PAGfe) TWO THE EVENING HKRAL.I).' KLAMATH FAU.S, OREtioN' Satindiiv, -July ao. I V- J 1 0 : t : i , I 1,; rArm HAXoixa 4 I'AlMIVU I JITIU SMITH BROS. . 4.09 Per Rama l' W t. Pbon. 40l The Cascade Hotel MODKHX Weekly Rate So.Ow and T Rhower end Tub lialna Vrr at aed Walaai. Phone elttl-W Klamath Partis, Ore. d Mineral WiU to lite World HOT HPItl W " ; 5 NATATOKIl'M 7 now open from . 7: BO a. n. o mianigni. Jnb Baths Swimming Tuk For Privets Parties Phone MaV-Wr Rprtng and Ksplnltade .Yellow Cat niuNS in Trip Fellrsn Wyy 8hlp- prngorn, Aitamonr ?. CUy trips, 3&e And up. ' C t FOB THE "BEST" Art for the anion can r. R. Olda, J. H. Fikes, R. L. Green, L. 8. 8h shorn, C. II. ' King. Mr. Carpenter Employ members of L. U. 1271 Starling. July It Red Ball Stage Line Twaw Dally tgcs Ww Klamath FaTti ami Lakeriew. Laming M:"v morning 'avlnr 9:00 P. L . I Iran RKCKAROU AntO 6tge Office ... Phone 77 or 600 HTRRX TAXI SERVICE , I'nder New Management"" rPhOM JU Prompt Berries) J10-JY1 HOWARD Transportation Co. STAGES . - Usarlus Klamath Fall. 9:15 A. M 10:00 A. M.. 1 P. M- 14 P. AL, making connectioas to Portland and. way points same day. Connections at Ashland with Pickwick States for Cail 'fornl WAhifaL ' TI-.IS A. M. and 1:00 P. M. Stages make, direct through ooanaetiona to Portland and 8ealUa 10:00 A. U..,ud. 4 P. M. Stages make dlract con- naetlona to San Franciaco and Los Angeles, local Office 61S Blaia Si. ' Phone 9Sw Torna Coal & Transfer 'V Company Diaaumd Briqaeai' ' Phone .107 First -Methodist CInircH . Tenth and High Sta. -FBA.NK It, WEMETT, Ulnlster RealdewM. aoaj vrfK - a. "We Specialise la Helpfulneaa" Sunday Services: 11 a. 7:30 p. nL Chiloaxlin Stairea bane Klamath FaUa Daily for Uillooala and ia tea-mediate polaU aa foUosra: " 1:00 a. m. 12:10 noon 1:30 n. m. 7:30 n; - Take 0 a. m. bna fa eonnaei for campa beyond Chlloquln. a Kixa, - . Owner . KIiA MATH-WEED 8IAQE WKHD. and Intermediate nntnii. Lt. K. P. 7:30; Ar. Weed lb Lt. Weed 1:30; Ax. K. F. 6:00 S taxes Leaving Stage. TVrminaJ Depot 615 Main St. . Tiy : Herald Fixed. , Space Ads PELICANS WILNOUfiNEyTo" MEDFORD TOIflflOMfilG Iteierniined to climb back up On the I top rung of the baseball lad (der'here they perched so ea's llly aad ercurely durink the firat half of the aeaioa, I be Pelican jbaaeball club will invade the Par JPIckera" Orchard tomorrow In a j determined effort to bumble the jhauthty aledford baaeball crew. Manaxer "Sandy" Sanndera haa added aeveral ne lm to hi tam and promiww to vbow both Uoral and Medford fana noma faat infield work when (he two teams Itet under may at th Jackson county ball grounds tomorrow, i Henlnn will do lha chucking tor tba local birds and Peterson In ; expected to be back on the re-, ceirlnk end. ! Tha Pplicana have dropped two IE Sag Pranrlsoo hopped "on M1I1I Hughs0 for ten runs before trlree Innintt w-ere over and added two more'off 'Yerkea In the same In ning. After that the Portland southpaw pitched runlets ball. . Kalis also got away to a wabbly start i but blanked tbe Bearers 'after the third, (he final count I being lt-i. Batteries: Hughea. j Yerkea and Yelle. Shandling; J Malls and Rego. ! x Jack Fenton. the Oaks firat iaaefcer drilled a double to renter ila the last of the ninth, scoring two 'runners, to give the Acorns 2-1 win over the Bells. Bat teries: Eckert and Whitney; Boehler and Bool. The helpless Angels dropped (helrt fourth gtralght game to Seattle, this time by a score of S-J. Batteries: Knight and Bor reani: Piercy and Hannah. ' Hollywood and Sacramento split 'a double header, tbe first same coins- to the Stars. 5-2. and t the second to the Solons. 6-4. Batteries: Hulvey and Murphy: Kallio. Hachac. Vinci and Koeh ler. Second game: Teachout. .VY. Murphy, and Agnew. Cook: Keefe and Severeid. After six victories In a row the Yankees hare been baited. The big berthss of tbe bronx. Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig, failed to knock any baseball ont of tbe stadium yesterday and the Cleve land Indians hang the sign of the Hugmen in the series opener. 6-4. ........ The Washington Senatora and Detroit staged an 11 Inning thriller to open their series, the Nats finally winning after tsto were out. 6-4. After a bad start the WhiP" Sox drubbed Philadelphia. 6-4. The Bt. Louis Browns, sfter four consecutive reverses In New York, dropped tbe opener to the Boston Red Sox. 8-2. Pittsburgh held on to fir,t place, rallying in tbe Sth to score three runs and defeat Brooklyn, 4-3. i . . - . The Chicago Cubs won a nerve shattering battle of 10 Innings with the Giants, 6-4. The (iianU tied the count In the eigtb and put across a run in the tenth, but tbe Cubs, delivered two in their half of the final frame. The Bt.' Louis Cardinals made It four straight over 1'bjludelpbla vben they took the aeries final, 6-8. Boston -and Cincinnati were halted by rain. . , Winner of Beauty j Contest is Killed (Continued From Pace One) bad. he spoken when she either slipped and fell, or caught her dreas on the handle of the fourth . floor door. Skull Crushed ' I Tbe girl pitched forward so that bar head caught between the ' floor of the cage and the frame ' of the door on the fifth floor, j Death was Instantaneous. The rage was halted, by the crash, and the operator and the . three girls were Imprisoned for half an hour before police and firemen succeeded In cutting through the bronse and glass doors and releasing them. I Pernaaconi, the elevator oper ator, later was arrested on a charge of manslaughter and held under ball, BEAVERS DROP mm c WE F All! STOP WINNING i I rturln i and won but ua ytma j the sevood halt of the aeasok but with the boys now working' In better harmouy and with llenloa htttlna a tooi stride with some real hurltnc. tbey expect to start tumbling over the valley opposi tion. It Is etpected that a good fol lowing of local ball fans will make the Journey over the moun tain to witness the game. The two new lufeldera ignu with the IVIirani are joorite Wil liams, swond baseman, and Al Loranto. third baseman. Kuth ure slid to have won service with the San Prancisco Seals.' and should make the local Infield the fastest In the li-agtie. State Auto Law Will be Tested PORTLAND. Ore.. July SO. ,P The state supreme -court will pats on the constitutionality of that feature of the state trsffi law. enacted by the last Oregon legislature. whl h prohibits guest passengers In automobiles fron suing the operator of the car for damages in rase of accident. .Presiding Circuit Judge Mor row . yesterday upheld this fea ture of tbe law In sustaining a demurrer' In the damage, suit brought by Mrs. Virginia M. Stewart of Portland, arainst tbe Redmond garage at Redmond. Ore.: in which Mrs. Stewart seeks damages of $30,000 against the automobile operators. Hup Sedan 1924 overhauled and refinished. Three new tires. ,$200 down. Ostendorf Motor Co. uarters for USrMDLQED SE Vl Xo. 01 h Kt. lose i CAR FOLLOW THE CROWD TO -KENO . . TONIGHT DANCE GIVEN BY "WHITE PELICAN CLUB" SUPPER AT MIDNIGHT Loves Her Lindy i yai at " i .1 I.ltllo Cirol Kcke-t lives heir Lludy, which sh Is embriv-lug here m the- sto.imer lietrlng lirr home from Europe with hei pjr-- ent. Mr and Mr. It. It. Kckert. of Ueit Hank. N. J, arrives In New York. fjrol's Lindy. you see. is one of the l.ln lUerth dolls jp'tlnrlred In ' lnM liy Colonel Charles a, L!hd:ieri:h's flight, and tha first to rehrh be Cntted States.. Venli-e. California, "patterned after its Italian nnmeaake, 4 to' drain her canals, (ill them In and rvive them. It was Inrouvenlent walking bark from gondola rides. 50 MEN WANTED to get married thle month and hav their auits tailored at ORRES, TAILORS "Where You Hare a Pit" I3S Xo. 4th Klamath Falls Any Time Any Place Just Phone ,7 8 9 For CAL'STAXI Safe drivers Comfortable care - Courteous service Country trips and dance trips a specialty CHANGE OF SCHEDULE KLAMATH FALI.H-AHIILAM) MKDKOnn HTAC.KS '- " I.v. Klamath Falls'at S A. M., 1:30 P. M. (' Stages leave from NEW STAGE DEPOT Eighth and Klamath Ave. "The Sunshine Route" l a. al t m r ; Superhuman ;Fish !" -J 1 i . ., . N VaAUw in VAT I T:-e;-e"rc mcuy tin f,h bill few. auper'iuni hi. fish hi h a' . IMwiUil ; KuallhB.. . young .New York ewimnilnt' hvtnirmr. who swam auv with the 34-mlle Ameilran l'kln water ninra thnn In Inxe ileoige. N Y Vrntr - lltigie to lakti tleoi'ge. :Tbare wert lu" sinners, all ' t main rs, . " " ' ' The 31.unv.miu :atry cows In this country. Willi an estimated (average production of 4.600 ' iwiunil of milk anmiallv. letter and more e.-otio:mcal pro-dui-era tiiatt Ihev were a few year-ago. Iurln; the lust eight 'years there has been uiv Increase of tin!) pound of milk por cor. PAILI MFT l:llli:iSK ASK -' TOWKIt WAIIMNtJ Of VttTK LONDON, green lght tAPl A rd or will hereafter ahlne G. M. C. Truck Express body in good condition. License and starter. $100 down. Ostendorf Motor Co. - - ryi fil Li-aii rn Lxa-y PUBLIC SHOWING SUNDAY, JULY 31ST All-American Six "vVATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT "J j NOTICE ft ? The undersigned Milk Distributors of Klamath Falls have decided to raise the price of Milk ,Aujrust 1st. We are making this move owing to the fact that we find it impossible to make any profit at the prices now prevailing. So, beginning August 1, the schedule prices for Milk will be as follows: ; 1 Quart,' 14c; 2 Quarts. 28; 3 Quarts, .42c; and 4 Quarts or more will be 13c a quart. Pints will be 9c straight One Gallon in cans, 45c. Holliday Dairy Crater Lake Dairy ' Perfection Dairy A. Manera Dairy Lost River Dairy In III" t'lock Tower of Ilia llouae of I'Kiiimotis when the l!'Me Is about to vote, If lha pallium of 1SI members of pnrllnuiciil la giauied t will llivii ba i.illle for members to tnke l lolls In Kl. Juuiea' I'ark or to visit the neigh boring political vliiba - while speeches are being mule, without tear of Ina ng their vote at ill- vision lime. A while I'.ght now shines In the clock tower while t ommons Is In sisMlim. but frequenlly mem- beis have returned to find the ' light oul nud the night's session over. J Commons still adjourns each night with cries of members to one another, asking which way they Intend to go. In the old days when London streets were Infested with thugs, members traveled to their homes In groups for lu'lf-protertUin. ANtiKKT I KTTKH I..WK t II M't:l. IS lKMH.lslll:l) I.ONIKIN. (AIM -Another lluk with ancient London hua rilsnp peared The ld ' i liapel of the Scottish I'nrimrnilnaf In Fleur-tle-lys Court. Kettcr Ijtne, hus been , SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD flnv your winter's auptily ol block-wood Rnt green-slali ai once. .while the, prn-es are. a the bottom. FARMERS Also ntnrk n( for the year at the bin or delivered. V deliver anywhere In the valley it cord Jnuibo loda. Peyton t07 Main Pbona tit demolished. Tha. Hiollish ('inpiii'illoit was a charitable liisiliutliiii founded Ill lt! to gUe help to l.nuiliin S.ols teinhonirllv "down uud oul." It rm-elved Ha rliurler ilur- Ing thu great plague In li. The clmMl wus Hie part of the original building left nflur fire destroyed the tniilor tuirilon of the nriy years ago. ' WAI.klMI AltoI'Mt I. All. ! I'l ltS pltoVKrt DNASTItol'M - I I.ONIHIX. (AIM There's 'aomeihlng "dead wrong" with Hie old auperstltion agnlnsl walk - USED CAR'S Before selecting that car be sure, to come in and sec for your self what wonderful buys we can give you in good reliable rebuilt cars Sedans, Coaches, Coupes, - Roadsters, Tourings and Trucks. Our success is your , satisfaction. Buick Garage 1330 Main St. sa ? X ? Y ? ? y f y .? y ,y A t LU ' ' HI B 4- 1 rag UHICR We handle all material that goes into Good Concrete- . ; .-. ; i t Prices Low Quick Service . Call or Phone T y y y y j y y y y y y y y y y y .? y t y y- y W.D.Miller Construction y X. 'Y t !? if J y, y Comp Phone 1201 :, 6th & Commercial Sts. Y 'lug under a lu.ldor. Two events 'here In the Inal three lu have ' proved that II I" "all Hie bunk." Ai the comer of tha Hlrsml ntid Ksse atreel an lininiiciilMte- Iv dressed man paused al hid ilr and then prur. ded to walk a run nil It. Hut a pnluier above j upset a pot. of . knocked over pnltil. It pot al white point and the ronib'nal Ion fell nn Hie unfortunate padoalrliu. Had lie walked under Ilia lidder li wmild have escaped. Two days later a man stepped Into the guller In order to walk 'around a ladder ami knoikel .dnan by an aulnmolilla. v ! Phone 42 ss ee y y y y y y y y y x t y t y y y. x y y y y y y. y y y. t y y y y y t y. any t V it v -