The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 29, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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hi.lav, July gt. 1027.
(Continued From Fig On)
Suddenly. whe mil out,
rolualorm brok and with tt ram
gust of wind out ot the north
.. A the captain, Arthur Ol
tom, who has allied th lake It
f'aara, sought to bead hla boat
nto the wind, th passengers
rushed to the port side, away
(rum th driving rain. Th boat
tipped sharply and aa the lake
water rushed over th deck,
turned orer.
, , Children, randlea and popcorn
Ull Hutched tn tbelr hand.'
fought tn tree themaelree, but
loo weight of rhair and other
eaesrabrsnces on deck held them
under. Some were thrown free
of tho UU and nany of these
grabbed up belt! and raft a the
steamer righted Itaelt and aank
until all but the roof of the up
per structure was aubmcrged.
, . Twenty-one bodies were recov
ered before the ateamer was
railed to l towed ashore. The
others were found after the craft
waa brought to the surface.
tVl . Many are Saved.
,,'Tbe five member of the crew
escaped and theae, all experienced
sailors, saved many from drown
ing by tossing life preservers
and rafta to those In tho water.
The Farnrite' two life boats alao
were unleashed and Into these
clambered a number of the sur
vWurs. -to fiohata, an army officer,
whoso hand was mangled, told
of throwing four children Into a
boat. Sobuta related bis exper
ience as his band waa being
A'"! got four kids and a woman,
th boat waa full of water and
we couldn't get any more In. A
girl atarted bailing nut with a
straw hat. , I was ditty. When
Hm' Favorite went down she list
ed and he swooned,
i Opal Helton. 18, of Hugo.
Okla.. visiting In Chicago, drag-'
god- two little girls through a
Window and held them afloat un
til a member of the crow pulled
them Into a lifeboat. '
I "It waa terrible. I wish I bad
gone down with the boat," Ol
on murmured as he watched his
gteamer being raised. At that In
stant a life guard reached Into !
Ihe first aft deck and dragged
(out a smal boy.
1fs horrible horrible. I tell'
you." the boat's master shouted. .
"I did the best I could I tell '
yon, man,, it was terrible and I
had only recently spent a lot of
money Improving the Favorite." j
. Boy Karen Father.
'Sixteen-year-old George Holmes1
of Berwyn. Ills., saved his father
and ' attempted to rescue bis '
mother but she died from shock
and heart disease. A mother of
five children, Mr. Gertrude
Jsaradt, who also waa aboard the
Eastland when it capslted in the
Chicago river, again escaped
death on the Fivorlte, i
,- Four members ot her family. :
married daughter, a grand-
daughter, nephew and sister-in-law,
were drowned.
"I aald to my husband when I
w boarded the boat, 'I don't
like the looks of this it has a
tendency to lean to one side.' He
u!d 'come on don't spoil the
- The only one of the 17 vic
tims not Identified is the small
girl, about 8. Authorities believe
the child was nose Polen, daugh
ter of Mrs. Celia Polen. another
ot the victims. Mr. Polen. who
established his wife's identity,
was protrated and nnable to go
to the morgue where the girl's '
body is held, but an uncle ot the
child partially established her
BEIU.1N'. (API A vast ure
ox -preserve Is planned by the
German soolng'at Dr. I.utx Heck,
son of the director of the Berlin
ZooIokm il Garden. Dr. Hock has'
started negntinllons with the pro
vincial authorities of Hanover for
an extensive area near Springe,
with till end in view.
This prluicvaf animal la virtual
ly extinct in the free state, the
few remaining specimens being
confined to various zoological j
gardens. A preserve, therefore, i
In ' which number ot ur-oxen i
will roam at large In one ot the ,
dense populated countries of Eu
rope will prove a unique attrac
tion. Dr. Hock believes.
As a plea for rain the natives
of Angola, on the west coaat of
Ai "ii I nit m man's arm at
the shoulder and plant It In the
grouud with the hand sticking up.
. ; 1926 "
Chev. Sedan
- , -.
Locke Motor Co.
Require something betides the salesforce in Another thing of vital importance to the peo
the store. They are jutt one important part pie who patronize "The Women's Store" is not
the picture. They blaze the trail and keep it4 HOW MUCH they can get for a dollar, but
open. The actual merchandise is the thing HOW GOOD, how, ratisfactory. In our DoN
that counts. Its quality, its real (not boasted) lar Day our patrons have recognized our abil
value, its good condition just as ordered ity to meet their many and various require
that is necessity to assure REPEAT SALES, ments with promptness, care and courtesy.
$ Day Baby Specials
32-inch Checked Pongee This is a new ar
rival and is fine quality. With colored (1 "
checks. Yard V JL
40-Inch Printed Crepe de Chine
36-in. Printed Silk Radium
36-inch Printed Silk Radium in a very fine
assortment of shades' and designs from
which to select. Yard
Dresses for
Crowing Girls n..
Made ot superior quality
Fnglish Prints and C.lng
hara. Many style each
distinctively trimmed. They
come in sites 7 to H eur..
Fine Rayon
This Item is iv-ciUlonal
as the material Ik the host
and the fulluecs throughout
Is unusual. Can be had In
nil deslrnble pastel shad
Double Ve Wrap
Around Girdles, ..
Twelve Fine
One doten ladies fine hand
kerchiefs for ono dollar. And
they are Just as pretty as they
ran be. Ask to see them.
Jap Table Cloth
and 6 Napkins .
Imported from Japan. Size 44
144 In. cloth and ( napkins to
match. Can be had In several
patterns. Color, blue.
Four Turkish
Towels for ........
These new soft. Turkish Tow
els have neatly colored borders.
Good weight. - fine site. Two
thread. Fine absorbent qualities.
Children's Crepe and
Nainsook Gowns
Made in styles similar to those
for grewn-ups. Shades of white,
pink and peach. Decorated with
lovely hand embroidery.
54-in. White Damask
Table Cloth .
Snow-white' table cloth. Site
54x51 Inches: neatly trimmed,
end , launders 'altntt like linen.
Very durable.
Ladies' Voile
... Bloomers .
The material la excellent
soft voile, knees are trim
med with lace. Alao bloom
era of bnttste and lingerie
Children's Crep.l t "I
Nainsook Gowns.. Jy X
Mad.- in styles similur to
those fir grown-ups. Shades
of white, pink and peach
Decorated wu.l lovely hand
Lovely Voile
'' Till la uvismllAiinliV Viliiil
ui-vempea irom !"'" r;w. Klne quality voile
laco trimmed, shades of,
peach., green, apricot, pink
and orchid.
quality eoutlc. Come In
flesh color only. Careful
workmanship throughout
All sites. A bargain.
Children's Muslin
Bloomers, 3 for..
Made of superior grade
of muslin and ran be had
in shndea of ping and
white. Flint Ir nt waist and
Service Silk
Hose, pair ...
Muny popular ' shade are
represented. A fine quill
Ity. pure silk hoso with re
inforced Male toes nud
Fibre Silk Hose,
Two pair
$ Day Silk Specials
Hand-Knit Bootees, two pair for
Denton's Sleeping Garments,
Size 0 to 1
Infants' Wrappers
Infants' Vanta Hose, two pair for
flannelette Diapers, Size 27x1.7,
. fi for
Huck Towels,
8 for .'
A nize sited hand towel In
white only. A general utility
towel for all around the house.
Three Plain White
Turkish Towels ....
A convenient site Turkish tow
el, closely woven, nice long nap.
Can be used for either bath or
Rayon step-ins In new
styles and a pleasiug selec
tion of pastel shades. Ma
terial and workmanship are
the best.
New Voile
Nightgowns ..
Il,.....,ir..llw nltiiiiin.l wHh
. ..
wide ami narrow lares,
Necks In several styles.
Shades of peach, pink, or
chid, miflte, flesh and others.
Fashioned to fit fibre silk
hiiNlcry lit many new shad
es. Itelufiirord toes and
heels. Very fine value.
Rubber Aprons, 1
Two for P 1
Klne" quality Everrearty
brand rubber aprons. Can
be had In several different
shades. A general utility
'round ".lie Inuao apron.
Woven and Turkish
Bath Mats
A lurge. heavy, closely woven
Imth mat: at this price you
nhoulU buy two, at leaxt. A
household net-emOty.
Pillow Cases
Four for ,
Kim .text! in. Mnde of Ro.'d
quality IniHliti Willi deep hem.
I'rucilislly free from start h., A
r'ind biirssln.
Four Yards Plain
This comes In Sl-ln. widths of
a fine array of wanted shades.
Fine for spring and summer
dresses. Knsl colors.
Si Yards of
Percale for
All new percales In "Ulllih
widths. New patterns and new
colors I hut aro absolutely ftiti.
Choice materials.
All Linen Lunch
Cloth Sets
36-inch all linen lunch cloth
and 4 napkins to match. Colors
are gold, blue, pink., Sets aro
made - In Czcoho-Slovakla.
Purses and, N 0 Six Turkish Towels t "1
Hand Bags .. V for
These come In a large variety
of styles and sites. Some are
made of real leather. All are
worth mere than, we ask.
Seamless Sheets,
Size 81x90. each
rull sited bed sheets, free
from filling, wide hem, pure
wjflte. Best sheet we have ever
sold at this price.
36x52 Baby
Blankets ....
Nice, sized Turkish hand or
maasage towels. Good weight, ab
sorbent. Cornea in white only.
Fine valqo.
Kice warm bahv blankets.
They come In several different
shades cf blue and p:nk. Real
Nashua story-land blankets.
Leatherette Comfy
Pillows ..
This is a real new item. Three
different styles. Pretty Illus
tration in oil on each one. Fine
tor porch swings, chairs and automobiles.
Hat Box
Hand Bags
Made of durable leatherette,
round In shape, neatly lined.
Pretty illustration on one- side,
rounded, metal clasp.
Two Leatherette
School Bags
Can be used for either school
or shopping bags; very conven
ient; have reinforced handles and
are well mado throughout.
Pretty Satin Pillow
New quaint, and pretty, dev
eloped from black satin, with
paintings tn oil on each one.
Trimmed with gold clotb.v Site
14il7 Inches. ,
Five Yards of
English Prints ...
Klne quality Kngllsh prints In
a very, wide assortment .of pretty
denlgna. and the r.ilois are ab
solutely fast.
Five Yards Colored
. Anoihrr pew Hem for the.
(to inn. It tan be had In several
shades, o your liking. Ksrellent
Seven Yards Union
Linen Toweling
A lovely quality linen rrmh;
can be used for table t tinners or
siralght and rJller towels. Close
ly woven, t.aundrrs well.
Four Yards of
Black Sateen ,
This lustrous material comes
In 34-ln. widths. Is fine for
making underthings for adults
and children
Novelty Doll
Laundry Bags
This Is Indeed new. A cun
ning laundry bag that Is a
Front h doll. Looks like ' the
morn expensive French doll, and
is ot heavy material, well made.
Two Yds. Rayon
Dress Goods
Rayon dress material SB-Inches
In width. All new summer
shades. Soft In tenure and lus
trous. Makes up beautifully.
Plisse Crepe,
5 Yards for ,
In a flno assortment of lovely
flowered dealgns. All now shsdes.
Fine fur making dainty under
Ihlngs. Two Stamped t 1
Pillow Slips 3 1
Ttoyol Society harnd stamped
rlllcw cases: nest, dainty de
signs. Come in whllo only; all
ready for the needle .
The Season's
Newest Tub
Fabrics in
Lovely Voile, Eroad
cloth, English Prints
in a host of comely
designs and colors.
Trimmed with fluffy
laces and ribbons.
For excellent qual
ity and stylo they
cannot be duplicated.
Vogue, value, vari
ety. AH guaranteed
tub fast.
Silke Fringed
Panel Curtains .....
Ureas lip th house for spring
with these new silk fringe., panel
curtains. Lovely designs. , Come
in llcht ecru shades.
Dainty Striped tt 1
Ruffled Curtains 4 1
Ileaiitlful ruffled cretonnes do
veloped fiotn marquisette. Come
in pink. blue, and R id stripes,
full 2 '4 yards long.
S Yards New
Ginghams P 1
New crisp ginghams, 32 Inches
wide. Fine, Variety of pleasing
'patterns and shades. This price
for Dollar 1W only.' i.'" '-
Eight Yards of
Fine Gingham
New, crisp 31-Inch gingham In
a wide assortment of new colors
and designs. You must see the
quality to appreruto Its value.
Two Yards Table
Damask for
Pino quality, white tshle dam
ask with colored' borders r.K
Inches In width. Durable and
launders perfectly.
Threo Yards Silk
Striped Shirting for....
A lovely soft material for mak
ing summer weight) apparel.
Printed In soft, warm shades. A
fine selection from which to
Six Yards Boys'
Real fine grade, shirting for
hoy and men. t omes In white
cr colored stripes. K'ody for
the needle.
'i i A.b t,
d:iI I m
Feather Pillows,
Each" .'.M!?Ci.;,i..-...4 P,
A full sized bed pillow with
filling ,t; f!rf''f:rtido fefl'hntw; a
superior grade tliklnr, limitation
ajuarantredViv ; ? ,
Comforter Challies,
6 Yards
Tleere is such a wide color
and pattern range In this ma
terial that yon are sure to find
It to your liking.
6 Yards
B.V.D. Checks
.10 Inches wide, colors: pink,
blue, white, green maize, lav-
ondor nnd peach.
'. Fancy Voiles t 1
Three Yards for J 1
f These are all new summer
vclles and the colorings nnd de
signs are up-to-date. Tho values
runge up to 'Hoc yard.
Leatherette Card C 1
Table Covers
Four colors wllh
designes on corners.
Wo cannot por
tray theHC dress
es with justice,
but If you will
get here early
tomorrow (Dol
lnr Day) you
will be astonish
ed to see Hucti in
elegant styles ,
and high quali
ty. You will
wonder how it
is poHxible to sell
these fino tub
dresses for $1.