j tfm. fiacauae e( k.r o. t ,ia. kt m ot Mormti of Ik Ulna of bar eoa. Tb . lat ter s wir with klm aad their kttgBiar, Mr. Lollta Armour Mllubell and bar husband, J no. 1. Mitchell, Jf.7 are ehrohta. to ". 1 rJutirv.vl.,. ,1 : Mr. mi..ui, Xura t( fla- cianaU, Ohio, ttay 7-.: 114J. fib grow to youWg woeianbood Ib bar H"U' hpme' ' OlablliMtl.' wkr sh recwtted her edanatlon, I It, is Ba7rtd' pttlllp Dbo fort Armostf, , later dlia4 to become a capitalist and, head of On of tbcgraatlMt pak lag In dustrie la 4k (world.; . ;; . la lift berhnsbsast eetbllih d tha flrm'of- jlrmoar May. coming r lro VilwsuJ mm Amour bad beau bbm4 In, 'lvmHilMli0 ' bul- , Two sobs" r. .born, to ..Mrl kail. Mm Xjt..- Ktareo Novwashaaji iis .ad . BwlBmIa mada: and trophies rbUMp D.t AYmour. wbo.dM u' to Mock 0 Gloria Sc'g kom TtW MO. .JitAZu ; Jo. Cal., Uri, who , nch of U tu of Avr" . "' ' In tMrud Hau.....,..! rrd to . five ih. . v.i , . . . Mr. Armour a4.tdJ.br baa dnrlnr 16? 1orfcf n( lha kuala... ...a.,1 , , t Buyf oeialUm Mr. Aratour aiasWi -a. nuiabaor Urn gift, to society, especially fol- lrioc bar buAband'a, drath. Jan aary t, ltax. . , . j( United etataa id Lucille B'!v Oykacaaa; ' CPateOtJ NSE V ' Paltad Statiw to Walter Eric Drkamaa; ' Tl'!V;.:-N:i4-r,'','',J NWU8K. -Jeo. 11-17-r . ? ri.ZTri ' Kai wtusrt ei us io.camp-;. ' " v balr-Towla 4Mac -Je. i -. T.tuboc 8myt '. Kl' rf)HNBH'lhd';llrHSK48.t,cnlnell, 1B7-1.2. .-"'J-a... . in- ram Lbr. Cb.Jisyi Tract lit Lot liW-MM,,,, . , ' eo. R. Lin Jley et, w. lii M. Campbell; licdi.14 1 iO First Add. to IC.tS- ( - t. uauea f""lT , lr Jurnhuia Baialln; NWU Sac.f IJ - JT - H - SBHSBK ' deev''t-16-f " SW-r1'",n Kltu Ojx "ti?rii-i -t i c.-l KK4 SeclPITlDrTil a.vc 31ZaU; ' -H(SWK.-c.' iA-1". ai K 01hArl3tf aamo prop- arty ; -i-- -.. w r. 1 ' LLii s'iiii V.1'''i:i1.- 'il':.i-i-Uon J,. Ollcrtt! SWKNK'4 Sec It: i'. HliWW. and 4B14N1S?4, Bee. lS-tkrl; JtEiJ5H SC.-J-; NEiaW:9ec. 1615r ' NEH-aevS?T'SirxNnnr4- Sec 124-1( SK WW .. Set;" 6-14- - United -$tat to Otlbert' R. Palteton;KJtt-; .," KW BE )4al0:'. KEKMUri f6C.-l.J. Wt NEaWtjao. OTfU; -' Odbart. Ri;mbatoo (t-nS to rUlk - BtnWr6t;aaaj,o ror aty. -vi"' - ..j . : -jMtaVYf p: vht- krHWtaoEyaSVi.-Se..:-l-t!J Le J- ol Sec, . -l-4-: wliXW ACJ 4-14-lk; VSWi IfW Sac. - l-.-iaj'f:o;-.-. ''0 aoM,iB. -MlUeri alt,',., 'lo Balph B. OllchrlHt: aafow land. Traak rCi raiwll. SupL Baa i. to0a-1a. Tayiort Lou -J of -See.'- t9,l ! . -. K: D; Co..foHarry 311 Lot rBllt4ll Buena. VJU Adda.. ... --jj ...i;n ; s-; ". i VnKad ttatea to-Joho J. Vt; Patacit aWH.NB-V te. 4; FB HS See." 16-lS-lO; 8.. 7-161, Jv,J ,. r , j. : John JjVla..u iuWov Ralph B. Oflchriat; aWKVEK BeaV 4; UHEVaSlM(.10; NEH- ...II .4 Ail-4fV. , Kg rK-iV'Vr.-W United t(? lo the Plateau i ill 1 1 r.. . ...... . . - . .' . T. nwtjuNU two .lHlO4.h.,Vt A. iA -10?.'. Irff l.llll .an.iil ,n..ili ' : '.I1 V, n ' . '' ! ' . ! A'l'J'.l 'i - -1 M'lt.ttlM I .. "ftss tlx mm. WM PiiSSE! s .CrtCAOO, . Jnlr 15. (AP) K P.K Xra.ih lt. widow of tka founder of ArreeeW.aaii c-asa T- t i" rrtiV0! " THrftr SlMCC MftS TVTc? J , I...., Ai. ; ,., ."rrff. AiaysirN . nio om Hewe eeew raw i f 'il ' : il ravo whht mots, pop yv 11 '- A -. f -, ''v ' I mile. She dlanlared her wru !",7't 8n, Cnt y t " ' " ! la several rarm .Company; MvysE'v Sec.' 3-S6-8; Lot i SEHNKV, rl VELCPli or. . . r . 2: vtjjst JUlpb.K. OJIchrl; mohi proper- .I'BKaJ' 6tates"to John ' i Chrralopkur; Patent; NEi- SWM; SVV'4.VW!i See. 10-14-SSWUVlV Sec. 11- .vru. 8BVI S. 11-14-10. 11 John A. Cbrlatopber ot n ta L5lp!l 1 vL?' I il o.i. . . Ralph B OIIchrlat; aame prop-'w, 1RTIT CXI RT. -,-;,r " .. . Smltb. W.. O. ! 50e lower; aheap iteady: taadlDti" to ! 19. U t Vt (a,.fcamp-Ifawth.-JUtTi Smnk and Wm.' 0. ; lamba atrbng: top price. f.,'"a the vardiot.. ,., , . iUWlBkf "wy'.. S)5et"0,ri. dB,,t ', lamb.. 114.50; fat naIv.r:" . Pal. Confra "llrSK48e..t,cn"ell,: JS,.8; writ- lalambaJ I1S.7S: fat tTna. wun. 8""- "w--.? 1JS7.18: writ- la.il.mh.1 tie . ,.V 'I ..Tr nuteBio A Vaden. any.. vn i : . Markets Top' grade i' eggs are down a rent mote lo. !Si on. tb. i.w-.i "3lfy "change. Firsts and me- are uncll,, t z4c aud 21o: reenectlvelv. 1 whtl. mmm I receipts being scarce at present J tare up -ceat -today- to Ke.per doxen. Tbe D"f hteadjr. with change. In "aalry-exchange quota- for today.. ' 5.,rl3' PWkesv Crawtorda from Ashland, are bringing from fl'.lSt' rt 1 1 lA .. ... i. . . I . . . ... v..wv p, uu.. -.ti. juiibi ana Crawford from California have moved, la ' reaterdav and tada? 'at 11.00 to $1.76 pr box.!; Arrivals, of kreen corn" ar mostly f- ooe-alltv- and-aell ll lai-iwrx) & cents per down ear. too perrjt mirket la w.U kap- nl WitK1 rm sr-lwmU. ..A 1.1... i Uirrtea ht'Toaf pW bbi,'roV."b6't' foriaer aadUic :to Iffe. for', tiie lattar ott tbe reUll market. . -j Orea4d : mealaj . and nnnltn price, are' unchanged "asd- Saturv damaad was llg St, ii -r .. i ; i .! - Portland Livestock " f- Trjdav'i "recelmir ;iinn . km I direct. ' .TWal for week (approil-( r i i. sine : Jiii. .calvre 0, hga 3Cp, sheep 4120. c: Cattle.- all elaaaea. xcoptlng bull dosing at prices stronger than laat weak, .despite larger re ceipt. - Bull , trade draccv and weak; best grass steers averag ing 1.00 Dounda.-tlG.OAj r.w steer excepting thin kind below s.uo; yearling welgbf heifers. ll.00O(.60r good heavy tat cowa op to' I7.S0!'bulk brices.'klanrh- ter ateer. $8.6069.75: butcher icowr;-15.15 7.26r heifer. 15.60 wa-00; low cullers l-.507.60. Hog compared ' week na-n; Killing, rlaweea. 76o to 11.00 high- i feeding nlga. 11.50 tn Iran higher; : closing' bulk ' 150 and ISO . pound ' average to killer, J-.. lit '. - Ki .-s -r.. . Ml. Lots of Medals , - ' r " COWT Pie MUVOROOS ( . J 2 ".'. J S I IMaOtav rrv V Hnllvr alMdy; Ultra, rube. ell. 40m ataadarda, 3r; pr'na tlrata. 3Uc: flr.la. Sit. rir"u' 35 ' Cream 40c f.o.b. mery nrlraa: Prima. l rubs -ataadarda; kaitarfat. Portland. tar mora: Milk, aloadv: raw milk, 4 par cant, 11.16. cwt. f.o.b. Portland. Bultertat 40a .f.o.b. Portlaad. I Ritia, "tbraa uppar fridra la lowar; curraat racalpla lo blah r; currant. Sc:frh mtdluma, tic; freak atandard f'rata. tic; 'ditto aitraa. J 5c. '' . ' Poultrr itrady; lota 5 par cant, conimlaalon; baavy baa. 11 ISc; aprlnra. brailara, 1ST' tlSci Pakin whit du.k, ' lac; , icolorad nomlual: .tnrkara allva InormaL ' Onloaa, teady; local ll.SSff 13.00 !tatoa ataady.' IJ OOftS 6o urk ,. ' CHICAGO. July IS. AP (IT. 8. D. A.) Hoga, recaipu, 1500; generally aieady;. top (10.TI; bulk, 1(0 to 100 pouada, 110.40 O10.05. Cattle, receipt, 400; compared wltk week ago: Fed Keen, !6c to 7 5c lower: fed vaarlln.. wavib to &0c off; raalera, J1.00 to U.S0 Iqwert few fed heavy nicer abore t 1 4 AO K.. . . . n . . . . . w . ".WW.. 11.BU. 1 uuia, . iii.avtrii.ifr: medium wei(kta ap to 1H.SS; bulk I ... . ..J .v.... ...!.. .... zjrt gray kraaa cowa. I.lt 7.60:: grasa heifer. 17.16 (T 8.60: fed cowa and butcher .half . ig.ootjT .0; and 8.60iS4O reapart. irely;: Mock steera, S7.35 (T 8.&0; meaty yearling to-19.4. . , . Sheep,: receipt. 1000: prac- mij uuus on saie looay: lor ios double, from fMIin. atationa . and 14.600 ' direct:!""" " lalauahlee umXi. In.in. k new Uauahtae Umba. i.i K- .A !5 owar; aheap steady: feeding JwT. TbHcal 7- ,s Vt , r 2 . i ..iu.im, counsel or - - : nU'. IU.35flS.60;iBirger and Hyland made lha ... ,60: ' Ut $6.00T.Wi range feeding lambs. Iia.ff 13.60. 1i'i:!:i:,!i!!i IThREE. HAM IttlCJCC UAK.I mi i .iii.r -rr.,r. I -a""iiuucj ...w i APiece, CHEESE" - M TviiO LEF'oveJ?. f LtF'OvfiJ?. HAMS FEf? J i uera :,. e P. HAMS FEf? woo Wuovv NW CHEESES?; ie;,MrV Ota Ovie - ... MOMENTS VMP'o LlKETQ LJE rtueO aeauaesTorr. -ItlAT OAMfW f)l! PlCWIf RAcjpr A Difference, weU-.TrtlNGS HflVf LDDUFO A 1 llTTLSnReSS0- tviK TSTS 15 H . TKe OTrf CR ROOM KICjrlT NOW $11.75912.25; latter prtco top; heavy butcher mostly 111.600 1I.7S; smooth packing sows up to 1 10.00; beat feedlne pig at 114.00. ', Sheep: compared week ago: Lamb market closed largoly 29 it 50c lower;, chiilco kind holding up. Latter very scarce. Bulk 'I s ' . " "'"our. OlandaJo, CJ. Duicher,- throw i u tn ' fna - aTOOd biaaauni whn 1. ..... - M iui. tor bla cutomi-r Irlih ballad baluc hi favorlta. Tha custom ar Ilka H. and tf bualnaa Ik dull; h bctina to elnc, attracta a crowd, a ad arlla a (look of rowa and ahrap via th cutlet and ataak route Try quickly. Convict Gangsters t . . On Murder Charge ' (Continued From Page One) Meanwhile Blnrer two former henchmen. Art Newman and Ray Hyland, alio convicted with the gang chieftain and. eeultmced to life In the penitentiary, an) being held)' In-' th. county Jmi wiih.Jllr gelawaltlng Judge Miliar decl a.'on on a data for (heir In.-.r.-.r. atlon. at the atala prison at rhw- ter. Their counsel has Indicated has Indicated a motion for th it general- ar aU(lcd mat' may ma)' file a trial, although f ! t9. ra aUflcd ...' ... L 'h noXt '"rn "ounoemrnt that the two gang- .er. had confer to them Iholr 'guilt to h. crime d .1,. Out Our Way ka a 'i l I MA'Ll -TemOT' WHO v-onT sou MOMSiE ? in Hearts V' e tve 1 BODW O THlMU' ' y?BejXTO EAT. r ?ifj w JSiilO: - 1 V THE EVENING HERALD, Beef and Ballads i BsaaaBkaaJV'aiL.BjaBajainMka .Jiv wliMrawii (ruin Ilia trial. ublic "aympalhy baa awunk lo a rerialn d.rc la Nwwmnn. katauae nf 111 wlllliinia tn make a' clean bream of thn ' crime. Heuorla ware In circula tion today that action mlaht ha takxn by Demon cttiaena tn an 1 affort to obtalu axreutiva clem ency for liltn In ran lie aid the tale In rluaring up myatery wit t- u it mi t ii m w.i .i nan. ruRrniriwi .... . ... uu uiner rnmpii aiiriuuieil III! tha Blraer antM. i Ilk tha trial jn.l ended nirer .h i ... A.i. IHIIInar n f 1uvn l.Umi wh.Hi ....... ........... .,..., iho oun rhloftalu cunlondxd varwimi in. tithi nn.lliill n nn In Weal City;' Nawrnmi ' waa! a I- . .. . u ... , wrq in lie. im..u iiiraer . an viaF in ina crime, aim iivianti ... rh.r,i .i,k ,.. waa -nared with .drlvlnk tha .automobile that carried tha alay v.. ... nu.tu. uuui) tivm nw " ahot down. LOMK1V tJAItllKM'ltH ' 1.1 KK HtlMiKIKK PKTS LON'DON'. (AP-Tb .treat . , . .. . , , uBwer iMumatn ijiki- tirua.ug As- tortoUa aeller h long Iwrn a .-iu, 11W Mie cer fvatura of Itiiluu. ills strong.! tiflcato of lnirponitlon. Von are .wiivr.a.iir uuusiu wjr sun- urban lu their small garden aud tli.ti, Ir. iIi.Im . ... .. 1 1 -.1 .. .. - make peta of them as far a this- mi. V.. ih. irnnu. v.- i... . . rival. Trucks l..ln .lit, h.,u... hog ro lo be seen an mrwi. A Krl.i. h...i.u.. i. I - - - - - A brisk huslnesa la done. Hedgo. nogs ar usciui to trull and flow- . iurj nI TOc,roifn. e. una rarnen prsi. wnen aurh dlshe fail, they live quite hup- pny on crcaa and milk. Aspen, basswood. rniiniiirAAii I wl,,nw aml y'low poplar cm be 1 m"sttt-l In many commutiltlc j "''Wor. 'B,ter nl" honey In lha " . . .. : ....... ..... ,rv. popi.r cm oe ...uu.u. vm, m wuoie wneat bread, not only ' berauae' of Its ( value as a sa'eetcner but for Its P'oper.le. In kaeplng br-ad eoft and moist for several rinv n ! o ihT nUI J. f. whole wheat hrc id ha. h. '"' on ,h, 8i,h '' J'''. difficult of keTnin. i. i'T ''. '' ""ln or iho owi. V ' N L' jt kon ooMrtETj ' 7 VOO EWES VSAi OO I OVERLOAO XJF? VOo KCp STOMACHS , TO K-X C.TOVJE HER.SOO A. BLACKlNl'lJ nsv av sts staviee. mc LOST MY OH , H ERE IT IS -Trte -p I 'Lil ACE of rircwrrs ) Uj rV-JJ ! . V OSrl-B0n'M YTiTI V'lvLI HEART E 'awJsBaaaaU KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON that the state's case was Identical with the happening from th time Rlrger I allnged lo have planned the hired killing of tho mayor through tho actual slav ing llself. Tha attorney said they tod the two gangsters be fore the trial that unless they "came through" with tha iruo story of tha killing, they would fiof represent ficm, 1 I J '.I 1 1 1,"""" 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 . I 8jim :n(ulail, It I epe.i.rf, HHIMi HAIIIOI UMTKIt 1 lua rurvd thounnilda, Wliy not youT fiadluiu ora r.ir aula by N. A. IIUKiti.H. (Hpaclnl Jlnproaunl itlve) I'llulia Hil-W ... . J'X) -Ala Legal Notii'i'8 ' . , MtTU'K III.' IIIHKOI.I TIl.V - - - ,. A", J" ""' r" rlY n"M .,"rrU'' '''"''' "' "Ui b-en dluolved. (ireame paya all bill du from llaJ rirQ. tSigmiil) ('HAS. INNMAN 1 " MITICK. S!.-2a ' .. . .... llavltl aoltl th. A trmnttl Anln . . 'o niorne ii. liiKram on Jul)t , Bn f wnn ;,, ,or ,ny u,, ro,,,,., iiHreuiier. M. CAHIt'll. 1J-2C NttTlt'K. r,r' v" ".""her, of the huuiirii anil urgi'd lo apply for iiieuilii-rnhlp nu Sutiirilay, July il nj- m I r-sn 1 ... i. ... 01 a L O. O. P. hall In Morrill . Ori'sun. At the Pm time ami tilnie tna nerniaaaiit director will be i.."1 ... . ! i ne ny-Lii mint lie ruadopt ml The lnmr.i,. .,r n.. i fr Moiuain l.ako arising Asso- ciaunn. My AICIJST L. ANnillKN. .Morrill, Ore. J 3 1-91 , in n .MtTlt'K. .v TH ! THK FOH Mi'i: ix THK COI NTV COUIIT Os' STATU OK OltmJON. TIIK r (I II V T V ill.' .TXI111 All i iit. .ha iir.it iir i no or- ' Bliatlon of Ike Hliore Oardeus ' l)ranag District. . ' ..,,, !! ' X "r ''""'"'"-in jn uie m.imhimi fs Is """"'I ' Klemuth Falls. Ore. Shorn (iardfn Druluate Dislrlrt I tor tn.' purpose of electing i Hoard of three nupxrvlnora, wll I he held at tho Ciiunty Court ) lltiuie at Klnmath Falls. Ore gon, on the ih risy of August lS7 at !:00 P. St. C. 1L lcLAP. Ciuniv Clerk. Klamath County. Klamjtb Falls, Oregon Klamath Falls Business Directory I.OIX.K, I'ltXTKIINAI., MlTKK ni'iii n. . it. Meet Thursday I V Visiting m.mb come. II. I'. . l-I.KH r1ay evening muera wm- ... i ELKS) TEMPI. Irdvand Main OLIVKU. tiPlKEit, Kxalicd lltiler T. I). Mi-IIILLAN. oacrelary Vrntttrnal Cnlrr of ' LUgiliw f Of Meet Every Frl- s Vl faaaW ' day,' 7: 30 at I &ett'tt5aa Mo0M ,U1 .1 C. U. LOXO, Secretary Aerie 20t)0.i Phono 674 Labor Temple cu-ran of Korclun War Pelican Post liUUI Meet every second and fourth Wednesday evenings. 8 p. m. busement Ccjrt House, VWINK J. WALKER, Phone 1266-W Commander. LOYAL OUHKIt OF MIHMK .Meet every Thura- , day, 7:30 L. O. O. M. Moose Hall, Klam- ' ath Avo. GEO. OGLB. Die. . KUmittlk Lodge No. 77 A F. and A. M. Stated Communication Second and Fourth Monday Visiting' Brothers Welcome LOOUltf Ill'ILDJ.NO By Taylor Must Hold Election -To Name Successor (Continued From Pag 1) slon of congross which convenes In December. The fed oral constitution In ar t!cl.) 1, section 2, says thut "whim vacancies happen In tha 1 UtvTZ-fU 1 -"-' WaTI f rrnn vtilnllnn fnun nn. ulntc I 'Sll lUli liiti !. I 'mil tiiJ77? iirm the elucUim. "'' j I (Tkn'ili'iUh of Itorenniilutfvit,' Crumimckur cre.iiid ike firm v. lamy lit Orr(inM ".Hinr i.liiiiil delekiill. n lin e the ilti:ti of t'nlted HUlra rleniilur Harry l.ane, a dmiu.-r.i, luy 13, HIT. t'harle L. McNary, prcaenl nljr aenulnr, win npiiolntetl b, Uov.'ruor Wlthvcomhp,. tn auif reed him. dure befitr a vtt ! Klamath Falls Rusiness Directory vri'oiiviaM f. '. llltOWKH Aitiirncv nt-l.aw Rtnin nnd Kedeml Courts Alintmcls Essmlni'd Sii.l Wllllta lllilg. I'liono Oil Iteul Kstiil Law a Hiecliilty DI.LIOTT AMiiiii.y.nl-.'.aw ' Rullo 11 New Melhaae lllila Phone 611-J Olfb-e I'lumn litis Across slniH frniit Cuitrt Hunan M. O. WILKINS Lawyer 208 WCIIaina llulldlng Kli.mnlh Falls, Oretun Phone MHO bay or Night At 'TOMOIIII.K IIKALKIIX Repair Work. Rnttnry Hi-rrire, Tires N'aah. Ouklaml, Ponlisc, Packard IL IL It. ti Alt.WiK x.11 Klamath Next lo I'jaiiitrirn Plione 111 (loodyear Tires Fireproof storage Al lOMollll.K UltKH RHug In your worn lirrs-gct Miod mile more nl ! usual rusk ' ACK TIIIK KIIOP ' Guaranteed vulcanising; 115 So. 11th HI. Phone 813-J re-trvils At TO IIHPAIU Kmli.X's lletmlr Khop Ouaranleei Auln Itennirliia Cars called for and delivered Hotttn itn 8t. Phone 6U3 v HATTKHV HKItVHK Battery . rlorvlce. Maineto, Starter and Oenoratiir Itepalrln r'WVII IIKMtlOT to. 834 Main St. Phone 37-W nailery, Mngneto, (lennrntor onu romiUet Kloctrlcsl i ' , Service ': ' W. P. Johnson's AeTO - KLKCTKIC HKHVK'K ii nwiuath Phone, 149 ! rUIKo Remy JJelro ; Bosch AutoUie GKNFHAL MFPAIIl HCIII'IIFRT'H tlKVtltAL I ItKPAIH HKItVICK . . Carl Schubert, Jr. Repairs Caih lt..,.i.r. r... writer. Adding Machine. Safe and Lock and Guns. 520 laninath Ave. i (Betwee, 6th and Oth) IIKACTY PAKI.ORS Expert Operators, Individual uooths, violet ray, inurccll Ing, hair timing RONTON I1KAI TV HIIOP Glorrnna Warren Winters llhlg. phono 311 water, f renin i'n,.r i'.i.i racial and Hcnlo Tresimeni Itl.ll.DIVO MATKII1ALH SWAX laKK MOI LDIVO CO. wiiainy iiiiiidlpg Material Houth th St. Phone 7S9 1IATHH Flneet Mineral Water n Hie Wnriil IH'T NPRIXiH XATATOIIICM . now iirn fnun 7:00 A i i.i-i.i.. n. I " ,l "llllK III. Tub Rath Hwlmini,,. t.i. Hot and Cold Khowara Ftr lrlvula Parlies I'lumn I0IMV HprlliK anil Kilnnale IVIL KM.IM Iiits T. C. I.i::iiciii v CIVll KlRlnoer anil Knrvi.,.. 81 JIlHb Street C. f'. KKLLKY Consulting Civil Underwood Bldg. Phono 1078 will grrlse as lo the method of onncy occiirrwl by death In tho nominating candltlatu. This mayiOpgon aenalorshlp. bf law bo' done by party assem-l Th' "" Dnccniber 8,. 1 90S. b!y or by th.i petition of Individ-T'""1 J"l,n "' Mllch.,11, ropul). ual oloclors. Tho latter method i""' John M' rt' i . " . democrat, was apno nted bv iinv. I. non-partlsau. Nomination. Umor Chamberlain Z , LZl milde hv nurlv enm-i-nllnn n. 'hln. scmbly must lio filed Willi .thai socroturyof stnto not more thunf ti. V iU.iu, rep u b I 1 1 Wll, wknse term sa In In gin Mih'li 4, U?.l, and Oeorge A. La IHiw, whose term a.is lu b'gln Marrh 4, 1 H 7 a. Wll. ti was miriuiil. .l, by J nines W. Niiriiiltli, ileum, nut, alio serve.l from Murrlt 4, 1J7 J. 1 1 March 3. U75. La inw was surcee.lvil b' l.aful('i l.ana, Peaiocral, who s.rvei ' floiii Oi lohcr 111, 1870. lo MurcU -1. 17T. . ' ' ItKVTI.sT lilt. H. II. WSl;i AltXT.Il lilt. M. li. UHll PU Ib-nilsiry X-nAY l.sbora'nry I'tiilcrwoiid lllilu. Phone 145 tlcnernl Prsctlra of Dentistry int. Philip coi l: 618 Mnln Over Mite's Klora-Phnn Rs Open Kvcnlltgs by Atipotmmiint Dr. J. J. Emmem, Mniiroril. Ora. Practice lniiliecl to eye, ear, muui nnd Ibroul. Phmin 607 t HIIIOCH UTOIIH lilt. t.l.KS MIMMIK Pulimir (Iradiialn Chronic and Nervous IMsosan New Melhsan II I nek. 335 Mulll Phonn 137 Opiiiiaiie t'ourt llnuso CONVALFNCFNT HtlMK I OXVALIXI'LAT IIOMK 1 .1:1 Granite Hi., Asliuml, Ortv. Where lb all k' ami aged ara -a ml for In pleasant home etir niiimllnrs. Jl-At KMPLOVMKNT At.KVt V KI.AM ATH I MI'MlVMKNT i lll'FIIK Htiplorment for worker Ire every Irailn mills, railway and farms. James ll), Prop. Oth ami Mnln. Plmun 1.17 lKt HAM F. New VJrk I.lfo Inaursnre Co. P. K. ItritKF. Agant (35 Main St. I.AlMHtlKM SI PKIIIOIt At TO LAlMHtV llnale Gang Car Washed Called For and Imllrered Phone 37k LIVKNTIM'K Fre.h enwa on hand at all tlmea from on to carload KLAMATH IIAIItV CO'.V t:. Phones: Ranch t!F3:rte. 4 K Moch.iisi. Jr. Tesum Riatlon OhTlOI'ATIIH Hit. F. II. GOIHIAItll I. O. O. F. TEMPLE Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon . Office and Residence ' Phone 331 .MIHIC TKACIIF.lt A M Kit ICA X COXHK It V ATOH Y tr- .tiLNit; llsnd and Drflu.i Instrument Taught. Clause In Harrannv and Af..u. 3rd Floar Winter, ni.i. F1K-M1I.' Ml'SfC STUDIO MISS F. LA HMO V Teacher of Piano - 1313 Lookout Phone 760 March 12 PA I NTH. WALL- PAPKU Wall Paper, Paints, Enamels, ' Brushes K. IL OI.DH Acrnsa from Poatofflco Phone 4 3 Everything a Paint Store Keiiis Paints, Oils. Varnlshos, Dead ening Fell, Olaas. Hoofing. 'Wull-Pan.r PATTKIIMON'M PAINT MTOItE 026 So. 0th St. p,o B83.J HTKMMillAPHV MHH. L: II. nw i i.- Public Slcnugrapher notnry Public Snvlnirs and Loans Heal Ktata In...... ai Winn, in,,,,. ,.,,, u Kinds of l.giii f Jrn, TIMIIKH ( III IMKIU Timber Cruising, flecnnnnl anco and Appraisal H. II, 0(,l,-i lll .Main HI, phone 12(1.1. w . . Working from M. L. Johnson's office . Monday, July 25, 1927. First To Hie In Office, lluprejcnlnllvo Cruinpacker Is r r I ks UsVaaVbaaVawil