'Hfi Sit' TAz Foret tire I Under Control BAN FRANCIHtO, July. 30. The, local district office of (he United State forast service re ported that more than sixty mm were fighting (Ira that etart d la government timber on the Klk Creek. Klamath National forest, lx day ana and that It wsa expected tne conflagration would be exlulKulsbad within tho BARGAINS in used cars at a renponsible dealer and prices that are priced for Quick Sale. We trade end . give terms. - THREE 1926 FORD TOURINGS Take your choice at $275 1925 Ford Touring $250 1924 Ford Touring 140 1924 Ford Roadster 100 1923 Ford 1 Ton Truck 275 0STEND0RF MOTOR CO. ' Dodge and Graham Brother Dealer 515 Klamath Avenue ' . 'Phone 272 1 7?-dance 0 tonite TO THE KIND OF MUSIC THAT MAKES THE BRUNSWICK FANATROPE ' . WORLD FAMOUS . - Sensational Personal Appearance -.I.i..l..i.. t:i ultima anas FAY ELLIOTT 1 i twrnM BRUNSWICK RECORD jj 5" artist and his world t&mou Ji ! ORCHESTRA '11 Phonograph Artists-1-1 1 T NOTE It is our great pleasure to be able to present to the dancer of this city the pride of New York and Atlantic City' finest ballroom an eleven-piece recording orchestra that ba won the sobriquet'of "Master exponents of-dance sock rbtybm, and under arrangement whereby. It Is not neseccary to advance our usual admission prices. ' It will be dance music that you'll never forget... -:"',' vv..V. Sincerely, HAL BLACKBURN and His Orchestra. HEAR THEIR TWO ' NEW BRUNSWICK RECORDS: "WATERS OF THE MINETON KA" AND MASSANET'S "ELEOIE.'V PRIOR P THEIR BRUNSWICK RELEASE : PLAYING 89 IXSTnrMKXTS, IVCLIDIXO Quartet trumpets, string quartet, trombone duet, quarter bsritone saxophone, guitar novelties, oriental plp?r sextet. Featuring "Hoosier Sweetheart." "Side by Side," "Ain't She Sweet." Their own special arrangement of every number played. ' .. . ; . ALTAMONT lAVlLION TONIGHT ONLY Couple, Sl.lO, Extra Ladles, !We 1 v, . .... ... MOM'N POP .vcksi'iwimg A'.c next (wo day.. Mora JJjau 1600 j mi nvio uuiuru, mw fiUH stated. Having Tough T2.no. Harry O'Boyle. former Notre Dame grid atar, la having a to,ugh time keeping regular Job In the minor league. The trangnr- In our (air land 'la entitled (o be told that "Rink Co" ia the headline writer' 'shorthand for hockey contest.- USLai -.7 . r. I Kiesi 1 a. s. t-f . -.. f r,.f"f j IT I 111 i'U- JUC-T FCCI MfcR -WHSrt 1 1 !, 7 6he cwf j none vul. ppctfnd j ,k X.'M TfiLKiWG ToCrUc Gf?CfiT J ' j vt V. s'E come-s wow ' S M-.',pl ?,., lw uy , jj '. i -.1 ( I.-,..,-..-,.' '. i . 1.9 '' ' ' V JR. nnnim i in iiiii UUilVALUbM . IS CANDIDATE A. A. Like Schramm Would to Get Job At Bank Superintendent '" ' II II. fl . SALEM. July SO. ,3n An other candidate for appointment aa atate bank superintendent In event of the resignation of Frank I C. Bromwell. baa appeared In tho person of A. A. Schramm, cash - ler of a bank at C'orvallle. Schramm was her. yesterday con-1 ferring with member of the stat banking b4rd. Ho ns.hre. . . ... . ' formerly with the Ladd Bush bank In Salem and was for sev eral years a state bank examiner. Vn W. Olcott, former governor, and 'tor tho last tour year a resident of California, is a can dlate and also John M Throne of ltoseburg has his application before tho board. RICHARDSON SPRINGS On Highway Near Chico , y ; . The most talked of resor'tm the state. There ; must be a reason! Vhy not come ;. s and see for yourself? LEE RICHARDSON, Mgr. . WALL PAPER All New Stock i Acme Quality Paints F R. OLDS Across from Postoffice Phone 43 Genuine High-Lift Mowers McCormick.Deering mowers are genuine high-lift mowers. The five-foot cutter bar will raise 44 inches at the outer shoe and 13 inches at the inner shoe. This is ample height to take care of all condi tions, except in excessively rough, stony, or stumpy ground, or where cutting must be done around trees and buildings. In such a .case you need a McCorm-ick-Deering-'vertical lift' mower. i" Do you realize that there have been more im provements added to mowing machines in the last ten years than in the previous thirty? Improved ma. terial and improved manufacturing methods have made it possible to build a much higher grade ma chine for 1927 than was possible just a few years ago. Many of the improvements added to the Mc-Cormick-Deering mowers.-are exclusive features' not found in mowers of' any other make. Let us send you a capy of our booklet "More Than Just a Mow er" which tells an interesting story of how machines for cutting hay have been improved and brought up to present-day high efficiency".' A copy of this book let is yours for the asking. . ' Do not wait until your hay is ready to cut before you look over your hay making equipment. It would be wiser to look it oer early and if you are going to... need a mower come in and let us show you the many good features of' the McCormick-Deering. . .- J. S. MILLS 8C SON Phone 9 Trapped "thu even'imc iu:iuio;ju.amath,.'iai.u OUfclUON Coos Bay Triangle MA8HFIBLD. My f;( ((All Neva lluti her. 40, was lu a hoapltul at ('oqullle today. Buf fering from three platol wonutU. rinyd Conrad was la (ho coun ty Jul! charged with the ahootlng. Jealousy orer Conrad a 'Wife was reported the causa of the ahoot lng.' NEW YOftK, July S9. ( The Duponi have made a bit of njr Buying iniu inn niaies m on oay uiier in P-; ich M they made , M'l'r Wfit of ,rt00.0i)ii. bteel j eommon went up 6V,i The D-, P"" " "' "UU"V " 'u"v 1 HoMlcrs Attacked. 11 ,1 DV11LIN. July 89. (AI Arm ed men made an attack on I he guard at the Tallnght military camp, near Dublin, this morning, but were driven off by tho col- dlers' fire. None of the jwas Injured. guard 6th and Klamath (?. . fJO-AIO-ARGiL.T603f;-IDlOMY HEWK1, X JOST MCT - " S '',( T ( MEAN TO KECP VCO WAITING ftT A merHONfTf-INe-MflN 4JX i ) your otoe (-rtSTfjf6HrM ootsioc- oo phone has VraN ritir V VAN SWERINGEN VwrtTO Ml I BCZN OCT OF ORtXif? ftU- IJ j, V A' 1 flOVlCE ON O Bl3 (trtltROrtD DflV BUT HG SflVS IT'U. IV 0 lli'sSS V MGrtGCR WO t WAS A 66 FlKtD IN rtN HOUR VX 4Lr DETINfcDYvHfVr? OH. N. 0 OO ,'jhXt I , V " Y 'v i Md.U I.NT.Uf' ' ty .Sx'K. eiwr nr w !,. -.-,T,-t f. i Fire; MarhaII Think Wa pinitia Blaze May Have Been Setv ! WAPINITIA, Ore., July 80. HrP) The slate fir marshal Is I Investigating a fire 'whirl) com- ,lty raM., ,he llcdln Lumber company's mill hero Inst Mon- n4y nt)!nt, , ,-ir, ,utt r, U(. U(,V(1( 0, hliv. ,,,. l0 rurl(lrt, huh had just boen leased to the Linn & 8m Mill caiununv. Work of Instulllng new belt e.ml equipment had been started 'only a tew days beforo the Mat. The building aud equipment are a romp it Ina. At the Pine Tree Oottlng a cat to climb a tree 1 tltuntlon are presented, a story easy enough for a movie director,- ,ntrit lh, BoVr!, e),rlt to. but piruadlng a caged lion to !,, Dy Max llrand, will bold effect: hut escape by tunneling a'you spell-bound. . ' ' , , hale In a pile of sand la another, . ' ' ' matter. J NOIITHAMI'TON, Mass., July Johnny Illnes bucked up .. ,,., s,, , ,n i.,.i,i., Bgalput the bitter condition while filming one of the ' hilnrloua se quences in "All Aboard," allow ing at the I'ln Tree Katurduy only. Johnny personally directed tho cone, lie ordered the big vua containing tho lion moved up to , the cugo which had been erected on a "t In lh studio. When the King of lleual slopped Into hi new homo In tho' studio fully do persons, mostly meraVcri of tho cast. Including Ki'.ua Murphy, Frank Hugney, Sojln. Dot Farley, Hub London and others, were gathered about tho rage, each with his eye on acme ' vantage point above the floor tn ' be Instantly utilised should the lion ducide to shatter the -ooden tar. Leo, however, went right over to the sand heap and started ti uiE. loon acung jou so, sunuusiy mai no sprayeu eanu ,, for Klamath County. Into several of the cumera. put-1 the Matter nf the Ktiito of ting their mechanism cut of com- Joseph Coburn. Deceased, mission for" the time being.- The, The undera'gned ha been p comedian, however, yelled at the pointed administratrix of wild top of his lungs for the surviving ' "'d court: nolle Is cameras to grind away. Finally rty given to the creditors of when the Hon was almost burled decodent- to present their claims. In thi) beup of sand and had secured the raw steak which wa his remuneration fcr hi bit of dramatic acting. - For Sunday and Monday, Con stance Talmadge and Antonio July flh Moreno appearing together In comedy romance de luxe, "Ven us of Venire"- the wonderful scene la Venice canals gon dolas reckless carnival crowds with a bit of comedy to. set oft I the romance of tb young Ameri can artist and the woman i had designs on blm. who .For' real horsemanship and rare ncrr. that displayed by I'eto Morrison and Hetty Good win In "Ono Shot Ilnngu'r." the picture' coming to the Liberty theatre for Saturday only, ought to get a medaL Hetty I goaded Graham 1 Ton Panel In good condition and carries a 30-day ; guarantee. ; Ostendorf Motor Co. (3 Veronica 'Redudpg Welghi Ala yructD a fkyflcf ( a High Blood P ii is AMTflnllla.i Kldo.y, llv Bad Bladder Trowbla , I a I s 1 1 a Coasilsallas 'Star Drug Co. At the Liberty Ni . Ukv l JwF- ,.lldi horse, In a horse by I'd a rival. The h a real bad one, balls and wild chase 1'ete, on Lightning, hia fumou blue rtbtmu winner, overtaken him and sweeps Mis (loudwln to the pommel of bla own aaddle. It la a thrilling and hair-raising episode ' In1' a Western that baa a thrill to ev ery ten. feet. . There la plenty of anion thru ant the entire picture; Fete Mor rison assumes the role of a pugl- list In one scene and administers a sever thrashing to a member of a gang of rough cowpuuelte.ni, who hiu liiHUltd Ml.s (loudwln, In the rolo tit tho heroine. At ti,. os of lh n:oimUi-. on of ,ha u,t ,11,, .,. tight ever screened, the "bad man" has onft closed and Pet walk out with a nusu lonk- Ins like a rlpn tomato, At the matinee free gift will be given to all kiddles who attend so unless you want to be dlsap- , pointed better earns early, Sunday and Monday,- Teal fust action photodrnnin, "The : Flying Horseman.", slurring Muck . June wherein numerous (xcltlng t'oolhlte'a home town. Two girl went Shopping In ono piece buttl ing soils. Homebody notified the mayor and rlilct of police. Then tho shoppers fled through a rur- )JM u,roBg. There aro elnlit-.vvun women scientist!). Including ilieinlMs. toologtit. physicists, bntanlsla anil patholnglata, employed In the govoi nuiuni department In Wash tUKlotl, ' . In ttiV Island of llao, a French possession lu the mid-Pacific, ml eorre a mediums of ex change and with a sufficient number n man cin buy n wife. Legal Notices .NOTH'K T (TtKKITOKH. , ,,, runIV ,.,lrl of ()re. nuiy vormea s oy law required, within alx months after the first publication of this nolle, to the undersigned In . Bpraguo River. ; Oregon. Dated Klanuto Fall. Oregon, I 1927. t mi Ki'ivc I Administratrix. . " 9-H-J3-30 MUTK'K TO CUKDI TOIIH. 4 '".; a t .Notice Is hereby given lhat the ndersigned has been duly au- pointed administratrix of the es tate of Luella II. Sargent, de ceased, by the County Court of the mat of Oregon for Klamath County, and all person having ' claim ag ilnst said estate arc hereby notified to present name to said administratrix at (he of fice of W. M. Duncan, Itoom 14, ' Klamath FalU Business Directory L0IH;K, MtATKHNAL, XOTICK ft U. P. O. K1.KH Meet Thursday evening. Visiting me.nber wel come. . ELKS TEMPLK, 3rd and Main OLIVER RI'IKKFl, Kxilted Kuler F. D. MCMILLAN, tteeretary ' Fraternal Order of tattle lyP.t Meet Every Frl day. 7:30 at . VtWS Moos Hall. ' ' C t LONO. seeretarr Aerie- 2090. J'hone 57i Labor - , Temple LOYAL OUDKK OK MtMWK Meet aVery Thurs day, 7:30 L. 'O.' O. M. Ji) Moose Hall, Klara- SSSr ' ath Ave. OF.O. OOLE, Die. Klamath Lodge No. 77 KfA. F. and A. M. ' 'Blated'" Communication Second and Fourth Monday Visiting Ilrothers Welcome " LOOMI8 IlllLDINO ' By Taylor Into mounting and riding a. .wild. .Legul Notices Court llousit, Kluinalh Kulls, lire gun, within six months from the dnte of this Police. lated July Bih. 1BIT. MAIIY K. WOltPKN, Adtiilnlstrutrlx of III KhIuIo of Luelln II. Hurgent. fteeennefl. . v . B-i8-a:i-sa k NOTH K, ' ' To prospective member of lh Tower Kluuisth Luke Oraslng As l tcUtlon, We' have how" the' eer- fliat of Incorporation. You or notllied und urged to apply for memberslilp on Muturdny, July SO, lfT, t o'clock p. tn., st the 1. O. O. hull In Merrill, Oregon,- At lh asm time aud plac. the pwrmanent director will h elected. ' ' Tb liy-l.aw must bo readort d. ' ' i - f The Incorporators of the Iiw er Klnmutli Lake Urulug Assu- Klamath Falls Business Directory .lTTOIINKV! I . ('. HltoWKH Attorney-ntl.nw Slate and Federal Cents Abstract Kxumlneil IH.1 Willlts ItlrlK. - riione SI 1 Ileal Ketutn Law a Hpeelalty li. l. ti.i.itii-r Atlorney-nt.l.'.iw Kullo 1 New Melhase tllilg. I'lione S?t-J Offlre I'hone lau Arroas stnnl from Court House M. O. WILKINS Lawyer JOS WlUlnmi Building Klamath Falls. Oreion Phone 1480 Day or N'gbt Al Tli.MOIIII.K DK.M.KHH Kepair Work, llatterv Service, Tires Nash. Oakland, I'nnllsc, I'ni'kard II. II. H. OAltAt.K , . 131 Klamath Next to Jetofflco I'hone 1 S C.r(id)c:ir Tlte Fireproof Htnrsgn -i- At TO.MullILK 1IHKH llrliig In lour worn tires . get ooiki mil,-, ihore at ' M naunl runt , ACK Tilth' HIIOI' riuranted vulcanlilng IIS So. 1 1th Pt. I'hone t3-J ret reads ' ' i ., AI TO ItKI'Allt Hmllhy' Itepair Hliop . Guaranteed Auto Repairing Crs called for and delivered South Ota HL I'hone K03-W HATTKHV HKBVIt K Battery Bertice." Maitnito, Htartur and Generator ' Itepdlrllg KLOVIp HKMtlOT CO, 234 Main Ht. I'hone JS7-W ilaltery. Magneto, (ieneralur and . Complete . Electrical ' tWrvlce t .... .. W. I. Johnson' AtTO KLKCIKIC HKItTK K 734 Klamath I'hone 341 Phllco Itemy Dolco . ! llosch Aiitolll ' (iK.XKIi.AL. KKI'Alll M HI MKKT H (tKVKKAfj , - KKI'Alll HKItVICK Carl Schubert, Jr. Itepair Cash Iteglitor. Type writer. Adding Machine, Safe and Lock ' and - Guns. 630 Klamath Ave. (Between; 8th snd th) HKAl TV I'AKMlltH Export Operator, Individual oootli. Tlolet ray, marcell ing, bsir tinting - -nOHTOW BKAITV HIIOP Clorenna -Warren -Winter Uldg. phono 311 Water, French Paper Curl Facial and : Scalp Treatment HL'ILDl.XO MATKKIAIJ4 HWAV LAKE MOl'I.niNO CO. Quality nulldlug Material -South 0th St. I'hon 769 WANTED Carpenter work hy contract or Day. v Cabinet work and fixture bnllt. 1401 Division M. I'hone 140.1 , CHl'ItCHKH HACKED HEART Ht IK II Eighth and High 81., Hev. A. K. Looser, Iter. C. I). Felg. Sunday masse at 6:30, g.uo and 10:30. Evening devotions t 7:80. Week-day mass at 7 a. m. Morrllls, 1st and 3rd Bundhys at 10:30. All are rordinlly welcome at our erv lce i. '. . , CIVIL KXaiNKKRH J. C. f I.EOHORV Civil) Engineer and Surveyor 2.19 High fltreot C." C. ICELLKV ' Consulting Civil Engineer tjnderwood Ulrtg: I'hon 1075 DKXTIHTS Dlt. H. . WIHECAItVEIt DR. M. K. fflOPKIV Dentistry X-nAY Laboratory Underwood Illdg, I'hon (46 Kaiunla.v, July 110." I'lnrTT" . Lepnl Nctlrea clnlion, lly At'dl'XT ANnniKM. Merrill. Or, Jll-lt t .. Mint K. IN TUB COUNTY COIMIT Of , TIIK BTATK OK ' OMK0ON. h)H TIIK 'COUNTY ' Of Mi.TNO.MA!l. ' M TIIK MATTKIl Or lh Of isulialluli of l4ik HUoro (Urdcul llralnag llUlrlcl. NDTICK la hereby given bjr nnbllrutlcn In lh Klamath, Fallr llrld of Klamalh Kills, Oru gut, on this IStlt day of Jul, la7. thai a meeting of lh own ers uf lun I sltunted la lb I Jit Hhure (larden Drnlunje District for tha puri'use of electing a Hoard of Hire Supervisors, will lie held at the County . Court llntl n Klnmnth Full". r gnu, on the tin day of Augast, im i .' p. mv ' C It. DeLAP. ' County Clerk, Klamalh Couulr, Klamalh - Kll. Oregon,- k KKNTISTM General I'rsril.-e " Dentistry Ml. I'MILII' C l.K 013 Main Over Mo- Klore -I'hon 609 Opn Evening by Appointment tar, K)o ami Noeo Port or Dr. J. J. Emmens, Medmrd. Ore.' ' ' I'rscllro limited to eye, esr, vnse snd Ibront. I'hone (07 t IIIIUll'ltAtTOHH v Dlt. t.l.K.V .MIMtHkl : I'slrusr Uraduate ' Chronic and Norvsun )e New Melhas Ulork. 336 Mala I'lione 1378 Opposite Court llouao COXVALFJ( K.Vr HOMK COWAI.KMt :nt IIOMN IU ;rsNMe UM AsIiUihI, Ore. Where the sick and aged are ared for In pleasan( bom sur. roiinillngs. - ' JS-A6 Bplsudld car at reasooabl I . price. Mntemltv raiu a specialty. TIIK I'ltlVATI! HiNATARIl'M - ' I'hone 7IH-W . 3504 Wordea and 3 Kb M. ' '' JL310 KMI'LOYMKNT AdEXC'V . KLAMATH KMI'U)VMBNT ' " i . OKklCK ' -Employment for worker la very irado mills, railway and farms, James ftyan, Prop. " ath and Main. I'lione 1ST INNl KANCK New York Life Inaursnc Co. P. E. IH ItkK v Agent 3 Main Bt. i KUMIU;-5 Ml I'KKIOIt AITO I.AV.NUHV Howl Otrigo Car Washed Called For and Delivered - I'hon 37 - - i . I.IVKMTOCK Fresh row on hand at all lime from on to carload KLAMATH IIAIRV COW CO. Pboness lunch 33F3-.lt. 414 E. Mocheflat. Jr. Texum Station OHTKOPATIIH . DK. V. It. UODDAKn I. O. O. F. TEMPLB Osteopathic Physician and Burgeon Office and Resldenca Phono 331 Ml HIO TK.( Hf AMERICAN CONHKRVATOBT - OP MCHIO Rand and Orchestra Instrument Taught. Classea la Harmony and Arranging 3rd Floor -. ' Winter nidg. FU-MU MIIHIO BTUDIO MIHH F. I.ARHO.V Teacher of Piano x 1 1313. Lookont VV" . ' IMioitA 7aaV , ' i - ' March 13 - ----''--'--- -iriririruM'ii irisrt PAI.NTH, WALL PAPEIi Wall Paper, Paint, Enamda, Ilrushe i . i P. 11 OLDfl Across from J'oslofflca Phone 43 , . Everything a Paint Star Keep .... Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dead enlng Felt, filass, Roofing, ' Wall-Paper PATTI RRON'H PAINT S-ORH 020 8o 0th Bt. i I'hon 683-J BTEXOfiltAPHY M KM. -LB, HAOIK -Public Stenographer' a . t- - Notary - I'uhtlo Saving and Loam " Ileal Estate ' ' t In. 810 Wllllla niiltf. Phone HUT ; aii Kinus of legal form -1 TIMUEH CltriHEHH - Timber Cruising, 'tteoonnahv nee and Apprblsal .iw. II.. H. fMJI.I.' . ... 400 Main Ht. - I'lionn COS-W Working from M. L. Johnson's office ' KXCAVATIXO- BLAHTIXO' " Sower and L'ossponl Work Phono 42 1 Call at ma K. Mala Bt. FRANK MARTIN 'r .