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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1927)
THfi EVENING HERA fa), KLAMATH FALLS. -ORECOM t fT 1'JF. 1 -.' Li1. WWBfl Wi-llTiU I J IJ'.'U-ani e..Ul. i ft'llJyfT.P " :; ( W'1 nowlny, Auftrtf 27 ' Page Sown . -art r r m. m. m a . m mm mm mm, mm i i v lit FDRKRilKIIL YQUTpiLLED Injuries Fatal ; to George Caiir in San Francisco ' Lat Evening (irorm Colli, former Wall known Klamath ' Pulls youth, paaaod away' In Pun Frauds' o Ua( evening following an nrvl dent which bo enroiinlnred Sever I day ago, accordion tu word received hero from Mm. Maud llond, hll eltr, of tho felephono OffllT. Cain, with anolhar young man, was driving a, Iruik on a con trucllon Job when a heavy cable fell aero (ha road tearing the tup from Ilia truck, and striking Culn on the rbel. Tha accident STAGES v TO ALL POINTS v 326" New Phone Number New Reduced Rates New Location 8th & Klamath Ave. "Tha Hunslilno Route" Kor yoor own Rood, allow ui lo make a careful and Complete teat of your eye, which will irov whnther or sot they are In need of help. DR. H. W. BARR Ky Sllht Rpeclallat GUSDUNN iV.WYA.V.W. and OPTIt'l.t.V 003 Mala tMrert Reed & Reynolds i Real Estate i Fire Insurance , We specialize in ir rigated farms ' and stock ranches. 1036 Main St. Klamath Fall, Ore. J J V J v . New Auto-, I Awnings ; Connolly Bros, have taken the agencjr for Smith's Auto .Awnings. It "will roll up like, a curtain" or pull out like an awning. We have all colora and . make them while you wait CONNOLLY BROS. 914-18 Main MOM'N POP ., Nothin'Doin' .: . , - "V ' ( viho knows ur what a Few y ;-v pot a lil pcp w vca? J '7-'Zy vsuf-i V ( .' , kW-SSsjjTi. AUWW$ WAS A 600l SCrJAPrCR 'Vvi rf VY '' . JL SlfriW mtt.m nmrA vsmm ratiMid ruuiplato paralysis from hi hip down and alight hope' wore over bald for hi recovery.) Tha other you tiff man waa struck aeroa tha fain, breaking hi Jaw bono. 1,1ml Hre. Cain, prior to moving lo Kn Kranclarn, lived here with 1 hi mother, Mr. Hullo Martin . and hi two alatnr. Mr. Maud Hood nd Mr. Hon Htnvnnann no Jaiklo Knioo. who now rinltlv In Kan Prdirlaco. Mr. Martin with her daughter. Mr. Hood and her aoa and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr. Crmrlea Cain left fur 8au Fran cisco on Hutnrday. The funeral WllPBn held In Han Francisco. Developing of Weyerhaven is VT T T 1 . Work of dnvitliinins tho Waver. haren trtict. acij. lining tha Woy-j rrhavuier mill alto on Ih Klaiu - alb rtrvr a short distance outk of. tha vlty. wa aiarlod Ihla weak, aernHlrng to announcement ted by Walter Weat and Harry Pells, Joint owner of a part of tha WeyerbaTen property.' Tho fact tliul offklala of the Wcyerhaeueer company aro bow bora and the Ueneral Manager loa I achoiluled to arrive here the latter part of the week, la rekindling tnioraat In tho !.- tic Weyerharuwr mill plan for Klanioih The flrat sure of the Woy erhaTn tiict are now belnic aur yed aud mark'il off Into Iracta of 1 and t cre each. Tbea tract front aluer, the Miller landi market road and are bull a abort itlaian,. fro the alt. e.r the prnj-rtcd W'eyerhaeuaer mill plant. lAltll f.fiTHANKH. We wiah to etureaa to our many friend nor heartfelt ap- preclatlun for the beautiful floral offrrlnaa and k ndly eipmaalona oi vmpainy temierrd lo ua ln our rernt berearement. We aonlc lodge. Mr. and Mr. M. M. Donelaon on.l Mr tr. Mr. Caihcrine Klelbn.-. Mr. and Mr. Ixnard jolina. Mr.'T. E. Plveen Mr. and Mra. J. p. Vaughn. Mra. John Vaughn. ronrkaiiu. aasuua aairefel aaeervlalB. afrtet Sto. eleliae. elal atfvaetaaea aa4 , aaaral Iralalea. O a I a 1 a , ekaerratly Hal ea raaaaa, Pleasing You Means" Success For Us . Intolcea i i llooklota Knn-tofsm 'alaloaruea Htatrmenta 1'rlm I Jaia ' Inih't t'anla )' ( (h-tlrr lllank ' Office Forma Letter Heads Correct prices i No "Gue8stimatincr" Our representative will be glad to call CASE '& 'MELTON Printers, 131 Ho. Seventh Phono J8;t-W I Mm tmJ ' ' ' aa.-esw,l f I . . I: A rare air action vleV. thV Picture . I'",au moir oiie -winx nr aimuitaneou Jump from three Vlcker H. A. r. maneuvers at Hendon. r''cnt . - MODOC POINT, Auf. 1. (8 pe el jI to Tbo Herald) Mia Lot BByn. 'la June Dradloy and Wm. Farnum drore lo Cblloquin on Tueaday. Hob and George McMillan. Dick Manulr and Guy Bloddard apenl neaay OTenmff in town, Mr- ,ul Mr- M- E- Knn irox ' Wednesday ere- , al"' The Thursday Iltidxe club met at the bom of Mr. M. E Knausa. High score wa won by Mrs. A. Jacooaon. The curst wre Vesdamra M E McMillan. A. Jacohaon, J. Melvln, J. Melvln, Dad Crump. Oicar Rand, W. Y. Rtod NEWSlTESf MODOCPOINT ' ana ( dur-'dard. It. Ploraon. Mis Edna Stoddard and the hola. . .-(.! knn,. ,. "' noma from tho boaplul on Thuraduy, Iloth are doing ''e'"r MluJorotby I'lersos spent the i - -iuu run. TOROOt PSUAW CORW, DO Ho Put amw stock; im iAese. 1 STOqiES ABOUT ANIMALS UCKrVKj-' SOUR HAKJO uvt fW leralAWC E AWOFJOCl.ES jlUJ.'.tH.I ha J1 ..'..7, - GraTiTooe.. Down to the Eart hin "S3? of alx oararhutera of tha nrlt'lah paat week with her alater in Pell can City. . .. . Mr. and Mra. McMIIUn. Guy Stoddard and Dick Magulre spent Friday evening In town. Those who shopped In (own Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Oicar Hand, Jim Helm. A. J cobson. A. Jensen. J. Melvln. U. Blackburn. Mra. Dan Crump, Mr. N. Y. Stoddard. Mia Edna Stod dard. Tom Stoddard, Wm. Spaa gler and A. Olaon. Ml Berlbi Dean and Mia Watterman. both attending Ash land Normal, epent the rek-eud with Mra. O. Blackburn. Ula Dean formerly taught acbool at Modoc Point. . : Mr. and Mra. ' C. Ulackbnrn pent Sunday at Rocky Polnu ' Mr. and Mra. E. William drove to town on Sunday. Mr. and Mr. T. 8. Doyle bare moved to Wodoo Point from K la main Falla. They have one of tbe new S-room bouse, v i Mr. and Mra.-Wilcox and fam ily vlaltad friend In Klamath Fall or Saaday. "'i ? n I . Mr. and Mr.- Gene Champagne of Weed spent the week-end VI th Mr.' and Mra. 8. W. Egeline. - Mrs. 8. W. Egeline ha pur I f VssV JJ I oidM1 MOE. IKl QRATlTODE. ? W. 'Chutes Six of Them V .,t'.at , Mr rorrrf-dew-rsdlna: earthward - Vlmy bomLera. They auaed ... cbaaed a new Howard bungalow piano. '. , ' Mr. and, Mr. G. Cbampigne and-Mr." and Mrs. 8. W. Ege- line were- dinner -itoest-of -Mr. and Mrs. Claire at Cblloquin. Mr.' and Mra. Bob Jones and family apenl Saturday with Mr. and Mr N. 1 Short and drove Into town lu- the evening. Mr. and Mr. Earl Tllton and Mrs. Bob Egdl!ne"Df Dorrl apenl Saturday .renlng at Modoc PolnL Mr. and Mr,. N. I. Short and Mr. Anderson enjoyed Sunday at Crater lake. , , - Orrln Rlubln apent' Saturday nigni. and Sunday at Modoc Point from I Mr- nd Mr- Jlm Helms, Mr. Lamme' Camp. 'B, Mra. -Was, Hetma. A. Jacob- l Mr. and Mrs." Sam Ellis drove on dro1,e t0 town Sunday ere to town Sunday. - - nlng. "Mr. and Mr. S. C. Smyth and 1 r. and Mr. George Johnson. MV: and Mr. Vere Smvthe of Mr. and Mra. B. Claangton. Wm. Klamath Fail .pent Sunday at f Crater lake ' -f w.a trm c.. pf 'pelican .City apent the week-l Mr. and Mra. W. Millird of ena.wllh Mr. aad Mrs.- M, E.lK,n,tn FalU were guest of Knausa I Mr. and Mrs. Rand on Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. J. Kanble. Mr. '"" ter motored to Sprague. and Mr. Vin Worm'etCand Mr. I riTr tor Plcnte. I and Mrs. Bauits -drove to Bend I Martin McGrath Mransacted Saturday, returning Sunday eve-j bu8lnc at Lamms' mill for John nlng. Mr. and Mra. Marcone en-lLlnln" oI Klamath Falls on - Joyed dluner with Mr. and Mrs. LC 1 la.ff-.r- naVf 1 iwivivc o'-ruE-r BtroRt? HERE -L BEtKI -1 AUGrATVacxrr vmEMTneY r en ME AL' TWESE ifNeVo OEST COMIM'f ' LtCK. KAMO. ; - ' ','4. f.'f . J.WU.iA.M3 eiMT by m mvicc KM. TSA. a moment after they bad i the apectacle aa oar of tbe ," Tuter at Sbaw Bertrams mill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Olson and Mr. and Mra. W. Stall of tbe Wll- : "B"on ver dUtrlct drove to Cblloquin on Saturday. Mra. A. Swansen. contract lum-1 ber piler for tbe Lamm Lumber , ! company, baa been named nales- n" 'or the William Bartlett company of Chicago, selling ealt I maa to neauro. A. Jxbon. Mr. Hberiran?'a Oslandat' Edna Hedberg and 0. Osland at - tended the Vassa Lodge on Mon- Fnnm and June Bradley apent the week-end at Crater lake and ' Huckleberrv mountain. - I Monday. -wora is progressjDg on lite ; Southern Pacific depot. 'which la being constructed at Modoc Point. ' Contractors have until October.' to complete the- work. However, at the present rate of pragma, constnvtioa shon!d be completed far in advance of that time. It , . . . iW , v u not auown l m nmo ua agent will be auccesaful In "bid ding In" the assignment, but la a well known fact that a great many will bid for the Job as it It a desirable , one. Mrs. 8. W. Egeline shopped In town on Tuesday., , ' I: O. F. Irons, who has cooked for the Lamm Lumber 'company i for the past two years, will leave ; Monday for California to enjoy a well earned vacation. Butter. PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 3. (JP) Butter: Extras np He Prime firsts up He. Wholesale prices: Kvtra ruhea Htv 41c: standards 39; prime firsts 3SH: firsts 81 H;-creamery prices, prints 3c above cnbe standards; butterfat 40Hc fob Portland. Kg. Kggs: Extras and standard firsts np lc. Current receipts 25c: fresh mediums '24; fresh standard ftista 16; ditto extras 27. . - Milk. Milk steady. Hid to farmer: Raw milk 4 per rent 12.55 cwt fob Portland; butterfat 40 He fob. Portland. . Onions. Onions steady; local 11.75 2.00. Hpnds. , Potatoes steady, 12.50 3.25. By Taylor NEW TODAY foil REST ' S-room ' modern boose, furnlahed. Pull baa-' ment. ' garage; adulta. Alaa room. Inqurr Mill Pine. 3-t FOK RENT Modern -room fur- nlahed bouae with garag and, water. Phoni 1J2-R. 3- FOR KENT apartment, Ingtoa 8t. S-room fnrnlabed Adult. 410 Waah Phona JiJ-W. 3-f WANTED TO RENT Room and bath. Phone 10I. I t EXCELLENT TABLE BOARD II. Of per day. Rooms if de sired. SOI Plum St. 3-1 FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed l-raora strictly modern bonne. Oarage. 111. Inquire I1J Lewla 8t, - -f FOR RENT Apartment. Two room and bath. 137 High Ht. Phone 2r3. ' 3-1 FOR BALE A ' few Holateln cow, fresh and dry. T. B. teted. Owner. . Enterprise Ranch. A. Manera. 3-1 FOR 8 A LB floe in lot on Cftetau! All filled In and ce ment foundation. Ready to balid on. Cheap. Terra, will finance a bouae to right party, bee Peoples Wbae. Phone 794. 'J-a i LORT - Between Dairy and Rpragae River, practically new 10x3 H Overall! Wearwell Cord casing with spare rack. Tall light and licenae . plate. Re wardj Sot ftr Sprague River Garage. 3-4 ( , TO,AL. e", "1,elt7"- i , Ml0Bal)l, ,. owner DM ie,Te. . Wrtu Box sl7 Herald. 4-1 LOST ' Coin puree containing about ISO in front of the " ETariripartment building near tbe 8unset Grocery. Reward will be paid to party returning It o Mr., W. K. Mann, apart ment 13. Evan apt. 3-1 FOR SALE OR TRADE 23-acre borne in R. R. Valley. 7 -room pliatered bonse ready to live ' In. part of crops harvested. Real ready to be. : Price1 right term right. Will take house and lot In K. F. part par. See Peoples Whse. Phone 3-6 FOR SALE : Income property. Owner leaving city. Two new modern houses. One 4 rooms and bath. furnlahed. One 6 large rooms and batb. nook. built-in - features. Double ga rage, etc. S90.00 per -month Income. Payments ISO, Includ ing Int. Phone 1447-W. Stf K HAVE sold Edgewood ranch .nri h.v. n doits. - Good bear, eat and wolf hound for sale. Well trained, 'all registered. 75 each. One Wallis tractor, almost new. cost 11(00. ' sell "1900. Two Holsteln fresh cow. 175 each, and one Holsteln ball. ' J75. - Call- at Coune ' Ranch near Al .Marshall at Olene. . 1-3 A STORE In this location will pay. Wa hive a fine large corner lot on., pave ment In one of the best resf flence districts In ' town and one that is not served by any atore at' this time. TRI'STATBS 'REALTY Realtors - 1131 Main 30-2 Phone 1039 MISCELLANEOUS WINDOW CLBANI.VO Floor waxing, house cleaning and Janitor- service. 'References. A. , M. Rboads. Phone lOSC-W. i .., ' 1 -;. 107-38-tf 'LOST AND FOUND LOST .Malo "setter ' dog, white body, largo black spots on body knd bead. Kt rayed from Edge wood ranch about aix week ago. Ha end -of tall eat off. Last seen Algoma. Reward. .... - . . .... .f f fj ) -j-.-.i. 1 1 1. 1 ji. . . WANTED WANTED Lawn work, ence. .Phone 247-J. . Refcr- WILL EXCHANGE two good lots In Berkeley for house and lot tn Klamath Fall. Addresa Box 604. Herald. -. - 2-S WA TED To adopt a baby girl t t over ' one year. Addresa tax Bit Herald. 2-4a WANTED To trade enultv anH 'lot for a good car. Address nox 95 Herald. 2-3 I WANTEp Good stenographer wiaiire pniuon. tan give ref erences. Call Herald Office. - 3-3 WANT TO BUY Two nsed heavy or i-incn tire wagon; one iea lire snnnring machine. Ampbell-Towle Lumber Co.. jprague River, Ore. 30-! WANTED Man with Ford car and iioo in money, to bandle first-class proposition. Bella well at "good profit. 'W. B. Simpson, Box 111, can . Hor- FOR S ALE FOR SALE One good fcllaT eow. BUI Falvey. Merrill, Or. fOK SALE Breedlag yabblta. - . Phone it-J.- S(-t FOR 'SALE Sum mat 'Jiomaj sort ivmaiu. Audi-a atf office 14 Cblloquin, Oregon. FOR 8ALB poultry ranch. Ad dress posteCflc 141, Cbllo4li. Oregon. -30f FOR SALE Two beds, spring nd mattreasea. Sanitary conch, rocker and dining room cksttra. Also rog. 714 6L Francis M. !- For SJ Rel EUf 1 FOR SALE In Laagoll vallay. on essy terms ! - acre of fine level land, all under Irri gation ditch with II bons and barn. Wall of watr.- Will - sail very cheap If sold before Sept lt. v F. R- IaU, vHS South Rlverslda. ; - IH FOR SALE OR TRADE t-roOm modern hollow-tlle hooae. aed ern. hardwood floor, ' shower balb. fine lawn, beautiful flow bra.' llxll garage. In YaktsM, 'Wash, Will sell or trade for i property ln Klamath Falls: also 4-passenger Bulck coapw ' to trade for city property. Bee) W. R. Locks. 122 So. Ith'Bt. , 2-t IRRIGATED FARM AND CROP This H0-acre farm is being ' sacrificed on account bf sick- ' ' besa ' and ' death In ' family. 'Improved with (-room bousd. large barn, plenty of "'other outbuilding. good fences, tbe crop goes too. whlob con aists of alfalfa, timothy and ' .- grain r aome' machinery. Im mediate poeolon. . Cheap water - right. Located OS good highway, close to school and only a few minutes drive) from Klamath Falls; Don't miss thin opportunity. Prica $1500. Terms.. ' SELAK 4' TRACT 09 S. th. St. Phono t - -2-1 FOR 8 ALE OUIl OWN PROPERTY LOTS IN TERRACE ADDN. Lots I30e 43 eash.lll.2l sac. Lots 35 S5 cash. Us.lS ao. LOU 1400 140 cash. !(. mo. THESE ARE CHOICE - FARMS Improved and unim proved. Good imall taereavfa tracts. .' . ; , If you are looking for a jisce" to rent or 'lease, come 4s, . t ' WU1 show yon what' I have listed. - W. M. MONTELICS 621 Main St. - - Phone lit mk4nWaMAnss(J aWaaaaaawawa FORRENY FOR RENT : ' Furfiliheit (fatrt mants. Reduced satea,' Cost -Apia- $1 Main Bt.., 1J3 FOR RENT Modern S-rdom apartment' In - Hot '8PTifig-Ad-dition. Call 406. 1-3 FOR RENT 1-room house, part ly furnished. ' Light knd' water. 113 month.. 2461 Darrow At., rMtlls'Addn. - FOR RENT Modern four-room furnished house with rarage and lawn. Phone 322-R. '1-3 FOR RENT FurnUhad I-room "apt. tGarage. Phone 1247. . ' .- t-i FOR RENT Furnished two-room houses. 111. phone 644-J. 2tf ROOMS 120 Lincoln. Phono 617-W. JI7-A37 FOR KENT Furnished tJurt apt., 3 room and bath, 'tee trie range, hot water. Oarage. $35. 1415 Esplanade. phono ' 714-W. , - .'AMI FOR RENT First etas (urniob d apt., ateam heated. -Vc-Carthy Apt., (30 Pino. Phoao 100. . 14U "OR RENT Completely furniaa ed apt., garage, new build lac Just off Main oat Broad, Arm. Phone 1111. . J30-AIOO FOR RENT H Of I front-otero on Msln St. Good location. 'Ap ply Ben Reed, 1031 Main St. FOR RENT Ws'Cn sare yva ' big money at the Arcade Howl Apartments, - furnished so), pletely, electric ranges. Ho dishes snd telephones, Or ., rooms with private baths a foal cut rale to permaaeet guest. Arcade. Vi-J -W. . M I