University Library Cotnn Eugene, Ore yon Fi-Ma. .Tnlv 22, 1027. ... . . 1 . ' 1. 1- in . i TUB' EVENING HEUATJ). KLAMATH FA TJS,-OREGON NEWS NOTES WWW I.AKKVIKW, Oregon, July ii .- -Mr. still Mm. V, Zlni liuHUlii aru ru)nylnir a varatlon In the farm of fcn auto tour Ihruiiith aoiithcrn Ore gon nihl California, Mop ulna; ill 'IIiiii!, Kluiiiiilli Kill Ik, Al turn, Kiimiuvlllu, Wcnlwoinl, Itmio Mini l.o ku Ttiu. Tlu'y kMi'IiiIkiI the Unification of Hi hliihwuy hrlilK" over Crooked Klvrr lait Kit-Jay John Horn, attorney for I tin Weal em Wlillo Ceilur roiiipaii. Iiui been III l.akcvlow looking over aoiue llm lier triiuMl(lu(iH ii an nhjcrl of Invent mi'iit for hia roiiipmy. Com 1 1 ni l Ion In Ih Uik mailed mi four uiuilvrn' collages IiIiIi lll prnvdln ailillilonal tuiirlat aivom inoiliillon ul llnnlurii Hot KprliiKa. The plan lu liiili'n kllrlieiicile. halli. in ul n room utul guruite for each collage. The Mirry Maika of tho I'nlvor ally of Oregon gave a dunce In the Km Imll al Lakuvlcw on r'rlilay night which was uiiiUcailonnlily n miirwui. They iiluyi'U nt rulrport Inn, Kalrport. California, on Kntnr luy night ami drew large annul ence; unit on Htinriar evening gave dance nl "hlttle Ifullywooil", which l a now pavilion on the canyon hlfchwny u.wi-n Atinra mill (Ydarvlllo. They have lift ib wIliU of Lake roiinly for Aihl.imt anil M-ilford I'm I will return for another Jolt at I. title MmUj t.iHiml luxt Humlny. I'll Alii' K, Ciucho-.loviikla. Jul. il. (AIM A hllhi-rlo unknown letter of Krlnilrli-h von 8ih!ll"r nu fonnil at I bo town of Au-u ly the rellcgo 1 Mueller. The Ictt.'r, not ila' mI. In aildrcainl to Amallo jn Inihoff. a nlee of Kni i YOn SIKln. whvin eplu poem "'The tilatvr of Luibii," tiirludril In Hrhllk'r'a Almanac of t' Muaca In 1 81)0. fl t aftumed I hit It w written- daring th ,lt jrnf of the great Herman anihor'a' Ill's. Oh! Buddy! How Thingfj'vc Changed ! in Paris! . f J" 15 i mmr t i4, iil J'- 4 ft We Are More Than Glad , ' ' to serve our cus tomers with the satis faction of knowing that we arc giving you honest, reliable groceries at the lowest prices. You will al ways find our store "chuck full of the best foods obtainable, - i with the best delivery in the city. We serve with ' a service that! is satisfying, and credit you with pleasure. Why pay cash when so convenient td use our phone? Last call on Logan berries We are tak ing." orders' for next MbhdayVdelivery 24 cup1 crates. ;Gi"ve us your orders a5 once.: ; '', ' "Satisfaction or money back" j The Sunset Grocery Phone 200 .m ' . Illivlt iNiitrr Unli'al of A II) MhnMl K.iunit-ra Vol M. I. , INKA Hi-rrlro 'orri-iionilont I I'AlilH. )n h an bp III I'aria whli h w;ll ilcliKlit Ami-riran l.o- alonnulrca win. worn famllUr wub tha rlly durlnc tlm ilaya of r will bo fnu ml In ihv Ku,, galnt Atiuo Thla nurrw ntroi't. anKllnn off I ho Avinui! du I'Qpvra. la now pli-aaant to know, with Ha i-n .-ll.-nt lltilv tvataurnnia anil rurlonliy alorra. It u not alwaya thua. In (he Hun Hi ilnt Ann tKo lioti-l of I lie ani naiiio won, ilnrlnn thn war, llir dlmlplliinry hf :t.. no rl or of Iho Anirilraii army for tli I'aria illa irlrt. IKt offlrura anil rni-n on li'uvu or on bualiiraa llirouah Parli aim- to ri'lorl. In and out. If tliolr UaiK-r 'r iiut rlrlit, or limy trait utrtraliirril loavra, (roulilo wna In atnrfl, i Many a aoMIrr waa racrted Into I ho tlolrl Halm Anno In Iboae daya ami ln.vr-r not hack to Ilia outfit. Hut all that haa clmiiicd. Those Anna will ho aliln to visit It now jwho on tromhlrd In tint Hup Hiilut wltli a amlle. Tho hotol bullillm:. roniolrtoly ri'iioratoil ami with all triuo of iIioik- illarlpllnary offlroa rr 1 luuvril, H now a fuablolinlilo ho trlry. A nicok portor, Inatoad of a , arini M ., HtuniU at the porlnl to wi'loome Anirrlrnn vlnltora. HOflKTV MtllVKI.H AT Itr.ltl'T.t.M'l-M' K X K It U V t.ONIMlM, (A. P.) llrtli.h Hoc loly la inaryi'llnx at the ainuilnic onerry of the younror minbra of Iho faahlonulile 't. di'liutuiiti-a of the I ran t two yaara. Tin y diiiiiii from . 1 1 0M01 k 01 nliiht null) 4 or G Ihe m xl mornliiK, atonpliiK only fur auppor. Home of them' atny In bed till nearly in Id luy, tlioiiirli many pareula lualut on tholr il.iuahti-ra Ki'tfliiic up at oVIock. I.urk of ali'ip doia noi '(rm to nffoi-l Ihulr vltiillty. Tin-) lire ruroly III. Niarly all of 111 cm knup dlarU-a. Whi'ii thoy rl for the day llifir laik la to rerord the ionraatloiii of the proyloua nlalit. Aflor In orh. r.m Ihoy Inert at Iho i-llK'iiian. Thl ori-uplra thoin till It la time foi oflitruoon toa. Tou la nuwaduyri a vory minor affair, almo thrro l no lam-lnK. After toa romoa a telephone por iod, w in n the younic alrla tnll one itnothiT up and muko arranxomviiu for diiiiiiujr purtlea. Tlmy rail for one another In autoa and no to dlnnrr, followrd by a drive, nr IhoutiT, bi-foro (oliiic on to the damn. - l.o'n of mm who attend the ruro cun't win t-ven a little aymputhy. iiikmu;iu;h i-iiti iik j; ;M;;;;M;M;Me II Kit MX, AI')l'realilent llln denburi'a picture will aooij be on nillllona of poatuxe atainpa. Ila wll Y ? X be (ha flrat (jerman lima to bo hon ored during hla llfutlme. Kven Wlll- In in II waa not doplcttd in olmo 1 at a in p. t The Hindi nburg atumpa are lo,'. apooar lu ouni llon with I lie !-', tUltlea plann-il for the cHi-lira- tlcn of the noldlor-pri-aMriH a emlit loth blribiluv, (ntcljor 1. rimy wl.l he l.ud In domonun t.' ina i . o anil 10 pfunnltca. !u' will lih ...1.1 -1 flfiill.lo I ka faPM vuluc Iho dlflnronre to le turned ofor loi j tburltable purpuata. s ! Thua far the only portrait on' Herman alumpj have been lhe " f j .. Ilolnrlr-h von ritephan, (li-rnuiny'a X flint pOhtrnjutor-ronBrnl. who n t iraanlzi-d the world poalnl'y V X t 1ST union, and polltlial and cultural I'-udora of the nlxtoonih and erven loiintli ccuturlva (ioetbii, Kthlllcr. Krcdorlik the (ireat, Kant, thovin, Ij.lnit, U-lbnlli, liucb and Durer. f Said an Irian phyat-lan of a pa tient: "If fie Uvea till novrnlne; he uiuy pull lliouab; but If he doeau't Ib.iro la noj.'iopt for lilm." '' UlST MAt;.lt. K.l,l. NIAdAltA FALLS, Out.. July 12. (A.l'.)-A native of this city, whllo elniidliic on a hlllldo ovor- h..lil,ia Vliii'nrn L-..IU I wbi'n two waa BtnrtloJ n two youiiK mi'tl naked: "Hut where N Nliigara Kalla?" "Klcht li'iere," aalil tho nutlve, polntlnit. "Well," exrlnlnieil one of the '.mhiuk men, doiibtfiilly, "that's the American Kail -mid f hut's the llurewho Kail, hill whero, U M axara Full?" 0 SATURDAY SPECIALS PHONE 83 Order our "Health Bread" for there is no other like it California Fruit Cookies Mocha Cakes Nut Devil Food Cakes Home Grown Vegetables are the best we have ever had. All bunch vegetables 5c Fresh fruits of all varieties in season " Buy your canning fruit now. FALLS Groceiy and Bakery 6th and Main ; r - Phone 83 39 GAUZETS TIIK l'i:ill'K'T HAMTAIIY X.VI'KIN Daintiness, Poise Self Confidence Theae are now' pna alhlo ovury day, even un der tho mum trvlnn 1011 Ultlona. , (luuzotd ure rfiadn of lilchly Hbaorbent rellii loe HaHiie uud nntlncp ttc Eituze. . They are cuperlully an perlor hoiiuiao of tho protective uiulor layer. JfST ASK Itlll t.Al .UTS , 49 c lto of Olio Doxen Star Drug Store ' 2 ffCvvaiL JVre 75c 35c A "Red Hot Owl Special For July! . "Owl" Theatrical; Cream, 1-pound Boudoir size Kleenex (cold cream remover) BOTH FOR 79c can Owl Peroxide, U. S. I". strength, full pint 25c Owl Amcroil, white mineral oil, full pint .....50c Evoryready Flashlight, 2-cell, complete with Jbattery $1.00 Ticnic Luncheon Seta (for six people) 25c Wax Puper (in rolls or hhecl-s) ...10c Lang'ri Everyday Chocolates, full pound ! 39c Owl Calamine Lotion, for sunburn 35c FLY-DI the double strength insecticide y., pint 50c 1 "pint.. ..75c POHT LAND AMD alATWI H NUM. Oaf CON SPRAY PUMPS 25c 50c 75c Wo hear many complimentary remarks about the quality of our Kodak finishing. Let ua finish your next roll of films. 1 V y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y- Y Y v Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y x Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y t Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t t Y Y 'V- t Y Y !? !? ? ! ! It X Y Last. Day i. M j 100,000 Extra Votes 1 On '$20 Clubs of t 1'lew jubscnptions Subscript may be maUed Only a few hours more to profit in the great est voting period of The Klamath News and The Evening Herald's $6,000 prize campaign a rare opportunity to gain the votes that will win a fine new motor car within a few weeks! All new $20 of new subscriptions must be turned in by 9 o'clock Saturday night, July 23. For each $20 club 100,000 extra votes will be given, as well as regular votes. ions To give out-of-town candidates the sante ' length of time to work on the speciaVof f eri re mittances to apply on the ' extra votexbf f er may be. mailed and these will be eligible for extra votes,1 providing,' the postmark on the letter shows it was mailed not later than 9 p. m. July 23. : GREATESTOTOFFER Never again will such a liberal vote' offer be made during the remainder of the campaign. The News and Herald's mammoth prize offer does not end until August 27, but now is the best time to get the winning votes. ' Is your name entered in the list of candi dates? You can enter now and get 12,000 free votes as a nomination credit Later this nomina tion credit will be good for only 2,000 free votes. 1 If you turn in your first subscription nowyou will get 20,000 votes in addition to the' regular votes. Later' the first subscription credit of 20,000 free votes will be withdrawn entirely. Don't hesitate another day! Fill out the nomina tion blank there is plenty of time in which to win! NOMINATION BLANK Good for 2000 Votes Please rntcr: Name Aa a Caniliiliite In The Klnmnth Kails News and Herald Aulouiobilo and Irixo Campaign Street and No Town or Cltjr Signed .-..Illst. No.. Address 10,000 Extra Votes If yon enter during flrat six weeks of the mmpalirn. Only one nomination blank credited to each randiate. Voa can enter yourself or nominate any other person. FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Good for 20,000 Extra Votes During first six weeks of campaign only Return this coupon to tile Campaign Man.. iter, The Klam ath Kalla News and Herald, with your first aulwcription pay. mrnt, cither old or new, of three months or longer, and yon will receive UO.tMMt role in aililillon In the vote allowed on Iho regular vole schedule, providing you ait during tho first six weeks of the campaign. Name of Subscriber..... Address - ....... ..J.. Candidate's Name District No Amount One. .!...! (old or new) :-... This coupon, accompanied by the nomination blank' and jronr first aubarrlpllon, will slnis "you during tho flrxi aix weeks of tho rnmpnlKn with 2,000 votes I'l.l'H the regular votes on the subscription, as shown in schedule. Only ons of three blanks will bo credited to each candidate. These two cou pons good for 32,000 votes for a short time only -in The News and Herald's great $6,000 prize cam paign.'' Later on nomination' credit will be reduced to 2,000 votes and first subscription coupon' will be withdrawn en tirely. T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 7 Y I aSSaV Y J Y" Y Y Y t Y t Y Y Y T T t f Y Y Y Y Y Y ' Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y v f Y Y Y Y Y Y ? . w fiA . aj-A A aa, aavAavjVjaw-aaaavavasJaaAsjavjAt .W Aja Aa. .At Aa. Aa. .sa.aVAav aAA Klnmntii Kftlla, 0r. .