '' 4 ... rS66wizrt. i evrcMA H 7 Xiojj i icaw waat V I AlMT 50)MS TO A6 viAS pOOUJ i P60PL& MSAM W6A) 7Wty Jk' vwAIT AAUM J yoo (WMSA3 MS , f - SAV-STJBBOA) AS " ' B"56 aTJc? SA)OM&0 A.6 VsJ- A MOUb WfjfjSTgiS ' -X . . Jstn u s st orr. .. ' 'A : J Legal Notice six nmtitlis from the ilate livreuf. ltuliHl July II, 1917, IONA J. rVKDNKY. I Adiiiliilsirulrln. I t- ('. Ilriiwer. Ally JUSl-SsAI Ki'MMlINN, Kiull IfclNM - In Ik t'lrcult t'ourt or the ftta'.e of tngou (or Klamath County. II. O. Van Dyke. I'lnlutlff. vs. Ksllier A. Van Dyke, Defendant. To Ksthor A. Van Dyke, de fendant : lu lbs nam of the Slats of Oregon, you aro hereby required I to .appear and answer the com plaint riled against you In the almv entitled suit, uu or before Thursday the 4th day of August, 17, and if )ii full ao to an swer, for want thereof th plain tiff will apply to th Court for the relief prayed for In his rnm plalut. lo-wlt: tor a divorce from you on the ground of desertion .forsmore then one yesr. I This summon Is served upon ' ybu by publication one each week for four successive weeks, , pursuant to an order from-llun-1 orablo A.' L. Leaeltt. Judge of .the above entitle.! court, made and entered on July 8th. 117. t date of the first publication hrwif to' be Julv 7th. 1927. I MANNING, Mct'OI.I.OCH DK1S-I COLL. Attorneys for Plaintiff.) rostotrire and Business Ad-, dress. Swansen Building, Ktain-' ath Palls, Oregon. T-M-ll-Ss-At I l MMOVH. Equity ilHIl, In th Circuit Court of the State uf Origi n tor the Comity of Klamath. Kaihryn llarteas, I'lalntlff. vs Elmer O. Ii irless. Defendant. TO Kllllr 0. HarlcSS, ins bn',""m' ..." ..1 !I!T .,. JlJjSJiw , .uptMII. ,na th. roI11. nlailnt filed aalntvou in the above entitled suit, on or before Thursday, (be 4th day of August. ... .......... . .. " win apply to tn t .rtirt ior h " 'n her com- ' '"""i '"' r d'vof" ..'"'m you upon the grounds of deser tion for a period of more than one year last past and Imme diately prior to th rommeace- nient of thl suit, and for such other and further relief which to to the Court may seem Just and eqiilMble. Thl summons is served upon you by publication thereof one each week for a period of four consecutive and successive weeks. pursuant to order of th Honor- j M A. L. l-avltt. Judge of (he above entitled Court, made and entered on the 7th day of July. I 127. Date of first publication bereof. July the 7th. 117, and j " ' ;?, '' Plicatlon hereof the 4lh day of August. 1937. D. E. Van VACTOIt. Attorney for the plilntlff. Post Office and Business Address: 101-3 Wllllts Building. Klam ath Palls, Klamath County. Oregm. T-l 4-2 1-38-A4 NOTICE. Bested bids will be received bv School District No. 1 for fuel oil burner to be Installed at the rslrvlew school. In Klamath Palls. Oregon, together with 7r.o gallon storage tank. All bids to be addressed to Ids B. Momycr. Klamath Falls Business Directory I'tlMiK, FRATERNAL, NOTICE If B. P. (I. KLKH Meet Thursdsy evening. (siting me.nbers wol- coms, - ELKS TEMPLE. 3rd and Main OLIVER APIKKK. Ex ilted Ruler P. D. McMILLAN. ilceretary Fraternal Order ol Hades f O f Meets Every Prl- 'Ml''- ' A.v V IA .1 : Moo Hall. C. D. LONO. Secretary Aorle 2i0. Phon 674 Labor . Temple LOVAI. ORDER OK MOOSE Meet vry Thurs day, 7:30 L. O. O. M. Moose Hall, Klam ath Ave. CEO. OOLE, Die. Klamath Lodge No. 77 A. F. and A. M. Stated Communications Second and Fourth Mondays Visiting Brother Welcome IOO.MIS lll'lLDLNU By, Blosser 1 aA-ESTft 1-iPKul Notices clerk of said illslrli'l. In h up- comtiaiiled by certified check for J percent of bid, to lis seal.. I, anil In (he hamla of tlm clerk not later tliun noon. August IMIi IDA II. MOMYKU. Clerk IHI. Nu. 1. Mopka lllilg., Klamath Kullg. (re. Aug. l- MlTllK. To prospective membora of th 'r Kluiuatlt Lake lirasmg A 1 Hlitlou, we have uow tha err I firsts of Incorporation. Yon are nioiubersutp na Halunlay, Jul . . at 7 g o .lock p. m at lb I. O. O. y, hall In Merrill, Oregon. At lb unis tlm and plar. th permanent dtrscior , will b elected. Th By-Law ninat b readupt d. Th Incorpoiators ol the lw. er Klamnlh Uk f! rails Asso- Klamath Falls Business Directojy .vrrHNKs '. '. IIROW KR ' Atturney-sl Ijiw State and Federal Oourts Almtrsrts P.tsnilned 308 Wlllll. Illdg. I'hon ll Real Kslate l-w a Uerlalt i- l. KM ior r . Attninev-st Law Hiilte 13 Nw Mlhse nidg. I'bune t:i J Olflce Phone Hut Acrosa street from Court House M. O. WILKINS Lawyer . tnl WCIIams llullding Klamath Fall. Oregon Phone lis Day or N gh( Al TOMOlllI.E ItKAI.HtM Iteps'r Work. Battery Hervlc. Tire Nasb. Oakland. : Pnnllac. Packard R. R. R. . ll W.K K31 KUttuith Nest to Pilorrii-e I'hona 313 , tiuodtear Tire i Fireproof Storage ai roMtiiiii k; nutJ4 llrlng In yunr worn tlrrs get aMM Mill Nee at t usual ct.t At; TIRE MMP (iuaranleed vulranUIng 111 Ho. 11th St. Phon 842-J ra-treads At TO ItEPAIIl Hmilhy's Repair Whop Guaranteed Auto Repairing Cars called for and deltvered South 6th St. Phona t03-W IIATTKRV HERVICK Vallery Service. Magneto, Starter and Generator Repairing FIslVD IIEMIIOT CO. 34 Main St. Phoa 3H7-W llatlery. Magneto, Oenerator and Complete Electrical Hervlc TV. -P. Johnson' AI'TO KLIXTRIC SERVICE (si Kinmnih Phon 349 Ph I Ico Hem y Delco ' Bosch Aiirollta SEVERAL REPAIR (M ill HERTS OKNEKAL REPAIR SERVK K Carl Schubert. Jr. Repair Cash Register. Typ- wriicr. . Aaaing Machines, Bafs and I-ocks and Ouns. (30 Klamath Ave. (Bet ween tth and th) HKAITV PARMHtS Expert. Operators, Indlvidnsl booths, violet ray. marcell ing, hair tinting ItOBTOX JIEAITV SHOP Olorenna Warren Winters Uldg. Phono 311 Water, French Psper Curl Fsclsl and Scalp Trcaimont ni lLDI.VU .MATERIALS 8WAX LAKE MOI LDIXO CO. uallty RutltJlng Material boulh Cth St. Phono 759 WANTED Carpenter work by contract or way. i aninet work and fixtures hnlli 1401 Division t. Phone ! CHl'RCHKH ACRKI HEART 4'HI l((' Elgh(h and High HI... Key. A. Y. looser, Hov. C. II. Pelgo Sunday masse, at 8:30, g.oo and 10:30. Evening devotions t 7:30. Week-day mas. at I "-m. Mhrrlll.. 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30. All are cordially wolcoino at our serv ice. CIVIL EVUIVECIt i. r. CLEOIIORV Civil Engineer and Surveyor 19 High Slreet . C. C. K El, LEV Consulting Civil Engineer 1'nderwood Illdg. - Phone 1075 DKNTWiTH DR. K. ii. WISECARVEIt . DR. M. K. tXWPKR Dentistry,' ; X-RAY Uborstory ' ' I'nderwood .Rld5 Phona I4S Logal Notlfca elation lly AfOfrlT I- ANDHIEN. Mi.rrlll. Or. , ,1 , Jll Ut NOT I I'M. IN TIIM COI'NTV fOI IIT OP TDK 8TATH OP OliKHON OK THK COUNT V OK KLAMATH. IN THK MATTEIl OK I ha or ganlsslliiu of jtk tlhur Oardan Drains. District. NOTICK Is herehri Vfi by pnMI'aiU n in th Klsmu'b Palls Herald of Klnmstli Ifslls, , Or, gin. on this dsy of July, 1037. tbst a meeting of tha own. or of tun 1 kllUHted la th Lsks Kliore Uardens Drlu' District (or the purpos ot lcilii a Hoard of Hire 8iiervliHirs. will be held ' th County Co.(rt llou si Klsmalh Palis, Or gon, on Ih th day nf AUgust, US7 at 3;0 P. M. ' C. It. DeLAP. Ceutilt Clerk, Klsmalh County, Klamath Pall. Oregon. I . DE.vrisrv (ieneral Practice of Dentistry dr. coi, it US Main Over Mo' Hlor--Phona lit Open Appolulatnt I-jir, W0 suU Nom Doctor Dr. J.' J. Emmens, Medrord. Ore, ( I'ractlio litalted to cy. r. i and throat. I'liuim HI CIHRtU'RACTORS DR. iI,K MtMUlK,,) Palmar (iraduat Chronic asd Nervous Dliisasi .Now Mnlbowi lllock. 321 Main . i Phone 1273 Oppusite Omit lliu CtlW AI.IJ EXT IIO.MK tXINV tl.i Kl KNT lltlME IU (iraallr Kl Ashland. Or. Where Hi alek and aged are arrd for In plrsraut home ur. rounding. JI-AS Hpleudld csr at reasons bl prices. Mulernllv eases a spectal'y. THE PUIVATK KA ATARIIM I'bone 7IH-W - , I.Kit Worden and 311b Hi. Jl-ais CMPUtVMKXT AtiEVCT k LAM ATH IMI'U1MK.U OFFICK Employment for workers ' tn very trade mills, railway and farms. J Nates Risk, Prop, nili and Main. . Ctx e 1ST I.IVITOCK Presb rows on band ; at all tlm from on to 'carload kiumatii DAiitr tnr en. Phones: Rsnrh 3 IPS: Res. 41 C E. Mochetlas. Jr. Tcinm Slatlcn OSTEOPATHS DU. P. H. OODDMID I. O. O. P. TK.Ml'LM Osteopathia Physician and Surgeon Office snd Resident:) Phona 321 PAIXTS, WALL PAPER t Wall Paper. Paints, Ensuisls, Rrushes I'. R. OLD Across from Postofflc Phona 43 Everything a Paint itor Keep Pslnts. Oils, Varnish.. Dead enlag Pelt. Ola... Roofing, PATTI RHOX'S I'AIXT T.41RR 2 Bo 8th SI. i'lurria 683-J NTKMHiRAPIIY I M fts. L. II. IIAfslK i Tubllc Stenographer .... I Notary Public - J Savings and Loan . Real Esiata Insurance 210 Wlllll Hide. ItHrnn WC7 All kinds of legal form TIMIIEIl 1'RllSERM Timber Cruising, Hnconnale ance and Appraisal . H. If. (MILE I 4041 .Mil I n SI.- Phono 203AV Working . from I M. L. Johnson's of rirei 1 EXCAVATING j, IILANTINU Sower and Cesspool Work! Phone 423 Call at SOU K. Main Be ' FRANK MA It Tli "ll" iiaTirLrij-t.iljij,iia aiasajajsjsjajs. t i Try Evening Herald Fixed Space Ads v. l.iT 1 .