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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1927)
THE EVENING IIEnAI-D, KLAMATH EATI,S, OREGON " " ll TTr ' t 1! ' i t t-- h-r r- rr-r. n Pne Thn o ii BeaiiticVof Two Lands Meet t New Ini-nialulloiu Organdy paatel colored frock ar4 ualna velvet ribbon for dain ty , ln-ruatatlnna. Hheer braid hula employ the lame trlminluK BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH 3, 1027 AT THE PINE TREE LAST TIMES TODAY t iUimu of Interest Concerning KoHldenta of the Great Klamath IJaKin. If You Have News for This Department, Your Courtesy in Calling 88 Will Be Ajreeiate(l 1'iir. luu I fern Ili'uUU'r ' ' IlKluriiril l-'miil lilr I l ul'ld w (,h-l. llrr AkIIiiif Mat.MiMil "' J( MOIllIlina. f ' ' " i-imT iliiirfl .ffJNnBftn. Hirv i:. ( Tniniir.., who rriUlerad at th. . tarilay from Lik. o' th. Wood , John.on ami l.u. Ul Hliiiiiinna. f Triple A fluutb of Hit ctiMiMmr ; wher. h on)oyt the paat two , Ukevli w. havo .,.-n,lln.( or roiniiwre, wa llm fartbaal lr ua an oulliu. Hu report thl. m Klamath Kill, and! (Mm bom., .ninns tliono an r,th I and aarrounUIn ciuii-:ut Crater I.aka. Tomorrow (h-r day Mat. Other who roRltltr i iry uuauiuiii i uim.u..-u. ,.ni mn inoir menna, lll Mai-i viniinra iri'ifiu wiin vh;w IttK lilt pt. ml Iiii'IuiImI: 0. ' Kln.uian. in vito, Till.; I.. V. Illarkman. Wal Mill Oroi. fal.j llalpb Turntr, M. (Ivanil. ll.i Klalt llilforil, Iai Anr..l, Cal.i W. II. HIiup ann, Harramrnlo, Cat.; 0. II. HlniUon, I'ttaluma. Monday', nglatrattona totaled IB. 1 '' At wirt Home Tim MIhh Alva and Ktlllh Ab bott of Chlcaito, Illinois, hat Journayml' oil north, to . Lako l.nula. Mumff and othar polnta ot Intnraat oil a lonr-of Hit north wt attar bavin vlaltixl Imr for aovorat daya an Iht houat a-iwata ( Mr. and Mr, t'ttorct Wirt. Tho lHni ara bulb ttactltra In (lit avhnola nf Chlraito. Mra. tialloway llr Mra. Waltar Oalloway, rrmr ty of thla city and now mildlnc In' Condon. Ortmon, la vialtlng In Hit city for a rortn'nh with frlmdi. While hiro Mra. Oallo way li also v'allini with lu-r pjuriin. Mr. and Mra. Andcraou. of, lHlry. , ConillUon Maine Tho condition of. Mra. Urrl KlURcrnlil aliowa slight- If any Improvement, arcnrdlo to word litrt by her huaband. .Mra. KltiKrrald la In Tortland. whrt aht la recOlUim mrdlcdl trcalmcut. ' i-ia wnitwDii, of Hn Kranilnro and Hit tntlrt party will return to l-aacvlfw fur a p!raant aam nicr vlalt anions the Uti roiinty rraorta. lifore roiurnliiK to hr homo Mia WhHw.ll will odoimI a f'W daya wl(h Mia. Milton Ituhn I Hmli'yt Mii'llng Tlmrwliiv Th Woinnn't'Mlaalonary Boil ety of tlit Klrnt cbrlatlan ( hnri h will Nift ou Tliuraday aflumiioii. Annual fourth, at Hit lioint of of (hln city. Mra. rrrd rtrrnn on tho HprlnK ,, l.aao Koad. Tht inautliix haa i Kiiromo To HI. Iul beon ralli-d for and all J Mlaa Gertrude Kckman of Ihe innmlMira arc ronllally Invited to flerlrudn Hlmp la tinroufa to Ht. attend. X lft of 'ull'i lln-' ' All altra and colora 13. 0. Uruy'a Oarmrnt Uhop, Vll'lat Kruin Marahfli-lil ' Mlaa 'ora Willi : of Mirali flrld, th houao Kuxat of Mr. I'rurl Martin, la otJoyliiK a vMt at Ihti aiinintrr homo of Mr Martin at l.aka o' Ih Wood. Kxwrt rnrrli41iiU(a : Korbt Tur Drua. dr. I.oula. accordltia to word rtcflv d hi;ro 'today front hor at New York -city. Mlaa (irtruria auf. rlt fornd a painful anidfnt Jut un aha wa enliTlng New York city, while coinlnit nut tit the dinar. The train lur.ln!. throwing her no aa to wrench hnr ankle, tike hut Oinpli-tviy. recovered from tho Injury when aha wrote Mra. Motachenbacher, who la In charge of hrr uhop during her abnancu.. Al The Wlnimrr Home- Mr.- and Mra. Lena . Wlminor , on Man Hvi Eleventh out ion r-uri ai vtnitu iaii, aiou Irnln Kainlly .rrlilnn I. M. Irwin, wno yvntenlay purohum d tbo Cliei ker Hervli e la planning to move bla family II h In tht comlnn few tana, art the houaa cueaia of ; nsre air. ant sira. i an imm.r oiwK,k , ,,, ,h,lr flllnre Koaeway Hrlvo for arvetnl daya. I , T,y , the prrwt,, They made tho trip by motor and , ,.burA ,h(.y ! art areatly eajoylnc 4Uelr Hmt haJ mailo ,.lr hoD,0 ,r lore , mi 1. 1 1 1 ill r.n.. .r. t. L.w-.muHiH' Coat Ittmodeled. Fur Manufacturtr. Famer MRS. WTIXIAM 421 Klamath Arenne, Betwoen Kourth and Klftb. Klamath rail Ore. On th Screen , MONTE BLUE In a Htlrrlnc ca plctura "Bitter Apples Vaudeville The Munital Ensemble and the Special Dance Revue are unusually clever. COMING THURSDAY SYI) CHAPLIN In ...THE BETTER OLE" vlait here. VUltlng At I'mpot Home . . Mra. Ktnlla Mannl and daugh ter Vivian, with Mr, II. A. Km A recent American U-alnn benefit prorram at Santa Ana. Calif., Iir.iunlit locolber lo ot the mttd Uautlea of tlie day Mlc ey jaPilii-r 'iMi i. ho a Mie Anieili tu le&. and Mia l'byll:a Oill. v. ho i Mit.i AuMiulaata ihi er Mia GlPb lu Icnda to enter the niovhr. . . ; WATCH REPAIRING HERE 1 year gna-antet on all Work CEO. METZ . . KWtLEB 1 122 Main " -,rw """" I mill U W Ih.,.n .nri Aiioilier.ltraciht homo, for, Mft. Uwnu tfH,t . which Hit foundation haa alre uly barn eoinpletad, la that of Mr, and Mra. T. II. flkllllnmon 210 North Tenth, ll I expect e4 Ihe new burnt will be con. pleted within Hit coining two , month, v . '. 7 Itcturned rVom . Trill Mr. and Mr. Harney Chamber and children have returned hnmq from a fellghttiU outing at their auinmor , iotia . n Rprlnx Creek. y ,.-ii. i ' . , Vialtlng Frnia Kiirrka ' ' Melra. Nfta. and lnet Hyttl of Kttrtka, California, art tn)oyln a abbft vlnil hart with friend. They are ajnona Iht hotal Kiienta topplug tl the Arcade. f . I ' , m Klamath Mower Hhop i for flower. Floral dtattnt,' oaallty with tervlct.. Hi-Main au-ett. I'lioa 89. adv- ' , , la r-ruiu Kirk , :i Mra. Claudt IlouRhfan nnd children' of Kirk art spending Ihe day her hopping and vialt lng trlenda. Iht day at the homo of Mr. Kd ward l'rupit ot Merrill, than ten year.' A n Harold,, of Rowburg ' he Joined the ' father. ) " - I Vnnnlce lavea Tmil(dit K. V. Vuniiice of th flolden , Itul.) plana t) U avo thla evening for Nw York, City, where bej will rlalt the atylt center and niin-liHM merrhandlae for thOi fall and winter month. He plan! Motoring To I'ortliini! da and Mlaa Pearl Uiebu. accompan led by Mlaa Kvtlyn Propat plan Aucunt and enroute home will vfalt other atylt ceeJtcra. Includ- Chl- Al the Vannlco llonii Mr. Ira P. Whitney and daughter, Alico Ixiulao of Sun 7 "B ling It -up again uuum Rurms 01 Jir. anu mid. r. i . vanuice auu lamii.' .ticb. Whitney la a (later of Mr. Van nll and 4a cnioyluK her first vlalt here In three Jan. Mr. Whitney waa auiaztd at the growth of Klamath Foils in that ahort period of time. Flesh pink baa returned to "pop ularity. Stocklnga, felt hata. 'bag, ua well a ii feast are play- Standard Dyers and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing ' 1409 Esplanade SL Phone 825 ' AT THE LIBERTY LAST SHOWING TODAY "SPECIAL ATTRACTION" 1 ; A Recent Ruling of the Government iermit us to exhibit the Original Pictures of the "DEMPSEY-TUNNEY ! BATTLE" for the World's Championship which took ' place at Philadelphia last September. See This Special Event! CONTINUOUS, 1 :00 1 1 :00 P. M. Admission 25c, 50c Don't Forget THURSDAY Unc!e Hiram and His Country Store "i, Portland a-here they will apend a fortnight with friend. Thny are making tht trip, by motor. ' rago and points In California. V lolling Frma Tafl Iihaiii I ) & antMmMi. I u 1 1 ii r I . Klamath Kalla art Mr. and tre. ! T""", ,nh-Tl"l- Mlu Wolfa i- rt , Mlaa U-ah Wolfe, well known loeal nunee. left thl morning for UrltaUi Columbia whert aho " The HttA Klioppe y ! lltaighJng and droaaruaklng. 117 J. Bth. Phont 800. l-Adr. VlaMvd rrent- "''' 1 r, Mr, riojd Dntwan McMillan - ratnrned home , thla - aftoraoon from Hprlng I.aks ; where ha vuilted with her parent. Mr. and ' Mrs. rank Stewart.,, , ' . , Nrw .Mcnibcr Announcnl ' 4 " ;w. It. Lori of llio Locke Mo. lor Company and riobert Thoinp ""ton dt tho I'lno T.reo Pharmacy ' art the' htiwont meinbera ot t!io chamber of cotnmerco, " I ltiturnril From Trl - r . Mr. and Mr, "lie,!" I'lpur ol thin city he reiuYni'd from t wi'ck'a vacntlun trip l.J-kn Ta list, Itcno and olhor point. I'roiii Tnlcnt K. It. Ilcaincs, formerly of thl city, ,la hero from hla homo at Talent tor a brief vlalt with friends slid to frnnsact buslnoss. ( . 11(11 "Vvr Vlowrra .' and Floral dralgns. Phono 1118. . adv. Mra. Joiic He ' Mra. 3. A. Jones of I)nlS spent qvoral hours In the city today shopping and vialtlng . jVfltli ' friend. I'Yom . CliHoqulu . i .It. C. Rplnk of Chllnttilu IsT buslnos caller here lodny. , ' For Inauranciw- Hoa Jus. (II. Drlnrnll. Williams Illdg.-rAdv, Hero I'nim Unklnnd Mr. anil Mrs. John V. Cox of Onklund, California, itro apandllig the dny liens vlslllngfrlenda, Iet the Hot Hiiring Knt reduce-, your fnt and doyolop your m uncle. Adv. From Meilfoixl Ted Ue llaiiar, bualnoas man of Medfnrd, la horn today on hlisl nom, Ho I run Ul cruel Among llm Jiotel' guoiits dt Tho-Wlllnra, U W. Martin or Tatt. California, wbo ar atopplng for a ahort Jlme at The Wlllard. The vlalt or art pluonlng to motor to Cralor and DUmoud Laku while hero. , . ',t "' '. . . ' Ing and-Ticrhnp locate pcrman- itntly. Itctunilug HuufUy F. Hay Dunn, local manager of tho trlcpliono company will rc-; turn thla week end from a tJ to . arrauR. for that ,wlmmng ' lnd AMor, ld other northern prty at tht Hot Hprlng Nat.- AdV' ' " , Wnoitrrnft Meeting Tonight nnnmini To Yreh.-' ' ' Member of The Neighbor, ot Mr. 81.111 Mannl and daugh- lh. Woojlcr.ft will en oy . ban t.r. Ml.. Vivian, plan to return "ml a "'""' h' cv""" to laal ot the week to their home , according to announcem.nt made at vmWn fiir.. .!.. -tuia aiiernoon. Joyable .vlalt hare 'with friend for the past .fortnight. . . In Portlaml ' ; J. V ' . Mra. tVim Summers Ik entnytng a vlalt In Portland with friends. Tho Hut HnrlKir Nul la open from 7 p. m. till mid night. Adv. ' - ; . It, doesn't matter what planet a man I born under so long aa hJ Is able to keep on tho earth. . XOTICK. Tht Ladle. Aid Society ot the ' ."",:"n.Bi'I"; . a -k ... . g. will nold b mefttliiK on etuuruny Immtnuul Oaptlat cl.urch . will ;,venlnK July 30i ,J ,:00 .clocg. hold an all dny mooting Thurt-4 Imporunt. dny Augnnt 4th, from ten till . (atgued) V. S. KFJCDErt.' four at tho .church. .!, I'realdcnt. Krpert rrearrlptionlata , Korhe I'.re prun.. adv. SAMSON CORDS I 7 To fit all cars and stage lines Super Truck, Super Serv ice Heavy Duty 1 balloon Imperial Garage "A garago that never closes" '3rdxA Msia ' THOME 130 -SVVVSsts(fggtgft4 . THE LARGEST BLACKBERRY ; ; Sale of the Year Can Thursday. Do Not Delay. . :. ' $1.25 Per Crate , They 'Are at Their Best! Public Market : , , "PAYCASH -if PAYS" Phono 169 ; Sixth at Walnut ? STRAWBERRIES, Per Crate $1.00 ... We Deliver Hourly " Good Stenosra- pher Desires Position Inguire at Herald eat ,syhere it's cool SPECIAL DINNER Kvcry Kvrnlng 1 ' $1.00 7Sc 50c. -: Try them they're appetising! Club Cafe A.Y. D. (At Your Door) Industrial Supplies. rnoxR 871 AN ART! ST IN OIL S Cv'- 1 He can never put in his own din- ncr studs or select a modest muf fler or carry a rune. But -what a delicious French Dressing he mixes! " With what Consummate ease he trickles in the oil! With what art istry he flicks in the seasoning! What close harmony in his blending! For a mild dressing he uses three parts of Wesson Oil to one of vin egar ot lemon juice. When he wants little more tang he uses more vinegar two parts perhaps. The proportions of Wesson Oil and vine gar depend largely on the strength ot his particular. vinegar or lemon : juice. In addition to salt and pep per he often adds dash of paprika. And just to mystify his guests . he sometimes mixes in a bit of Chili sauce or a little mustard sauce for green salads ot tart currant jelly sometimes for salads of fruit. His French Dressing is always a delight ful surprise and because it is freshly blended, it is much more appetizing. He is very particular about his salad oil. Wesson Oil he finds very delicate in flavor. It is light in color and blends perfectly. It is, in fact, exactly what he wants. , Everybody likes Wesson Oil because it is good for you as well as good to cat. V V fa 1 J2