Thl.iK.lity. Jul v 28, 1927 THE! EVENING' HKKAL1), KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Tnee FT'' 5 J MMI'" - JI'KIl IIANUINU ," AIMIMi J " INTINO SMITH BROS. ' 1.01) IVr IIim.iu I i I'liuiin 0U The Cascade Hotel THICTLY MJltU3 Weekly Hair .1XI mid 'p Nbnwrr and Tub llatha pree 1Mb unit Walnut. I'lione ftM.v , Hlauieili Fall, Ore llm.l. Mlucrnl Water . IL. tl I.. . . . "Till HOT HI'IUNO NATATUItll.M I I MIIHr IIIMII friitn 70 A, M. to mldulaht. Tttli JUaiii Hwlnimlui Tank Ut and (told Hhnwers I 'ur I'rUutit l'nlu i I'lionn HMMV tiering and K.plauado ,' -Yellow Cab I'HO.NK till Trip to rnan city, Rhip- pmgotn, Aiinmnnt 75c. City irlix, tie aud up. I'Olt Till: IHhT A.k fur the union card r. II. Old, J. II. Kikes. It. L. Uron, L. II. Hhnhnrn, C. II. King, Mr. Carpenter Htoploy member, of L. U. IS? i Ufartlng July .11. Red Ball Stage Line Two Dally stage llriimt kUniik and lkotlcw. Ialaa: H:to morning Lrattag :uo . M. Leave IIM K.ltl'M Autu Hiago Ulrica Phone 77 or 600 lit llll V TAXI MLIIVICK Under Now Management Phono XI I'rompt Berries J10-JIY19S dill TELLS PLANS . inln.Htwl,;( figr-jr wiiultf,, tPpiwt j srerythlug." --. V ' I'lilllp Hnowdi'ti, otfall.t inein- , br of parliament, mid: "I think i a pcrrixt (lliy thing to ni- t to exclude (umi'ii ruin lub." C0DL1DBESEES amnion of hl kind and hldo au are packed In on hoi. Women j unelxhtly .pot. aorl them out to mmrh I heir Kor 12 years lis ha carried on fr-ckt or lho rarlom room In tha hoimv In round csrdbisrd LONDON. July 27. (AIM Hlrj Au.tln ('hambcrlln, the furvlgn ccrotary, In a lulvinent lu Com mon regarding lliu uaiul con ; fxronra at (ieuitvo, today said that In the opinion of Ilia giv MI'HKI'MM IN' KVt.l..lM IIAVfc MANY lHKM LONDON, July 27. ((!)) Ono wlio Imn lu a museum In Hol land la Dot nvco.earlly a rker rir truth. Tho royal coininl- , eminent there need be no aim-, , f u,MUmg and gallorle tuny in arriving ai temporary hl,ro 1PW OIlr. 'arrangement regarding Ilia Im midlnlo future of crulacr build ling. . '. -' .' 1 Kir Auailn aildrd. Iiowavcr. that tbo llrlllnli I'mulra could not ba ankud lu !" any aucb tvmpurary arranaomoi ttir. ap pvurama of an prln dpi wlilrb mlpht bo Ircatod a ; prwmtKiit. Hlr Auati-n aald thai II would .' Khorlhand atudnta umi tbo frtxi Juiluroi a a mean of taking dictation. ' ' Korulgn atudnnta rugurd Ibf Iwturita a mppirtitnlUo for loarnlng Kngllnh. , Hoy llko the pollnbod buu-luti-ra to alldii down. " Many nropla appoint tha mu raui Ibulr mooting plara. And. aa A. O. furlr, director a timiialgn of "gully ' camou flago" lu which Toniivaou ha Ixcn uiiliiuo among oihvr niain. Ill lu'-lhod In to plow off the gully bkiiku, build a fnw buxh dum to rlo-ik tha alldlng aoll aA ...I ....I 1. 1. ...I. 1....... .u inruung r.pisoae aato . mowing tr. wiib "r.-ur pni TEAM RUNAWAY to Pcgeant at Cuter, S. D. Today ,, poiwitlullllc WAllDI V lAH l:KKH ' l ltKNt II lr.T I'VINTH - " ' 1IALTIMOKE, July 17. ((J'D ' rAIUS, ; July t7, U"5i Warden Patrick J. flrady ' l'3unU'ii Anna do Noallln, , l. , n,ln . fc.n.1 In. . I , t ... n ' - ...... . .MMl,.aal W n M - bo,.. th big match,.! " "T' ,.7. baiTd them from the colli ln,brnh. ' r . tho Muryland penltmllury. If u j Kha binun painting lut Nor-'1 ay they kcp prlsonern awuko mlr and bn Jiut ohtblttd tl long afti r rubn ay they ahoulil ! tcr--olor of flower Tby ' bo anlewp. This Injure thulr to hare born ihowa In IiOndsi'" health, be a, and prryent and New Y:rk but to many wr" look II lie u ihllil'i drawing ray oui lh Muntcd point. Ktcii the ttnewrltiri wild In l;ond tifet and ar now vurnliib- d a cheerful red, giron, blue or niatire. Mmt Mx-lcty nomcn (jraace and rlw -n a por able lynawilter. They CTBTEIl, H. II., July. nK,W A runaway team of buraew parll-1 . r,.,.,!.. ii.r .late, have b Improper at Ihla alage to mako , ; ... ' ., H'0,,imh mnaoum V. .., u P"wn oi .i.e wy niueuiu ar oven uicd for, doubletree, of the wagon, headed clpatlng In tha gold dlncovrry . daya pageant hero today enliv ened tha erle iti)Htrd by I'realdent and Mr. Coolldgo. The team which wa drawing a rori-red wagon, tirak looae l iiiont In front of the automobllo aecupled by Xr. and Mr. Cool Idgu, who were protected from tho rehlclo by a low fence. Charging wildly acroa I lie field, tbo horea which were (till attached to tha tongue and are abo mud Tlio f'nlted Htate d'ojrment j of hgrlculluro became Interented i lit. il rei lanintlon work and a fol- 1I1.A tl... hi... iim.I lit ,.rmn,. with ftw.lp linnrtritp P9' hanglngn. tbetn from dolnj tbolr luwtd Tenneuec' lead. HOMAV I.IKK t tlUlKH I, M.TCHKH AMI TVI'f.H ItlTKr.H UNt)' ON, July 11. HI?)) May- NEW VOftK. July 2. (ITll And now Llndlicrg l the Innplr atlon for a play, "The Hnlltnlro Man," tbo entire action of whl- n I In an airplane. It la to h! produced fhortly. :rk pro- to 11 a tociuty lotk tliftt lhlr roa v bo no other eiMb.llun. ' ' llrltlnh propoaala or lliouc of Ilia other Iliteri'Kted power. fllriallon. Hence, tho 1,(100,000 people "Tha tt. mem I am going to ! , rl,t i,,,,,,-, mu read I therefor ile.lgoed only eltl w, , uuun ,.. to remove a nilaunderntiinrilna ' . ... ... - l-i i .i . . . alter to pay an cnirmie i m which. If continued uncorrectal, , . , . two cent, could not but Impede the pro- i,W"rv.0,UTr"","1" '""d; . i r-AU-O.MlY XKAKKXI )edto the efforia of dele- wl. K,,0MT ! galea at Uenovn. aerlou ml.-: AM KM.UHII HI OMT jappreheiulon of the aim of;- ... . Ilhe government .till pre-! I-ONDON. July 27. ) Fal Irall In aome quarter.." romln. r"ntf '"l ' " honorable ued the foreign MH-rol.ry. "III. "I". l '" 'malejiiy. government even ha. M""1 tnr flr.t place wK ,lien rh.rged with the de.lre to hunting and Jou.tlng, I. fa.t dl. Ideatroy that equality of a pcrw-!"'"1"-, ..' . er ai between the fnltrd Stalii ' Th old ' elub- lho ld the llrltl.h empire, which ' ke" ,b 'clnl the Wa.blugton conference, con- u"r'- hu" J""1 ot10 out of ilemplnted .unplclon for which l"'"-e.. KaUnry I. .till prac- thr la no foundation. -.tired by eome pvraon. In prlrate. 1 Th- invii.ii... - ....i.i.... iTher obtain their falcon., bow- of tho United Slate, to tak.-r. In Holland. Occartonally Mill, and lora up the ticket. rider 1. to im teen toiiowing fair', luteal I a craut for odd color heme. A Ilond atrntt tobuu-oulat com ment lug on It .aid: "Krtryday I aell dozen of boxm of th new color tipped matche. Half a doi'-n .hade. atraigbt. for tha crowd which had circled tha clearing on which the pageant wa being ahown. Hcreamlng women and children .curried madly for protection and the team mlraruloualy da.hed through th crowd without cau. Ing an Injury. It rare quite a thrill, howerer, to the prealden. and hi. p.rty. f . AS IIONKHT DltlVKIt rmiHVII,l.K. Ky.. July ' 17. W)) W. A. Hearing, haled Into i , jllce headquarter for violating a parking ordinance, tuld "tho lieutenant he had to go Into a .lore to collect a bill and aim ply took a chance on Rotting ar retted. I "There' at leant one honcat automobile driver." tbe lieutenant, Standard Dyers and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 "We Know How" -WET WASH -FAMILY WORK -ECONOMY -ROUGH DRY Jew City Laundry 4th and Klamath Phone 154 K. I. KOLB, Manager RICHARDSON SPRINGS On Highway Near Chico r r : The most talked of resort in the state, must be a reason! Why not come and see for yourself? LEE RICHARDSON, Mgr. There not n HOWARD Transportation Co. STAGES Lrarlng klamalb Kali. 7:13 A. Mu lOitMl A. l.. I I. M I. M., oiaklng co linen brae to i uriiaou ami way pniuia Mine day. I oiiucclbmi at Ahland with Pickwick, Nluge for tall- forala polnta. 7:13 A. M. and I:V0 P. M. Stage, niako direct through connections to Portland and HcMtlo. 10:00 A. M. and 4 I. M. Stair, make direct .con nection to 8ao FrnnclKO and uo Angele. Local Off be 01.1 Mnlu St. Itiono ww VOl'Ntf Coal & Transfer Company "Ubtmuiid Ilrlqtii-ta" I'bono 10W7 First Methodist Church IVatli and Illicit Rl. IIIAVK I,. MK.MKTT. . MliiUler ncableme. iNk High Ht. "We Speeialiie In llolpf uloval" Sunday barvieoa: 11 a., in., 7:30 p. m. Chiloquin . Statres Leave Klninath l-'iill. Ilnlly for Clilloqiiln mid liitrrnirdUlo point, a. follow i :00 a. m. 12:30 noon ' 8:20 p. tu. 7:10 p. m. Toko 0 a. ni. bua lo connect for cumin beyond Chiloquin. f. N. KI.NU, Owner PVt In the lIlH.rmaliinnt ennfee. a ence wa underatood by bl. ma-i"' "Ighl of tho falcon on horw Jesly'a gwernment to be baaed jback. ion tbe de.lre to derrlop the' policy of the W.ahlngton confor-l K"n nfnilrrl. nco by dliulnLhlng yet further NBW VOIlK. (API Tha will labor and j e.pendlturo white!0' Mr- Jordan I- Mott, I Inter innlntnlnlng national .ecurlly, 1 preted a mowing that her .on "With Ihla two-fold aim ' 1,1. 'ha. been forgiven for hi. elope- majenly . government I. In com-; "ent 16 year, ago with Mr.. plet agrnemi-nt aud lhy dealr ! Kranre. Hewitt Mow no, an ac ,to niea.ure the merit, of every I11"'"- bequeathed I2B.000. propoanl by th degree rt which '"The ret of the eatate goe to I lit further tbl two-fold pur-iMr- Mo' hu.bnd, wealthy, ! pote." i head of tbe Iron work bearing ' ! hi name. Many Killed When 1 ,. r hi- Reservois Breaks Mr"- ",r"1 v.ndeniwrg i. rapidly recorerlug from an at- ' LONDON. July 27. Mi An "uk c' H,nr wh,c" con,ll"'d ! unconfirmed report from Abine- "' ,amly h?m ,".r wr: I idabed, llambay pre.ldency. Jlrlt-! rl Bne w" ', uo ol" jUh India, atnte. that 1.000 Wr for the flr.1 time, death, occurn-d In the native ! ' ' - t ;tle" or Uornd. a. the rMtill of j I a rc.ervolr fifteen quare mile I In arc. bunting It bank, and : flooding .urroundlug village.. ' ' Communication between Ilambiy I 1 and llaroda are cut off. i - I ItOYAli K HAN(.K WW : . K.M.I.IXO INTO KISl'SK : LONDON. (AP) Tho Royal i j Kchange. at one time the great-j le.t bu.lnoM center of lho Ilrlt-' ,l.h capital, I .lowly falling Into i dl.use. It I. a largo building ; with a aquare court In the ccn-l I lor. altuatod between the Hank lot Knglnnd aud Man.lon Houae. I A far bark a. 1843 till, build ing wa. valued at 150.000 pound. To build It now would ica.t a far greater .urn. Onco ench In tho InrgOj hall wa. ; allotted to one of tho ancient ; 'city cotnponle.. Members of the jvarlon. guild, used to galbor round thoir particular plllnr for; the tranaactlon of Iiu.Iiipm. i Tho war removed thi'.o bu.l ne.a operations. With ono excep tion, all tho big trade, today ' haro their own .poclal exchange. Kvary, bowerer, mem ber, of tha old company of wax 1 cundlcr. and chemical maker i.tlll meet to tran.act bimlnem. j Til Is I. now lho ole commercial j um of thl. ono-tlnio hub of busl-, no. ncllvlty. . I FAHM il LI.V ItW L.AMKO lOll TltKKJi A.ND VIXEH NAKIIVILLE. Tonn. (A) A gully I. not .Imply a gully . lo Statu' Forc.tor It. 8. Maddox. To him 111 the prospective alto of a grove of tree, which may cam money for tha farmer, halt tbi 50 MEN ' . .WANTED . to get married tbl. month and bare their suit tailored at ORRES, TAILORS "Where Ton Haro a Fit" I. '13 No. 4th Ht., Klamath Fall. oo For your own good, allow u. to a careful and complete tct of your eye., which will ! prove whether or not they are in need of help. DR. H. W. BARR Eye Eight Specially GUS DUNN JKWKI.F.ll and OPTICIAN COS .Main Htrcet GLASSES fro Eumincd. Fined and tic Olauo Ciuund in our own liunrr r y' itdniJuA ttfnimtnit. Broken LenM Replaced DR.GOBIE'S, . TO MAIN TtIT Rfifl ' 0" Smitt WALL PAPER All New Stock Acme Quality Paints F. R. OLDS Across from Postoffice " -Phone 43 If you're a Realtor carry Photographs of the homes you list. Photographs show people what they're getting for their moneyT MAY KING Stinson Studio The Excellence o Dress is a distinction that is af-' forded but few men. It im plies that the man thus dis tinguished has selected, not so much fabrics of cost, but clothes that fit his form irr i every ' detail. ! ' Such excelelnce can only be in sured in tailor made suits. ' ' They cost no more. Chas. J, Cizek "Merchant Tailor" 109 South Seventh Street 'li I ; MKMOKIAI, 11AISKD I TO (iKNKHAt liOOTII CHANGE OF SCHEDULE KUMATII FAUJi-ASIILAM) MKDIXir.l) BTAGFji Lv. Klamath Fall at 8 A. M.. 1:30 r. M. Stages Icavo from NEW STAGE DEPOT ' Eighth and Klamath Ave. "Tho Sunshino Route" KLAMATH-WKKD 8TAOK WttD Dd Intermediate point.. lv. K. K. 7:80; Ar. Weed 12 Lr. Weed 1:.10; Ar. K. K. :00 Btuitea Leaving Stave Trrmlnul llepol ; IIA Main Ht. . Herciid Fixed Space' Ads ' A I MJNUON. (AP) A world me morial I being built here to the late General William llooth. . founder of the Salvation Army. .It I a college for Balvatlon Army officer, coating 11,500, ou. ' , ' ', The moil prominent featuro of i tho building will be the great central tower, 200 feet high, ur ' mounted by a powerful, eloctrtc 'light, which will bo: vl.lhlo throughout Houili London.' Tho college will be flnl.hcd In 1929, I lho centenary year of that birth I of (Icneral llooth... : 1 WOMKN AI.IX)WK1 TO JOIN I-OHTICAL Cl.lllS WATCH REPAIRING HERB 1 year guarantee on all work CEO. METZ JKWKLKIt . . i 622 Main VVMVMvVlArAAAAAeAe. . LONDON, July 27, Wo men aro not to be excluded from political club.. When n whether Ihoy rhould bo barred wg. at lit. height, owing tu docl.lon of the Lmkhnll Liberal club of Bath ! not to havo womon member, tho ! Nntlonnl Liberal club here act a.ldo h Hpoclul rJ.ltor.' room and announced that women would he dmlttod far lynch, tea or din nor provldtid Ihcy are accom imnlud by membi-r.. r- Home o ft lie Larkhall club All kinds cf GLASS 1 'Sash and Doors Screens Window Frames Come and see us GLASS HOUSE 215 No. 11th Phone 477-W e t electricity pack your ice-box with dry sweet, chilled air! The hot days are here delight fully healthful days so long as you can keep fitl But for perfect health, be care ful of your foods! - -- Try this: Flacc a bottle of milk in a neighbor's electric refrigerator, or let your dealer make this test for you. Leave it there a week or ten days.' Then examine it it's still , Clean, hygienic, sanitary electric re frigeration will soon be in every modern home. Your dealer will show you an easy and economical wiy to! have it'niw'. f on attractive installment payments if you prefer.' t hibftji- 'ullK you pr .. . -. iV'. tin ti y--th THE CALIFORNIA OREGON - POWER COMPANY ' f.tiUNI MYl S,. Officeti Medford, Oregon Roaeburg, Oregon Grants Pas., Oregon Klamath Palls, Oregon Yreka, California Duruniuir, California WXMWAftlNtM . . in t .ouujs I U it m HI 4.1 - IN CONCRETE ' INCREASES WORKABILITY DECREASES LABOR t Celite is a specially prepared form of extremely finely divided silica. Smail percentages are added to concrete mixtures to increase WORKABILITY and insure WATER TIGHTNESS. Being composed of practically pure silica Celite does hot affect the time of setting and is the most permanent ingredient in concrete mixture. It is to the interest of Contractors and Engineers to be familiar with the qualities this material imparts to all concrete mixtures. Once used it will be regarded as a necessity. To the Engineer Ay. Workability Means Economy in Concrete Vniform Concrete. Water-tight Concrete stronger Concrete. Drier Consistency aud Lew Se gregation. A smooth surface and utoro pleasing structure To the Contractor- Decreased, labor costs for pac ing. Quicker dlscbarae frcm mixer. ,: Lcs. honeycombing and patchi Ing. Decreased costs. ' . " ' , We use Celite in our Ready Mixed Concrete For further information call at our . Klamath Concrete Pipe Co. "New Management" Seventh and Market Streets Phone 582-W M 11 . Mill i ilr 8? jt;I M Mi tiv nor .At I vl TiJV 7 Ml : - .:J 1 member tald that tf women wore i f