I ' ' I.' ' I j" "! 'f 111 I ' .. ' f .' '. ' ' 'v. : " ' PROMINENT EAGLE VISITS IN k luiTHi innnpflfiFfi nut n IU.i.i.li.1 S I a nUUIILUULU UIIULII Klumnlh' Kll AVtt, fan' , Fraternal order. Hf'Hagtea, u , i thar lid u". td ii ntnHi' thoimh carried ,or with mujtni i't.rlniirliig revival odj ' of , thumhor nf th varlon 1 mi nfr flout pre-ler. and oi'dm. "was I'toa revival which mean In-'wlili. th (llil'Aii Paiuton DIM. marred at ! clou by an 1ml rrea.ed membership and ln.T"o-1 And tl i thlt aplrlt ihut will dut whlih temporarily at least, el ll.trm.t III th order. Thi' eaiu u In remain, knorklnr ai'iiiada It liiipouibl fiir'tha eu- member huv set tholr goul for i Coo member during th pro- ( I'nliod Htittm until thl la mart i nl inombrrahlp ; drive and In a lav In 'ho Interest nf III atad , li'l;i lirtn jf that about th l.-atof th' haMnn. " , ' ludg In vlird Vol Robert A.' I'ltliM Ornithine! 1 Klekle of Hatt1n to ipruj 'hi wwii In tti city. Yoalerday ho addraiwl a larn ; n ,nMtt n,ul if lb four mil- QUft I lprl In bt grief and tlnm ai K!i' ball. rh i'ol-'nun lahnrliiK wo In thin nutlon ptiy-Vnr rhu(l)n amed otifl waa' In lha brat of roiull- punt tw uk" t l, Th -wt niril about to tatter ujun bar bua llnn and bla frrror fur llif or- hnra Itvii S btl of" tholr , b..-' r. It wai udlnnly di-r ho lo via moal proii'inu- rpt and ffi,ctlr. In part ha aaldr "Aa th KbkIo la the emultmt of , Aiin-rlran lllierl.y, o tlila II-. Ihor.'for It 1iai Imon anllrnly luntrliiut orilar atanda for ovary-' inHillilo for thorn, to afumu Ihlnn that dcrvlopa or prnmUra ' lata any amount of pruporty fir (Ol)ll ml Anifrtrana. Ita aotlra prin-jti, da-llnlug jrrara 0(."llf. Wf, ;ilo ara Ubaty, .Tutb. Juili', a nation, mul aka Jnta con- rip and K'luulny. What tilshor prln- alilarathin that thr r two rlpa than lbaa can bn oupoel-1 tiiaii'Hfil forcoa that ' aro tha d of any body of eltltoni In a practical founlatlim of tha na domocracy? Wnll) iry- lo.-l- Hon. and from wllrh' air othrr It.' In th UnllKd tttatr of any "urr. drawa tholr ctltoni. I prtnniliin ha It ladK, tho ! lt without far of auccrm Kl I primarily a Wnhtii- f'il oonlrndU ttnq,. that t1ir two ton Institution, having It birth ! foroea contl.t of capital and la in Boattln In Ha growth bur- on and Maoparabl. Can baa hiwn phanomonnl for Itallml can t lnrr.o without la inombornhlp now gpproilmalaa ajbor. Ubor rtil nlu with half million with two thousand out apllal. Th.,powr bahlnd Aarloi. I Iba thmnr of till grat nation U Many Ilrnoflt, . It luborlng tnon. You ahow m "I.Ik noirrly all th fratrrnal oi-ltlr, th Kaglr maintain a high order of lnuranco, both Ufa an I groidant. with alrk boni- llta. Tboy bollor In holplug a nrnoi cul tholr mombera la a-. h th moat alneor kind or Mlluwahlp whon wall and hoal- tlon It l.V. m mo Ilk a Juxt thy and matHal altanro whon nd buiunnltar'nn ft't tn mak alrk and dlaabWd. Tb wldowa " pr.vUInn for tho Dion and tbo orphana of th Kagloa bo bav roarhid 1 dacllnlng ara nt-al cart-fully loikl after X"r " M th' bar. manl ao whon lit hu.band and fitthor la much to Ih'a nations wlfar. laku by death. Aa I huv hr-. Tan w, or will i. dlaTogard Inio aald, ataod for Liberty, th groat rammand of th Teach W dltlngttlh. howvr, b-r of Men w'm ald "Whntovr twcn llborty and llrn, fr- you ll l"f m" 'hould do dom and aaarcbr. W frown u do tfco to, , unto upon th revolutionary mmhoia that peek to aatMtttuie -ytolenc for the ballot, and hatred for reaaon. "Kaglo accept the definition that truth la contormatlvo fact. To tm It al.o auggmita fUtellty, ronatancy, alradfuatnea. falthfulnex and linearity, -frat ernally the urgency of fldollly.' Th. .i.mUrd of con- duct both within and wlthoul the metuberahlp 1 tha Golden Hale enunciated by the great teacher of Nawreth. Thua It la thla aplrlt that octuutei the fraternity to go on rocord In tho Intoroit ot the Mother' Penalon Jllll. ' 1 "It waa thla aplrlt thai raua ed u lo go on record In gponaor Ing the i Laboring Man' Com- H.triti.i ii k art citriuil Rltttli nl lHjth Htrrria Hot. A.' F. Imt lie. C. II. reign Runday 'maeae at 1:10. 1:00 and 10:10. Kvenlng devotiona at 7: s. Week-day maaa at T;00 a. m. Merrill, flrat 'and third Kuti dava at 10:10. All are cordially welcome at our aervlce. STAGES ,TO ALL POINTS 326 New Phone Number New Reduced Rate New Location 8th & Klamath Ave. "The Bunnlilncj Ronto" FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS y ... ( ... . - - -- .,- ,o.', .... v Voovosca)' yesftoiv isa J-- f trAMV. 'ma;ins ( k tBcitv6.s said mS ( Auumit-sa ) ii" 1 . 1 (: f 5 "TT, HfcALLVAS A f DOoJktV.VLLTAkS V 0S5'r'c UMC16 CVGAA ) SA'v" IT VfcS7EftDV . utJLti flAMMS II SAV.cAATyASE ;' I etc vjuAr WoO o- w - mJTZ 1 seu-iTscur. ry- -oy.'.' L noise uk.& a mora JB ; TSloV DtwrMAke sveu. ...V Sb'V: jSJ v-ir- HLj?i-aCfc JjoeW V"?5p) RAckT; KEEP A rr J. jV ' p nauiliin Art. ir wa' Ihla' nlr-l tlui do r or i;ie ar.iatai ot IhU "I da nut know ' whor I ran took upon a niro plllithln al'u i-1 v to ImlU'lry aril during hrt )ar thoy hnv had to go up aanln.t but-(!)'n. rut In , wafa, uclilonu, and ilrknom ao anything that orli.t- onjoy mat 1 not flrat tourhod by th band of labor, and I HI 'ahow I you aoHiuihlng that oclotir rnn-wrll do without, boiuu'-' or tha fact that lab ir bat 'taken aurh a orlh-whlle pnlll.i-In tit na- them?" . - Spirit of Juotko. . "Thla I. and alwaya haa been the poaltltm taken by th Frator Jial Order of Kaglra toward all 'Humanity, u waa mi apiru oi ' J"c that actuited tbl gret Kratornlty to pay the fallen o dlor belief Ida rlog without any .bligatlon, without any' ' roard !hataoevr lowapt ojr.'atlttitlon tM M-lawa. Wben the. . wnt over-aaaa In S dofono ot cur pountry tholr duo wre"ltH at bom In ttfdort.'at their Caia Hie could hav tho- benofX of a free phyalclan, and "be1 tmy who v ere member o P O. K. and loll upon the field of battle thla Fraternity' paid their bennflclar l . 11000.00 arh until' we paid cut hundred" ot taouaanda ,f diillam, and we will atlll-keop fnltb with our World War 10I dln vp ' to the laat man, and tand ready to champion anr la aue In the Intervar ot humanity." The open herding and bedding ont ayalvm of handling aheap I applied on 00 per crnt of the National Kormt range. It provide for open.' quiet herding throughout the ' day, holdlug tho loader In check and uHug dnga aa little a poaalble. The aheop are taken to ahade during the bent of th day i and beddPd at night where ' night overtake thorn. ' I'ndnr thla method very llttlo area la mrnred each day. Sheep have freeh feed every morning when tboy leave the bed ground, and they do net run off any fleah which tha forage puu on. There 1 an Inrrea'e In th grating ra pacity of tha range, cleaner and larger wool production and a heavier weight among lamba. ! RUMANIANS BURY KING FERDINAND' i fntitlntlaA Vrom Paea fin! ,' J rniil In my mind' ey placed rroa npou in 'iniginry ipm, iPerhap am day tuy fane. will ennsa true." ' King Perllnand' funeral, tnnntie to plan Ilia Hlna a body In Ilia Mipulrhre, R.irfK ' Mlnolng. At I ho supreme moment of ac tual litinrniciit ut ta body whim a prolouiid hii'.h bad fallen over 1 a" Hill chu-ch and alien dlHrovvri'd by th rhunh pulbor- 1llo thai th utldw laknr bad forgutti.n to provld th ruatom- ary ropoa with watch to lower th'rofll4 Into tho gruv. It u an intonwly dramatic rnoiiiunt and undoubtadly gave acute pain is Iba qukou. Th tint nag to abort an it th oeca alon loo mharrjunlng, howaver, to nd to tho town for rop, and th auihOrTtTTS'TJiiTVd to lower the coffin aflor tho ro)al fam ily bad left. T.i ovralght produced pain ful Impretalon, but . mercifully ib.rtoBod tha quaon'a ordoal at thn gruv aldn, for ah and bar family Inft tb church Immedl atdly bftbr'tho coffin bad boon dopoaltud upon th floor and prayort TiJ bora pronounced.' X car Oillap. Quoen 'Mary appeared on the verge ot collapte aaveral time during lb crmonla at ' the monaatory. fib aaoaned ear'le'r In th day after klaaing her hu band 'before the coffin waa seal ed at th f jnclmlon of a eervlce In th royal ' chapel adjoining Cotrocenl Palace. Aa lb royal part waa loav- n MPrceaed any repent ing the church, atxyear old "c before the king died, ahe King Mlrhgel,' ruler by reaaon of "ke down and between ob bla fathcr'a renunciation of hi roval nreroaatlvea. aaked: "Ar 1 they going to leave grandpa here ': : Out Our Yay. ' .".!. 11 I t.i I ii' j . ' ' ' " 1 x .. rtai:itij1ii.i-i::i . ;-. S ' I I:.."..!, .ii ' N LiVw ' 1 11' KmtJ-m '. . 1. ' l- ViUW MOTrAERS GET GRAW. Not Gty Topsy V i f :m mm l - Tb yUnrD siHtera ot Topty and Kra fame are aeon to h wed. 'lii aald, and here tbey are with tholr llunrea at be alatera' beach borne In Haul Monica. Calif. , Left to right are Nile Aater, fiance of Vivian; Vivian, Itoaetta and William lierl, who' engaged to Itonetu. . To, girl and bey are la Ihe movie now. , ... alone Can't I atay with him?" Queen Marie explained: "The poor llttlo chup dooa do know -hat It la all about. He knowt only that be ha lost a deareal relative. It waa lb king hab it to give bla gran-Jaon a Utile prnt every day." Qoaon Marie I convinced Car ol will not attempt to gala th tbrona of Romania. Talk of Curat. "I think." ah told th cJrrea pondant, "that out of rpect for tha memory of hi father, who eacrlflced everything; for him. Prlnc Carol m 111 remain ouulUo ot tha country, but what politic al Intrigue may tore him to do la another thing." When h waa akd If hor ad: "Neither the king or myaelf received a alngle word from him Broke Yet! and Eva and Their Fiances 77 a. I- It waa bla 'pit Ilea indifference. alle&ce and continued ludlacre- tlona, which broke the ' king boart and ha1eted hi death. Hut th king In hi will and t'. pal letter to Premier Bratlano xpred toward bla flrat born the aame extraordinary generoa Itc and forglvenea which form ed auob a airlklng part of -bla character. . ' "Carol' alngla act When he learned that the king had died waa to telegra-ps to bla (later Marie aaklng ber to place whit oae aa near aa poaalble to the king' body." LONDON. July 25. (OP)) Prlenda of the Earl 'Of Oxford and Aaqulth are raining a fund to present him 1100.000 and an! annuity ot 112.500. A a for mer cabinet member he la en titled to a pension of 110,000 on condition that he tlgn a declar ation that he la impecunioua. iutwii"!!!3sJ 1;: aW, A viator Brings Hi J 'Plane Down Safely (Continued From Pag One) ' ' from the naval air,taUon at Anacoatla after having been aloft for leaa than two hour. Barograph Doatroyod. ' ' . fnm rtt IK. li.mvmili. am. d entirely daatroyed but th other appeared to be only alight- ly damaged. The blue broke out a Champion waa deacendlng. ; Champion' battle for hi life waa a ipecUcular on. Several piatona were completely torn out or hia engine, probably due to a lark of lubricating oil whea he came down. Mart Trt Jump. ' On tbe - descent . the engine' canght fire on four different oc casion, and at one time the pi lot wa half war ont of the- cock- -.WANTEP Laundry. Done by pit preparing to Juaip. When hand. ; Flrat claaa." Man be thought of hi j barograph. xanita St. . 25-St however, he decided to remain with the ahlp. The Jump would . have meant the crashing ot the! Diane and the probable com Die te destruction cl the inatrumenta. , ' rtim.. .hiiMin. r..,, f the jaagin' front aa th -t flier made a bomitjful. landing In th corntleU In - the little Wright, Apache plane.-- I Otcr than the tramarT the ' onrlne.' thorn -l4ortiluz erl- .rV'Vi ou,13r WTTK " l""","0 ,it landed feraong -.at . Hoover 1 flehlJ. a nearby commercial atr-i '.iraaae, reported th. falling part ; j of th engine on their 'gTonndy. l Prominent! Oakland-' ' ; -- - . i .i . - irni- V - neUQeni 11 IVlUea , "" I ' ..,.. ' I no.l.. Mhr,o.V ..,n ir,-n ' 7" " . " "r ' " " , z " rceldent of Oakland, waa killed ... i . . .i. luis wuiaiuK in an iuujiuuiiiiv c rident on the English Settlement road about- six milea northeast of Oakland. The car wa driven by Maheney and waa occupied .1.. k. r,.,v cL,..- Tf Jlia alao by Frank Spooneri U akUJ-. uru in iuvbv ot iuu iuiiwu completed over pinning both men beneath It. ; Mr. Maboney lived for several mfnulee and talked with Mr. Spooner. Tb car -wa preaalng on hla. neck and he wa choked to death before help reached them. Mr. Spooner re ceived minor injuries. ... ... . 1 OLD ORCHARD. Maine. July 25. 4iJPl 1 Llndy can do won-f; dera with a Diane, but a certain i ..,.Ahii- u .iht.. . rlcrh till Iia tinnfMarl - Inln thai a a awfyv a.w , . m4 ui Vap trln n f n 1 n ft ' . and then it Jmt would not start. He had to shift to another. - By Blosser - . Wber children kagMr King th rafterrr-tha.,1 horn., , vEL'CENa3 FtEpXI, - . A hum ot four w. foe arliat ront I aow eoatljwi yoau.WUl IHgYiWUfB, A-l 11-., ' , lot a, eapUl. owr BUaf BUICK COACH... .l .fT' i tT Itate actloB. ( . Irutmlng ear lor .;r...C.,.i.$ll4 U l ,. . LOOK! .. c , - - . NEW 1-ROOM mod ara atger bungalow. Only It down, bal- J luce .l.ae rvat. umvei vm Houtb lrt. Take aome trade in. 4-ROOM modern, partly furnlnh ed home locaud In - Hot Bprlnga addition. Only 1120. Will take car aa part payment. ONE J-ROOM and on 4-ROOM modern . bungalow, dandy, loca tion, clow. to school. Will sac rifice for 11000 if. eold at one. ' BRAND NEW O-ROOU' Kngllab. j bnngalow, - located In yfot ,. Bprlnga addition. I'a!d p par , lag. Priced at only: $690. , Term. Better ae thi,;.f - CHILOOTt SMITH . BoOtora . , ; K Mate - '( .', MAV WAN rrowith track, or team to haul fence post from Edgewood ranch to Klamath freight yard. 2S-3t FOR 8ALB Yellow canary blrda. Mr. N. M.lea, 3J Cyprea and Park. 2521 FOR SALE Sheep paatnre.' . acre ut grain and wild let . tuce. Kiakey Bros.. Mails. ' Ore. . 25-t WAXTED Well driller, to rna machine.: .Apply at City Park Monday.,..- WANTED Work tor ton rnck hy'.th day or hour. 324 Cons- mere 11: J5-2t FOR RENT-rl-rovriuM and garage, .newly tmiahad . isalde. Va block. Xrom .p. Main, IT) lock. irom MUbibop Price 420 24 O-W- V. Z1..' 24-2t ' Call 24 FOR BALE New bona on It p, o.. let. Two bod room. krakfut uak isin. nam. '.Jtffchca. bath, full cement bao- ; ment,. faroace,, Calli at. 7i CaJUoraia. Ave or Phoa . no- yr; FOR RENT On l-room- aad. one i-room .furnib4 aparu menc , ; Wood and 'Water tur- nlahed. 115 and 145 Mr mo. New atul modwa. ..Ltlca. Pur- : oaare uaruware. sit Mala, ' . ,. ' ' . - r v-- FOR SALE--Hooae, 4 room and . bath. larg. bsaemeat: aulUble ,or Bt B, oV-Pldld view. ' ,urff'.Vr- 171 "nUi chool. . f 3000. Liberal 4eraw phone . , , ., , 2-2t LOST Male Better : dog, white body, large black, ipota on, body and head.- Strayed from- Sdge wood ranch about lx waeka ago. Has end of tan: cat oft. Last seen, at Algoma, Reward. . .. .... ..-....,,. '.JW FOR SAXJ3 Js'ew.,S-room house. Garage, bulll-ln kitchen,' bard- i wood fldr Shbwer In bata room. Bufret. all floor cov- "red:. "nlta front. 11300. smaii . payment down. -2J a " - - - -v . . Have tov tsion? Can" yon visualize what of-" feet the completed net high acbool will have on th die- . trlct for residence purpose? ' . We offer for sale a fine.' corner, 105x15 feet, opposite . high, school site, .Improved. with lawn. , tree, flower, garden and an old 3 -room house. . Tbe price . I onlx . 12100.. Terms: $300. cash balance' !S monthly. -WARD DALE Realtor . . .714 Main. St- . ,- v.- MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOU any pine timber, you wish cruiaed? Communicate with J. H:..nher... Arcade Hotel.", Rof crehcoa" given. " ... 21-27 WINDOW CLEANING r Floor waxing, house cleaning and Jan itor aervlce. Reference. , A. M. Rhoads. Phone lOafi-W. 107-U-tf j PASTURE Runch gran mea dow ny th month or will take 100 or 200 cattle on shares. , Let m show . yon the teed. Phone (II, or 'write Otey. Fot StOi Atttoocl" bVK:K COACH. jut Ilk pr-, . 'M'- .'J guaraileed' -J.kjll. i t CHAHTULCRr TOV'KINO. - .. J wodlul alM .,.....,.. i a.l 1 JEWhTTT TQCklrtd,,. . u-0 l good of ci..........v,.l .J, . ; tirae ' '.T.,,.ll ' A i BL'ICK FOUR rJDAf...l..., r4i'',) I ii rgRD coupe, A-l.;.'..;n.-.iil HCI KOAIWTBR, w lWt. I 111 ) run Ilk 1 4...t.uMtt nill a.) LATH FOIID. 4,l9liP, ill (-,( i0k.- , I .-......rf..,,,l NKW 90Mt.,fOUHWttt ra '. l,! 1000 ttlJo... Uo dlot , . .. .HUH It UAKAHE . V;. ri t.15J.Maln-r .-. iha .f ; , Ope Sunday .j.... baa : ww........il,.i..M...i ' Inui iiita" J' r) - FOR5ArLtCr,,:.',"1a FOR 8AL& Vlctrola eunaooa. Iad -' . recorda. 0. Don good NV ' ! Zealand' fed Tbblt.-. Pho.:. ij--..123-W. -. . ,iu;i,...-,H-';4 FOR SALB-TraPorttlao Uog.1- f . at good for l0 on, any roJ. ,; ' Wll, aelL at aacrifjc. Call X. Th Herald Orfjc. . :V -JV if I FOR SALH Springef-. 8MCU41', nnnMu ln.nn.i.J - 1. 1. Hne'kf breeding' 1n .America., i-nona no, or call at 199. Portland ftfMu ttmi 'f'ta ta ' th ,veoltig. - , . il-Xi WANTXP .1 i WANTED Qood mechanic. Call.' . Ai-Bulck, garag.. tl-l" ,y. WANTED Oootf, relrabo ririP:f'j Miters.- vail ar tteraia in not. --i-. WA.VT TO BEY -rL Tww . a!" heavy a or -lich tin agon!? one uwd tire hrlakiDt' a-,ti -o chine'.' Campbell' Tower1 Lmbf. V- q C C-I-' t Pia-il '- ivi. :atl a wa uw ni ! - j. FOR SALE-AnaHiaeeA hone ' iov-"- Medford. Will trad' or Kiaiov ."M th property., W. A... TJTir - ' at .Lakeside iLnniber. Co, I:- m.-:'". -' .'-...itilW.4t -,1 f OH- HALE-rfimall grocery tor. ' .1 . . . .. . .i . -it " j : di wu urnrm awa jwwt .kuilding. Vold not bl . my . baatae'. call me - ela-1' '. , whet. ,For partlewiar jcU,ki ".. t th Herald Of qoa.; a f .22-..'.'r lRimrrn''i4n ouab1''' r,-r-l0 aorea-of -whtco' iiv tamt' ' are. la croo. eonaiaUiaai -a4 al- . . falfa, timothy gratai.elmaej , .water wr -irrigation,; w gwxl.w-- , graveled. nignwy aild-cc;t.X-t Klamath ICatla Thu tmrtm ka-v 1 fa'trrittproTBt4na. d 'aaA'iTM' nuiiiw7 .eoaaiore-j,,,-, 1 aMeofarm aoaaa; alao-40 area -,' , ' WUcabar Und y,.Biakit' a. Ulal at 103 acre -.tagetb:, - ' .. jvrith. , crop - aad machinery: . which U being of freVI-r '.-" Title price on-aceodar ef dAih i- : In family.. Doa' prtfll.p-.V .. .jfric II500-. Trm. J.i.. v co a. (th st, f-rw mvwr,ir " -J ryct.1 C . f . e... aV'...'..'.T.:,V.ar,-.t, "VJp-.si' mi , 1 1 ,'i. ..I. t -ii'r.-ivi nuoea. w coerki ator, rwidi oanxt or asiw. lit- -, ' E. Main St., . -.t .TT,,14lSj 'J FOR RENT-eieephig rooor Vl Maid atrw.f MUar .be aW 'mVK'j . be , appYecteUd. M A JBH,'t.lii6ii :4v4. . f.-ivt i-H-r.-. MVtfy FOR REST New -rooto'ho. vH. .K..P. BrIUntin, 102 v I s" oMad 8t.. :"-V-'-' fl.lr. f-J:' FOR KKNT l-TWnV1o - 6, -v- is.'-. FOR RENT .Furalahad. naxt . metit. ' EMUcM,rre..CeTriiTT ' Apt.. t& Malat cj tiotllt-l.V;o .; FOR RENT t-roora ' mtntatJedr , -beuie.- riv bloclr erf Mare.' ' ' (. Lawn land tree. Catr !. .55: N- '.v.A ( ci i Phona 7:9-M . ii-gtf.. l FORI RENT Three ta4 apartmenta, completely ed. Wood and water.' o 4,.' nil. 1 fock from Main on" orb is' , month. Phona 1419. . 12-11 TOR UKVT VI. 1... ..-... ed . ant. (team . heatad ' : u. (. Carthy Apt.', (3. Pin;- Phong. : rA FOR RENT Completelr larnY ' sjr- ed apt., garag. nw.biiti - If v, juei pu main on sroaou . '. Arm. Phone 111(.-. J J9- ' t J .fiyiw, f. . FOR RENT W.. raa .five) roe) big money ai lb An-ada. Hotel Apartment, furnished . ton.. pletely, electric rang, Ua ' ' dlahe and . telephone, , tr ' ' rooms' with..-private)-- hatha at'" , real cut ; ratea to peraaaaat ' guaaU. Arcade. , k, J4 f. . i ----- o. .y.vt 411 Hl(h 8t, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I . V I, ... 'I 1 -. - f l l'i.l-"Hi 1'liln vii n . to, i . , i .i.i.i7 j.,-.. t-.; ;t '' , r . I Htiv '.. x: i- , .;! v, ,...v . .,.,.... I'l ( : ' I'lll HIM II . I ' ' " . - M ,1 I IV i' j . - ; i " I "..I .... .. il II (.1 ..I,, i. I i" t t. 1. 1 i... ' i " ' A t r