Monday, Au;imt 1 127. TUP KVKN1N0 HKUAL1), KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH 1 1 Itcma of Interest Concerning Residents of the Great Klamath Hawn. If You Have News for This Department, Your Courtesy in Calling 88 Will Be Appreciated llt for Homo I liwUfr irli Charter . .leas Turner of Uwlaton, lila.. Tin Malln Masonic lodge ha wlm hi limm vUltlng wilh hla heen grunted II charter and ff. twn anna, John and Pave nC rers for th flrl year hav been rll Valley fur th pant I wo announced follow: Jon Klk- weega, naa in lur in noma, nir. auvrtl, grand tuualar: J. L. Ju. Turner la nun of I lis largest wheat growers unit wilh hi two una Bold, mora IIiud 116,000 , Trout. worth of grain U 1010. In Ilia Xlark.ii, lunl Langell Valley country h I In-'ami Zlabck, cob, senior wsrden: A. M. Tho- maa. Junior warden: Dr. V. M arolor deacon: A. W lor demon; Ken! In treasurer: J. W tertati4 Willi HI aon Jolin UtTaylor, secretary: S. Hhamhart, Minr limn 70 acre of land. lie senior steward; Wllllsrn Walker. reporta crop condition a moat , Junior steward and Peter FUli- fuviirulil I hi ymr. Stlao I'lutiiiwr lrft Mia Francis I'luiumar of Port Und. who ha been the house guest of Mr. and, Mr. John Clem niiaon for Ilia past fortnight, left on Hiitxlay inornttig for her In nun In Ilia northern city. Willi" hare MIm I'lummcr was honored with a number of Impromptu falra. Kljo was vary nuirh Ini pressed with lh Klamath county scenery on hir flrat visit south. Iteturncil Tu Kalmi Mia Lenta lleall, formerly of this city, has returned to her homo In Hulcm afier n two Weeka' vlalt hern with friends. Hli Was ihn limiaii giin.t. i. Mr. and Mr. A. V. Cruliatn during her Uiy In tliu city. ' Hon ! Uorn , i, Annouuctrunf. telling n( liie arrival' of baby boy at Ihn home of Mr. and Mr. George t'arr of (iraul I'au hiv twn rf rdvd here by frlanda of the I sided her.. '.Mr. .C.rr la . hro-j""" '"l Ih.r of Christine Davison of this , XBrwU. ' ' Th Past Nool V.rand' Club M.vnr IH Crania Paae "" luesnay anernoon or. tvjer. Iniiallalloo of the of ficers i conducted by Milton Mycin, deputy grand warden of ,Hlein and 1). K. Cheney, grand secretary of I'nrlland. The new loilun will bo kuowo Mulln ludg. No. t4. RditmlnaT TutiiorroHr Mr, and Mra. 1. K. Vlh are eineeted home tomorrow from Portland and Heaalde where they liuve apenl tbo paal weik. Mr. Walah went north to attend lluy r' Week. la Portland they era tha houac xuima of Mr. and Mra. 1. A, WaUb, partnta of Mr. Wnlah who la manaK'ir nf the Oregon Wrtoten ' Mlnre on Main and Klghlli. i( y VUIIe.1 rVim .M.ilfonl. Mr. and Mra. It. I). Illnnon and aoa HI an ley of Mndford were tha week end fueata of Chrlat Ulanaa of tha hotal and Arrada and their aon Jimmy lllnann of th la city. Stanley remained In the city to Tlnll her for a week, while bla parent returned lo Ilia aHwi-llil Left I'. M. Cartwrlitht, loral rt'prn nerilullva fur Ihn Kunkton llus Company, left Ibl Inninlim . fur aaalnin and enullinrn ill leu on a cninlilned bunlneiia'aud platinum trip. Mr. Curtwrlicht will vlalt in Denver, Oinaliu, HI liul. t'lilriiKO, Milwaukee. Kl. Paul. Mlnneupolla, New (Irlvana, Kl l'ii(i. through Arizona rlile and Into California while away. In Chicago, Mr. Carlwrlnht will vla lt a alnter and In Wlrnnln will villi with a brother. Marring rnnlel Two marrlax llrenwe were granted at lice office of tha rnun ty clerk on Katurduy afternoon. Frank Jox-ph I'erhnlt, aged 49. of 174 Main and Hulda Kro lirotn, aged SS. wore granted a marriage III enae. Ceorgn IKiw, will worker, and Klla Maa Howe wera granted a ll-enwt to wd. Mlaa Itnwe gave her orrupallon a that of a (tenograpber. Coat Ilemodeled. Fur Maaufactarur. Fwrier MRH. Wfl.MAM IIKHrtl.hll 421 Klamath Avenue. Between Kourth and fifth. Klamath Fall Or. 'MOTOR-HIKE' !i Tn nr nnnnnrrv luutuHura i - Tntrc Markets f'UKTI.ANfl. Ore.. Aug. I. IA1 flutter ateady; ailru rubea elty 40; atandarda 3 Vk : prim flrat 17; flmU creamery prkaa. i Print 3r abova euhe atandirdt; Fourth Junt of' Aged buttarfat -, fob Portland Lady Across Contin ent at End I MEDFOIU). Or.. Aug. 1. (API ' Mra. Kannle Ktreator, of Bel ; fort. Va . ared 1 yeara. who alt . w'k Pi t eturted to walk to the borne of bet daughter, Mr. Wyde Keena of Ja"kun villi'. Ore., Kgg ataady. Current raralpt 23; fraah medium 12; freab atan dard flmta 25. Mflk ateady. Rid to farmer: 4 per rant raw milk. 12.2 rwt fob Portland; butterfgt 40 , fob Portland. Poultry ateady. (lea & per rent ommlimloii ) ; Heavy ben 21 it 23: llgut 1! 'all; eprlng reached Chlcngo a month ago, l; broiler lf I; Pekln whlta through th hilp of automobile. I dug ; colored, nominal; tur- Kilnjt Mny l.yon flonit Ml Kiln a May I.yona of The California. Rand Hoi ba returned from Han KrnnclMo, where nhe nncnt tbo tmal three week on IniHlne nnd pleumiri'. ' Klin will be lit homo tn brr friend i Ihn Wlllurd. Mnny t ar Ituller TourUn from all eilioli of the iniintry rontinu to vlalt KIb maih Fall and on Saturday mor than 30 out-of-lata ram were reglHlered at the Triple A lloolh at the chamber of rommerrn. In iluded In thoin reglatered today were: A. W. Clm. Pond, ( at.; A. N. Vlulon. Hollywood; Marvin Polk. Concord; It. l. Anderon, Oakland; T. II. Conger, Jr., llerkeley; II. 'Van Schali k. I Angilee: It. K. Woolever, 8n Joe; Inland 'A. Kahn, Ktocklon; 11. II. William, Corcoran; Henry f'. Huetl, Lone Beach; F. K. Harked, Uouti: Cluryie F. . Hhoop, Arvada. Col.; and Greg ory Polllpkln of Cram Valley, . Iv ttll In the sild-weai metrop olis arcarlliis to her daughter, and not jpt to proceed farther t westward. . . Mr. Koine ald thi morning that hn did nut expect her mother to vlalt her a her lat letter auld n wa contented with a light Job. in one of the Chicago ' auburn. An effort I being made to Indues tbe aged larly to return to ber Virginia home. Mr.' Hlrcator ha "walked" ' acroM the country three time In the lnt eleven year, twice to thi elite, and one, to Wanblng lon male. Thia aprlng aha itarted on her fourth tran-eont!nentl hike, giving as bar reon: "I ' want lo ee m' grandchildren." iFhe reached Chicago, where h announced ber detinallon with tha comment. "I would rather ;iruvol than stay home.' 1.-54 key, alive, nominal. Onion ateady, local 7.00. Potatoes ttaady. 2G0GJ JS. VVIIV HflLOMOX ISLAM. ix;h are i.lki mol. llrik.. Have H.,n t T" a l,P,t u. ......i- ii ii.ii,... iville Unt January by. truln for , !- I In Florence Porter, are receiving li.-cl Vlellml City William J. Reed of ('rum & Foaler nf Portland attending tho week-end here wa Joined by hla wife and aon who hav been via Ulnar In Son Vruuelsco. They re turned to Portland thi morning. Virginia uud. In. Juno, congratulation from their nmny ' utrld for thj valley, friend noon tho arrival of a! ;' - baby boy. Tho new heir ha 1 ylTf-UKXTH TO been nimed "Daniel Porter" and I weighed night nnd ono-bulf ' pound at birth. Mother and o.i re at lb Klamath General ho pltal. again KINO tiEdtW.ii AUK I IKIOVK - . . I invnnv Am- 1. API King Oei.rce would no!'P and LONDON. Aug. 1. f API Mot rf the doga in tha fioloaion Inland are called "Maola." If the vliil tor call out. "Ma ola", he may exr-Jt-: to La a ee ond Pled Plrxr. All the doga within earihot will -follow him. "Why?" one asked of H. F. Thomnon. Kn;llnb Acting Deputy Commlilon."r of tha Western Pa cific, who Ih rlviting In Londna Hecaane Mania mean atomach ache, and tha Solomon natives have the curious belief that If they are suffering from, an all-, ment they can. get rid of it by calling their dogs tha feime of the iliac. Hence, most of the dog; hfi the name Mania. Kii3 few are cajlvd Tohl Malua, which means headache, and oth ers, L.iu Maola, . vhlch. . mean, pain 1" the neck. lUMTLSU GIHLS MA tut V ! ,, ME LITER AT- " THE LIBERTY LAST TIMES TODAY BUCK JONES in "The Flying Horseman . RIDE 'EM, COWBOY! T" 1 ? 'I 4 . THr I1I I K l)ICS IV HITTV-MII WAV. ' lioril, Tilitll.L-A-MJM T:, LAI (ill-A-rlUt OM WkkJT Llt.N' 1II MA lluil will keep you oil the oil He of your evftt - a .... ' TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY SPECIAL ATTRACTION ' THK OFHtlAt MOTION PICTITIEm OV THE , ' DEMPSEY.TUNNEY '.'L aiTTLt 'OU THK WOKLD'at CHlJU-IuXSmP! Knjoyeil llcnlc Mr. M. G. Mordoff, with her three daughter. Mle Alleen. Ma and Lorraine, "fluddv" Mor- Mayor Ce.,rge S. Fog of C.rnnl:i' o'clock at tha home of I j0rf and Mia Mildred Devi mo I Ijikevlewr ;lrl If I The Mle Mary and Grace Johnnon and Lucille Flmmoni. all popular memlier of tho I'lilii ui rollwilon or -oiia ana uoxuox, Aug. 1. AP) ends" If he enforced all the British girl are marrying younz-qult-renu to which be Is legally ier than before the war, but men entitled. jut a later, ase. acrorjia; to sta- A "quit-rent" I a contribu-! Uatlcs by the, regl. !rar general. Hon In kind made to Pritain'st Afir the war uiaa womcu. AT THE PINE TREE LAST TIMES TODAY . , t ' Constance Talmadge in "YEN US of VENICE" Her CONSTWf F a. V.n,nn. I . i i u-..i- i. Ht'ltTHACT I'm kit-IU k from I'oUceniesi H1V1DK Uu . ' Itlch ArtM rhr'a crajy ulnnit from hla Fiancee and V ;i,LTll'LV tiiuedy Complication! SPECIAL TONIGHT AUGUST 1ST SECOND ii.t in Pn. accompanied by Mr. Fn, and Mr. Fox hruthef. t:rnt L. ,Fx (f t.'lp Lf'.r1! tHor here Velrtay cli(luln to Cratn Uke. Tnl)m.rilra at th holl Arcade white hero. 11 1 it'. -X- i 1 ' ' ' 'fclwiali'Vork ' ' """All 'film" detolojied" frU fi n.,'rooiitu.. by, II,. K,,B(lnMih. . .VhutpgDathm. appeal!) , com . i,hoie."AdrUi i ml ..i,flO-lil 1 ; . i . :i J "71 1 MfliitirtiHtl FVoiil t4.milifaii' ';' A. J. Vuye. well known' IipijT n. innrt 4il llua. Ktvpo foio t,,iha local resident rvglaUftud th Clift In Han Fraai lcj d Jtil .lhir asHl waek i. ! c ii l.. j i ki From, Hllvcr Lkf i !ji L. II. Charlcev of Silver' Lakr, prominent huattiea man of thit !o,;4nt Aatrdaor .1 In (S city on hulneM and Tlaitlng wjtH frleniU.'1' --' , Mr. It. K. Wuttenuurg. All ircl to l-ak o" tho Woods on past noble grand member and -Sunday, where thry enjoyed an vlnlilng memoer in ina city vnunecr et of Lakevlew are ! reigning sovcrlgn by holders of married letween the ajtci ot ri here for a few day visiting with country estates granted to them and SO. Tliousan U of uarria.ic relatlvcs and friend. taglith kings tn ancient able girls los the.r tww.ica.u times. 'ouring the war. Fisares stew I ii..f.t . M.irnt Some, like th miniature Na- tbe. tbe majority cl brides are Bro I OUtiag and picnic IudcIi... ... . .. ,.: ., ...i ni,l, ll, ililldir,l nreunuut on ni,i luttween ?il nil f .r. Thev urged to V.t-po Mr X 'j, WvcdT.1 ..i.lver,r, of Jh. batti. of ! were chUdre. duri U.-.r. and Mrs. Myrtle H'HWt.f aO.-rrv-.V U ., . 4 irW-ZTiTMu. : W.frlop by, the Duke ol Wei- ... ifacy of the. ma now marry- ho.tea.ea. t H ,. f 'V' hi, ttaM. ig - ere caths du'lag. the wax. 1: j 't'W,1'WlW' Strathflaye. are r4iredi , , - - Loft f.,r rutW--- TrtWfrW ,t are due ln de--t sinuw Uome-r, . Myrtle Melch.or tor? ..4 ..Unm-a rer .lX ;muM, T .,1 .MrZ'Vi Aloe a iieauiy nnop. n.a nm iui 1 nome tuia aiternoon. Mr. nam I ' v : Ban Fraoclaco to take take P"t ; formerly, operated the Star Drug If' litxmanenl store. ' J!'- graduate Jcours I jf uVmanent wafjfrtw, bHiI apnn hiirilretiirn to thWTHy Ifv lllllnpnilK reymanent rwaiiiail-wavhorn- -fcwrAl 1!. Mn,. KaIki I-ft .Mm. Stephen Babo, Jr., with hot children' aad ' her Imoiheriln Uw. Mr. Ktcplico 8bo, Sr.., Mt Sunday for Ku Frani'.eco. where From Kllvrrton they will reldA Th Sabo home on Melrnae ha been leased by Dr. W W. .Wko.-.. I 1 Ionic r"h to Portland not later than Thursday ,-W.Rh. rfnPQnil,blB.JiartilJ.VlllJl!Jj",$ Nwiininlnv I a wonderful exerrla. Try It at tha Hot Sprlnga Nat., Spring and Kplanad.-e-AdT. .VcMKpanor Mmq VWta L. II. Klettlen or Valeria, O.. connected with.. Th Cbroulcla Teleg;ram, waa among the Inter eating vlsllora In , Klonuth Falls over the week-end. .Meeting Tuceday Mglit ' A meeting of th heal 111 auo-J riailuu will uo lioiu l-uwauay eve ning at 7:30 In the conn houne, nocordin la n.nounccnjeut mad today, ' Harry Coeller anil family have returned from a two week' trip to Diamond I nk on an outing. Returned From Seaside 1. y. Msgulre, Sr.. with hla sister, Miss Margaret Magulro and his son and daughter John anil Gertrude hav returned from month' vara I Ion at Seaside. - From Kprngue Klver 8. J. Wulker of Sprngne nirir spent Sunday In Klamath Falls with frlanda. , Front nrnymlll - W. K. Cooper of flraymlll wa a week end vlnllor In the city. Mnrxlificlil Vldtoi W. L. Ilnln and Harry Mc dandles of Mnrshfleld are trnn actlnji IhihIiioss In the city to il ny. , Ladli Notice the clearnesa. of, your akin ,after swimming' at tho Hot Spring Nat. Adv. ' . . Kuaimn Offlclnl H It.', If.- Hugh, clilot nf police ot Kttguno, sixint Ilia week end Wo nn business. Mr. Hugh ' was amont tlm hotel guest at Tho Arcade 1 1 Home From Slnrsliflelil . Mrs. Roy F. Dnrhln and chlld- I NUInikev k Uark Thomas Durges Malirkey re sumed his duties at Th Eve ning Herald tcjey, after a two weeks' vacation spent In Port land and Seaside with relative I and friends. Oil e r I'M 1 f .1, Lewis C. Ilrandt of SllVdrloa spent the week end hero with friends. He registered at . the hotel Hall. Klamath Flower Shop For flowers. Floral design, quality with service. 831 Main street, l'hon 683. adv. Word From Kowr'n Word haa been, received from Mr and Mr. George Kowep of their safe In Montana, where they are enjoying a vaca tion With relatives and friends. Mr. itow. i linotype operator with The Herald and Th New. The Mineral Water at th Hot Spring Nat purifies your blood. Try It. Adv. Mordoff Hiiiih M. G. Mordoff of th Mor doff Furnltur v atoro, has re turend ' from a woek'a business trip to Portland, where he at tended lfuyers' week. Resumed Position Miss Thylls Hogan resumed her portion at the Golden Kulu this morning following a two weeks' vacation spent at Myrtle Creek with friends. Strangers Are Always Welcome at the Hot' Springs Nat. Spring and Esplanade. Adv. The, Great Wonilcr of tho '.'rorld, the mineral water at the Hot Springs Nt., Spring and JCaplnnade. Adv. The Duke of Atuoll holdii bis C. Dijton, Mis Marsaret .Patrtsh- 'lands on coniliimttrhal h pre-iof. ilosevLIJa ajid ..ilra. , Q. J; Mrs n It MjaherilLf en't0 "'H Benevcf hon-1 Jlarsn ot Dunsmulr were , the nXr3fi 'PJ Aifsiax k-;F n'l'V. rofaiJJrlsIt iL his. week-end guosU of Mr. and Mr. thMeek-Jd JSllUJri0"JJt Jtholl.iJjTnd-1 Ul r uui At.lAke o' the WkxU ..l)r, and iSnC Dr. a. m . Orlvc-r- '. . .7: it uiTTTis of Foiills. hi simllier e: o ine i oons van . r. inn Mn. ' r-i, 11 t v,,i,ni icumstances, are under the, jniah Charleston Contest The First. Conte.-t, Friday Nnlght, packed t;ie Pine Tree .'.., to Over-Capacity. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND the 8-; b ocd Qi-Dlnt Monday Nis' t, .Ausust 1st, god th Third. 1-. Monday Night, Auguit 8th BQQST YOUH FAVORITK ,i TO V. IN! I ' A PErCRD ATTENDANCE that witnessed th com- V patlti.a-r' ci natxn cco'eit. ciHlng the, BEST THRE sil 'DANCnuS for the c't, FRIDAY NIGHT. .AU ClaT 12TH. when the CHA:.lP.ION9 0F KLAM AKlCi ., FALLS W.ILL B3. 8ELECTEDf. .." '." ' ' CHARLESTON DAN'CKR$ Eoter ' Vour NaLieJ" iJ -.S:00 p. M. on days of contests. Two More Chance to jte. Chosen a WINNERS to iCompeU In '.SE1JI-FINALS ki;0R CHAMPIONSHIP OF KLAMATH FALLS j' J, I ?. u .V HEUl'L.VRPIiICX8, ,. , . ' ' KcVf jAot vUVsitrtA-L f AIfJlo n ! colors. I fr-jj1 Gray' Carment Shop. n For Insnranre- , ' ": See Jas IL 'DrUcoU. P.ldg. Adv. Knjoyed Valley Trip Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur Place wera among tha local residents who motored 'to Medford on Sun day to attend the baseball game. j more difficult, oblation oi'p 'latW- i g'noirtait"' ' '' 1.1 I -! . Ean Stmmons. Join Va At 1 ..U'h.n llta V . ( ... .- . - . ., 1 rim ,L.,...k . . .' - l v. uyvuKu me iuwh ci vrenupniiu IliBfklrjirhlimjhlre.' the owner ;Of itllti laud on. .which It Is situated Williams ,jt fy, , ..... . 'jAmeabu.-y. Wiltshire, the wner ,of the laud on which It is situat ed is calliyl up3n to furnish tran for tho royal bed. The bildqr of tbe Corber estates in Shropshire, is obliged . to supply the kick's UbUwiib, bacon when England, is at war. rhVT ,l 1 rmccc Kail Uls 1' " I Hot Springs Nat.. Spring and , Miirticil Saturday 'KvrnJng ,' Eaplanade. Adv. 1 Tlia weddinir. of Miss Ellamae . Row and George A. Dow, both Thcre'a on progressive, sen- popu!ar youne peopie of this ator not easy to handle. He 1.1... .0icmi,ed at the'Flrst .r Fres ExWwd. Firfrd tnd thi GUuses GifMind in inu own 1 " - ' fjcmry to1 imil your 1 r Broken Lenses Replaced DR. COBLE'S ' 70 MAIM STREgT Rtfairr Quick Sertct doesn't eat breuktast- '. From Cottnico Omve Frank. Hanibuck of Cnttag Clrovo spent th week end hero on business and pleasure. t tho Hot, Springs Nat reduce ' your ' fat and develop your muscles. Adv. Returned From Resort . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whltlock and aon Warren - have returned horn from a( few days vacation at their, summer honis at Lake o' tho Wood. Knroote Hnutli Mr. and Mr. Frod Oarlch at tonded tho baseball game nt Med ford on, Sunday enrouto south to Anaheim, Calif., whoro they will mnko their future home. NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA) Relumeil From Vnlley Mr. and Mra. Jack Oove wero ainong. the, local people whq mo tored to Medford on Sunday to attend tho baseball game be tween Medford and Klarnath Faljs. , Attended fianin Attorney W. H. A. Rennor with ren have returned home from nnihls wife and children motored to enjoyable visit In ' Mnrnhfluld Medford Sunday, whero they en wllh rolntlvea nni) friend. Hill For Flower' iDd Floral designs. Phone 1118. gd, ' " Joyed the hntl K'latnath Fall gama between nnd Medford. Expert Prearrlptlonlt V Forbes Puro Drug. tit. Sufferers from nccvuu!), dyspep- sia, nciHi. a nieni cino thut- will soothe and ouict tho - disordered nervo centers. Dr. Miles' Nervine is a medicine of proven value in nervous dyspepsia and many other' nervous dis orders, The first f ull-size bottle ' is guaranteed to help you or your I money w e be retundci Nervousness, (Sleeplessness, Neurasthenia, Nervous ' Dyspepsia, Nervous. Headarher N airalgia, W wii! semi n irotierous snmplo for Oo In Uttiups. Dr. Mile Medical Co. Elkhart. Ind. 431 Main St. CLEANING PRESSING Work called for and delivered. Klamath Cleaning & Dye Work Phone 40S. Christian Chnrch on' Saturday , evening at the hour of seven o'clock The ring ceremony, was : used, with Rev. V. K. Allison ' performing the ceremony In th presence ot a few reliitlve and friend. Mr. and Mrs. H. V.' Dow attended the young couple. ; Im mediately after the ceremony a weddiqg supper was rcrved at tho home of the groom's parents. Mr. 'and' Mrs! H. P. Dow, For the present, Mr. and Mrs. liow will make their home at Shlppington, ! with the mother ot the groom. WATCH REPAIRING l ' year gna-antee on all " Work f GEO.METZ JEWELER ' C2I Mala ' .I'lmJ I i,il).i(ll ill. I ... .V , '1 1.: it 1. Road Oil' Qeaning " - -v ' ' .1 ' ' - ' W ' il 'r Our KjiUem b. Something Srm aad Better tkava ttw Cars W a tied v. . Motors Cleaned. ' Varanrn Cleaned - '!. H ' PoUaoed , ; . "r ' ' '', ,1 Expert Greasing tree LraaB iaar mi imw Oaa and Oil 14 We. call for and deliver Phone 606 ", i NEW SYSTEM, AUTO LAUNDRY S Esplanade, near East Mala ' . II m HUE wm Pi TWT UtWwS Kxrrt Prescription 1st Forbes Pur Drugs. adv. ! i in II I Mir A.Y.D. g, V (At Tour Door) ' , -J&&&S5 Industrial Supplies. PHONE 871 Ii Rc. Phone 1 14.1 Klnmath Fall Office Phone 11MS MellHwe' itldg. For vour own aood. allow na lo make a careful and complete' I test o your eyes, which will j prove whether or not they are in, need of help. , DR. .H. W. BARR , ' Ey Sight Specialist GUSDUNN JEWKLKH and OITICL 003 Mala Street Standard Dyer and Cleaners ' Odorless Cleaning; ''If 1 V One; Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 s- ' The Morning After! ' - - ?e" You Have Taken Vits: X-. rv'ie?.'! ire , . r: Rexall ORDERLIES you will feel bright and , remalh fh alf day. The, pleasant, tasting and effective laxative,, that Is gentle In action and ab solutely sate. Never, necessary to In crease the dose. , . $100 BOTTLE OF ISO ' The Family Site . ! STAR DRUG STORE Klamatit Pall. 'Or. 1 f i- MODEL CLETRAC ' r 1S-2 H. P. Ideal for Farm Work and Industrial Service MODEL "K" CLETRAC is rapidly being adopted as standard equipment by State Highway Departments and contractors generally . because of its great power, flexibility,, ease of operation, fuel and oil economy and its ability: ta pull heavy loads on any footinor. pMODEL "K" travels sure-footedly over soft ground , and wet Bpots over ice, snow and slippery mud. No other tractor so thoroughly corn. ,.-- ' bines simple construction, giant strength and power efficiency! V PROFIT POWER " . for Industry and Agriculture) ,J ' J. W. Kerns :: Molina Distributor . ... -fj- Farm Implements, Cream Separators, Milk!- Machines, Fencing, Hay. Grain. Feed and Sail L 1 303, South Sixth St. Phona C ;J r'- Klamath Falls, Ore. 1.