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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1927)
T'A'GE FOUR THK KVENINlS IIKKATA). KLAMATH 1AI.I.S, J)lF.(iON Kil.h.V, 29, 1027. Around New York Town Aimee McPherton T. n. MALARXKY ...... W. If. I'KRKINS. V. B. tNUUiiJl . Advertising iltitluesa .-..Editor Manager Manager similar to Antt'liii Tviiinlu !nro 'he would uittHMir in'rlodtt'allY. Will Ouit TVmnl Tim mmm iIhu miM h fol- . NEW YORK. "1 you you "Thin lit the rrr of Uroailnay: Thli In the lw . , .... ,.... ,ot t" blatant, screeching. r.nierru pa n-iunu riam niaiit'r m inn posioilice ( Mimsia rain, luiiiflf. thnl If wego.. o August 8.. t. nnder .it of Co.r.. M.rrh . u; j five by "c, On. V....r ....... .C0 On. Month ......' t 5 I Ar,h,,r Cr- '' Hi Mimlhs 3 60 Tlirw Months 1.7S ! philosopher. dramatlxt. artist. Three Months 1.9S Six Months .. 2.7S , rrltlc, lioheroUn, concelrd t,hls One Monlh ....... .65 One Year 6.00 j word picture ono night recently . when small talk was running ' ' - - . large. - (Continued From Pit 1) statements, thargo, counter ;charg. and i nln Is which Imtto : marked all temple tempests. II. M Mlldc hoti-p Torn between her dvnliii In ; lowed lu t'lilewm and New York. Kroiu tht'so p.ilnls her organisa- fulrt which wan Injected Inln the luitiahhle between mother and Uuiiliter hn the rvungeliiit'i i'iiiiiiliti0 said Mint Mrs. Ken nedy wu thtt wlfu if W. Whine tton would nit ml throughout Iheitcck of Now V.nk, still was un Iniied Slates and Into foreign countries. Al lent thro Cnnaitlsn rltlea. Including Toronto aud Montrenl would build permanent temples, cleared lat I k 111 . Mis.'Kcnneily, when Inld Hint Wlilllrbcck deuled ha was mar ried lo her o reven knew her, id fuitml in comment. ! Associated Press' Leased Wire Member of Audit Bureau of Circuation Friday, July 29, 1927. It's an old story on the "main, stem" thai those who have lived most vividly upon their wits' hare died most Injuriously when outwitted by another who played the same cine. Kor It' a bin !..... . , . , i battle of "take or be taken" and Member of the Associated Tress . . K . i,.. , . K. The AwoHated Pror, i. exclusively entitled to the use or re.uhl. rd1"1 'a "h bank Hon of ull news difpaiches credite-d o It or not otherwise crentted ro11 " bl may in " ,n" lo this pniu r and pIm the local news published therein. All riahi . 'i'1"- OI,,y lo " hext. -f republication of spocial dispatches herein are also reserved, i This Is what makes the llroaJ- ' ; way w heela no round doit-eat- dOK and let the fittest survive. The other day a "master mind" of bootlcfKery went to Atlanta for a two-year vacation. Before , ho set forth he shrucged his shoulders und sadly remarked Ihut he was broke. He wasn't quite sure what his wifo and , chiltlrea would do while he was. none. Well, they had lived in I luxury'a lap while the goine was : Kood . . And the Ulghoonpi, ire on too of the earth 'sow. nnlSuchHl. unscathed, " some 6f them eminently respectable men. Oh, -well, their lime would coniu! ' : . i in Uroadway, nambllnc doesn't Putting Down the Log Rate riacinp; lojr rttcs ,qo a par between main line and 0. C. & E. branches is one of the best things that the Southern Pacific railroad has done for this conntry. Heretofore any freight originating on the O. C. ,& E. carried an excessive and almost prohibitive freight rate, which is usually the case when a short line of road is 'handled and operated independently.; , . :"Z'"'rr. The log rate on the O. C. & E. has been very severe. on local milk and it is with considerable satisfaction the rr'y "' ; f " ........ , i v iuPalmiC cords. It yon play the nulls here will realize that the day of reckoning has ame. y0a jump in blind, whether finally come and they are 'to be freed from a bondage u' a deal in a boatload of that was irksome and hard to bear. . irwJSST ! witn unuorm log rates we may expect to see i , in rn ih rhnnM. ' more small' mill operations because timber is owned by nntTJ7JZ various ones who will now attempt to pool a reasonable cIuD or op(,n , fiea drcus. book amount and induce some operator to handle it. - a bath-tub girl or turn gold dig- This could not be done under the old rates for they ger- Cet "fk":. f were sufficiently high to prevent any new concerns be-j one of the latest -racketa," by coming interested. The merchandise rates have not ben ho way. is' disturbing card to announced but we look for the people of the Dairy ".h':"' country and, in fact, all along the O. C. & E. line to registered at Manhattan's hotels. I secure a rate that is livable on both freight that goes! Crews of rani passera have into the country as well as the freight that originate mtb'.' On the line. ' . arraiiRlng with bell-hops to see , ' ', that they get nndr doors. Tho -' nlRht club game having blown I " rrii A ' C ' UP. these variations on the old " ,1 lie Army S OerVlCe theme promise lively diversion! ' with "blenty of girls."" enterta'n-1 ' Just now when the Salvation Armv is asking for con-1 . dance partners and such, i ;... '!. , . , , .v:u They hint that ymjlfvnn if Reti , aiuiauuu vi iia wiupansn, i... .v - cheering liquids as well an gen-. is to raise funds for greater charity work, it is quite ieraiiy you can. ' ' " proper to consider what the. Army has done in this city i ,.. . ! y v" That a Broadway net a new. in the past - . ' - - ' ' ' 'Jlgamo as fast as the old one die: Without doubt the Klamath Falls Salvation Army has ; out Grab the money from Tom, j done a great work here. It has been constantly at work, j ? "f d he out-of-town , . ... ... . ,, , . I bnyera. Mck the suckers and 1 for one of the cardinal principles of the Army, is con-.!then nIck Clca olher, Some; stancy. There is never a night too dark nor a storm too: how, aomeway. get the money, severe for members of the Army to carry on in their en-i And. after the game u over, ... turn your pockets inside out i deavor to help mankind. . , , for ..,hte ta tne iBW that if you We cannot well get along without the Salvation Army desire to live by bread alone, you ; or some agency of iU 4cind, hence the support to be giv- j "ban one day die for lack of it. en this institution will be aiding and assisting in a way ; that will not be wasted. . " - ' continue, htr work here nd Ihe'of "Hchihnuses." Kualanil. Ire wish 10 rngago In world evange- Hand. cc4ln.l an4 Walea would Ileal work, the evanaelUt mid1" her program of eaiwnsion. he had made her choice amH " ' ' bl re would leave I.o Angeles. . vealed her plan la either her l'rcvloulv she hsd aunounced n,olhrr- hlr inrrgtUm. or the plans to change Aaxvlua Tem rnirrrwi.wmiitwi , wbicb .iwcaea , Pie to the Kour Snuare Oospel batjij Ilitr present alruggle with lighthaiise, with branches In clt-' brrifehr, but shu .wuld do so les throughout the I'nlled u,,,y- . ! States. A ncW niystery Lu. .tumple af- . Kev. Martin Cral of lies' Moines, Iowa, may he the ch"l') ,' ssssssssssjsssssssaaaaaiaaaaaBaciBSBHH of the retiring pastor as her suc cessor. "It seems that ever since I escaped from thoao who kidnap ed me I have been the renter of a storm created by outside Influ ence." Mrs. McPherson suid. "Through their heckling of me Ihey have tmperlle dthe wonder ful Institution we hare built through years of devotion and eflit. leiiver Wants Temple D.nver. she nald, had started a movement lo found a temple, Queen Matle bought i fur coals In Chicago. It cub I be her reception was I list chilly. Locke Motor Co. CHEVROLET . Special 1926 Star Six Coupe Fully Ulllipped. $195.00 . 1921 . Ford Coupe Disc wheels. $143.00 Locke Motor Co. CHEVROLET Get on the Spot Saturday Night AT i wi us 1.1 jssas m-.jw.eii --7iil1ir a i Mini i M i MERRILL LES SAILING'S COUNTRY BOYS Will Piny Till 3 A. M.' Supper Served at Midnight ' I1 Nv 3orYour5 Li Your sweel-loulh lltt a right 10 Ilia best. ur pantry will gel an "biinesl lo imiilne.s . Ihank you" from nnvbolty. U I" Plal peaer- a '"! food that add. lo the Joy of living, lleniainber lo Insist on our pantry. ANOTHER mhii ii t virtK3e,5v:wW" r- Which Ends Our Annual July Clearance 300 Pairs of One Cent Shoes FRIDAY and SATURDAY Not Odds and Ends But Regu lar Stock Shoes "i Ready for Business New Melhase Bldg. 4 " (Opposite Court House';' ,, " ' Now PERMANENT LOCATION R.E.Stinson y' y- Photographer , (FoiToer owner of Stinson's Studio) J j' Specializing :; If 7 IN ' Home Portraits . - ; Kodak Finishing Picture Framing -j)'. Commercial Photographing A foimer agreement compels us to make Portraits only at your home not in thid Rtudio, until after November 30, 1927. v' We Will Develop All Films for One Month - , FREE ' ; 1926 . . ford Coupe Excellent shape; -driven only few miles. $350.00 .Locke Motor Co. CHEVROLET Good 'Tooth Brushes Are Essential to Your Health te-'-' '- Modern hygiene hai " t;uu;ut us the importance of healthy teeth. ; To do onr best work we must be In good phy sical condition. - Keep your teeth elean. The Klenzo Tooth Itrunli. : i -ere made of good ; nuality bristles and are designed to fit the , mouth. Krery one In a -sanitary Individual con tainer. fit t Li ..STAR DRUG STORE J0 ttsaSX, tttf t Owing to the great response. f.Uurf gale we have added 200 more, numbers to tho One Cent' Shoes. This brings in every wanted style, color and lcalher. ,Some will remember the similar sale in January if you missed that? sale now is your oppor tunity to get two pairs of shoes for the rcg- . ular price of one, plus one cerit- If you took advantage of the ale you will not hesitate to stock for fubijjiinieffs'from'this great offering. The shoes offered taken from regular stock not odds and ends; but quality shoes made by well-known manu- . faeturers. In some styles will be found broken sizes, but thera are numerous models' which guarantees every woman satisfaction in her selection. . t : '! j'ij;.. Remnants Vi Regular Price ' i.' 5 .'. '-:u.' fcnii'i sin m Women's and Children's Shoes .. 300 pnim of women's and children's shoes in the newest models go for one cent per pair. You may select ono pair of shooi from stock at tho regular .price and choose, another pair from the group of 300 for only one .cent or you may select both pairs from tho group of 300 paying tho reg ular price of one pair and the' other pair you receive for one cent. ILLUSTRATION: 'Mother may select a pair of ?.8." shoes and daughter may selcrt a pair of $1.85 shoesthe two pairs cost you only ?t.8G inn't that a remarkably saving on just two pairs of shoes.' This sale lasts only today and tomorrow. DonJJ wait until sizes are depleted come early and choose from this large group. " , ; I I 2 Remnants Regular Price Thousands of small lots of piece goods go at onc-htlf regular price. ! " M." I SALE 'Ends Saturday Night : See Windows , ' hllllM.!! See Windows iiiiiiihiiiihiiiilmliiihnliniiB KLAMATH SzLlJL FALLS ''tOv 1 1 I: ft Klamath Falls, Ore.