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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1927)
FACE FOUlt THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OKEGON Monday, August 1, li27. 0ff EuritlttO tivtdlbS Travel Through Klamath ' s i Crater Lake, the great magnet for all northwest tour M fd a'ior ' travel, is receiving a far greater than a majority of Manaitrf it.i ccullers this year through Klamath Falls, instead of - 1 i i i i , "ithe old route through Hertford. Knt-rod'ai second riv. matter at the poitotfle t Kiamatb- FaUs. f Thii is a fact and must be admitted Jr the register Wton.A" August 30, 10, under art ol Congress March I, ls.S , , ..... . , til II1C laiciil Mini mu 1 1 teit auuil lb villi oiiivrfi n iii-i t T n. IfAlJkHKKV.i ; . W. H. PKKKIN8. .. Adverth.ln- y. U. WSULIHH Business I f Deilrered by Carrier Ona Yesr l. BO Hit MosMis J.B ft Tnre Jlonths 1 5 On M mm .. . 11 Mall Ona Month Three Months .. Six Months . .5 fees are paid cannot .be mistaken. 1 i , " J Associated Press Leased Wire Member of Audit Bureau of Circuation Member of th Associated rress . ' Tin Associated Preri la exclusively entitled to the hm or republica tion uf jail news dlhpalohea credited o It or not otherwise credited In tola paper and pImi the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are lao reserved. l'.Vif-'- The answer to the whole thing is that most of the 2 'S npntile visitinir Crater Lake are California nennle. Call- one 'tear - j forniana are the best tdunts in the world. Give the -I people a fruit crop down there and they overflow. Ore i,gon during the hot months. ' When Californians start north they want to come over highways that suit their .fancy and they do not want too much man-mad? scenery for they are fed up on that at home and when they can hit off across the mountains they have a lot of fun. There's another feature Klamath Falls is about' as widely advertised as Crater Lake, and by coming this way the tourist can see both. Monday, August 1, 1927. Wonderful - Hundred Miles ere in all' the world can you find such a Wonder ful huhdred mile drive as many .experienced "yesterday, Around Ncio York Town Letters From the People MR. KM MITT IS COItllrXT. .' when they left fclaniath .Falls, Sunday afternoon, drove j . NEW YoitK.-strikeJ tiuius t Klamath.- Fan July so. , to Fori Klamath, then to the "Seven-Mile country; where 'mid-Manhattan hrin . min- .Mitor ii.r.itt: . Think mrii' iu ( .os o.W' Into tho minhl oMU'l in a rwt'iit tssuo of jruur . in tnose ncn meaaows are grazing vnuusanus ui neiu ui ,ne j. livestock, then on down through, the virgin forest to i .,ut,"n alonK th street h. KrAj.ittn Bflniui nf. lAinMhine Rocky PoinC CherryCreek InnVand "back" over the-foot-1 nbor to happen canuut be down hiiUcovSreth to Klamath Falls across Ihe Fremont bridge.- '''O-T- 'sit? kionit the sidewalk. . , ' .j ,- . . -, ., . , . I A. , policeman Idles at every , We say il is a 'wonderful trip because on that jirjyeaoor. Wly. vpo stairways sit of a hundred miles you see great industries, elegant 1 uniformed officers. Their riubs . . Idanjtle just a little too oarvl.-saly: homes, fine fayms, big ranches, pleasure resorts and j ,here is menace in their very uon many other features of wealth and merit. 1 j 'balance. t . m At Cherry Creek Inn the two owners, JudgV Short J a iiie fur strike is on and this ajid Leslie Peyton, are opening a cabin resort 'that is a j nTXZ fine" one." It .is fairly started but this year is witnessing i hangs heavily npon the air. shop quite a;W. They have things a little different for they i ; h"eaViV" have a''srting of fourteen saddle and pack horses which !,,rt' nd gUre- n h" be'n a . jHt , , strike. There have been they uiV.Jo carry peopk on.a three-hour journey to the ! mrrwrsr aaj. jnst vtmiev the noted W, UkeeUfctaeiadl.iC c. u-ura ho tfc L,. Hopkins or Klamath Falls came 1 nnfraScieus' of Hhis lMtl seer down Mm tlillsng. for they had caugfif tlZ limit 01rf-)f . the, ?kes. U the skvt- n ' , . hat been 'sei'it other tiuarters XrVJr1 LV'TiuO -A-Jnaater WrlKM.- Btrfkers sft ' Vnv v. vlrel8Pl OI ,merest nence- abcW wBTlynJ'rtofi.toUhar forth PttHBJftlMiWbibrtto i to prominence, tickets. 'In af aecoiui po-' hb'ls po'nnir'aummarrty at various '.'o!Ki the iMmttm Everyone knows Rocky Point the old resort of the,on notice .to iTon;-., A looupie .. .5 T ; r 1 of tirts stop to gossip and are i west side where people have beem frijoymgifs comfortstai moved on. .i n::n:u-. !; ( I for th1 WWne?itr?r& ije fvitV.MnrboS'6f WJ; place, s n. -gootf crowds thja ear ajyj .heJjjWidded Vies, attracted fcy. ta aewspaper tesy ai d frieudjyianprare ?eatf)res of thrreriort, f nrij Two gans can, tiht it otu fo ; he haJ with- him Jacf Ryan,1he boat man, who is in-! T" 10 "a terestiig to the last degree. Jack Ryan has all kinds I lew blocks away there wiu be i . a. . i not so much as a riffle. of boats, even to, those that stick their noses high in thet - These are the things that snd- air as heyrrace- up and down' the bay, and Jack knows': da1"' out t0 remind you of a uuaj, ueiier man me average nousewue Knows ner kitchen. He sailed the seven seas for 27 years and then he wandered inland to-Rocky Point where for twenty years jhe has stayed thoroughly happy and contented. Aside ifrom taking care of guests at JRocky Point .who ported by the belt to be enjoying : want AoaW and fishing. Jack raises' ml,skrrat4w-nan; Th ranch Jhe . has nearby. ' - i chasedia fine apartment and f it- Thp Jiundred miles is filled with; the 'best that Mature Ed R iaviahiy.',.' ,l ':'y, . had J tti..A it .t. N. itv-;- .. J '-'""J 'Minsk went snooping go ehef trai el to Fort Klamath and around the .west, or around the west aide and then to Fort Klamath. -.But it is a Sunday ride that once taken. will remain a pleasant memory p'.cture. - ; . r'r-.; Phil, Baker, who tickles the ac cordion in the great o pea spaces of vaudeville, has a gag fresh from the "clock and suit" belt. Mr. Fietelbaum had been re- I Bridges Are Problem around; to Investigate.. f"Hmpf," she reported, "he ain't o; rich. ' I saw both hia daughters playing on the same Blnno.'' '- i. ( .- ...,,. . .. - A b!g Tlroadwayt funeral- par lor still shows a lgn .reading: "Welcome Llndy" . . , Root gar dons begin to draw a crowd, and all the back-yard garden rafes are prospering, .... Walter Win chell, columnist, has discovered that the pretty girl In the hali- We have I tosis ads whose "best friends reference to the bridges over the canal that runs through i ouldplclL.hehr" uh none othe' of Virginia to play In the "Scan- Anjiong the many muicipal problems here problems !j , which, need money td solve, and money is mighty scarce in thq city treasury is the bridge problem dais." Outside the ads she has no troubles such as are widely advertised. ... Week-end ex cursions to Montreal threaten to CILBERT SWAN'. tho ottw At'lDresent two -of those bridges are closed, to traf , fic, another is considered unsafe, while the fire engine ? crew ftlmost shudders every time it is called upon to I make a run across any of the bridges, fearful of a col.j depopulate this large city. And - . trt wm e il n,e' lKn ul lae Bcoicnman wno uk -ii t n u ,1 . a ' had the hard luck t0'et a ha1r" Wno will eventually build proper bridges and keep cut just before an Indian- mas them In proper condition remains an unanswered lues- ThB on,y night-club tion. the United States government, in buying the old nT.n" 'It ITJJ Z canal and its rights here, is said to have contracted-io j kept its ginies undraped. . . . bridge, the canal and keep the bridges in shape. It is The bl buyers from Kokoiuia SiH hv anmo ihui a rt tfclo .tot i. , 1 t !.mut hT hpIr Ht J UVIIIV "V VVJ V, VHIO .t IO VU 1 J X me aiy nan. everyone win nope it is true, lor such being the case then action can be started urging ther govern ment to follow out its contract. ' u It will mean a long delay before anythinsr is done. at beifc, during which time the bridges remain-closed, I "7Klf W"XMM K,KIVKR j 4 ' i ji i-f Tn ,a,t Tite tr the late pcoplt are forced to journey a long way around to reach Peier William Kieiver wcre'heid tho business section, and there is further danger of more . f")m the Earl Whitiock funeral bridges going Out. ' ' jhbme. Pine avenue at Sixth on c,, ' . . . , ,, , , ,8unday afternoon. The services Should the government contract be a myth, or should were under the .direction of tho it bo so drawn that it -can be rescinded by the govern- Masonic lodge. Mrs. F. R. bids ment. l.ho!i v r ronfrnntPfl with th nrnhlom nf dnral- ' rendered two vocal numbers. In- l K;j: .u i win. 4-:.... . .t. tcrment md8 j unuBiiiK hid vaiiai. mi xiuaiiLcn in uie una ui; ' D(,i at Odd Fellows cemeterr. they 4re in. to build a series of new bridees Would tax Most nf the big, Jobs are held men who couldn't even name three naughty magazines, Obituary the skill of the finance conlmittee of the city council to i ? thA llrtit ' ' VJ paper In refennce to Oregon a senators and congrumtmin Is cor rect except you state that Mr- i Crum packer was the first ropro-'' aentative in the lower houso of congress to die In office. You will recall that Thomas It. Tongue, a member of congress at Hiat time, died tn Washlngtun City lu January 1903, while con gress was In session. The Oregon Legislature was also in sessiun and adjourned and attended the funeral at Hllls boro. He represented the district that W. f. Hawley now repre sents, except at that time Klam ath and Lake counties were a part of that district. Pardon me as I do not mean t divas criticism, but merely to cult your attention to the:f.tct that you tiave overlookc";! ir:""' '.t Rineer Herman .Wan' eiwletf S. sxreed him.,, , ' , fcJtospectfully yopri" .. ;,. h ', ' T-r' ,. '" r SI . ii IS. HKAL fJUUUIIG'! pa... I.J m.d ' I.TO'nOV, llCii.. Th,T..anlJ . .-.... . ft?wposltiont of greater dignity In England than that .of Justice. of rhe King's bench,,. Wltennpn clrcoit the Justice is treated with the ' ceremony .usually nacoorslftl td- royalty, . lis Is deemed ;; hc '., first man in lho county, and the bells or the circuit town ; ring. and a bugle announces the open-i , Ing of hi- assibe -court. . Yet the Justice's salary 'has been at the same figure for near- ' ly two centuries. When It was first set In the eighteenth cen tury at 5,000 a year. It was deemed a princely recompense, but with the edrccase In the value of money and the present British Income tax It Is consed-, ered not so generous. Many bar rasters. In giving up their posl-; tions at the bar to become Jus- ticey give up . incomes nvuii larger than their 'Judicialsalary.' IH'CXlf (LADfrt RKNqWX y , - op;ii landing PARI3. (AP) Dugnay. rlaln Ing the honor of receiving Lind bergh on its soil, protests against the world-wide glory going to I Bourgct, a neighboring com munity. ... ; ,1, , Dugny, maps. show, really lias within its legal limits tho ground where the man from the west came down. 1 1 Bourget, how ever, has within Its Jurisdiction part of the airfield at the south end where the military hangers are.' It was because this army field was tho beginning of the airport that the name Le Bour get was given the entire air drome, nearly a mile Tong. Mayor Rolsseau of the little town of Dugny has taken up ith the Paris newspapers his community's claim to at. least some of the glory. SAYS SOI TH AMERICAN'S i LIKE FIIK.VCH CUjTIHK PARIS. (AP) Americans from the United States sometimes won der why Paris pays so much at tention to South Americans when the United States would seem to be more attractive in a business way. Le Journal, as patron of a big Suoht American fete at Ihe na tional opera recently, explained that If the French language and French culture are to hold their places in the world South Amer ica will be a big factor. Wealthy South Americans probably are as numerous as North Americans in Paris. They regard Paris as tho world's tntelloctual and political capital, says Le Journal, while this is not tru of Anglo-Saxons. Therefore, France's Interest, it Is argued, Is to Influence the 20,- 000,000 peoplo of South America, whose Latin temperament tbtf, French understand, . , . ., I ONE MORE WEEK' Jo Get 90,000 Extra Votes For $20 Clubs Two More Weeks ' To Win 200 in Extra Cash Prizes A great big double offer whereby you can make sure of winning" a fine automobile in The Klamath News and Evening Herald's $6,000 prize campaign, and a liberal, cash prize while you are doing it! Ninety thousand extra votes given to candidates for every $20 worth of new subscriptions turned in during the two week's period ending August 6. . Two hundred in cash awaits threc candidates who make the best showing in subscription business during the three weeks' period ending August; 13. ." .if' How Extra Prizes will be Awarded Two hundred dollars in j?old will be awarded in extra prizes during this special cash prize offer, as followo: First Prize ., $100.00 Second Prize 60.00 Third Prize 40.00 How to Get Extra Votes r In addition to tho extra ciihIi prizes, raiulitlaten ure offered a wonderful opportunity to fctt thou-' wtiida of extra votes hy forminir "new Hubscrlp tion cltil)?." 90,000 extra votes will he Riven for wry $20 worth of now aubxcriptionti turned In during tho period Marling July 25 anil ending August 6. The 90,000 votes are a bonus inaddition to the regular votes given on Bubscriptious. Thcrc Is no U candidate new; subi The three special cash prizes will be awarded to .the three candidates, regardless of the district they live in, who turn in the highest amount in cash in subscription payments during the period 'starting July 2.,nnd ending August 13. ."The first ..prize, of $100.00.-will be awarded to ktcfttha cundhtate who turn in the highest' 'amount ' ' oJ fa$h Wfc.ub'scrjption payments during this spe-' . ' ' ,,ew ..ii.r.Tho seeond- priz . N- avarded'fe the candidate who turns in , the , " ece.ryr0f tfOvial'UJ.W mit -r,- . . . - .." m j t ... Ml'rmtinnu until Iho M'll wattwnf.. nuns rfl-iirn n jOtiu hignewt ampmit or, cnh jn subscription -pay"'-", . ' VIVAllliA i 1 .1 ' r J i I A jf I i ,ni, during. thU'pcil,.sh; prize offer ' ' ",our sMi,fed'stib -..t'The tMrdW of $40:'00 Iri cah whl.c 'awara:' ,.';;., ''J!0 Z!"'1 ed to the sVlidute h'd:furn in the third high- 'lmf-jrbmt tmrmnltcd trr ol tboi number.' of clubs any.v.j. may turn in.. For every $'J0 'worth! of scriptionti tliorV" will hi 00,000. extra-1. rizo , of $60.00 ,in ch will ' 'J F Wit' 1'-'' . -enndid'atewho turnC in , the .,, , , " 10T f ' it- !,..,est amountia cauh, in stibncnption p'nJ-'monU'dur- .it WK mis spvciai cuBii (irizu oner, , ., .. These 'cash' prizes are' EXTRA and in-no way' . conflict with tho . awarding, of the '"automobiles" y,., and other prizes to be given at the close,. of tho'. campaign; ' A candidate can win -ono of these special cash prizes and also win one of the auto mobiles or other prizes. STANDING OF CONTESTANTS i ?rjPJ$TRICT NO. 1, Compriam all territory Kltli'n the rlljf lllnits of Klainnlh Knlls, Hhlpincfn anil. lVlitiui C'll)', , ' -I : :tl - ( . f ' . linn linn, Hnplii I'rnft,' ctr .., ., DISTRICT NO. 2 ' C'c.mirlm nil territory mitaliln the rlty limits of Klniimtli 1'nll", , HIiIiIhko mu I'l-lli-iiit ( H). l.n i ... u i. .""." " T mi ui(nu ijiuiuin luiiiL-ii in nji tnm extra vuto 01- fur wiltaisoioitut in tho f'ioo sn'ecial uisV if AW offer. J;- .( " .,?.. j nibiiuH, Tho extra voto offer ends August C. Special Cash Trize offer ends August 13. SECOND PAYMENTS Second payment subscriptions are extension payments on subscrip tions already secured by candidates. Horman; .Win. J. ... Kilnmnils, .Mlna 1'OHler,' "Sirs. Walter llowuril, Jumiltn - llrwklne, )lrs. 3. V.. Jones, Mrs. Williur Johnson, Mnrftnri't . Mmlln, Mrs. J. Tel. Mi KlwIn, Mnrlo K. , Metcnlf, II. M Moire, Vrra Torrey, Mrs. It. I). Vernon, Mrs. J. W. Wiihl, Mrs. flln ... 170,00(1 ...i...lTO,M0 ...,;....i7.i,ooo 178,300 i7,Mm ........17.1,0O i7,o(Mi I77,(MM1 i.l7l,ooo City 17M.OIMI r...:..;.i7,oo KKI.OOO I7,MMI .172,000 I7i,00 . on.iHNi Anih-rson, Mrs. Krnnrles, llorrU,' f'l Iturry, Jci'phlne, ' Ijikevlow IfhVHMI Ilroun, Mrs. Arlene, - Merrill mrmnM.n l77,tMI Itiinrh, Mnrinn, Kt. . Klnmtrtb X4T.:.'.. Dur.irt, Mrs'. J. O., Clilloqiiln . lliltilel, Mrs. C.t. - llonnnr-t lliinun, liulse, litlHley Kelknr, Kiiinllln, Miilin Mlilkirr, Mll'ln-il, AIkiiis I7.1..mi I'llikett, Jesxle, Ki'llo 17ll,tHMt Skecn, Miiln K Tire, Klvn, (liilnqiiln Mall, Mrs. II. W. It. I'M). 17:1, (Mill .172,000 .I7,l,noo , 1 70.IHMI ..174.000 I7II.IMHI I75.IH10 .I70,(MI0 I7ll,0ll: HuiipnMi you have nlnrndy Ittrnvil In s nuWrlp linn for tl.Dfi to The Nows or HitsIiI; tnr this pnymrnt you riu-elvejl I.S00 vmas. If y,nl Rt I hla sums sulmrrllior to pay li t.', inuro tn ex-l-nd Iris suliM-rltillnn to 6 mnnihs, tnr Ibn "Are eint I'ayment" ymi will rd.s 3. Sou votes, a A. 0110 votes Is the amount luaued fur a lull A months' siitiM-ritinn, If the Unit puynieiil us I1T.0 mid ynit rol li.i't $.oo more to make the full year.' fur thi .Hodind I'symimt" ynu wl rerelvn lu.noft votos, n JS.urti) votes are lu.'d. fur s full yi-sr. . , ;lf lli first piiytnsht was '$1.75 ami yuu mil net fl.UU more,, to muko tho full aix mnnihs,' hy mil II, for Win second payment you will rocnivn li.r.ou votes.' If tho first payment was 12.75 and ynit iollert $2.25 mure, for the srrond pnymillt ynu will rerelvo. S.IIOU vutcs. This Kneoml I'ayment rlan applies lo any seronil payments. Also, if left first psyment wss NKW tho 'Kernud I'ayment" Is also NKW and should no rnlem iu the nnw rnliimn on rsmlttani-o slleet. lll'iltT t)'T In order for Vontllflntns to rerelvo credit fnr aernnil pnyiuent voles. It Is A1ISO I.liTKI.V neressnry tn wrllo "Heeond I'ayment" on ths remlttsnre sheet, nlaii nlve amuunl of first payment, otherwlsn the seronil payment votes will nut he dltuweil. i , To Enter Use Blank Below Regular Prize List CAPITAL PRIZES Buick 5-Passenger Sedan $1,G15.00 Chrysler "50" Sedan 1,005.00 ' Chevrolet Sedan '849.00 Essex Sedan 965.00 i ' DISTRICT PRIZES Two $300 Slrombcrg-Carlson Radio Sets .... COO. 00 Two $150 Stewart-Warner Radio Sets 300.00 ' Two $75.00 Cash Award 150.00 Two $50.00 Cash Awards 100.00 Cash Commission Appropriation 550.00 Total ....$6,034.00 NOMINATION BLANK . Good for 2,000 Vote. Ilenso enter: Name ..... As n rnnilliliile In Tho Klninnlh 1-iills News anil llernlil V - Autnniohlln nuil 'rl.o CninpnlKn Klreel nml Xo Tmvii or f.'lty HlRnril .... DImI No.... AiMrrss .. Only onn miiuhmi hlnnk'''r'rili'0',i' 'io" wh'TanViMoir" ion ran enter ,llnM.r P , m,y ," i,; u'l