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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1927)
1A0E TWO NEWS NOTES THE EVENTNft HERAT!), KLAMATH FALLS, OKEflON OF III i aret Harrington who have been Bit n m tm' mime 01 meir auut, Jim. Ktia Sroxclna fur several oA exped to leave for their lumo In : Hacrannnto Ihls eek. E. L. Fanner of ib r .ItU'iais- il movln hU famllv into i i T"" j former. occup.ed by Letter Turti- (Hmm-U1 t tho llcrHltl) bantu. Mr. Tumbjh will ltv on MERRILL, July 12. Mini HVlvn ' 11,11 homoivd ana drive bak au.l Atvlhtanti 4a atuin.lln a. j. f.ifit. tA - .V I - - - huiii i Mr iu ! s; Vil 11. ...I . t. . ... t Four Die in Ncy York Train Tragedy Mrs. O. YV. Officii suenl .,,.. time In Klamath Fail. Saturday af- iii uuun. NMIand. tho curat of Mlsa Anna nurnett. Mtaa Thlru Amlerimn ated uuon for amnenrilclii. t.i.l"A Picnic liartv tj nen,i it,. ,.... Klamalb Valley hospital on SviQr-1 't-ai( river near llonansa Sunday clajy moraine. Her mother. Mr. U. , r''! Mr.' and Mrs. V. P. Jinnette. J!. Anderson U remaining tn Klam-1 Krl n,s Fay ' Jlnnette. KatherHe a rails to as to bo near her tr. aud .Mrs. H. l Tolle daurhter. Mrs. W. C. Bailor and Mrs. J. A. Jfcrwey were shopping in Klamaut Falls on Saturday. According to word received bv Merrill Mends. Miss Caroline Vaer lrt. and Miss Florence McClay, for mer teachers in Merrill, are spending- tho summer in Honolulu. Miss Gladys Anderson accompanied them a faT as San Francisco and will spend the" summer in the bay clhy. Friday afternoon Miss Edna Mor rltt entertained a few friends at Jier apartment In the Lee Brown home. Bridge was the diversion v; " mmmmmmmm , , I aaMHaa sj " " v -'.' . . '' t 1, U ' . , . ' " ..l '. . , . ! ' i :. :;.,;tti ' A ;, Q (API A wjodun slocWvird, wlih t) 'irw blot khoiis and fdi' tulilua. now murks tliu sll.i lirro wlimi (iourgu Kuiinia I'lurk pluiiii'd liU ioiiiuimI of the north!'. I. The ropllia of the oi l fort, wn4 tl of the afternoon. The host serr-1 Grande this week. Mr, Parker also , HL mo ciose oi inepenr a weea in san Fran.-leco, a f t P rn n f. iia.i. . . i in.. . . . . Oertrude and May Tolle. Mr. und' Mra."paul I). Leis. Alden. I nd.U.'d Lewia. A basket dlnnor was serrod at ujou. J. W. Scoxglns. scent marter of the MiTrill troop, left Monday morn ing for the, scout camp at the Lake o' the Woods. The following acouts re going rrom .Merrill for te first fra t - KIOVll and Hnmr nlAr. I In. i - . . .... ...-nr ii'r .iiiMiniaiii. aiiii'd it nr anil lllltiriul mere innn -oo. ko Kaus. Walter ' prchemlre Tlew of th r,vl.r., ,1,1. .k...i... .i.- " r . .. . 1 ' Thorn.. Wendell Mo-re. rear car of the ! . '. . , ' "'"7 ! .T ."L. ."" .,,ruw ",,r",, '" kins ' and Jim McXuit. I - . "Clifton Parker h.. h. K..An .1.1. I ' , fafhtr. H O. Parknr pects to return to his home In L sh of a New York. Ontario, nnd Western exiress Into the rear of a second train standing on a ald a lolnl. near Hear Mountain, killed fi ur and Injured mere than a acre of pnaaenxera. A com new of the wreckace. ihl ihnwin. ih. i..r..M...n.. t....... 1 . ... aftemoon. Guests were: Mrs. Lec Brown. Misses Ellen McVeigh. Es ther Moore. Gertrude and May Tolle. Fay Jinuette, Ora Offleld and the hostess. - Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor. Mary and Arlene Taylor left Friday af ternoon for Salt Lake City, Utah, to Tlslt their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ander son. Mrs. Anderson was formerally Mlas Bee Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Tay lor and family are making tho trip by way of Idaho. Mrs. "Wayne McCclIoagh. who has ueen roe nouse guest of Miss Mary Miss Gertrude Tolle whs ha t.wr returned', Ironi a three years stay in China ss teacher in ti:a Canton Christian college, will gtre a talk at the Presbyterian church Sun- day.aTening. 1 pev. and Mrs. E. L. Moore aud sons Samuel and Allen left Mon day morning for Portland and Eugene:- They made the trip by way of Bead, and McK nile pass. Mr. Moor, will attend synod" in Eugene and Mrs. Moore and sons will spend some time in Portland Thee will be gane about two weeks. rMs. Burr Wes:brook. who ha er.panlsn War Veterans, are at- KIlH tllKWKIW KPHK.tlt .virus has b..en found trem.,i r.. I 1IKL'UI V Hiktilii.t i,, , -.. ..... . 1, w nitnnt to drliig, living In dry to- tending the convention In Klamath Falls this week Mrs. Parker spent Monday In Klamath Falls. Pioneer Memorial asiio'latltin. almi Is th slato's Inli'il juirk, Among the slriii'lurvs lu ha 1( solo pljl Is t'i talilo In wlihh Thymus l.ln eeiu h lii Naiw Hunks, pureilla nf Aliialimii Lincoln, wsra niarrlvd. It was inoveil from Washington coilll- ly. Ky , t Hie jurk w,n ronntrucled by the Kentil. ( Tourist. vlsltl.S Ih. atoi ksde , ... ... . . ... 1 . . ,.. ... .1.1 ui..i.. i tint stuy In tliu cabins . 11 1 j( lit If Ihey desire, Gxd ricf my dcarl Thrrrt no cram here Tins party's up a tree! Siiy.bc your ac Alpine's the rar Its ArffcTall.igrccl barco as long as 3 1 y?ars, Tens shoel the disease rarely - " ...A.j pun tes.urouK. wno OSS Taylor, tas returned to her home 'been sn,.n,li,, . 1,. u-i .k In The Dalles. Mrs. McCollough I Falls returned to her home in Mer- - - - " " v . kjuui mates at Monmouth. Considerable work is being djue t the high school cafeteria. A new floor Is being laid and the walls are being treated to make them waterproof. There has been . creat deal of dampness caused by tho Irrigation water, nutln. thu plaster to become saturate.) . with - s.a iu IU OslU water. The plumbing Is also n-lor ik. ....1.. ,i..n . ,1.1. 11 .1. .. . ' I.KXINGTO.V. K.v.. July 21. (A.I ,., - ... . , P.. Workers who chew tobacco : '"o'! n tll.ea.e .rarely Installation of. officers for tie'-Mi.. 1 j 11- a 1 1 .. 1 "'' wwuiiik ohu 11 auniiKuiiiiK io-; u. ..-,i.iu 11. iimni uvus sjwea uext six months was held ..r thejbac-o m. spread tho disease and then not touched by man. Merrlil R.'bekah lodge at their reg- known as mosaic or dry weather wliereas when handled In the ordl ulur meetlgn Monday evening . f-en. hlnt. investigations" by Ir. W. nary manner by men chewing ln Mrs V a n-,,l 1 . ., Valleau and E. M. Jolinson. 'd tobacco the trenching spread ine n M- dt"u,y "'-.! p.ant p,ithIogi.t. at th. Kentucky ! r.pld'f. trlct president. aclln a. i,,.ini... . , I ' aar.cuiiuiai experiment aiation. re nffl.'er Tho r..ll...i.. ..... . , . Hv tjiii.ers wero.veai ....,iiu: .-. v,.. .v.vrue tfcasle; se.--retary, Lorena Frasier; treasurer, Maud Fans; fomluctor. . I net Cox. warden. Arlene Brown, chaplain. Pearl Moore; R. s. N. G.. Winnie Offieid: L. S. X. U.. Millie Kink.?-' O. O.. Hoso Bowman: n r. i. J , Anderson. Following Installation ice cream ani cake were serrvd.. i Word has' been received In Mr. I rill tf the marriage of Miss Muriel .Mcnuia and Joseph McKay In Port land. Juiy . Mias Nichols form-r-alKr taught in the Merrill high school. . Mr. und Mrs. Bert Griffith of iA:turaa visited whh Mr. and Mrs. Shoultl the rhewlnr ' tnhirrn hn Infested th dlseaso Is spread eaa , MKMOItlAI. KflltT MAItkS ( LtUK'S MKAIMjl IUIIiS inieMieq id' oiseaso is apreau eas- 1 7 lly. the pathologists point out. The I II AUItODSlU lta'. Ky.. July 11 ' 1 T Keep it always on liana1 there's cream in every drop GOOD in an emergency anj gixij all tlie time." Alpine, the milk with cream ' m ctcry drofi. Its f teh llivor aJJs new Jclicunts nesa to ccmkittK, nuke the bnest cup ot eclfee tattc better still. ' Costs less than ordinary milk so rich it aas butter in cooking- Keeps pure and tweet indefinitely in its'steriuard airtight container. Get Alpine today. I ' ' . reiving attention at this lima !.,.. Ui.g win be-In first' class shape for the opening of school. A crowd making a trip to Medi etas lake on a fishing trip Sunday were: W. F. Fruits, Lee and Chas. Brown, Elmer Stukel and Clarence Woodhouse. . . . "Mia. Ett"Merrlll"and Miss Mar- rill Saturday. Mrs. Westbrook who has been quite ill is much Improved. -Mrs. E. r . Merrill and Mrs. Bud Chvyaw spent several hours in Klamath Falls Friday. ,Mrs. Joe Stukel and ' Mrs. Fred Stukel were shopping In Klamath Falls Satnrdav. ,;,,-u huh .Mr. ana .iirs Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bowman who 1 W. C. Bailey 'during the week. Mr niaJe the trip to San FraiKhco Griffith la a cousin of Mrs. Bailey On' the nt'nninn Ir-iln I ti..-i -. . . . ..... to their home Saturday! . Mr o.M Mrs. Bjwnian say they were treat ed royally b - the people in the California, cities. Mr. . Hnwmnn 1. connected with the bank in Merrill. Mrs. Bowmaa visited, with Miss llerbert Oraybae! and Rill liv.. loft last week far Montana, wlier-i tauy expect to stay for sometime. E. P. Daniels Is visiting In Mer rill, the guest of E. A. Davis. The Courier. Merrill's paper has a contest on. Ms. Merrltt and Mrs. STOPCRAIN WASTl . ReUUCg :! BILLS . INCRgASC fROriTg nownias visiter wtta Miss a contest on. Ms. Merrltt and Mrs nuth Hill in San FranUeo.-Miss'AVhitlatch are ooth worklug in Mer HiU Is a Merrill girl..-. ..- .rm IoI1 ,.; whth ... ,h- N. L Woodhousj and H. C. Park-! highest, a Chrysler coup. Klamath Falls Folic' By Star Drug Store - NO FIREWORKS TMI5 FOURTViWILUei READ THIS HISTORY j& WE MEM HAVE 6rr to stick T06ETHEB.J vyw . it " ' 1 v n r 1 7v tW' mil 1 STA WILL GET A . PHONE CALL IF 1 DON'T MISS GUESS S P EGIAL SATURDAY ONLY - With every purchase of two dollars or over we will give away one original box of Cara Nome tfV Face Powder Free. Regular price, of I II I this powder is 1 V V E Cine ' s I KODAK ' for . Home Movies Motion pictures the Kodak way. So raal is it that you can almost hear tho n StS-t laUghHr When, y3ur PlV-timeSvff of Sto flih m easyit to make motion Grind and mix your feed with a Fairbanks-Morse VB " Feed Grinder, nou,eho,'M without changlntt plntc and to 25 Is wasted not di(ested 1 no sniraai lose. in. nourish ment you loss the (train. . Mixed ground feed iareluhed by II slock. 'I hey digest it all. Ink. on weight, brinftyoumorcmonvv. W ith a Fairbanks-Morse "B" reed Orinder you mix the feed with only a quick, simple ad. justmrnl. Extra l:ire capacity, l lfiht running. Universal self ahurpenlnit. deep-cut. double faced plates give more tban double service when worn on one aide, turo them and uao uftaln. Non-hrldgini hopper. tfu'Kj cKivn in ci'crtf. vj ...n-., uitain. .-ion-nriugine hopper. you grind, making a halajiccd aaicty fly-wheel, culllnfl knifa ration, get belter reaulta and adjustable from outside. Fully save one-fourth of your feed. guaranteed. Made In three sizes. (.rinds any ftraln including Come in and sea ibis hlgbj ear corn line, mcd ium or coarse, quality grinder. Th. FsMnnks-Morw tin. il Inrladn Knslnn. Home mr rhints. rairbank. hmlrn. oa.hlna macliinn, Ircukl SKibtfa, pvmti puatpt, pump ponir Try rtfto ft first " . ' Authorized Dealer FAIRBANKS-MORSE PRODUCTS "trw Line a Leader" SAVEiMAF ETY Vr. 5lcll, DRUO STORE STAR DRUG CO . l:, . Vegetables Let your grocer be your ' " " doctor.--Nothing -is -more healthful than the products of the field. Inasmuch a9 . faulty, diet,; wholesome fresh Vegetables are often a corrective or. preventa tive; to indifferent health. many .ailments are due to FRUITS During the summer months fruits should constitute a part of , every meal. AH Varieties of Fruits Hurry Cash Grocery r-11 a. - fhone 576 521 .Main ? u 1 1 TTZ 7 . o AV r POOCH PURSES HAND TOOLED LEATHER PUKSUEBE MJBSESiALl Tthe! . NEWEST STYLES AND SHAPES M terivood'5 ' fC KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Vl WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE - ft 1 t.. Fifth tnd Main Stg. 3j rWZZrrxl ouv 1 MtlR DRUGS ct&.Ta-itW 23' S3 I