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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1927)
jtugtne, Ore.on ,, '4'"r' ' 'I City Edition 77.? Old Home Paper OREGON: Generally fair to night and Friday wllh fog near lta coaat. High teniparatura and low humidity In the ' Interior. ' Gentla variable winds. Moder ate west am northwest wind on II tba coaat. ; l Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Price Fiv0 Cents KLAMATH FALLS, OK EG ON, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1927 Number 6089 GIGANTIC MERGER IS REPORTED General Motors IS Thought Planning to Combat New Ford kEW, YORK, Ju.y 28. (A. P.) A (if antic community of interest drawing togeth er tare corporations Uni ted , State steel, Ceneral Motors and E. I. Dupont and company, whose capitalize lion ranges more than four billion dollars is seen hy Wall Street in the succinct announcement to the stock holders of the Dupont com pany that it has purchased 114,000 shares of the com mon stock of the steel cor poration. ' The DuiHiiit roinpuny pnld ap proximately II I. uvv.ouo for the alerl atock and at a later merl ins' of the board of dlrectura of the latcol company either Pierre llupout or a representative of the Hupont Internet. It la under-1 stood, will take a plare on the atml board. There hae been re-1 port that Plerro Dupont. now In : F.urope. might succeed Klbert II. tlary as chairman of the afrl i board. Thla I not credited In het Informed circle". Mr.; Gary la III at hi home here, but la ex pcetad bark at his office noon. , No rhaiiK In the ateel chairman- j ship la at preeent contemplated, i Kntranc Welcomed. The entrance of the Dupont ; Into the ateel corporation I wel-, corned by the houao of Morgan whine relatione with the Dupont have been very friendly. The Dupont own about twenty-five percent of tleiieral Motor and virtually control tba company ao that with the Morgan bank dom inating the ateel corporation and tho Dupont controlling (iencrnl Motor and the Dupont Company (Continued On rage Klein) Prison Committee Visits Executive ItOHTON. July Si. (An Tho advtaory romniitten which ha oocn revlowlng Ibo Fucco-Van-rent cse, vlalted tlovernor Alvan T. Fuller at tho atato huuao agilu tndiiy. Tho vlait of tho three. I'rvalilent A, Ijiwreiico Lowell of Harvard. I'realdent Sumuol W. : Strntton of MuaaachSiielta luatl tuie of TechnnTogy, and Itohert tirnnl. foriuer prohalo Judgo, ye lurday gnvo rlae to report (hut their opinion had been given tho governor. The reappearance today Indira led however, that tholr work wn not nl an end. lovernor Fuller continued hla Independent Invca tlcat'iin. Warden Wlllluin Hendry of the Uinta prlaon where Nlcolir Caco and lliirtolomeo Vnniotd are confined, said tho prlaonera to day entered upon tho twelfth day of their hunger strike. Husband Charged With Non-Support A complaint chnrKing non-support wn filed agalnat Joseph K. I'ntryn of Kl inn nth FnMs In Jua llco Court' thla morning by Mia Hniollt v I McClsllundt. , county henllh purne. , , ' In IhO coiuplnlnl, Mia j Mc Clnllnnd chnrRe I'ntryn wlth non-support of hla wife Sylvia I'ntryn , and elght-months-oll Imhy.. '"' -:.. An Bllempt will bo rondo ' tc socuro employment for Patryn so (hut ho might bo mntlo to sup port hi wlfo nnd child, accord ing to JtiMlio of the I'ciice W. Ilnrna. v IXKNTY'I OF TIMF.. lumTOV-0-IK, I". S. H. II. July !W. (AP). on. vlrhil or theft to tli ejlenl of 10,(00, a Hovlet rlllsen n been Mqiiliiil by , tho : court liere lo repay Die gov- eminent In liiatiilliiienls tnfllrtg'wia'-Hirll,o ex.- SKI ' year. ftttOvtTttvtM Aviators Give Up Search, for French Flyers Seven Welti of Searching in New Foundland Proves Fruitleat. NEW YOltK. July 2". I AIM Suwii weuk'a fruition nlrplann aenrrh for the missing French flyer, ('aptulu Chnrlr Niinsraaer and Frum-ola Cull, ended at I'ort Washington' Long talund, laat night wht'ii Major F. Hlilucy Cot tun and hi companion, "Cy" Caldwell. Imided on their return from New Foundluiid. lloih men. who flew back aud forth acroa the New Koundland wlldernM. an Id they were con vinced that Nungcsser and Coll had never arrived In that coun try. "Inatrid of having Imen beard by one or two acnttored peraona, they would hat been henrd by hundred"," Cnldwetl aald. The search, financed by Dan iel (luggenlieliii, covered appro Imately U.oou uill. KatMf-t Too .Much. ATLANTIC. (AIM The mod ern girl opecla a man to apeud from flto to 1100 for an eve ning'a entertnllimeul, a the altu atlon la viewed by W. I.. Darn hart, vice-president of the Natlcn at Surely company; It wna once possible lo have a good lime for It and now the averuge youth In a pol-!-.a of trual la aub)ect to atrottg tomptatlon. Mother of Seven Youngsters Will Serve as Sheriff WMIV.U1, (Ikla. July !M. I') A Krntinlml nun her of 4-t en children U ahi-rlff of Ywnlwanl ntuii ty. ; Mm. Jolul llouiuot, 3H, waa appolnled to fill tin lerni of her Imatwml, a vet rran. a veteran Ukluliomi irait officer, who dint auil dilil). "My huhanil worked lu defalbjtabty for law enforce, lot-ill ami I shall endeavor lo do the saiiio," aya Mm. Ilouqtiot. - believe In proiM-culion. but not M-raerullon- I e lierl to look at affnlra from an rtlilcal uimlpoint.' F, I Babies Scream When Fed eral Judge Sentences Moonshiner I'OIITLANO. Ore.. July 2&. (A. P. I Sentence of nine montha.ln lull waa paaaed upon T. J.v)itk los by Fcdernl Judge John II. .Ylr.N'nry today and a Iiukloa' wile henrd It pronouncud she fell to the floor of thn court room In -a fnlut. Her four chil dren Rcrunmed. Deputy Mnrahula c.irrlcd the wlfo from tho court" room. The aeaalon continued a though uoth Ing hnduvur happened. Hnklo. ono of tun dervnduiita lu a still esse originating threo onlhs ago on the Goorgu Abor - 1 ft NTS AT JAIL 1 neihy farm near N'owberg, plead- stores. Indicated sho would deal cd guilty to participation In thc!'HI them moro leniently, ronaplrncy and llko four other' "These are my people and I defendant, spntenced two weeks! know them," she snld, remarking n go, wis given a jail term. Hint, to natives of the region Pair, Thought Dead In Auto Bus Wrecl Increased Water KLLKNSnUltG. Wash., July j RatCS At ISSUe 28., OP) Two persons were bo-1 , , . llsved iO;lmvo.bcen killed totlu gAI.EM, Ore., July 28. (A!') whqn an ,nntomol.llo singe ran ' im roa,pd mnlulonnnce charge of off IhO itghwny lietween North tnc ,,,,,, W8ter romnuny of fiend and Kaston. northweat til jmkwn counly wlu be on trlu Kllenshurg, nnd dovo Into Lake bIoro tho pui,lc aervlco com Keecholus. - The machine wn J mlmloa tomorrow when oil three aiihmoiged iinclor 14 foot of wator i menihers of tho commission will nnd tho driver, George Pltlaman ;), tmrg nt Medford. of Sonttlo, nnd nn unidentified ti18 m n,alntonnco charge Is woman pnsaonger . were believed nn acre. This hua been In to ho Insldo tho slime. cmiaed lo 18. SO an acre, and ' 1 I was offectlvo June 14, affecting HHJX IY)H FIGHT inuw ronlrncta. The net It Ion from LOS ANOELF.H, July if UW Rummy Ilukor and Mushy Cal- hihan todny signed an ngreement for a 10-roiind fight for the i world's .Junior wolturwelght title, The bout Will be stuged August 2flth, TAX: SLASH PROGRAM! OUTLINED Cut of One or .Two Percent Urged By Leaders RAPID CITY, S. D., July 28 (AP) A slash of one or two percent in the cor poration tax seems destined to form the keystone of the proipective tax reduction program. Administration leaders who have conferred here' wtth President Coolidge have put this move down as one of the first to be con - sidered in the tax cutting lug. Terry John, an Indian of charged, he ruahed acroaa to the nlanned f, nl ,J ! Ileally, wan placed In tho county Taylor store where he attempted planned for next season and i M on ,.,,,', or . woman from a car. o concerted action on thii(11(.(. hy j xay,0r of lleatty.! wlien Taylor run lied out of the nnlnr annnavs .AK I t ,.l..m..A that Kthn glah. ' Store Slid DlUCCd him Undef ftrrftllt. able, j Oilier iHiliti which ai-cin likely j m gum aiiminiairuiiun invor ui- clutlo repeal of the reiiiuliilng war "nulaanro" lerlva. Including Ihoae on thenler adm alona and club dura. However a row la Impeding on elimination of the automobile paaacngvr rir tax. liepubllcana who have come here have endoravd a cm In I hla lax now amounting to three percent, hut none have gone on record for Ita repenl. While.) bo adinlnlatrullon . pluu ! will be announced uuill alter the iri-alli iil ha conferred ' w'.th Chairman Urcvn of the houae (Continued On I'age Two) c. u. STILL PUZZLED Wonders About Financial Status of Family of Bud's New Bride. NEW YOltK. July 28. p) The New York Dolly Now In a dlapatch from Grand Mer, Que., aaya Mrs. Jumc Stlllman, Sr.. whoao son Hud married Lena ,. . wJ..T; -JL..??! ,.. .?....!:. ?.. '" ,v. ... ...... kinsmen. . Mra. Wilson nnd Lena's six ls- nr. h.v. foe r.. r, .11 v-.l o it,.. we,.r,h... 1 from the Stlllmans. "Of rourae," anid Mra. Still man, "I can't have Lena's mother nnd alster employed here a ser-1 vanla after Lena's marriage to my son. At the same time I re fuse to permit I.enss family to even think they can profit finan cially as n result of tho marriage I of Hud and Lena. It waa on thn: I question that the Wllaon fnnHly' und I broke last week." Mra. Stillmnu, who anld at tho time of the, dlsputo that she, would turn them from tho homo jsho hnd provided nnd stop their ! charge account to her name In 'sums nbovo one hundred dollar jwero beyond their nnderslnndliiR. I , tM users who asked n heurlng nvcrs thnt tho new rale Is rils-i crlmlnnLory In that some nscra will he raving 11.25. rome 12. SO mm and onin 111.50. About 200 nunrslsd the operation and between 4,000 "and 5,000 I pure of land pro Involved; Freddy Welsh Dead in New York Hotel Ex-Champion , Who Made Fortune In Ring, Was Peniless, Declares Widow; Arrested Recently for Engaging In Street Brawl NKW YOltK, Jnlv it. ( ) VntMy ttil. fitnucr llglil wclglit cliimiploii of I If world, w found driul lodny In hla ' room at it hotel. Welsh, whoae ri n I nunie wu 1'rrderlek Thomas, hiu a hot ' Inu iimlructor ami held a conimlMnfou an raplntn in tin reserve otflci-r corM. About leu dn ngu lie hum luken tt a police station on ehurw of disorderly comluit, nlien lio rralalcd arret by a patrolman hIhi lnu-rfei-rnl In a two a. m. olrrvt fight Ix-twccn Welsh and Kilwurd INInuey. WeUii diwIiarKi-d after ili,lulng to the court that lie bad bivn engaging in a "friendly fight." He dliil at lite liot-l Mlilney la wnt Flfly-llli im-l, ap Mreiiily from heart dliM-am-. Hla widow, aulil that ullliough he iirniil Urge sums In Uie prise ring, he Ht-l "without a penny." Perry John, Klamath Indian Held for Insulting Women with on charge, that of be- l"'K willfully and uniawtutiy uru"" P" 1 ,11. ' .... I .... . LI MnJ n n olhr u,orB rriou ch.rge pend-! led Into the poi"t office at Beat- 'ty where he attempted to in- ault Mr. I-ol Kichhorn. theurny at i nuoquin some iimej pot mlatreM. Mr. Elchhorn hud preaence of mind enough' Many To Attend Big Ram Sale To Big Convention j - Be Held Shortly Many Knight of Columbus PENDLETON. Ore., July 28 from Klumalh nnd Lake countlon-li Uctween 700 and 800 are planning lo go lo rortlsskalce rams, will he here for the lha laa'l ..' the' week wliere j flraf' annual yam Bale tpouaored natlonul convention of Ihe or-, by the Oreon wool growers a ganualion will be held from Aug. ! sociutiou. August 18. according to ! to I, lnrlualve. Approximate-! Hugh Sprout, executive secretary ly 10.000 mcmbera of the order I of the body. The sale will be from ijvery section of the conn-! held st Ihe roundup grounds and iry are expected to attend (he big la causing much Interest over the conclave. It will bo the SSth'an- northwest. The wool growers nual supreme convention. I will slso lake advantage of thU In addition to the- various de partmental bualness sessions, there will be numerous recrea tional attractions for the dele gate. Including banquets, a bnr beque, sulo trips and other fea tures. Brandy Flavored Candy Is Sought I'OKTLAND, July 28. (IF)) Government agents went' on a - - " XOr 16. f"10-"' nr r renin canuv Bniuuca iroiu a il,l..h wr ronnrled lo have con- ," d ,r.ndy When officers' Z, V were "f1. ...'.... . . .... .1!"- - mcn 10 ,,,c ",0 n,,.,w " "IVJ considerable Uim WCI vu ssisas. a ' I part already had been sent to re- ilall establishment. n , . 'Portland IOUth Is Electrocuted PORTLAND. Ore.. July 28. (if) A ,or V , " , , ro'" " ' ol,on " n' on he iirosnam lino, tasi uikiii rmmim In the denth of Karl Herrick, 6. Young Herrick waa said to have climbed the lower and after touching a live wire dropped to the ground. Ho died Just before reaching a hospital. Courtney's Flight Is Delayed Again . SOUTHAMPTON. Eng.. July i2S. (VPH-lt Is considered there is a llltle chance of Captain Frank T. Courtney starting on hi pro jected trans-Atinntlc flight before Sunday as weather report re ceived here Indicate that stormy conditions aro likely to prevail 1200 miles west of Valeutla, Ire lund. for tho next three iln.vs. Medford Jurist Has Operation . PORTLAND, July 28 (M' Judgo C. M. Thomas, of Medford.. Is recovering at Vincent's hospl- tul here from an, operation per- formed week ago fur rail bladder. Dr. Noble .Wiley, who perform- Id Judgo Thomas Would be out In about a ' week,' lo lock herself In the postal de- partment before John reached her. Not . t is.tion with a warning to theiODly ,bout ,30.0u0 annually for Jonn win oe rememuerea tor having featured In a ahooling i ago, wnen ne i auegeo 10 navei"'"- nj ; abot his brother eye out. sale to conduct their summer meeting here and will discuss grating matters. Many Seeking to Save Murderers' SALEM. Juiy 2S. (()W Many letters ar? being received by Gov ernor Patterson asking him to commute from death to life im prisonment the penalties to be paid by James Willos and Ells- .nulla ieni'. i ue iu uiru bic sentenced to be h.nged August 19 north Kelley. The two men arc . . u . . . .... . ... . . 'i. The governor has mdlcated that ho will not Interfere with the sentences unless new evidence warranting such action should be placed before him. Bootleggers Fined In Roseburg Court KOSEBl'HG. Ore., July 28. Ml Fines were imposed today upon four of the men captured in liquor raids Tuesday night. Ray Dewar accused of sale and trans portation was fined 8100 on each count. John Lnngenberg and Bert Sprlngstead were each fined $150 for snlo and Ingram Har relson was fined 8300 for sale. Passing of sentence wss post poned In the case of Col. Reed. , Babe Smashes Out 34th Circuit Hit NEW YOltK, July 28. (p Babe Ruth broke his tie wltK l.ou Gehrig In their spectacular home run duel todny and took the load by hitting his 31th cir cuit clout In the eighth Inning of the Yankee's game wllh the Browns. State Gets New Game Preserve PENDLETON, July 28, ((P)) Land adjacent to tho McKuy Ir- . Hgatlon dam Bus been set aside a s game preserve following an executive order signed by Prosl- dent Coolldgo.. This Include land approximately 200 tuet from the line pf high water ,., ' i i A1EE AND W HAVF i inn uniL nin nniiT KM. HLHi: III I II I a vi a vi " I . . to IVlrS. Ivenneuy Oayi. Trouril Brwinry I1 Keruses f ension l re , un cc t l oo about tl.8V0.000l will be P LOS ANGELES, July 28. f portioned among the king' five (AP) Mrs, Minnie Ken- nedy, mother and former business manager of Aimee Serr.ple McPherson, today had rejected indignantly the proposals of her daughter and her Angelus Temple committee to make her a pensioner instead of a prin- ctpal figure in the temple, I she accompanied her rejec-i ' .? -.t . ... .1.1 ... evangelist that a crisis was. near" in their row over!arle of ber "ta,f- e"'nment . , , purposes and other expenditure, temple funds. Tbl. ,um )s TerT ,man nnnrei Four alternative futures, for! , mother " Kennedy were held out by the committee appointed by I --r umwiicr. mej uueivu io j at the temple as the evangelist' mother. or to permit her to tour the world or vlait the holy land at the church's expense. Tbey Buggeated that she might, carry on religious work in other fields. If she liked. In conclusion the committee suggested thst Mr. Kennedy return lo her "wealthy husband. V. '. Whitte bej'k. who 1 a Jjc'jl W, do engi neer 'on a ' big Huoson" "Vfvfr lluer." , (Continued On Page Two) Occupation of Nicaragua By U. S. Marines Meets With Disapproval. BEKLI. -July 28. ( AP) The German league for human rights has Issued a protest against American activities In Nicaragua, the orotest beiner forwarded to Senators Borah, Brookhart and I Wheeler,, to President Calles of t Mexico and to. the commission for Intellectual cooperation, now . . , session at tiencva. The American troops have no business on tho soil of other In-J dependent state, and it Is not the business of American cab inet members to abuse other na tions," the protest says. The protest . condemns the bombing of Ocotal, (presumably thla refers to the bombing of the forces of General Sandlno hich attacked Ocotal aud an American marine outpost on July " aemnnas mat American puunc opinion oe souuuea ou me removal of the late British Gen eral Dyer on the occasston of the "massacre of Amrltsar," India. Mother's Love is Stronger Than All Wealth, Says Judge NEWARK, N. J.. July 28. (A. P.) Millions and mansions are little compared with a mother's love. A wealthy uncle and sunt Wished to adopt Sully Miles. 13. whose parents 'are 'divorced. Judgo, Walter Van Riper denied permission saying:'. "I do not be lieve that the court la morally Justified 'In destroying the sacred relationship ot parent and child simply tor fiuanciai benefits." Civilian Aviators Back From Flight SAN FRANCISCO. July 28. (A. P.l-i Ernest L. Smith and Emory jll. llronto. tho first civilian avla tors to imiku a sustained flight from tho North American con- tlncut to Hawaii, returned home (rem tho Islands today aboard the liner Prosldout -Jefferson. Their arrival was (ho occasion for a spirited demonstration i along the wjter frc.nL GERMAN LEAGUE IKES PUDTEST . Marie May be Compelled to Peddle Jewels! 'King' Death Leaves Ru 1 manian Queen Poor Wo ! e r; . t man, jayi iiipaitn Itl'f'Bf ttflkt-r I..I.. u ai !hKIiit Fenllnmnd'a deatli has h ft yui-en JliirU. relatively a poor woman, t'nlewt thtf atate Cotnnillw forwacU with help for Hie now duwagrr qurm, the m ",'"rd ron""rt "onM of I Kr already announced, Ferdl- !nand 300.0VV.UOO lei fortune children. Including Prince Carol, who will receive about 1400,000. The queen, however, receive nothing beyond the uae for life of certain of the king' proper ties and palaces. The government now propose to apllt op the 30.000.UOO lei civil Hat which Ferdinand re ceived, among Queen Marie, King l k. .,1 .ho MAlhM ueen. I'rlnce Nicholas and mem- bers of the regency. ! Hmalr Allowance. This would allow the queen the upkeep of her palaces, sal' with the salaries and allowances Qf other royal figure. King (Continued On Page Eight) Deer Killed in Collision With Auto Last Night Apparently bllmlrd by I lie light of an approarh l.ig car. a yearling; buck donned into ftie aioV of " a tight roadator drtvrw fry I ". 1m Grrenwri! laMt eveplwa; on Ihe Klamath Kall-.4h-land highway, leas thaa a mile ami one-half from tile rily and waa instantly kill l. The buck' neck waa bro ken la the crash as it hit thn side of the rar. . No djwiutgc was done to Ihe car and the accident was round to be pnrvlyncctdcnlHl by Mur'on llarac. V. W. Crawford was driv ing lu .'it' rar wllh (ircen well at the time of the acci dent. Death Toll In Past Eight Years Exceeds Those Lost In World War WASHINGTON. July 28. () More people have been killed by automobiles In the United States rinrlnff thn nnut nieht vmm than MANY DEAD IN AUTO SMASHUPS the American soldier dead In theiOettOUS lnarSe IS ' nona war, accoraing to tne na tional automobile chamber of commerce, j From January 1. 1919 to Dec ember 31, 1926. 137.071 persons were killed by automobiles while the total cssualties of the war in the American arm; forces was 120,050. The Injured In automo bile accidents, however, was 3,500.000 since the armistice. Twenty-sir per cent of tho killed and injured were children under tho age of 16 years ac cording1 to the figure. Last year It. wait estimated 23,000 persons were killed,,, an Increase of 1,000 bter- 1933 and the Wrest death toll ever recorded by automobiles for a year. Inland Empire Now Shipping Out Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. July 28. (A. P.) The golden flood from the Inland Empire ha begun to sweep down on Portland. Trains ot Spokane, Portland and Seattle and Union Pacific are bringing in the harvest from eastern Ore gon and the Palouse country. The Spokane. Porthnd and Seattle railway Is arranging ex tra storaue facilities at both east St. Johns and Vancouver. Railway official predict that all , records for car loadings of wh?U ! wilt bf shattered this year, . .'') GAINES Tl) BE HANGED AS SLAYER Seattle Man's Convic tion Is Upheld By '. Supreme Court , OLYMPIA, Wash., . July 28. (AP) Sentence of death passed on Wallace C. Gair of ! Seattle by lh King, county court for tha murder of his daughter, Sylvia, was affirmed today by the supreme court. ,.T The murder of Sylvia Caine, whoso brutally beat- . en and abused body was . found, on the- shores, of Green Lake, not ' far from ' Gaines' home here June 17, a year ago, was one of . the most sensational crime ' in the history of the state. 3r , had been visiting her fatheg after being away from his 16 years. '.. ' - , The trial of Gaines two morjtb later was marked ' with ; blttar controversy and ' a fight lastinc about -three- days over- the, 4 mUsabtlity of evidence 'over the relation existing ' between rather and daufthtdr formed tba haala at ! appeal to the supreme court. Twice Exonerated, , . -pThe" condemned man was twice exonerated of all blame in con Inection with the girl's death by I the county" prosecutor "' before Gaines, was finally arrested and tried. His brother, William : Gaines has always maintained j that he is Innocent. Hla testl I mony at the trial showed that ! he had had an argument with ihts daughter before ahe left his i home In a "hutr for a walk on the evening of June IS, 1926. The devision on which Gaines i has 30 days in which to apple I for a new hearing, reviewed the lease at considerable detail from (Continued On Page Two) , ;j .. - r Lindy Wins His , u Way From Albany ALBANY, N. Y., July 28, ((;P) Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh said goodbye to Albany talx morning ' and then in hla of St. Louis, headed up the dud son valley to say hello to several other cities and towns. ...;tf The colonel had planned . to leave the capital city at 9 o'clock, but his laundry, sent eut . lajit night, was not returned on sched ule. ii :i "I've got to have shirt V-jM said, and sat down to wait. 1- Faced by Musici&t . t- ' Harry Shaw, who formerly; conducted the observatory of music here, was held ln.;the county jail this afternoon on a serious charge Involving a minor girl under 18 years ot sge. He was arrested at Weed, whera ha was working and brought back here by Gary Coiard, constable. The offense Is alleged to have taken place on June 2, last, while Shaw was employed ss a musi cian here. , ' ' Jefferson Myers . Reported Better .... . ,,... WASHINGTON,. July 28.' (;py-. Jefferson Myers, commissioner of the United States shipping board, was reported today recovering rapidly from bronchial pneumon ia. Ha was expected to be ul. In about a week. " ' " . NEW MARRIAGE LAW SACRAMENTO, Cal., July' 28. (IP) Every county clerk) was equipped '-today with a- necessary forms for the new three-day marriage law e when offices optn . tomor- aft row.. The law require three days notice (or a mat'-' e flage license. ,-, . , , . a . ' r