The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 30, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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City Edition
The Old Home Paper
OREGON! Locally suaellUd
(nnliht . and Bunilay Hh ' (
nd mlit near the fount, ail
probably thunderaiorma - In the
mountains of (ant portion. It
murb rbauge la temperature of
bunildity; : ,. .
Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service
Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade
Price Five Cents
Number 609 V
University Library
Eugene, Orevoa
Royal Party, Including
Premier Baldwin
Are Welcomed
QUEBEC, July 30, (AP)
The Prince of Wales,
Prince George and Premier
Oaldwin, visiting Canada to;
taUft part in the diamond
jubilee confederation celo
bratione, were officially wel
comed to Canada shortly
after lOiliO o'clock .this
morning, being given an en
thusiastic reception.
The party was first greet
ed by Prime Minister Mack
en tie King, who went
aboard the Empress of Aus-I
tralta, which came into the
harbor shortly after mid-j
night.' The premier accom-i
panied the royal princes!
and the premier to King's
wharf where the official re
ception was held.
, The I'rlnra of Wales wora the
uniform of tllo Keaforlh 111th
landers, while Prince George
or that of a naval officer.
The I'rlnr of Walea, Prince ly killed yeaiorday afternoon
lieorse and Premier llaldwln when ho waa struck In the face
were welcomed by Premier Klnu.nnd iheal liy a heavy piece of
and Lleutenspt (iovarnor
dcau on tho Ktnpreaa of
tralla about one honr after aha lock funeral home,
aut hored In mldaiream. Thou- j Kleiver waa standing near s
annds of persons flocked Into the , big saw when the heavy slab,
narrow al reels of the lower town , twlntrd by the flying saw, was
and thousands mora lined linf-. hurled at him with terrific force,
ferle Terrace from end to end. Ma win dead before medical as
Inaperta (juartl lalatance could reach him.
Ilia enyal hlshncas Inapected The dt id msn formerly work
tba It ii lid of honor supplied byd for nulls In this county and
the roTal 2nd regiment andjwna well known here. He leaves
stepped under Ilia canopy erected a widow, a daiighter, Mrs. l.eon
ou the wharf where memhera of jnrd Jonea of Mullen, Idnho. and
the federal cabinet, the provln- a alaler, Mrs. T. K. IHneen of rshlnel and the city offliii.fs I Freano, Calif,
were presented to him. Prime Mr. Kleiver wss a member of
(ieorse and Premier llaldwln. I tho Masonic snd Odd Fellows or-
Afier the formsl reception ou ders. The Maaonlc lodge will
King's wharf. Jha two prince- J havn charge of the funeral ser-
wcra driven off for bpenc- won.i.vlrea.
In an open car accompanied by
(Continued on page four)
Williams Lumber
Company to Build
NEW YORK. July 0. (AP)
Construction of a new ron-(The lumber Industry shows eur
creto building and lumber yard tnllment tn new business this week
la now In progivn ly the Wll-1 compsred with the week before,
llama l.nmner rompsny of Cbllo- the national lumber manufactur
quln, according lo anndtincement er's aaaoclstlon reports. Soft wood
In m, nielli The Will SltlS COm-
pany was one of the heavy los
ers In the fire which swept
through the Chlloquln business
illHtrlit on July 21.
Tha now lumber ynrd will be.
fireproof In every particular, the
owners announced. Bevernl oth
er buildings will bn built to re
place, theso rnied by the fire. It
was said.
Grim Struggle of
Deer is Revealed
f'ENPI.ETON, Ore.. July .10.
I API Kvldnnce nf a grim sirup
Kin for freedom waa displayed
hero last night by Harold Dob
yns. naalslant predatory animal
Inspector, who passed through
on his wny lo Portland. He dis
played a sot of rlrer horns en
twined In telephone wire which
had been wrapped around plno
shrub In the ares of tho north
fork of thn Jonh Pny river. There
was about six miles of wire nt
Inched lo tho horns when the In
spector found them. He estl
- mated thnt tho horns had" been
thero fur in years or more.
ciiicaoo, July no. noh
Lewis, Irnvollugv sacrelsry
for the Cubs, goes about the
country a lot and that proh-
nhlyncconnts for II. It was
Ir.dlos dny at the park. One
"main" appllrnnt wnadnnlntl
ndinlaalon by s gnlekeeper.
Hob illacoveied thai she wss
enillltid to enter. Ilor boyUh
s hob' and sailor's Jacket had
4 made thn gatekeeper think
a oiherwlae. '
Widely Known
Portland Man
Kills Himself
Walter Btckui, Noted
Sportsman, Slaihea Throat
At Seaside
I'dltTI.ANI), Ore., July 30,
(Al'l Wall it y llurkus, oua of
Oregon's lint known sportsmen
and fishermen, ana found with
his Ihrrut cut nearly from fur
-rir;:, z:: isssiAimee, Mother Not to
before inedlral attention rould
ho given. The report of III" sul
fide an U1 ha had been worrlrd
by fltiMin-lul atid domestic trou
bles, and had been rufefrlng
from sleeplessness. Ha want tn
Seaside a wank ago to real,
Iliu kuli wsa a partner of Jmos
C, Morris III the Hmku A MoT
rU Sporting Goods company of
Portland, founded 20 year ago.
Ller Humphrey. Portland
attorney and Itillmala friend of
Backus, aald that for three
Wonka Backus bna I icon com
plaining thai ha had been un
able lo !ri'P. Decently the Ilar
kua Morris company mn.ln an
saal.itiimrtil of Ita tn to rred
llora, J
Peter Kleiver. Killed In
Accident Near Lake
view Thursday
Peler Klelrer. mill foreman for
the Crooked Creek l.nmhrr com
mil i mm
.pany near Ijikevlew, waa Inatant-.the
Pero-'flylns alabwond. The body waa
Aua-jhrnusht here lo the Karl Whit-1
Lumber Industry
Shows Decrease
operations were unchsnged In pro
duction, with a nontinsl Increase
In shipments and a five percent
decrease In new business. Com
nerreaae in new business, com-1 " ' " . .
pared" with . year ago. production , -,' P'-""'" " t made," 'h rZ ,h ,
wai larger, with heavy decrease,'"' In.n.lreds of bible students I ul,re " ?L 'e
A new
Hard wood mills report a alight
gain In production over the week
beforo and nominal decreases In
shipments and new business. Cn-i(
filled orders of !9 southorn plno;
and weal roast mills amounted to
(.10.29S.260 feet, against S34.-
468.780 feet for
previous week.
IU mills the,
South Sixth Street j
Viaduct is Closed:
All vehirulnr traffic will hej
muted over Kast Main street for
several weeks because of pav-1 .
Ing operations on Soulh alxth ! Jll,'k Wright. wr..j.-according
street. This wns the announce-0 divers and sundry reports,
mont last night by City Engineer maintained a refreshing and In
Zumwnlt. Tho Hlxlh street via- 'splratlonnl oasis on the plnlna
durt over Ihc Southern Pacific ' nrr Midland, contributed $.100
tracks will be closed until tho to tho county roffers yesterdny
paving work Is completed. j because ho unwisely enlertuined
Tho paving of south' Sixth , some desert shlek In tho nmn
from Commercial lo the rlndnct ,dnnn form ofa prohl sleuth.
Is proceeding nt a satisfactory Wright, It appears, was brew
ralo and when this work Is com- , Ing a good brand of heor nnd
pleted, as well as repairs to the placing It on Ire and selling It to
pavement between Walnut and ! travel-stained wayfarers at a mo
fnmmerrlut. Sixth street will ho dest stipend. tluslneas , Is re
ono of the best thoroughfares In Ported to have been flourishing
the rlly. until John Law, exemplified by
- city, county nnd federal officers.
It'nifl ill TiifliiV .
1-. Irrti - tT1 1 I.. 1.1 (art I T1
nr. mull, ..inn., lino- ir,
Healthy, wcnlthy and happy,
Henry Ford today relebrntod his
64lh birthday preparing for the
strnggla which Is reported Inv
mlnent botweon him and General
Take Their Differ
ences Into Court .
(AP)-Aimee So m pie Mc
Phrrson doesn't intend to
add legal knots to the. tan
gle of her squabble with
her mother, Mrs. Minnie j
Kennedy, over the financial
affairs of Angelus temple,
This the evangelist de
clared last night in address-
ing her followers from the j
pulpit. The temple leader,
vhose statements on behalf
her mother during
sent row have often I
followed by rvirs. renneoy a
denials, said that her moth-'a
- a a m J
er also was agreed not to
resort to the courts.
At the aame time, the cvnn-
isrIUt refuurd to acqulc-e to a
demand from forty-two branch
chunhea fur a "how down" in
acrnp between mother mn
Attnrncri. IH-.naei'C
Allcrneya who have atood al
the eltiowa nf tho pastor nnd ber
of her mother during he hh h a considerable amount ( , of the board of trunteea auto
present row have often been ! r-'h money wia lifted from k. ' mallcally becomes mayor."
. , , pocket book, has been ootlfl"t" of-' Well." roared th wlae-rrark-
mother in tlm recent .rounda of
Ihe battle of the turairie leaders.
however, were of
that st lesat one
the opinion !
point mlrhi '
have to he decided by the courts, '"""rneya nsn. uovernor
The bone ot contention of! f0r Right to Present
wneiner cmnia -nailer, aire .
etary-companion and staunfh sup
porter of the evangelist, la legal
ly a trut-e of the Kcho Park
Krangellcal aaaoclatlon which
owna the church and its holdings,
valued at several .hundred thou
sand dollars. Mrs. McPhera'.n
contonds Miss Kthaffer Is a
trustee. Her mother holds that
sho and the evangellat are the
only legal truatees. the . ttllrd
having died.
To Keep Control
The memlierahlp meeting laal
night failed to clear definitely
the nueillon of Mrs. Mcl'her-
sons future relatlori.hln .lib
the temple. The evangellat first
had declared that she Intended
to give up the rastorshlp, per-1
within three weeks, and
said she intended Id re
main In contrrl with an associate
pastor In charges while she csr-i
rled out her planned world evan -
gel Ion I work
Last night she told her fo -
lower, she did not Intend to
"deaerf her church but wns
"ho '",,,(' provide places for
,h,m wh,,n lni'v wpr graduated
" ordained ministers,
''v0 Promised my studenU
hal ' would go Into the field
n prepare a way for them,"
she said.
Midland Oasis
Pinched; Beer
Brewer Fined
Istnpped ot tho wayside Inn an or
i ft SI Fair! until Is nf l he iii.lnrinble
Wflght's mux pns coat him a
'trip to the Justice court of Wll-!
jllnm llnrnes. where ho pleaded
guilty yesterdny afternoon snd,
Ipald s S300 line.
! 1 -
'Hundred of Tons of Hot Fragments Hurled
i High Into Air; Lava Pours Down Moun-
j tains; Residents Are Not Alarmed
VU'l.l K. Italy. July rHI, (.1.1'.) In tlx- throe of Ita iikwI
tlob-nt iitiitoii In i'-i car. Mount Yrrauvlu till morning;
hiirlctl hundred tit Umn ut InramlrarrnM fragmcuta far Into
tin air. wlilletn huge column of lava, aft.-r nearly rillina the !
Inner rratrr. began to creep over Hie edge Into "Tlie Vallc) of '
Ti ll" lowanla tin hay of Nsplin. ,
Although I'roff-Mor .ih"ainlro Malladra. lirMfl of tlir h
acrvmorv, renewe! mm-ui am r that there was no Imminent
itmiuer, Mtrt ir the oiulatlnna of tlto town of Torre An
Mmlull mill Toitc IM (irara and rcslilcnla of (he region l
lni Itrlow I lie rail'-) began lo make n-paratlona for a quick
rllKlil Jo Maple alioulil iIik ml u inn of Ima rHillnu; Ita
iloniiMunl riiurw loaaitl their umiira.
Will Rogers Will Lose His
Job as Beverly Hills May
IIKVERI.Y IIII.I.H, Calif . J Jv ,
SO. (Al'l Will llocom. only i-
mnly out of a hoapltal wl,a)-
hla Kail atonea ware fmowil j
ii ml n-i-OTerlng- from an aiin '
more recent experience as ;
r i ij
. fl,.,ly hs to ion m,
mayor of rieverly llli:..
A committee Informed th cow-1
boy liuinor!al thut a new state . mittee went Into hurried con
law will nuat hi in as mayor Mori-j ference.
day. j "Mayor emeritus." they de-
"I Ih I Ita a Mrameup." said dared In unison.
A it .1. r
Personal Appeal
SAl.F.M. Ore.. July SO. ,P
Ilrsdley A. Kwers of Portland
and Charles W. rtoblaon of As
toria, attorneys for James Wil
los who Is sentenced to be exe
cuted at the slate prison, August
IS. with Kllsworth Kelley. have
P''l"ed Governor Patterson to
grant them a hearing so they
may present an argument for
commutation of Wlllos sentence
. lo ll,e Imprisonment.
Th,,r cl"n haI wl110' 'ho,,,l !
hve 1,d wparate trial from i
' Kelley. Further, they assert,
' lne
errors were committed In
lower court which would
r"w ,n ,h' ",0,e nr"ne f0rt
i naa toey neen excepiea io ami
, Presented,
"" mlKh r,,h'r inxirnr T
:' nn ln deciding the case," the
1 petition says. "If you call Juatlces
!John Rn nd ,Hrr!r " B"
I of 0,,r ,0,nl !Prnie court and
,nrer w,,a lne"H ' wne,ner
appeal iu
e of
Oregon contained the proper ex
ceptions and objections, and
whether or not If those questions
had been presented to the sup
reme court of the stnte of Oregon
a reversal of the case would
have been granted."
"Caseys" Gather
For Big Session
roUTI.AND.'Ore.. July .10. P)
S n p r e m officers of the
Knights of Columbus, headed by
James A. Flaherty of Philadel
phia, supreme knight, arrived
here today for the nntlonul con
vention which will open' here
next week. The supreme officers
and the committee of Isws went (
Into sesslaft today nrier being
formally welcomed.
High ppntlflclnl mass will be
held tomorrow nt the Hock
(irwlto of the sanctuary of Our
Sorrowful Mother. Just outside
he city limits. -
Social nnd religious features
will occupy the delegates until
Tuesday when the first conven
tion meeting will be held.
I Hunk Iteservrs
I NKW YOHK. July 30. (PI
,Tho nctual condition of clearing
hniiae linnka snd trust companies
. - . .
for the Week snows excess re -
j servo of S4. 118.220. This Is a
dcrreasa In reservo of
0B0 compared with tho week be-
tor when excess reserve ot S3S.-
I J?l,J70 was reported.
This A.M.
will. "JuBt what a man could
cxrm-t Ihu had tn lav dnfonno.
l. on bin birk far a month."
Nona." retorted the aad-newa
committee, "nererly Hills be-
fomei a city of the sixth clam
Ji'li.lnit mayor, "what does that make
"That makea you ." the com-
' Evening Herald
' Advertisement
-v 1Bringi Results
' r.i
From Mosrpark. Cal., be
low Los Angeles, there came
Uidny a letter to Charles
II. House concerning . his
furhlon Sprink Shackle. a
new shock absorber for au
tomobiles which was Invent
ed by the local man.
"I have received many let
ters from all parla of the
country as a . result of my
advertisement In The Eve
ning Herald, and I want you
to know that It brought me
even better results .than I
had anticipated." Mr. House
said this morning.
The letter from Moorpark,
Cal., was from Bert Baxter,
and reads, ln part, as fol
lows: .
"I noticed your adver
tisement and drawings of
your Cushion Spring Shackle
In the Evening Herald and
will say that I am very
much Impressed with the
principle of them.
"I am sending you check
to be filled In by you for
one full set ot Cushion
Spring Shackles for a Star
Young Transient
Has Arm Cut Off
O C r r1 s.
by 5. F. rreisht
a ride on a
Pekkaney fell
.. .While stealing
freight train. 11.
beneath the wheels of a Southern ,
Pacific train,-Just as It er.tered
the local yards early this morn
ing nnd Is today a patient at
the Klamath General Hospital
with his left arm severed at tho!
shoulder. j
The accident occurred around j
one o'clock this morning. Little i
could be learned of the man. who '
is apparently anout 37 years of j ,,, g, indicate that the st
age. Ho Is of Finnish descent. mndnnce will rvrobablv be larger
Or. C. iV. Rtigh, the attending
physleian hulds hopes for hlsof ,he organli&tion. and prepar
complete recovery. iatlons for the entertHtnment of
i a. ' ... j i . .I..I-
Klamath Gets
Liquor Fines
Klamalh county. was richer bylMtrg News-Review Is offering two
4995.21 today than It was yes- silver cups, one for the best ap
terday. pearlng dally and one for the best
Vntlcr the stnte law tho county weekly front page. Another t ro
gets olie-hnlt
ot all fines col -
, .
jiecien wnnill me couni? uiit'i
tho slate of Oregoir receives ..u.-
000 during the yesr.
lias taken its :n. 000 a
jtook Its share fcr July.
nd after It
tha above
aura was left to the county.
Miss Salustroa, Beauty
Contest Winner Is
Crushed to Death
30, (AP) Miss Florence
Salustro, 17. chosen a. Ih.JV".
prettiest girl in Oilroy, Cal
ifornia, to represent the city
in a state-wide beauty con-
test, waa dead here today,
and investigations was be -
ing started into an elevator
accident which coat her life
last night a the and three
companions, rivals in the
beauty contest, were as
cending to their rooms in
the Mark Hopkins hotel. .
The accident occurred as
sixty pretty girls, selected
a the fairest in their, re
spective cities, were prepar
ing for a theatre party.
Piquant Miss Salustro and
her three companion were .
! ;!; a iL. tk
sixth floor.
Thrilled by the thought of the
aaetiua Dnrrawuited hr. wtih ih!
chance of being chosen "Miss Cal
Ifornla," and going east to com-
pete at Atlantic City for the hon-
or of oeinsT" MIm America, Miss
Salujiiro b'.rao danrlnR in the'
elevator rag . The elevator oper-
ntnr susM h warnad hop f rt keari
r-. .1 w h.rrfil
(Continued On Page Two) I
Local Printer
To Attend Big
Union Session
i Unanimous choice of Klamath
Falls locsl No. S91. International
I Typographical Vnion. Xate Ot
jterbeln of the Klamath News'
I will leave tomorrow night for
Indianapolis, Ind.. where he will
represent the local union at the
national convention, which con
jvenes next-week. Matters of
: much importance to members ot
;the eraft will come up for deci
sion snd the local printers want-
ed to be represented.
Mr. Otterbeln Is the second del
egate from 'the Klamath Falls
local to attend a national conven
tion. In 1921 A. L. Fortson at
tended tor the local typos at the
Atlanta session. Mr. Otterbeln
voted for Mr. Fortson again this
year but the remaining members
- ol me union casi meir oaiioiilfl Hawkins some time ago.
for Mr. otterbem.
' Following the convention Mr.
;Otterbeiu will viaii his folks at
, Mldd!etown, Ohio, and will be
gone about three weeks.
i State Editors
To Meet Soon
BOSEBVB.O, Ore.. July 30.
(API Reservations for the state
editorial association convention
to neid j Koseburg August
,hn , nrevlnus convention
Cnnor ami nieiouria ul men
families are neing nasea upon
the expectation of a big crowd of
visitors. Nearly every weekly
and dally paper In Oregon has
entered tn 'the front page make-
I nn ennteat tor which the RoKe-
, pby to be won during the con
I...,l . l,,,.. .11... ..... nf.
( ,n . -" --.
terea oy tao n.euurB nsniucr
1 ne siatO'OI commerce aa n prise hi in.
editorial golf tournament to be
held Saturday morning, August
Officers Seek
De Autremont
Murder Gun
Jackson County Officials '
Unable to Locate Wea
pon Used in Crime
MEDFOKD, July . (OP))
For seven hours yesterday. a
Isearchlnx party of five men. head
ed by Chief of Police McNahb
of Ashland, and county Jailer Ike
Dunford of Medford, tramped
over the Siskiyou mountains near
the scene of the Routhern Pacific
train holdup of October 11. Uil,
!for the shotgun uaed by the three
fJe Autremont brothers, and
which In their confeaalons of the
quadrup murders, they said they
left In n each on ree,k, nesr
a wind-fall tree, where they con-
A creek was found and Innum
erable wind-fallen treea, but no
gun and no cache. The sheriff's
office, however, will conduct s
'second search In the near future,
The d Autremont.. Hush.
;nT nd Ry- r aow serving
I life sentences st Salem, following
I the conviction of Hugh snU the
confessions of the other two,
Luther Baker, Charged
With Murder, I Re- .
ported to Be Sick . "
Tne r,' of Lather. Ellis
"nd Red Baker has been recessed
until next Monday, on account of (more men. They , were ' told to
the illness ot Lather Baker. The! get help from the, Lassen dls-
Fakers are., aocaaea ox lie jnur--;
. 'der
of Sheriff Lester IS. Wood, f
Lather Baker's condition Is not
, mMidend ,erloull t, doctorg
1 . , . , ,
a-hA avsrii nrl IiIvm tnilav It was
, . ' , 7
and nervousnesa.
Mrs. Aeneld Wood
widow 0i
the slain sheriff, took the stand f
yesterday for the state. She
was composed sad testified ss locations of the conflagrations tkl
her hnahend's movements of the
day he was alalu.
llei-uty Sheriff J. B. Miller
tet:r:?d that he was with Wood
when he killed and Identi
fied Luther Baker as the man
who had fired the fatal shot.
Hunter Buys
Mill Property
F. ' ijill Hunter of this city
today became owner of the
Wheeler-Olmstead mill property,
his bid ot $64,250 being the
only one received at a sherrlffs
'sale conducted from the 'steps ot
the court honse tcday by Sheriff
Rurt Hawkins. The property In
cluded In the sale comprises the
land on which the mill stands,
the mill itself and all equip
ment. The sum of 170,000 was real
ized from the sale of lumber at
a public sale conducted by Sher
Drowning Youth is
Saved from River
OREGON CITY. Ore., July 30.
(ip) James Martin saved Tony
S'aters, 17, near Canby yesterday,
from drowning In Molalla river.
The boy with other lads on a
picnic from Oregon City, was
seised with cramps while swim
ming. James Wendorer tried to
snatch Safer out of the waler,
but the drowning youth grew
frantic In Ms struggle and near
ly chocked his rescuer. The two
went down. Wendover escaped
half dead and lay gasping on
the bank. Then Martin leaped
ln and made several dives be
for he brought the lad from the
Railway Hearing
To be Held Soon
Hearings on the proposal to con
solidate the Great Northern am".
Northern Pacific railroads' will
begin at Minneapolis, October .1,
before Finance Director Mnhaffie
ot the I. C. C. Notices to all the
railroads and tho states con-
cerned twlth the project weri
given today by the commission.
Lightning Storms Start
Blazes In California '
and Oregon - .; .
30, (AP)-More than 65 for
est fire started by lightning
during the past two days '
were reported burning un
controlled today in the na
tional preserve of north
ern California, from Lassen
Peak to ' the ' Oregon line.
The local district office of
the United State forestry
department, declared that
all available men in the Las
sen, Shasta, Trinity and Kla
math districts were being
rushed to the fire lines and
that call for more help had"
been received. ' ' .
Inasmuch as the same etorig
that started these I fires , swung;
north over the Oregon, foresta.
It was feared that additions))
fires were "burning In 'the south
ern part of that atate. . .
The first fires were' report c
In the Klamath district, where
2500 acrea were burned over tor.
day. Rangers called ,tbe local
I office at mirinleht i aaklna Iaf
- . . - - . 'ac
, Ifiat IataUSn TnraMtfAtwsft a-ll Ift lint
apare nraa- beeaue Jif fires bad
started there. ...
There were 41 separata, tire
In tha Klamath region, and rang-
around Shsata and - Trinity
I sections reported that they had
several tires-to fight. - r .
Airplane were sent ont over
me aismcts u map out the K
means of expendltlng the Plad4
Ing of fire fighters. ' .'!
MEDFORD. Ore., July 30. (JPf.
All forest fires la Crater Lakri
national forest are under conn
trol today, according to official
of the local forest service anoi
only one fire, a twenty-acre con-i
flagratlon at Needle Rock near
Rogne river. Is ,of any consequence..-
- .,...' i ; .
Ill the past week elsctrlcal
storms have i started , 59 forest
fires ln the national forest aresn
bat nearly all ot them are noV
out. The local office,' however,
looks forward to a serious altb. "
ation unless there Is ' a - heavy '
rain, and the government has
been asked for an airplane' for
observation purposes. t -
, . . i"
War Bonnet For c '
Coolidge Chosen
RAPID CITV. S. D.. July" 3 (f.
(P) A war bonnet gorgeous la
feathers, beads and strands of
colored lamb's wool Is the crown
to be placed upon President Cool-.
ldge at Dead wood next week
when he becomes a chief of tha
Slonx Indians.
The head piece for the cere
mony of making a president a
chieftain Is ready, but other de
tails ot the Deadwood Initiation
are shrouded In secrecy. Many
conferences are being held by
the score of Slonx chiefs who
wilt take part. There Is con
siderable dismay i because the
name to he conferred' upon Mr,
Coolidge ha leaked out and
there are good Indications that
the name originally chosen ; at
the campflre. meeting In' the
moonlight Chief Leading Eagle
will be abandoned and another
selected. ' .
Mae Murray came back on
the ssmo boat s Bobby
s Jones. Rome rnrlons fel-
lows Baked how- come her
hushund. Prince . Psvld Md- f
rani, wss left on tha other 9
side. "There Is no truth tn '
4 the scandal you Implj," said V
Mae. "I'd lore him If be
ware not a prince. I'd lor V
him If he were street car
conductor even
If he were f.
Mr. Jones, - g
e4)e' '4)''. ,
Motors corporation.
0 i