' 1 t I :ThurprinyJu1y 1027 , : -' Tttrf KVRkO HfatATA''ikrATH FALlis, OftEnON , , - g-rfrrr-,:.. " r; ,, T .-, ... r , .-- "-r-r r-r. - - - ' . - - I'nira t rrr BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Items of Intcrt'Ht. Concerning Residenta of the Great Klamath Basin. If You Have News for This Department, Your Courtesy in Calling 83 . Will Be Appreciated Ti t'reler I.e ' Mr. M. l. Mnrduff, M1m Mae -Murduir. "HiiUily" Monloff, romiieiiled by Mr. and Mra. John Oeroly and baby lU Ible room ing lor. t.rtr Uko. . They plan la riurn homo tomorrow via tho Metlford rout. J Aiiifi'lin VWlur ' 'Mrt anil Mra. Max A. Duiilup of l.o AKli' aro visitor In Klamath Kail fur few daya, i enjoying, thv beautlea nt t lit aur raunilltiK country. During their vlalt here. Mr, and Mra. liiinlup r aueats at the Hotel Clara-mout. At I'll wruld Hume j I'unner lU-elili'iii llrrr Mr. anil Mra. f hurlia Hemp- W. i'. Iluli., formerly nf Klam hill atid eon of Oakland, Call(..'alb Pallet nnw making bl home i.Sortli tin Ituwlui'iia ' ArroinnaninU Hfroiul Home ip Mr. aud Mra. Claud I).ivl aro Mrl Htroud, nianafnr of th pending a few day a In Portland Bnater Hrown Hhoe Btore, whj on a combined bualnra and pleaa- returned early In th ireek from uro trip. Whllo north Mr. Uavla Portland where ha apont aeveml la altndiii( lluycra' Week, which pnrchneln; fall hoe for la well represented with lixal Iwal atora, waa accompanied bualneaa mi n. , home by Mr. and Mra. Howard II. Hlrouil of Corvallle, Mr. and fvnj lute Vacation Mra. Krneat Stroud of Mt. Ver- Mr. and Mra. Kred If. Weil- non. Washington, and Dr. Ingles broniT. Jr.. are enjoying a n- and aon of Portland. Tba vlalt 'or trip through aouthrn "all- or remained hero for aevaral fornla. They plan to remain daya and reiurned home on Wed iaduth for at leaat two wneka. 1 neaday. with th ticoptlon of Mr. and Mra. Ernest fit rood who flilhl'a Vrrt Humeri 1 ' "'I wlll-yUlt hra Indefinitely. How Donald. tho amall Hon of Mr. "d atlroud la manager of thi urn vlalllng with their cmialna. In Tuft, t'ullf., la hra for few 'and Mra. Katllff of Morrill, anf- Mualor Hrown bho Store at tor Mr. and Mra. KtUg'-riilil nf Thn daya vlalllng with frlenda, Mr. fi.rad aovore burna about the valli.i. t Claraniont. Mr. Hemphill la Hal waa formerly with thn Hula'fMt, whon h ran Ihrouah tho' ' "lliiuti nant of trnfllr" for tho NVwa Axiiiiry on Main and hue hot coala of a rubblaa fire, whlrh " HiJ" Itctuniana; . rlty of Ouklnml. The vlaltora many frlvnda In Ibla rlty. Dur- had bwn burning la the family' Mlaa Phylla lloaan of tbe Cold er i-njoyltij; thn Kla'tnalh coun- Inx hla atay hvr hn la a guent yard. 'en Itulft la expected home thb ImpruMod al the Hotel Anadn. 1 lr. On Vacation ' , Mra. I.ulu It. Ilutihana, of tho poaloff.lt-, .la fujoyhia a two vwk'i raoailon from hrr dull". Bhi plan to iend moat of III" time on ber ranrh bourn aoulh Of the rlty. Howard Julinaon lll hav charge of her dulle al tho local offlre during her ah-acne. try and ant gnully with Klauuith Knlla. ml Mra, hi-nt He i:iijoln Vniallon Mr. anil Mra. Joaeph H. Kent Mr. and Mra. (irlffllh I., lla- of Kan Kruiii lro, are vialting tir are enjoying a two wvka"wlib Mra. Ketit'a paronta, Mr. rarullnn In Hun Kranclaco and and Mra. (,'harloa Pickett of other aoiitliurn cltlea. Mr. Ilax-jMalln. Mr. Kent la prealdcnt ter la attending a convention ofjof tha.Kont Lumber company of ad men bWug held In Han Kran- Knn Kranclaro, and will attend cImo during hla vialt routh. to bualneaa here whllo In Klum- plana to reaunia Me pualtlon with a'.h county. Moe eloro at th end of a t mmiIi nil frnni Mvrlli Vleltliig From lib j where elie hue eujoyrd Mr. and Mra. llonry Urant of i Hon with frleuda. Hho Hi nd are vialting In Klumnth ' eompanled by Dr. and Pall today with frleuda. Tho viallor are atopp'ng at the liutol Arcade. Crock a ac u ac Mr. O. T. C'aaper, who will return home on Hnnday. On Monday. Mlaa llogan will reaome ber dull at The Uolden Kale. Coate Remodeled. Fur Maaafactaror.. Furrier MRU. W TI.I.IAM ' BKHHLKR 4Z( Klamath Avenue, Between Fourth and riftb. Klamath Fall - Ore. At (letnenaon Ilomi MIm Franc Plummer of Port- Returned From Trip Mr. and Mr. E. W. Vannlc and children have returned borne from a week' vlalt In Seattle and other northern cltlea with frlenda. Mr. Vannlce will reaome hla bualneaa dutlea with The Col- den Rule tomorrow. Enronle i home they apent a day In Grant AT "THE LIBERTY" THURSDAY and FRIDAY LEO MALONEY in . t . s "Don Desperado" : DM ' ' .,- it.;' ' . jU STORY ROARINQ WITH ACTIONI A PLOT TAN- TALfXINO WITH MYSTERY! A FICTURB I'ARJLLV- ( -.1X0 WITH. ppi'KNSJS! A TURlLUCJtl . . i;4 l ! Winner, k v nv ... I ... UNCLE ICR AM AND HIS ' "Countrj' Store" A Brand' New Aaaortment of Gift! New Stunt for"1' ' ' t . th Kldal ... ... . r i VI ".'XS VKLU ' ' VSCLE HIRAM SEZ: "DON'T FORGET YOUR BASKET" :; ')' Paaa with relative and friend. fortnight. Knuriiing Hundny Itetumeal Fnitn lalirornla ' Mra. Paul Wampler and aon) Jamr Kdward ot Fort Klamath : bavo. returned home from Odea-! Itiuwll (itMMlnian III Ruaaell (ioodmao I confined lo tho Klamath Valloy horpltal , aa. Calif., where they vixlted with where be auliinlttcd to a ma-'relatlvea and frlenda for a tort )or operation. Hla mother. Mr. I night. Margaret J. (loodman of ltnd-1 land, Calif., la here to vlalt with Returned Today f',r't?'?n'; ri'-"?r.t'rIIiil',m "'or an' Indefinite period and I - Cbarlea Donalaon reaumed hla Mr"- u I .7. " i .. j,?h niac in !,h -" t-laremont. morning following a two weok.'" -lertrude and .on J I Pi. to Ivacatloa In aouthorn California i F.'nJO)lng Trl Mr. and Mr. Charle MiMire and children, with Mlaa Kdna Dunbar, are enjoying a few daya land I the homo guewt of Mr. -Mr. and Mm. Garich IWI at Lake o" the Wooda. i and Mra. John Clemenaon for a I Mr. and Mra. Fred Garich and . . j fortnight. During ber Tiait here n Homer have left for Aaa- Hill l or Flower U number of delightful affair helm, California. whr thy will and Floral design. Phone III. , have been planned. Laat eve-itnak their fulnr home. They nlng. Mr. and Mr. Clemenaon en-: rocentl diapoaed ot Altamnnt tertajned with a dancing party lujCamp Ground and are going Mm. I.ippert Vialting her honor. toutb In hopea tbe change in cll- Mra. Stella Llppert of Portland .. . mate will prove beneliclal to U vlnv wl.lf In Vlamulli tf,...l, I. fu II...m county with relative and frlenda. I X. W. itenlck ha returned Llppert will vlalt for a from I.akeview where he trana- adv. Mrs. Gartrbl health. return hunt on Sunday rrtru Heaald, where they have h enjoying a delightful tnyiUh vacation al th beach. Ili'l limed lliilne Frlenda of Mia Thlria And oraon will be pleaavd to learn alio baa left the Kluniath Valley hoapltal and baa returned to her home at Merrill, following a ma- Mlea Park Away It' tlal.v Park Inft nn Wed. 1 neaday tor her former home in,'"' VrUon. Her condition la Mcfall. Idaho, where ah. W reported aa moat favorable. vlalt with relative and rrienua. Kb la the daughter of Mr. and Mra. H. D. Park of the Swan ahop. Fort Klimaih with rela- before returning north. Ift for Kaulli After an enjnyabl vlalt In Klamath Falla with rvlatlvea and frlenda, Mlaa Venlra Moore haa returned to Oakland, California, lo reaum her college work. Mlaa Moor 1 the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Moore of the hotel llaldwln. Klamath Flower Hhnp For flower. Floral . dmUn. quality, with lervke., 134 Main at root. ' l'hon . adv. Aro You Tlnl ami Ihuty? Tak a rofreahlng bath at the Hot Spring Nat. Adv. Transact log tlnalne C. A. Hlggln of Matin, I a bualneaa vlaltor1 in Klamath Falla today. Mr. Hlggln la atopplng at the Hotel Arrado. with hi wife and family. , To Crater Ijike Mr. and Mra. J. CI. Davla of Weed. Calif., are enjoying a trip to Crater lake today, after hav- Ing apent Wedneaday here with j frlenda. They wero gneala at jtlie Hotel Arcade whllo here. Mr. Campbell leaving ' Mra. Jano Campbell of The Northern Fur Shop plan to leave tomorrow for a two week' vacation, whlrh he will apend In San Franriaco. Evpert PreacrlptionUt Forbea Pure Druga. adr. acted bualneaa for several day. A Jack-knife Is a dangeron thing, but it Isn't half at lan gerous as a Jackpot. VMllna Willi Hon Mr. E. V. Maddox of Mod ford la enjoying a ahort vlalt In Klamath Falla with nor aon. F.ipert I'rrarrlptloniat Forbea Pure Druga. adr. V'or Inauranr Kee Jna. II. Drlacotl. lildg" Adv. " At ItiMlgn llomo- Mrs. Lola Nvlaon and son Dunamulr are houae gueata 'the home ot Mr. and Mra. j Dodge. The vlaltora enjoyed a Williams trip, Jo' Crater Jako on Vodn Iday. 1 . . 1, of at I. Save Your Vacation With A Kodak Spend your vacation and save it too that's what you do with a Kodak along. Think how much fun you'll get from vacation pictures next winter. Krystal Kote Finishing on Velox Eight-Hour Service Send us your exposed films for extraordinary finishing at ordinary prices. All work in our exclusive Krystal Kote finish on glossy Velox paper films left by 9 ' o'clock, reacly at 5. 1 , Load with Kodak Film With no other film can you get the consistently good results of Kodak Film. 1 t Wo have it here in all sizes-r-stop in and stock up with a few extra rolls before the week-end. . . v iKodaks are $5 dp; Brownies $2 up. V WMCRtJ PARTICULAR PEOPLE r&'grf vl BUV THEIR DRUGS tAtcliHAdvl ri'laVJrf MMitr '. f i,'iC'J'. 1 f, . A 1 . I t -I,' -.' .Ml". ' i -4.1. M a aT J t .Va. 1 PLATES THAT STICK Dentures must fit perfectly and be com fortable in the mouth but hey should also harmonize -ith the complexion and the , -"fontqur of the face.' , THATS THE KIND WE MAKE They Look Natural K - Dr. feat "Dentistry With a Written Guarantee" Sugarman Bldg. 6th and Main Open Evenings Gag X-Ray r V- I'. TA7WV -V:: ' - Retnrned Via Klamath , ' Mlaa Virginia Frost and Rus sell Frost of Ashland and Mlas Velma' Hanna, a resident of Med ford enjoyed a trip to Crater lake from their homes In the valley. In returning home they made the trip via Klamath Falla and were very much impressed with this city. at flatted At Fort Klamath ! ' Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Darling and family ot Aahland, have re turned home from a delightful visit at Fort Klamath, where they visited with Mr. Darling's brother. Tonr wife, as well as your sins, will find you out. "THE PINE TREE THURSDAY and FRIDAY ' A DOUBLE BILL- WILL ROGERS Tho Cowboy Humorist '' In "Ot'R INOFFICIAL ' AMBAS8.UK)R IX DI BUV Whera all ths policemen are born. It' a scream! , You'll laugh till you cry. ON THE STAGE PAT ELLIOTT and bl ; Greenwich Coliseum Orchestra , v " FRIDAY SPECIAL 1 FIRST COXTF.ST OF THK "CHARLESTON" ' Come! Ilooat Vour Favorite! Como .-'tf r LOIS MORAS, JAClt MTJL-' HALL. LYA DB PUTTL " WM. COLLIER. JR. and i 'j other of a remarkable east , - . ' in . -. . r , "COD GAVE ME TWENTY ; CENTS' - - . -...j,. There are heart tbroba ia t . love aceaea drama In thrill, u kbubb mud reveiry ana riot In the . Maral Oral acenea A . story of th coast of new Orleans. Of A. Y. D. (At Tour Door) Industrial Supplies '. . '. PH0XE 171 , - Co Of Scire y 11 M Hi 'sL vourJi Ree. Phone 1143 Klamath orflee Phone 11M8 Melhaae Kali. Bids Wait For I 'vJ.vM 1 DULL; AR Day Sale a Next Saturday, July 30 1 W4 Masons Take Notice . IS c ; .1 1 - " The Grand Lodge officers will confer the Charter on the Malin Lodge Friday, July ...... . ;. 29. Banquet at six-thirty P. M. All Masons are invited to attend. r G. D. Grizzle!, W. M. ij ! ! BARGAIN! . For, Quick Sale. Island in Klamath River containing 38 acres. Good garden soil , and pasture. Place is cross . fenced. House, barn, root cellar, farming im plements. Near Shaw-Bertram 'mil f. Launch, and 32-foot Barge go with place. WALTER WEST . 1 Attraction Extraordinary 1' ' 5 AT THE PINE TREE ar Fay Elliott Ihursday and Friday H Bruntwick Recording Artist And His ;.- ; ureenwicn coliseum urcnestra Quartet Tnimpcti Jlelophono Trio String '. - Quartet Trorabono ; Biiet f Singing Trio and Oriental l'ipcr Sc-xtctto ' it -iHr-i i ir rw riinii? '1- -. 'raiM Playing MassannetV'Elegie," "Waters of Minhetonka,"' Celeste ; Alda" and . oth classical numbers. ' Special arrangement by FAY ELLIOTT. ' ' v.'. ." i . ALSO ' i , , ; MODERN POPULAR MUSIC Tematlle a eleven-plec) 1 band , ; idonbUiir' J total ot tlUrty.nW instrument "r v 'u ' h ! Matinee 10c and 35c HEAR THEM! Erenlnfa' " ' J 2Sc, 50c Loges, fc3v ,' Phone 538 i .r'-m- 1 19 So, 5tl St"