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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1927)
Pae Six HEWS ITEMS . rnnr . mri in MALIN, Auk. 1. (Special, to Th Herald) Jnha Hotarlk of ---vVhltlng.'lndliina, t Tlsttlnr at - th bom of A. Suty and fimllr Mr. Kotocik la making appltra- tloa for a homestead and Tut .. Und. - Mr. and Mra. J. S. Kent and Mr. Cblldera arc visiting at th horn of R. C. Pickett for Mr ral week. J. L. Stewart and son. Walter, ' and - David McComb apent the week at Diamond Uk fishing. i - The grade school la receiving much needed addition, a new room la being built and unitary fountotae are being Installed. .' ' Lehnle Worlow and Jack Weat are hauling lumber from the Bry- ,.. ant - Mountain ' mill to ' the pew i,. lumber yard. - A. McKoea ha moved the ' house from John MrCulley' 'place to hi lot In Malin. where they will reside. x Albert Grayson left ' Tuesday " for Wisconsin with his three lit-, J Bobby. Ho will visit bla mother s-for an Indefinite time. Mr', and Mrs. Elmer Anderson .t.of Klamnth Fall viklted Monday ' 1 with Mrs. ' Anderson'' mother. " Mr. Havlina. '." ' ',i . Andy Brown "left Friday cve 'ning for a visit with his r-rent ' : In California. Befor returning from his vacation be will visit p - other points. - - - . j Martha Jellnk and Irene Pe trasck'abd Mrs. Jack Kelson went o pelican. City. Tuesday after-,- Boon. "Mr. Nelson returned to k her' bdme after- a few days' visit - with ne'r ' parents, Mr. und Mrs. v Jellnek. ! John Keber returned home Thursday eveniu after, a. week's vacation. Mr. Reber combined pleasure and business, visiting while away, various cheese fac- - torses and creameries. Mr. J?e!?r manager of the Malin . Cheese and Produce company ot .. Malin. The making of butter and . Ice and Ice cream la a feature t":of the plant recently Installed. George Trrothanek, Liddle and lub'tfft Rainus left for:'CMco and ' t)ther.Callforni..point on. two ,.w.e:r vacation. , They iexpect ro'boy'of Rheims: a. i vteitilb, xist while-away... III 1' " " ' 1 " wo If j-Ji-Ml '.n.-V-t j :g tut ihoreesfias 1 tempermenta l SwluimuS?'i: luick- JobM. star i- In "Th Flying 'Herwetnaa." adapted from a. gripping novel By war urnna; says ,.u l: 'VlMf-ki mmvm hnrcUis I .,c r T ufter far !u io? J.hanlhe-sxaE maa-and never. jCompjaiB). ,, i. JA f,pr Silver Buck.? said hi gonial ' owner, "he is Invariably good-natured. Ho bit. an " one. ; ' but"! deserved-" It. and I -think latberej are time When be ought to u kick me, hot he docsnt. Sometime- T think animal have far more sens than some humans." f ' The only tima Silver Bock ver tot fidgety ia when h la beinf ' transported In a motof- van." ' . ' ' "As,locg as the van la moving -...-rapidly, be Is alt rlghV said .i BucYrMbwhen the van slows o down for traffic look or.V. Sil T9r. 'arili to kiclt the' tall-board . out Into tbe middle of the street." "Tb Flying Horseman" will j hare a showing at th Liberty for r. th last ' time today. In this - story 6t the Vest Buck lir up ported by a tlnj cast who help to oarr "serosa a story 'of ab ,j sorbfu'g InteresL Gladys Mcf on . nel haa the leading feminine role, "i ajrhll Bruce Covington, Walter C Perclval. Hank Mann and Har 'J Te' tlark have Important parta. At the Pine Tree A charming, Impulsive little gamin, dominated by the most r feared Mook'of Venice In a i:te . of .thievery, and thrown by a tf Ick 1 of ' fate Into the' company ' of a romantically Inclined Amer lean artiHt, is the role In which . Constaoca Talmadg ia coming to entertain local motion picture r fans- la "Venus' of Venice." her '. latest comedy drama, vLkh FRECKLES A1SD HIS, FRIENDS shows, at, the, no Trrt. tonight "Venus ot Venlc." a rollick ing till of modern Venlc. give the vivacious Constance th type nf part la which ah delight to appear. And admirer and critic alike have boen unanimous in th opinion that -her portrayal of "t'arlotta," the mischievous little "water rat." is the most whimsical and appealing ot her career, greater even than her ef- fort la anrb aurresaes as "The , Duchess of Buffalo and "East! la West," 1 The second Charleston con- j test, will be presented tonight. many new faces -or feet will make their appearance before you. so be there to boost your favorite to win. Rl'HR INDIKTRIAL TOHX HOLDS SHAKESPEARE WEEK BERLI ... ( Shakespearean plays draw rapacity house evea 1 in a mining and Industrial city ' tike ' Rochum. Bochum Is a! Vatnkftllan UAAilA 1 ' th heart of the Ruhr coal dis trict. Ambassador Jacob Oould Schurman learned this to his sur prise when he was recently Invit ed to attend the annual Shakes peare week. Thla yearly event usually take place at Weimar, the Idyllic, al most dreamy Thtirlngian capital famoua for Its metnoriea ot Ooetbe, Schiller and LisiL To show that an industrial commun- Ity also aaa an appreciation 01 Z ;.,?,hv! re7 to Bhnm. ' I "It uTara thine ' Ambaasa. U is a great ioiok. Amoujaa. dor Schurmaq aaid. "for a com merclal and Industrial city like Rochum il make possible a Shakexpeare- week. Nawher on earth in there anyhting like it. Nowhere els did anybody think of placing the worka ot the great poet right amidst ; the hard la bors of everyday lit a symbol. as It were, or tne close connec tion existing, between tho practl- 1 ..j .1 '.ni,n,..i i.f. nf tin. - . . 1 1 . - Tk.i Khaknrp's works thoutd eiperience a mod ern resurrection In Rochum fa a sign of the high culture of Cer- manyj I niiriuo lcuooi nor i:ti'P4 Tiin i-niviN nin RCIJEF; -PARia. iAP)-fOT the -vie-;r time 01 ihe Mlastss.ppl,' acnooi- fanes ;This contribution of eljcbt fnta. aved sot) lle city ta o t eir.orr. oy.spn ojr, a jgmia .m u. i.v...... 1 '"'';-- " ' JL -.c J ..... ' d at 2 II after "finnng" ii ,.th shellad jfainedraL.brarjv. ... , UTW. nMHt'.v.."- J "' ,,', i,' ' S. J1 H -1 '' . . 1 .. . V .. 1r Iah J . - katewa tail ' . a) I Lfl-Varw aV Of In- I W V- U , ".f T , " bador.rrWrrlck..v.U :w-4 tbe, Atwationa and -occultism are. In Und t smrk in laolateit,nf ,4. n, Mar. smsllest donation for relief, j sirfeaC demand.. An unprtosdent-- of Lnbradorl ...,.... . jsw ,(ni,nlir,na!''a. ' " y '. . ' J-JX : . - Iva.yV v.r'iyD :u 'UJIBAW ' -I . , . -, ',.i.-.(.. .M.-t l-r.-Z -TZ3H W-- 1; , rUul OdT'tay,, s .-.-, muoi-t rtaum xlf'ii'i- ja' - ii - .x -"Ti ' J.ah iio 3' j ?; W-f IM AK4' GrT A -'UBURVV' VN(LL,NEM SEES A' '-- I ILcAtify- tk ( IM A-4' jj 'l Boov hz-lA BVCr ifc,: 11 rzx 'ks 4?Qk - 44k$ l-z ' P ' .f - ' i . H ' ( t , f II Kig Fund ' V ' King of all he F.npllans I Fuad he was met at Waterloo Station lluokincham Palace. ' ; WOMAN' PIANIST IIONORKD IIV t'lTY OF IUt HKKI.l.N (n My. i;er- many's best known woman plan- "'-.. ' . . Hoorxtraten. has been accorded the distinction of honorary cltlt- ensnip uy ner . nauve ciiy ui Bonn. Sh I the first woman thus to be honored. " !.. Vn .nlntst at the n.hov-n cemennlnl l.-bratlons i n...milr Tho hnnorarv ritltensbip waa conferred "in Tec- ognltlan of her ervlc for th . development of musical life In her native city." I Mis Ney has frequently tour-( ed the United Slate. lU-r bus- band is ccnductor of the summer staatum concerts ac cew idii by the Philharmonic Orchestra, and ot the symphony orchestra at Portland. Ore. i 'GERMAN TASTK IN BiatUNU SHOWS EFFECTS OK WAR RERI.IN () TO worm war nas materially iiumi 'man reaninir puntic a cnoTce 01 npOKs, according to me a ., franc,.;; . 'man reaninir puntic a cnoTce 01 sorao 10 im- i-itttttwtisii- v.,,ir Gi-f A UBORW WITHOUT HAViM' FAeilf"SCAKOil- lc. H r-it. -r'V'v w. Fulls -so easy, . . THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Comes to London V "a. .k. , a"l4 i- V . v.' I. by Not long sines he paid a state visit to London and t nure King Ceorg. . Hem you au the monarcU la heir wjy 40 ed interest in aArology, aplrl It tualiam and theosophy la notl able. In works of fiction th . ,.., ,. irii,,i . l. . I conservative and stick to old-: favcrltea. Th younger peorle. In their awakA.lng desirs ,0 famtllari themselves with a piycuoiogy ami sitw(iui cf other nations, show a marked predilection for foreign authors. of tmvel and adventure. however, anneal to'tho VAung and r.1.1 tllr., Hotectlve stOTlnt are popular with both 1 PARIS RKCRriTS Nt'RSKM FROM MAN'V COVXTRIT.S 10 FARIS. (AP) Nurse care for patients at tho Amer- ican nospaai. nmr 1 from miny lands, though all of tbem speak English. , Twelve student nursea who re- cently received their diplomas at the end ot tare years iraiiiuia caron from the I'nited Slates. . . . n 1- oi..-- KUgiano. ersui. n.u. - lanil. .ww.y anu 01 mria ' . somo 10 vm;-i-ittitwtisii- v.,,ir . rcn " " , p . ! "u , C v ; t v c r-r k.i avi-.fli iscii i i 1T EAT KJ .A AU-.RJ I ir F " - ? . 1 II SOME. . SO 1 TiEO A STRiWCr ON4 MV Gona o's 1 Couud GrT rjr BACr ? HE. SWAULtREO DID AKI' NOW ' 7.!l'lAJiLLM3 OiT7 or & usvkc mc. Trapped Town - V f ' . a, .. Interest Changes m Stock Market new YORK ' Auv i 1. lAPIw Switching of .pecututiv, .erc.t from th. Industrial., to the mils, featured tho resumption of the unwurd . criiie uovenirnl in to- , lsy a stoiH market. shook off tho alugsl.sU-1 ' " - "'. relatively poor Juno, earn- statement and icsponded tj tho iucrrasing Investment de mand for the high-grade, Ifaui-s. I'enns)lvan,la waa today's leader, moving up mere than a point to l;.' Ilia highest level alnrd 1910. New peak price also were attained by Atcnison, r.rie com mon. Oreat Northern preferred. Southern Pacific, I nlon racltle and Northern Pacific'. ' J Wall street did not appear 13 be greatly disturbed over tb federal trad com million's duels- J Ion to Inquire Into the relation- shin bet we. n C. a Steel, Du- -, .. . ,.., ,, Kleel ?wm.uB Ao.ed at tt.3Hr.ftui . , una . , . .. . .- r r ": iebcMVVo'.o'r. rWl -unrkhnaV A stirtrlen mitbitrst 'M'acttvl in" HufYVon 'Vntn'r utr'leil th stack up more than 1 points' to 13 27ti,ti at 89 ', Oil shares dlsplc.yed a mucn fiiudTifrJuger utlilerlooe, Aiianuc filntaadmg out wlfn i,rr who want to b, In atyli gatn-oUnorB than pilnl. . Belt' Th. no' longer have the' func-ingrpres-irre was , most rteetlve on . mmXy of m,i,iag a lady sgaiaji( ijadlo Corporation BAVH KVLRV DIAMOD CAN' BK IDENTIFIED, PARIS. (API Diamond hvo an Individual appearance, by. which one may be distinguished I from ' another, saya a. French I scientist. M. MalLival. Mallaval says be haa perfected a proccaa I lo hia laboratory at i,yons woerc- I by he cn throw an enlarge plc- .'tnre of a diamond on a screen. 1 and ruvral It character. ' lo hi laboratory at Lyons wnere- and rewal It character.' VloHl raya, be ays, out d.fferejt colorlngi and different arrangements tents of color In various' stones. Rxpert say thla method: i of Identifying diamonds Is Impor-i tant la the trade. It la expected ; to serve in police wots aiso. When famous stones, such as the "B,oso Diamond," stolen from tho Chantilly cbateau last, year, come dnto question, some experts can 'ber found to identify . or de scribe It, because (here are few or none, like it, but there his been no system of positive iden tification. ' - - ' ' There I no objection to a man's tnklnir iid hls-resldenre al most onywherd, lint when - it I come to shoplifting well, that' different, , . ' J It sometimes happens that a man. i kept from buying mining stock because ho hasn't got. tho ready cash,. . .. .. . ., .. , . I a v 4 yi4 era u . ear. ovr . ton sy sisvics. isv. Door Is Cut in Stomach of Cow oTATK Cill.l.KliK, Pa. Aug. I. (API "Josale," the fiimiius IVniiKylvanln atntn college row that has been robbed uf her gas tronomic privacy through a door to lht largest ot her several tomiich a a t-nntrlljutlou to srleni, was th renter of altruc llou for the group o( vitamin and nntrltl.-n specialists 'attending the final setslon yesterduy of th Institute nf chcmMry of the American Chi'tnUal Society. A little Incubator In Jessie's stomsih has been found to glv evidence of on ot III moat In'poriaul vltuuilu and nutritional discoveries of Ibo times. She was found to have ability In this Incubutor to tuunufurlur In wholesale lot tho hlgb!y valuable viuinln II. Jctwle never has been given any fned Ibul rontlTited vituinln It. Il had. been ki'pl from tu r mother before her, 11 ml she has a rait ot her own, the I hint gen eration to bo deprived ct this val uable material. . Hut Jensle' milk, as well n that of her , mother, roiitaliicil vitamin II. Dr. H. I. Mo. lulel of! th Peun Slate Ditlry Depart-) ment, had ' a window rut Into ) Jvule'a second stomai.h. Kauiplrs: of partly dlgcatcd f jod wito ink-1 ;,a out, analysed by Professor F. Knutsi-n of the collcgo' bacteriology depurttm-nt and r.,.1,,.1 1., i, iti.miiv .11.. hh vlt.uHd R ba.l.rla.,' , ' j ; So far a k,.'v. n the cow la ,he rnly anlmul Ua. a'.lllly i th,id . f..l ii -vin 1,1 ih.-' - - ... nectary vitamin, "H I, entirely QPIMo that cuuiirrs 01 inimiu 11 inn 00 u, for humon consumption dlrnrl from the stomach of Jesaln or other rows as a source of, encent rated vitamin." snld Dr. II. C. tihermau of Columbia Vnl verslly. "In dlties caused by lack ot vitamin It this culture would be Invnluubln. Jeasle Is as lively and contented as before the door way was cut lu her stomach. UKU1.1N' WIKMIMilKLM ADDItTED TO COSMETICS BERLIN (4) Twelve out of S3 Mhool girls IS and It years old wore recently found to. be users of Up sticks, ami fifteen carried powder pulfe. In a typical Berlin secondary school class.', ; . Thlsifnrt is me ,niil , whnn a teacher. In order to conuol the tldlnesa of Ihe girls' school bogsv ordered a display , of Ihe con. lotrke thla Urdivred case as typl UtW illiWavlool girl gener- I nllr WflWfr perrnXtiVtl . IncUleot. snows, . . ouservca oue editor. ."bv liecome tb uuiiorm . h . which 'U put 00 by look more, youthful.' A ml now nothlna remain ot tl)(( foolnili won except trying to get tbe other fellow roach. Klamath Falls Buiine Directory : i)k;k, FUATERN'AL, NOTICE , I". O. El. KM Meet Tburaday evening,. Visiting me.ubers wel-' - v. yS" 1 I mm mm corns. klkh ir.sii-'-r., ara 1.11 .- OLIVER W",. - Fraternal nnler pi EaicU it Cf " Met Every TrW .... ... V,asa5l Moose Mall.' C. D LOV0, Secretary ' . Aerie 5090 . Phono 474 Labor - - - -Jemplo .. '.. LOVAL (UIDHU OF MOOHH Meet every Thurs day, 7:30 . h. O. O. M. Moose Hall, Klam ath Ave. 0EO. OC.LE. Die. Klacnatlx Lodge No. 77 A. F, and A, M. . Stated ' Communications Second and Fourth Monday Visiting Urol hers Welcoma LOOM It UUILDLNO. By Blosser When woman goea vlaltln I nothing hurts her so much a' her luablllly In Impress upon hl hostess th Idea that sh Is Used lo something belter at home. Vou run recognise the lyplcul Aiiierlrun anywhere. He la axk Ina siiinehody for a in itch. Legal Notices MITII'K. To prospective itiembera of lb "ower. Klsmalb Lake Av 1 rl.itloii, 'e have now the rer- 1 firm uf Incorporation. Vou are aolllled and urged to apply for nieinbarMiilp on Katunluy, July So. 1S17. at 7:10 o'clock n. m . Il Ihe I O II K h.ll In Merrill. Oregon. At th aunt time and nluc, Iba permunent director will be l'ted. ' ' The must b read lin ed Th Incorporators of th I .ow er Klamath Ijtke Orsaln Asso Klamath Falls Business Directory ATTOIIVKVM '. '. I1IIOWEU . Atlnrney-al -Law ' State ami Federal Courts Abstract Etamlned ton Wllllts lllita. I'hone 911 Ileal Estate Law a Specially K. U ELLIOTT Attorney-nl-LdW Fulle 11 New MHIVlie Itldg. I'hon (II J Office I'hone M'ii Across street Irom Court llaus M O. WILKINS . Lavyyer SOS Wi:ilam Building . Klamsib Falls, Oregon riione list Day ui NgUt ACTO.MOU1I.E DEAL.EIOI Repair Work. Ilatterv Service. Tires Nash. Oakland,' Pontlac, I'ai hard It. It. It. OAll.Ulft 831 Klamath Next to I'jslofdc I'hon 311 (i:oivear Tire Fireprouf Htorsso At TOMOItll.K 1IRKH Drill; In your worn I Irrs get .VHKl inUra niorr et, 1, naiaal mat '' t, , , M'ti TIKK HIIOI (,1 1 Cuaranteed ' Vulrahlilnf 111 ktol Iilk ot Pbmisi S4-J ' , " . . re-ueaal , t J tlTO UKI'Allt "fihnriftit'dlA'uto lUpaliii Cars, tailed, fog ,anl slisJItMi 8outWtlflJtM'ifltid PmVi fVrfifYiltlTiT Ilnttery Service. Magneto, ' 'Starter and Generator , .. " ' Repairing IXVD IIENRIOT CO. 234 Mala fit. Phone l7-W Uauery, Magneto, (ienerator noil Complete Electrical Service - f W. P. Johnson's ai to ei.kctrk: hervice it Klamath - I'hon 3(9 Phllco Remy Delco Bosch Autollt OKVEKAL REPAIR KCMI IIKHT M OENEIIAL REPAIR HER VICE Carl Schubert. Je Repair Cash Registers. Type writer. Adding Machine, ,fiafe and Iicka and Ouds. ' ; ' axil Kinmath Ave. V Between 6,h and lh) . UKAITV PARMIRH bspert Operator, Individual , oooin. vioiot rsy.' marcell , Ing, hair tinting ( llOHTOX DE,U TV HHOP oiuienna narren Winter Illdg. , Phone 311 Water, French Paper Curl Facial and Scalp Treatment JaiXDIXf, 3IATEUIAM HWAV LAKE Mori.DIN'd CO. Qnallty Hulldlng Material Boulh sth SL Phone 7S9 '- WANTED Carpenlor work by contrnct or Day. Cabinet work and fixture built. . 1401 Division ... Phone t4Xl CW'RC'HEH HACRED HEART CHCIICH KlRhlh and lllKh Sis.. Rev. A. y. looser. Rev. C. U. Felge. Httntlav masses at g;3o, 8 00 "!".2iS0'..Kvll,n devollona at 7:30. Week-day mas at 7 a. in. Merrills. 1st and 3rd Hundnyg at - All are cordially welcome at our erv ''e. , CIVIL EN'(HN'EERs) . C. ( LEfilfORV Civil Knglliner and surveyor , 21 lllgh Street . C, C. KELLKY Consulting filvll Engineer Underwood Hldg. Phono 107T, riii-rsr-sii-ir r.i nnm 1. gnj-u-Lru ut i 1 DKNTIHTU DR. E, O, WINECARVEIt : DIL' M, K, (KII'EIl ' . Dentistry X-flAV Laboratory Underwood Uldg, I'hon (S Muiuiuy, August 1, 127. LorhI Net Ires ciation . .' lly Al'OCHT I- riini...". aletriil. In. Mvm 1:. IN -TUB I'OI'NTV '.'Ol'IIT OP TIIW HTATK F OKCflO.S. KOIt TUB CO It NT V OIl Ml I.T.VO.MAII. IN TIIK MATTttU OF or.' ganliallnn of Mke Bhnr Oardeng limlniige District. ' ' NO TICK I herb glv.'n by eiibllrsllll In th Klamath Fall llrnld nf Klsmath Falls. Or gjn, on this JBth day of July, I1I1I7, thai a meeting uf th own. era uf Inn J hitusted In lb lk Hhor Gardens Dralna" District for Hie purio nf electing Hoard of three Supervisors, will be bold at the County CourC lloue at Klsmath Falls, Ore gon, nil the ih rtsy of Augufft, 1ST at l:M0 P. M. C. 11. DeLAP. Cjuntv Clerk. Klamath County, Klamath Falls. Oregon. A- DKYriMTH (leneml I'rsetlre nf Dentistry DR. PHILIP COI.K fit Main Over Woe's Store Phon M open Evenings by Appointment Ear, Eyo and Xo Doctor Dr. Ja J. Emmens, Medloril. Or. Practice lliulled to r. nr. vrwe and throat Phon H7 II I III lilt At T IKS) - lilt. t.I.EN .MooltK Puluier Oraduato Chronic and Nervous Dlseasai New Mvlhaao lllock. 13a Main Phone 137 Opposite Court House i'ONt AI.EMCLNT HOME CO VAI.EMCENT HOME I.TI l.rsnlle Kl., Aalilaml, Ore. Where the slrk and aged era srefl for In piekaanl koa: sur- rouading. Jt-AI Splendid car at reasonable price. Maternity rase a specialty. TUK PRIVATE HAV ATARI I'M Plume I-W ' I0O4 Wonlea aad llth Rt. . t . EMPLOYMENT AOENCY Jil.iMA Til EMFLOk.Val.NT ... OHM K . ,., ,,. ... Employment , for workers In cvvry trade mills,, railway . nnu isrnia .Tames It) n, Prop.' r, 1 1 1 , lh ami Main. Plione 1ST . I.Nrit'lUM M New,. Yark, Life Inauraoc, Co. , ' P. E. IH ItKK , Agent ' 3 Main St. LAIXDRP'1, SITERKUt AITO LAl.NDRT Howl Oarage ' Cr Wskd Clled For and Delivered ) Pbona STf j LIVEHTtH'X Fresh row on hand at all lime from on to carload KLAMATH DAIRY fTW CO. I'hone: Ranch 33F3;Re, nt tC. Mochettas. Jr. . I Texutn Sutlou OHTEOPATIIrt DIL F. H. UODDARO . I. O. O. F. TE.MPLB Osteopathic Physician aad Surgton ' . Office and Residence I'hone 321 MI MIC -TEACHER . AMEUICAV CONHERVATORY il OF MI'HIU I nana ami orchoatra I Instruments Taught. Classes a llurmony and Arranging 3rd Floor Winter Bldg. ' I Fll-Mlg MCHIO HTl'DIO MIHH F, LAItHO Tesrher of PIno 1213 lookout .Phone 76 March 12 PAINTS, WALL PAPER Wall Papor, Palnu, Enamel, 1 , Brushes V. IL OLDS Across from Pnslofflc Phone 43 Everything a Paint Stor ' Koeps Paint, Oil. Varnish, Dead, enliig Fell. Clns. Ilooflnf, ' Wall-Paper PATTI RHO.VM PAINT f-lORH 020 3o llth St. l'h.ine E3- HTENtKIRAPHY MRH. I U. IIAOCK Public Stenographer . Notary Public . Saving and Loan ' Real Estate i. Insurance 410 Wllllls Itliltr. Phono jfje All kind nt legal form TI.MIIKR. CRI'IHEHH Timber cruising. Reconnalt nnee and Appraisal K. II, Mil,K 40l Alain Hi, Phone ttOJI-W Working from M. 1- Joiinwin's office llli,r-iJsJara-WXJi,XiriJti. u UUXTW. : EXCAVATIVti . , III ASTINll Sowor and Cnaspnol Work Phono 4Ti Call at Htta R. Main St, ' FRANK MARTIN saslassjssssjagagsaswaw 1 1 1 pisssssBa.iaaa, JXg. aag.iaTTTeW i- ..wgtaslfl I' .. ,..'. 1 ' .... " ' - ' -e- . ' . J" ... - -.. .J . ., K i '' . ; ' m i ; ' " ' ; -