iiiiiivi.tV, July .id, yj'sj T1W KV'KNIIn IIMAU.'KI.AiMATH FALLS, mECQTT i? MEWS OF KLAMATH Items of Intercut Concerning Residents of the Great Klamath Basin., If You Have News for This Department, Your Courtesy in Calling 88 Will Be Appreciated Lornl , Wrallw-r ( I The! (-H4;iiniTiirrih' !,. n- derwood'a I'liiifniiiiy coiiitnu". lo register g very rv-n ImroiiiMirU , prithaur , A alight full look plum IhU morning which will j prohalily bo ' followed by mhiih eloudlneaa' IhU morning. Kor- cut 'for next 24 houre: Fair! and warm. The Tycoa rmordlng thermometer registered niuslmuin ml minimum temporal un-e to day I fojlowa: High. . low, (1. Kelatlv humidity, 23. Klirrmmi-WrhlxT Nuptials A wedding of Interest wne that of Ml llili n Wrtiber, daughter of Mr. (lid Mm, II. K. Webber to (inuiK hernien. ion uf Mr. Jee Hiiltey which wa loteninlvd on r'rlday afternoon at thr o'clock at Iho Klumaih Temple. Ilev. Oiiy lie Vrlr- performed th ring cer emony In Ihn pronem-a of twenty five Intimate friend nd relative of th popular young roupl. Mr. .Mud Hood and Waller Nlrhol were tho Btti'ti'lMilM. Mr. and Mra. Hherman will bo at liomi to their friend at 1410 Oregon aviinuo. l-ravlug Tomorrow Mra. J. I'. Moorl and daughter Unit plan lo leave tomorrow for Louisville, Kentucky, after an en joyable vllt In Klamath Kalis with Falhrr A. K. Looser, brother or Mra. Mort. While horn Mra. Moert wa entertained with a number of delightful aoclal el fulra and made many frlrnda who will regret to Innrn of her depart tiro for dor southern homo. k - Vlatlliig I'rorn Altunts Mr. and Mra. Jlo Hughe and, daughter, Misses Julia and Pay. who havo been Uniting; at the hnmra of Mr. and Mm. (Irovir lliiltho, Mr. and Mra. Itoy Dur bln and Mr. and Mm. rhnrle Thomaa plan lo ralurn homo to morrow. Thay hv enjoyed Iho paat week In Klamath Fall. Ilev. ttrynnt To I'roach ' Iter. J. W. flryam wlllpivh tha mornlna- ervlco for Tbo Klrst Mnthodlal chorrh no Bundiiy In tha basement of til rlty library, wboro aervlre am being hold un til tha completion of Iho new church. Hero Inn California P. K. I.ne, prominent rancher ot Midland, who ha recently re turned from Htnckton. will remain hero for aeveral weeka during the harvesting aeaaon. Mr. Lane waa In lha city yoaterday from hla ranch home and atopptd at the liotiil Arcade. At I'unllil Home Mra. C. J.'Marah of Dunaroulr with Mra. Maritarel 1'arrlah and Mm. ('. Illton of Iloaevllle are the week-end houae lueata of Mr. and Mm. n. U. I'urdln ot 2134 E. Ore gon avenue. The Tlallora will b taken to Crater lake on t8un-day. (Imrlro lllley llijurrd Cliarln Klley, ion of Mr. and Mi. Charlea Klley la recovering from an Injured foot which be Buffered aeveral day- ago while worklnic nt Pelli-an Hay' Lumber company. A hug loir fell, crush ing hla foot badly, however, no bonca were brokan. leaving Kumlny Mr. and Mra. II. D. Ilrodland and Mm. Edna Itoama with Henry Myera of Wallace, Idaho, who la tuning her with, friend plan la leave In Iho morning for Dia mond lake, where they will apend Sunday, Monday and Tueaday on an outing. At Tbo fondle Home Intereatlng visitor In Klamath Fall are Judge and Mm.' J. II. Landl of I'lacer county, Calif., and Mr. and Mra. J. P. Landl ot Lincoln, Calif. Thay are the houae gueata of' Mr. and Mr. Charlea Land I. ' ' Mia Wllaon Helumlng Mlaa Olive Wllaon la returning Sunday from a vlalt In Tallvy point with relative and friend. Who will aaaiat In the ready-to-wear department of Moo'a atoro during Iho month ot Auguat. Kwlmnilng I a wonderful exerclas. at the Hot Bprlng Nat., and Kaplnoado. Adv. Try It Spring Mix Vrwlrh Ift Mlaa Eather Veatcb haa left for lloieburg whom - ah will apend aeveral day vlaltlng wit II relative and frlenda. Mm. Fife Home Mr, (leorgn Plfo ha returned from an onjoyablo vlalt In Califor nia, where ahe paaaed fortnight with relative and frlenda. ' It the Hot Hprlng Nat reduce your fat and' develop your muaclo. Adv. At Tho C'onneM Home ' Mm.' H. D. Nixon nd daughter. Joan ot Eureka, Calif., are the houae guenl ot Mr. and Mr. W. W. Conner at 828 High atreet. Mr. Nixon and Mr. Conner dro liter. At Diamond Lake Mr. and Mr.- E. Hordenhroog and Mr. and Mr. Horman Koatnr are enjoying the week-end at Dia mond Inko, Expert Prracrlptionlat jj'orbo ruro Drug. dT, Mr. and Mr. Deljip leovlng Mr, and Mm. C. II, )ejip are at llliliurdaoii Kprlna where they wll rvmulu for a luw week whllo Mr. Pil.ap remove the cnuae and effect of a lame leg. The old county clerk rannat roullin Hint tin I nut Jut aa pry on he wua hen be came Into .the valley In covered wagon k number of year ito In fact, he came here when Cap tain Andegutn wa driving the pink mnl which he ud lo dig oul Crater Lake. leputy C. II. llelip took hla parental down to Rlrhardann, leaving their enr o that Mr. and Mm. I)elp may have flno lime In the lower country na aoon a he feel better. - lloye lli'lumed According ( word received from Lake O' the Wood where Iho boy ecout are enjoying mm mer rami, the erouta who enjoy ed the over night bike to Ml. IMlt returned aafely under the leaderahlp of II. V. Bearlea. de aplto a heavy atorm which they encountered. Machine were ent to' meet the hoy, l-ul they all retuaed lo rid, ao thoroughly did they enjoy, the hike. Mm. Murray Ifunoreil i Mm. Illlda Murray of Vulejo, Cnllfornla. whii Imi been Hi boue gueat of Mr. Mnrle Dav enport and her daughter Alicia Marie, waa delightfully enter tained on Tueaday af tho Daven port home with an afternoon of bridge. Mix llornurdlne Hun- . non huld high eore t Hi rloao of the play and the conaolatlnn waa awarded Mm. C. M. Ham by. A apeclal gueat prltn wna' prnaentod the honor tueat. Among Ihoae who enjoyed the afternoon were the honor gueat, Mra. Murray. Meadume Fred lloualon, Martin MeAndrewa. John I.lnman, H. E. Martin, P. K. Ilannon, P. M. Itnm.by, o. W. '. Kobnrtaon. K. J, Murray, Henry flolvln, A. W. Hrbiupp, Anns Fenwick, Ijwrcnce Ituconlch, M. Mntrhenhaeher, Mlue tternar dine Ilannon and Katherln Krum- j Undo of Urrkeley, California. I'rom (lilliMnli It. ('. Hplnk of Cbiloiiulu Iraiiiacled bualneaa III Llie icily luduy .'.V Hm Mluernl WuKT i ; at the Hot Kprlriy Nat pttrlflc i ; you r Mood. ! Try It.- Adv. t ij Coat Remodeled. Fur Manufacturer. Furrier mkh. wn.i iAM KKdMLtH - 421 Klnmath Arena, Between ortk and Fifth. Klamath Ftll Ore. Pro Lmkntrm ,ilr. Murry ItetnrnecJ Mr. and Mr. A. J. Ouley Mm. Illlda Murry ot and on of Ijik.vlew. are here California, who b.a been ih. Marie Daven- 1,-luv ...I J . 1. 1- .. -i.h ...... r ot 'M Klelver, who waa killed at tho "ort ni h,r o,1'1'Mer' Alicia, ha CrcMiked Creek Lumber company returned to her bom In the ramp. Mr. Oueley la coroner of (outhern city, l-akevlew. I i What ever became of lo "' 'faehlnaed girl who aaeii loapvol Vilejo, Saturday morning breathing Into lump chimney and olenitc lhui with an old awpaprf Ilctnrnot To ('nllfornln ll Kaler Kern, daughter of Mr. and Mm. lien Kern ha re turned to her homo In Kan Fran claco. nfler an ' enjolnhln vaca tion here. Mia Kerna la In train ing at l-onn" hoapltal In the outhern city. leaving for Rotith ' "Mr. and Mm', P. W. Down ley plan to leave on Monday for two monthi' vlalt In the extreme , umn, Sna win mnxe tno trip by motor. They will vlalt at the old plantation home of - Mm. Downley, near Oaten Iloiige,' and will vlilt with friend In New Orlean. Thl will make -Mr. Downley' flrat trip to her aonttl-' em home In more than twelve yr. While noitth they will vlalt In Florida. Mlnalaalppl and Alabama. Mm. Downley - bat been aaalatant ' to Dr. E. I). Johnaon tor the paat eight year. Tournament Postponed The I're.ldent Cup handicap tournament ha again been post poned until 8.temher 4. due to the hot weather. This postpone ment ' will enuble membera to turn In Korea for a better handi cap, which they are urged lo do. Hero For Two Wedi M. J. Ahlatrom I here from nimamulr for two weeka -and will trnnaart work In the Intftreata of the Southern Pacific while here. He I (topping at the Hotel Lake. KUraalh I lower Hhop For flower. Floral designs, quality with aervlre. 834 Main treet. Pbone 69. adr. Arrived from t ellfornla ' Mr. and ' Mr. ' Walter Kelley of Kan Francisco arrived In tho city thl morning and will pend fortnight hero with relative and frlenda. Mm. Kelley. nee Mamie Glacomlni, I the daugh ter of Mm. M. Glacomlni of Mer rill and a alater of Mr. Lester Offleld of till cliy. I'lrnlc To lie HH.I The Jolly Nelghbon and their famllle will hold a pot luck dinner at the Wtngcnd home on Bummer' I.an on Auguat third, (lame and outlof-door aport will be enjoyed. Ing Klnnulli County Mr. and Mm. J. n. Parker and Mr. and Mm. W. . Wlnnlngham of (iaiell, California, are enjoy ing lb week-end In Klamath coanty. The aouthern vlaltora are at the llolnl Wlllard. Iteturnlng Monde)' I Xlr. and Mra. laud, DvU JtW . eiicted home.on Manday froin Portland where they have 'been for the pat week on a combined bualneaa and pleasure trip. From Portlunil Mr. and Mm.' P. J. Cox of Portland are penduig the week end here on a combined bualneaa and pleasure trip. ' They art gueata at The Wlllard. Kt renter n Are. Aiwa)- Welcome at tho Hot Rprlnga Nat Spring and Esplanade. Adv. Hill For Flower . and Floral design, adv. riione lilt. Dr. Johnaon Awav Dr. E. D. Johnaon la expected home on Bunday evening from Ban Francisco, whore he ha bean tor aeveral daya on business. Accepted Position ' Dolmar Kobertaon ha accepted a position with the Southern Pac ific and took np hi-- work on ThUMday. , Ko.Uk Work j All film developed free tor ) one month by R. K. Sllnson. I Photographer, opposite cour houae. Adr. 30-1-2 I f . '. . . , - - Will Your j ' - - BatikBook Back You Up? Ready cash makes plan and hope r eali t y To every alert, ambitious young man who is serious-" ly intent on succeeding:, opportunity comes not once but every once in ty while. Thus we cin profit by our mistakes. It's beert our experience and probably ypurs too, that opportunity usually has a string' attached to it The command of ready money. Good buys and good deals have to he snapped up. ' '"' '" , ' 'How about you? Will your bank book back you up- the next -time a good thing corner your rway? Have"ydu a' good money making plan that only needs a bit of cash to put it over? ' Then open a savings account at this helpful bank and make opportunity work for you and not for the other mart who has saved for it. " i AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK MEMBER ?F FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Klamath Fall, Ore." '"''' Iletomeil Fnmt N'rrrth Mr, and Mr.' . Percy WM1 have returned bom from' de lightful trip In tho noiih, vlaltlng a Beattle, Vanroa'ef and other point of' Interest. ' They plan to spend the remainder ot the um- I mr vuenllon In Klamath county, imuch of which they will enjoy at j their summer boniest Lake o' tbi jWood. . from IUm ky Point i Mm. A. L. Leavitt of Itocky Point (pent the day here shop-ring. ' ( opoe Party 1 A party Including J. T. Palrldge, Itoland T. Warren, Roy Hill, A. Fredrick and Jack Walker of Med ford. onnected with the California-Oregon Power company, are roister) at the botel Hall today. You have learned 'erythlng easenllat about the ynuUJ It l" know whether he call htmaelf a college tudat or colttgw man. Too Late to CU7 i FOR BALK Cheap, Kit) Ford Tudor sedan, to good condition. Two new tire. Bee It t Hit Division. ' From Creweeiit Clly John L. Child ot Crescent City, California, I a week-end visitor Id tb city. for Save AT THE PINE TREE , ( V eif SATURDAY JOHNNY HIKES in . - "AU Aboard" C'Mon E-V-E-R-V-B-O-D-Y! Meet the Deaert ' Sheik Face to Face Racers, Chases, ' Fight and Fun 1 ITS FAST AND FURIOUS! Sunday and Monday . I CONSTANCE TALMADGE ' in ! "Venus of Venicew The Best Comedienne On the Screen I Kern. Pbone 1143 Klamath Fall Office fboae 1183 lUuue Bldg LitaaiJ Standard Dyer and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing ' 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 ' AT THE LIBERTY G.M.C.lTon 3M-ton wtth 40x9 rneumstlc tires on rear,' 3Sxt pneumatic tire on front. ri extra tire. Hand hoUt asd block body: 3130 down Ostendorf Motor Co. SATURDAY ONLY PETE MORRISON and EETTY GOODWIJJ In.. ' "ONE SHOT RANGER" They don't depend altogether npon Cona! There' riatrigbt owe man aainst a sum! lit will v r r vn nuifco sou cl.ng to your eeett FREE GIFTS -" ,. For the Kiddies at the Matinee Only. SUNDAY, and MONDAY ' -. . , i i- , Bl'CK JOXE8 la . - . "The flying Horseman9 THE ACE OP THE B ADDLE AND LA8SO! 'A Story of 8dprrme Bturienae ' " lilt jwi-ri-i . t r -'will . T it d ' i --, . ..V y We Have laEullLineon Disblav I M. s I! For Inmiranc 80s Jaa. 11. Drlscoll. Bldg. Adv. William From Hilvor '.ahe L. II. Charlea la registered at the Hotel Hall today from Sil ver Lake. ' Morrill VMtor 1 'A. "Young of Merrill I Includ ed In the out-of-town business vlaltora In Klamath Fall today. Ijitll Notice the clearne of your akin after wmmlng t the Hot Spring Nat. Adv. From l.krv lew Mr. and Mr. K. T. Newler of Lakevtow are week-end gueata In Klamath Falla. From Slrdforrt T. "W. 'I'araori I a business visitor In the city today ' from Med ford. in CHANGING STYLES clothing,' furniture and many commodities which preser' day civilization demands niay change. The same holds true .with bank service. Export Proacrlptlonlat Forbe rure Drug. dv. 1 One sounci fundamental in Ranking remains unchanged, SAFE TY OP PRINCIPAL. This institution has endeavored to build . ; ' - :it - ; i upon thi principle and give a practical service to its customers.' For your own good, allow u to' make careful and complete test ot your , eyes, which will prove whether or not they' are In need ot help. ' DR. H.' W. BARR Eye Sight Specialist GUSDUNN JEWELER and OPTICIAN " 003 Main Street a a . THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK J Reiourcet over $3,000,000.00 0! i. , . v .... i ,. i THE best way to buy arm equipment is to actually see the products before . t--you invest your money. THave them demonstrated to you antj. then . you . , 'know theywill meet your requirements. We have on display at all times the fuQ . h'ne of Fairbanks-Morse Products. Come in and look over the line, whether you are thinking of buying additional equipment at this time or not It is always n well to have such information when you are ready to buy. ' ' . (' -'Wp u 1 iwt-' FairbantMors"Z"Engiues From the randpoint of sfficiaocr, low cost end long lite, (he "Z ' Boine is the eheepeat "hired help" yoa can employ. Ovei 400,000 tatii bed owners are oaiog tbi nfia. Size IVi to 20 k. p., all low priced. 3 Hom$ Light mid Power Plants Both letrie tifht tad agm power from ewe plant at aweoost by a com bination of th famoua HZ Engiee with arardy, dependable garaM and 16 oell, 32 volt batttrr. r; . Steel Edifis Windmills All metal eoaatruation through out. Worm drive eliminates many parti tad permit wheat to be tipped to take advwntaga of alighteat wind. CompiaWty . aeli-oilinf. Tb higbeat elaaa windmill eoaetraotioabailV Sues 8 ft. and larger. " Th Fairbanks-Morse line also includes Fairbanks Scales, washing ma ' ' chines, general service tumping equipment, fiump Jacks, Power headi,electr1e ' , motors tc. Come in and let us tali over with sou jour requirements, Fairbanks-Morse ' Feed Grinders Designed for grinding groin mix tures, as well ai any single grain. Universal grinding plate give double service extreme sim plicity assure loo hie. Mad la three size. Home Water Plants ' Yoa can have running water under pressure where yoa want itwhcn yoa want it st a very low costfroer cistern, shallow or deep well. Elestrie, gasoline or kerosene power. 120, 200 end 400 g allow an hour plaotsj all at prioe that are right. 'V