Tuowlay, July 2rt, 1927.' THE EVENING ''HERALD," KLAMATH 'fkttiR, OltECrtN Papre Seven t$V? LACES PEOPLE ASKED TO AID DRIVE Salvation Ann Wanti Volunteers to Put Cam- paign . Over Soon In order t( complete "whirl wind" Hnlva'lnn Army Heart PmiU ramni.lgii In I lire days, ,MBUt 2, t and 4, Dr. (1. A. n i Reed & Reynolds Real Estate Fire Insurance Wm specialize in ir rigated farms and stock ranches. 1036 Main St.' 1 KUroatri falU, Ore. 7 DRINK lUnil'M WATKU Has cored thousand. Why not you? . Radium or for alo by N. A. IlltltiOM, (Special Representative) I'bon IIO-W - J18-A48 STAGES TO ALL POINTS 326 New Phone Number New Reduced Rates New. Location 8th i Klamath Ave. "The Sunshine lloula" Insurance . v i Real Estate Tho Highest Business Ethica Dependability Service with a Smile all these faculties' go out with every policy issued from this office. J. FV MAGUIRE, Jr. Writes All Kindt of Sound Insurance. - 816 Main St. Moved to 1134 Main Street Intermountain Bldg. & Loan Assn. F. O. AHLSTROM, Associate T. J. WEBB, Loans. Fire, Life Phone FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS uasc.bMi: ) j H'vt " y 11 i Mussy, chairman uf the commit lr directing lh campaign fur 15,000 on next wank, ha lasutd a call fur worker. The rani' palgn will officially open with, a maaa-mtlng oa Tuesday morn ing, Augtiat I and It l planned lo complete thu rampalKn In three daya thereafter, or befor Hi ti evening or August 4. Tlio nil Ira city baa been dlv tiled Into districts and name bavo bitrn rhoaen for th cam paimt liama to cull on. 1vlf Club Invited "Major rlvlc organizations of Klainalh Fall liava boon Invited lo parllrlpata In Inn campaign,' according lo Dr. M nancy. "On Thuraday, th rlvlc orga nisations will b aitkod for the namoa of (heir committees, which fore wilt commute the aland Ing army In gelling tho quota." "All who ran upara three, hount I line or mors are asked lo rail campaign headquarter! In th Vclnrana- Memorial building, pflon 1490 or 1492. Arni)' Moral IMahifcrtant "lleraii.e the service of th 8alvallon Army la ao all-lnrltiatve, not even limited to 67 varieties; and benefit directly or Indirect ly every claaa, condition, crerd and age, the appeal la a strong one." aald Ensign II. It. Ilriggs of th local Salvation Army. "The llalvatlon Army doea not come before the public In this ap peal as a beggar, but as a bene factor and an avenue through which Ihti prosperous may wise ly help the needy: th ougb which the law-ablder may beat curt th law-breaker." "Th Salvation Army applies ninriil disinfectant wherever It gone. . They re depending on the rlllirna of Klamath rails to coma forward it this time with th money which la abaolutely nereS'.ory to "rarry on." VI in Ale (Quarantine TOKYO. I,V Believing" that numerous aerial visitors will be coming lo Jspatt In th near fu ture, the Yokohama custom authorities ar drawing up plan for an air quarantine. It la espected that all foreign aviators, together with passengers I of air ptanes and dirigibles, will i be sublected to tho same medical examination aa are Incoming ahlp pauongera. Th abaggag brought over by air la to be Inepocted by the customs men and duties at- Iliad 1 Dist. Manager ' Insurance, Savings 1050 Canners Refute to Meet Peach Prices KAM FRANCISCO, ' July 38. (W) With orchard!! and ranners' officials lu conferenm ber lu an effort to reach a price agreement before the early peach crop rota on the (round, the deadlock drew near a crisis to day. The grower say that they rill rtifuse. lo plrk the fruit for a price of less, than $.10 a ton, and camiers hold that to pay sm b. a figure would be "suicidal." "RADIO. VIIXAUK" HAH NKWPOItT, Knf. )Malpaa, . a new suburb of this town, has iteca dubbed "llsdlo Vlllag" be- '..u . "v:i,ne " ,oon w,ln '"'"' 0",r":'"' "or -:,.r;:..T.' "I inaal, of landlords have nude then ad dltlons to prevent th erection of unsightly masts of all kinds. - Deedi Klamath Corporation to K. M. (iillrolo and 1. M. Rmltb: lot (HIT. block lit, Mills Addition. K. M. t'hllcote and D. M. Smith to Mabel Zounlck. ssme pro perty. Mabel K. Ilotrhkla to William II. Ullea; 8W8K!4 of 8ec. 34. Tap. 40. H. 15. t.'nltrd Slates lo James Duke; BE of Sec. 30, Twp p. 20, It. It. Vnltixl fltatea to I.uclns W. Franks; 8 H NK 'A and B of Sec. 1; 8 4 HE Si KBVi8V"4 of See. I; NHNKM of Sec. 1!, Twp. 37. R. 10; lot 7 of Bee. (, Twp. 27, II. 11. . . I.uclu W. Franks to Frederick C. Cook, earn property, (4t.tl acrea. Circuit Court 3532 Law: Charles A. Haines rs. C. L,. jnd Jane Doe Gibson; debt and attachment; $50,00; writ Issued; L. A. Robert (Ash land I attorney. lncorporwllni ' Klamath Ijibor Temple aaso Clailon: no, rapllal stock; each member permitted to hold partic ipation certificate of 1100.00. -Y weRe , x pavd' TU - &rr-iHvey X P. .V?' Pfr'vi V! about" clean im' up iH f -f Cbt frtE GRASi YASfX 1 1 1 1 ffjK OOtvrt MA , ATi VrJORTH i v ' : : " ..11. I . . . JRWiLl)"!? WHW MOTHERS CfrTT GRAY. v . . L ' s.HMt,T. ar as arswex. sic. . j ' ... : ".; 1 Unknown American . Offers Tribute to . Ueorge Washington BUENOS A1KKH, ,.y 26) ! . unknown Am.ri,'an uf.,A 7 ..?!?... a patriotic on-mn crmony y-sterday befor th statute of, (Joorgo Waahlngton. In Palermo (lardens. th baa of which was ahatured by a bomb several days ago. "tb vlndlc.t.." a. be - pla ned, "th . memory of the flrt American president." - , After denosltlua a largo floral trinui entwioso wun tn colors of tb United State and Argen- , fom ia me aireiDe uc i urn Btar . Spangled llanner." A numlmr of i persons out for an afternoon stroll In the park surrounded ? bis "r"'l'.;.',.:S.',"r tue stranger retired quietly In I an automobile. KIROI'EAV tXnjf TAKFJ Tl'UJf TfrWARD 1-HJK.tKIHII BT. ANDREWS. Scotland. UP) The ancient, conservattv gam of golf on this aid of what Ohio tourists call tho "mill pond" hat taken a turn toward tb freakish. Instead of tb old, conventional gam of driving an dputtlng ball around an elghteenhole ; cuiint", gvncrs navo giniiiii,llla.,..n i, n,. i'ii.i ci Bom time ago seven archer shot over a coif coots at marks th slie of a golf hole, against seven golfer who played In thfron Planting to marketing. usual way. The archer won by 4 to 2tt. At Le Touquet an attempt was made to play golf out of air planes, the balls being dropped br passenger as near tb bole as possible. Two Musselburgh player fought out a match with drivers only, and stipulated that no rec ord should be kept of their re marks while playing out of bunk er. ' CENSUS HOIJaJI PATB ( OP CAUPOKM.1 6E.U4I SAN FRANCISCO. (A Fat of th hair seal and aea lion along th California . coast da- Out Our Vay On It's Way AAJ" P 1 DIDMT PUT A 7AANP OM 1 CAAJ OSE 7U6 BABW FOR A . IV'. i y pend. on a census now be In, If, a flabermen contend, the ti., atu Fi.b chom,- '? ,"" ?amber " their population stationary. Many htm regard the. anl- nait M flYJl; i)vf)air ,ui Bonnot Is super- yUn. tha investigation which WU taiwk two year. At th outset ho baa reported finding .,.rala rookeries not Previously recorded. Ills observations will corr co.atal waters from Mexico to Oregon, the latter .tut already hlvln. lt bim1 th llin " ' , IT 1 r Z menace to fishing and employed , manv r(uirm iih on n-hthouse reservations, a cam- gaiga against thm must be con- ducted in cooperation with th partment of Commerc. ' VAI!M f-IUlltl KKOI IIU3 VAItVIXG LAiHH IIOUt8 I A' government tudy of crop ' labor reveals that the corn belt. whero large machlnea- ar used on. level fields, can produce a bnahel of corn . with about one half hour labor. Certain southern states requir 2.5 hours. Tobacco usually require more iabor Mr th,n- ,ny other . n i i An acre of Burley. yielding from 300 . to 1.000 pounds, requires from 350 to 400 hours of labor Eastern cotton . aTerage from 100 to 125 hours of labor per acre, whereas, 35 to 40 bourn, suffice In western Texas. ' It normally takes 65 to 100 hours to produce an acre of po tatoes. .. n the Pacific North west wheat require 0.3 hour of labor per acre; and. In some of the southern states. 2.5 hours. Th student failed In - an ex amination In all the five subjects he took. He telegraphed to his brother: "Failed In all five. Pre pare papa." .The brother telegraphed back: Papa prepared. Prepare your- '. self. '1 Oscau dio pur a STAMP W MS LET76RL ykvoo out .OP , , MOVOAAIMff COMES" 6IPT TO AM ' by EXPRES'S' .... ' . i : ' rCUTB LITTLE j , . I FALLOW. ISAT I tilM ttxseif I Raway Employes May Stage Strike (continued TroTp.g. on ,W 'T' " terioa. - Arrangem.nt. b.v b made (or 00 Mlr, ,,,,, , par,el th east and west side ubwaya, while municipal ferrte wfll b roD thB eI)lh ol jfanhaltan on ,he naiiMtn rver . , corporation h.v. been . .... .,. own .rut,k. J-1" ro" ''nS " r'u heJ' .e"P,1?,.tl "? iiwiu WUfM Surface carl incs and bua companies are prepared to place ail their equipment Into aervlce and extend their route. t n, mvn rM ..nmnaniAa hnn however, to keep their lines In r.,. ihc.n.h nu. or m.o blry, orB ,be ,trik) threat J00 men, most of them said to be -killed electric car men and others coralled from pjrk bench es, hare been examined and pro nounced fit for service by the mteroorougn company. A tblrd attempt by Mayor Walker to avert the threatened strike met with failure yesterday, j Previously the company officials 1 refused to meet the mayor in ' conference with the union lead ers, but yesterday both sides to controversy rejected - the mayor' ! Invitation. I Recognition of the Amalga- mated Is the mala point at Issue In the threatened strike The: iuiiii ,. miuyaum uuw recuauite vnij company nnlon. The Amalga- mated ha announced It willing- ness to submit to arbitration the1 j question of revision of working " . jt - Tax Relief Urged By Leading Solons ! (Continued From Pag On) ed the reduction should reach! 3300,000.000 nd become effec tive by March IS. before the next tax returns are filed. Senator Harrison proposed a cut of 3500,- 000,000 with reductions lnclud-, Ing tb lopping off of corpora-1 tion levies and surtaxes on med- turn sized incomes. Both Smoot and Harrison held the flood control problem was .a paramount task of the coming season. South for Smith - In" ontr armigpr-rererence to the 1928 presidential campaign. Harrison said if "Al Smith Is nominated, the south will be for him." He also declared he would . , ... ..!,. leave to the republicans the passing of resolutions in con- gress about the third term." and ended that "I do not want to do anything to keep CoclCidge from being renominated," for "we will gtre him a real ride on a reat twrae with him dressed up in hit toy suit." Legal Notices NOTICK In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. , ' United States of America, LI- bclant, vs. One Star Touring' Car. Motor No. 399351-1970. and tools and accessories: and G. V. Arant. Notice ia hereby given that the . automobile hereinafter described, seized by the I rilled States Mar- . shal for tho District of Oregon, I under Section 3450, United States Revised Statutes, because the said automobile was, being used In' the County oT Klamath, State and District of Oregon, aa a con- - 1926 Chevrolet , Coach Trunk and extras. $450.00 Locke Motor Co. CHEVROLET By Blosse Legal Notices veysnee for and a a means of concealing distilled spirit trans- I ported therein, on which a tax CHANDI.Kit TOUKINU, m Is Imposed by law, with InUnt tot wonderful ahip 1569 defraud the United Btatea of ' JEWRTT TOUKINO, a dandy America of th tales npoa aald ! goott car 3450 diatilled aplrlla In violation of,DODIE TRl'CK, run good,. hv, has been condemned and t'res ..1100 forfeited by the Cnlted States It BO SPEED WAOOM Ui District Court for the District of BliICK FOCR SBDAN .1475 Oregon, and Is to be sold by the J 23 FORD COCPB. A-l - .1115 fnlted State Marshal at public! HUP ROADSTER, sow paint., auction at the R.: R. R. Garage. runs Ilk new fS0 to the highest bidder, on the 2"th I LATE FORD' COUPE, all ex day of August. 1927, at two! tra 432,1 o'clock, P. M., to-wit: NEW FORD TOURINO, run ,v One Star Tourng Car, Mo- 2000 miles 1110 discount tor No. 399351-1970, and I CHEV COUPE. A-l ,1300 toola and accessories. IBUICK COACH, a real good CLARENCE R. HOTCHKISS. buy.' A-l ...I900 United State Marshal, District Of Oregon J2H-AZ- NEW TODAY FOR SALE Phone 54-J. Breeding rabbits. 2-l FOR RENT Three rooms fur nished, in duplex. Phono 479-J. - . 26 yoR SALE Dodge touring car. Model 1919. Just the thing to , make Into a trock. 245! Car- row Ave.; Mills Addn. 2-2 FOR RENT 1-room houite, part ly furnished. I. slit and water, 313 month. 245; Carrow Ave. Mill Addn. 2-2t POK RENT -r om unfurnished house. Call Slirtha Upp, 371. i-st WA.VT Communication with someone wanting to go to Boise at' once. Addresa Box 690. Herald. 26 FO RRENT Larga cool sleep ing room with bath. For one or two gentlemen. One block from Main St. 1202 Pine St. 2-2t FOR SALE 1920 Ford coop, Driven 7000 mile: also Ford delivery. Good rubber. 2053 East Alain St. Phone 21S-W. 26-3t FOR RENT One sleeping room. Gentlemen only. 1023 Main (St.; upstair. 26-2t FOR SALE New Zealand Reds', cheap. Phone 1304-J. 26-27-28 FOR SALE Dining room table and chairs; also kitchen table and cha.ra. 1209 Lincoln Ave. 26 MAN WANTED-UVith truck or I team to haul fence post from ' Edgewood ranch to Klamath freight yard. 25-3t . . , ' . , . FOR SALE lellow canary birds. Mrg N M, J3t c n(, poric -' 25-2t . ' FOR SALE OR LEASE Modern 4-room house and bath, garage, wood shed, some. - furniture, lawn, trees, .shrubs, on lot 50x150 at 39 Kevadi Ave. Sale price 33300. Cash 300, balance 340 per month includ ing Intereat. Will lease for one year at ' 330 per month. Cal 307-W, or write postotfice box 353, city. - 26 FOR EXCHANGE Fine 6-room j home In Ashland; modern, on ( pavement. Basement, etc. Will j trade for Klamath Falls borne. WILL TRADE beautiful new home in Klamath Fats for Medford property. This prop erty well located In desirable district. ' "- A. A. BELLMAN & CO. . 120 N. 7th. St., . Pbone 158 26-30 " ' REAL BARGAINS i 31350 Nice bouse in Lakeview Addition, close to highway. Terms. 11575 Fine 3-room house pavement. Bntltins, etc., largo lot. Kasy terms. $2300 Dandy new 4-room homo close to pavement. Hardwood floors, bath, nook, garage, large front and rear porch. A fine home. Easy terms. $2650 Beautiful 3-room home in Hot Springs. Nook, bath, large lot. electric stove. House new; owner non-resident. Is priced to sell. Terms.' A. A. BELLMAN & CO. 120 N. 7th St. Phone 158 28-30 LOST Male setter dog, white . body, large black spots on body and head. Strayed from Edge , wood ranch about six weeks ago., Has end of tall i it off. Last seen at Algoma. Reward. 25-3t MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOU any plue timber you wish cruised? Communicate with J. H. Fisher. Arcade. Hotel. References given. " I 21-27 WINDOW CLEANINO Floor waxing, house cleaning and jan itor aervlce. References. . A. M. Rhoads. Phone 1066-W. . 107-26-tf PASTURE Bunch grass mea dow by the month or will take 100 or 200 cattle on share. Let me show yon the feed. Phone $12, or write Oly, 413 High St, - For Sale Automobile BVIC'K COACH. ust Ilk new,, guaranteed . ..11100 :Pahm toukinu. a snappy. running car for 3250 Jll'ICK GARAGE , 1330 Main Phone 43 Open Sundays FOR SALE,. FOR SALE Transportation tick et good for 390 on any road. Will sell at sacriflc. Call at The Herald Office. --' 20-21-23-24-25-2-27-28Ml FOR SALE Springer Spaniel puppies, Imported stock-: Hext line of breeding In America. Phone 330. or call at 1943 Portbinj avenne after 7:30 In the evening. , 32-30 WANTED WANTED Good mechanic. Call at Buk k garage. 23-24 WANTED Laundry. Don by band. First class. 1461 Man xanita St. . , SS-SC" WANTED Work for ton truck by the day or hour. 325 Com mercial. 25-2t WANTED Good, reliable street sellers. Call at Herald Office. - , 2O-30 WANT TO BUY Two need heavy 3 rr 4-Inch tire wagon; . one used tire, shrinking ma chine. Campbell Towo.v Lmbr. Co. " ' ' ; 23-28 ! For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE Sheep pasture.- 40 acrea of grain and wild iet tuco. Kiskey Uro., Matin. Ore. 25-t. FOR SALE New bona on. 50 , by 150 ft. lot. Two, bedrooms, ' breakfast nook, sewing room, kitchen, bath, full cement bar- ment. furnace. Call at 744 California Ave or Phone 790- W. ;.0- FOR SALE t-Houae, 4 rooms and bath, large basement; suitable for apt. Big lot, splendid view, surfaced street, near Riverside school. J3OU0. Liberal term. ' Phone 227. 38-2t FOR SALE New 3-room bouse. Oarage, built-in kitchen, hard wood flora. Shower In , bath room. Buffet, all floors cov ered, magneslte front. $1300. Small payment down, $25 month payments. A good buy. Inquire 341 N. 8th St. 25-tt FOR SALE Small grocery store. v 111 sell orgceriea and rent bonding. Would not sell, but my business calls me else where. For particular call at the Herald Office. 2338 FOR RENT FOR RENT New 5-room house, ,R. P. Ilreltenstein, 302 West Main St., 21-37 FOR RENT Furnished apart ments. Reduced rates. Coxy Apts.. 58 Main. 18-28 FOR RENT 3-room house and garage, newly finished Inside, ; M block from E. Main, 1 block . from Mills school. Price $30. Call 240-W. 25-t FOR RENT One - 3-room and one 4-room furnished apart ment. Wood and water .fur nished. $35 and $45 per mo. New and modern. Lucas Fur niture ft Hardware, 828 Main. 28-tf FOR. RENT 5-room furnlahed , house, five blocks . oft Main. Lawn and trees. Call after ' noons at 610 N. 11th St. Phone 779-M. 22-28 FOR RENT Three and 4-room - apartments, completely furnlsh- - ed. Wood and water. 1 block from Main on 5th St.' $35 month. Phone 1419. ' 33-29 FOR RENT First class furnish ed apt,, steam heated, 'tfx t Carthy Apt., $30 Pine. hon 800. 14tf FOR RENT Completely furnlah ed apts., garage, new building, Just off Main on Broad. . Hex Arms. Phone 1118. J20-A20 - FOR RENT W can save yo big money at the Arcade Hotel Apartments, furnlahed com pletely, electric rang, linen, dishes and telephone. Or room with private bath at reel cut rate' to PTirnnsnt gues.'s. Arcad. . y.t i A