Corr' Orff 7 City Edition The Old Home Paper OREGON: Generally fair to night and Saturday with fog near the roast. High temperature and low bu inlilli y la Ilia Interior. Gentle variable wlnda. Moder- la wart and northwest wlnda oc the coast. Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service ' Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Tiice Five Cents KLAMATH FALUS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1927. Number 6090. AIMEE TO 'ABDICATE VERY DON Los Angeles Times Says Leader Will Give Up Work I IIAMKH IIM. MM ANtJKI.KM. Jul) StO. A I') -Morning nnd early afternoon mHra llnio forth Ihe aimnunrriiirul lo- " ilny lijr Alinrf Hrinplc Mr- I'lii-ramn, rtangHial, that hr liilrnilnl In resign her hud. oralilp of Angrlna Temple anil move In other field. A fw hour biler ahe rrrnlle! lliat statement anil aald lhm wnulil he nn "limnedl. nlo change." . LOS AN'iiLF" July 29, ( AP ) 'the Time says Aimr-e Sample McPherton will abdicate her throne at Angclu Temple. The evangeliat announc ed laat night that the would ' submit her resignation to the church committee now engaged in reorganiiing the business affair of the tern-' pie, to become effective a ' oon a Mr. McPherson's j poaitian a paitor can be filled and lh prinnl squabble between the pastor : and her mother, Mrs. Min nie Kennedy, can be ironed nut. Tha announcement of 'bar Im pending re-tlgnailon cam the, unexpected climax nf lha laat ! fifteen month during whlrh the' fouudor of the Four Square (lua-1 pi baa rarely been out of the ncwa polllrhl. Her reiiorlod ; ilrownlna. her return with a alnrr of kldnoplns 'and earape ' In Mexico, rbargee that s Car-1 ni l lore tryat wlih her former I ruflln man n tbo rxplsnallun nf her abnenre. then her con-1 piracy Indlrtment and prellmln-1 nrr heurlns. followed ny nurceaalon nf row a within thn temple. Tha laat one, a break with her, niolhrr over flnunrea, coined the cvaneellat to daab home from an Alton, Ilia., revival rumpulec. Since then the two hare encaged in the battle of (Continued on pake four) Noted Britisher Freed From Jail l.ON'DON. July I(P)l .Moral lo llottomlry. widely known war lime flguro In (Irent Ilrl lulil. . former member of parlia ment. lr Hirer and flnnncter, waa releuaed from Mnldaton.i prison this -morning where he had been si rvlng a seven year term for fraudulently converting to his own use fi,00l' pounds sterling Nttbscrlbcd to a victory Innn bond club whlrh ha founded while a member of the house of com mons. Good behavior resulted In Dot lomley's release? stlcr serving sUghtly moro thnn five years of bis sentence. i I Forest Fires are All Under Control Nlno. forest fires which started during ihe elect rlinl storm In Kliimnth , cntinly Monday were nil under rcntuil l"tlny, accord ing to -olflclnls of tha Klumnth I'lblniilvo ssBoclullon. Thojar et of the flrea wna west of Klumnth KnllH and hiirnod over JO ticrna of tlnilier before It waa pluftctt iintlnr control. Klro war dens are now watching all the hisses. ' to iikcomk ni.oxr:. mow voitK, July an. t- I). t'onaloiire TiilmiidaTO la n btiitielte hut not for long. Her treaara lire an illalnxlefttl thill alio hid litem under tt hlic lint while her picture wna being token, remiirklngi "I wont Inkn off my Imt till I'm a blonilo niinln." ' ) Churches Will Seek to Save Willos, Kelley Salem Pastor " Take Up Movement to Save Con vict from Callow HA I. KM, July ail. ( ) The effort lo saw Kllawortli KMIf)' anil Janir Willi from iS gallona Iim mended Iw I hi- rhurrhea tit Hnlrm. The pa.tor of several uf I ho lur arr rluirclwe bivi been naked lit lnk the eiihjrrl ' up nrsi HiiiiiIhv, and enuir. It I nn drraliMal, have mnilr1 In iln an. Irihcra .any they prefer In Irl (lie law lake IK rnurao. A mora determined effort U being mad lo aava lha Uvea of lha two mn. It ! believed, than waa ever matin before In Ora nn In bcbnlf cf a condemned man. The fai l that the tk-Aiitre-! mom brothers. I lie Siskiyou Inn nel slayers, were given Ufa Im prlanniiient and also Ilia l.ocb Leopc.ld case ar being cited. Kclley and Wlilos wero In Ilia prison break of Auiutl 12. I'Jii. Ilial resulted in lha killing of two guards. Madame Helen Sure Knows How To Make Profit IIOI.I.VWIMII), I'nl., Jul)' SO. (t'l,)-.1 aenre nf Horlil faiiaiua arreen alnra, eiiknimn lo ilieinwltea, liave hern itrklnc nn hour rwrh iU for a rlerer Hull). WimmI woman. lwlnnie llrlene, wlm i (ralea a Ira room mrri Ihn Imulernnl from llie I'araninuul aluilln, frnla lliean arreen lar rvrry day ami lliry patronlae lire lMeauae alio haa wUel)' IrarniM their fnvnrlle illali- p,, ; ' ' - - Hut hrr pmfll come mil from thn alnra, but frtnu Ihn hnnlra of tourlnla who nm engcr lo dine under her roof abnply In we I'oln Negri. lr Itow, Wallace Itrery. Adolphn .Mrnjnu anil other film relrbrlllea. Mndanie llrtene la mak lug wime hamlMime pniflta, the alnra rating regularly nml the louriala are get ling their rurloally antla fliil. Triplets are Happy; Now 71 Years Old KN0XVIL1.E. Tenn., July !9. Abraham. Isaac snd Jacob w.ner. triplet.. '-"rt-j Each has a family; each Is u farmer; all sre happy. They claim lo he the world's oldest triplet mu pu ii mw u"""" havo appeared lo dispute the title. The three delight In spinning ysrns about tholr early days. when they looked alike and there wasn't two pounds difference in their weight-!. "That made, the srrsps Interesting." they said. lioynoon names, scoo, u..ja. and even tholr love affairs were complicated by their resem-i hlnnce. The neighborhood belles never could be sure whether they were entertaining Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. , Copco's New Sign Is Now Installed A smaller sign lias been pluced j lunilnnlori Main street Inst eve-j nlng, with thn formal lighting ot I ORKGON CITY. July 2!. ((?) tho California Oregon Power With ' apathy that marked Company sign was made. ,hlm dun.ig his trial. Alvln 0. -Measuring 24 feet In bclghth, McCurdy. f.S. received his sen ilis sign tlashcs 3S2 colored tenco cf life Imprlsomont and lights and is one of tho most at- left for Salem last night. He tractive signs In southern Ore-merely shook his head In "II- ;gon. I smaller sign has been placed on tho new Cnpco Rlectrlc store at Chlloquln. pitmiK onnioitKD WASHINGTON. July !0. -An Invesllgntloti In the finan !ilnl relationship between the Dti- ing' a comblno yesterday caused , print, General Motors and U. S.' fire which destroyed 100 seres V Steel corporation, was ordered bylof wheat on tho Oiidorlmi farm I ho federal tiado commission lo- n-nr Pilot Rock. Tho loss was !uny, MANY DEAD IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENT At Least 27 Women Drown in Wreck Of Lake Boat CHICACO, July 29, (A. I P.) A Hidden off-shore squall that passed in a few second to leave the lake a smooth as a mill pond, cap- rized i small pleasure steamer late yesterday car rying 27 of. the passengers, mostly women and children, to their deaths. ,Xr.V.7."":!Longworth Denies There Was date of Chicago's greatest fwi.'.er disaster, the sinking of the steamer Eastland, ; with a loss of 812 lives. . I he two resulted from the same cause the rush raasenrers to. the oortside - - - of the ship. Plftoen of yeaterday's victims were rhlldren--ulne bnya and alx girls-ten were women and one waa a man. Home aeventy-flro women and cblldren aud bill a doaen men were thrown Into the ' water when tlui vessel-the Fa-,1 rorltp4npied over, but flfiyor!'"" 'altera fatal leap Into San more were saved, soma, In' a "unoaj-, ato,(irii ine aaa news, mere .is tluilllng rearuo byWIlllnra Hof.',OBe'' ,n following statement ' not one bit of credence to re nauer, millionaire 'yachtsman. I br ,n speaker niion hla arrival ports that trouble between us w ho chanced to be cruising by here trom Los Angeles: might have influenced his ac- In hla large yacht, the IKirla. when the storm broke. . Imt Ibnliea Konnd. While divers aenrrhed the lake! iMittom near the arena for moro victims, derricks lifted tha craft j late last night as flood lights were played on the tragic picture. J The laat five bodlea were found aa the ship earn lo the surface. 1 seven hours after the Favorite ' floundered. I It was a gay crowd of excur sionists that left Lincoln Park ; aboard the vessel In the late afternoon for the iwo-mllo run to the Municipal pier. Hunt TIM Over. A two-piece nrgVo nrrhoatra banjo and mandolin at rum rued "I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover." children scampered along the two deck and their; elders hung over shoreward rails. ' (Continued On Pago Right) Senator McNary to sr. .. epi c VlSlt ItllS Section - McNary. la plan- Senntor Charles I.. I Oregon's senior senstor, i nlng g visit lo Klamath Falls a. the last of August, according to word received here by Linn W. Nesmith. v A number of affairs are being arranged in honor of the Sena tor, under the direct Ion ot Clar ence II. I'nderwood, president of the chamber of commerce. It Is hoped that Senator McNary will be sble to sreept an Invitation to ,h ,.. . ... .nim ' npr 0( commercs on September 7. This will mark the Senator's first visit hern since 1924. W. W. McNealy, Perry O. De Lap. John Glover. Roy Durhlti' and Andrew Collier will assist In ar ranging for the entertainment of thn distinguished visitor. Slayer Sentenced To Pen for Life once wnen Jiittgo i ampoeii usr- cd him If he had any reason why 'senleneo should not be Imposed for the murder of his wife. Hit! WIIKAT I I UK PENDLKTON, July . 20, W Simrks from n tractor haul jcovorcd by Insurapce. - f 4 Close Friend of Oregon Man Tries to Commit . Suicide Francisco Latour, Guatamala Minister to U. S. Near Death; Close Friend of Maurice i Crumpacker; Had Stormy Life ; AMIIIVt.TOV. Jnlr -. I A.l'.l I rillliUro Hanrlirz Ijilour. ' .11, Hie liuntMnialln mluiMer wIiim- life In 'alilngtnn baa hern tiiarkril by other nerlida of trnuhle, waa found nncouacioua In bla atody IixImj with a bullet hole through lil body almve the heart and lila own obl-faaliloneil pietol uearby. While be lay In r.'mergeaey bimplinl aerlouly wounili-d. Ida relalUea feprrrntcl augtfraltiina that the allot waa an allenirt - at aub tile. Mil hln rail waa III American-burn wife, who aelll oul word I hnl Hnr Ijilnur had no flnnnrlal, tHililral or domexlr Worrlra wbbb might proniM eulrble. She bail preTtoualy aabl. however the recent auliide of lteH-ernlMilve Oumpacker tit llregon bad greatly worried her hu-ltand. . The two men are eatil to have, been cIohp frlenila. , - ' . . MlnlMcr Hanehex Ijtlour'a trouhlea here have rrvolved about auha In whlrh Jamea Annatmng of Waahingtnu, former huaband of Henora Ijtiiiur, haa figured. Amatmng Inal year ucd an at torney to gnln poarmin of letiera be eaid bad beew written - lo Henora l-atour by lier prevent huahanU liefore alu waa dlv nrrrd from Aruiatronc. Ara.imng IumI prrvioualy been warned In a libel aull by Hnarhea latour but lb la waa dlambMtrd be. anet tlie llplomal foik-l to atify. ' ' A 1 rnii a i - Any right With Crumpacker; SA.V FllANt rnt o Juiv iA Nlrholaa Konaworth. apeakor OI ,n nuae oi repreeentutlvea. today emnhatleallv rfn that . ei.rr.H m.u kin. - - " .. i igreaaman M. E. Crumpacker that might have canned the derange-1 n"'n, nl ""'Hient suicide of i Oregonlan.' j nvi.ine. wmrn r a r n e o -onsrorina Mr. niniing tnai a Political break between him and rumparger ws responsiui, ror "i""" pr'"i me EIS, REAL BOOSTER Tell Rotarians Local Peo ple Don't Appreciate WhU They Have "You hava everything worth while here, but you don't know ltif you know It you have not' the courage to go to the front and say ao." aald Itob ''oyne to- dav as he addreaaed the Rotar- n, of Klamath Kalis at their luncheon. i "Don't misunderstand me." he! i continued, "I think a lot of the people of Oils Pasln. but I also ' positively know that few. If any of you. appreciate the selling, ... ,.,, . . l ... ui IHM..B. sold two ranches here and made money on '.hem. I know the ..,, inlVln. nnlm. f.r 1 1,1. vl. lev a..,l kn.xr .ho. e.-r n.n.h can be sold. I would have had thc large ranches nearly all under! BOB 111! new ownership. If the frost club'" hsd not gotten so busy snd knorke my deals. The very land; Is raising they were knocking heud lettuce this season. Head lettuce land Is worth 11500 an aero In California, here In Klsm- nth llnsln it seems to be worth about $3.00. You uittst awaken to these things; you must know your Klumnth and be for it. just as those people In California are for thetr Blate and country. Trndo School Started.. Mr. Coyne told of the earlier days when he waa head of the Coyne trido school In the Vnlted States. Ho discovered the private vocational school and nt one time run five In the larger rltles. He mado a lot ot money and sold out when bis nerves went hay wire nud' came to the .coast to live and enjoy himself. H s first business venture out here wss In Hollywood where he sold real - delicts to movlo stars. Toduy at ltinrhooii hn reviewed some of 'Klttlung river In Kuklen province. J sicians to play a Saturday night i otrien and his companion car tho doals lis made, and fold some! The mountain floods were part Ic- engagement at that resort. Black-jrled out tho register, both escap of tho close-up observations of itlarly destructive In the region j burn's . orchestra will therefore! ing Injury when the roof felt, tho movie artists., lot Chnngchowfn. west-of Amoy, Journey out of town to Chlloquln. O'Brien later returned to Rosarlta i'I want to Jolu the Klumnth crowd and be one of them," tho speaker continued, "for I don't wsnt to leave this place without ' making some easy money on the lands and town property. It Is hero and so apparent that It Is sticking out. Yes. we should .nil lake a new outh and that Oath I vvonunueu un i age r ivo; r. h... r.u.j. ii. ... the beat of health when I I saw him. Absolutely no nuplea uniriM nmmmA k.f.un ... i : t.. v .j t . uaM www ti in num. aim aam I laat ttw him here. When he1 left me the last time, he patted! me on the back and aald: "I'll see yon a little later." The' urn i nearo ne waa in me noa- pltal. Attendanta informed me ; lhat he would be well taken rare I of and that there waa no cause I for worry. The following day I i non GIFT TO STATE Office Building In Port- i l i r . n i una vjtven io reopie o r- ' i I oy r lonccr utwjrcr PORTLAND, July ! lP- i The old t ii lira v htillHlno n-A. 1 rty A oorlh.t corner a , .... . Sj S v l of Second snd Morrison streets, j valued In excess of $150,400, .111 .....II I . V . L .... lur ' uancts oi tne atate ot uregon the gift of the late Frank M Mulkey, old time Portland st- torney, who died July 14. Vnder Mulkey's will, sdmitted i iu nroaoie loouy, ine state w in ... . . , h P"V"T subject w h8',fe Jn,"e8' ' Che8,er "oipn, i iiruttun aiiomey. ana Marshall R. Armstrong, cousins j" 1Wn'key- In his will dated June Mulkey expressed the hope that the state may "at a con- "''" nd opportune, lime not, too 'ar In the future construct ' aim inaiuiai.1 a omce, building for the housing of state. MULKEY GIVES offll- activities, snd thatttne n(lval ledu(.tlon conference " D nenicnteu oy appropriate lasting memory cf my brother. Ex-Senator Frederick W. Mul key. now deceased. In apprecln-' tion of his unselfish snd itntlr- ' ing labor and devotion to athe j city, county and state he- loved ap well." Mam Drowned In ! IVJOliy IVruWIlCU 111 i Chinese Floods ' SHANGHAI. July 29. ((AP)! The Chineae newspaper. Shlh Pao, reports that 10.000 persons have been drowned end IUO.000 rend- ered homeless by flooding of the Mho damage being estimated at more than J2.000.000. A Shanghai dispatch July 14, reported a flood disaster In Anhwel province, which Is far northward from Fuklen prolnre. t More than l.Otil) deaths were re - ported In the Anhwel flood which waa caused by tho overflowing of; the Yangtse river. PARACHUTE CLASS 15 Veteran Naval Prof. Tells About Work Of Risking Lives LAKEHURST, N. J. (A. 1 P.) Alva F. Starr has help- GRADUATED ea a nunarco, men to aie,h. aneeii min i.n r...nui. nd yet Jive." Starr is J "professor of higher educa- : tion" at the navy's only par achute school. Hi latest class of eight have just proven themselves Icamnet..! of n,,l!. r,.-.. chutes and jumping with them. And the "professor,1 who, in navy parlance, is ! chief b o a t s w a, i n's mate, leeiaproua tnat none ot ni boy. h.. "f.iien down-1 feel proud that none of his: his studies. Like the firat hifndred years. !he P'1"1'8 JuniP 'hardeat. loatrurtor and pupils i agree. It felt "like legal execu tion." said William Cohen, avis- itlon m irhlnlst't . mate, second class, and one of Starr's gradu ating class. "Rut when I be gan floating." he added, "oh. boy. what s grand sad glorious feeling." Ills First I-eap. Starr, veteran of io or more lumps from every type of air- (Contlnued On Page 6) ; Portland Major Wins Promotion WASHINGTON. July 29. ()) I Selection of Major Ludaon D. Woraham. scl'ng district engineer at Portland, to be ascsistant to . Major Donald II. Connolly, dls-1 trict engineer at iZchis. Tenn.,' In the study of flood prevention j 'work In the Mississippi valley was : announced todav in war denarl- nient orders. Major George Major, of the atxth engineers, haa n. . ....... Iwls, Wash., to take over the I district engineer's office st Port land. I. i- .9 fA ar LAsaSI . J ntW A-a aalasJ i 1 B BM A . B B.mmm PORTLAND. Ore.. July 19. (A. p nisaonearance Mondav of 14-year-old g'.rl who left home clad only In a bathing suit and light cost iisd a sequel today In the arrest ot five men. ranging In age from 19 to ST. In a borne on Columbia boulevard,, charged I w in coniriuuiing io me a of , mlnor r,. Sne ! held as . material witness. with contributing to the delln- was i Japan Will Try To Settle Scrap KOXDaVi Ju 29 (lP1)ja. wl, nnd.rlak. tne rolo of .H1M., h,a., the Vnlted I States and Great Britain to save I from i breakdown, says a Renter dispatch from Geneva this morp ing. . , . t amOU UrCneStra era m e. a I lo slay datUrday Aa Ala , t- 'known lightweight pugilist had J At Altamont Llance.been killed In the flra that awept t two blocks of the border town I Klamath Falls is to hsve an Klama,h r" ' ,0 h,ve n 0pporlunity after al to dnnce to ray SES music pur atrd his Greenwich Coliseum . Orchestra. Such la the announcement of Hal Blackburn, manager of Alta- mont Pavilion who late yester day made arrangements to hold over the celebrated eastern mu-.Tia i instead. Elliott and his troupe are en- route to Oakland following cesses wtuen nave incinnen en Basements st the leading New Y'ork and Atluntlc City ball- rooms. Following their appear i unco In the south at Sweet's Ball-1 room they will return east via tha Pntagea Vaudeville Circuit, Special Train Bearing Dawes Badly Wrecked One Man Killed and Two Other Injured When Cara Leap Treatle M KM PHIS. Tenn.. July IS. (Jf) One man waa killed and two olhera aerioaaly llijurtd today when the locomotive of a ap rial train bearing Vica Prealdent Charles (i. Uawee and hla party plunged through a treatle on tU- Yazoo and Miaalaalppl valley rail road near Head, lllm. Tha vice preaident waa aaleep In bla berth and waa not awakened by the accident, a telephone mceeage from the arena of the wreck atat I mA U. f I- tl Mixa.. where the vica prealdent addreaaed tha atate convention of the American Legion laat night. The train waa bound for Mem phis and was due to arrive about alz o'clock this morning. Sam Jone of Memphis, an glneer of tha train was killed; ha fireman. J. T. Horton. alao of Memphla. waa aerious injured, aa waa alao Henry Fletcher of Greenville, traveling engineer of the Yatoo and ihulaalppl valley ""road. Vereran Police Officer Catches - Fleet Fugitive KlflKA.NE, Wa.h.. July 29. IP). Paul Hurhholz, eo, a veteran ot the Spo kane police force, wtio weighs 2.10 . pouiHte, looks . like an easy mark for a fleet-footed law violator. However, thU u another case where appenrancea aej deceptive. ' John StuMtril, . alleged MMt office robber, waa at large bt the riljr ami apvrr. af officers aaw him. Hwrh. hols, among othrn, etartcd! In pursuit. I Outtlbdanrlng hla brother officers, the heavy cop rap tared Ktupard after a chase of eight blocks. "Lord, but that old boy ran run," wan (be fugi tive's panting rruuirk when booked at the police sta tion. iTallC PHfw'c Ilia . - JYY 3 Bees Seem to Like 'Hootch' GALLIPOLIS. O., July !. A still, or stills, somewhere in the woods near his farm, has almost ruined the once fine apiary ot William Harper. His bees fly out every morn ing for their usual round ot hon ey gathering and many of them return stsggerlng drank. Hsrper wouldn't mind sn occasional spree on the part ot the workers, bi't the stay-at-home bees won't stand for It. They set upon the Inebriates and kill them. With his hives fast being emp tied. Harper has sppesled to pro hibition officers to seek out the still he believes is furnishing tha Intoxicant. He says the bees probably feed upon mash left ex posed by a moonshine plant. Pugilist Found Not To Be Dead SAN DIEGO. July 29. (JP) I Reports sent out from Ti Juana. I . . ; - cxico, tnai Tommy u linen, wen early today, were proved false, when the fighter appeared on the streets shortly niter noon. O'Brien was reported to have been fatally injured when the root of the Red Mill cafe fell In while he and one of the pro prletors were taking out the rash register. Corrected reports from Juana thla noon were that Beach, where he had been traln- Ing and this noon revisited Tin sitc-iJuans. 4 Mat NEW YORK. July 29, ((API) Mrs, Josephine Pulltser, widow of the founder of the New York World, died today at Deauvllle. .France, after a Illness of less hhan a week. RAINIER S CHIEF If BE OUSTED Recall Petitions Filed As Culmination of. Fight in Ore. Town " 1 RAINIER, July 29, (AP) Denial that any ; force, threat, or coercion waa used by recallvr to secure igna turea, and declaration by Mayor A. E. Veatch that "it is a liquor fight altogether," were development today in a political tempest which culminated in filing of re call petitions Wednesday against Mayor Veatch and Councilman Val Knauf and Edward Hougeberg. W. A. Rader, merchant, ' asked today for a - atate- ment, said: "One of the re call petition was hero in , my store. Most persons who signed" came in voluntarily When the petitions . were taken around we did ' not use any argument. If pari son wanted ' to sign, all ; right, if not all right." Mayor Veatch aald lodar he J had not beard from John ''. Lo- ' - .. ,u. .uui uej mu hsd retsined to help In bis flgbt , sgainst the recall, as to proce dure to be taken in defense. ' Liquor Jtght. "This thing Is a liquor fight I altogether." he asld. .-"They are claiming too strict enforcement of. liquor laws. In the six months t have been in office there hvi( been 29 liquor arrests snd . 23" . 'convictions.' They claim tUv mart shal I appointed. T. W. Finley; , searched ears . and a . traveling, man or two made complaint. It is Flnley they 'are after mora! than anyone else. They are try.' ing lo get rid of him through me because I appointed him.. Char ges In the petition are subter fuges." .'. Charges of neglect ot duty by absence from the city, failure to comprehend duties, disregard of, desires ot the - electorate, and violation of tha charter In mak- ' ing appointments were mads) against the Mayor In the ' petitions. The charges against the conncllmen were the same with the exception of neglect of duty, which wss emitted. Both Fine and Jail V. For Beatty Citizen Fifteen dollar fine and It dayj In the county jail was the sen tence Imposed on Oren Riddle of tence Imposed on Oren Biddle of Beatty, who was brought in Jus. tice court lata yesterday afteri noon. . . . ' ' ;' Riddle was charged with dfs tnrblng a religious meeting at Beatty and was brought Into the city by C. J. Tsylor, deputy sher iff. Hliarious Tailor ' Is Sent to Jail A. W. McClutcheoo. local tailor, was lodged In the city Jail on Thursday afternoon In at. tempt to calm his hilarity, caus ed from exrosslve drinking front a bottle ot whiskey, according to police. iii Despite the attempt to quite McClutrheon, be soon had thn' other Inmates of the Jail- around him, attempting to get some real harmony out ot the chorus of" voices. i ' . . " ' i . -I V HEXD FOR f'AKDri. HARTFORD, Conn., July 20. (AP). Mlsa Mary Hnm. er GcMlrk-h will seen an en- Kwremcnt to play bridge err If she has to fly. She raate 8.1 mile In an airplane baa. a cause sho feared she would be late, piloting the rrart'' most of the way herself. - d.