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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1927)
THK EVKNINC. HKRAI.n, KLAMATH FAU.S. ORFfiON 'Tnlii', August 2, 11127, ;An Opportunity for two days to make your choice of a fox choker and save money. The sam ples will be shown for two days only, Wednesday and Thursday. 1 NORTHERN FUR SHOP 810 Main Phone 374-J 1 CHERRY STATUS I WILL BE GIVEN T Tariff Commiuion AoM. I ory Board to Give Re- II port Consideration S.VLEM. Ore., Aug. J. (API. Drafts of the final report f the cherry situation Just completed, will go to the tariff commission advisory board this week under every Indication, J. C. Allen, of Washington, n. C. has advised t'nlled Ststes Senator Charlc U McNary. The board will give th rviMrt Its full consideration and snhiult It to the commission as soon as possible, tho telegram 1 1. . order of life Ilii'V lived off 'if the eliiuiiiK. The diatoms In particular are niterest-opl ud It has been estimated that evry fallen ot wster contains leu million aperies of diatoms whl-'h I under th microscope showsver I handsom formations and billH- sal colors, such as shell pink, blues, deep reds and browns. Th.i life of thM llttla siiecles ot life wore about JO seconds, and If they lived tone enough ft, wo-jld lake them In our lluie of. .reckon In ot today, 2f hours, la turn over. "They itava to the world, , the basic material from which most of our petroleum arvurulilaMor-t were formed. Following this species ot life, came In: rvl.lcBM the specie known as In ,, cru- braes, such as, the.splrlfvrt stra tus, the brachynpods, th trulh manias, the trebratulses, til rriaonoids, th enrronolds attil PLANS IVIATUR E FOR LABOR DAY Managers of Queen's Con test Arrive to Take Charge VlihtUei arrival of Mr. and airs. t;a,no (roin Shasta City, uveut of his seliH'llou liy li- con vention. There la son reel v anything the president might hsv said which could hsr surprised' those wtlb him more. Th manner In which hs made his anuouitoviiieiit, was almost a spectacular aa th statunient It self. Not more thsn a doiou words were exchanged during the enllr conference. Hiullln. I A lh newspapermen filed In to the president's private office California. tuer they hive ro- he aat looking up to thim. smok eently rinsed a carnival engage-! Ing a clear held la an Ivory ment. Pin ps for th Ijtbor Day! holder and with lust a trace of I celebration under th auspice of! stall lighting up his face, the K Is moth Falls Labor Tern- before all had en- I pin Association will bo completed, Wored but seeing hat mora were I Mr. and Mrs. (iuno were man- j Mining In, paused and then jigers of the queen 'a contest held ! asked: i here last Labor Day. "Is everyone hor now?" I Already a number nt local I was' assured that all were girls hnve declared their Inten-' present. Then Mr. Coolltlg walk- lions t entering th contest for ed to th end of th long mnhog- cd, A lnk of complete amuse-'statement, I ln tiiesl.ivni put im', nisnl atrvad over the ciirrespnii- hl hul mid overcoat and, sim. dents' faces, Those who lied uotj In. liiniiilly, apparently at lh.. yet received their folded paper ciiiiIvi mil lull lis lis. I ciiin looked aliiiosl plcsiltiialy al those ! unions Ills newapaMr frl I., ahesd as I' for some rsy otiwslked with Benslor t'appnr of I'lht as to what It dlsrlused. I Kansas, a white house gue.t, u, liiiniedlately after Issuing his ! his automobile. --". "'"""-, th trliobltes. u slon. hss advised Allen that aa 1 ..-.v ...ii.. .v- ... a number of the commissioners. .i.i . i. .queen's honors, according to ti. I any table which 1 his desk audi are away on official business a I mouth, or could artlculato or D. Long, treasurer of the local, alood there for a moment, a pile, I quorum i i oe avauuui le .nimate. and they wor th first consider the report until nmii1,. .... .... .t ... ! association. Tho celebration cnmmille of th llttla folded papar In his Is hand. i PHONE US TODAY 656 Don't let the wife slave over the wash tub during these hot summer days. Let us take this drudgery off her hands. Just call us by phone. We will call for 'yur laundry and deliver it, too, on the day it is promised. ? . '; ; 7 - tim in Septeruher. possilily lbs : . . .m.,..,, .....v making plana for entertainment! "Will you plcja fllo past me middle of the month, before It -n. us th hamitee and thlln wb,,h '"Rk aiwyer here." he anld. "I have a little Is formally considered by the mhoteort. .n.i th. fir-, .1.. 'he county will ho urged to statement lor you 1 . 1 commission. Thirty days must veaclatlon merelne Into the ite I Ink part. v Ijelape before the duty becomes ' 0nlnu ag which glvea us this! fferUv after tho prraldea acts 9Peclea of fishes. j , . in th matter. ' "Then cornea the carboniferous j V j " age from where tmlay we nro ! T ' Authority On .receiving our petroleums and c , . , otner Dituminous carbon, at .' . 1 L PASSES TODAY IR KjcIi ilv-n Hlnleinciit. Tho line quickly formed and a each filed by he was handed one of the atntvmenla by Mr. Conllrigo. No sooner hud they licon given them Ihsy were open- Correction Klmatli Stages Inc. Call Your Attention To These Facts: You can leave ut 8 o'clock' every morniiuc In n FAGEOL SAFETY COACH CHAIR CAR A cho up, cumfoi'tulilu trip to Ashliuul or Modfunl und dirert lonnettioiiH to all point, north. Why buy h throiiuh ticket to California w hen It comU you mora? ' Wo pick you up or let you off ot yout hotel. Lv. Klamath Fallt nt 8 (. M. or 1 130 P. M. NEW STAGE DEPOT 74 1 Klamath Av. Phone 326 Atha. hltnmln,.. EologV ere . which time this part ot th world : was vastly disrupted by the Jtir- (Continued "prom Pace One. 08,iic nA glacial period. I and the angular quarts sand lnR of ,he f0 torm, ,nd HneM FtJ to Catherine . which gives evidence of a big In- ensuring the environment of life ,x NaveraThit 5 land sea containing the necessary specie In .the carboniferous con-' w A materials for formation of petro- "'""M- wh'f followed by the i morning . lenm deposits. reptllllan age, then the mamlllian ' . , 2. ; . . . .late" ' Catherine Nnvera. the lghteen- sW : -The tnticlinal structure nt . .. . ... T one t'roe were extremely Urge; "r- ward uses soma 1500 , ' j " V and the remains observable are I "Pomona of all these age. which M " . i IT 1 JL?. "!! ir. olato and essilr defined. Prom I n lecture upon to students, go- i "rI ' - y JL cb.erv.tlon. the conditions exist ' "S lck. at least calculation. 17 1 morning, follow ng . .t..- t-i- .1.1 minion vears am. -. " .hum ta , ti i u k i rs tan guu rruauiisiuiu , - " rondnsiona and Is worthy of . In "Peaking of the deposits of J"""- fo ..j . ... v. the diatomarlous earth found i. uMwell was born In X was t-om an oil operator's piint."' ' The only slv periods known t . . M-knce. Dr. Hayward explained ' for cold w,"r Pln'. and over Mr- Uanlel t aldwell. ''ere th lower Silurian, th upper! ,0 ' talcum powd-1 residents ot this c Troy Laundry Phone 656 u i. u ...I ..this locality, he stated It . f Merrill In May. 191U. and A' this district, unlimited capltr,! I y igh grade. This material , P0lnulr ; "ea" ' f-ora an oil operator'. tjed ta u ' oven J17 different l?"'1'0 um." ,h6 cl" of f t rnrnmrulllU. ' fts'honl this last ltrm. . vv...UH..n-)( y, .ismiiw lur rsi tin I nc intiir, dinlllinn nwllnf. nenine ner parni. .Mr. anu weii-iRovn rnn nlv ha A stlurlsn, the devonian, the c-.r-!en " ' " Mr for!'V to mourn ner io two j road building purposes to take brothers. Robert and Donald, and np the surplus oil on gravelled or jlwo l""r. Mary Anlce and Mll maradam roads. It Is used also 'red. all of Merrill, for Insulation and as a non-con- ' Tnf remains are In th slum dnctor of heat and cold. One j r f001" ' " Towey Mortuary plant In California employs nn-On Pin avenue and Klghth. ward of 000 men the year round ; where friends may call. Funeral and la fast substituting asbestos 1 'arrangementa will be made later.' and clay which were formerly I ' , -niferous, the reptllllan. and : , ! n.jmillian. a In discussing 4he first thln?s v known to science that appcare-i t-pon the face ot the eirth af'er the approximate 300 million years it required to cool off. Dr. Hayward stated: "The speciea of life known to ur from which we find traces ; were a very low form, such n i used for such purposes. The ! railroad and power available lo j ;ioopbltes, diatoms and formenl- natural resource is .'in.-. t k a. a 1 her' and -if should In Itself hn a I uia n.uuniriai lenmre, ir. Il.ty-: s GTIQN PAVING OF; TODAY! FRIGID AIRE Prices Reduced Anew FRIGI DAIRE now ' Priced so low almost even home 'can have electric refrigeration ...... This Wonderful FRIGIDAIRE now installed in your home for Frigidaire means perfect Refrigeration with frozen desserts ice cubes galore and in your home. $210 Terms: $25.00 Down $10.00 per month 'This reduction is the result of General Motors quantity production Every day over 2500 of this model are being ' ' installed in American homes. Call-Our Sales Office Today FRIGIDAIRE Sales and Service ward stated. Dr. Hayward highly commend-1, cd tho work of J. E. Iireman. !, who outlined the llonania atruc- ' ture and while his fee as a con-Investigation of tho California suiting geologist Is upwards of' avenue paving project following tltO per day, he was so Imoress- , report made last night by ed with hi findings In the dls-! Councilman Olds was scheduled trlct be was willing to impart e held this afternoon hy the. his conclusions without charge, 'council afreet committee arcom- ! Dr. Hayward has the dlstine-! panled by Mayor T. II. Walters. ! tion of being the discoverer ot ' understand it," the ' ; the whitest stone In existence. 1 mayor suld. "the question Is not known aa lh. h..vjil , .on tit material that, ta hevnnd . . " ,,, .UUUU , ' - ' " ; iu omits oarnar. county. tie . crFCoa-u uui in, muniirr in I has over 250 atone of the aeml-! which It was laid. I do not car , I Jewel such as Jades, Jaspers, and 1 10 lre a0 opinion on th ques-j chalcedony. H carries wlthtlon until It has been Investlgit-j ;hlm an Indian arrow bead of j"1-" 1 ruby, found In an Indian mound Claims of Creditors of tho In-! j In Idaho many years ago. On oc-!ltnl1 Construction company were; count of Its subtleness, hs has j Anally satisfied last nlcht when j been offered $5000 for the stone "ie Hihernia Ravings bank releas er. Hayward attted that he. money assigned to It by tho t twecn Corvallls and Newport. ' roncern. The allocation of. there Ik anticlinal structures i claims occupied a large part of, I worthy of attention to any oil I the rouni llmnnlc session. I operating concerns. Tho same i retlllon of Cal's Tixl aervlro ' I condition exists just north of ' to 0(0 Part of Mnln "treet for1 Crants Pass. i taxi stall was referred t the C'pon returning to California. ! Police committee. he plans to call to the attention I At 'the suKgvstlnn of Mayor' of operators his findings in the 1 Walters an Investigation was -j Bonanza district. . , started which may enil In the,' : .hn.ln. t - rA. V. 1 .. , I ! ! XKW Tlt.WSI-Ylll.MKIt. j permits. Opinion on tho sug-, ( 1 A ... .,. . gestlon appeared divided. ' . In perforated metal to prevent i . 8" '' ""y appointed ! Its maanel'c field from .. W patrolman to auceed D. K. Mng radio sets and having a I " The appointment which I safety device whli htnrns a dis tinct color when tho windings I become too hot, was recently cg ' "V Brussels. ! Too Late to Classify was mado at the recommendation of Chief of Police Ambrose was ; confirmed by the council. 1 Petition of Mrs. I.. Todd to I operate the Home Itooms at 920 ' Klamath avenue was referred to the street committee. Petition of Harry ,K. fireer to' install . gasoline pump at 20011 floor, shower ', "refton avenue was referred to beautiful flow, th building Inspector. , E. T. HUNTER, Agent FOR BALK OK TUADK 5-room modern hollow-ttlo house, mod crn, hardwood bath, fine lawn era, 10x19 garaga. In Vaklma.i - Wash. Will sell or trade fori ' I.ISTKNKRs TATKD. property In Klamath , Falls; I European fans are taxed . also 4-pasenger ..Bulck coup tnnl amount to pay for radio 1 --. ''-.'' " I nrommS..' Tll Itnllnn .A.rn. K. Locke, 622 80. Sth St. " " , , "'-" 1 2-.1t la now planning to tax! f ; "' ' very .householder, whether he! W. IRHIGATED FARM AND, CROP j Tbla 160-acre farm,,s being ' sacrificed on account, of sick- j net and deith In family. . J Improved with (-room house, . large barn, plenty of other j outbuildings, good fences, the crop goes too, which con- j sIkIs of alfalfa, timothy and grain: some machinery. Im- mediate possession. Cheap 1 water right. Locate! on good highway, closo to school and only a few minutes drive from Klamath Falls. Don't miss this opportunity. Price 18500. Terms. own. : radio or not. President oolidge p Announces Decision I . (Continued From Pag 1) j : caslon on thi. day the fourth i anniversary of Mr. Conlldg Ink-' Ing tho oath of office to ex-; pres. the private view that ho , 1 would not make any statement I of hi. plan, for another term jahd would accept tL nomina tion If given to. him without cx-j 1 pressing himself. I It was pointed out Inler by' Gool Apparel ' for " Summer Wear When Old Sol gofis on a rampage starts climbing -when the 'mercury Then's when you comfortable want apparel that's cool and A summer suit made by Hart.'Schaffner ahd Marx which costs but little more ( "' . Negligee shirts athletic underwear straw hats, cool and light in fact, everything for men and young men during these warm summer days. . . , ... . . Come in let us show your our summer apparel Let us help you select the things you'need and wank for these midsummer days. K. SUGARMAN "1 Ain't Mad at Nobody" 601 Main Street Phone 618 ; 1 ft"1! Kirrtfjstauwh supporter, of ' f"cv t hfcslH'it that the door to 1 . C09 S. Sib. til U'.lVffV PTTiTnVnBB - - Hhe -nenUnatUin hnd not been f-l(ciobeu,uy tuo natemont la the,