PAGE' POUR- .-THE.EVEtoGJlERAiji!jdIil(fATlf!tlifaiL0IlEG0N 'i.1 Wednesday, July -27. 1D27. i T. II. M WAI.K,.V.. V,'. 1(. rljUKlNS II . I- .. v. KiHtiK Advertliinr Mnr Ilualnea Manager M'i.It.'J k'i 4ond rlju'lmller m .he. pom n( Ore at Klamath Fall. i)iu-i. AuRiiiit so, mud. under act of Conitrasa March 1. 18V r I.)HT p! 1 .of 'six M jii" . rTlirw Mfullu luiia 1"irti -- Ity Mull On Mnnlb .. .Trtl liy farrlrr 16. 50 ..... t,.-t.3.u"Vlrr Hon 111. ..... . i- v!,i X.u i;if...8U,Kliilija, 4i.i,.. Tv.t'.: 'i:',".6a ( Yea u s... .-. ..I . .. 1.75 T5 5.1)0 i-attonul and aocyil problems with which thoy trouble us'. Gradually oi-r public schools are making special provi sion for the intellectually superior they are just u numerous as the dull, and their developmoni is far more important to civilisation. The dull tret loU of attention because of their maladjustment. Children of superior Ability are often buried alive amid the deadening mass of the dull. - Another visit Big"Prune Merger In Doubtful State t . ''' ii Assoc iatech Press Leaded Wire '-v Mftmber of VuJitureau bf,Circuation ? .'ier ot the AsaoriaiPd Prc-sa Tkr- AsfUiated Pror is (-M-lnairely entitled to the una or repuhllca. ' in, in ot all no' .lno.-itihi's or billed o It or not otherwise credited In t!ii lii"-r and i) tlie local new published therein. All right !nt-ii u Jl.rniiuii ol special dipatrhc-a herein are also reserved. . I Wednesday, July 27, 1927. Road Oil Gleaning- Cur 8 jut era la .8"nietlilng Sew ami Ik-tler lhaij tha ."' Old Hand tiyateiai "---, Car WawhrdJ Motors t'leaaetl Vacuum Cleaned i : rllslird ; lAlx-rl Greaalng , J m o ("rank Cava) Service ' C" ami Oil We call for and deliver Phone 606 NEW SYSTEM AUTO LAUNDRY Explunndo near Y'ast Mula Superior Children to Live.W j V. U9 says tiiat a child who is too smart will not Jive;, i (j Who stiys that learning how to write, dance,, pay the ' ij piuno. Ifpell ar.d tell stories adversely affects a' child's . jjliraiu?,': ' I e IL .-jf cms to be quite a widespread belief that intel- i i lijctualj.precocity; i pathological and that exceptionally! jbrifhl Children rt usually .unhealthy and are Jikcly to bi?conni! physically or mentally wrecks if ' their intellec-I I LU.u : i t-j jic ill an Biuiiuiiiieu. - t7. !i . .. . i v i, . : ..i. i. ... : u i:r . I 'of our ftnq,uinni; mend: "I have three. children, all girls. The oldest is now 5 and is very smart People tell me '.sfie wift notlive. When she was 22 months old she, went j to. the ptoj-e for bread, milk and cake all alone. " ' When i . riiv n .13 J viu oitc 5VI u.c iuh.i. iui w.iu jLid'jy fjt a week while I was working and wife was sick I in bed; ,At that age she knew forty-six Mother Goose stories.'. Now she can spell lOo words. - 1 wants to learn how to write, dance and play I the Diiiio'I Is it too much for her? I am told it will ; !..ff ' Mwr twain V ' . . ' ! N'lillmv coed friend, it will not. Drovided. of course, i isdie is also interested in fresh air, good food, sleep and jm jputy. 11 nere is a janacy uiai ciwiuien ui cAtcjiuuiiai m- tollectual .cbilify are likely to have little interest in play, jlri a stlidy made by Dr. Terman of superior children Tre f found in thci Ihii-tv-eirrht out of fiftv-one children 'were de- by both teachers and parents as entirely normal j cir play, seven of the others were said to play' less than te verage child, but to play normally when they did play.- - N " ' '' , k MulSier Goose stories spelling 105 words, ' learning tj writ);, 'dance and play the piano .will not affect ad versely' your child's brain. , Studies which have been made tif gifted children do not disclose the pathological j .symptoms popularly supposed to accompany exceptional intellectual ability. ' This will disappoint the. neighbors and postpone indefinitely any "saying it with flowers." Wbile we are about it, let us quote from Dr. Terman pome inclusions being reached in his study of superior children : ' ' 1. H'hat intellectually superior children are appar- eotly Wjual to the average in general health; i . 2. (That in the vast majority of cases their ability is j genenji rather than special or one-sided; ; 3. (That the superiority is especially marked in moral ana personal traits; Used Cars wLate Mgdel Hudson Broiighan,. Good As New 1921 Buick Touring, ' a good buy........ $450.00 1926 Chevrolet Sedan. . .$500.00 1926 Chevrolet Landew Sedan, new tires .... $500.00 1922 Dodge Touring : . . . $200.00 Acme Motor Co. (.) .. v . , . .- - - v Phone (BOO S Open Evenings $puth 6th lU'CHAKK.ST. Ittunanin. July 37. tAI'l Qnivn Mario haa do . Id.d to vlxlt th i nMi-d Klaloa nr.iai. Kh liopr.i to alart aoon nfl'rr I ho trio.l ut uiournlim (or Cl( hVriUtiumt la ovr. vlio told 'Jim torroiiondciit for the Aw- ijd Prvx-'ImUv. ' ,'. ... . lit. n confrlUa Willi tha ror rrapondont, 'tli queen. ho l arudual!y rwovar'ng from the ( ahock, o( Kcrdlunnd'a iltutlt, ..said lhat'V' O wUhi'.l lo Iruval ilnu lima acia filvato iKron no y hat rho uull.'jiu .Kliaro alia : plvaacd. do r' he-wanted, not ba a hiir.U'ii.'io tua alaLa and mil nlriil "aujiorttlri and avoid quarrvla aiuoui: hr' (ollowrrs. "There am a thottnand and ona thlnaa I oiulticd aorln or. my last Journey, and lejtlona.'ot poo Ida I wanted 4o niot." I "I want to aco one ot ynur nu ll iiolllleul ronvpntiona and jl( Urae and my dutlra permit next auuimer It la Vosihlu that I alinll lut ahlo to le.ive herc In limn to Kr au. h a aalherlnn." ' The. iinei'n uNo told tha cor reBiion.leai that alio hoped to Cuid tlma wrlle n book o( her InipresHlim of the I'niti'd .sin ten : and th Amerlcm people. "I cur ried bulk a thou.nnd pleatant i memorlea ot my lay In your country," auld th queen, "but !lwr' . rlt also aoma lulatnkea which ran he rectllled on tha next trip." PAN JOSH. Cjlir., July !7. (A. I'.l Kuivaaa o( tha CalKornia I'oopirutlva pruno meraer, em bra. Ina 14 packoia, tha Califor nia I'niua and Apricot (Iroaera a.Hiuiloii, and the orxau Ued prune producer aaiclal.uii. )olnlli (orcea to aluliillt.i III.! pruno industry, looked dubloua vailv today, with thmiaiin.U n( aerea yet lo he lflr,t lulo the pool to enable 1(4 v)eraWoa cam- paian , heiliiula ft'ff N- ,,,- I ' KfferU wero h.lnit tnadn to day to brinit thu lulul a. reaaa alaued to 31,004. ill.' minimum required hy thla iluu lo tuiuply with the aaiee ment. A lolnl of 5.0IO acre, mu.t ha alined by Auauat 17 In order to control 0 percent o( the atnlo prune crop. The Hacrainenin clearlna home a-iHoclnllon wired aiirnvnl of lliu itierier heailiiuarlera Here ami pleditcd lla aupporl lo the cain pulau. j iiVAiii-v Htniij r,NKW Ytil oil piEia'iuui nil Ji'i I "1 urae niiott. il n.'oula learn belt when ,they are hunpy.'' wrllea el.oii It. W illi. pie, aiiell. pr. ('or ot )iiiiriiillni at New York liiilvar ally, la olferlni an aniholnay of (cniurea by 111" '!. The book la believed to be an Innovation, luce every rluea member i-ontrlh. I uird. Tli" prof.'.nor aaid tha lela. "luiiahcd lla way" lliroiiKh Hie course and learned in ire front Jokea mi.) ilrilil.nn lhau dom led urea. IIMJK KK.(Vkl.l MKMUItlAI. . i I'lllLAOKl.l'IIIA. July ' 27. (lTll The originator o( "Poor! Itichard" prohalily uerer drenm-1 e.l of a io memorial to hi memory. Yet anch a me-' morlul may he hullt. A move- i ment hu I n eturted hy the Poor Hl.hurd cluh. an oriianlia-j tin of advertising men, to upend that mini (or a atructure to honor lh memory ut Renjamin Frank lin. . It . la pon.ilMe to acquire a rontid mm in a aquare deal. HARNESS HIM I SADDLES 1 AAVMNti .WD At'TO TOI'S K It's made of canvas, or leather, we make It. CONNOLLY BROS. SADDLERY Ol l-IMH Mnin - . fc'hi j 4. i'i nai queerness, aeiiciency in )iainj;, anu f niaiktjd lack of sociaj adaptability are the exception rather: than the rule; (That, while superior 'children are likely to be ac h d on the basis of chronological age, they are two or threo grades- retarded on the basis ot to' tin 7. i . &. j celera 1 usual). i mental: agt; , 6. That their school work Is such as to warrant pro- I nlotioill in most cases to a grade closely corresponding mpnt-il o cp-' ' ' ; ' .' 1; 1 ! 1 -o- . . I That the superiority tends , to show early In life, .; is-littlfl influenced by formaj instruction, and is perman ! ent; S. il'hat superior children, usually come from .superior j : familitk Wf hear a great deal about defectives and the edu- AUmencan I ' M! ...1-.,- ' .rr.-- i . an Outstanding ' Achievement of American Automothv ungineery v . , 'i ..I - . .r . fii it -1 V.1l IK I I ;' M-t - :' -: I f !''' ! "WATCH ' ' FUS1Y EQUIPPED 4-D00R SLOAN (HOT A COACH) Hie lowest price atwhich a sedan was KVERTsold by Dpdg Brothers ' v ASTONISHING ECONOMY aa in ii i ! - iiiwii iiaai a re .-a-- o-zf. at 25 miles per hour ? All of tLla faiisMie traditional Dodge Qualot anis Dependability OSTENDORF MOTOR CO. Doiif.K iiI'.otiiciih a (jimiiam ii;i,i;h 1 , I'liono. 27U s . , bi.-j Khimitfli Ave. v 4 a ,;-iS MM Br Wests. rnAiito Supply Co ate The World' Lurest Retail Accessary t'oiucrn 5crrin,i the Motorist autre Iv(9 SAVE As You've Never Saved Before! BUY one o ther.c useful articles at our te.l.;: low ;.ir;Uo; price aniJ we will give you an cxtm out t.'so.Wly nef all cors. Every article is from tnir regu lar stcwu uik. ij fiiiW gua'.uitceJ. EVERY MOJGRiZT can save this in;uiyur.irir.;i of an ur.nual mete Uiiin event, tv) acquaint new arriv;i tlii s corniminity with the niany nt,..C nf hiitin,! ,r " VY ',.f.,.rn Ai.',.11 Y 'j. J v i vji.iii ou KV. ' V x V . . t .1. . ' v.iiu cvciy isr r.vnci ui Know oi inc .i... uJi .. . vaiuis iii.ii rii , in ij setve ucr u million nototiiOsast year. , As an incentive, we roVe t'.iis iinparal IcleJ iflir i'-. v. !.I, in ptactirally every i.istance, the t'tif are cfrorcj L.'luwcot. ONLY ONE f:;: nil ''A U S 1 1 ZJF han: frt i I rTAUH Jii a.lvant- jxawyoMS-v-jw t, ran- I rti-T 11 "if ' 1" Last Day Scuurduy, July 30th SALE OF EACH ITEM TO A CUSTOMER OO Iinpciil Auto relish Ihiy one bottte for . ;t woriu H e ict to a 'toint cir owncrt with the prn tif lrft-l 1'i.luti, titi luturv ult mil tnor in rrpuy u. M-tJr lut Luoor oihn l,rucrr I tmnh., nj tor any paint nr cnamd ltnhr k Otvr ikK Litmc fti'J iiuc n-.r tl.c :rwt turfjtc. (jmit of ont tU ti d nninwr. No Deviations from Lht .SI. own Ddow I'lVllBj'i-, , Simoniz Cjeancr and Polish fiT" ' buy cither for J jC (let the I KIV. You ovt 55c on thla lil-ercl oticrl... tveryope l nowi So-non't Sunoni:...llie pjitr pIl1 that Iji en any iimh...SptcnitiJ for !l cn.tnrl ao.t Uqorte.1 linithfi anj nvkra vour car t.K-k like new. Tl.c cl tet rioovcv cVt, d'rlndpoi, and will noti-fat..h. nit e en uilt to a tuiiumir. r"i7rnH t 1 mm 45c Keep Kleen Dust Cloth Buy One for CctOiwMUB Vt It now rr owntrt will itrpf curt flit mortrye wvtnf ui'por (unity. Tlti uoth U chfmu;sllf tt4tril to l4fb nd holJ th dut. W ill not tcrauh anJ can he ri(f watheJ when aoiieL ' ( omfi in handy tin box. Lima of cm tali to a Klacfty Step Plate iJiivOur for . S 45 GciOnetKlE A A piif f.'f the pflr done!.,,. WI avc V1' r in tht c iplrtwlid alii-ntnum fihbr cent fed atrp pljic. 1 hey tie htrtdtom aid t)uthle.tth kt. t and mud f io protect ruut car ard keep dire tront Icing lrK(d In. ReeiUr width. l.Kt of on taii t a cuttevr. " I mm Wedge Cush ion UuyOnecr J Crt On I-REC ....tnJ rver i!ny:;icin use twot....Mf pfic:lj nii-iurlri; cutliion. f.-t dife cFf and pfrMr4 of arruil aluie. Doubly made wi:h i-!ktk water- rri.ot coverfr . . c'lr4'r1uHl:ty. tmu ol ana talc ta a tiuf rt.r. - For Ford Owners Handy Eloctric CigarLighter $a "Neverburr' Trans mission Lining Buy On Srt, Qrt One Scl IREB 1909-25 ... $1.33 1926-27 . . . $1.45 Thl rhatterleia, lonj weartrtf littic ), been told by ut lor 7 ' or 8 irjr, and h .jtUtifd ihou latula r( l ord owner. bpevlaUy treated to tetlu wear and heat... ahtorta enough oil to a mi re per r feet lubricaitton. Cximplere with rivet. 1 wo aeta fur the prkt of one. ..Give one to your friend of ve ft for furure uie. Limit of one tat to a cuitomer, " liuy One for (ct On I REE Fljure le out ..$l.J8 rach for two vt ihcic suaiatiircJ clrotrtr ciaar linluei., ci.nipleic won long-Kit- wii.iin( ci.M. that rra h to trar ofcar. Quickly Im'allcJ on daih hnaitl whrra ranly rcachaj. - Von.icrlullr convenient lor aru'Wra, and help prevent bom I ol ltng-n clotl.n ana up )io!4err. ' I -mi 1.1 ent t,iti ta a citttamtT. Focusing Flashlight Buy One for . 2$ Get One 1 RLE A Tutf Imacfne. on thia ofJer , you aave 61c each I wo of guaranteed l cell tocuilna i.jmi itjhfi, complete with freth bat tenet and hulbt. . . for the prtce of one. Durable fibre cite, nick cled trimmings,. powerful focus ing reflector, timii of one salt to a cusiomtr. v -"v- - 90c Folding Stool Buy One for Get On FREE Thii la remarkably liberal offer,. bui It will brln folk) Into our iplcnclld Camp Oooili Depart ment and live them a chance to find out how we can help them av money on Camping Coulp-" ment. The atouli at mad of elerted hardwood, aieel braced, with ipecially woven heavy duck . . i a i i Limit of ent late to a cuifomrr. 4 I No Telephone or C. O. D. OrJers Fine Cuba Wool Sponges Buy One for . V Get On rREE ...Splendid batsalni at !VThtt W Storea fn the West fine textured Cuba Wool Sponjiei areapec (ally aelected, and will not acratch fin tur fucea, Th-y are eaay to clean antl l.ntting. Not to be coir1 uir J with or dinary Coatte apongea. - Limit I aula la awtamer, if i . ivionKeyurip Mgm Tube Patch 45C Buy On Cii, Qn On FREE . Can you beat lif... For only 4te ' you get two of ihct regular paclaget, each containing J7 a.aai thiahigheit quaU .ity wlut iulhcr cold patch. In handy lubrirompletewiih tough ener and rubber cement. l-r.,h etKk, extra thick , . . holdi hk a heat vulcanisation, ,. lu.nlt c, in ul to a cuilonuT. steriiALito i:'fH AT PINE1 Spring Eez $ QO Buy One Cun or M VGel On Ca PRta.1 ! ""plJ Toi ever ae inch lavliigill'.,"' Thla auper-lubricant peneirum. fiopa tqueaka.elltnlnatra tuil an I lubrlc-aici...HarmleB to mcttlr, palntf.varnlilifi.etiamela, leathrr or fabric. Ui Spring. Ilea and your rat..,, liuy dining thia mi. and aave money. Limit i ial to cuitomrr. Our Free Catalog M.Iilfl fruiuillrwfl o aav- l"C InTlrei, A.venotlei, titnifi GihiJi and Rnifia ... Vomii u ili ailing. " r- t)Mt'Suiltrldji -JUMil!)b.m. .J fim aaai