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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1927)
Tncfl Ten THE EVENING 1WRALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Fi idiiv. .Inly 22. 1027. SEARCH- PARTY EEKS EXPLORER A Galaxy of" Trans-Atlantic Air Heroes I.OMHJ.V. July 21. (AIM An ex ploring mystery paralleling the fa mous disappearance -ot David Liv ingstone In the heart o( durkm Africa In I'.iK la forced rail fur volunteers, in neck Colonel P. II. Fawcett. British explorer, who vanished two years ugo. In the depth) uf uncharted Braill while searching for traces of the world's i p!i!t civilization. CuIom'l .Fawcett van last heard of at Ilakairl Post, in the Province of Maito ilrossr.. froai where he "jumped off" tn carry out hi In wpevtion f ti e cmtral plateau. He hoed !h'.n to find relics and trea sure of bygone, civiliiation that would prove his theory that the Anurl'iiu mntlnent peoples were as culturally Important as those of j Kyypt and ancient tireere. iugstona was rescued after' lx-iiig mlss'nc five years. The Stan-1 ley expedition w hich brought .iv-j ingstono M.-k to civilisation is one ! of the groat epics of exploration, j The Brazilian territory In which! Colonel Fawcett disappeared is In-j habited by cave men w ho eat human j f!e.h. by inpenetrabie forests, fero-1 cious-anlmals, poisonous insects and ) Teat reptiles. Colonel Fawcett was accompan ied hy only two white men, his son, Jack Fuweott and It. Rlmtnel. an other young Englishman. His ex pedition planned to lire on the country and was furnished instru ments hy the ifoyal Geographical Society. "Don't count on any more dis patches." said his last message, j Colonel Fawcett advised his friends not to worry unless he was not ! heard from for at least two years, j That time has fussed and.. Mrs.. OAKLAND. Calif.. July 22. iFPi Fawcett. who lives with her dangh- ; The old coast guard cntter Hear. : ter at Torquay. Is (treatly distress-j probably the most famous of all the1 ed at the absence. of news from ben active ships of the United States husband. j naTv. s soon to be retired from sea ; The Royal Geographical Society , duty and. according to word from has offered the proposed search ; guard headquarters in Washington. ' party all possible help, but points, win hereafter be used as a reeeir out that while the Brazilian govern-1 ing ship an ignominious ending to meat will probably give every ast career of fame extending over a sistanre In its power. It docs not period of fifty years, pretend tr exert any control orer j The Bear Is to- be replaced hy i the wild interior of the country. the Northland, now at Aakland fit- j wit Us untamed tribes, which washing out after completing her maid-' the goal of Colonel Fawcett-. ad- r. f,.m ! venture. The Bear started out her career , I In the part of the Arctic in which I, MacMillao Is now working when she j was secured by the t'nlted States to I ! I go into the Ice between Greenland r-trio ,. ,,. . . land the North American mainland fcr -t , ?, t " i rt1,n " "'"" ka "' ''r; ,T ? !ftar expedition. -The Bear effect- Spaniard who tzhl battles with I ed , regcue and for , , ; held the record of having penetrat- jed closer to the NorMi Pole than ' any other vessel. 5r-'c vv " -,- Of the seven American aces to fly the Atomic till" spring, ouly Colonel Lindbergh was absent when Uils picture was taken on the steps of the International Club In l'arls. It was on the occasion ot the meet ing of Commander Klchard K. Byrd and his crew of the "America" Iw-th Clurence A. Chamherlln and Chnr les A. lrine. the New Ycrk-to-(!ermany fliers. At the hjft, hut In hand, is llert Arnsta, then .Lieutenant George oNville. Byrd nnd Bernt Itailcheu: in the second nw. between Noville and Byrd, Is Chamlierllu. nnd between Byrd and Bulchen, l.erlnt'. Club members are grouped behtud them. Famous Old Ship "mnana" ! tries has In coun- off. and the ballroom then liecamo led to ridicule .in the a . TJ ' n j United States and Kng'aud, where 10 136 IVcUrCfl it is taken as a symbol of Latiu- , American Indolence. FLASH Lit; UTS I.Al SK INIyiK DAXCK KFFKtT a piHtai of tiny rays bobbing hither and thither. Mrs. Marshal la the mnlhiT In law of Mtfrshnll Field of Chicago. The millionaire who dresses as well as his clerk Is mon or less eccentric. LONDON. A.P. Mrs. Charles Marshall, the American hostess "of Grosrenor square, has introduced a novelty to London society. ' i . During a dance she distributed 1 flashlights to all her guests. Th electric lighting system was turned At the Pine Tree bull whips for your love? interesting doesn't it? And when the lover is that hand some Antonio Moreno that makes It all the more interesting. j I'HJI.K.W OFFICIAI Interi'siing enough for Greta Garbo. i in "The Temptress,' Kl'LKS OIT MAXANA now playing at SANTIAGO,' Chile. 'July 11. (A. T : .. nr t- . t. i li, mm V ", 0"0P.)-Chjle's foreign minister. Con- . , . ' v,rado Rios Gallardo, will tolerate beraue she get, hi mmto th. bulj j no ,r of ..iIanana-. In thle fonc. whip fiBht and all the rest of the ,., , .. jm, j Sonor Gal!ard! has given or- f i ders to his staff that hereafter ' j use of the word manana " will ; be forbidden in ail dealings C3U- nAclMl witli tho'mlitiBlrv inri mtn.r somo Tony quite lost his head over , . ' . . ' .r ... ,. j meaning todar. ! The mlnisier points oht that ; frequent employment of the word trouble he has to battle. Which shows what a flapper can do. ; Miss Garbo is adorable. Her Korgcocs uowns her cllttrinz oer- 1 sunulity no wf.nder even the -band- Reed 8C Reynolds Real Estate Fire Insurance We specialize in ir rigated farms and stock ranches. 1036 Main St. Klamath Falls, Ore. " 431 Main St. GLEANING PRESSING Workcalled for and delivered. Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works I'tiine 4m. Mud PDppies Found' in Form of Fossils BKUKi:tA:v, t itl,. Jiiy i 1.' 1 11 i Fossil renin Ilia of mud puppies, so Miuill tliut a dieu of ihani wouhl just about fill the bowl of a pipe, are now ou dlkplny at the l'uUvisli of California, department ot pale outoItHy. The fossils, alive during the into ten period perhaps I o.nilil.noo yearn ago, were presented to the university bv the I'nlvrrsliy of Ku .as ttuiKeittu. The preseittatlon win luuilo hy Dr. W..D. Mulliow. newly wppulnted chalrmuu of the, depart ment at Berkeley. .Mntiy of the nnltiiiils of as d'll cite proportions as thu mud pup pies, which still exist In almost the identical form they had millions of years aao, hare been found In fos sil quarries. Dr. Muthew said. Bill no other specimens of this animal of sut-h great sko hare been found. The uuid puppy Is n rel'itlve ol the wnlvtolog or newt of the Pacific coast area. BIRDS NESTING IN PROF.'S MAIL BOX F.I GKNE. . July Si. ir.P.t -'A weary postman making hla rounds discovered o sign on the mull boi of F.rle W. Allen which read "Please. Mr. Postman, drop the mall In the wooden box on the floor en pled." cupled.SS An investigation by the postman disclosed the mall box had been se lected as the hone) moon home of u pair of milling wrens, and the Allu family wouldn't disturb the blnli emit the eggs were hutched and the family able to Inure lino new quartur. . - . , ; Gets New" Air Job Veronica Reducing Teight Ala frsKrfW k FkyilcUwi la Hlh Blood rtns Acid Cowdltleas Kldnsy, LIts aa4 Bladder Troable ladlMllt Ceailifallea Star Drud Co. BlM i III-At H I KNHtlltH . I'HU'AVU. IAP) Along win, Ionia, June brought letters to i, puHra about the years builiing suits. But III By britch tensors re main iipatliellc. Tin y ham at rirlli tliut Iwii-plu. u, suiia aru nni ,,,. tfomtlilo In tlieuisqlves. ami park i iiiiiiiiissl'iner says lh bnili.-ra must "let their riinseleme b,. n,r guide." The lty health i- mi, sinner, deeming scant aulta hejlih fill. lias offered to llefen, v bather lu whose losliiuio rtr.-ptUH Is tussii. Chlrugu la spending 11.7011,1mm) build k llildgf where Ihnrii Is, a, yet, no river. Vflirli It Is flul a tlititinel will be dug btneitih h and the CM' ago rlv.r will llw where now only railroad tim k . This In t'ljre.ire M Young, of lies Moines, la, taken at his de-It upon assuming the new post of di rector of the aeronautic division of the depart meiit or iiimtuerce at Washington. HARNESS Mllll SADDLES AWMXCJH AMD Al'TO TI'M If It's made vt canvas or leather, we make it. CONNOLLY BROS. SADDLERY 01 10 1 H Main fyi) l.i "" ""v For our own good, allow us to make n rureful and complete lest of your ryes, which will prove whether or not they are' in need of help., DR. H. W. BARR Kye Sight Kperlurl.t, GUS DUNN JI.Wt l.I K and OITII I.W tlllA .Miiiu HI rest We KnouHow" FAMILY WOKK ECONOMY ROUGH DI.Y , WET WASH New City Laundry Phon. 154 K. J. Ktil.ll, Manager stilt aud Klanmtli 7 Will Sacrifice a transportation ticket, go'.J for 90.00 on any lailroatl. Inquire at HERALD OFFICE foy Save A lies. Phono 114:1 Klamath Falls Offico I'bono 11KI .Mclhase Bids;. Road Oil Cleaning Our Hymtem la Komrihlnc New and Better lliaa lb Old llaiid Hystrm Tare Waslied -Motors Cleaned Vacuum (.'leaned INdl.hed KtperC (iteaslnf Free Crsuk Case Kerr I re Gsjs unit Oil We call for and deliver Phone 606 NEW SYSTEM AUTO LAUNDRY 1 4linmln iienr IUt Main her. Another treat is promised the pa'.rons of the Pino Tree hy the ee.-o-id appearance of -eight acts of i "Aniate-ir Vaudeville." Many new f.-ic's specialty numbers, a f'Jur-year-old prima donna, and some snappy dancers will appear before tbo footlights for youi .7prov il. Ttey apprdctate four applauso so don't stay aivay, ut come and hoot these youngsters'. . At the Liberty A'dtftly constructed story of the Alaskan gold rush days Is "Tie Heart of the Yukon," showing at the Lib. r!- for the last time today. Add to this many trilling and dra matic situations, tense and breath taking in their realism and you have a slight idea of .what sort of picture this Is. An excellent cast Is headed by John Bowers and Anne .Cornwall. Bowers plays t part of a pioneer who .has found gold near Halfway. 'Mies Cornwall Is Been in the role of the girl who has come Into this cruel, hard country, . seeking bet father. A. Y. D. (At Yotlr Door) Industrial Supplies. IMIOXE 371 TCIUvlSU 1KM.S SI'I..M trmim iv tiiavki. SCL'TAUI. Turkey. (API In Turkish Tillages along the Hov phoruB, V dog's life is that of a sailor. I When a village become "orer lionnded" with street dogs, 'the vil lage fathers, loath to kill, as the Koran dictates kindness to animals, charter a ferry hoat and ship a load of dog derelict across thu straits to some village on the op-1 poslte shore. The villagers on the ntBer side ferry them back, adding a quota of their own. Tho original exporters retaliate, and tiius a game of battledore and shuttlecock wages yearly between Kurope nnd Aia. ,' If a man feels U In his hones It s apt to be rheumatism. SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Buy your winter's supply of block-wood and green-slab at once, while the prices are at the bottom. FARMERS Also stock np for the 'year, at the bin or delivered. We deliver anywhere in the valley I'i cord jumbo loads. (107 Main I'honn BSS Dr. Cooper's Dressed Friers and Rabbits Twenty-Five Cent Day We deliver without extra charge any order amoynting to over $1.00; Pork Veans Pink Beans White Bcans GoId I)ust s 'can. 3 lbs. ; 3 lbs. 31b. pkg; 25c 25c 25c 25c Palace Oval 18 oz. Honey Dews Casabas Sardines Catsup each each Two Cans Bottle 25c 25c ' 25c , 25c Size 2', a Palace Cookies Sauerkraut Grapefruit ' not Sauce 1 6 pkgs. Two Cans Two. Can .. V- : ,a , . . opr 25c 25c , 25c - 2jC Corn on Cob ! Bnch ' Jell Dessert 6 for u- ' Vegetables for Jello 1 Small i t for . 25c j 25c ' 25c 4 for 25c Klamath's Most Modern Grocery Store PUBLIC MARKET Phone 169 "Pay Cash-It Pays" 6th at Walnut V V ? Y ? ? f V y iy t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ? y y y y y y y y f y y y y We handle all ..ft " . material that goes into Good Concrete c , Prices Low Quick Service Call orsPhonc ; W.D.Miller Construction Company Phone 1201 a I t 6th & Commercial Sts. i y i y y y y I I y i y i y z y y y y y y y y y y y y ? f 1 y y y Y y y y y y y y y y