PAGE FOUR THE EVENING HERALD.' KLAMATH FAUS. OREGON ruwlnv. .T?v 2V 1927. - ' r D. M ALAHKK V '. h. i'kkkinh :.:..:.:::::.:AiiviritoTi U. KMiUHH. .-...4 Dualm-,, Kdltor Manager , Manager Kut.rfd awund iluw mallrr at Dragon, mi August 3u, I mi, undrr art o( 1'nnireaa Marih IMItrml t Una Taar HI Months Threa Month Oua .Monlh arftir .MS i. I 5a , t.kt 5 Ictdcd ytfara- ago to think that-way. He mnilo it o by thinking, according ti the Detroit New. -Mr. Depew did 'not discover this principle, though he itppeurs to be a living example of its efficacy. It wan a good old Hebrew proverb that declared as, a null) ilia poifiirc at Kinmath k.iis. "thinketh in his heart, bo is he," but moderns have dis covered that a man may be master of his thinking and - i thereby make himself what he will. ""iV'til Prof.- William James, in his practical philosophy, makes it everyone' duty to be happy. "Happiness," said 1 he. "like every other emotional state, has blindness and I TTT:i.:i:.. . :.... u ... ;....i;....f I iiitit'iisiuuuy i(i uruiii( iM3 guru tv f mi iusiiiiiuic i weapons for self-protection against disturbance. , J I "To the man actively happy, from whatever cause, ' evil simply cannot then and theVe be believed in. He must ignore it: and to the bystander he may. then seem it, On Mouth .... Three Mnntfis Six Mouths .... One Year .Mali Associated Press Leased Wire Member of Audit Bureau of Circuation .V Muniirr of the Assoc la I Kl l'reaa Th Aaturlatcd I'rw, ), n,-luslvvlr entitled lo Ilia use or rapublira- in this naiwr and Im iIip local ncw nubiixhrd therein Ail richts! uerversely to shut his eyes to it and hush it up. But of reoublhatlun nf spwial dlspatcho herein r- also reaerved. I ninr than tms: the hushing it Up may. in a perfectly TUt HANHtH IITV I'.OYH ' r:TKit ui-Mii.r; hwixi KANSAS MTV. I AIM Two t Kansas I'lty heal dlstanre swim niera will ronu-ud (or lh I5U. uuu lu pi In- are offered for Ilia ll-mlle awlm at Toronlo, t'auada, August 31, by th Ca nadian Kapoeltlon. They are llerai-hel Martin, 11. and Wal lne K. .Mtilllna. IS. Martin haa hi'ld aareral weat aru A. A. I', rhiiniplonahlpa and nuuieroiia city and atato llllea. lie baa 13 loving cup and ITS uedala. all n In swimming HltlTlslI K'llMKV ItMil. I Weal Kiid Umdon sluro aald r- TOUAKil I.IH t AHr:i:it r.nilr Unit a new era of pros perity must be iluwiill' In rro Miii'l bet-auae of Hie lialla, nmlliits mid ttU-kat he hue been ai'lUnx. . I.i KiikUiuI I In-)' apeak of Hie iuiw with I lie an-elil ill Ihu flrat a)llnble, aa If l er apelli'd "croakey." l.tlNIKI.N. July SJ, (U'll ! There la a nollieable fulling off III I lie nil in biT of women iRiiill dalea at Ilia bur i initimliniit aline Hie plnneer hnrrlatera, Mis r'uy Kyle and Mlaa Helena Nor niaulon. were "1-4II1U 10 Ilia bar." I'nlverally women ut today ile 1 In re the rtaiiilnatlon are not nearly ao difficult aa at flral I llmugtii. Tin y vrvfer 10 put .their enerKlca Ihlti aiinielhlif: (which paya heller than wnltllii; laboiit'lha law rourla for work compellllja. Mulllna bld tha whltli romra In only alonlyN. eit daah champlonahlp lu 13 I - - and liaa hceu'T-ri'inliient Inawlm-! mini circli-a harp (or a number I'wiman ,laja Wclioine II Tuesday, July 26, 1927. of ycura. Consider the Wild Flower Month to month, from early spring to frost, nature i provides floral decorations for our. delight, on the as '. umption that we are responsive to her efforts, says the j Kansa City Times. Even in midsummer, defying heat 'and even drouth, there are hardy survivors among the fields, giving variety in form and candid and honest mind; grow into a deliberate religious policy. Much of what we call evil is due cntirvly to the I way men take the phenomenon. The attitude of un happiness is not only painful, it is mean and ugly. .1. Farm Hints r pnu d Via Val VUl.ll, wild lowers in the They are In the parks. , The depletion of natural beauty, ironical that with becoming fewer i ada. Japan'a premier tennla play er. Wlmbleilon'a "dark borae." Harada. who played nearly all tala tennla In the I'nltrd State. where ha ranka hlh. created a deep lnipreanion here by bl atyla. j Ile never betray the allxhteel -emotion. His expreoion la aphinx ! like. from first to Uat be along the roads and . Mechanical devices (or pulltnc i never smiles or speaks on. the stumna ran He troni the atraiitiii ' court. r pull ef a team, to niarhinevl "What Is your Impreaxlou of is not a tribute to our appreciation but an evidence of a lack of it It is the extensive use of the automobile. HAS IMHr:tlAt.l. KI IV KMI'OltlA. Kan! (AIM A baaebnll. aald to be the oldeat In the World, la In poaaeaalon O. M. W'lllille of Kuiporla. It Jwat Riven hllu by Joan K. Wnter ihouae. Kit. a baaeball (an before Tha bull waa used in gair.e Ilia Civil war. between Portland. Me. and the Trl-Mouulatu club of lloaton, Sepleuiber 10. 1308. on Huston Common, lloaton played (or the firat lime under rule rallinc (or bases on a rhombua and per mitting the pitcher to pilch the ball instead of toa It. Portland won, V to 41. The lead see sawed until the flajjl Inntuf. Some years later Sam Miad- wlck, ahortatop and I MK.MI'HIii. Tenn. (Al "Kvery i body's vlad lo h you win IIOM. around the (Irsl of thi month!' I Ttiua ltcnuan. I,. 4'ierco. JS years a mall carrier, who plana i retirement on December 9 3. Ma d'e&th blrlhilar annlveraarv. aniii. marlaee hi chief enjoyment In Iho poalal aervti-e. tittiyi KT (tri i it WITH FAMILY Of (iol ll ltH 8AI.HM, 111.. (API-One of Hie irculval golflm (ulnlllea III jl'lluoi operate, a fruit (arm lu Minimi couiilv. These rurullata carried off all the prises (loin lliu rlty boys ut n receut Inur-iMIne-ii. V. L. Cope, the (nth rr, won Hie trophy for Hie liwt jii;iruu-h ab.ita. Utrrti, the uld- t hon,. e -r'tii-ed Hie (.resident' lii",ihr Willi - Hie of the tuuinaiiient. a TS." Howard. Hie aeroud son. was runner up with a 71 aud also took the prise (or Ihe lonaeat drive The yuiiua ea aon, Allen, Uul yet up lo the Si inn qualtlle of hla elder, took Hie horseshoe, plti-hin contest. KM.I.ISII It OK 1 1 AM PTON', Kiir.. (API Kuihiml la many Hmea mora en thusiastic over croquet than Am erica Is. A national crouuel tourna ment aach year hold the lll- wlth Immense pullln ,power. The simplest atump puller Is a the match," ne was ascl iiee,,i,0 I,,!! hll01tt . one of Ms victories at tno the Portland club, who carried : er ille. terawt o( the klnmliim The Cro quet Association haa Hie patrou aite of the kin.. The president la Urd Dcaborrua-h and one ol inanaier ( Uhe vice-presldenls, Vlacount Don- chain with a hook on one end am' ' (Juecn's club. hieh5lrA ..a .vPrul,, .. .u a5,. I " norM on ". "Thank you. replied tne jap- " c.c, wie le.nuicr irus,)Tns hook Is (astened to. or'.neee. and walked away. 11 e cnoose. we nave less or this nntursl hoanrv ho. i aminl iu. r (he main roots causejU habitation so often has been ravaged by selfish or thoughtless invaders. ' Wild flowers have little value for home decorations. Mostly they are faded before they reach watered receptacles- for which they are intended, and perhaps more frequently they are thrown away without an effort to revive them. In any event they' are more valuable where- they grow, where they give color and cheer to the larger) number. When they are picked they are lost to (everybody. When they' are uprooted their source is de stroyed, for few of them can be successfully trans planted. All the protection wild flowers need is respect Un molested, they go on and multiply and bloom and serve. They brighten our way. They ask onlv to be let alone. ii Ii Being Happy Chauncey M. Depew says life is worth living, and he ought to know, because he has had 93 years of it And he says he thinks life worth living because he de- one and the chain .placed across the- LONDON. July I. (4) An top of the stump, thus irtrlnr. elephant may fee scared of a a leverage which Increases the ' ' ir.nuse. but not of an airplane, pulling power of the team. ' Dispatches say that when Van j Lear Black of Baltimore was tak- A. bull must be bandied lu a,ln; off at Burma. India, wild firm.mauner and never trusted. ; elephants dashed out of the Jun lt oftens happens that a mm Is Si toward the plane which clear killed or Injured by taking jed Ihem by a (ew (eet. chances. i No matter how qniet and gentk-1 a bull has been, be Is likely to be in a bad humor at times. He trophy, gave i sports It to Waternouse, who was bat boy during tha game. Water- j house kept In many "ears, then aaaVaal gave it to Wllhlte, wt.l&i'X Tha manager department of of Ihe a large Standard Dyers and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 50 MEN WANTED to net married Hi I uionih nnil bava their u Ha tailored at ORRES, TAILORS "Where You Hav. KU" IDS No. tli HI, i Klamath Kails Tor your own good, allow us lo make a careful and complete test if your eye, which will .rovn whether or Dot they aro la Heed of lie 1 1". DR. H. W. BARR Kro Night Hperlatlal GUSDUNN JI.UKI.KII nail OPTICIAN UO.1 Miilu HI rest Peanuta Intended (or market ing should be left In the curing' stacks at least six weeks before picked from Ihe vines. If pea nul. vine and all. are to be ' UJed (or stock (red It is advtaable ' to cure them In stuck at least ' four weeks before storing la ' barn. never should be taken on a pub- j lie highway unless he ran be kept under absolute control. Many serious accidents have oe- j curred as a result of allowing so-, railed gentle bulla to grate along : country roads or driving them to grate r.long country roads or driving them to and frjn pas-. tare on public highways. I The Warehouse Act. under f, SHOP OUR .WINDOWS ALL WIDTHS ALL SIZES Dpn 't Forget Buster Brown's STORE-WIDE Shoe Sale i, ix Men Women JChildren ' Women's Shoes $2.95 to $6.95 Men's Dress Shoes . .$3.95 and $5.95 Men's Work Shoes ........... V off Children's Shoes Vx to 1-3 off We Guarantee to Satisfy 'The Largest Exclusive Shoe Retailers in Oregon. which warehouses that meet cer-. tain requirement are licensed ; by the Vnlted State department . of agriculture, requires that. the warehouse certificates, which! are commonly used a collateral for loans, they shall be specified , In terms of United States stand- j ards. To produce clean-bodied tim , ber. close spacing Is desirable. .When the tops of the trees begin j to intermingle and crowd each , other, however, they became like I an overcrowded garden, growth ' is stagnated and thinning Is nec icssary. The best formeuv most valuable and healthy tree should be selected to remain, and others. I llkelv to Interfere with their growth, should be removed. rABIS DOGS. CATS MAY RIDE IN Ill'S PARIS. CP) Dogs and cats. If they are not more than It Inches long, now may travel lu the I motor buses of Paris, when ac-. companled by thslr owners. 1 . Transportation authorities have 1 drawn np regulations for the i travel of pets and It is expected that street cars and subways will be open to them It the has ex- poriment succeeds. The regulations require that the animals must be carried In baskets not more than IT Indies long. The basket must remain In the lap of the animal's owner and not discommode any o'.h-r passenger. The owner, more over, must pay a full additional tare for the pet. WIMBI.KlaOVH 'DAKK HOKSK WIMBLEDON. Kng.. July IS. liVPi) They are calling T. Har- Auto Limericks By CLARK NEWTON' 1924 Star Roadster Ui-rnse and extra.. $255.00 Locke Motor Co. CHEVROLET A snappy young fellow from Wheeling Whose rummer rollt find quit appruutig la showing some speed And his friends have Agreed That its quality provea our n'r Dealing. A CAR YOU FEEL ; PROUD OF r A tulr deal alway. You'll liej prjud lo drive one of thaji rVt-ulit cars we are desaohrfratlni;. Let us take yoaj (Ct"1 a ride. OuVwell-" known reliability acts as yoar auto-protectlon. Real Bargains i 1926 Chevrolet Sedan ..: $535 ' ; ' 1926 Chevrolet Conch !'. $575 1926 Chevrloet Coupe $450 1926 Oakland Sedan $950 -SEE US AT ONCI R. R. R. GARAGE 831 Klamath Phone 212 GLASSES Fyr EmincJ. Fit.cJ irul ilw CU"c liiouikl in xir owt tJtJM frtNr mtlK Broken Lcnc Replaced DR. COBLE'S 70 MAIN TKKT CHANGE OF SCHEDULE KI.AM TII FAI.lJt-ANIILANn 1 :lKlllll HTAt.IM Lv! Klamath Fulls at. 1 A. M , l:li) I. M. Statti'H li-avo from NEW STAGE ( , ; DEPOT Eighth and Klamath Ave. "The SuiiHhino Uoute" 4J1 Main St. ' CLEANING PRESSING W ork called for and delivered. . Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works Itienn . RICHARDSON SPRINGS On highway Near Chico The most talked of j-eoit in the tate. There must be a reason! Why not come and see for yourself? LEE RICHARDSON,, Mgr. EE TOMORROW NIGHT'S DANCE Merely Costs 75c and . you can dance all ' ' evening to Hal Blackburn and His Band AT ALTAM0NT u M ir " " " " , " I ; The Finest Apparel Beautifully Cleaned .. i i You'll marvel at the results obtained through our modern methods of dry cleaning. Frocks, suits, b1oues?jiweat crs or coat4 all njay be matfojg !bok like new. No matter how much.tncy may be soiled, they can be made ex-' quisitely fresh and clean by this new. process. Just Phone 1166 Acme Dying & Cleaning Co. lS,.Main ft E CELIT IN CONCRETE INCREASES WORKABILITY DECREASES LABOR Celite is a specially prepared form of extremely finely divided silica. Small percentages are added to concrete mixtures to increase WORKABILITY and insure WATERTIGHTNESS. Being composed of practically. .pure silica Celite does not affect the time of setting and is the most permanent ingredient in concrete mixture. It is to the interest of Contractors and Engineers to be familiar with the qualities this material imparts to all concrete mixtures. Once used it will be regarded as a necessity. To the-Engincer - Workability Means Economy in Concrete I'nlform Coni'retii. Wati-r-tlRht Cone rut Stronger t'oiirroli. Drier ConalsliMii-y ami Lisa Hug. grpgatlnn. A smooth aurfai'o and mora ili:asliie atrui-luro. To the Contractor De roam-d lubor coal fur i!uc Inn. Qub-ker dlachargo from mUi-r. ls taoiR-)coml)lng and imtch lug. irrpascd coala. We use Celite in our Ready Mixed Concrete For further information call at our Klamath Concrete Pipe Co. a. Phone 582-W 'New Management" Seventh and Market Streets E33E 3a3