. WK.tTiint i;tvtm OREGON: Fair tiiiikht and5 Wednesday but cloudy 'o;' fniru v . . near the coast,. Normal tcU'pntii. lure end humidity, , MmloruU west and northwest wind on- (! coaat. . ' Kt tHZ'.Ji City Edition The Old Home Paper Associated Press and United-Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Tilco FIvo Cents KLAMATH FALLS, OlttGON, TUESDAY, JULY 2, mi. Number COST. 9 BUD' IDS HIS YOUNG RIVER GIRL Romance of Stillman i Culminates With Ceremony CRAND ANSE, Quebec, July 26, (AP) Villagers and woodland folk trekked here today for the' entry of Lena Wilton, daughter of the wood, into the wealthy and socially prominent Still man family of New York, at the bride of "Bud" Still man. ' Boats, buggiet, motorcars, and in fact almott every conceivable mode of con-i. h"J r1lT"rd1 h'" ty-aeennd year and hart bet'U via veyance brought the wed-1 ltiug ,n h ,,f 1,1. son ding guettt, who came from and daughter-ln-low for ilia past all pointt in the Three Riv'", """""A" '"""i. J. . I Kontaiue. ( 'allfomln. er district. Hpi,Ii. hi . wife. KltlMt li ' Garbed in their Sunday ; of Fontaine, hn la survived L.l (K.w , best, they came en matte to celebrate the forging of a tie between one of their own and the big houte on tho river, Willi llieru was. lha ruyal high-, landers regimental liaml In full 1 kllllea lo play for dancm In the I litiai. barn that ha been convert- Mi Inio a recepHon hall. Hut of I'Vn more I nt trot lo life rlrer folk waa Ihelr native mualctana with Ihelr rlnllna nuit accordlatia. The rlllagera looked forward In a prograia of-old round ilnnria. with the leader rall'iiR out I bo turn tn a mlxlura of French and Rtullah, ' t'onlnui Kliimli. In marked contrail to the pic tureaiiie attire of the river folk were the well gruoincd tnim and wniiien of mulropolltaii noclety, hn allractetl much Interim Willi their train of apodal cant. Knlhrr Kmprlnn l.amcy. alt ed by three oilier lloman Calhol Ir prloata from Three lllvera wua aclecled lo perform Iho outdoor ceremony Ihl adcrinton. Strife ulllflna. An Iho hour for the wedding iipprunchi'd all rumor of family Mrlte hail vanished. 1.1'lli went down tu I .a Taqueyu In hid furo wcll lu the homo ' whore . h'T molhar and alx tlatera Imvo been living alnce Inat fall. Hlie plan ned lo return with Ihctn for the ceraiuony. "Hud" pinna lo take hit hrldo In I'uila and porhoim lo Hcut I11111I, the nullvi- land of her fttlier, 11 11 lliilr liolivytnoon trip, l.nter they expect lo so to New Vurk. where the bridegroom pluiu 10 begin lil prcpurutloa for n medical, career. Improvement Group Of Chamber Named A committee rompoaed of It. M, Crrgo, Joe McDonald. Karl Wlilllock and Mayor Tom Wal ters waa named thla noon at Iho rtlrectotV luncheon of Iho cham ber of commerce lo meet with Hurl llnll, chairman of the po rhil Improvement eiimmltlee. The members will be naked to meet with thn dlreclora at Iho luncheon on next Tueadny noon, when n aurvey of the Iniprovo ntenta naked will bo inntlo. it la the Intention of tho com mittee lo take otto or two Int liiirt 11 lit Improvement projects and carry them out. Railway Executive Visits in Klamath I'liul Slump, executive vlco lircxldcnt of Ihe Southern Paclflv, Waller Douglus of New York, a director, (Inrrol King, aaalataiit pnaaenger traffic innnager, and ulher H. I'. offlc.lala arrived in .1.1 ....I.. ,..l.,w nnil ti.ri ahoiHy later for an Inspection of if Ihelr properties In this section They are expected to rotttrn lute totilKbt nnd romsln here for Hum lime tomorrow. -- of Ihe Lynn Suhln, secruiiiry chamber of commerce, grunt vd permission tu take his annual vacation from August K In Ait- X... PRIZE WON AT LA GRANDE TO BE EXHIBITED Loral Ainlllmy Will lll. ilu I'llw ul hugir llliin Slum. Th 11 ailvur trophy which us sard"d Ilia Woman' Auxiliary (if lha !.! pint at Iho slatl cuuventloti in La Grande, for having Iho ,'Mit lucrouae in mi 111 br r bin fi,i" !li pnsl ycr wll lis pla,' i co t'Ntiluy In lbs ,. Husariiiiti store tomorrow. Th. lurai auxiliary marked t gnlu of Sou lit-r ci' ul for llm past your. Ha I I'm was Iho closest coui lii'ilior wlib un lurreuae of ti'iv per rout, Mra. (irorav llarih, wiio waa a di'lcgate from thu local aux- limry uruuRin inn truiMif iiuuin, arriving hers iia Hu Hilar . IIIIIK. Father of Local Man Passes Away r'li ti n Bubo. Hr.. Ilio fulhrr of Sieve Sabo, Jr., well known real tatuja man of (III city. passed sway al ih hotiii of his son lial evening following brief lllm-a. by Iwo sons. Louis nl ilevcn. um, wo ,,., ,,,, ,, Michel of Hungary. Mm. Sabo mid n. Louis, tire rnrouto lu Klnmolb Foils from Fontaino and upon their arrival I funeral a rru rite muni will be made Tb 11 remains arc In the slumber room nt III Kurl Whit- luck Kunirul nuv al rllxih. Hume, Fine Ave- PRIMERS Portland Chamber of Commerce Seeks to Save ' This Year't Crop ruilTI.ANI). Ore., July SB. I A. P.) In an effort to prevent prune growcra of Oregon and Clark county, Vli from nf fvrlhg severe loaaea on the 1921 crop dun lo dlaorgatr.iallon of growrra and to price culling lac ilea of packers. It. II. Klpp. man ager of the marketing depart ment of the chumber of coin incrro hna aent out an appeal to the liualneaa men of I ho pruu? pruduilUK dlntrlct nnd to the grower to get together on some marketing plan. lie aald loday tint already prices are being rut below the opening price, announced several dnys ago, nnd ihnl by the limn the firm prunes aro ready for market In Lite Keplemlicr or In ISIfGANIZE October, tho drop liny be o lowiMl( bv JUB,plllg nlo 8an yT. Hint growers will atand to loay'daco bay denplto the .efforts of hundrvdH of thotiaanda of dul-: Thotuua Smart, Seattle newspaper lars. A drop of s single rent alm, wilu wnora B(, wp, agn(;, pound would mean a loss of 1 nnil others, lo nave him. lilutl.UUO. ho declared. 1 puiri lo, the Jury or Cmm- (Irowers for tho moat Pn" j packer's lu'cullnr actions Just be have hocn ngreeablo to the plan (ore l(s fHtu oaPi auyltig "ho of organisation' of a committee ! imntlvd mo his watch and cried: of nine of whlc liKenneth Miller j l n, gI,,n( rnJ H t (r, .(, la rhalrmnn. 1 1 ii,n him but he struck me It was thought Hut packers MVcral ,im0, Bnd ,hoa jUI11,,d were In lino. to outer Iho grower-1 ,, tlle bllv lKnectlva t hnnea packer plan of orgsnlinl on pro- Dormiin told about Crilmpack posil for murketlng both the , r'B incoherent remarks after ho IS27 nnd 1928 crop, but one of wull ,,,,, lulng a curb ni,ur the puckers wus found to have rhHrcht 0w nlgbt bl,rn.e ,,, tiuolud prices for th 192" crop auiclde. In a foreign country contrary toj 0lle ' , tho ,,eral ruiiihllng a mutual unuorstunitiug, wun uie result that the plnn of marketing so far as the 1927 crop Is con cerned wus upiet. Healitlng tbut packers cuunol or will not agree aiming them selves, Klpp suggested that bunl ness men and growers should bring prosstiro lo bear upon tin m In an Itnltistriiil way. Klpp hits ottered the services o( Ihe murttetliig department nt any ennrereucus ahlili may be arranged in an effort lo bring about a solution of thu muddle uuil to prevent puckers from price cutting nnd the growers from losing money by being I ''" "'' b''w itetlou cost. To Seek Itiwrd i OKLAHOMA CITY, July !. jfl'IM An allempt to breuk tho I world's endurance flight record of (6 hours and S3 mlnulys as established hy Clnron-a Clininbvr- , lain and Ilert Acosta will bo made by fl. H, Orltfln hor'j short . NEW YORK STRIKE IS IMMINENT IO..I J n . 1 Subway and Llevated Rail Employes May Walk Out NEW YORK, July 26, . ,p. W'k I j evo-."" ' ' Fi7a "m ccmpaniea ttill at logger headt, New York's 2,500, 000 daily underground and overhead railway utert pre pared today for another mid-turner strike. Officials of the Inter bor ough Rapid and the Brooklyn-Manhattan Trantit com panies, who operate the net work of trantportation line affected, continued mutter ing tubttitute work nan trains if mem the Amalgamated Atsocia-: tion of Street and Electric Railway Employe, a union' tho companies have refused to recognize, carry out their threat to strike. A alrlko vole. If oth r' bi.i. Vied pirley. full, la lo bo taken I at tho llrooklyn lubur lyceum at midnight tonight when the ".wing crewa" are re I lived for the day. A atrlke would. If voted al thla ' meeting, become effective al once, I and emergency tranaportailou would provide the uaera of tho! aubwnya nnd elevated Ihelr chief! meant work. ?,"JV?f ?"d rr""' ''.Meanwhile, th rlty Cl.4i11un1.il 1 marehnlltig lis . : : 1ranioori.iMon lorre. m meet in. expecfii ib'HP (Continued ou I'age Seven) GIVEN BY JURY? M. E. Crumpacker Men tally Deranged at Time of HU , Suicide SAX KIL.CISI.O. July 10. (A IM Maurice K. Crumpacker. I 1'nited States congressman from ) Oregon, rommitled aulcldo wh!lei "mentally deranged." a coron er's Jury decided heru'todny. Crumpacker broke away from a fKeud while walking last Run dav afternoon an.l drowne.1 him- ulcltle notes wrlllen by Ihe con - greasman was read to the Jury It clearly Indicated an unbalanced Not Guilt Plea j Made by Prisoner DEATH IERDCT ! worker of Caneiuiih. who eonfes- A mil guilty plea wus entered ,rd , mur,er f wfc. Ktnel by A. Smith to a charge of rils-jum ImruiiK their home 10 con turbing Ihu peace. u.,.i ,rlme. was on trial for The disturbance was alleged tO'nbj life' In circuit court today, have tuken place at 3119 Murtin I Tn, Oerense will attempt to street this morning. j prove that MeCurdv was Insane. ' Smith will hn given a hearing . A crowd was early ou the scene, lale this afternoon.,. ' 'at tho court house. Trelake Arrested Gn AesBult Charge ' A coniplulnt hna been tiled, against ( bet Troslnke, charging j him with nssaull nnd buttery by, T. A. Talent of this city. The alleged attack look place In this city on Monday, July 25, .,,,'cori"n t0 ,l10 wmplnlnt. Use Fire Hose To Drive Bees, Away from Nag IIKIIMV, Jul) '. Ml') KHtlllll of lHi irirtl iuoli'r on lliu Inn "I f liinw liunuiMHil lu h Hull! Iiulilii-r HflKin In fin"! of a 110H IihiiiI huli'lu-r almn lu re. Thi liorw roci-li'il lit I'liliTlaln an exr'.teil lull Im'IiIi molt for "I nil iiiiiuilm null M)iul liilr of Mllil aril liui'k' liilC Tlir rriuiUi' unlniMl MM-rrf ill la fwliijt lia-lf ul I hr nngon Mini K H"x i luiullv il-mn I In- iiii-niic. Minnwhllc ilii- flcr lirl ll.i'li' vin iuIIiiI out. II alurti'U In luM piir-ull I In' Iiimv io.-lilui.uil Kir -lK (In- lnn-iM''a liluil iwr-li- Mhi'iti'trr 1 Iw !". mm kikmI. Aflir 1 In- rliax-i-1'iiilniM-! for half a niHi llin Imi' iiiTr ilrlvi-ii away and Ilii' roniilfli'l' x-linu-li'il liorw aim romiliil. . C C; REFUSES IS .FREIGHT No Increase to Be Given Coast Carrier on Fruits, Vegetables WASHIXi;TO July it, UJf) After a rrconaideratlon todav of nrgumenla made by railroads Iho Interstate commerce eommla slnn for tho aecond lime refused to allow any lucrenae In rates on vegetablea and fruita niovlOK between I'aelflc coaat atalea. z lly new schedules pronentcd to the rommlcalon more lhao a yeur ago, Iho rallwaya aougbt- to lu- creaae the rates on citrus trulls i fruai California. In. OrefV ja l Waahluglon by amounta nvcrag- 1 m Ing II per rent, while al thenauie iIno proppj to lntreaae , on ,pple n,0Vig from ihe 'uorlhorn Matc, Boulhward by a. much aa 20 per rent. ' After ihe comniujulon rofusei I the firat tlmo to allow the In jcreaaea, the roada petitioned for 'm mhimplii, ll rn mill ended In I ' " -' " n- l.nl.Mir nt I Km rarrlem Ihat the preaent level of vegetable and fruit ratea In coant had been un duly lowered by water competi tion. Setting aalde that argument, the cnmmiaalon today ruled that the preaent earnlnga of Pacific coaul carriers from Ihe traffl? waa reasonable renunierativj and that no Incrcaaea wnre Juki It led. Chamberlain Will Get Flying Cross ItAI'll) CITY. S. 1)., July 26. I AIM President Cuolldse In tends lo have the d'stingulshed flying cross, ihe nutioo'a highest rewurd to lis aviators, conferred niwn Clurcnce ChamberlUi, New York lo tiermauy filer, if it Is al ali "possible under thu luw. i Grants Pass Man Drowns In Rogue j GRANTS PASS. Ore.. July 26.' iAI'l Hoy Johnson. 36. man- ager of tho Grants Pass plant li t tin, Wm.llii.t-a. 1 1 1-.HT.1 ii r;Md mm. m RAISE RATE ... ...v ............. v.vp,.-.- ...... ,R lUB lux ilnj llllllA. Ill Mltu puny, was drowned last night lnithcy werB asking for loans from the whirlpools of Hell Cute on'tae 8t,e on the, same basis as the lower Rogue. The body had ,e federal land bank loans on 1 not been recovered tmlny. .Wife Slayer GoCS On Trial for Life OUEGON CITY. July ;;M(,1P)) Alvln li. Mcl'urily, 5S, mill 1 1 VINU '"tlXKS los anokles, Juiy t(fll So pectillur were tho antics ot a plane landing here that the police were culled. They nrresii'd t'.ie aviators. George W. Agam and Burger , Johnson, on charges of intoxication. IwnwiFH RnynnT'TAV Dti ice 1 w nifc-i uuiuui 1 li 111 111 1 ITE NOVEL WAY Electricity Ueed Today; Many Prepare Cold Mealt Tuesdays "(uixli-w, Tui-mJui." liuiuituriilrii h. r. a w.-k an., by II.. Wichita rnh-rallon ,,f Womrn'a t lub. lli n( iiruii.nl" iikjiIiihI a now anil hlulicr aihiilulc of tlu ralK, ol4Tl aituin IwIm)-. While niaify lamlllo were -at-! lug cold mi aiK, the electric llgbt and pooer utility had a chance' . - . l - .l ... prom i 111. enpenae 01 mi gaa oropany. Tho two utilities are owned by different organlzu- tlona. Huvf'To lo It Mx. John Maltble, president of the federation of clubs and leader In the "gaslets Tuesday" move ment, baa suggested using the family electric Iron to prepare warm meals for Invalid!. In an announcement lo the city's house wives, ahe explained how an iron could be used for this purpose by turning it up between two bricks. ' This method, Mrs. Maltbie said. will suffice In cooking an average i"e'. Following the first "gssless . Tuesdav" .ttrs. Maltbie estimated that "thousands of homes re- fused to use gas during the day. Officials of the gas compan con tended there bad been a Increase in the city's total gas consumption. SALEM. Ore., July !6. VP) Aa, eiiert jtlll be emplpyed -bj. the ex-sorvlce men's state ;d rommiaslon to make a surrey of ! about 12,000 acres lu the Tule ' Lake bed of the Klnmatb reclam ation project and make recom mendations to the cominisalon relative to whetiuir loans should be made on the land. The tract Is settled entirely by ex-servi-o 1 men eligible for state loam, it j was said that possibly an ixpvrtj connected with the fedoral land bank can be employed lo da the work. This action was voted by the rvnrDT r a rr 11 111 1 1 Ll LU I .BILL iiair niinuru commission after a plea in behalf ( from tnp hr(J 0regon tfis,trict, k,n of Veronla placed first, en of the veterans who are appli- wui be held Friday afternoon at rolling 291 members for his pout canla for state loans had been made by a delegation from Klain-. ath county headed by A. M.' dating. Thomas, secretary of the Klam-, The body in to arrive here to ath Irrigation district and sec-'night from San Francisco, Wll rotary ot th'j Klamath wool grow- lis K. Clark and IJonald W. ers association. ,: j Green of Portland, left today to Tao delegation appeared, said meet the funeral delegation at Thomas,, to relieve the commis- Ttosebtirg. sion of an erroneous Impression Fred Crumpacker. of Ham concerning the land as to Its motid. Ind.. and Oweu , Crum value for security. The com- Packer of Valpiraiso. Ind.. broth mbmion was ot the opinion that era. expected to arrive here the 190 JSer acre government con- Friday morning, struction charge constllutos a ; Advices from Washington today n..i ii- v i.i -..j the state's security would ba in the nature of a second mortgage. Thomas represented that tho gov ernment cliargo Is a lien really lu name only, since the settlers have 40 years In which to pay It, and it la paid off. at. the rate ot one fortieth a year which Is Included I . 1. . U. . n I ,t Ihe land, It was stated that 145 new farms have recently been opened up on the project. A 50,000 acre community pasture available to the land owners made a fa vorable Impression on several members ot the commission. James Stewart, Investigator , the commission, recommended adversely on the question ot ths ' litana. I . ' THE WK.VTHKI5. The Cyclo-Stomagraph nt I'n derwood'a Pharmacy shows Unit barometric conilitlons changed hut slightly since iBst report.- Aa the reading Is rather low the present high temperatures are apt to ronttuno. r'orccust for next 21 hours: Fair and wurin. The Tyros recording thoi' mnmeter registered maximum and mill nil li ill if.ii: m'l uiin en luvia, un follows: High VI, low 62, II 111 1 1 L. 1.1 1.1 avtw m m m m m m m mm m Inriffl in mrn wmm m LSL.IIII II1WI.iV BY SOLONS p . C, ' f p tXtra SeSSlOn Ot LOn- gres3 Urged by lwo Political Leaders WASHINGTON, July 26, - let n e i i n.r ) oecause or me our- n( fnnJ -Bntra mnJ tax legislation, two Idinr senators of opposite politi - , cal Alignments feel Presi : dent Coolidge should call congress into extra tettion. j The senators, Smoot, re publican, Utah, and Harri son, democrat, Mississippi, both believe the move is et- jscntial .0 contrres. n get : unarr way me compucaieu . anl lengthy task of enact-1 i: u:n i: i usual and ttr-n turn to the . imnartsnl nenklom nf Mia. .... , , .- 1 I extra session should commence. i October 1, while Smoot. who has just returned from a call upon j Hie president in the Black Hills. I .proposed the earlier assembly between Oetoiier S an d N'ovem - i ber 1 j While concurring In the view.18.001' re ahown to be mem- that the lax bill should preceed all other lesUlation tasks, tho two aeuatora disagreed ou the iituonnt of tax reduction. , n.n.a ,.B nan. Smoot, who is chairman of Ihe Janata trance committee, declai j ' ' (ConfUued on" 'PaseVSevcn) ' I ARE COMPLETED ' ". : Crumpacker Services lo Be Held in Portland Friday Afternoon rORTLANl), July 2S. (() Fnncral services for Maurice E. Trinity Episcopal church, with Bishop .Walter T. Sumner, offl - Kniil flint nil nt thn inncressional dclegalea of California. Washing- CI lUllLiifU. iUIKUi ion sua Oregon nan oeen appoint- noons in me Mississippi river j- . , d to attend Ihe funeral. valley and purity of the ballot. bar8' 8,1(1 overturned In tho The active pall boarera will be Governor John E. Martineatt San Joia' rIver- opposite tht; Don Stirling. Willis K. Vlsrk.lat Arkansas, one ot the states lT- - dead mea' members Doneld W. Green. Stanley Mey-I hardest hit by the recent flood,0' her, deck crow, are: Franfc era. Dr. Kalph A Fenton. Var-1 gave his fellow executives the'Snerra Dan Donohtio and t 11. nel D. C. Iieach. J. P. Hounon benefit of his long. Intensive j Rogers, all of Oakland; and Dr. Eugene- W. Rockney. study ot the river situation, and j Tn8 Test ot ths Ts2el' "Oir . ,, . The n01"""' I 0 "or ,:," ,J"h bearers will tterson. ongress- rry l.. Engelbright.' 'Albert E. Carter. Kalph E. Williams, Guy W. Tal - hot. Jud-e C. If. Ctrey. T. B. Piper, Vnil Metchan. Franklin T. Griffith nnd Fred L. Boalr. State Highway Debt .f lO be Reduced Soon! SALEM, July, 16.- ((AV Be- , fore tho end of the present year thn Oregon statu hiithwny debt 'will bo reduced to, $36,166,760, n I reduction of 900,000. On Aug ' list 1 the state treasurer will send I lo tho state's fiscal ageticy In New oYrk to be applied on the ! debt 100,000 principal and :14.P00 Interesl, fnd on October ,1, $800,00- principal and L f son. 336.44 interest. MrTlgue Is Champ NEW YORK, Jnly 26. (UP)- Mike McTlgue was today named iw,n ti', " Retirement of JUn 'pelauey, . n.i.. k n. ,.,...( Miamnin ELECTION WILL I BE HELD WHEN PEOPLE ASK IT ('Oii't-ii'ir W ill Rourii W Uln-a of Voiita In HitiliiK . Jlulr. HAM.M. r.M July 241. (.IP) ;ovTnor 1'iairnwaj luu not -t rrcrlvnl atlrlre from Xullnonuili county polillial l-a'lr at la tlUflr trlnlut rrlallve to the call ing of a aprclul clnrtlon for a aorrrmur to the lale Ib-prraratit- llve 1. K. OilniikHk.rr. Tho ttrrn, rilerlM hU ,ta. ment f ,crIjly hjt wul( t. d'ror to follirtv the rlluil of the !M-cflff of the third illitrktt. He rcieaitlH aa auiiKlutory the coiuitlluthinal provlahin t lnukloa; " o" " " isoveroor (rrMn Mld b dM Bot rxnect , h,iu. ,,. dirht leaden "ler u" rumpacRer run- Cr'l Loca, Cmrnana.er TeU, of State Convention, at La Grande "Membership In the American , Legion bas Increased 101)0 mem- bera each fair tar lha oat fnnr - These figures werej shown to be correct when Commander Ceorrge Barth of the'Wal post ,,, lhmt ,, v ! m h. ' ' siaie naa suvv memDers ana bers at the state convention held ,hig p,t week , Crande whih.BarU,ttenderas,aidele- gate from the local nost. , ,Polts from ,,,, m0ft Temole section of the stats were repre- BARTH PRAISES LEGION'S IRK tented at th. .convention. wlthllnt0 Lake Vnk" whil." st,p;.in ,fc . rr; .JZrnm- thu boav o h gmtlltt- " 'r.. """V"" " post and auxiliary attending. .'Too much, cannot, be said ot the hospitality ahOwn - the1 guests by the people of LaOrande and the - Interest In the L:Un u growing dally, r.araio ornm corns ' fro"-, artos pusia were rep-:suiti ui. iM Granae t meuuou. calem 100a lirst .Iwu-. v un ,-iM sod rortiana pi iced vi; ia, i'r unn ta lea. H K. Gets ot u lc:ai post rec'iv.i aon.rhie mention for hav'u !ved the second largest numoer of members Jor the past year: During the year Gets en rolled 1S5 members. Mac Car- a"nK ie P"i year, 1 PROBLEi P MACHIXAC ISLAND. Mich., July It. (IP) Two national prob lems came tn for consideration to- (lav hr thn nintifnth annnftl mnv- J ernors conference, the recurring Governor Sam Baker of Missouri talkod on purity of the ballot and campaign and election ex- i penses." "l want to Impress upon Joti jthat Mississippi floods can and should be controlled and that j this Is a national responsibility, J expense of which should be borno entirely bv the federal govern- ment," said Governor Martlneu. . i. ,. mended that the federal govern - ment cither pay outright or re - fund over a long period levee taxes needed to care for the out- standing bonds used for . levee construction, placing the amount at approximately $50,000,000. , Governor Baker asserted there Is no political policy whereby purity by ballet may be pre served but aald laws for the pro tection ot honesty and Integrity s'aould be enacted to punish sell lug. ... . ... y lube Gets Second NEW YORK, July 26. (CP) Babe Ruth knocVed out hu fe(,. . . 'ond home run for the day In the sixth Inning against St. Loul8 I T JURY SAYS THREE MEN TO BLAME Seattle Trio - Branded As Moral Cowards in Drowning Tragedy SEATTLE, July 25, (AP) A coroner's jury has found that F, Creigh Nelson, weal thy Seattle broker and club man, and two .other -men, are "cowards and morally,, but not criminally respons ible" for the deatll of Mis Violet .Maude Payne, ; 34-". year-old music teacher who waa supposedly drowned off.. Nelson's palatial yacht onrlyi last Wednesday. . After the ; jury, had , re turned its verdict last, night, Prosecutor Ewing ' D. ' Col" 1 vin said there would be no further investigation "un lesa additional evidence is uncovered.''. . Nebon way released . oa . 1-0.-. 000 bonds which posted In hli behalf , a,: a "materlul witness"! In' Ik. tinaa tw. ... ,ha ls oeen conciuaeu. 'j nreo oinei- persons waa Had been b"Md who. hlm in the city Jail woro freer: . Intention to have Nelno.'i's bouilx vacated by the suprlo." couvli were announc-d by his aUoraeys. - On. WUd l'arty . The coroner's Jury found, that Miss Payne met her death when she aceidentaally slipped and t.ili Yajht Club dock after what v.a termed ,'wlid party" nbrurd the vessel. . . , " (Continued On Ta.a Five) ARMLESS H0B0 HELD BY COPS TACOMA, Wash., July. 2 U. (.P) A "hobo", without-arms was a, gutuit at local police station bi?ro . last night. He wag pulled from an Incoming freight cur by -u special agent of the Northern Pacific Hallway. ;, The man gave his name an Larry Davelurie, 41. and declared that be had lost both arms near the shoulder In a railway acci dent but that he still traveled as much as formerly, depen'llns on his comrades of th road to boost him aboard trains and foe,l him. Three Drowned in San Joaquin River PITTSBURG, Calif., JuV 26. (Jpy Three men were drowned . CHriy lOUHy when the river .steamer , Stanley IWWts strttcK of. eleven were rescued. i f ' , '" 1 : " t Many Drowned in Chinese Typhoon LONDON, July 29. (P) Tho '. overturning of a Chinese patwon- er J"nK aurlK lynnoon, wit ft he loss. It Is feared, ot 150 livju. rr-norled from lliiuckonir to III,' 1 Evenlug News. , Two launchnK 1 lowiug.ma juuit , inn ! Junk was bound from Canton fur i Hongkong. . . ' , Noted Poetess Held For Selling Drus riTKBLO. Colo.. July !!'. (A. P.) Inei Peal Hamxell, nntioiwil ly famous for her potrv, v 111 be arraigned here Tuuaday l-o-fore United" Stntes CotiimlKibini i W. B. Vales, on charges of pi. esslon and sale of narcutlin, i :, W1 arrested by federal tion ugeutx at her homo In Cji jelly and brought hers U,t cr- ralgnment.