TACK two THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FAU.S, OREGON Thuwlnv. July 2fi. 1A27 i i ' H i, 'i ., n .i i .1 t i - ' v I ': ? '; f m i.li' n :1 i it if '41 REDS KEEP UP, STEADY GUI : 'JC ' Tna advance ct tlut Cincinnati Bodi from . tb national league ' , cellar found the tram In fifth place today. ' HeodrVk's' team ; was stoppr-a oy the Boston Brave yesterday atier baring won six J In a rpw, but the Reds came back to take Ibe wlndup of the lou Mtfuheader, S-i. Kent Greentiold, traded to Boston -iy John Mc , Oraw, o( a -1 decision, in the k Sflrrt game, i. , . t . .'. ! The Ulaata. marclied Into Chi li J caco and aet the Cuba. bock, 6-4. ' Thda was sstflcjent to topple the 4 I McCarthy Bruins from their first i place tie. aa Pittsburgh was beat ( Ins Oauy Vance and the Brook- i lyn noblna. , '..V, ., I The Pirate now lead tleCub i - by one lull game. . - ; j The St., Louts Cardinals e" , , wl a home stand against Phlli- ! delphla.and had to work IX In- 7 nlngs.to win, 9-8. . j I The New York Tankeea' score !.' ', against the St. Louie Brown did ' ' not run 'Into two figures but the ' ! Hugmeu collected their, quota of '' ' homers, nevertheles, and woo 4 t ho i. : The White Sox rallied In the , i tenth (nnlng to defeat Waahlng '( ton 7-4. i I Ear! Whitehall had the better i . of Sammy Gray and Detroit de - 1 feated Philadelphia 3-1. Cleve- land and the Boston Red Sox , were rained out.' . l EXCVRSIOX BOAT 6IXKS CHIfAGQ. .July 1 8, ((J) ) An excursion boat with 200 persons aboard sank.' In lAka Michigan today about 200 feet from the pier. . Several are . thought to have been drowned. .- , I NORTH BEBGEX, N. J... July 28, (VP) The .Senatore eom ; pany fireworks factory exploded here this afternoon The building . was completely gasedvt . The Interest tni have to paV Von borrowed trouble is usury. . -.t. M I - , - V Stove t: Just 4 days more of our great stove demonstration. We will allow you $20.00 for ypur old stove or range in exchange on this wonderful guaranteed Toledo range. Business good. )i K 1 '..' ' " . if A ' ' V,;,' v- ' Mordof f Furniture House I ' a m04 ft nhijU t'?tu f M rM.;. f . , a. laV iw. .. JOHNNIE COUCH DEFEATS SEALS j i - - , 'j piicning reconis oi is: to rai- ' A former pitching mainstay of lie what a manager, who luk,l' the Seal staff. Johnny Couch, a good finishing pitcher, was up camo back to defeat his old team- against. , , mate In a heoth; hurling duel. .Twenty years ago It was the Behind his effective work on the exception to remore a pitcher mound. Portland, aided mater- froB ,BP game, unless it waa tally' by the savage slugging of deemed ni to send In a pinch Ousel, drubbed the Seal la the hitter. .Now. It la a rarity to second gam of the aeries. -S.'nv artiug pitcher go the Batterlca: , Couch and Yclle; May. "J"'0- and KegoJ . While the pitching lu the Na- In a same that went scorelesa ' until the last of the eighth, Oak land nosed out the Mission 2-0. 1 Batteries: Welnert and Whitney; Could anl Bool . Seattle kept pace with the Oaks. ... i,.M,na,in. .. . - i I w1.th. A;ta Buries;. Edward nd Schmidt; McClel land and Sandburg. . Their pitchers allowing but one run in two games, the Hollywood wars too a aouwe tail, out oi clc,an(1 a ponnant contender. Sacramento. 8-0 and 4-1. ; Bat- Hu reTerM, o( otm ,hi, yw terle: MeCabe and Murphy; b beeu Ay blow la the ln Keete and Sovereld. Socoud game: dians. Jacobj, Mulcahy and Agnew;. Vln- pitchers Jerked Quickly, ci, Kalllo, S. Shea and Koehler.! a I glance (over the pltcb'ng i -, : averages of 12S,.I find only U GaineS Must Hang Pitchers la the National League . n . I took part In IS or more com- . For Brutal Murder plele games. Five, of, the II . . - , . were In ..10 or more games. (Continued From Pge One) I , In the American League, an the time Sylvia's body was found and prior to the commission of the crime. It . stated ' at the outset that the "gruesome and enrolling details," would not be; set out any further than nec-f tssary for an understanding of ths case. .It revealed estranged rela- tlons between Gaines and Syl- via a mother, resulting In their separation In 1909, when Cain came , to Washington. It also revealed bow relations between Gaines and his second wife became unpleasant after syl-'" rVla came to Seattle in September, 1925, following her graduation from Smith college and touched "! eT.'nC 'hrd ha'dET: . ., " . """'"".than a steady relief pitcher, who girl and the appellant. v. -Is. aiU.Wl.slll, I X..X - Demonstration II -1 C L'Tjf tjtpjpwpSMs'siy :W are ealso offering a 1- Terms if y v V. ! of a m 9 nwv .i- gour re wV . '- w -T BILLYH) EVANS 1 S Ulg Worry of Mutpr. Krvplug a pitching matt ou edge Is a big league manager' most difficult task. The animated baseball now In ue In the major and so popular with the batters has beeu the Uauw of much of the pitching troubles. , One need only to peruse (be "on' w" "" a need, than In the American lost there, was but little to choose between the first IS lead ing twlrler In o'.thrr organisa tion. George Vhle, In a sense, was " " worked S3 complete games out of the 3 In which he took part. Vhle's great . pitching of lost year helped largely In making even dosen tw triers took part In 13 or more complete games and four of them. Including Uhle with Ills 3 2 full games, were In 20 or more complete contests, . The animated baseball and the short fences have made a four I run lead Just a lair working margin and for that reason, man- ager at tne augnieai signs ot i ou un iir in mo starting pitcher, rush some one to his rescue. Only recently in a game at St . Lottl between the Browns and a""- "er ""erlngs of ten pitchers In a -"'- same, me inn.ei.es ,n5iD 8ix and St; Louis four. "tarf-ori cilice: othlwgVelpsnnSro i MM. . i IMp' t-. ' ' few oval rugs at $5.95 Desired .... . ait is Oood lean get the ball over the plate. I Harris l IIIom'.I. t ! In this respect Msusgcr tit m- ley liar rU of Washington lias i edge on a majority of the othor big league pilots. v , Not, only hs hams one of the brat Hunt. handed i relief twirlvrs in the game, but hs net a southpaw who Is Just sliust as .effect v I the pllulim. , , i Krcd Marberry Is the rlght- r uuler I have In mind, .while ! Garland Braxton is the pormldor. 'These two great, rescue workers ' ! enable Manager Harris to cull tor relief pitching without In any way disturbing the regular' 'staff of starting pitchers, j During the second tour of the ; west by the Washington rluli. Braxtou waa dropped iaia eight ; out of nine consecutive gnim and each lime held the opposition ' in check. , It Is a feather In the cap of a manager to have one rapahle re lief man, but he who has two Is ' doubly blessed. Beservo relief pitching is sure to make Want)-. ington dangerous the rest of this 1 season and Is. certain to make the. club a conteuder nu year. The Chicago Wh'te Sox pros-, pcred In the spring because the darting pitchers were going the ' route. Once Maniger Schulk's pitcher wavered and he wus compelled to call on his star out i of turn, the staff began to lose I much of Its edge, 'lie lac&cd re- i Uef strength. Tax Slash Favored , By G. O. P. Leaders (Continued From Pace One) ways and mem committee and Secretary Mellon and there may be none , even then it has bein argued by those who came to the summer White House that the to tal reduction muat be held to I30.UOO.000 or IJ60.000.0UO. Pointing to the surplus- around ISOO.000.000 which has. -piled up in the treasury during the fiscal voo,. illii, ltA O ...... . . .4 cratlc leaders have Indicated there would be a fight to make the total alash at leaat 1500.000. 1 000. A large reduction was ; sought by democrats two years ago.. , riAnyway the pessimist doesn't enrage jni by -looking on. th bright aide when yon are havlni; a good time being a martyr.) n ' 1 l i S.-Jt Buy your range v ' now. : . t . i of I "Snappy-' Short Sports I'an Like Itcd No. Ikwplte the fact that ths )) Sot are ill Hi cellar, the lloaton funs list) 'cm because the team is hu.lUiig always. i ; " t'loM Itaee liens l.e than 110 points scpsruted the leader and the eellarltes In llio race for the I'atttir fount league flag hue lu July. Kliifthux UfMil Alx.ut. Stuffy .Mclniiis has been shirt ing his inrieldeni about In in ef fort to find a right combination for the I'hitlles. riicheni t,H tioliiu;. Dan Moo ley la greatly pleased over the manner lu which hi pitchers have been going the full route lately. HiiIm- Is I'ersMent. Huhe Maruuard, after . fr.lllim to play regularly lu :ho majors sud lth Baltimore this sraMiu. Is. now pllihlug lu the Southern League. I.iiukIi Hit" One Off. ' Milwaukee fans claim that Al Simmons' nul name Is Aloyilus Szymanskl. Doultlra the nicest thing shout Biiikaresi, from a middle aged queen's viewpoint. Is the lust syllable. , Klamath Falls Folks S T r A R 1 FEEL MI6KTY PINI MVSELf' SAVE'wftS, DRUGSTORE Rubber Aprons, blue, black ,., Electric Curling Iron, guaranteed one year Mebdy Linen, blue, grey, white, long sheets of paper Monitor Watches, guaranteed one year - Rexall Milk Magnesia, ' one pint lit THE PERFUME Cara Nome is an exquisite odor having a certain subtle charm of which one never tires. i JCara Nome Perfume and Toilet Water are of extreme concentration and exquisite sweet-. ncss and this delightful perfume permeates A Necessity for Every 1 Woman's Toilet Cara Nome Toilet Water The exquisite Cara Nome Perfume loses none of iU refreshing fragrance as a Toilet Vy'ater. It is a fiU ting companion to the 7 Perfume. - Cara Nome Toilet Wutcr 'embodies a greater and more lasting Perfume , ' ouality than brdinrtry Tol 1 let Water and will be found to be popular with ' the men as well as the women $3.50 SERVICE QUALITY LOW PRICES Aimee and Mother Continue Wrangle (Continued from Paae One) The lust. Ilk the three other prna!s. struck tin favorable note w til Mrs. Kennedy. Al though there have been reports from time to time that Mrs, Ken nedy hud married since her first hustiud died, yesterday's state-1 111. in I'Mi'awii iiy m-r linns luff n committee was the (list public I nunpuiiceinviil lhl . bad been j made rviiardlnu it. Mrs. Ken-1 ncdy'sutd she was not divorced' from Whlilebeck but that she had uo Intention of making her ; home with him "The rrisl I near," warned Mm Kennedy, referring to the squabble with her daughter, which was climaxed when a com mittee took Chirge of tile rhtirrh collections and the evangelnt scurried home from au Alton, Illinois, revival campaign llauus t'p IMiiuie, Mrs. Kennedy said the crlsl cotilil have biM-u avoided had her daughter uot hung up Immediate ly when she I Mrs. Kennedy I called her on the telephone In an effort to confer with her. The evangelist, however, suld her mother used liingusKo "that! sould have meaiil riiluatlou of us If heard by others." She de-1 dared she bung up for five mln- . utes. then called her mother again In the hope that she had j cooled off. This Mrs. Kennedy vehemently denied. . Mr. Kennedy denied reports that she had ever doubled her daughter's story of her kidnap ing last year. SUAO TO HEAR IT-J SURE. t'LV LOAN fOO A NICKEL. DOLLAR. IrVYOO 9A SO Letter Box Files Index 65c red, pink, green, 1 '- 5e 89 c 39c $1.25 -39c CARA (Dearest oaJ& w I I I I J 1 OF FASHION THROUGHOUT THE WORLD f.H. XOME FACE I'OWDKIl Appvala Irreslstubly to the most critical. Its texture In each tint Blanche, Nat urellc. flachcl, . Peach Is wonderfully tuft, blending and clinging. It is an amazing masterpiece and an Important adjunct to en hance, preserro anil pro- duce the appearance of frculi nc and youth In (hp skin. S2.1MI. , , SZ-, ..Bib, ' . ' I STAR DRUG GO. E tIKNKVA, July JS. (Al W. ('. Ill ll K ill u II . first lord of the admiralty und chief llrllluli ilelu galu to Ilia tripartita naval con ferem. railed iiihmi Hugh' H. c Union, chief of the Amerli-aii delegation today shortly after ar riving from Lomliiu where hu bad rimnulleri with the British cabin uL Mr. Ilrldgemnn waa accom panied by Admiral I'tiund. Iloth Mr. (Ilhsou and Mr llrldgemun declined to make any coininent on the visit, but did announce thut u meeting of the chief delegates of tlreut Britain. Japan and the l ulled State had been convoked fur 3;ju o'clock this afleruouu. ' It Is understood Hut - Mr, llrlilgemuii revealed lo the Am erican pleiilpotuiiilnry a rough oulllnu of the Hill lah suggestions as to how the naval conference might lie brought to a successful Issue. "We hope to get everything settled within a week or a fori UlghL It will he t real pity for all of us If w cannot agree at this time." said the first lord on his arrival. "We are merely going to re sume negotiation where w lei' off. We have the same hope ot UK-ens as when we left for Lon don." ISN'T IT WONDERFUL TMC. IDG ii inn iiiiiii iiiiuinrH a s-v r-rr v GIBSON C0NFERiLM i TALKS; HE'S CAlWING COMPLET ASTCRY OF THB ENfiDSH LAMGUAGfTA st WKLL AUO Keep, him " STAR." UU. J . . . ..' ; '.,. -rr : , . ,i . rt .-..., 1 trt i i-l . .iir. ft '. .-i. Sugar Coat--JdP Orange Slices 29c a lb. -" 1 Hiius Homemade Special, has taffies," fudges, nougaU, nut brittle 30c 60c $1.20 $2.50 .... i. i : v Haas Half and Half, has half taffies, fudges, nougats, nut brlttles and half assorted chocolates 65c $1.25 $2.50 i - ..': Haas Scotch Toffco, butter toffuo with nuU. , z 80c a box NOME Name) the various Cara. Nome numbers. After the Bath (AllA XOMK TA I.Ct'M ' I Issued In a most practi cal container, capped with the easy operating Kllk Tlto cap- The Talcum, fragrunt with ('ara Nome I'urfume, I tlallun Talcum of Impalpable fineness. It Is antiseptic and deodorant nnd splendid for relieving ' , all hot weather discomforts. An absolute nocosslty for the dainty woman' toilet, being so soothing nnd com-' fortlng In lis' effect on tho NUTs I Tetas tliiluun belong with lll-i rest of the sportsmen ou the game commission. We under stand the rnmmlnalou I trying lo conserve wild life. . . I.ludyy muituici ltd' liow' be Is a much belter flyer lltnn spell. jer. Many a sports celeb will tell ' yun II serves him right (or brisk ing all rule and writing III own Just cailitt buck front the ball nui k and these. It seems are lilt I dug days the but dog uay. you inigin say. , There have been few yelp lately from the l.audls front. Ami lucldintally "front" la right. Itul when ' nut Ion very sol- ' einiily make sl yir-ld kid n king w can forgive the Kene- suw Mountain regime. , llu-lliim, another flight If an ocean flsw over m airplane now THAT would be news. ' Might lilt In How. Johnny HiM-k. ralt'hvr In the mid Atluntla league, reirntly set a new resseentlvn hit record for .that circuit by gelling eight lilt a - By Star Drug Store WAY H6 S T A rr inm antfj YOU'LL. ' happy R AN FRANCISCO OF CULTURE, t Tim dnslro to posses a clear and attractive comulcxlon Is In tho heart of every normal i ".woman, and by spending ten ' minute a day, morning and night, Hits dciilro can now be realized through, th'j famou Cara Nome Jlsautyf Treat ment. CAIll NO.VK-TOI-D. C'ltKAM 1 strictly' ti cleans- 1 Ing ireum and Is to hn used ' In reiuiivn from the pores of the skin, fine powder, rouge, dust or other Impurities which., sonp oud ,wuK'r ulono will not rcniovo. , , ... St. 00 5th & Main St ' . PrONE -231 .. The Rexall Store v A.