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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1927)
Saturday,. July .10, 1027. TUB EVENING KKItALf). KI.AMA'I'M VAUH, OKFKJON "VaCe Seven -MARKET PLAGE s OF KENO NimyIuI In Inn IIih-hIiI KKNO, July SO. Nra; Taylor ml anna, John unit Hum, -compiinled by Mr. and Mr.' T. I'rnihnr unci Luellln llofimr dimiiiI ' Hianla at Crater lake on an out-! Ing. I NOTES (I, IT. Nelnnn of Meilfortl, mo- lion, wlivre ahn la teaching, lo Hired lo Klamath county with friends nnil relative,!, with rliitlv.' ov. r Hunduy. i Kil KrumiMiaiki-r mot lo Mr. and Mra. ('. 1). Wllklna anil 1 Klnmath Falls Kulurduy.' an Itaegrtin spent tho duy.nh-' William Trufren anil Thomae lug down the Klamath river Sun-' Walker of llulia FnlK no tit ilay. t ' Wednesday evening at III Know- l. J. iMirkolt motored to Weed aooaa homo on Iholr way lo 1 1 lit. during Ilia woitk on buslnoaa. Ml Heaths Kartell la slowly Improvlnii from bad ao of, blood fMilaon cuuard by a nil on ln r hand. .. Herbert llrlllaon bait Juat re A. Y. D. (At Your Door) t Industrial Supplies. I'llOXB 071 The lov.'est priced DoJge 'Sedan ever sold and the Best The Smoothest Smartest Sturdiest 0 x Longest springbase of any car under 1000 this means Comfort ' Surprising economy 25 miles per gallon at 2S miles per hour Remarkable acceleration From zero to 25 miles per hour through gears in less than seven seconds , Try a mile at the wheel and experi ence a new sensation ' at - . - . Ostendorif Motor Co. KLAMATH. 01.1 Klamath Avenue I I , THE REALTORS CODE OF ETHICS ,, f ' 1 ' ARTICLE. XII.' In Justice to those who place their it crests in his hands the Realtor should endeavor always to be informed regarding the law, proposed I ' '!. " ' """ legislation, and other essential facts and public policies which affect those interests. . ' . ip -i- . uaa . . u.i L --l '-a ' I J-J ' . .1 I ' agyji. ' ' . . I . l. I , , , ! ' Pop Speaks His Piece f C INC BCtN BKAQG1NQ OP V Ti7e SAMEWN- fTtitRe VoaQOLOOKlwa I iU i tt j A (' &o YOUR Wl FE I S Trie VCOl, , TrOHHS IS RIGHT.' AHO ) I LlNDeCRQH rW TlfC VP-J BuT-EH-WtU. AT TUG DfVJKj SE OP tT- 6ftM6 WAV, EH? ACTING VEflH fllelV TUCY CAU, IT THcT CEfl OP V I UftNO-(boiN( KVtiL TONIiWt VJC VeQ0I7KTSt UW ' LIW6 A HIGH SCHOOL Slr?C JV WIMMIN , ( AtrVrRIMONY-THfS RWfrR OP D00BT i T.ei .LN?..i-,7 r.v, JCfM-OOS R5R rXWHILE JUST 1 iTl Itl (ill AFTER Efi RlKr kISS JV nWMY? J "V YOOLD 6e BeTTCR-AVWRlftGe Hfl? V; -V ALONti? V-m V ITONLYflJOKeSMTITj YeS-BOr- yHOTS MTH6FHPeRS ' ,1 M0R6 ABOOT lSS fK LSS-AtARlrt6fr , r 'I NOhTHI 7 ftJh A.MfWeeTHC SXKTB OF HrtPPINeSS .i afiiflS lurn.vl from Aattland whom ho wait lullwl on account of lllueaa. It. A. llroylos nu.tored to. Kluin kill Km Ik on Tuenday. Jnaale Pucketl in ilown for short visit wllb her mother Friday. Hurry Pruthcr loft the first of ,1)11 wuk fur Klamath Fiilla. lid will ha employed In Ih Whit ninn ilrim atore. Mra. K. K. Puckalt mi Mm. Aaron Mourn waa afliirnoon vial- lorn lit Kiumulli Fnlla Wednosiluy. Mia Ktlml Pucketl han reruni- oil from Urn northern linn of Ore- tailf. MiHH WII.LH WISH MANCHESTER, Muaa , July 21. I ((f)! Mla Helen Wllla of Bur tkeliy, Cnllf., today defeated Mlaa Helen Jwolia of tin. setna city. 6 1. S I. In th (Inula 'of the Ksaes country rlnb tournament here. llll In Mnjnra. , Will y 'Monro, who hua been In 'over I1' aama aa nirhr for tha Now York Yiinkinnt and perfnrm rd well, ha yet In make a bnao bll In the majors. Wliut laa Imhoiiio of III" old fu:hlomd farmer who to loin I ho tiiun scribe a I HI" fnrm produce nli. ok about Ihia atmai.n, nf Hie jr? J . F.O.B. Detroit Fully Et)uipid 4-I)oor Sedan (Not n Couch) ..a tt . ...' 1 1 FAI LS. OR K, Phone 27'J - IP ' " ' ' ' a Quarter Million .Mpecliiinsi.., ,-ird Quality of V : " "deck " More than a quarter : million of (hear, rarh repmenting ja rixid inieetiun operation, are ' made daily In the nunufjclura of iXJraliam Brothrra trucka. They I I guardiana o( the quality, de pendability and long life which theae triuka drniopairatc in acrv ' ice. Not only dnea a corpt of Intpeciora, which in Itaelf would . iomi a large organiialioa, cun Hanlly check the niiiiuleit detuili ! of each tiuck while it ia being built, but every truck muit give a . erforinance demon, iration on the trat track. ' In addition, Vta of Orahani Brothera truck earavana Exhibit of Wheat Attracts Notice Eahlblta of wheat from the Tula lake dlatrlct which will pro duce from (0 to (0 buahela to tho ncre, If not further molested y'cd-out by graaahoppen. A tract graaahoppera, are on display at he ilalaigar Motor compayn Hpeclmens .f twj-row barley, which will run approximately 110 buahela and four-row' at R0 buah- STAGES TO ALL POINTS 326 New Phone Number New Reduced Rates New Location 51 8th & Klamath Ave. "The Sunshine Route" Reed 8C Reynolds Real Estate 1 Fire Insurance We specialize in ir rigated farms . and stock ranches. - ' T, ' ; : . ' . 1036 Main St. . ". Klamath .Falls, Ore. , . in. i ' tu aiMfc"ak4A . . CiLrj . y 7T JkUAil, f--Jll-jJj are frequently ma by the engi neering department under actual operating conditions with fu.ll load on proving grounds selected for their heavy gradta and other dif ficult conditions as shown in the large picture above. Inset at top J ela to tho acre, as well aa rye 1 1.000-mark bill, a large bouquet which will produce 40 buahela toiof rosea and the manifest Joy Ihe acre, are on display. of being filmed on the spot In- Many of tbe flelda in the Tula j numerable tlmea. lake section, according to D. R.j Nina Rljewsky. a 20-year-old Jenaen. who gathered the apeel-. Ruaalun girl, carried off the eec- mena, have been completely wlp- conatatlng of 400 acres of barley, 'and belonging to Ralalger. local Ford dealer, haa been ruin ed completely. Mr. Jensen atated. ItKItl.lN Jl IMiKH 'IKM)SK UKRMAK KIMMKR Ql'KEN' BERLIN. (AP) This year'a choice of. the Gorman summer queen Involved much careful con - aldentlon and Tepeated reconsia-. teratlon. For houra hundreds of compet-1 iing aapirania lor n-nw uuuw. I were obliged to file again and acaln beforo the stern appraising : Judgea in Luna Park tbe Coney i Island ot Berlin. It was not un til 10 o'clock at night thnt the Jury had sifted tho 25 moat promising maidens from all this wealth ot beauty in bathing cos tumes. At tho final public ballot the crown- was accorded by a large majority to an ja-year-oiu uer-i conservative pruviucnti puyura man mannequin, Margaret Krae-ltlon not only rejects the new mor. Tile regat nonors coomrmu on her iIbo comprised a -crisp , , , , . ( LOSING BIXDAY. In order to give our sellers and help somo rest and recreation, we have decided to close our din ing room on Sundays during tbe hot weather. MARSHALL HOUSE. - - . 28-30 J)K!NK RADIO! WATKK Una cured thousnnda. Why not you? Haillum ore for sale by X. A. HKK3GH, (Special Representative) Graham Brothers Trucks shows indicator test of gears at the factory which reveals error aa small aa one ten-thouaantlth of an inch. 1-ower right: Che.-. marks show inapectore at work ca rina) aaarmbly line at Crabars Brothers Detroit plant. ' ond prize. TWEXTV-FOI U IIOI R CIXXTC !i XIT I-OPI LAR IX CiKUMANY . ... : WANTED . Wnmin for bousc- ! HERI.IN. (AP) The twenty- . work. Phone '1032-J. 30 four hour clack, recently Installed I - throughout tbe German railways FOR SALE Reo truck at Cali ayatem and In the Reichstag, haaj 'ia Highway Garage. Must d: hard time winning tha. favor Bel'- 30-1 oi ma populace. , v aicnmaaera , fjhid.there t& virtually, aa demand, far jjlaia .Indicating the. twemy- ifur-aoura ot me oay. . ! At a meeting of the Berlin watch mikera one , enterprising mw i . . v. - wmu dial on which, at midday, tha figures 1 to 12 disappear and the numbers 13 to 24 come up i ill their place. Despite tbe fad I tnnt the firm carried on a big! advertising campaign for more, thin a month, It aold but few J Hatches with these dials. ) Thia firm also canvassed pub- 11c opinion In middle and south-!' em Oermany, and found that the watch but declines to say "halt past thlrtoen" or "twenty-three o'clock." V Brothers Held on , : Moonshine Charge With three charges, possession, introduction and sale of liquor placed against them, the Wheeler brothera of Whiskey creek, were j bound over to the grand Jury 'late Thursday afternoon. The two brothers will be taken i to Portland within the coming few days to await trial in fed- Series of Fires Rage in Portland PORTLAND. Or., July SO. A aorlea of flrea laat olght oc currlnc la half s isia pUcrn. rauad damaga of mora than 16,000. Tha moat arioua waa In a building at Broadway and An kiioy at reel a. The t'ortla raatan rant, Roctor botl, JaJca lllorh, RollloaaoD-Kaln real aalata com pany and tha E. I). Hutor radio acrvlco, all houaad In the alruc tura at Broadway and Ankeny, were damaged. , NEW TODAY Juat wondering If you were thinking of atorlng your effnrla while the wife take tha family varatlon. If ao. we have the beat place In town to elore houaehold eooda. We hate to aee you leave, hut If you d. we like to crata and pack your goods while you are .ir'hlng for a place lo beat Klamath. Long-time atorage our apwluliy. Who? Peoplea Warehouae. Whre? Bouth Sixth Street. When? Anytime. Why? Tor atorage. 30-2 NOTICE. Truck leaving for north Tuea day. by tbe way of Band, Ya kimi. Pendleton. Wenatcbee and Intermediate pointa. If you have any freight to or near any of the above uointa, aee Trl-8tale Realty 1134 Mala St. Thone 1040. 20 FOR RENT Furnished two-room apartment. Inquire 733 Main or tZi N. !lh. 30-1 FOR RENT Neatly furnished 2-room apt. Light, water, bath, use of phone. $25 per mo. H01 Alameda. Phone 629-J. 30 2 FOR RENT FurnUhcd real- denre of seven rooma In Hot i Springs Addn. Phone 295-J. 30-2 FOR RENT Three room modern furnished bouse, garage, on pavement. Suitable for couple only. Phone 7S9-W. 30 pQR RENT Furnished three rooms and hath , including ? piano. Close in on pavement To . responsible1 party. 1646; Portland St. 30 , R salb,. modei chrya- ler roadster, A-l condition Phona 1481-W. Klamath Auto Camp, hi mile east .of clay viaduct. Arthur WhltUtch. 30-2 FOR RENT Four room furnish ed apartment. 825 Lincoln. 30-2 , FOR RENT Four room modern house. Owner at 83S Walnut. 30 FOR SALE Summer home at : Fort Klamath. Address Post . office 616 Chiloqu:n, Oregon, i ' i 30-S FOR SALE New 3 -room house and garage. Hardwood floors in living room. Floors covered in all other rooma. Shower In bath room. A very good buy. i Prlca 31250. Small payment down. Balance like rent. Also . new 5-room house and garage. Nothing Is left- out In this I home. Price 14300. Open for " -inspection Saturday and Sun- Don't . listen to buncombe and day. One block from Pelican loat your cash. Don't amble Bay road on Lowell street, invest. Buy through a reliable Third street after leaving Or- real estate firm. We are thor gon Ave. Turn to left on Low- ongh in our Investigations. Re ell street. North Klamath liable. P.slls- 30 NEW TODAY FOR SALIC Poultry raivh. Ad dreaa Poatofflce CIS, Chlloquln. Oregon. 3U-5 WANT TO HUT Two uad heavy 3 or 4-Inch tire wagona; one uaed tire shrinking machine. Campbetl-Towle Lumber Co.. Bpragua Hirer. Ore. 30-S' FOR KKNT Purnlahud apart-' menu. Rxduced ratca. Coy Apta., tt Main 8L S0-J3 A STORE In thla location will pay. We hive a fine large corner lot on pave ment In one of Ibe beat re.i dence dlstiictii In town and one that la not mrved by any atora at thia time. . . TRI-BTATE3 REALTY Realtora Phone 1050 1131 Main ... 3U-2 FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooma, clone in, adulta. Phone 668-K. 1143 Plna. 30 PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 6tb and R. It. Spur Street construction haa ua ma rooned, but our telephone works and the number ta atill 704. Give ua a ring for rabbet hay and barley, feeda of oil kinds and Klamatb near potatoea. Buy from ua and aprnd the differ ence with Harrv'Pnn'H, . "WE DELIVER TI!E GOODS" ' . 30-2 o;n:iy vn-.a pianos very reaaonitilri. 30 monthly payments. W aters, up Stairs, 710 Main St. 20-1 a i 1 1 NOTICE. The Central Community Club will bold a meeting on Saturday evening, July 30. at 8:00 o'clock. Important. j , (signed) U. S. REEDER. I President. . j LOST AND FOUND LOST Male Better dog. white body, large black apola on bodv and bead. Strayed from Edge wood ranch about alz weeks ago. Has end of toll cut off. Laat seen at Algoma. Reward. - Xt-St ii g iiVVVVTarrvnjanjuTj tjutji WANTED WANTED Oood stenographer desires position. Can g e ref erences.; Call Herald Office. ' . 28-S IF- concern .YOUR FAMILY'S' ' -j FUTURE - ' rUK lKAUb NEW AND STRICTLY modern 4-room bungalow; fireplace; , lots of bullt-ins. Will take good car or lot as part pay ment. . FOUR-ROOM HOUSE in Mills Addition to trade for 5- or 6 room ho!se, located near town. STCDEBAKER roadster to trade tor bouae. THREE-ROOM modern furnished house located just off Crescent Ave. Will take vacant lot as payment. 30 ACRES near Corvallls trade for dairy ranch. . to CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors . 727 Main St. 30-Jyl !, HOTP' ' iOWT:P i MISCELLANEOUS , AT WINDOW CLEANING floor waxing, houa cleaning and Jen- Iter aervlce. i. neierencea. Phone IQ&t-W. Heferencea. A, 1 i U. rthoada. FOR SALE FOR SALE One good milk cow. Bill Kalvey, Merrill. Ore. ! FOR BALE Breeding rabblta. , Phone 64-J. Sa-t FOR BALE Breeding rabblta. Matt Kobn, Ja. Phone 6 4 4-J. 2J- i FOR BALE Froth yagetablea, ' new potatoea, gal and oil. )t Latta Broa., Booth Merrill i Road. 21-30 FOR BALE Two beda, iprlngi and mattrmaea. Sanitary couch, ' rocker and dining room chatra. Alao rug. ' 714 Ut. Francla St. 1 2i-" : FOR SALS Plymouth Rock ' chickena. Will lay la Septem ber Latta Broa., Merrill Road, Oregon. Phone. 19K21. 28-30 FOR . FALE Uprlnger Spaniel puppies. Imported atock. Beat. Una of breeding In America.' Phone 330, or call at 14 ' ' Portland avenue after 7:30 In 1 tha even lux.' . . 32-30 1 For Sal Read Estate FOR SALE In Langell valley, ,, on easy tarmo 80 aerea of fine level land, all under Irrl- '. gallon ditch with amall houaa j and barn. Well of water. Will . aell ery .cheap If aold bafora Sept. 1st. F. R. Hall, 133 South Riverside. 29-4 FOR SALE OR TRADE 62-asre dairy and poultry ranch on,, Dalles-California highway near . Modoc Point. Natural meadow.. Irrigation, some plow land. '. buildings, fenced. , Priced ra aomble. Terms. Will trgde for ; yoar homo In Klamath Falls- ' M.- Motachenbacher, 727 Wal nut Ave. 19-30. FOR EXCHANCE Fine 6-room. : home in Ashland; cedern, on ' . pavement. Raaement, etc. Will . trade tor Klamath Falla home..' WILL TRADE beautiful 1 new home in Klamath Falg for' Medford property. This prop- j erty well located In deairable district. - , , ij A. A. BELLMAN 4 CO.. . i"s 30 i REAL BARGAINS 11350 Nice house In Lakeview.' Addition, cloee to 'highway.' . Terms. - - j .- ,.'.;( r ... u , , . -. .u 31575 Fine 3-room ; house on i pavement, BuMtlna, etiu, on I large lot. Easy ternu. . , ( - 1 12300 Dandy new 4-room home - close to pavement Hardwood ' floors, bath, nook, garage large front and rear porch. A 1 tine home. Easy terms. '. 12650 Beautiful 3-room home' In Hot Springs. Nook, balh.' ' Urge lot, electric atore. Jtopaer j . new; owner non-resident. lav priced to aelL Terms. - - ... A- BELLMAN ' CO. $ 1J0 N. 7th St. "... Phone 15S- " ' yTQ'ii.niiiinisvv njn'unrr'-u. FOR RENT F0 RSNT Sleeping room"! -close in. reasonable. 317 Pine.! ' " ' ' '- '' - ''- 23-30';" FOR RENT -5-room unfurnished .bouse: .Call Martha Tpp, 37l.-, '"' ' 26-5t ' ROOMS -r 830 Lincoln. Phone' "7-W. J27-A27,' FOR RENT First class furnish' ed apt., steam heated. Mo ' Carthy Apts., 630 Pine. Phone 00. . : . ,4t FOR RENT-Completely furnUh- -ed apts., garage, new building, Juat off Main on Broad. Rex' Arms. Phone 1118. J20-A20 FOR RENT New pianos. 16.00 per month. Rent to apply on purchase price. 710 Main 8t... winters. Upstairs. 29-1 FOR RENT Outside modern furnished apt. Winters Bldg. Phona 149-W. i . . J9.i FOR RENT Furnished Court apis, z rooms and bath. Else trie range, hot water, garage. 1615 Esplanade. Phone 794-W, . .. . J29-A29 FOR RENT One 3-room and one 4-room furnished apart uient. Wood and water fur- , nlshed. 335 and 340 a mo.. New and modern. Lucas Fur niture and Hardware. SC6 Main St. 2(tt FOR RENT We can save you big money at the Arcade Hotel ' . Apartments, furnished com- ' Pjetely, electric ranges, linen, dishes and telephones. Or rooms with private baths at real cut rates to permanent guests. Arcade.'. - M9-J9 I 1 i - 1 1 :jl3