Thtn'winy, Anptist 4. 1027 tiir F.vnvnrr; nrnAr.D. Tn.AATH fatj. oreoom Pncrf Thrrn BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Itema of Interest Concerning Itchidcntn of the Grout Klamath Basin. It You Have Ncwb fo This Department, Your Courteny in Calling 88 ' Will He Appreciated Tijuana 'Line' Swept by Flames .)lr KiiuiUIimmI MIM AIM 111 Lyl. who Willi HrV mother, Mra. A. J. LU, Ml y- MiK. NliHin Wluiii'r Mra. "Cap" Rlintan of IhU rlly waa ananM dm 115.00 llali- tvrif ay lor a flail In Sun Krun- Ins rod whkh glvan ly C'nii- cImo, wlwr all Will apiml the 1 nolly Ilinlliura for Ilia twrsnija mon Ih ( A usual, waa ilullltlit (ully aiitartalnrd on Monduy ova nliiR Willi a dnnilns parly, wlirn tla Varunlia MrAndrrwa rum pllmaiilMl hr at Ilia Mi'Anitrrwa homo. Mlaa l.yUi will rnlurn limits In aarly Hupli nibi'r lu rn auma liar hitch arluml work ul Ilia Klamalh county blah, wliaro alia will tia settlor. ltraura r'rwm Aaliliuiil Mra. ('Uirlca I'. KnLap . anil Ihrva rhlldri-n, Dorothy. Charlxa K., Jr.. aud Dlik, rolurnrd ) l.rday from Aaliland. wlltfo Mra. I Lap ha bu with lirr mother. Mra. J. II. Orimih. who h oooa arrly III. Tlwy wirn mo tored to Klaawth falla by Mr. Ial.ap. To Vlall In Mi-dlord Mra. Uuln U. Ilntrhrna anal Imr Ihraa aona. aromfanid ly J'" Kraua, If f! for i. J yl jnl ' via Cralar lako. ahora lliay will enjoy a vlult with Irlcnua. Mra. 1 lluirlifiiia la nJltiK bor vara tlm (rum Ilia loial , poatnlflci' whrro aba la rmpto)d. rulililiiit tin luntaat, I'm contnat ruiinltm ihrnuKliont tint month of July. Mra. Hlmpa landed a I rout weighing 1't nnunda and four ontiri-a In the WllllaniHin Itlvnr on Kundiiy wllh a No. 4 nlr-klu and rupiwr aplnnr. Mnt. Hlmpaon prfmenr id K. W. Ilcnlik wlih th I.liiulx raiun r,. A. K. Ailnlnpnrcrr, popularly ! known aa "lua." with Ma wlo and daughter, apnnt Tuoiuluy lu-rn I on bualncaa from li la hoiua lit MarahriulaJ. Mr. Adclap.ira.iT Ja prralduut of Ilia Wuatnru WhlHt iilur rotiipuny and la oim of tba luritcat operator In IIih i world of whltn rralar. Tha parly atoppod at tba Hole) Wlllard. l:njo)hiu Trip A. J. Coimi.lly nf Connolly llrothnra, la aiijoylnaj hla vara linn, a' cordial to word rimrlri'd from blu at Kan rraa.laio. la motoring anuth, Mr. Connolly in Joyd tha trip throned tha Itod wnoda and dtirlaroa It a beauti ful alKht. Hi will leave for l.oa Amelea In a few duja where ba will with hl d'tiiahtar. Kntherlnn and later return to Klonmih KaUa. ( all IIMMV In arnajign for that swimming piny al tbo Hot BprJiigs Nat. Adv. MUa Krlike ll.-t Vina Kru 'rl. kt of Curdir. Missouri, arrived from the earn with bar aunt. Mlra l.ydla Krkke and plana to apend tha winter monlha here. Kho will enter the Klmiatb County hlnh arbool with tba opcnlni of the full term. For Inenrnnee Ken Jna. II. Hid. Adv. Drlarull. William. Mrrrlir. Arrival lU-r. Mr. and Mra. P. It. Merrill. lUrne ItclurtMil Marlon llarnea baa r nrtl fnraiorly of Merrill. Orvcun. and i from a trip of aeveral tlnya aneiil now realdlnR In Wlllnwa. Calif.. (nt Odell and Crtnirent l.-ikea. H arrived In tha rlty yraterdny ) repirta fbtlilm food nnd many from thv aouth aud will vlalt , tourlRta enrouto north and aoutli. brro for aevernl tlnya wllh .The catnp ground al both lakea frlemta. Mr. Merrill waa em-! wara filled with tourlata. accord- ployed at tha Merrill Imuk at Ins to Mr. Ilurnea. Itauraeil I'ruta THl Mr. and Mra. C. K, ( alklna i "errlll while 1 hav returned from a dcllchtfiil ' i I'roin llauwr mti-ini lnn- trlp through Canada and the Mra. Turarr Ibu k t It u port v. Ifunaer of The llau- uorthern atalea where they apent ra. Ualpb K. Turner baa re-jeer Cnnxtntitlon rompany. ar aaveral waeka vlalilng. On t he au uwd her poaltlon In tha office rnmpanlrd by Howard T. Mc entlre trip of mora thau l ' ) of the county clerk, altor an an-! Culloch of Portland, ara atopplna uillea I naver even io much aa ' aee. of aeveral week, on ac-, at the hotel Wiilard while hero bad a puncture." Mr. Calkltia re-, count of lllncna. frlnda on. a abort bualuens trip marked. rnmm.: .- ;' ,.'Vi Vkvj-n... i -4. ; ;1 '. : fa'. ftu t' 3ei -rv? v "'7'.' -T; ; ' i-J ''- ';'X . i Coati Itemodeled. fur Manufacturer. Funier Mill. W If, I. MM IlKHHLtH 4l Klamath Avenne. Between fourth and fifth. Klamath Palla Or. Mark, ts Tji Sbrep 11,000: fat lumhi ac 'IUCACt. Aittc. i. Ml Mora vteiinea.iey: eany ouia rana- -28.0U0; alow, erratic: welichl " native, moderal-V aracea :10 pounda down 10 to or,"1 11 b.-et hell Uh lower thau Ve.lneadny'a av-: hluhar; call. .on9.!IO: ah.U arage: liavur Utchora to ,,,T'' ' " 'wtlWj lor lower; .U. 15 to 34c lower: I welnht nutlvn awea; top ..m. Hulk t 2tt faedlna: liimlat unchassnl: ajkln pounds 10.5010 7S. ; around IJ.TS: orateuil Willi Cftlilo K.B0I); fed tra and ! Wedneaulaya lop ehol. o Unlit yearllnua ateady to 25c lower; 'lh flnlahew; two douhlea l.f b. alrrk al..,lv ...,lo ,,, H'md IJ poilBll f.e.lllm jklRher: fed ateera uneven: bulk j er"n" ''" Wneadny (Of quality and cuiulition to aell i . 'at 12.&H downward: choice Unlit Climb a Hide higher tlinn lh J ateera on long yearling order up, crowd and yon will targut to 14.25; mostly graxaera 10.00. for Ibe knockcra. ' 1 eiaajy I eTTeen tcT.'i . n' fV," aii'ajaia-ana, 'if hiiw KM Jet abatawaa. AT- fSave Mutb damare waa done a few day ano by a fire which ewept the fninoua linn cf Tijuima drink eniiiorluma. ' Thn Kin DIcro fire department reaponded wllh a truck und cruw of ftreflejit era that anvird many tlilul.a of lenal Mexican beer for thirsty throaia. I.'i-nr To IVmI ltUH.ell Karrell, of Morrill. 'nged 23. and Ilurrta O'.NVII, afred 17, of Morrill, were grauied a llceoae to wed at the office of the County Clerk. i Mm. 1IHm-i.II Awny Mm. Jnmn Lfriacoll in enjoy ing Tlxlt al I'cudleton with friends. Al Wlnlm lloiiKN Mra. A. C. Wiley aad daugbtera. Wanda. Kuae Marie, Audrey and Yvonne of H Park a. Nevadt. am will be pleaaed to learn alie baa fully recovered from ber lllueaa. ! VIH'njr I'roni 4;rnnta l'aa ) Mra. lxiula Wyock. Mr. A. 11 Ileal !n Aalilnmt ; Kndrla and the Miaaea Mirjorle Jack Ileal, of the Kwanaen liar- Knapp and Phrllla Wood her ahop. il In Aihlund, where : tiranta Paaa are enjoying a. vlalti-,lv- You ran gel rid of rhi.uma tiam and aervounueiw. . Kvpert Irecrlp.tlonlatA Forbea Pure Drnga. adv. Roe. rbooe 1143 Klamath Fall Office Phone 11H3 M.lliaae Bldaj eat where it's cool SPECIAL DINNER Kvfry bvcnUif $1.00 75c 50e Try them they're appetizing! Club Cafe THE PINE TREE THURSDAY and FRIDAY EYD CHAPLIN in "THE BETTER OLE" A HIDK-HPI.ITTEK! M VHTKKK AI.I.Y KI SNY1 A HEAVY IVWt HACK F L.UGHTKlt! ('uiinU-T thaa "ClawUc'a Aunt:" SCENES FROM THE "Dempsey-Sharkey Fight" AUK HIIOW.V IS Ot H PATIIK SKttS FRIDAY SPECIAL "Amateur Nite" PRESENTINO A Juvenile Khaemble In Hpeclaltlea, &oojfaf Pancea and Novell lea. , COME AMI EVCOIKAOE THEM ' ' V 4Babi AT II II la Tor Hon era n( and Kloral dealgna. Phone 1118. ; here for a vlall al tbe homo of I be la eubmlttlng to medical treat- In the city with frienda. Mr. and Mra. J. J. the Hum mere ljtne. Winter on lpft I'or Houili Mra. 8yd Kvana baa left tor California, where ahe will apend the romlng fortnight with rla tlvea and frienda. Much of tier time, Mra. Kvann plana to vlait In Han Ulego. ' ' '' l-fl For Hnllywrooil Hob Coyne and aon left by mo tor till" afternoon for their home In Hollywood, Callfvrnla. Coyne formerly owned the Kdgewood Itaiuh which he recently enld to It. A. Mclean who hie poaaeaalon. - ment. Ho waa accompinled to party la regtntered at the tha valley oy Mra. Heal. They ; W iilard. plan to return home thla evo-j nlng. Mr. Heal haa been In poor At thn Hnnltary llmha health for many monlha. I You can build health The Hotel and MitUrkey u III T. II. Malarkey c Th Eve ning Herald la confined to bla apartment today Buffering with a alight Infection of the foot. He waa advlaed by bla phyalclan to remain off tbe Injured limb today. jatrcngtb tnlo your body by Lik ing at real at earn bath. ' l'n.m Kurt Kluiuutli O. V. KnKle, rancher of the Fort Klamath country, ia here today on a brief bualntna trip. l,.llr Nntlro the rlearneea of taken akin after awlmmlng at the Hot Bprlnga Nat. Adv. Vl-ltlng from llnlarl.w- Kloanor Uavla of Ontario, gnn. la enjoying a abort here with friend. Ore. vlall i A man ran from Hoston to New York In 85 houra and when he reai bid Cutham there wasn't a atngle band or parade ,lo greet him. ' New York nniat bo find ing the aecond the hardest. hundred heroes Al Templar Home Mra. I). Klihnrda of Canyon City. Oregon, la enjoying vlall al tbe home of her brother-in-law and alater. Mr. aad Mra. Karl Templar. Mra. Templar la com plimenting her alater with a bridge afternoon on Friday. MIm Nkilllngton II c Mlea Dorothy rlkllllugton. the daughter of Mr.' and Mra. T. K. Hklllington. haa returned homo from an enjoyable vlnlt In anuth ern California with relative and friend where ahn (pent the pant two weokY Tliomna fiele Photo llort C. Thomaa thla morning received the flrat autograph photograph of Lindbergh which waa offered through eendlng an air mall letter to Waablngton, D. ' V.. with ten centa oncloaed. From Valley A bualneaa vi.'dtor here today la J. O. Ferrla of Medford. Mr. evening. July 30 ferrla la regltrtered at the Will- Important. ard. (algned) U. S. UEEDER. i Prealdent XtlTICK. The Central Community Club will hold a meVtitig on Salnrdny at 8:00 o'clock. I : I fGooFsteliioffr watch ( 1 , T. . REPAIRING I !s nnor Desires H I $ . . J I I year cua-anta on aU I I rosiiion wur li I $ I JEWELER - I i : '. ; : A FA.' THE LIBERTY THURSDAY and FRIDAY BUFFALO BILL, JR., in , "The Inteerin, Gent" t! AfTKW WKSTKifSKK MANY EXC1TIXO blTCATIflNS IK I XT MIHS IT!" SPECIAL TONIGHT UNCLE IIIP.AM and his "Country Store" A Wonderful Selection cf Girt! New Stunts for the Kid AND r.VCXE Hill tM -r: "Ht-XT FOBGCT VOI R BASKET!" Iaa a)JtVaiaY ajaV aVtt aaVAaWdkAaw awiaa atlt aetata alaa a.aa awaa lftt atgt aVaV aVat aVtt 1 - : , ; y The Wonder of tha world, the mineral water at the Hot Spring Nat.. Spring and Eaplanade. Adv. Is there any tains Better tlian these The Fllle Nliopr i Dealgnlng and dregsmuking. ! 117 N. 8th. Phone 560. 2-Adv. I YUllIng From PenilM Ouy It. Drill of Pendleton la "Pending a few duya here vinlllng and tranaactlug bualncaa. Ho la a hotel guest at tho Wiilard. F.apert Prearrlptlonlata Forbea Pure Drug. gdr. MUa HIiiiiiioiui Itoturucl Mla Lucille Slmmona return ed lo her home at I.nkevlew to day, after y""lug hero for aev oral daya with frienda. Klnmulli Flower KImib For flower. Floral dealgna. quality with ervre. g4 Main at reel. Phono 619. adv. Vl Ulna From Wmklon Mr. L y d I a Cbrtatenaen of Slocklon, California, I vIMtlng here for a few duya wllh frienda. Shopping; From Clill.xuln , Violet Nlikloa and Mnrgle Hwan of Chlloquin ahopped In the city yeaterduy. HlKK'na From Mnlln ' C. A. Higgln trnnnartud buxl tioea In tho elty yeaterday for Keverul hours from hi homo at . Malln. Now 1ot of Vollo OriwHOie All ale and color. Prlco $3.95. tlray'a (Inrmenl Hhop. Take Poaltlon Frits Flelnchmnn ha accepted position as sulwlerk In the office of tho local poal office and took up Ills (III Ilea this mornlnu. T the Hot Springs Nat reduce ynnr fat and dovelop your muaclea. Adv. Invlng For Vulley "Red" Sanndera and W. C. Marnea left this afternoon for Anhlnnd lo attend a meeting of the baseball dlrectore ot ' the Southern Oregon l.engue. Tho Hot Spring Nnt Is open from 7 p. ni. (Ill THht, AtJr, '2'" "'.'"" . tnld- BungalowGunp Gel up in the heart ' of the Canadian Pa- . cific Rockies where' every type o( real . outdoor recreation waits you riding, hiking, golf, fishing, boating, swimming, rrjf. Eight Canadian ' Pacific Bungalow Camps offer easy ciotncs comfort at moderate cost Lit- The Largest BLACKBERRY Sale of the Year Can At Once! Do Not Delay! $1,25 per Crate They Are At Their Best! PUBLIC MARKET PAV CASH IT PAYS IMionc KW sixtlt nt Walnut KTIIAWilKltltlKM, Per tY.ite. $1.00 VK DfcXIVEIl HOLULY !! I I - t IJ' 7: . 1 II il ml it ernture is vouri for V the askinc' Canadian Pacific TmtUtn Chequt C-vJ t'.it World Qvrr. Chilian Pacific WH Deacon Cm f Passr Depr inin)M rununrt MiuuioottjihotflllM Individuality is a distinction that is af forded but few men. It im plies that the man thus dis tinguished has selected, not so much fabrics of cost, but clothes that fit his form in every detail. Such individuality can only be insured in tailor made suits. They . cosf no more. ' Chas. J. Cizek "Merchant Tailor" 109 South Seventh St. t ? t V V ? ? t ? ? CONCRETE U VeilifHWiJ We handle all material that goes into Good Concrete Prices Low Quick Service Call or Phone SW.D. Miller! 4 i " - - r M . , ,M & .U VCelaVUaVW O i V. i h i , i I T X t V V: v ! ?! tl Ti Try This Recipe 2cupimilk 2 tablespoons Mazoht 2 tablespoons Argoor KsmgtforJ's H teaspoon tall H teaspoon pepper J tpt diced, cooked potatoes boiledor baked) J teaspoon onion juice (optional) - - To make the sauce, put the Mazola in a saucepan, add the cornstarch and seasonings and gradually stir in the milk. When boiling, add the potatoes and onion juice. Cook slowly until the potatoes have absorbed part of the sauce. PROBABLY no other food in the kitchen 13 so useful to the modern housewife as Mazola taking the place of butter foe t cooking end shortening; as a better, more wholesome fat for frying; and as the perfect oil for fine salad dressing. This recipe is from Ida Bailey Allen's New Book "The Modern Method of Pre. paring Delightful Foods"-see couponbclow. r if uf ?: '? !;!? -X Company Phone 78 , 6th & Commercial Sts. f f 1 f At 2 Send Only IOC (amr or coin) with this coupon and yoa will nenva a cony of Ida Bailey Allan's wonderful Nw Book, ansae tivary bound, contatnina 1 12 psa of unuiuaj racipea. Wrii lohnMtn Melr Company. . I'ucllaiui, Or. Noma. Addnst Tevn. I I