PA HE FOUrt THE EVENING HERALD,' K1AMATH FAT.l-M, lOllfiGON fiaturtlnv. July :W, 1SI27. 0 . a 5 Sunning BrraliY rNKys-i T. n. M.U.ARKKY W. II. I'KUMNS i. u. .'. Editor ..Advertising Maoitr .:..i.Uuaius Manager ,CMURCI-IES spirit, lu nil bin power, iml glory -returning to Hi church In these lust day of time. You cannot af-; ford to uilsa vHu I diiskk , which concerns every christian,! , t'T. as second class matter at the poitofflca at Klamath Kalla. j ij.non, uu August 3), liuG. under act ot Congress March 3, ls79 t HT l'Al l.S M'lst)IML Ki-v. J. Henry Thomas 11:U a. in. thurva service. I. IK llM'rrd by furrier By 'Ont Year ( RO Ona Month' HU'Miinilia 3.50 inreo Montha . Throe Month l.SB Blx Montha OD'i Aluntb 65 One Year Mali .. 1.-5 1 S.75 . t.00 ' Associated Press Leased Wire Member of Audit Bureau of Circuation NA(HKI HKAItT Eighth, iml lllith MmH Rev. A. t Lorwer and Hev. f . 11. Frige Sunday mas-Hes at 6:30. S:S0 and 14:3d. Evening devotions at 7:30. Week day mas at 7: Hi) a m. Merrill's, first and third Sundays at 1Q:30. All are cordial ly welcome at our service. Member of tb Associated Press Tim Aforlnted Preps Is exclusively entitled to the una or republica tion of all naws dispatches credited o It or not otherwise credited In llil" psper and plso the local news published therein. All rights f repulilu allon of special dispatches herein ar also reserved. Saturday, July 30,-1927. What of Klamath? ZIOV MTIIKIt.W ltK High. MriM I . W. llofrnian, 1'aM or j ?:3t a. m. Sunday school., 10:30. morning aervlce. Topic ot the sermon will be "The: Spiritual Condition ot Natural Man." ' i Ja Ladles Ail will meet at the , icliurclt next Wednesday after noon.' ' i Tan-young people will meet In I ;ilie church room next Thursday evening nt ?:3rt. Please be f 'there. I IMMAM'Kli 11ATTIST Eleventh ami lliuti StreWa llulph Mnlliolbintl, I'astw Wo are, undertaking great business for the king these daya ' and those who are staying away are missing something. ( ' ! Murray Wade's exceptional magazine, called "Ore gon, carried tne tollowing editorial mention ot mis city in its last tasue: ' "Klamath Falls, yesterday an Indian village, is today a metropolis of its own empire, the Klamath basin. While freopxaphically of Oregon, most of its trading has been done in Calif ornia. Freight rates have made this so. The people -of Klamath are just as loyal to Oregon as the' rest of us. Their trade is worth while and they are thrifty and growing. " Their solution of marketing t . v...h. ,Llnfuld nsaenibly at thl. meeting. factum of lumber in its finished form the Klamath mills Gospel staring and address at nolo swell the citv's uavroll to around $1,000.00 a !J:oo. - month, liy the Jsatron, cut-off now in succesful opera come and bring your friends, blessing await all who rome. At 0:00 o'clock Young l'eol'a V service followed by a sinet ser-. Tic at T:5 p. m. begins the eve-j nlng song and cvangellntlc service, f a wonderful ttiuo of Messing la ex pected. The choir will slug, j "Wonderful Story of live." Mrs. I Leroy Jobnson will aloo bring a ispeciul mesvago In aong. IntttUd. t "The llaren of Kest," followed by the nieasago, "The Anchor ot the Soul," coma praying for a mighty revival of old time religion i In Klamath Fulls. Tuesday evening hand practice, Mr, I'ellott ': In I charge. Wednesday evening. great mid-week praise, und prayer ser- j vice, you cannot afford to miss It. 1 Thursday evening choir practice, Mrs. le Vrio In charge. Krlday ! evening measaga on the Holy Spirit followed by a prayer, and tarry meeting, the promise of the Holy Bplrit'a Incoming la to every believer. A big welcome awaits you at each ot these sen Ice. Pastor (uy UcVrle residence 233 ling ers street, phono' 1078-.M. study phone 675-W, i The statesman with the atn-1 dious expression Is the great dle l.nor. to whom the king Is ex plaining Iho theory of divine right. , Bible school at !:45. -i,t- Fran K. Von Isacescu. of Vlen tendance. U good, t'ome along. jna, (s U,l to be the first woman Morning there: "A Triple who attempted to awlm tho Kng Agrcmcnt." . n8a flannel. She made her first .Meeting of the young people ; attcmnt In 1S90. :o) p. in. Two of our um ber will make a report of the Obituary K very body always welcome. tion Klamath Falls is brought two hours' nearer Portland 'christian" and the Willamette Valeyy. Let's get that trade. They arc willing. ; "These is one 'way that is the modern way and s. ' scientific and "business-like way and that is to advertise Oregon made goods and Oregon business in the news papers of Klamath Falls. Tell these good people what we have that they want. Build a customer desire backed with our good goods and our good will. Shall we do it? Now? Or wait until, the' live wires of San finch the trade?''.. LI 1 hUi IS iU Mil 'if SXtv..;; - StlKXfE SOCIKTY Tciuli nt WaOilnglon Sunday setaool, :45 a. m. Sunday service, 11:00 a. m. 1 Wednesday evening meeting at S:vo. Subject for the morning ser vi: July 31. "Love." i Free reading room and free Tending library open from 3:30 .to 4:30 p. m. on Tuesday, Thurs .dav and Saturday. The nuhlie Fi anciriVO ij cordially invited to attend the j , service and use the reading room. : v. 1'i-ter W. Klrivrr Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the last rltea of IV 1 Uite Peter V. Klelver to bo held i from the Karl Whitlock Funeral I Home, Pine Avenue at Sixth on Sunday afternoon at 3:30. The'' funeral will bo under the dlroc- j tion ot tho local Masonic lodge. ! Interment will be made In Link vllle cemetery. Take advantage of the lowest prices in tire history! There never was a time like the i present to buy AJAX Hi-Spee J 1 Balloons at bargain prices. Never before has the opportunity i been offered to secure AJAX v quality, AJAX good looks, and the exclusive safety advantages of AJ AX scicntifically-engi- While Rock BotlMii s Prevail neercd design at prices so low. Come in today y equip with AJAX, in confidence that your judgment is backed 'by that of leading motor car manufac turers who for many years have selected AJAX as original equipment. Grasp the golden opportunity while rock bottom prices prc'ail. I o ' , - KLAMATH TKMPLE "'" ? ' ' tiuy DrVrie I'astor KIkIiiIi and Oak streets .1 . X,ll .in.l..nn-.U,.t..nnl .iiuvers weeKin rortiana wunessea a larire attena- ,v, , . ance, lots of!! fun Ifrttf ,t6W)iderable"busineiw.'- vvjq,d4y5.iiifvreiji-evtloirfir7.l-. Buyers Buy Lightly . : i .x i . i people have got ,Thj8 eTeain(t at 7.j oclock As one jobber remarked, however, into the habit of sucli light buying that nothing in the corner of 7th and world can induce them to break that custom." . meeting.. Sunday M: in streets, services: at ' T v. i . , . . is:j a. to. a real live grow ng Light buying has surely been the order of the day ! Sunday, gchooi. Mrs. John Lin since the big war. Everyone finds he can get ' along ' 'esty superintendent of classes. with less monev invested, ouiclcer tnrnnv.r snH .-allth competent teichers-for all of less credit "t3- If'yu,ar not attending " 1 . -'eun. ;any other Sunday school at pre- Since Nathan Strauss started Rnvpre Wool r;fin '.sen . we invite you to visit ns ) Minuay, a Dig welcome j wans an. ...Divine worship at 11:00, spe- song service, followed by the ness years ago there have been many changes in the busi world. The light buying has come along in that ncridoVai ana we nave seen the large community store which u?pd message from Gods word: -The to carry from a quarter to half a million ridiaro fArk'8 Triumphal Entry into Jer-.j f i nsalem." A type of the holy . 6vra.,, uuiiuai. jjaas uui vi ine picture, xviow, tne trucks( run often and the railroads do too, so why have a big stock? . , But the buyers were hopeful for a good year. They all reported extraordinary crops and throughout the ; proceedings it could be seen that northwest merchants, , w,me a mile restless as to what the future holds in the'f .i', d vi cnange ana development, they nevertheless have a strong feeling of safety and increase in the business of the western part of the nation during the year.-. ''JU Prince of. Waleo Arrives in Canada (Continued jFrom Page One) a mounted escort ot Canadian royal dragoon In scarlet and gold. Preiiil, r King and Premier Baldwin followed in an open car. As the party moved off rounds of choers went up for the visitors. Oilier oars, thirty in all. bore the officials and other members of tho party lo the chateau where the proYluca of Quebec Is enter taining the quests. KcportiTs l'lrwt Aboard Actually the first aboard the Kmprcss were the newspaper corrrijiondents who were con veyed out on a Canadian govern ment tender. , Passengers , ncd tho Eiunrcfm' railing and found smiiM ini nt whllo the small vessel liied for half an hour to make fast lo Iho great liull of the Em press, Quite unexpectedly Mr. Ilalilwtn was seen, pipe in. mouth, waving a greeting to the press parly who cheered In response. Once obonrd. the British prime BrtnlMer received the newspaper representatives In a lounge room when he as interviewed.. Mean while, the tender,' Lady Grey, amn alougslde with Premier King and Lieutenant Governor rtmdean and the press party W turned to King's wharf just i nd of the vleltors..' , i In Kugllsh and In French, the mayor of Quebec welcomed first Ihn princes and then Mr. Bald win. In part lbs mayor snld: "Wo greet in your royal. Ulgh- n'enfl the ambassador of dominions of the commonyealth.': have so much' contributed 'to' strengthen the bonds which link,' together the nations of the Writ-; Ish empire. ' i "We also extend to his royal liighnets. Prince George, the best ' wishes of our hearts in flits ex-' tensive voyage which will mark nn eventful period jot bis life. . We shall keep a' fond renu-m-: brance of this charming prince. To Shasta, HprinK ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Jumeg Bishop Foster and daughter, Phyllis, left! this morning for Shasta , Spring to spend several days ; with friends. . Ac Kntterliw Home Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parks of . Brownsville, Oregon, and Mrs. : Hex Robertson of Ran Francisco were guests ' tho home of Mr. 1 and Mrs. Guy Sattcrlee on Frl-! day. Mrs. - Robertson co'ntlnued her journey south to her home and . Mr. and Mrs. Parks have returned to Ilrownsvllle. They were entertained Informally at dinner at the Satlerlee home on' Friday. . ' hee long and Indefstlgubl and Mr. Journeys through "tho -different j Cisco, Guests nt tiub During the past week the Kennies Golf and Country club' was visited by a number of out-of-town, as well as out-of-state visitors. Including: Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. Marklcy, Los Angeles; W. J. McCarthy, Redding, Cal.; Mrs. I). K. Kenney, Yreka, Cal.; Harry Holden, Eugene; Clnude Rlggs, Kugene; Col. Thomson, Medford; Sidney Smith, Med- peaceford; M. R. Marcellus, Portland, Langhoro ot Ban Fran-I Py rs III oSFM" bMIMll) Li I I "T na J Drouxhawn, 4 BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main Street Phono 42 Zr !'' xJ!Ar-iXi.-sv1 ., 119$ Vv i ' icr; .' a, . . ' i i ! a ai i w. 4 Um Sr.Ua, ury w somrtninjc the m ixhttor liave tluit we can't arford." BILL TILDEN 1M YOV IHVK TltOlHI.K MTAIITIXO TOI'll FORI)? The Bosch Ignition System eliminates ull timer troubles and produces big. Intense, per fectly time,! sparks that make the engine run smoothly. Easy starting, smooth running, economy and more power are the big advantages of the HOSCH SYSTEM . Aia-nys ready to sell and serve you. W. P. JOHNSON'S Auto & Electric Service 721 Klnniiith Phono AID The best driver in the world may have an accident. It isn t ; always the driver's fault. Yet he fre quently has to pay. , Take no chances on being the victim of somebody else's carelessness. Insure yourself against per sonal liability. Let the insurance com pany carry the load and the worry. We will get you a ; ( policy in a strong and well known company at a cost , surprisingly small. Get the particulars ! without obligation. mwa TheWorld 1 s never k suchVal i 1 1 nown uer 137$ 149$ t J i.". " KJLS if Liuir Club ' tVvl 149$ All price . . b. Flint, Mlchlgmm CovemmeM twt U br m4Jd Fire ,: Automobile, Liability, Burglary and Life AU former standards of motor car value fell when the new Buick for 1928 swept into view. All previous conceptions of beauty ... smartness . . . luxury and comfort were discarded as people thrilled at Buick's graceful, youthful, low-swung bodies and Buick's harmonized interiors, as exquisite as the finest drawing rooms. All previous performance records faded into insignificance before Buick. 's brilliant . abilities mighty power, performance vibrationless beyond belief and get-away like an arrow from a bow. . ',: Here are listed all 16 Buick models. for 1928, with their prices, so that you may sec for yourself how little Buick costs, when you consider how much Buick gives. ' rr James H. DRISCOLLi BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main Street Phone 42 ! .-- rWHHN BETTER AUTOMOBfLES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUI L D TH1 u. ,! I i .W m . Mlil -