Friday, July 20, 1027. THE EVENING IIERAUXKI.AM ATI! FALLS. OKECON rapt? ftoypn MARKET PLACE VI t : . i : , '1 4 1 11 1l lf Me Pine Tree Kay Klllull. Brunswick record ing uriut unit 111 Urm-nwlch I'ullaiViiill orchestra, ail II piers vrrrnlll organisation, enriute, Hint matin Ihulr liiltlut debut at III I'lnn Tree theatre, loot eva nlhK and that will' be heard' fur lhi lant t linos tnnlgbl, rflrtuWy viuiIm a clodded anil tremendous hit with Klamath rails. ( Doubling on a total o( 3D dlf fniviit Instruments, Ihwi artlsti have a range lit effects which (rnrttrallK fncfimpaiinoa Ihnl or a lllilii symphony uml account for their tiliiiioinnal theatrical ami hallrauiii sueresacs) which In tmo short year have , placed them In STAGES TO ALL POINTS 326 New Phone Number New Reduced Rate ""New Location 8th & Klamath Ave. 'The Munsliln Route" That youngisters step Is full of pep C t 1 iti oome Kia ne s sure a winner L1 l 'VmSK Ml: Nourishing!, .... ,. i there's cream in every drop TALLER, stronger, big gcr 'round the chest that s the Western young- ftfer. Government statistics prove it. , ' ; There's no food like milk for building husky young-stcra-or bv'kling health kr grown-ups, too. Use plentyof milk in your cooking. Meals will be more , nourishintf.more appetizing ,-especiak1y if the milk is , ' Alpine. Tticrc's cream in ; tnetes cream i mi i FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS r ii6LUiPStArNLtxM'r 1 1 7W't plAMAllEST MoA(3D CP, ASAKU OH Wj. ,ro i '-r , ,. ... 'Ci'-n-i .in :- Did front rank of AincrliitD nop u In r music Inlarpreiera. Ity special arrangement, Fay Elliott will play for Ilia opening dnnc of tlm Charleston Cham lilmi'lilp Contcat. from th stage ai tlm roiicluslon of lila con cert. Tha (harl"tnn Contest ha treated runVderahl Inter est among the resident of l hla city unit lonlahl you will hava Ihn opportunity of witnessing .lli many yolini ladli'a ami men I un they dnnco those clever, syn copating elep 01 tha Charleston. Thnra are piany tlmt you know, so lit nothing keep yoi away, Inn cniK unit boost your fuvor ll". hy popular npplusiau, lo win. . fin tha screen; Will Rogers In a"Our t'niifflclnl Amhiiaaador In ! eat where it's cool SPECIAL DINNER Uvi'iS EVe-alng $1.00 75c 50c Try llu'it) they're aipcliling! Club Cafe war ' a A It. erery drop. ' Alpine is pure full-cream milk, made doubly rich by removing more than half the wa tcr, then homogenized so that this double supply of cream is evenly distrib uted through every drop. Delicious in coffee. : Im proves every recipe that calls for milk. Csts less than ordinary milk so rich it saves butter in cooking. Get Alpine today. . . . in xeven'f." drop i 71. Sil"' WRr.O a 1 h L lAJtJ ALU TK riA6 UMCt-t. CLBM VJOOLO StMO I &TJl ' AKE OAJE. .. J, I L T6U. VMOMT dnjh':.''- . y t lliitilln." uml Mnmn and I.v 'tie Puttl In "tiod fluve Ala Twenty t'ente," gives you a douhl acrai'n bill In connection wllb tha etag presentations. , i'.itiHiA iiovm nrfi.u I.IMXIIHI.II Alltl'LANKW I'AHIH. 4API-Lindbergh baa changed Ihn course of life fr Pari children. Tllcy ara building alrpldnna. Tlmlr Krcnt ummrr t aport bna been long aalllnii boata, ichtrfly on th fountain Imxlna of ilia l.ufimirK anil Tullcrlca Ki'.rdcna. HIk uml IHtla boya and ovrn Uie Hlrla muk tilpa to L liouran nlrrlald now to ft ld , lor. plu and lo worahlp thn big maclilima that ramliid thi-m of I heir Atnnrlcan nlr bro, I Alrplani-a an In I ha toy tor wlndowa. Alrplana kltoa ar ha lux a new viikiip. Thn r nllyi hlc tlilnK. bowwiir. la to build ' a puno with twlntod rulibxr, to turn ihn propeller ahafl, ami "Tlm Bpirlt of Ht. Iiula" uud "NX arrawlfil OYrr It. t'IXSl; hl'MIAV. In order to iclvo our aellera and help ivni rant oml , reeiYntlon, wo hnvo dei tiled to rloaa our din Inn room on Snnduya durln thn hut wrutlu-r, ' MAnSIIAlX IIOI'RB. "It's our Alpine Makes him so fine I'll bet you a good dinner r. Alpine Tapioca PiuUiag er. Al aim M i4. i H eue. !, 4 ,(l-e- upua. leuffucu.,u. U fp. wit. Ij tva UpKX. DM SDlif t. CMUtk W4 ,tf to wttt ttrtiiu A Ji Ikt AlfM htok Wtl kt4 MVS l A.rils laAei till upmo m trtr fa'TTLt. AJJ u.f..yulM of MS. ktty bia,4 Mtf. Cook (.1 SlWlrti K'CtitMmc .M tU wkiiM (4 ttf brim Wi. - SS6 -MJAIT"LU TW' KIDS' -7M,EV I KMOVU WAAT fS ",v . a'W. tflVU'li.u: I 'IkmfWi At the Liberty , For nnurly nln yeura Io Malonny him lmn a flav.hina Wea. turn motion plilurn atar, and for thn aatnn period ford I. Ileelm hna boen hla ilonent aoclut, wrlllri all of hla atorlaa and ron ferrlna with him on errry pha of thalr prnwntutlon. On of Ihn rjeioonta of tliulr lunrin In tha babll of reading, alfllna, aort lat, clttuilfyliiK and HduptlnK. i An rtampln will b noted In "Don Dmperado," wbkh will bo een at Iho Liberty tor lint tliuea today, wh'ti 1 .00 rlak h It Ufa by appearing dlKUld aa a bandit befura a poane whhh aeki to hang him. Katurday, at thn Liberty Polo Jtorrlnon In "Onn Kbot lUnarr" another thrilling photo play with Lightning, hla famoua borne, and a apeclal mntlni tot tha klddlea with many friwt glfta I la. tha featuren for one day only. Thit 1,741-word antencn writ ten In an annual report by Nlch- olaa Murray Hutler la fren more wondtrful than waa nt flrat aup poiwd. It makea no men t on of thn wnnlhnr, bomlmll anindiili or prohibition. llllK RADII M WATKU llaa cured thouaanda. 1 Why not youT Had turn or for anle by .V. A. HKKitiH, (Special nepreaent-itlve) I'bon 9S0-W JUA1C Reed 8C Reynolds Real Estate ' Fire Insurance We specialize in ir-j rtgated' farms 4 and stock ranches. J 1036 Main St. , Klamath Fal Ore. i SATURDAY; SPECIALS PHONE 83 V , Order our "Health Bread" for there is no other like it. Bran Muffins-Fruit Muffins ' Mocha Cake ' Strinp; Beans, 3 lbs.( Fresh Peas, 3 lbs. ..,.......;..'. Large Corn, dozen''....'. - All Bunch Vegetables, each All kinds of Fruit at prices that will please. '1 Coffee Meter with each can of Folger's Coffee FA L L S Grocery and Bakery . 6th and Main Phone 83 Arrived! " . i .. ,j . By Blosset i i " "( ' CO,Vi6OJ6C7OMVA0O66 MvJAATV &fT f OUR USS" Msu.oO MAD V" I , (.hit ti l V H'OMKX IIIKAt.l KAt.lUK I if uafiftTui OV IUIIIIIKII IIAIK, BKIItTH1 riKKI.IN. I AP--llobl)d hair and abort aklrta atartnd a violent conflict within Ihn fnnilninn lank of thn "Klahlhnlm." the derma n legion of w ir totnrana. Thn provincial groupa of thn "Koenigln I.ulna liund," aa th woman'a branch of thn legion la called, wnro atirred to Indigna tion hy tha bobbed hair and ebort akirta worn by thnlr pa triotic aUtera In Ilerlln. A reso lution aiittlng forth what tbey re garded aa the error of tha Ber liner' waya waa promptly dl piilchnd to llerl n. Memlwra of thn flnrlln branch, however, turned like the proverb ial worm. After atreoalng thnlr gnueroua honpltility to the many thofandu of war veteran at the rocent "Blnel Helmet" deroonatra tlon In flerlin. they withdrew from thn "Koenigin I.uln Rund" and formed un organization of I heir own under thn nam of "I.ulapiihund." Abbreviated hair and akirta are not viewed with dfofnvour In the new "vnrMn." Leeral Notices NOTU'K OK HALF OK (iOVKH -MKNT TIMHKIt. Generil Land Office. Waahlng ton. I. ('.. July 1, 1927. Notice l hereby given that uhject to the condition" and limitation! nf the act of June 4. 1S1 (3d Ktat . 218). and pur suant to departmental regnlationa of Air II 14. 1Z4 (&U L. D.. 37(1. the timber on tbe follow 3T New Auto ' Awnings Connolly Bros, have taken the agency for Smith's Auto Awnings. ' It will roll up like a curtain or pull out like an awning. We have all colors and make them while you wait CONNOLLY BROS. .914-18 Main; 25c 25c 40c Sc I Legal Notice ing landa will be aold M ten o'clock a. m . Hpi. 14. 117. at public auction at tha V. 8. land office at lkevlew, Oregon, to the hlgheat bidder at not Ua thin the appralaed value aa ahnwn by thia notice. Bale to be uhjert lo thn apnroval of the Hecrctary of the Interior. The purchane price, with an addition al urn of one-fifth of on per rnt thereof, being rommlaalona allowed, muni ha deported at time of rale, money to be return ed If aale la not approved, other wine patent will Unue for the timber, which man be removed within VI yeara. Illda will be received from cltlaena of the Uni ted Rtatea. aaaociatlona of auch rli'iena and corporal lona orgjn lnd nndcr the Uwa of the I'nited Btatea. or any atate. territory or dl;:lrlet thereof only. Upon ap rllcatlon of a qualified purchaaer the tlmtvT on any legal auu dlvlalon will be offered aenarate lv before being Included lu any offer of a larger nnlt. T. 41 ft.. It. 7 K . Sec. . NKV(8Vi yel low pine 4UU M, 8KVtSVV yel low plna 400 M, none of tbe tlm- lx;r on thia aectlon to be aold for Ir-aa than 14. 00 per M. TH03. HAVELL, Acting f'ommlaaioner. June 17-24-July 1 S-15-22-21 NEW TODAY FOR UK NT Ontalde modern furniHhed apt. Winter Illdg. Phone 149-W. 29-1 FOR RENT Furninhed Court apt. 2 room and bath. Elec tric range, bot water, garage. 1C1S Esplanade, phone 794-W. J29-AI9 FOR HALE Klightly uaed pianoa. very reasonable. Z0 monthly payments. Winter. Up Htair. 710 Main St. 29-1 FOR RENT New piano. 16.00 per month. Rent to apply on purchase price. 710 Main St. Winter. Upstair. 29-1 .OTICE. The Central Community Club will hold a meeting on Saturday evening. July 30. at 8:00 o'clock. Important. (aigned) V. S. REEDER. " Preaident. Safe travel to j ' - i : - - Departures daily Only straight-thru motor coach service to Portland, California citiea and great Southwest with J dally sche dules. Serves all Intermedi ate point stop-overs it de sired. Great responsible sys tem protect you care for baggage. ' ' Finest laas-en-cloaed car, reclining chairs, heaters. , Leave for yrfk... Drxs.Mrm REDDING SAX FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES sax nreco, phoenix, i-x . PASO MEDKORD, ROSKBIKQ PORTLAND , SEATTLE.' VAXCOI VER 7:13 a. 10:00 m. in 1:00 p. in., 4;00 p. in. Tei-minal Stage Depot Phone 999 NEW TODAY yon HALKe-On no milk cow. Bll Kalvey. Merrill, Or. i-4 FOR IlKNT One 3-room and one 4-roora furnlhhed apart tnent. U'uod and water fur ninhed. ' Hi and t40 a mo. w and modern. Luraa Kur nlture and Hardware. 12 Main St. FOfl TALK In Langell valley, on eauy terma SO acre of flna level land, all under Irri gation ditch with email honae and barn. Well of water. Will ael very cheap If aold before Kept. l.t. F. !L Hall. Ill South lliveralde. 29-4 FOIt HALE Oit TKADK Kit-acre dairy and poultry ranch on Dallea-Talifornia highway near Modoc Point. Natural meadow. Irrigation, aome plow land, buildings, fenced. Priced rea aobtuie. Terma. Will trade for your borne In Klamath Falla M. Motacbenbacher, 727 Wal nut Ave. . - 29-3U RAILROAD ADDITION, 25 feet on ' Market Street, new pmvlrg, epur trick In rear. Paving and tewer llena fully paid. Price only 9. Term $200 raah, balance 1U monthly, 1 Internal. WARD t DALE r.. ' Realtor v 724 Maiu 8t. LOST, ANDFOUNl5 .LOST Halo aotter doc. white I . body, larga, black spots on body and head. Strayed from Edge- wood ranch about six weeka ago. !Ua end oX tall cut off. Last aeeu at AJgoma. iteward. 25-3t For Sale Automobile FOR SALE 192 Ford coupe. . Driven 7000 miles: also Ford .delivery. Good rubber. 2053 Eaat Mala St. Phone 218-W. 2-3t WAITED WANTED ' Good stenographer a -sires position, fan g:ve ref erences. Call Herald Office. ' 28-3 WANTED Middle aged single man wants work on firm by the month. ' Reasonable. Can milk Box Bi Herald. 28-2 fOWTiFfF a concetto T'YOUR FAMILY'S : FUTURE i Don't listen to buncombe and lost your cash. Don't gamble- Invest. Buy through a reliable real estate firm, i We are thor ough In our Investigations. Re liable. FOR TRADE . NEW AND STRICTLY modern 4-room bungalow: fireplace: lots of built-ins. Will take good car or lot as part pay ment. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE in Mills Addition to trade for 5- or (- room house, located near town. STUDEBAKER roadster to trade .for house, - THREK-ROOM modern furnished . house located lust off Creacent Ave. Will take vacant lot- as payment, ' 30 ACRES near Corrallls ' to trade for dairy ranch. CHILCOTK & SMITH Hndtors , 7-7 Main St. V 30-Jyl V -..11 I MISCELLANEOUS W'INOOW CLEANING rioor waxing, home cleaning and a Itor aervli-e. Kefnrene. A. M. Khoada. Phono 16-W. 107-l-tf FOR SALE FOIt HALB Phon 1. 4-J. Ilreedlng rebblln. la-at FOR BALK Breeding rabbit. Matt Kohn, Jr. Phon 844-J. ' " 17-1 FOR BALK Klva-room modern, houna, flroplac. ctment baaft- ment, lawo. On paved atreet. Phone 9. I7-I9 FOR SALE - Freah vgntabl. ne.w potatoea, gaa and oil. . Ljtta tlroa.,, Booth Merrill , ltoad.' , ..' T " za-ao. . FOR BALE Two beda. aprlnga and mattreaaea. Sanitary coucn, rocker and dining room chalra. Alao ra.- 714 tit. Francla Ht. FOR HALE , Plymouth Rock chicken. Will lay in Beptem- ' ber. f.atta Tlroa.', Merrill Road. Orceon. Phone I9F21. 28-JO FOR BALK Kpringdr Spaniel , pupplea. Imported stock. , Beat line of breeding In America. Phone 830, or call at 1941 Portland avenue after 7:30 In the evening. 22-30' For Sale Real Esat FOR ALH Four-room honae oa ' ' Oregon Ave, Phone S3. J7-l . A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Th cafe near the 8. P. Depot Is for aale. Doing a 1 fine 'bualneea. Owner haa other Intereat demanding at-' tention. . . . '..,-, t THE WALTON. WRIGHT CO. Phone 1144 . .. .27-21 FOR EXCHANGE Fine -room horn in Ashland: modern, on pavement Basement, etc. Will trade for Klamath Falla bom. WILL- TRADE beautiful new home in Klamath Fals for Medford property. . Thia prop erty well located In. deelrable district. . . . 1 1 A. A. BELLMAN CO. 120 N. 7th. St. ; Phone 1S -. ' S-30 RESTAURANT We hava a very fine proposition, to offer." Will , stand clpseat " investigation. Completely equipped, and going M. Only . 20. Liberal terma. r . - .. . 11100 Cosy, new horn with - bath, garage.- extra large lot, flower, near bst school In city. Only 1200 cash, balance) like rent. . FOR RENT We have aeveral 3 to (-room nomea. lumiahed.or unfurnished for rent. ,! THE WALTON-WRIGHT CO. . Realtor Corner 11th & Main. Phone 1144 REAL BARGAINS 11350 Nice house In Lageriw Addition, close to highway. Term's . 11575 Fine 3-room house on pavement. Bull tins, etc., on large lot. Easy terms, . 82J00 Dandy new 4-room homo close to pavement Hardwood floors, bath, nook, , garage, large front and rear porch. A fine home. Easy terma. 1 2850 Beautiful 3-room home . in Hot Springs. Nook, bath, large lot, electric stove. Houea new;, owner non-realdent la priced to sell. Terms. ' A. A. BELLMAN CO. UO N. 7th St. . Phone 158 ' ' - " z-3 FOR RENT FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. reasonable. 317 Pine; 28-30 FOR RENT 5-room unfurnished ; house, Call Martha Upp, 371, ' 2-Jt ROOMS 920 Lincoln. Phono S7-W- . , J27-A27 FOR RENT Three and 4-room apartment, completely furniah- ' ed. Wood and water. 1 block from Main on 5th St. 3i . month. Phon 1419. , 22.11 FOR RENT Flrat class furnish , ed apt., steam heated. Mc ; Carthy Apts., 830 Pine. Phono ' ' . 14tf FOR RENT Compie"eiy furulahl ; ed apt., garage, new building, , Just off Main on Broad. Reg ; Arms. Phone 1118.1 JlO-Ai ;0R RENT We ran save yon . big money at the Arcade Hotel 1 Apartments. ' furnished com pletely, electric ranges, linen, dlahea and telephone. Or rooms with private bath at real cut rates to permanent gucats. Arcade. Mt-Ji I 0137 av nca scevfcc me. KJ J - Ja-uj-i'M 1 ..1 1.. 1 1 ... . ... . 1 .1 l f 1 '.-aji3 I