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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1927)
1 1 07'J I'" SEMI-ANNUAL EfcQRT, OF C g. DLAP, CQ. CURK OF KLAMATH CO ' ;,,.',b' f WerraJit torrent"e January 1st, IU7 lo Jne Both, ld7. j if Pint Tl -THE EVENING HERAlDrKLA&UTHnFALLS,-GREGON T " ' - -- . v -, A , i VI. Amount expended Salary Judge and Comm., travel exp...f 8, (18.70 Supplies, all office .. (,(3(. 73 Pes IIoum 299.69 Timber-Cruising ........ J,.((3.34 Legal Service Coll., Del., Taxea 633.00 Salary Sheriff and Deputies .. 10,930.34 Travel ripciH ....... 1.114.47 Board Prisoner .......... 4. 061. 71 SaUrr Clerk saw Deputies 6.616.35 Election .... - 3.909.7 S Salary Assessor and Deputies 3,113.46 Travel Expense 36(30 Salary Engineer and Deputies l.6S.0(. New Roads Viewer, eic. ...-.:... . 14.40 State Water Master . 183.38 Salary Deputies DHL AUy. Office. S,2(2.S Travel Expense, ........ , ' ' iii.1t State Sealer .;... . 14.13 Salary Co. Treasurer and Dep. 1,660.40 Coroner and Physicians' Fee .... . (77.42 Acri. ColUg Extension Work . 1,140.00 Bailiff.! Atty.. Reporter Clr.. CL 1.44S.SO Wltneaa Fees, Meal Jury ...... 1.(7 1. SO Court House, Janitor and Jail Eip... 4.837.X Health Office Salary and Exp: 1.71. IS Salary and Malnt., Poor Farm ' 4, 709. 97 Amounts expended Aid County Poor .Widow' Pension Witaee Jurentle Court ................... i ltefund Taxei Insane Exam. ........ Emergency Fund ....... Grasshopper and Rodent Fund FlraPurol Expanse, .'. Jusllc Court Feea, etc. Pub. Budget, Co. IX Proceeding....., Advertising .. . .........i..-..V...... Fair Beard Expense' ; . KretloB-Bullaiv..u..... SaUry Kod Sunt. : .... Insurant County Share Cattle Indemnity .'. Institute ..' .v r..i .. County School Library Aid Span. Aj. War Vet -. v . Total Issued I 1.755.00 114.00 : 77 sots C5S.II 1.114.70 104.00 S.7S4.10 230 ts 1.I44M ree The well-selected combination of atollar vaudeville ajtrtctlona, a musical, singing and .dancing re rue, comedy song and stories and gymnaatio rears ' that were sn at the Pine Tree, theatre lsr evening and are to 'lO'IILLIN'SIEODINGIS PERFORMED BEFORE BIG 'CROWD Wptlnomlny., July, 27 1027. Tknf a. . 1473.7 rtiu'i 1 I'ifl l,r, Agricultural College American Legion .. Bonanxa City ; . ; ... Boatnza Road ;.; Bonanza Interest . . Bee License 'Current Kkdmuha . Co. r air Board Co. Fair Site Circuit Court . Chlloquin City '" Chlloquin Road Vf'"T Chlloquin Interest . Delinquent Tax Fund Dog Tax . Estates . Enterprise Irr. Const. lt ... Enterprise Irr. O M Ii't dsiiua Enterprise Irr. General enterprise irr. Bond ... Enterprise Irr. Interest .. .. Fire Patrol ....v..,...; Fire Patrol Interest General State Tax Warrant Red. Oeaeral Warrant Funding Interest High School .... Horesfly Irr. General Horsefly Irr. Bond .. Horesfly Irr. Ol II Horsefly Irr. Interest tJ- Jail Construction . shfov Klamath Falla City o m,- Klamath Fall Interest : . )Rjv' ;. Klamath Fall Road in mi.4 Klamath Drainage'. Klamath Fall Interest '".,r : Klamath Irr. General IUUbco Ib Ail Faad Fading Jim 30th, 1S7 J Z'. 1m-.(,uv.; hi 33103 133.M (39.33 110 4.47 30.00 ' ss.:.i .787.5 601.34 760.30 '41.60 ' J .39 :i j 304.00 1.413.30 3.15J.S3 lot. r Jul L Tht" Klamath Irr. O M Klamath Irr. Interest . , .inm . tnTU-iu. - County Library.. School Library - Union High School No. 1 Special rv- Union High School No. 1 Bond . :. ho r ., Union High School No. I Intrst . i i.J2 Union High School No. 3 '.j. : Utrion Hlrh School No. tel -Union High School No. '3 Interest-. " Union High School Bond Int. foi in 3 Ihf First State A Bartnrs Rank. School Dist. No. 1 Special School Dist. No. 1 Bond ' osl- School Dist. No: 1 Site.- , . School Dist. No. 1 Interest ..j High School No. -1 diiiioil rlllgh School No. S Const. 2cfT High School No. I Interest as Bond... imj High School No. 2 Bond '9. .di High School No. 7 .v.- e; , High School No. 7 Interest . Rlgh School No. 8 msH-i . HigH Sohoot No. 8 Interest f.yiltil High School No. Hign tscnooi no. 9 interest Hlh School No. IS 8.43 11 3 . tTO.X 34. 3 3.70.63 3.027.77 17.083.33 3.306.3c 7.(73X6 1.334.40 S77.1 M4S.33 4 !94 43 633.34 131.31 2,3933 04.40 8.563 Ct 768.33 448.70 3:7.5 , 18. OS 277.80 2.28.83 33.1 2.510.53 A Int. 24.200.12 2.53 10.101.30 61.029.45 44.358.6S 34.711.60 1.311.57 279.J4 . 1.28.18 18.80"! 131-01 Langell Irr. General Langell Valley Irr. O. M. Langell Valley Irr. Interest Merrill City w Merrill Road Merrill Interest Meadow Drainage Malln City Malin Road .. Malin Interest - Malin Irr. Bond . . Malln Irr. General Malin Irr. O. M Malln Irr. Interest Market Road j New Court House : Pine Grove Irr. General Pine Grove Irr. Bond Pin Grove Irr. O. ft M. Pine Grove Irr. Interest . Prohibition PatteiRon Irr. General County Roads . . Rodent Fund : Road Bond . Road Bond Interest Road Bond Sinking Road Equipment Fund . Co. School Dist. Special Co.: School Disc. Bond Co. School Dist, Interest Co. School Dist. Construction Sunnyslde Irr. General ; Sunnyalde Irr. O. M. Sunnyslde Irr. Interest . Shasta View Irr. Bond ; Shasta View Irr. General Shasta View Irr. Interest . . Shasta View Irr. O. ft M. County Schools State Elementary School . . .. State Schools GRAND AX8K. Ouuliec. July nrnvft Mtr..i(A m..kMim be pre- )"" at picturesque photographers who best haoty retreat. The attack was viewed by the assembled guents as pa 1 of the merrlmeal that followed the mar riage ceremony and was greeted h cheers ami applause. and nsmble of hlghlasa' artist. 00 '",r; nonmoon Douml r,,ri Th wemony Itself waa nn in eong, dances, muslral nuni.."1 " n'1 K,"rl,- V " lieumy ud soleninlly. J ber and ap-laltles, went Over' roP'o Plan to sail on the An ultar had been ararted on thu with a bang: Elisabeth Aren 1 0ly,upU " ml,lnl'h 8'mday for wide lawn fronting the Htllliiian sented for the last time today.! "uuUwr ceremony, enlivened by certainly 'mad decided hit with r1" hurlln ot hT Mr. .tn.. , ' ' iJame A. Stlllmsn. as neralstent 1,934 44 I - Helen Weeghm l Ambassador '' PhPhar. Bud Still- si s !Co-eJ who mkkit. -.' and his woodland bride, the : t . 1 - - th const, I ail bandr " , " ible ot hlgh-cW arttst inolrhnneymoon bound for, 1 . dances, mu.lcl n..m. V,ir Kiirop.. ot lour . ot -I Tj9 C'llliles, siibnlltulc.l for tune plugs set' fire In th ' Frank nYlilnktu honin hre br cunning a liml rlrcult. Firemen put nut the blnan anil sinned a rsinpuliin for "pennllesH fuse Murks." ' lly At'GI'HT U ANDItlBN, k.-1 . T Mi-rrlll, l)r. Legal Notices a (evernl months lour ot France, home anil about It RHSxnililed sev. Scotland and Italy. . , ernl hundred guests, Including A colorful throng of river folk the country people for miles and . well groomed men. and wo- around. men of society witnessed the cer-1 First In the wedding proces emony at which the young Prince- slnn came Father Kphrnlm Ijimy., ton grauuaie and scion of one who had known hnth bride and families took acroinpanied by Knlliirn Nor- solo dancer and dancing girl with the band waa ,the feature number ot the act, also Mlsa Eva Johnson, who poKsrw a marvel ous vole who U heard In some classical numbers. Mis Weeg- . . , . ...... F U JIB mill nlsed ih. .iini.e,- I ol ixw "r ,no" weauny ana groom oim-e childhood. He was Z. . . socially prominent and Madeline In "French ' hr'lu, ,h. hll Z " . . "" of the Canadian woods who cele- anything In particular yet serves brr,,ed her eighteenth blrthdav It purpose,, won applause from' ,. Ebrak, an unique entertainer In gymnastic " and balancing caused unusual Interest In the many feats he performed. On the screen. Harrison Ford. Phyllis Haver, Cheater Conklln. Meek Swain and Hobart Boa- worlh. featured In "The Nervous Wreck." a comedy full of laughs.l York to record the reremonV for thrills and the best gloom-chaser newspaper and motion picture you ever witnessed, I Indeed a news weeklys. had been aulcneri treat., .. . I a place outside the lawn fronting I Thursday and Friday, a double the Stlllman woodland lodge, but j bill wlU' be shown. Will Roger disregarding warnings hud In "Our Unofficial Ambassador pressed closer. In Dublin,' and Lois Moron, I.yai Map I'hotiiirraphpr a Puttl and Jack Mulhall In Indignant. Mrs. Stlllman God Gave Me Twenty Cents," an reached over aud soundly boxed exceptional bill that you should the ear ot the nearest photo XOTIt'K. To prospective members nf the ower Klamath I .use flre:ng As- t rlitlon, we have now ih cer- I ficata ot InrnriHiratlnn,' You are notified and urged to apply for membership nn Saturday, July 30. 1st;, st 7:30 o'clock P. m., al Die I. (). O. F. hull In Merrill, Oregon. - ' ' At the Mine time and plnrn, I lie permanent directors will be I'lprted. . The lly-l.ixws must be readopt el. . TI10 Incorporators nf the Ijiw er Klsinnth Mke Graslng Asso- LpruI Notirps MflKi:. IN TUB ttH'NTV COURT OI TUB fTATa! OK OltKOON. Foil TIIK COl'NTV OF MULTNOMAH. IN TMK MATTER OF the or ganisation of Uki Shore Garden Urslnsge District. NOT If Is hnretir Blvn by mil)lrsil. n In the Klmisih Falls llernld of Klsmath Falls, Or. giu. on this 8Mb dsy nf July, 193 T. thst a meeting of th own ers ot Inn I' eltgnleit In the l.ak Hlinie ' (Isrili us Urnliiue District fur Hi ' purpni or ' electing llanrd of lliree H'HiiTVliMirs. will bo hdtl at 1 ho tlounly Court llnue ul Klmnath Falls, Ore gun. on the (ill dny of August, US7 t:n P. M. ' V. It. llel.AP. (Viiiniv Clerk, Klamath County, Klamath Falls, Oregon. The mnrrlage service had Jut been concluded and the cere mony ot cutting the fnur-foni rake wis about to stun when Mrs. Stlllman. mother of the bridegroom, made her descent upon the luckless photographers. The eight cameramen, most ot whom hsd Journeyed from New un i 349.55 1.(71.03 9.18 1.514.93 2.22 1.633.30 - 1.46 15.94. Stat Game Commission , Van Brimmer Dratnag :.: Van Brimmer Interest .... .. .. . . .., Van Brimmer, O. ft M. ; Willow Valley Irr. General Willow Valley Irr. Interest Willow Valley Irr, O. ft M. High School No. 28 i. ! High School No. it Interest ... High School No. 31 High School No. 34 ; ; Hlxh School" No.:30 Bond .:.-.iUU.-i' High School No. 30 Bldg. ft Bond w High School No. S( Interest .. High School No. 53 High School Nq. 63 Bond High School No. 63 Bond ft Dldg High School No. 63 Interest High School Bldg. Old. U. 8. Land Grant . not mlsa. As a Friday Special, the first Charleston contest will be presented. At the Liberty Crammed with swiftly . moving action, . Interspersed with a de lightful vein of light comedy, and possessing ' two mllea-mlnute horse race unsurpassed on the screen . tor realism, speed and thrills, "Thai Sunset Derby," which plays tonight Of tha Liber ty theatre. I scree entertain ment plus. Mary Astor and. William Col lier Jr. as the. young lover, make a delightful team an the featured roles, and both contribute per formance which merit the high-' est praise. . A striking feature of 'The Sunset Derby' 1 the fact that It 1 1 highly thrilling and possesses many dramatic .momenta without once touching, melodrama with, the familiar movie, "villain.". " Total Balance all funds June 30, 1927 391. 941. 45 Number and Amount of CbUms Allowed By County Conr and Cirrml Jnilge No. Drawn Current Expense . . 23(8 bounty Road; jtoaa Bona Road Equipment - ........ Jalt -Construction :.... Market Road' Hlg School -i. . Cototf Library .... 'Ajnertcaa, Legion 610 400 30 2?l 225 .- 29 All Funds 3 89.173.79 15.788.07 34,980.84 1.744.90 61.692.60 20.760.24 45.686.11 , 632 0 grapher and puttied over an. other. "This la for my friends, not for photographers" sue -cried. The victim of her attack wore temporarily thrown Into confu slon and she then spied across a table three other camera men who meantime had continued to grind the scene. , "Out you go, get out of here." she shouted 'and followed the order with a barrage of crock ery and crystal from the well laden table. A plate caught one of the camera men on the side of the head but he succeeded In warding off the full force of the blow with his shoulder. Another piece crashed throngh a window. The crockery barrage, however. 'U r 4 eleHflM Mrtl evaesse mm4 SMI Irelelaa-- illlllll eOeerfmjJr M esqeesfc njVl Current Expense Fund r;:H ' ' Outstanding Warrants Cash on hand .. a s"' Surplus .. i County Road Fund " Outstanding Warrants . Cash on hand ; , Surplus .. ..U u..:. County Library : Outstanding Warrant Cash on band Surplus .. : . Market Road Siunmiry and Fltutacla! ConditKm of KUmath County Ending Jan SO, 1927 1910 111 112 1913 114 116 1910 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 122 1473 1 1924 1121 ll2 - SKMI-A.WCAb ItfclVHT BURT E. HAWKINS. HHKItlKK TAX COU.KCTOH Jan. I to Jury I, 19S7.' ' COI.LKtTIO.NH t vA to7';!1' f.. r .' l.S M ir-' en ;1f .old I 11.331.28 85,200.29 3.CIC.4I 7.890.74 (.92 170.(3 31.30 192 14 87.45 101.78 94.00 87.K 228.41 797.(2 4.711.03 13.04 . 30 0.(70.45 15,087.00 30.218.43 66.605.45 (13.732.80 (0.16 .64 327, Outstaadins Warrant ....." ., cash on hand j:...... Surplus .. ..1,: : .Aod Bond " Outstanding Warrants . Cash on hand .:: Surplus 1 Road Bond Interest Cash on band ..... Surplus " """ r j;; Hoad Bond S!&Lliic- lae Cash on hand . . a v . ' Surplus m if SUte Tax and Warrant Redemption- :ii r: Outstanding Warrants i: Estimated Accrued Int .."." I" Cash on hand . ?J-f.. County Fair Fund - Cash on hand irt eld "I .Jail Construction Fund ' OutsUndlng Warrants cash on hand n3Vj"i Burplu '.. ;..;.......:..... 487.53 17.074.20 772.85 11.100.94 29,768.44 47.396.84 28.1(4.54 39,764.74 tr 9,787.68 " 248.19 9,448.23 Total money received for Tax M Hps no .: ....- .:.'.r... ! .. ..ivui rMn, ,,l.'.f tjinits t.lil In by Kiamain, toiuiiy tor lajten........ y .'. '- Total money reu'jl' from other sources $16,796.74 :- '- f '.- ...I' ' Total money received....;!...; -...JU... i. S ' WKnUrWraiKSTS. . Turned over to County Treasurers . Jan. 7; 1927 i..... TuopoYeriNo 4f .. .. 22, 1927 ' Turnover No. , 473 x... ' zs, JZ7, Turnover No.. 47 4.304.33 267.43 sin kalbli lull ino" nil 1 . . . . ... .... Balance on band June JOtb. 1927 ; ' ' " '-; ...-,- t mv, " " . , ,. BPXDED INDEBTEDNESS OF KLAMATH COUNTAT JUNE 30TH, 127. Road bonds Issued 1919.... Road bonds Issued 1922..., Road bonds Issued 1923 1,68(.(7 10.328.09 29,768.44 47,395.84 11,(00.00 9.230.04 1213,183.43 Road bonds Issued 1934. "Road bonds Issued 192(... General Funding 1927 ... 1 ; Total Bond Issued STATE OF OREGON 3347,704.00 400.000.00 . 233,000.00 126,000.00 1(7.000.00 142.700.00 COUNTY OF KLAMATH ) 1 I. C. R. DeLap, County Clerk ot the above foregoing ta a true and correct statement of the eltto." oV " Coun 7 1 th' clo" ,,, of LujilnMs for the year ending the 30th day ot June, A. p., 1927. voumy ai in close iitEAt 1 , ' "' " C. R. DeLAP. County Clerk. UfcAL , . B C. H. DeLAP. Denutv Clerk. .-I730.79S.94 r . i ; - - ,'.' '.16.J55.74 their church robes. , lljiml I'Uy The fifth regiment royal high Innilwrs hnud of 30 pieces from Monirea broke Into the ptruln" of "I-ohengrln" as Mrs. Sllllinnn and Mrs. John W'lhnn. tni.tlier of the bride, walked down a Inne nf ribbons. Jnmr A. Hlilliuau, Sr., the bridegroom's father, fol lowed and then came "Hud" wld his best man, Fow'te Mct'orintck of Chicago. Then came Ml lletle Wilsoti, sister nf the bride, followed by the bride on ' the arm of her brother, Jnmes, Vllson, who tn hor In murrliige. Iloth girls uj Flfih Avenue rreUtloiia. ' 1 The brlile niipeared sweetly' chirming In u gown of white rhlf-j ton. She wore penrl and crys tal ornament In her hair, and, ok her only Jewelry, wore a plati num chain, the gilt of the bride groom. ' I The marriage ceremony was that ot the Rnmnn ' Cathullr church. Prayer In Kngllnh were Intoned by Father Normand. II TTI.USIII1' (ill.IV WORN' AT GENEVA GENEVA. (vP) Battleship gray la the uniform hue ot tho suits wor bhy the Japanese delegation to the naval limitation conference here. With the single exception of Admiral Salto. the lint ot paint ed steel Is th favorite, even among tha newspapermen ac companying the delegates. Only one of the Japanese has appeared In pins fours. He Is Mr. Slburl. official of the Tokyo , foreign on ice, ana an inaeiaiig able "secret golfer." Every morn ing at eight finds him up. and away to the local course, saf from the eye of the British and American devoleea of the link. I' ENVIES NORFOLK, START KIRK Neb., July 26. .$74(.554.(l Feb. Apr. 1 127 ., Turnover No. 475 1927 -,.,TnrnvVer No. 4.7 24 1. 127 . 2. 1927 ... 4, 1927 11, 1927i.... 18, 1927 ... 21. 1927 ... 20, 1927' ... 2, 1927'..., 10, 1927'.... 12. J97 ... 14. 191V., 18, 192.'' ... 27. 1921 .. ' 28. 1927 .. June 3. 1927 ... 18. 1927 .. 30, 127 5Z May Turnover No. -479 Turnover No. 4 SO Turnover No. Turnover No. Turnover No. Turnover No. Turnover No. Turnover No. Turnover No. Turnover No. Turnover No. Turnover No. Turnover No. Turnover No. Turnover No. Turnover No. 494 Turnover No. 45 481 . 482 483 484 485 ' 480 487., 488 489 490 491 492 493 I 6.185.(4 8.940.34 ' 21.254.(8 11.235.04 10.214.75 0.525.82 It. 394.(0 15.(45.84 ' 33,950.21 24.454.85 69,890.09 88,063.24 72,519.22 113,255.24 (3.178.64 B0, 928. 90 14.429.(7 38.371.08 K.408.40 18,842.74 I SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Buy your winter' supply of block-wood and green-slab at once, while the price ar at the bottom. - : ; FARMERS 1 i Also stock np for tha year, at the bin or delivered. W deliver anywhere In the galley S 14j cord Jumbo load. Peyton (07 Main . Phona SI I Klamath Falls Business Directory, LOIXiK, FRATERNAL, NOTICE ' II. P. O. ELKS Meet Thursday evening. -Vlslllng-me.Tibers wel come. 1 EI.K8 TEMPLE. 3rd and Main OLIVER SI'IKEK, Exilted Ruler F. V. McMILiLAN. Ilecretary Total taxes turned over to Counfy Trasnrer......3730,798.84 Mileage money turned over to Co, Treas. 2(3 90 " ' . 1 Mileage money on hand j,..'...:...., - Redemption money-turned over to indiv-foV-' " V u,1 ' - -"--"..--...vv,......;';'8,260.8S Redemption money oa bund ..T,i...!.. " , 1 ' Hale of Lands-. Co. Trras. Iiervlnr Vol tti'i'i iirm , Sal of Lands, OoTn.. 'litceplt No. 3337 ,'. ' 9l!o0 ' Total turned over from' other sources.'. Total moneys disbursed .'..L...'. STATE OF OREGON Fraternal Order of KokIc , I T Yi f .ieeis r.vcry r 1- day, 7:30 at Moose Hnll. ' . Aorle 2090. Phono 674 Labor Tompio i'jL ' ,...,$1S,755.74 16,766.74 ..f 744.5C4.68 1 ). County of Klamath I, Burt V. Hawkins, Sheriff and Tax Collector, for Klamath n',",iS"te ? VreP",, '"t'fy th h. foregoing"? a "fTF"? Btlomen' 0' moneys collected and turned over by- me to the County Treasurer of Kmmath County, Oregon, and to Delinquent Tax Certificate Holders', for the six months ending June 30, 1927. ' ' J 1......, Dated at Klamnlh Falls, Oregon, this 1st day of July, 1927. ( ' BURT E. HAWKINS, ' Sheriff and Tax Collector. . 4 CARRETT K. VAN RIl'JiR, Deputy. LOYAL OKDKIt OF MOOHK Meet every Thurs day, 7:30 L. O. O. ,M. Moose Hall, Klam ath Ave. . OKO. OGLE. Die. Klamath Lodge No. 77 A. F. and A. M. , Stated Communications ' Second and Fourth Mondays Visiting' Brothers Welcomo - LOOMIH BCILDlXa Klapuith Falls Business Directory .VfTollNEVM V. '. ItllOU Utt A1101 m nl l.nw Slate ami Federal Courts Ahuirarts KKsmlncd Iii8 Wllllls Hide. - I'hone Oil Itcul Estate Law t .specialty E. 1.. M-Liirrr , 1 Suite 13 New Mehse Bldg. I'holift 614-J Office I'hoae liu( Across street frum Curt House M. O. WILKINS Lawyer 208 Williams Building Klamaih Fslls. Oreson Plume 18( Day or Night AI'TOMOIIII.E IIKAI.KItS Repair Work. Hatter? Srvh-, Titos Nanh. Ouklandi I'niillac. Packard II. It. II. GAIIAGK - 831 Klamath- -Next to Pmotftce I'hnca 213 G.-ndreir Tires Fireproof Storsgo .U TOMllllll.K 1 III EH Ilrliijt In your worn tires get VMKI roilr more al H usual rMi AC K TIKE NIIOI Guaranteed vulranlilng 115 80. 11th St. Phon 343-J re-treads 4CTO MEP.tllt Kmiihy's ltrlr Shop Guaranteed Auto Repairing Cars csll.d for and delivered South (th St. Phone 0u3-W MATTERY NEKVIt'E Battery Service. Magneto, - Starter and Generator Repairing FMlVn IIENRIOT CO. 234 Main St. 1'bone 397-W Battery.. Magneto. Generator and Complete Electrical Service W. P. Johnson's Al'TO EI.KtTRIO NKKVICE 734 Klamath Phone 349 Phllco Remy Delco llosrh Autollte tiEXKUAL REPAIR HCIH IIEHT'S 4;ENEIAL REPAIR SERVICE Carl Schubert. Jr. Repair Cah Register. Type writer. Adding Machines, Haro and Irks and Guns (20 Klamath Ave. (Retween 5tb and (th) MKAITY.PAKM.KH . Expert Operators. Individual oootln, violet ray, niarcell Ing, hair tinting RONTON BEAUTY SHOP ' Glorenna Warren Winters llldg. I'hone 811' Wster, French Paper Curl Facial and Scalp Treatment IHiMliTN General I'rdcllce nf Dentistry llll. PHILIP COl.K 618 Main Over Moe's more I'hnne f,(9 Open Evenings by Appointment . Ear, E)e ami Nose Doctor Dr. J. J. Eromens, Meitrnrd. Ore. ,' ' Practice limited to eye, ear, rose and throat. phon 6(7 CHIROPRACTORS " Mil. .l.l: Ml HIKE - Palmer tiradiiale ''hronlo'and Nervous Dlseasai New Melhas Block. 836 Main Phone 137s - -Opposite Court llnuse t OX V Al KHt KNT HOME ttlNVAI.KNt EXT HOME IM Oraulte HI, Adilaasl, Ore. Where the sick and aged ar srcil fur In pliant home sue. roundlngs. J5-A6 Splendid care at reasonable " price. Maternltv esses a specialty. TIIK PRIVATE HX4TAKUM I'lmne 7IN-W ' I1I04 Wonlen ami I lib St. JI-31 EMI'M)YMET AGEX'CV KLAMATH EMPIYMEXT iimiK Employment for worker lo every trade mills, railway and farms. Jamee lt)sn, IVtip, Bill and Main. Itiune 1ST IXHIRAX,; Now York Life Insuranc Co P. K. III'RKH Agent 839 Main St. i.AtxniurM HIPERIItlt AITO LUXURY Howie Oarage Car Wsshed Called For and Delivered Phone 379 LIVESTOCK Fresh rows on hand at all timesfrom one lo carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW CO. Phones: Runch 23F3;He. 414 K. Mnrh-ttRf. Jr. Texum Station OHTEOPATIIH ML K. K. GOOD AKD I. O. 0. F. TEMPLE Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon - - - -. Office and Resldenc ' Phon 331 Ml'MIO TEACHER KIII.DIXO .MATERIAlJt HWAX LAKE MOULDIVG CO. Quality Building Material South (th St. phone 76 AMERICA V nivaiiii iTA,.. - ".1,,,Ut( (IP Mrsin . Hand and Orchestra Instruments Taught. Classes In Harmony and Arranging 3rd Floor Winter llldg. ; ' . F18-M18 musk:- BTrnio MIHH F. LA MHO .V Teacher of Piano 1313 lookout Phon 760 March 12 WANTF.n Carpenter work by contract or "uy. t.aninet worlt and fixtures built. 1401 Division Ht. Phone 11,1 CHURtTIES SACRED HEART III lt l Wghth and High 8ts., Rev. A. F. Loesr. Rv. 0, H. Felge Hundny masses at 4:30, 8 '00 ?de,2i,,0'..,li,,en,,l devotions al 7:30. Week-day mass at 7 a. in. Merrills, 1st and 3rd Sunday, at 1:30. Alt are cordially welcome at our serv- C1VIL EXtHXEEHH , V. f LEGHORN Civil Engineer and Burveyor ' 219 High street C. C. KELLKV Consulting Civil Engineer Underwood llldg. Phone I07B DENTISTS DR. K. tt. WINEl'ARVEIt DR. M. K. COOPER Dentistry X-RAY Laboratory Underwood llldg-. phon (46 PAIX'TH, WALL PAPER Enamels, Wall Paper. Paints. ' Brushes V. It. OLDS Across from Postoftlc Phono 43 Kverythlng a Paint Slor Keeps Paints," Oils. Varnishes, Dead ' enlng Felt. Gins. Roofing. Wsll-Paner PATTI ftfUlVftt ttiw, - 2( 80 (th St. ' h.vne 683-J HTKXOfiRAPHY I M KM 1. ti it Public StennKrapher noinry I'nniln Huvlngs and Loans Heal Estat Sl Willi, ni,K. Vh,m M Ktnns of legal form . V TIMMEH CRI'lHERH Timber Cruising. Reconnalg ance and Appraisal H. II. imji.E 40fl Main Ml. pi,MO 805.w Working from M. L. Johnson's ..rfl. EXCAVATING MLAHTIXG Sewor and Cesspool Work Phono (it'j Call at fHlil R. Main St. FRANK MARTIN )