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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1927)
" 1 " j n nvm On yinr O,, vitni h - a. M M) 'me Miniih .... a Tine Montha 1 5 Nix Monthi .... . ... .14 One Year S.T4 & OH I Associated Press Leased Wire ' Member of Audit Bureau of Circuation Mm'ier nl Uie Amwlmnl I'resa I Tha Aiamlntfil rro in rii-umiveiy milled to mc um or rtpunnra lnn of all now dlsrmi-lir rn.lll.rn' o It op not otherwUe credited In tlil pler and "' 'I'0 nc w published, therein. All rlaht" of rciu,l'"l,"n l-ll dlniiirhin heroin are lo reserved. ' Monday, July 25, 1927. Buildings Will Wait Wc felt that. Governor Patterson would after the upocinl flection brinff thinjia tiown to earth, and he is doiiiK it. He has adopted the retrenchment policy by rnttinir off $1,170,000 from tno building program adopt ed by the legislnturc. He has In . modest, dignified j manner told the normal school people there will be no . new normal school buildings erected for at least two years, the same word went to the tuberculosis hospital boosters, and very nmoh the same edict was rssued to those who sought an office building in Salem. ' That is the real Ike. Patterson talking now. He is cutting the cloth to meet the purse and in doing so he is building himself up in the minds of the people in a way that cannot help be gratifying to himself and to his close supporters. It was amusing to hoar the ones who wanted these expenditures talk about the "will of the people," mean ing that the people voted these things and they should be built regard les .of lack of money. ' Those same advocates must bear in mind that the latest decision of the people was to cut expenses and; the last decision mus stand. .. , . rTjr The Evening Herald wishes to commend G6vtirnor Patterson for sticking his peg in the ground and stand ing by it on the retrenchment program. ... ,.,-x,, (( tlm ntia and. was then thrown down an embankment nor Minn & . Tho man niul tils xin, who were In tlio cur ri-atet with ullaht brule. Lo ral rtldi'til ho witnriMieii the ucrlilonl dmlmed Ilia mr tola: wreck. - V .. :1 r- 7 i Y't. I I r 1 t : i I I V J 'V r - r . i ,';s?v yif.iJ ; m 'k,i ,.hi.-Mi t. i';; ' . T '."aE " I h. 1t Hrrl. Mi.. Flrria h ... r:;vxis- 'v;r-, J -iii t uiU-Aliluu.l l.ili.i Uiu ;'"' i ii,t ln i.1, Inn niiKiAiim 1.1 Hi dny tiviUiinii, when an ldr!y in. in, hoH nm 'ni ut lurned Ull.'IIIIHi'd lo non, I'.nti tvlilili'ii hcliiR drUon In tliu d'f-liho ruhhliiK lum'thiT of H:llttii t Asiilnnd. Thu rnr iti. I pi,,,,,!, ,f Ilndiii'r, Mild WhoeliT III 11,11111 ItwwTKf Oliinirml Tlmlwr i . i. .. oiii-of-Mat peii who mil join- . ,,. ivii.un city. Klm- tit I ho rll mil. fciHlti- I'li'iirli'llv mad lilmlnv uhIko roointillim two lluv 4'iinilllliiii X Hi lumawl Th t'oudltloii of Mn. Iirrl KlliKenld reiniilm unrhniiKtfd. it'ordln to word reiolvi-d r Mr.-.fHwvraM Jtrom I'orllnnd. winTa hi '.'' Ik fonlinod A Kin- hH-om huii In ! Homo From iinnli- Mr. and Mm. Cinirno Itarlli rr- MTragedy . ..i,ni.. vr. r.,111.. IIT'TII WITH S V1lHOM 15 VlEIIUil ,...-. ' . ' . , . H'ir" Nil'. I."'" tootln" away und. l.n Monriar luuitniiu niinri-; puiuuu vivuiuk imiu ii drnodv, whir i' tlioy altt'iidi'd I he oiity ai ht tlahf'a tools Jual twiw.en np'lla or int'ir airuRgio lor Iho home run uin mai-v cf the Ainerlian Leaisue, and. Inridoiitillly. tlie world The Uai waa ahead when this photograph waa taken and that's ohy he U playini: no cliefully on tho new Slven him i... u..,.i uiMinmun tnnicm onlieatra leader. And I'olmnhia liu ia laushim ill he perbupa because In' intend I rcaklni the , l. .,..... lti! KMf.alll! I iwwi - ' " I .. . miii iiuik. t'ouway, lender of the parly. In ten inlnulea two Im liea of hall I fell. Alpenatocka und pit ka aave out aparka. Well Known Local Couple are Wedded alb iiunty, lit rentiulil tua alter Iff of Klniualli enuaty from of fering Ilia holding of the rotn puny at aheiifl'a aale. and to K, lllll llulilur, holder t ulra iiiiilra.'l ami moriguitea BKiilinl th ronipany, to glva a romplcta aeroiiiitlng of llietn to the tninleo waa ilenl.'d today l y rVdernl JinU Mian. JiiiIkk Dean mini Unit lliin tnr. ii n J the Lumberman' Truat iiimpaiiy, niiiiied 111 I ha all" n defeinlanl. were riionhll per aon and that he -could aen no ... ...nii.u m.IiI.i ilm alter. waa ma 1" Ufa aule, aa It would only ei" lieu the to tie up the mill mid reaiilt In Ann 'uniemi'itl of Ibn marrl ait of Jerome Henry to lleuluh In Minna I'liy, ('alitor lila, nu tin Hi 1.1 ii y kuowu here today young couple returned lioin the fuillier conipllrallnii. aotithern rtiy. The lirlile la the dailiibier of Mr. nd Mr. W. T. .Couiptun ot Pacific Terrace und la one nf tlie attractive fining women lllif.VK It Hit. I It noil Mia, l.d ami aAMV li)'iy'l t4MtMli)y i 0"lll Wiloil - " - GLASSES FfM riniiwd. Fnici and ihj Ciliwt liinaod in out on lailory la mil )k' irJiiiJit'l ttii '". ' Broken lent Kaplatod . DR. COBLE'S JO MAIN aTNtlT I.V.HII , P'' J"l' III'llKNK, tire,, July Ti. t AI I Kuxctilaii li'reullied tunny a aliih' Klamath Kalla. Kor the patinr relief today a I ho weulber two year alio Ijii been employ- ( mrued out cooler thun tha rec ord hrrnklng pnt few day. WUlt it ftu degree minimum Krlduy und Salurdiiy and l degree e- ed at The We.nern I'nlon and baa uiaitn many fi'leiuN. Mr. llenry la the aon of Mr. Minnie Homy of till cU..uml t rmployeil at Tlio Ulg I.uIiim Lumber t.'ompau CRKKOTS , and hla untluiely death la a great Iloaa to the alate and to th country. LOSS IS FELT! , Lightning Storm Hits m Deschutes ORTI.AND. Ore.. July 23. Ml (An Tie leschuto uationul for fOilTt-AXn, Ore.. July 23, (A. eat In central Oregon wa uuder- Following are communis of! stood to have hnd a llgbtnlnit men In public life on the tragic i gtorni. but the lo nl foroat r- 4aath yeaterday pf Representative ; vc offica has had no report oil tor a few day. Crumparker: . T . fires. Two fire on private atalo coiivcnllon of the Amer lean I. eg Ion and the Auxiliary Mr lliirlh riwimiMl lild nr.Mlll.o; the K. Sugiiriuan atore tills 'Wireless Apparatus I nt Thnroiiah Test lUiliy Itauuht Mr. and Mra. W. It. I.lndwy of Norlh Konrlti atret.t are Ix'lug roneraiulnted upon iho nr rivul of a huliy daaiititer. b.iro iIiIh morning nl the Klanuilii Valley hospital. At (itM'ller ltt-lili-nce Ur. Itertha i Sawyer, laler nf Mr, J. Fred Oneller, l vlaltlng here from her home In Aaliland i tloyernor Patterson f hm keen- t Lev grieved by 'tUo tragic death j hear C-chrane broko through the. .: Jlrt Spt. lWpreaentatii" M. K. Croiu- . line Saturday but wer under j at the liacker. He waa' an able and do- control agalu Sunday, land i From .blaml Carl Henry la reglateped hotel Halt thia-afternoon nccordlnic from .tabland. , voted publit aervant and a f :ne to C. C. B.-ott, aecretary of man. Tn' his brief experience in J Northwestern Oregon Hr rat- CongressmanMaurice E. Crumpacker, representative in the congress of the United States. Oregon's first dis trict, committed suicide yesterday by jumping into San Francisco Bay. , Thus, the news item carried the story. It is a story that shocked every citizen of this state for Crumpacker was one ot the coming statesmen. He was aDie ana sin cere, fearless 'ant) tactful just the kind of a man to mingle with easterners and accomplish much for this commonwealth. ' '-.;.' - ' He was a young man in life's -prime,', had a fine fam ily, came from a strain of blood tt has recognized its men in national affairs for two generations, and seem ingly had everything that a man could desire. Of course he was temporarily demented from poison which San Francisco newspapers say afflicted him the day previous. But the manner of his death is not so important as the fact that he is dead and a fine career in public life has infissa ixi. ;;.ii , j ... . f ' .' ' t . rr U When If ls Hot'Heiv the hoaae of representatives he had made a place for ' himself which the state of Oregon will find It difficult to fill. Hi death in the prime of a useful life means a sreat loan to his many personal friends and to the state for which he rendered such loyal service. Senator McNary Representa tive Crumpacker was energetic, aggressive, capible, and his loss to the xta.!e of Oregon seem al most reparable at this timo. He was of be trpe in mind and per-. sonallty ' that rises quiikly In public life, and bad he lived he nf tho least influential members doubtless would bare been one of congress, and would hare done great g fr his district and hi itat.- '. . ' 'Represent Mive W". C. Hawley-w-Coagressman , a!'rumpacker evi denced 'a natural aptitude for the jjjpmUlir (.-rTtce. and til closed ah- li:. oi a hiko uauvr. no s well fTBCCirea by 'tbe members of the bpuse and officials at Waskrngtonxrnoratlyi because of hjs'. industry, his well informed ro! Associations. Showers over spotted areas and mist along the coast this morning were expect ed to bring relief. MOSCOW. July 25. t(..P) Films made In Russia are to be shown in the t'nited Statea, the official sorlct newspaper la informed. M Ivecver Krun, (lilloquln J. ilcKeever of Chilo.iuln Is transacting bnslnes In the city this afternoon. HOLLYWOOD. July SS. K,P0 Con-nance Talmudge Is on thi j way In Kurope "for a goo I time." "If I find time enough," she remarked. "I may get a div orce too." SirTII.MI'TON July 5. (,TI Tile reuiljuated wireless ap paratus In Captain F. T. Ciurt nev'a fl lug boat "Whale" In wbleh the llriiu.ii aviator plana to fly to .New York, got Ha that real lest IJduy when he look the plana up from Calahot. Cap tain Courtney aoitndcd the various calls and aucceedid In communi cating easily Willi tha N'tlnm I Me of Wight) wireless atutluu und Calahot. U Is alatvil Hint there as n;th. ing now remaining to delay the flight a soon a the wvaihnr, ro. port are propitious. t . tordnt. the mercury lodiiy f.ille,r to get much above thn KU denreo mark. A cool br.-ejo wan hlnw-j lug to help tiniltera ulong. , Standard Dyeri i . and Cleaner t Odorleu Cleaning One-Day Servic Expert Dyeing -J409 Esplanade St Phono 825 When it is rehlly hot in Klamath Falls pity the other mind: his sensible judgment and U Hell Ik 1 ICfllJ ""v .hlrh h. n,l.nrfn sections of the country. It was hot nere tor serai days really hot. ; But think of Portland with its 101 in the shade and air the humidity of that sunken garden to contend with. Think of Walla Walla with its 105 de grees and Roseburg with almost as high a temperature. You can always safely bet if you are suffering with heat in Klamath that there are many places that are al most suffocated. And another nice thing here, the heat lasts but a very short time. So, again, count your blessings. . Portland Is Host This week Portland is host to the buyers of' 'the northwest It is a "fine thing to iavite those who trade u,;n, vn.i nnr! tret better acquainted. That is what Port land is doing. ; The idea was originated Ey Nathanj Cl.m.oo ortnrt gffn 5111(1 it has lived and grown. Mr. Strauss! is one of the leading business men of the state and he has shown his business ability in starting buyers ween for it has been copied by many other cities. One thing is 'noticeable when hayir.g time comes along in Klamath Basin. It is this: Bill Daiton finds some excuse to, be. away from home and Linley. Size more, a big rancher of the Fort Klamath country, im mediately grabs a cane and begins talking about rheu matism. These fellows who have been here a long. time know when it is time not to work. At last Washington University has a head. In place of Suzzalo, who was removed by Governor Hartley, M.'Lyle Spencer has been appointed. As a neighboring state, we trust their quarrel is over and that the uni versity will not 'suffer longer because of factional mat ters. ' ' i A ; the care with which he attended to his duties. I think he was scheduled, for a brllliiant career Do Your Feet Hurt? I Have you weak or flat feet? Have you corns, cal j louses, in-growing nails, warts or bunions? j DR. J. M. ING ALLS 4 -:i '') Foot Specialist, Registered, Chiropodist. 1.5 i3 -v. At the iw BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE ) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,' - July 25-26-27 FREE EXAMINATIONS ARCH SUPPORTS All kinds of GLASS- Sash and Doors Screens Window Frames Come and see us GLASS HOUSE 215 No. 11th Phone 477-W ' Over at Medford house breakers steal everything, down to a set of false teeth. Not much culture among that kind of robbers. . jj A . Oat Our Way BO00N ? W!tLl., Jo&T "TAKE. IA-. iKi AM SvOW ME WUnntili-lER AT AW v.'OJ VNOMT" HAFF r WAtT 50 LOMGr. w3 XStf , ' tC U I FT Off. ; I - A X V r 17 1 4 vmKkA - . i.r,,,., w; . - . . I 1 1 - ,1(1 ;Vl Wis. 1 I I 'mM . AY ''':iv:'. I J A Cool Place to pat Wo nru taxdaliiiii. on 3 Special Dinners 1 .k us nlmut them. CLUB CAFR" 431 Main St. CLEANING PRESSING Work called for and delivered. Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works PliMm 40H. JZct electricity pack your ice-box zvith dry sivect, chilled air I ev ' ' .v ' ............. ' ' The hot days arc hcrtS dcliglit Tully healthful 'days so long as you can keep fit I But for perfect health, be care ful of your foods! .Try'this: Tlacc a bottle of milk in a neighbor's electric refrigerator; or let your dealer ' make tills 'es,t for you. Leave it there a week or ten days. Then examine it it's still meet! .,. Clean, hygienic, sanitary electric re , . irpcration will soon be in every modern home.. Your dealer Will show you an 'easy' and economical way to have it nsu on attractive installment payments if you prefer. ' , . . ' ' ' i ' i THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY , OJpem . Medford, Orrgon Rotcburg, Orrgon Crantl Pju, Orrgon Klamadi FalU, Orrgon Yrcla, California Durumuir, California IKIKI'AKINIJIA ' t 4 '( r - - '' 1 ' j in rKooiuus ' V. dJTCW.IA ORtr.ON I Pfll". ia CDMPAWV I ml ri. IV.'lJ !.V1IW, Sunny, jilcasant rooms, ncpeiulable nursiiijj care. A gwvl place to convalesce in illness and after surgical operations. KLAMATH VALLEY HOSPITAL 1'IXU AT im'HTII HTRF.KT, KI.AMATII i'.M.I.S, OltKdO.N Corner Fourth and Pine , Telephone 497 y.,'v,'7v, ..y h, fr ' . . 1 t '.'.I ....'.rtrtVa " .1 l'lM' 4 ii;.l7.vjiibM, Oivrr rr nut -I : )l PAGE FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i T. H. MAI.ARKKT .. W, H. PKKKIN8. K.VH, KNMLlrlH Kdllor Advertising Mananor HuBlneis Manager Knlrrcd an neotmrt rlaw maltrr at the pantntfke at Klamath Full". trm. t?n Augimt "". IBf. unilir it ot Congremi March 3. 1879 No Blues for This Duo "V. 1 r BRIEF NEWS kLAATH Wreck ht rll(tliwnr - j i ..-I, f,.-.l... - ( I Hailstorm Strikes ; Mountain Climbers j roitTLAM). July 25. Hf) ,i llivllittnaa an llB w gouaflier .'Jrlpit fnil' 1illnif rli-clrlcMy . at llackcn rllinhrni on Mmint Hood jMteKlny arihrt infnmlt,' fnrfltii Ihpm tn jihrlnr nf ihe ratigir L OGAL HI 0 Monday, July 25, 1927." 1 fl I'OHTI.ANI), (ire.s July 25.. Alex La Follett Reported Dying BAbHM, Jly m ((yr.,)Ali'X M.j Liv',ollilt. furifiar uiinnbi'r of llif 'kI'IIIii iiahnto, ' Wan lepnrtuil Arlnk nt tliu' tiomu hnra nt .l:S0 o'r-laeh-hM -tirnooir- lis liuit l)cn III aovurHl wewka, I.