TA'CE TWO THE E VEXINO HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Friday. July 20. lfr7. rwrn i:agixq t l-AIMINU 1IMI.NU ' ' SMITH BROS. I,1K) 1'rr Iloum Vp ', , , Itiune Of The Cascade Hotel " BTltlCTLY MOUF.HX Weekly Rates 3.00 and Vp Wimrrr anit Tub Rath Frw Mb ami Walaut. Phone M81-W Klamath Falls, Ore. Flnewt Mineral Water In thi World MOT HHtlM.p -XATATOKHM imir nmM fmm Teb Haih. Swimming Tank ' Hut ami Cold Showers For I'rlvate Partiea Thnno 1U0-W ,. Spring and F.slanada fellow Cab vl'HOXK lilt Trips to . Pejiran City. Shlp- pinnotn. Aitamont 75c. City trlpa. S5c and op. . FOH THE BEST . Ask for the union card P. R. Olds, J. H. Fifces. R. U Green, L. B. Shehorn, C.H. ' Klnf . Mr. Carpenter Employ member of 1 U. 127 StarUnf July 11. Red Ball Stage Line Two Dally stages Between KUmath Falls and Lakei-lew. 1 ravin 8:30 moraine Leaving 8:00 P. M. Leares KKCKARD'S Auto X Stage, Office s TPhone 77 or 600 HTBRX TAXI SERVICE i Under ' New Management " - Phone 341 Prompt Serrlee J10-JV19 "HOWARD Transportation Co. ' STAGES Leaving Klamalh Fall 7:15 A. M.. 10:00 A. MW P. M., 4 P. St., making connections to Portland and was- nnint. mmm. day. Connections at Ashland with Pickwick Stages for Cali- forni points. 7:1S A. M. and 1:00 P. M. Stages make direct through connections to Portland and Seattle. 10:00 A. M. and Jr. M. Stages make direct con nections to San Francisco and uot Angeies. ' local Office 815 Main St. Phone 990 ; , ? SSSTJ ! BILLYq PIURITP ni mun Inriwrnai nnr i biHNiubuuio mtavtns Lust ANOTHER STEP IB SEALS, 5-3 tanks Ifrt Itii'vS. Treat in tmith when they set (rvali! Tluit .reins l. be the . . t .1. .. V V. l A sin;in oi iie .- . l.uns. j Any time mi Am. Hon l.e.Kiie rleil threslina tpo lcd of tm j Yankee, the crew of Miller Unit tins administers a severe .wnk In, j 1 tin IV. or.tt Inn liny of jtlila (Ity Ilie AswM-liitcd IW Karl Kuni ru ax steady ui er. the Philadelphia AllilH is In the nip and lurk svrainul a clo.lt aatlusi tiuOtoaior. sml were !th!n hatltlis diatame of In the national leaeiie nennaut j ihe S.'iila thalked up &-1 win, 'he Vanka. only a rouili nf rh&se a spurt by the liiant. today j driving two Portland hurlrr to sanies, sway. In the ..i-.sYrt had pulled them up to s lthlu ,uvr. It was 'he sixth Ural till llrl rurlal series. .New York six and one half sanies of the ; triumph f. r Kuut. Hattertea: proceeded to ln tour out ' ereet held by the Piralea. j Verkes. Kinney, Tomlin and 'lTl Tle men of Xla.k have The Clanln bowliM over the ; Yelle; Kuni and Kego. i Ihii more or leas silent ever, Cutis for their fourth rouseeu-1 The Missions finally defeated !- tire victory yesterday C to 5. j th Oaks, winning the second 1 ''J June, the Ch'raau thwarting rfforla of the ltruina game of a dnuble-heaiU'r S-l, of- . V'hlte So went into New York tp Jockey into a first place rllnrhlter Herman Sparks, ilia Acorns' 'or a four-gam series, wlih Jut with the Corsairs who in turn! rookie, had healed th 'm. 4-J. a alnale game separating thorn were tumbled by the Koliins, 7 i In the first game. llatloriea: ; fioni the champions. Ituth and to S. liarf.-ot and Whitney: Sparks ainl Co. prmeedwl to trim lh Sox Cincinnati clung to its meagre ( Hool. Second game: l.u.lol ih three out of four and utartrd one point grip on fifth place by i and Wales: Delancy and I'.ool. them on the toboggan, hammering Cenewu h and Went i Seattle gained a full game cn j n J,lv Fourth. Washington, tor It hlla to defeat Boston. lljOakland by twice taking l.os after wlnirtiig 1 straight and to S. Meanw hile, s six run rally j Angeles Into ramp. 10-;. nnd Jumping Into second place. Invnd in the eighth allowed the Cardl- l-o. Batteries: tlrahaiu and cd liotham, confident of cutting nals to top the Phillies 0 to S. Schmidt: Cunningham. Smith and down the Yankees' lead. The Yankees kept breeiing 'Samtherg. Second gams: ltran.lt' New York won both holltl ly along In the American Leaguo and Borreani; Weathershy and games by the lopsided scores, of walkaway by saddling the much , Hannah. j 1S-1 and 21-1. Two such over- buffeted Browns with 9 to 4 de-' "Had Boy" Phil Mulrahy was whelming defeats won't help the, feat. . in rare form, and . Hollywood . Washington morale any. Detroit made it three out of (made it three out four from J fie in the series by toppling the i Sacramento, winnlss 4-J. Ilat- There is no gettli.g away from Aihletics. S to 2. iteries: Mulcahy and Cook; Kent- the fact that the Ysnkees he- The lowly Red Sox maintain-1 ing and Severeid. "' I lieve in treating all rivals rough and usually do that very thing. 1 ' . division by a double victory over to be In. Yet you never can tell. J.iokln and llotlou lwU weu Last aeii.on Iho Yanks Irittered from Philadelphia.. stay u limit aa i oiiitii.itidlns a III the Atner cati l.easue, dev.- lead In Ihe last hull and were land, pluylng lis best of the year, hud pressed to win, ' ' cored twice over Chicago, w hll Tlii) Yankees ha made the New Yolk annihilated the Wash- moat of their, home stay litis Ingtou club In bo Hi g lines, mak- year by winning S'J out of JS Ing SJ runs to two fur Ihe Sou- games. They have . profiled dil ator. 1 1. Iili-n 1 ,i H -, two losing mensely In their games against aireaka and one winning rampage Ihe tail-end lied Sox. and In th were brought to a close. pinch they have knot ktd off the The Aililelt.a trimmed Boston opposition, after losing seven In a row. Then. lloaiott reversed roudlt'niis and beat I'lillndi'lphlu to break a pro tracted .Vslng streak of 1 j games, things New York has doun thla . Washington was-boiten In a don- year. Th it la why Ihe Yanks are It lakes a good ball club even a great club-to do the hlcheader straight. alter rupturing 10 away out In front In the Aiurr ' Icun League race. All of which proves It ia beat F1X Puftl'ncr loK to take nothing tor granted ln'rlX i basebaii. ince to athletes jusi Breaks All Records natmally refuse to run true to , fori" ' "AI.K.M, July JS. li,Hii--Whnl Is subl to bo , world record fjr Yanks n::4 IMrnl.n. n,,, hlng was set In the Mount It Is more or less an ncrepted Angel district Ih'weck by If ruth in baseball, tint Ihe tem H. I'enner of Dallas, who pulled out In front on July Fourth has 17 acres In a dav ud a half, the best chance to win th pen- dayllsht to dark basis. A small pant. Statistic strongly bear out tractor wa. used on Ihe puller, such a belief. (Wh,n !,,, ,, ..... . .. niaae it itiisbuigli ,.., du.k Thursday he had NUT CMCKEP JocVilliains The Tutiney battle will not be the only one In Chicago Wo un derstand iiu.l of Ihe suburbs of ill it i lly has had 17 mindi ng so far this year and with good luck the remaining six inoulbs oiialil to iiuiillfy ill Its fight tor annex sllou. We have II i-.mf I.I. lU 1 iKy Ibal l.ln.ly's n.xl f.auwlil y a non slop (light around (lurland llmk e of the Indians V.'ulkur won Uc.ause he ban ned minors, claims a di iiiuk.i sin.'. Ho, we presume, ha ll never become punch drunk. Neil to being fir'drr for Ills llcds. we isn't Ibink of a Imiglirr Job Ilia ii to be ma v.. r of one of those III He Ftem h towns and I hit. us to sci up ii I most evcrv li Ik lit al in. In welcome fl- eia tailing oil III front lawn. I llrooklvii police lapiutv lurll,. Ill years old. At IHI It was uiMiiki-n for a tnenilier of Cuu. ! nle Ms. k's outfield I. ' . tih. well, thla golf stuff la 1 li.a I Hi r anyway, lis belter In swat pills thin to swallow tlietii. 11 I In the Nat nnal and New York in th American. Both ruled fa Torltes at the atari of the sea son. The Yankees, wllh accounted for 4 7 ycrca fliico Tues day morning. A ID-pound blby boy ran make lent of more uoiso than n IMi-iwund praulcaily a dmen gahes. look ' mun can suppr. ed their recent reversal of form ; K a-KoVlnv nut a Ho.lhln t rl- . . - ..'F. w. in . I, A Mrrtlt A A IT ,. . .... , ... . umrih over Cleveland S to 0 and , i. v-..i. ' . !' Moiiie l iiusunl lliioa. 4 to 2. . . ' I 'lp 'our,h of July game In Walter Johnson was in great . . u llk ll Xcw Mul,. ', j t1' major loiguea, hy thi way. form, holding the White Sox to j ,ohnnr xiock rowu - f,;rn,r pro.lu.od. several extraordiuary six hiU while Washington reels- AUbam.- fo()lhal taatk.nl. , H tered a 12 to 2 -tctory. ! v..rv ,.,k,.. , . . . , It la unusual when a team -Snappy-Short Sports entitled "The Co-Kd." wins both games of a double header; they ulmoat Invariably Seem Like Confidence. '' ' J?"1 ,,h'"- "' """'' Jack Sharkey may be termed I ",' N"1obbI a braggart, but it looks like con-1 !, .? J' v , , ,. , , n.i . k , , I Pittsburgh Increased Its lead fldcnce as he won every fight ; . L i, . ..a .. . . . , ' hy winning two fnm the wor d he said he would so far hut one. i I , . . , , champions. St. Louis, while Chi cago tightened Its hold on sec- . ,n. . , ,, nn pisce oy aeieaiing ine liens. Joe Schaute and Oeorge Vhle corned in , 1 . ,j. The com Nw "Vork ontInu)ld ln th. rivoinrt sr. the best hit- : ' """" " ". i ting pitchers in the American, League. Fishing Tackle Bargains tv For Saturday - - Steel Fly. or Bait Rods . Liait or Fly, Rrela .. Camp G. ids Camp Stoves Air Mattresses ". Air Pillows ; X'amp Mattresses, tloubie Camp Mattresses, sinple ... Archery Outfits, complete $ .75 . 1.45 .. '.45 . 2.00 20.00 . 1.75 . 4.25 . 2.50 .10.00 KLAMATH SPORTING GOODS CO. SPORTSMEN'S OUTFITTERS Phone 1309 117 So. Seventh St, ; - KUmath Falls, Ore. Torxo Coal & Transfer - Company '"Diamond Briqneta Phone 1097 First : Methodist Church" Tenth' and High St. FRAAK L. WtMETT, ' Minister RftHtMr snnrv m-t. ' e. - , vw Ol. "we Specialize In Helpfulness" Sunday Set-rices: 11 a. m.. 7:10 m. Chiloquin ' Stages tara KUmath Falls Daily tor cniloqnla aad intermediate ' points as follows: V-:00 a. m. 12:80 noon 1:30 p. m. 7(30 nm. ' Tfala s. a. m. bos to connect Mr camps beyond Chlloauln. P. 8.: KING, ' Owner LAMATH-WEED, STAGE . - to , ' WEED and Intermediate points. LT. K. F. 7:S0; Ar. Weed 12 hr. .Weed 1:S0; Ar. K. F. 6:00 ' Gin... T ..-I l)(.SUgtt Terminal Depot ! '. - U l , . Tiy d Herald A Fixed o : Space k Ads IV Will Coach in Florida. . Rollins College lu Florida has signed Sim Hill, an Illinois grad- i uate, as football roach lor next ' fall. t ' ' I All Were There. . j Pr-tctlrally ereVy track Har'of national prominence was entered SUMMER I PRICES ON WOOD Buy your winter's supply of block-wood and green-slab at once, while the prices are at the bottom. FARMERS Also stock op for the (year, at the bin or delivered. We deliver anywhere Jn the valley I'j cord jumbo loads. Peyt 607 Main on Phone 63S Miller's Market t ' SATURDAY SPECIALS Pork Shoulder Roast, Pound.... Veal Shoulder Roast, Pound.;. Pork Shoulder Steak, Pound... 20 Small Dresed Springers, ( ound (While they last) Whole Smoked Hams, Pound (Or half) " 28 Shoulder of lamb. Ib . , . ?.-.25c Lard, lb .v. . . . . . ; . . .... . .-15c ,c, . 818. MAIN Phone 750 ' v. - r ; We Deliver ' PRONACO MAI' ; " (100 Ter Cent Pure Malt Sugar) Our customers sayf"'rr)tinVoMiilr Is the' very ' 1 best .VaU I love ever used." We are exclusive agents In Klamath County. A trial will onrlsie unybody. Pelican City-Bakery. & Grocery Delicious Bakery Products American and Italian Imported Specialties PHONE D51-W , . ij U'SEB I CARS i. ( ' 1 ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE KLAMATH FA LLS-A SH LA I) MKDFOP.I) HTAfiKS I.x. Klamath Falls at 8 A. 1:30 P. SI. ' . " Stages leave from : NEW STAGE . DEPOT Eighth and Klamath Ave. "The Sunshine Route" HARNESS y am SADDLES AWSIXBM Al AITO 1 TOI'H If It's made of ennvas-or leather, we make it. CONNOLLY BROS. SADDLERY OM-018 .Main Sensation! HELD OVER BY GREAT POPULAR DEMAND dance: " " " : ". . r "-1 Altamont Tomorrow Fay Elliott's BRUNSWICK RECORD . ORCHESTRA Before selecting that car be sure to come in and see for your self what wonderful buys we can give you in good reliable rebuilt cars Sedans, Coaches, Cdupes, Roadsters, Tourings and Trucks. : : f Our success is your satisfaction. Buick Garage 1330 Main St. 't 'j' ' . .. t Phone. 42 1 rV ! Of.. i' -1KC - .iv AllAierican an Outstanding Adiieirttmit oAirieriatJtAutomothv Eimncers ft- s I. am it if" . ..L- ' I . . J I vn WATCH 14 y.in asisy 1 aiasas, l s in. . i , i i n-j -v ii.-- NOTICE j The unJei-siKnetl Milk Dl.ttrihutoi-s Of Klamath Falls have decided to raise the price of Milk Aujrust 1st. We are malvinjr this move owing jto the fact that we fintl.it impossible to make iin.y imm in me prices now p;evailinfr. No, bepinninjr Aupust 1, the schedule prices for Milk will bo as follows: 1, Quart. Mc: 2 Oi.arts. 2S: n Onsn-fj J-r- and 4 Quarts or more will he 13c a quart, l ints win ue jtc siraignt. une Uallon in cans, 45c. Holliday Dairy Crater Lake Dairy Perfection Dairy A. Manera Dairy -Lost River Dairy CLLiLwIlZZZZLtisi fNATUbriYT wo fxpect. hot weather for the next' few weeks. Consequently, we ure faced with the serious prob lem of the table menu. ' A part of our service to you is to help make life more comfortable and enjoyable. Allow us to Miggest a cold drink you will relish and not tire of. Fruit Lemonade the julco of one half lemon, the juice of ono orange, ono dessert spoon of powdered sugar, ono bottle of ginger ale and cracked ice. You may have your choice of ales. Canada Dry, Hollywood, Cliquot Club. We also offer grape juice, orange and lemon squash, Porto in assorted flavors., Now in stock: r nets of Anchovies Anchovy rings Anchovjt Paste Itomanoff Caviar ; .i-Jt Mussel Cocktail Puree do Foics Gras Truffee Anti Pasto """".ZZ Imported Swiss portions i German Camembert type cheese ,. ". German I'.rie typo cheese Teenie Weenie Bristling Sardine .1....".... Coned Chicken Boned Turkey Medium Mayonnaise ; Pint Mayonnaise Cooked Salad Dressing , .35 .50 .50 .60 .35 .50 .45' .75 .90 .00 .25 .60 .63 .20 .40 .25. HURRY CASH GROCERY PHONE 576 524 MAIN